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// REFFILE.CPP - Handle RefFile display, searching, etc.
// Copyright (c) 1996 Daniel D. Miller
// Last Update: 09-04-95 11:18pm
// Compile with makefile
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include "intsum.hpp"
#include "err_exit.hpp"
// #include <memcheck.h>
void fill_ref_buffers(fpos_t pos)
// adjust input-file position
fsetpos(index, &pos) ;
ref.hdptr[0] = pos ;
// read data and fill ref_list buffer 0
ref.lines[0] = fill_ref_bfr(0) ; // fill forward buffer
// read data and fill ref_list buffer 1
ref.hdptr[1] = ref.tlptr[0] ;
ref.lines[1] = fill_ref_bfr(1) ; // fill aft buffer
// first, search current ref buffer(s) starting at ref.offset.
int search_ref_buffers(char *srchstr)
unsigned sline = ref.offset + (ivideo.currow - DATA_TOP) + 1 ;
int srch_done ;
// first, search ref.bfr0 if active
if (ref.cur_bfr == 0)
if (sline > ref.lines[0])
sline -= ref.lines[0] ;
srch_done = 0 ;
while (!srch_done)
// If string is found, update buffers and move cursor
if (strstri(ref.bfr[0][sline].idx.data, srchstr) == 0)
ref.offset = sline ;
// I _think_ this is the correct position
search.offset = sline ;
ref.offset = sline ;
ivideo.currow = DATA_TOP ;
display_ref_file() ;
return 0;
// string is not yet found; move along in buffer0
// if at end of buffer, exit and try buffer 1.
else if (++sline >= ref.lines[0])
srch_done = 1 ;
sline = 0 ;
} // while not done searching
// then, search ref.bfr1 if active, and nothing found in 0
if (ref.lines[1] > 0)
srch_done = 0 ;
while (!srch_done)
// If string is found, update buffers and move cursor
if (strstri(ref.bfr[1][sline].idx.data, srchstr) == 0)
search.offset = sline ;
ref.cur_bfr = 1 ;
ref.offset = sline ;
ivideo.currow = DATA_TOP ;
display_ref_file() ;
return 0;
// string is not yet found; move along in buffer1.
// if at end of buffer, exit and try other buffers.
else if (++sline >= ref.lines[1])
srch_done = 1 ;
sline = 0 ;
} // while not done searching
} // if any lines are in buffer1, search it
return -1 ;
// current buffers have already been searched, with nothing found.
// Now, search ref file starting at ref.tlptr[1].
void search_ref_file(char *srchstr)
// first, save current file pointer so it
// can be restored if no match is found.
fpos_t oldpos ;
fgetpos(index, &oldpos) ;
// position file pointer to current cursor position
search.hdptr = ref.tlptr[1] ;
fsetpos(index, &search.hdptr) ;
// move past it to current line (if possible)
// fill the readbfr from ref file
unsigned rlines = fill_search_buffer(index) ;
if (rlines == 0)
message_show("Your search string was not found") ;
return ;
unsigned sline = 0 ;
int srch_done = 0 ;
while (!srch_done)
// If string is found, update buffers and move cursor
if (strstri(search.bfr[sline].idx.data, srchstr) == 0)
// read real data from beginning of current block
fsetpos(index, &search.hdptr) ;
ref.hdptr[0] = search.hdptr ;
fill_ref_buffers(search.hdptr) ;
// I _think_ this is the correct position
search.offset = sline ;
ref.offset = sline ;
ref.cur_bfr = 0 ;
ivideo.currow = DATA_TOP ;
display_ref_file() ;
srch_done = 1 ;
// string is not yet found; move along in readbfr.
// if at end of buffer, read next buffer or fail.
else if (++sline >= rlines)
search.hdptr = search.tlptr ;
rlines = fill_search_buffer(index) ;
if (rlines == 0)
// restore input-file position
fsetpos(index, &oldpos) ;
srch_done = -1 ;
message_show("Your search string was not found") ;
sline = 0 ;
} // while not done searching
void scroll_page_down(void)
// if cursor is NOT at top, move cursor
if (ivideo.currow > DATA_TOP)
ivideo.currow-- ;
// if cursor IS at top, try to move up in current buffer
else if (ref.offset > 0) // scroll window down
ref.offset-- ;
display_ref_file() ;
// if current buffer is 1, just move back to buffer 0
else if (ref.cur_bfr == 1)
ref.cur_bfr = 0 ;
ref.offset = ref.lines[0] - 1 ;
display_ref_file() ;
// if current buffer = 0, see if we're at beginning of file.
// if so, do nothing; otherwise, try to read back in buffer,
// after copying buffer 0 to buffer 1.
else if (ref.hdptr[0] > 0)
// copy buffer0 values to buffer1
// swap the buffer pointers
sum_conv *b ;
b = ref.bfr[0] ;
ref.bfr[0] = ref.bfr[1] ;
ref.bfr[1] = b ;
ref.lines[1] = ref.lines[0] ;
ref.hdptr[1] = ref.hdptr[0] ;
ref.tlptr[1] = ref.tlptr[0] ;
// current buffer remains 0.
// ref.cur_bfr = 0 ;
// then compute and read new data into buffer0
fill_ref_bfr_rev() ; // fill forward buffer
ref.offset-- ;
display_ref_file() ;
void scroll_page_up(void)
// end_line is line number for NEXT line
unsigned end_line = ref.offset + window_rows ; // base-0
// if still onscreen, just move cursor
if (ivideo.currow+1 < screen_rows)
ivideo.currow++ ;
// end of screen...
// see if there's still room in buffer to move cursor
else if (end_line < ref.lines[ref.cur_bfr])
// ^base-0 ^base-1
ref.offset++ ;
display_ref_file() ;
// we are at end of buffer
else if (ref.cur_bfr == 0)
// If we're in buffer0, we should be able to slop over
// into buffer1, if there's any data in it.
// if we were previously in buffer0, but now (after
// adding one line) we don't fit in buffer0+buffer1,
// there were less than (screen_size) lines in buffer1,
// which means we're at end of file (otherwise, we
// would have read roughly 32Kbytes).
// NOTE: we do not currently handle scrolling
// across multiple files.
if (end_line >= (ref.lines[0] + ref.lines[1]))
// do nothing for now...
// Later, we'll add multiple-file support.
// If there is room in the two combined files, see if
// moving to next line has thrown us COMPLETELY into buffer1.
else if ((ref.offset+1) == ref.lines[0])
ref.offset = 0 ;
ref.cur_bfr = 1 ;
display_ref_file() ;
// otherwise, we're overlapping two files,
// the ref function supports internally.
ref.offset++ ;
display_ref_file() ;
// if NOT at end of buffer 1, update array offset and redraw
else if (end_line < ref.lines[1])
ref.offset++ ;
display_ref_file() ;
// if we reach end of buffer 1,
// copy buffer 1 to buffer 0 and see if
// there's more data to scroll into.
back_up_buffer1() ;
if (ref.lines[1] > 0)
ref.offset++ ;
display_ref_file() ;
// copy ref buffer 1 to ref buffer 0,
// then refill ref buffer 1
void back_up_buffer1(void)
// swap the buffer pointers
sum_conv *b = ref.bfr[0] ;
ref.bfr[0] = ref.bfr[1] ;
ref.bfr[1] = b ;
// copy buffer1 data to buffer0 struct
ref.lines[0] = ref.lines[1] ;
ref.hdptr[0] = ref.hdptr[1] ;
ref.tlptr[0] = ref.tlptr[1] ;
ref.cur_bfr = 0 ;
ref.hdptr[1] = ref.tlptr[0] ;
// read new data into buffer1
ref.lines[1] = fill_ref_bfr(1) ;
void display_ref_file(void)
unsigned new_top, j, buffer_left = ref.lines[ref.cur_bfr] - ref.offset ;
// ^base-1 ^base-1 ^base-0
// if current buffer fits entirely onscreen
if (window_rows <= buffer_left)
for (j=0; j<window_rows; j++)
dprints(0, DATA_TOP+j, MAIN_TEXT,
ref.bfr[ref.cur_bfr][ref.offset+j].idx.data) ;
// if we're currently using buffer 0, just lop over into bfr 1.
// Fill any unused lines with blank lines.
else if (ref.cur_bfr == 0)
if (window_rows > (buffer_left + ref.lines[1]))
// ^base1 ^base1 ^base1
// draw remainder of buffer0
for (j=0; j<buffer_left; j++)
dprints(0, DATA_TOP+j, MAIN_TEXT,
ref.bfr[0][ref.offset+j].idx.data) ;
// draw all of buffer1
new_top = DATA_TOP + buffer_left ;
for (j=0; j<ref.lines[1]; j++)
dprints(0, new_top++, MAIN_TEXT, ref.bfr[1][j].idx.data) ;
// draw blank lines
spaces[80] = 0 ;
while (new_top < screen_rows)
dprints(0, new_top++, MAIN_TEXT, spaces) ;
spaces[80] = ' ' ;
for (j=0; j<buffer_left; j++)
dprints(0, DATA_TOP+j, MAIN_TEXT,
ref.bfr[0][ref.offset+j].idx.data) ;
for (j=0; j<(window_rows-buffer_left); j++)
dprints(0, DATA_TOP+buffer_left+j, MAIN_TEXT,
ref.bfr[1][j].idx.data) ;
// we're at end of buffer 1
// copy bfr1 to bfr0, then refill bfr1
back_up_buffer1() ;
// recursive call to this routine
display_ref_file() ;
// parse lines from input file.
unsigned fill_ref_bfr(unsigned bfr_flag)
int done = 0 ;
//lint -e740
unsigned offseti = FP_OFF(readptr) ; // init value for byte tfr counter
unsigned offsetf ;
unsigned count = 0, j ;
// fill the readbfr from ref file
unsigned rlines = fill_read_buffer(index) ;
if (rlines == 0)
return 0;
// now, translate the read buffer into the ref-list buffer
unsigned lcount = isl_lines ;
char *sptr = readptr ;
while (!done)
unsigned slen = strlen(sptr) ;
strcpy(ref.bfr[bfr_flag][count].instr, sptr) ;
// pad short lines with spaces
if (slen < sizeof(sum_conv))
for (j=slen; j<last_ref_char; j++)
ref.bfr[bfr_flag][count].instr[j] = ' ' ;
// now, NULL-terminate the line
ref.bfr[bfr_flag][count].instr[last_ref_char] = 0 ;
// point to next string in buffer
sptr += slen ;
while (*sptr == 0) sptr++ ; // seek beginning of next line
count++ ;
// If this terminates on lcount, rather than rlines,
// the input buffer will have to be adjusted
if (--lcount == 0 || count == rlines)
done = 1 ;
// set tail-pointer variable in current ref struct
offsetf = FP_OFF(sptr) ; //lint !e740
ref.tlptr[bfr_flag] = ref.hdptr[bfr_flag]
+ (offsetf - offseti) ;
// adjust input-file position
fpos_t pos = ref.tlptr[bfr_flag] ;
fsetpos(index, &pos) ;
return count;
// parse lines from input file, after reading
// BACK from current file position.
// This is always performed on buffer0.
// It is assumed that buffer0 struct has already
// been copied to buffer 1.
void fill_ref_bfr_rev(void)
// make a copy of current line before overwriting it,
// so we can find it again afterwards
strcpy(oldstr, ref.bfr[1][ref.offset].instr) ;
if (strlen(oldstr) == 0)
error_exit(BAD_FORMAT, NULL) ;
// figure out how far to back up the read pointer
fpos_t pos = IFF (ref.hdptr[0] > REV_SIZE)
THENN (ref.hdptr[0] - REV_SIZE)
// adjust input-file position and fill ref buffers
fsetpos(index, &pos) ;
int icount = seek_next_line(index) ;
if (icount < 0)
error_exit(BAD_SEARCH, NULL) ;
pos += icount ;
fill_ref_buffers(pos) ;
// now that new buffers have been read,
// seek to the current line and update ref.offset
unsigned count = 0 ;
int done = 0 ;
while (!done)
if (strncmp(oldstr, ref.bfr[0][count].instr, 9) == 0)
ref.offset = count ;
done = 1 ;
else if (++count >= ref.lines[0])
error_exit(BAD_SEARCH, NULL) ;