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191 lines
// MSGS.CPP - Message and help display functions
// Copyright (c) 1996 Daniel D. Miller
// Last Update: 08-31-95 10:10pm
// Compile with makefile
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "intsum.hpp"
#include "keycodes.h"
// #include <memcheck.h>
char* help_str[] = {
" A viewer for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List. ",
" ",
" Keyboard commands: ",
" F1, h : This help screen ",
" F2, s : Search for string ",
" F3, r : Repeat last search ",
" F4, t : Save selected topic to a file. (from Ref list only) ",
" Enter : In reference listing, display detained info on current item. ",
" Esc : Exit from program (in reference listing), ",
" Return to reference listing (in detail listing) ",
" ",
" The first time INTSUM is executed, it will create its custom index file",
" before entering listing mode. This brief operation will only occur once. ",
" ",
" This program is released as Freeware, though I retain copyright on it.",
" It may be distributed freely. No money may be charged for it except ",
" reasonable media distribution fees. To contact the author with bugs, ",
" comments or suggestions, use Internet or SnailNet: ",
" ",
" Internet: derelict@netcom.com",
" SnailNet: Daniel D. Miller ",
" 36355 BridgePointe Drive",
" Newark, CA 94560",
0 } ;
void display_help(void)
clear_display(HELP_TEXT) ;
unsigned j = 0 ;
while (help_str[j] != 0)
dprints(1, j, HELP_TEXT, help_str[j]) ;
j++ ;
get_key() ;
// This will display the message pointed to by msg_str,
// wait for user input (displaying such on the message line),
// store the user input in global string srchstr[],
// then restore the message-line text when done.
// It returns the 0 on successful completion, Key_ESC on escape.
//lint -e743
const char CURSOR_ON = '■' ;
const char CURSOR_OFF = ' ' ;
const clock_t BLINK_RATE = 300 ;
unsigned message_read(char* msg_str, char* instr)
// display message for user
dprints(0, 2, MESSAGE, msg_str) ;
// fill remainder of line with input color
unsigned mlen = strlen(msg_str) ;
unsigned slen = 79 - mlen ;
spaces[slen] = 0 ; // terminate the spaces string at required length
dprints(mlen, 2, INPUT, spaces) ;
spaces[slen] = ' ' ; // restore the spaces string
unsigned spos = mlen ; // data position on screen
// initialize cursor
int curmode = 1 ;
dprintc(spos, 2, INPUT, CURSOR_ON) ;
clock_t clk_time = clock() + BLINK_RATE ;
// get user input
unsigned mpos = 0 ; // data position in instr
unsigned indata ;
int done = 0 ;
while (!done)
if (key_hit())
//curmode = 0 ;
dprintc(spos, 2, INPUT, CURSOR_OFF) ;
indata = get_key() ;
switch (indata)
case Key_ESC:
// turn off cursor
curmode = 0 ;
dprintc(spos, 2, INPUT, CURSOR_OFF) ;
done = -1 ;
case Key_ENTER:
*(instr+mpos) = 0 ; // NULL-terminate the string
done = 1 ;
indata = 0 ;
case Key_BSPACE:
if (mpos > 0)
mpos-- ;
*(instr+mpos) = 0 ; // NULL-terminate the string
dprintc(--spos, 2, INPUT, ' ') ;
// this won't work for ALL characters,
// but it will work for normal ASCII chars.
char outchr = (char) (indata & 0x00FF) ;
if (mpos < slen)
*(instr+mpos) = outchr ;
mpos++ ;
dprintc(spos++, 2, INPUT, outchr) ;
//curmode = 1 ;
dprintc(spos, 2, INPUT, CURSOR_ON) ;
// clk_time = clock() + BLINK_RATE ;
} // if a key was pressed, read it
// If no key is pressed, update cursor
if (clock() > clk_time)
if (curmode == 0)
curmode = 1 ;
dprintc(spos, 2, INPUT, CURSOR_ON) ;
clk_time = clock() + BLINK_RATE ;
curmode = 0 ;
dprintc(spos, 2, INPUT, CURSOR_OFF) ;
clk_time = clock() + BLINK_RATE ;
// restore the message line to normal data
dprints(0, 2, LOGO, header) ;
return indata ; //lint !e644
// This will display the message pointed to by msg_str,
// wait for user keystroke,
// then restore the message-line text.
void message_show(char* msg_str)
// display message for user
dprints(0, 2, MESSAGE, msg_str) ;
// fill remainder of line with input color
unsigned mlen = strlen(msg_str) ;
unsigned slen = 79 - mlen ;
spaces[slen] = 0 ; // terminate the spaces string at required length
dprints(mlen, 2, MESSAGE, spaces) ;
spaces[slen] = ' ' ; // restore the spaces string
get_key() ;
// restore the message line to normal data
dprints(0, 2, LOGO, header) ;