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ANTIC v 1.05 22 Aug 1991
Requires: EGA monitor and mouse
A Brief Tutorial
Halls of Fame (HOF)
Shareware & the ASP
AntiC is a cross between Othello and Life. The object is make the pattern a
single color color using the fewest number of transformations. These Anti-
Chaos networks consist of squares connected to each other by directional
lines. Each square is one of 3 colors and sends its color to neighboring
squares in the network. If only one color comes into a square, it takes
that color. If two colors come in, they cancel and the square assumes the
third color. Each time you change a square, all squares in the pattern are
recalculated and redrawn.
The Main Menu lets you choose a puzzle, play a game, look at best previous
scores, and get more information about the game and how to register it.
To start, pick "Play" from the main menu and the current puzzle will appear.
There are 35 starting configurations for each puzzle. These are random
numbers, the number doesn't have any other significance.
The grids are shown as a series of solid squares. Each square emits lines
of the same color to show which other squares it influences.
To play, click on any square, using the left mouse button. The color will
change as follows:
red ---> blue ---> green/yellow --> red....
A Brief Tutorial:
Some grids are very easy, some will take more effort. To get you started,
here's a quick tutorial:
Play using the default pattern: "Tiny", choosing grid number 1 when asked.
You'll get a pattern with all but 2 squares colored green/yellow. Left
click on the blue square. The pattern shifts to a new pattern with all
green except one blue square. Click on the blue square. You won in 2!
At the early levels, you can try to visualize all the changes that will
occur with each pulse. But as the patterns grow larger, this becomes more
difficult. It's also possible to just experiment, and eventually get a feel
for what changes are needed, as you watch the chaotic structure start to
develop into a more stable one. Each pattern has a special flow to it, and
you need to study this flow in order to solve the puzzle. This approach is
especially rewarding when one well placed change converts most of the
pattern to a single color.
Halls of Fame (HOF)
Each pattern has its own HOF, which records the fewest number of turns it
took in previous plays of the game. AntiC arrives with several HOF's
installed to give you some goals to shoot for. If you would rather start
without these hints, just enter:
DEL *.hof
at the dos prompt. (You can always retrieve these files from the original
disk or archive, if you want them later.)
Resetting a HOF -- If you want to reset a particular HOF, just delete the
appropriate HOF file. The program recreates an empty file, the next time
you play that pattern. To calculate the hof number, bring up the puzzle
menu -- Each HOF is named as ACxy.HOF where x is the column, and y is the
row in the puzzle menu. Thus "In/Out" would be AC21.HOF.
The shareware version of Antic has 6 puzzles, ranging in difficulty from
easy to very hard. Registered users will receive the latest version of the
game, and some extra puzzles, not available as shareware. To register,
print out the file REGISTER.FRM and mail it with a check for $20 to Cascoly
Shareware & the ASP
This program is shareware, which is a means of distributing software. Under
the shareware concept, software may be freely copied and passed along to
others, or distributed through bulletin board systems or national networks.
As a recipient of a shareware program, you may use the software for a short
trial period to determine if it meets your needs. If the software is not
suitable, then you can discard it. If you decide to use it, you should
register it. AntiC costs $20 to register. When you register, you will
receive a disk with the latest version of the program, updated datasets,
plus several other Cascoly programs. Registration also entitles you to
online support via CompuServe. Send email to Cascoly Software, CompuServe
number 76703,3046. (We will also answer mail from registered users.)
As an additional benefit, registration entitles you to a free introductory
account on CompuServe. (Details will be sent when you register.)
Cascoly Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals
(ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you.
If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not provide technical support for members' products. You can contact
the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve
message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536