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REND386 -- A 3-D Polygon Rendering Package for the 386 and 486
Written by Dave Stampe and Bernie Roehl
DEMO4 Documentation
Version 4.10 - August 1992
This document describes how to use the new REND386 demo, called "demo4.exe".
To run the demo, just type "demo4" or "demo4 filename" where 'filename' is the
name of a .plg file, a .fig file, or a .wld file you want to have loaded.
The demo4.exe program is designed to illustrate some of the capabilities of
REND386, a polygon rendering library for 386 and 486 systems with VGA
The libraries are available for free; the only reason for making the demo
a separate set of files is to give people who aren't interested in writing
software a chance to see just what can be done on widely-available hardware.
The system is fast. How fast, you ask? Well, speed is not a straightforward
thing to measure. There is a relationship between the speed of the processor,
the complexity of the scene, and the number of frames per second.
With this software, a 512-polygon scene can be rendered at speeds up to
15 frames/second on a 486/25; this corresponds to a speed of over 7000
polys/second. If you have a 486/33, it'll go slightly faster; if you have
a 386/33, it'll go slightly slower. You get the idea. If you want more
frames/second, use a simpler scene (i.e. fewer polygons).
To use this demo, you MUST have a 386 or 486; it will not run at all on
a 286 or below. You must also have a standard VGA display.
This version now support stereoscopic viewing; the assumption is that you
have the Sega 3D glasses and the interface described in sega.txt installed.
The Nintendo Powerglove is also supported: see the July 1990 Byte page 288
for a schematic showing how to wire up an adapter. Version 4 of the demo
uses the glove to manipulate objects as well.
When the demo starts up, it looks for a REND386.cfg file; if one is found,
it is loaded the same way a world file is. We recommend keeping all your
hardware configuration information in this file; that way you won't have
to specify an extra file on the command line each time.
The system now supports a 'loadpath'; this path is used to load any files
that do not have explicit directory specifiers in them. In other words,
any file (including .wld, .fig, .plg and palette files) whose names do not
contain '\' or '/' will be loaded from the loadpath. This includes .plg
files specified inside .fig files.
The loadpath may be set in a .wld file, or in the REND386.CFG file. It
can also be set in the REND386 environment variable. Note that the settings
in the REND386.CFG file will override the setting of the environment variable.
Also note that the REND386.CFG file is always loaded from the current
directory, not from the loadpath specified in the REND386 environment
variable (this is subject to change).
The system now supports loadable drivers. If no other video driver is
specified in REND386.CFG or a world file, then "vd256.rvd" is loaded; this
is the standard 256-color "Mode Y" driver.
SECTION 0 -- Command-line Parameters
The following parameters are supported (all are preceeded with a - or a / and
are not case sensitive:
-x ensable stereo (use if you don't have sega glasses)
-m use mirror stereo
-r reverse eyes (left-for-right); useful if your wiring is wrong
-c d set the convergence distance
-s d set the world scale
-e d set the interocular spacing (space between your eyes, in millimeters)
-j sort by object (default is to sort by polys)
-p depth sort by polys (the default)
-a depth sort by object average depth
-1 use COM1 for Sega glasses
-2 use COM2 for Sega glasses
-b force monochrome ('black and white') mode
-g enable the Nintendo Powerglove using the interface from Byte
magazine (July, 1990 issue)
SECTION 1 -- Viewpoint control and miscelleneous keys
You can use either the joystick or the keyboard to move around.
Moving the joystick forward will move you forward, moving it backward
will move you backward. Moving it to the left turns you to your left,
and moving it to the right turns you to your right.
To move sideways without turning, hold down either button and move the
stick left or right.
Moving the stick forward and back with one button down will tilt your
head to let you look down or look up. Moving the stick forward and back
with the other button lets you move vertically.
Holding both buttons down lets you control your zoom (by moving the
stick forward and backward) and the tilt of your head (by moving the
stick left and right).
There are two 'keyboard movement modes' supported.
In the default mode, the keys work as follows:
LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW move you forwards and backwards
UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW turn you left or right
PGUP and PGDN let you look up or look down
CTRL LEFT ARROW and CTRL RIGHT ARROW move you sideways left or right
CTRL PGUP and CTRL PGDN move you vertically up or down
CTRL HOME and CTRL END tilt your head counterclockwise and clockwise
+ and - change your zoom factor
U executes a 'U-turn', turning your viewpoint around 180 degrees
In the 'spherical' mode, the keys work as follows:
LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW change your "longitude"
UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW change your "latitude"
CTRL LEFT ARROW and CTRL RIGHT ARROW tilt your head left and right
PGUP moves you towards the center of the sphere, PGDN moves you away
SHIFT LEFT ARROW and SHIFT RIGHT ARROW move the sphere's center in X
SHIFT UP ARROW and SHIFT DOWN ARROW move the sphere's center in Y
SHIFT PGUP and SHIFT PAGE DOWN move the sphere's center in Z
CTRL PGUP and CTRL PGDN change your zoom factor
* makes the current view identical to the initial default view.
In both keyboard movement modes, the following keys are available:
R repeats your last move 100x (good for doing timings)
1 through 9 and 0 set your step size, with 0 being 10 (see the Options menu)
C changes your hither/yon clipping (see below)
G prompts you for an x,y,z location to jump to
Q or ESC quits
? or H shows help
D displays your current status
L loads .plg files, S saves them; see "plg.doc" for file format
M loads multi-resolution .plg files
I gives information about the current object database
P displays the color palette used by the system
F loads figure files (see below)
Z performs object and figure manipulation (see below)
O sets system options (see below)
X handles painting (see below)
^ saves the screen as a PC Paintbrush (.PCX) file
In stereoscopic mode, the following keys apply; they're basically just
holdovers from some HMD software, but you might get a kick out of them:
[ and ] adjust the vertical offset of the display
{ and } adjust the horizontal offset of the display
SECTION 2 -- Clipping and Visibility
The near clipping plane splits polys that transect it, while the yon
clipping plane just ignores polys that are beyond it; thus the effects are
slightly different. When part of an object gets clipped by the front
plane, you can see right through the entire object (i.e. you don't see
inside of the far side of the object through the "hole" created by
clipping). The same is true if you actually move yourself inside an
object; from inside, it's perfectly transparent.
You may find occasional visibility errors with certain combinations of objects;
future versions of the software should eliminate these.
SECTION 3 -- Object and figure manipulation
In order to manipulate objects and figures in the scene, you must have a
mouse. Use the mouse to select an object by clicking on it; it will be
highlighted to indicate that it has been selected. If you click on it again,
the object will be de-selected.
Once you've selected an object, hitting the Z key pops up a menu of
operations you can perform on that object. These operations are as follows:
M -- moves an object around in 3D, tracking the mouse. Moving the mouse
horizontally or vertically moves the selected object in the same
direction; moving the mouse vertically while holding down the right
mouse button moves the selected object away from you or towards you.
Clicking the left mouse button "places" the object, but leaves it
R -- rotates the object around in 3D, tracking the mouse (much as for the
'M' operation described above).
T -- "twirl" is similar to rotate, but instead of controlling the actual
rotation the mouse now controls the speed of rotation about each of
the three axes.
I -- gives you information about the selected object, including the
the total number of vertices and the total number of polygons.
D -- deletes the selected object
S -- saves the selected object to a file
A -- alters an object or figure's surface attributes (see "colors.doc"
for details)
P -- paints the selected object in the current color and surface type
(see the color selection menu described below)
H -- "hacks off" (i.e. disconnects) a segment from its parent segment
J -- joins a segment to another segment, which becomes its parent
F -- pops up a "figure" menu, which lets you select the entire figure
of which the selected object is a part, or obtain information about
the figure of which the selected object is a part, as well as saving
or deleting the entire figure.
U -- unselects the selected object
N -- selects the "next" resolution of the object (if the object has more
than one)
SECTION 4 -- Painting and Surface Types
There are two ways to "paint" objects in the demo: you can paint one
polygon at a time, or paint the entire object. To select a paint color
and surface type, you use the X key; the surface type and paint color
can be selected independently, but the interpretation of the paint color
will be different depending on the surface type (see colors.doc for details).
From the X menu you can also select P for Paint Polys, which allows you to
paint individual polygons simply by clicking on them with the left mouse
button. To leave this polygon-painting mode, just click the right mouse
button. To paint a number of objects the same color, just select the objects
and use Z P to paint them. They will all be painted with the current surface
type and color.
SECTION 5 -- Figures and Scenes
This version of REND386 contains support for segmented figures. To load
a segmented figure, use the F key; you'll be prompted for a figfile name.
Try the figure "body.fig", for example. For details on the construction
of figure files, see "figure.doc".
Note that figures are composed of objects, and that movement operations
performed on objects that are part of a figure behave slightly differently
than operations on "plain" objects.
Moving an object that is a descendant of another object moves it relative
to its parent, and also affects any descendents it may have. In the case
of body.fig, the pelvis is the "root" object; moving it moves the entire
figure as a unit. However, if you select the chest instead of the pelvis,
only the upper half of the body will rotate; if you select only the left
upper arm, only it and the left lower arm will rotate, and so on.
You almost never want to move a segment object relative to its parent; the
correct position should be set in the original figure file. Of course,
rotating a child segment relative to its parent is something you do a lot.
This reflects the "real world"; you rotate your body segments at joints, but
you rarely remove your arm from your shoulder and flail it about.
SECTION 6 -- Options
The O key allows you to set several options.
The "background" option toggles the use of a fancy background (just a color
cycle, really) on or off.
The "reflection" option toggles the use of a "reflecting pool" at the bottom
of the screen on or off.
The "logo" option toggles the use of a "REND386" logo on or off.
The logo is stored in PCX file called "logo.pcx". You can, if you wish,
create a different logo with a paint program and store it in "logo.pcx".
Only the first 30 lines are copied onto the screen, and the file you
create must be in standard 320x200 8-bit (256 color) format.
The logo.pcx file provided with the demo is intended to be used with the
fancy background activated (the logo.pcx file contains a copy of the part
of the background that would be covered by the logo).
Note that the background, the logo and the reflecting pool are basically
just gimmicks. They were included in the demo mainly in response to
people who had seen the Ultraforce demo and were asking "why can't rend386
do that". Well, it can. We also included the pseudo-metallic surfaces you
see in the Ultraforce demo, since they're a nice (but not exactly novel)
effect. We also added the pseudo-transparent surfaces you see in the
SuperScape demo, and in fact combined them with the pseudo-metallics to
give a "shiny" window effect.
The "screen clear" option allows you to control screen pre-clearing. If
the scene you're looking at has no "sky" or "ground" showing, this is a
good option to use (since it will increase rendering speed). However, if
you have any parts of the screen not obscured by a polygon, you'll get
strange and ugly effects.
The "ambient light" option allows you to control the overall brightness of
the scene. The default value is 76.
The "directional light" option allows you to toggle the single light source
between "spot" or "point source". The difference is that the spot is
at an infinite distance.
The "horizon" option allows you to toggle between simple screen clears and a
more sophisticated sky/ground horizon clear.
The "motion step size" lets you set the increment to use for space movements
or angular movements. This gives you separate control over each, whereas the
use of the 0-9 keys controls both together.
The "keyboard mode" option lets you switch between the "default" mode
and the "spherical" mode (both described above).
The "position display" option toggles the display of your current (x,z)
coordinates on or off.
The "compass display" option toggles the 3-D compass on or off.
The "frame rate display" option toggles the frame rate display on or off.
SECTION 7 -- Powerglove suppoprt
If you have a Nintendo PowerGlove hooked up to your parallel port using the
cable described in Byte Magazine (July 1990 issue, page 288) then you can
specify the -g option on the command line to enable glove support.
If you find the glove fingers are twitching (and your real fingers aren't),
then make a fist a few times.
Note the gesture display on the screen. There's a half-second deglitch time,
so hold a gesture a bit before you move.
Four gestures are used: flat (neutral), point (select), fist (grab),
and pinch (twist). Pinch is the hardest to do: bend your index finger
(thumb optional) while keeping you other fingers straight. Other
gestures are detected but not yet used.
Flat does nothing.
Point selects an object your virtual hand is close to. You may find
objects "competing" with each other for selection; just move around
until the one you want is the one selected.
Fist grabs the selected object and moves it (even at a distance!).
Pinch grabs a line between your fingers and the object center (or joint
for a jointed object) and rotates the object by it. This code is not
quite right yet; we may replace it with trackball rotation in a future
SECTION 8 -- Final notes
Feel free to create your own objects; read the various .doc files
for a description of the format the demo uses. Note that .plg
format is not in any way tied into the REND386 library; it's just a
convenient format used for the demo. In fact, plg is not our recommended
polygon format.
We're encouraging people to standardize on OFF as a graphics file format;
the OFF documentation can be found on sunee.uwaterloo.ca in the pub/vr
OFF is a reasonably good, open format that encodes author/copyright
information along with geometry and colors. While it's a bit of a
nuisance to parse, it's very easy to generate. It's also extensible,
which is important for long-term success. We're putting the finishing
touches on an OFF2PLG converter that will let you use all kinds of OFF
objects with this demo.
Some of our data files were converted from OFF files using off2plg: the
bishop and the banana. Below is the author/copyright information from
their .aoff files:
name bishop8
description chess piece - bishop
author Randy Brown, brown@cs.unc.edu
copyright (c) Randy Brown, OK to distribute if copyright/author appears
name banana
description Banana made on Frank Crow's U. Utah surface design system
copyright (c) Ohio State Univ. - ok to distribute if copyright appears
Several of the objects in the room demo were created by Gershon Elber's
IRIT program, and converted to .plg format using a converter contributed
by Gershon Elber himself.
The major contribution others can make to the project at this stage is
to write converters from other polygon formats to OFF. In particular,
a DXF to OFF converter would let us create objects with most CAD packages.
If you enjoy using the package, and are interested in developing your own
applications, you can obtain the latest version of the libraries and
documentation via anonymous ftp from sunee.uwaterloo.ca in the pub/rend386
If you have any questions, or would like to help work on future projects
related to this package or other VR-related hardware and software, feel
free to contact us:
Bernie Roehl (broehl@sunee.uwaterloo.ca)
Dave Stampe (dstampe@sunee.uwaterloo.ca)
(For those who are curious, sunee.uwaterloo.ca is in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department of the University of Waterloo in Ontario,
There is also a mailing list, rend386@sunee.uwaterloo.ca (to be added
to the list, send mail to rend386-request@sunee.uwaterloo.ca). Traffic
should be reasonbly low; if it gets too high, we're willing to go to a digest
Have fun!
-- Bernie Roehl, August 1992