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Instructions for ZIP.COM
Fast File Transfer Utility
version 2.12 (15 Apr 1998)
(c)1988-98 E. Meyer
Requires: Two PC compatible computers with DOS 2.x or above;
Null modem cable.
================================= CONTENTS ==================================
1. INTRODUCTION: Description, Copyright and Licensing
A. Transferring files
B. Directory management
A. Selecting files from a group
B. Reconciling directory contents
C. Incremental backup
D. Backing up all subdirectories
A. Setting serial port and speed
B. Waiting for a connection
C. File and directory handling
D. Screen output modes
E. Clock synchronization
A. Command-line operation
B. Summary of options
C. Automating use of ZIP (Redirection, @files, Batch files)
A. Copying ZIP itself (ZIPDUP)
B. Changing defaults (ZIPSET)
A. General information
B. About serial cables
C. Compatibility with other software
D. HP95/100/200LX palmtops
E. Error messages
F. About ZIP and its author
============================= 1. INTRODUCTION ===============================
Anyone working with two computers probably needs to transfer files
between them regularly. But especially when large amounts of data are
involved, exchanging floppy disks quickly grows tedious; and not all
computers have the same disk sizes, or disk drives at all. Keeping track of
new or modified files on each computer gets to be a problem, too.
ZIP is a tiny, fast utility to transfer files between two PC compatible
computers, using a common "null modem" serial cable. It can be used from the
DOS command line or a batch file, or run from an interactive menu. It
transfers files as simply as using the COPY command, and has options that
make it easy to back up or reconcile directories on both computers. Ideal
for laptop or palmtop computers, even long outdated PCs, it requires very
little disk space and memory.
There are good retail programs for this purpose, and most even come with
a cable. But if you already have or can find your own cable, ZIP offers a
simpler and cheaper alternative. ZIP doesn't include as many features as
these more elaborate programs; but you don't have to remember to load or
install it, and it doesn't consume precious system memory when not actually
in use. In fact, even if you already have another more complex program, you
may still find ZIP easier to use in many situations because of its small size
and simplicity.
ZIP transfers files many times faster than the binary upload/download
protocols (like XMODEM) of ordinary telecommunications software, usually
limited to 19200 bps. ZIP can even work significantly faster than many
similar shareware utilities that also operate "at 115200 bps", the maximum
speed of the PC serial port. ZIP's actual throughput depends on your
computer, typically running about 8 to 10 kilobytes/second between 8086 PCs,
or 16 to 24 k/sec on 80486s; results will vary according to your system
configuration and (to some extent) the location or type of files involved.
ZIP is designed to operate at very high transmission speeds with a direct
cable connection, but it can also be used at slower speeds in applications
that demand this. Even use with modems over a phone connection established
by telecommunications software is conceivable (ZIP might be useful as an
"external protocol" due to its backup features, like options /N,E,T,A,S).
(Note: ZIP is a serial communications program, and has no connection with the
more recent file archive utility "PKzip", formerly "PKARC", by Phil Katz.)
ZIP circulates widely as "shareware", giving you the opportunity to try
the program at no cost, and to share it with others -- hence the name. If it
doesn't meet your needs, you don't have to pay for it. If you find the
program valuable and continue to use it, you can "register" your copy for a
modest fee. In return, you get an update disk and support from the author.
Shareware offers some unique advantages over retail software, because
users interact directly with the author. Obviously, costs are kept down
because glossy packaging, advertising, and retail markups are eliminated.
But shareware can also resist market trends and continue to provide useful
kinds of products that the big corporations have abandoned. And shareware
authors can respond more directly to user requests and concerns than software
publishers who release an update only when it seems profitable.
Shareware works when users give program authors useful feedback, and most
of all, when users support authors by registering their programs. This makes
it possible for quality shareware to continue to develop and improve. Please
support shareware by registering any programs that you use.
The use and distribution of ZIP are governed by the "COPYRIGHT AND
LICENSE" information below. Please read this carefully!
Be sure you have all the files which should be included in this package:
ZIP.DOC - This documentation file.
ZIPxx.UPD - Update notes and version history.
ZIP.COM - The file transfer program.
ZIPSET.COM - The default option setting utility.
ZIPDUP.COM - The initial duplication utility.
ZIP.ICN - An icon for the HP100/200LX Application Manager.
ORDER.FRM - Registration/site license order form.
FILE_ID.DIZ - Standardized description for BBS operators.
The ZIP program and documentation are copyright (c)1988-98
Eric Meyer, all rights reserved worldwide. They may not be
circulated in any incomplete or modified form, nor sold for
profit, without written permission of the author. The use
or sale of ZIP is subject to the following terms:
PERSONAL USE. If you find ZIP valuable and continue to use it, you are
encouraged (but not required) to register, and help support the
development of high-quality, affordable software:
Registered users receive several benefits:
* The latest version of ZIP (and other useful programs)
on disk direct from the author.
* A registration certificate verifying the legality of
your personal use of ZIP at your workplace as well.
* Technical support if you encounter problems using ZIP.
SITE LICENSES. Any company or institution wishing to use ZIP in the course
of its business MUST purchase a SITE LICENSE. The cost of the license is
modest, and varies according to the number of computers on which ZIP may
be in use in the workplace:
Up to 10 copies................. $50 (US)
Up to 20 copies................ $100
Additional copies over 20........ $2 each
The purchaser of a site license receives, in addition to the disk,
spelling checker, and technical support described above, a license
certificate documenting the legality of your company's use of ZIP.
Furthermore, employees can use ZIP at home and share it with others
without raising issues of software piracy.
ORDERING INFORMATION. License, registration, and update orders may be mailed
directly to the author, with a CHECK or MONEY ORDER; PURCHASE ORDERS are
also accepted. Please use the order form provided (ORDER.FRM).
All CREDIT CARD orders (VISA/MC/AmEx/Discover, US or international)
must be made through the Public Software Library, P.O. Box 35705, Houston
TX 77235; mention item #10304. There is a $5 surcharge from PSL. PSL's
toll-free line FOR ORDERS ONLY is (800)242-4775; all other calls,
(713)524-6398; fax (713)524-6398. Email orders to 10303@pslweb.com,
inquiries to authors@pslweb.com.
Orders from overseas receive full support, including disks by
airmail. Payment can be made by credit card through PSL, or by bank check
or money order in US currency, directly to the author; modest amounts of
US cash ($50 or less) can also be sent safely by registered mail.
SHAREWARE SOURCES. ZIP is distributed widely through "shareware" channels,
usually as an archive file named ZIP###.ZIP (where ### is the version
number). It can be found through many BBS or online systems, and is
available by mail from many software libraries, including PSL.
ZIP can be downloaded directly from either of the two primary
distribution points: (1) On CompuServe, file ZIP.ZIP in library 4 (DL4) of
the PCCOM forum. (2) From an Internet list server: to see what's
available, send the message "get files" to ftpmail@twty.chi.il.us ; to
obtain a specific file, use its name, as in: "get ZIP21.ZIP".
COMMERCIAL SALE. Any software dealer or library may offer ZIP for sale
provided that the charge for the disk containing it does not exceed US $6
(for CDROM, $30), and its shareware status is clearly noted. Otherwise
the sale of ZIP, either alone or together with other software or hardware,
requires a licensing agreement. Please write for terms.
For further information about ZIP, address correspondence to:
Eric Meyer
3045 4th Street Internet: 74415.1305@compuserve.com
Boulder, Colorado 80304 USA
THE CUSTOMARY DISCLAIMER: You undertake to use ZIP at
your own risk. The author does not warrant the suitability
of ZIP for any particular purpose, and assumes no liability
for damages of any kind resulting from its use.
============================ 2. BASIC OPERATION =============================
In order to use ZIP, you need to have a copy of the same version of
ZIP.COM on both computers, and a "null modem" cable (or equivalent) connected
between their serial ports. If incompatible disk drives prevent you from
getting ZIP.COM itself onto the second computer to begin with, you can use
the ZIPDUP utility (see COPYING ZIP ITSELF). If your cable is improperly
wired or is not connected to the port you have set ZIP to use, the message
"Ready" or "Waiting" will appear and nothing further will happen; correct the
problem and try again. For more about serial ports and cables, see TECHNICAL
ZIP offers a choice of two user interfaces: MENU-DRIVEN is the simplest
method for manual use, and the first described below. Alternatively, each
individual operation can be performed as a single DOS command, an approach
often used in batch files; this is described under COMMAND-LINE OPERATION.
There are also two modes for exchanging files: CLIENT/SERVER MODE is
often the simplest to use manually, since all commands are issued on a single
keyboard (the "client") while the other ("server") just responds
automatically to them. Alternatively, you can use a more symmetrical
approach, issuing complementary Send and Receive commands on each computer.
--------------------------- A. TRANSFERRING FILES ---------------------------
Sending files between computers with ZIP is not much harder than
copying them from one disk to another. Suppose you have a file REPORTS in
directory C:\WORK on your laptop computer, and you'd like to send it to
directory D:\JONES on your desktop PC. The cable is connected between the
laptop's COM1 port and the desktop's COM2. (If your setup differs, make the
appropriate changes in the procedure described.) The easiest way to start
off using ZIP would be the following: type "ZIP" on each computer, bringing
up the command menu:
Port=COM1 Speed=115200 bps
Send Fetch Directory dElete serVer Options
Receive Log Compare Time Unlink Quit :
Each command is selected by pressing the highlighted (usually first) letter.
The first thing to note (in this example) is that we need to set ZIP to port
COM2 on the desktop, since it defaults to COM1. Eventually you would want to
change the default permanently with ZIPCFG, but for now just use the Options
command. On the desktop, press "O" to bring up the Options menu:
Port: COM1 Bps: 115200
Create dirs: NO Exit time: ---
Hidden files: NO overwrite Read/only: NO
System files: NO copy Archive bit: YES
Mark as archived: YES
Press "P" to change the Port, then "2" for COM2. Now you're ready to try
transferring the file. On the desktop, you can select either "R"eceive or
ser"V"er; the first makes sense if this is all you want to do, the second if
you have more files to exchange afterward. If you use "R"eceive, you will be
prompted for the directory to receive into, which was going to be D:\JONES,
and "options", which you can leave blank. If you enter no directory, the
current one is the default. If you use ser"V"er, ZIP will ask for the
destination directory on the sending end instead, after the filename.
Now on the laptop, select "S"end, and give the filename, which was
C:\WORK\REPORTS in this example, and once again leave "options" blank. The
file will be sent. You can return to DOS on each computer by selecting
"Q"uit (after pressing [Esc] to exit from server mode, if necessary).
If you can get such a transfer to work, you can go on to explore other
features of ZIP; if not, recheck your cable, port settings, etc.
Another very useful transfer command is Fetch: this allows you to receive
files from the server as well, without having to switch to sending from the
other keyboard. In the above example, if you leave the desktop PC in server
mode, you can get a file from it to the laptop by selecting "F"etch on the
laptop, giving the filename on the desktop PC (any path included must be its
location on the server, for example, D:\JONES\MEMO), and once again the
directory to put it in (perhaps C:\WORK again). The transfer should proceed.
Server mode can even be terminated from the client end, with the "U"nlink
command (or the equivalent command-line option /U).
In general, you can reply to a prompt to "SEND or FETCH files:" with a
single filename, or a filespec like "*.DOC", or a list of several filespecs
separated by commas. A path is required only if the files are not in the
default directory. If the filespec is "*.*", you can abbreviate it as ".";
or, if you are using options, you can type just a slash and options, and *.*
will be assumed.
During file transfer, ZIP will show each filename in succession,
including its full source or destination directory. Files within any group
are processed alphabetically; disposition of files remains visible until they
scroll off the top of the screen. The size of each file to be sent is shown
in "k" (1k = 1024 bytes), and the transfer in progress is indicated by
continuously updating the amount sent until the file is complete.
If necessary, ZIP can be interrupted by pressing [Esc] or Ctrl-Break
during the initial connection attempt; at any user prompt; or during file
transfer (on the receiving end, the current file will be completed first).
ZIP will send even empty (0k) files. A received file bears the same
filename, DOS timestamp, and file attributes as the file sent (except that
whether the Archive attribute is copied is an option.)
CAUTION! Because backing up work in progress is one of the purposes for
which ZIP is designed, files sent with ZIP can overwrite any of the same name
that may exist on the other computer, without warning or confirmation.
(Several options described below, including /N,/T,/P, can prevent overwriting
in various circumstances.) Be careful not to inadvertently destroy important
files, especially files like CONFIG.SYS or COMMAND.COM which may differ in
the root directory of each computer's hard disk.
------------------------- B. DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT ---------------------------
The menu also offers several directory management commands: Directory,
Compare, dElete, and Log allow you to list or delete files and change
directories without exiting ZIP.COM. These functions can also be applied to
the other computer if it has ZIP running in server mode. (They are available
in command-line usage as the options /D,C,K,L.)
Whether or not ZIP can see DOS Hidden or System files, and whether it
will delete Read/only files, are user-configurable options.
The "D"irectory command provides an alphabetized file listing for your
reference, including total size and free disk space (if less than 64mb). You
will be prompted for the files to list. If you just press [Enter], ZIP lists
all files (*.*) in the default directory. Subdirectory names, if any, will
be preceded by a backslash "\".
The option "/A" is also allowed after the filespec, in which case only
files with the Archive attribute are shown. This can function as a preview
of files that would be transferred with the /A option in effect.
The d"E"lete command prompts for a filespec to delete; as always, a path
and/or wildcards may be included, though it accepts only a single filespec,
not a list of them. The default directory applies if none is given.
CAUTION: ZIP does not prompt for further confirmation before deleting
specified file(s); be careful, especially when using wildcards.
Although you can always type the full path information for any files you
want to look for or transfer, if you're going to be working in a different
directory for a while, it can be more convenient to change ZIP's default
directory. The "L"og command will let you do this; you will be prompted for
the new drive and/or directory, or you can just press [Enter] to check the
current directory. Initially, of course, the default is the current DOS
directory. Depending on option settings, if the directory you specify does
not exist, ZIP may create it.
(The Log command works much like the DOS commands CHDIR/MKDIR, except
that ZIP does not actually change the current DOS directory, it simply keeps
its own record of the directory you want to be working in.)
Server option ">"
With any of these three commands, you can simply type a ">" before an
argument to indicate that it applies to the server computer. This can be
done either alone, or following a request on the client end:
Directory: \WORK\*.BAK client alone
Delete: >B:\BACKUP\OLD.FIL server alone
Log: \WORK>B:\BACKUP both
As a convenience, since the two computers may have a similar directory
structure, you can also type a quote mark (") to log the same default
directory for the server.
Log: >" log same dir on the server as client
Log: C:\WORK>" log C:\WORK on both
Log: C:\WORK>D:" log C:\WORK on client, D:\WORK on server
If your other computer is running ZIP in server mode, you can also
compare the contents of directories, showing files that appear in one but not
the other, or that exist in different versions. Common identical files are
not shown. Note that only the files' DOS timestamps are compared, not their
data. (This can function as a preview of what files will be transferred if
you use the /N or /T option.)
When you select "C"ompare, you will be prompted for the files to compare.
If you just press [Enter], ZIP compares all files ("*.*") in the default
directory on each end. Besides a filespec, you can also use a ">" if you
want to specify a different directory on the server:
Compare: >\BACKUP client *.* with server \BACKUP\*.*
Compare: *.DOC client *.DOC with server *.DOC
Compare: *.DOC>\BACKUP client *.DOC with server \BACKUP\*.DOC
ZIP will produce two listings: first files on the client that don't match
up with those on the server, and then vice versa. If a file appears on both
but in differing versions, it will be flagged with a "+" or "-" to indicate
which appears to be the later (+) or earlier (-) version, according to the
files' timestamps. This is more efficient than simply displaying the full
directory contents on both ends (though you can do that too, with Directory.)
==================== 3. SELECTIVE TRANSFER AND BACKUP =======================
If you want to transfer only certain files from a group (*.*, *.DOC) with
ZIP, you can request that you be prompted to confirm each file individually:
you will be asked to press a key (Y/N) to determine whether each file is to
be sent. After the file (or for receiving, directory) names, specify the
/P = PROMPT to confirm files individually
(In menu mode, if you haven't entered options with a slash "/" you may be
prompted for them, and can just enter "P".)
As the transfer proceeds, in addition to "Y" or "N" for each file shown,
you can also reply "*" to conclude the prompting process and accept all
remaining files, or [Esc] to abort the operation.
If /P is in use on the receiving end and "N" is entered, the message
"<Declined>" will appear on the sending end. /P can be used independently on
either or both ends, but has no effect in server mode.
--------------------- B. RECONCILING DIRECTORY CONTENTS ---------------------
ZIP offers a pair of options that are particulary useful for reconciling
the contents of directories which need to be duplicated (in whole or part) on
both computers. By default, ZIP doesn't care what files may already exist on
the receiving end: it will transfer all files specified, whether or not they
overwrite existing ones. These options are provided to modify this behavior.
After the names of files to be transferred, specify one of these options:
/N = send NEW files only
/E = send EXISTING files only
(In menu mode, if you haven't entered options with a slash "/" you may be
prompted for them, and can just enter "N" or "E".)
The /N option sends only new files, saving time by not bothering to
transfer and overwrite files which already exist on the receiving end.
The /E option is seldom useful by itself, since it would send just those
files which do already exist, but it can be combined with other options in
various ways. Together with the /T or /A option described below, it is ideal
for incremental backup. Together with /P, it can be used in situations where
there may be just some existing files that you wouldn't want to overwrite.
(Use /EP first, to make those choices, and then do the same transfer again
with /N if desired to pick up the remaining files.)
These options can be specified only on the client or sending end.
--------------------------- C. INCREMENTAL BACKUP ---------------------------
ZIP offers two different methods of "incremental backup" -- transferring
only those few files recently modified between directories whose contents are
otherwise already identical.
/T = latest TIMESTAMP determines files sent
/A = ARCHIVE attribute determines files sent
(In menu mode, if you haven't entered options with a slash "/" you may be
prompted for them, and can just enter "T" or "A".) These options can be
specified only on the client or sending end.
Of these, /T is probably the most straightforward and widely used for
casual backup purposes. The /T option allows overwriting existing files only
when the copy to be sent has a more recent timestamp. Thus, used alone, it
will transfer both completely new files and newer versions of existing files,
while not bothering with unchanged files. /T can also be combined with /E,
and this /ET combination is ideal for partial backup: it transfers only more
recent versions of existing files, without sending files that don't already
exist or that haven't changed.
The other incremental backup alternative is /A, which is based on the
Archive "attribute" maintained in each file's directory entry by DOS.
Whenever a file is created or modified, this attribute is automatically set.
(It can also be set or cleared manually by various utilities including the
DOS command ATTRIB.) The attribute is intended for use by backup software,
including the XCOPY command (see its archive/mark options /A,M). The backup
program copies files that have this attribute, and clears it. So at some
later date, the files that once again have it set are those you have created
or changed since, and need to back up now.
That is just what ZIP does when the /A option is used. (At least by
default; ZIPSET offers a choice of whether files sent are marked by clearing
the attribute.) Again, the /E option can be used along with /A in order to
archive only a certain subset of those files, for example, to back up the
contents of a large directory onto multiple diskettes.
Obviously, the first time you start using this backup procedure, every
file you have is marked with the Archive attribute and will have to be
copied, so the operation may take awhile. If the directory contents are
actually identical to begin with, you can save a lot of time by clearing the
Archive attribute on all the files with a utility like ATTRIB. (In fact,
whether or not you rely on the automatic use of the Archive bit for backup
purposes, you can always set or clear it on certain files in order to include
or exclude them when transferring with /A.)
This method of archiving files generally makes more sense when used in a
regular backup routine with a dedicated mass backup device, such as a tape
drive or removable hard disk.
CAUTIONS: the /T option relies on the DOS timestamps of files. If your
system clock is not well maintained (example: clocks without battery backup
that may not be properly set when the system is started), use of /T is not
The /A option is independent of your system clock, but it does depend
upon proper maintenance of the Archive attribute. Be careful about using
other programs, like XCOPY /M, which may also affect it; also, some software
may not correctly preserve this attribute when manipulating files.
Finally, both of these backup methods assume that only one version of
each file has been modified since they were last identical. ZIP doesn't
examine the actual contents of files, so if different changes have been made
to both versions, ZIP can't reconcile them; it just overwrites one of them
with the other. If possible, you should avoid working on the same material
on both computers in between backups; but if you can't and frequently do get
into such situations, you may need more sophisticated backup software.
---------------------- D. BACKING UP ALL SUBDIRECTORIES ---------------------
In many situations, you may want to set up or maintain a (fully or
partially) matching set of subdirectories on two computers. While you could
use the above methods to accomplish this one subdirectory at a time, ZIP
offers an option to do this automatically. In either menu or command-line
mode, after the transfer filespec, specify:
/S = process all SUBDIRECTORIES
(In menu mode, if you haven't entered options with a slash "/" you may be
prompted for them, and can just enter "S".) This option can only be
specified on the client or sending end.
Like the /S switch of the DOS XCOPY command, this causes the given
command to be processed on files in a directory, and then also throughout all
its subdirectories. The source directory is first put in correspondence with
the destination directory, and thereafter ZIP will either seek or create
subdirectories of the destination directory to match those of the source.
Suppose the two computers have the following directory trees:
Sender: C:\ Receiver: D:\
\PROG ...
\GAMES ...
The command "ZIP C:\WORK\*.* /S[D:\BACKUP]" will begin by transferring files
from C:\WORK to D:\BACKUP, then C:\WORK\PROG to D:\BACKUP\PROG, and so on.
If any target directory (like D:\BACKUP\PROG) does not already exist, the
Options menu choices "create dirs: Yes, Just" (or the corresponding /I,J
options), which can also be selected by default with ZIPSET, will cause it to
be created; otherwise, the operation will simply terminate with an error
The /S option can be combined with any of ZIP's other file transfer
options. It is most commonly used for backup purposes either together with
/I or /J, when you are trying to establish a corresponding directory
structure in the first place, and want the required directories to be
created; or after that, with /T or /A, to back up files within those
directories according to their timestamps.
CAUTIONS: with /S, complete specification of drive and path for both
source and destination directory is highly recommended to avoid unanticipated
results (such as creation of unintended subdirectories).
Always be careful when sending files to the root directory of a hard
disk; critical DOS files such as AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, COMMAND.COM might
get overwritten. An excellent way to avoid this danger when backing up an
entire drive is to use /P together with /S. You can control each file sent
to the root directory individually, and when that's done, press "*" to
continue through all the subdirectories without further prompting.
========================= 4. ADDITIONAL FEATURES ============================
PC-compatible computers may have anywhere from one to four serial ports,
denoted as COM1 through COM4, and on each computer ZIP must know which port
to use. Most people connect their cable to the same port every time, so this
is normally something to set once and then forget about. By default ZIP uses
COM1; if you will be using another port, you can simply use ZIPSET to change
the default. But until you have done that, or in the event that you want to
try another port temporarily: in menu mode, choose "O"ptions, then select a
port. (On the command line, specify option /1-4.)
If in doubt as to which designation corresponds to each socket on your
computer, consult your manual; see also the description of ports and cables
Most users will never need to change the transmission speed (baud rate).
ZIP normally works at the fastest speed a PC serial port allows, 115200 bps
(bits/sec); use of slower speeds is not recommended, unless you find it to be
necessary to accommodate certain computers or software environments. In any
event, the same speed must be set on both ends. In menu mode, choose
"O"ptions, then select a speed. (On the command line, use the /B option.)
The default speed can also be changed with ZIPSET, if desired.
You will see a note in the ZIP signon message, "Port=____ Speed=____",
giving the port address and speed currently in use. (The port will display
as COM1-4 if it is a standard address, in hexadecimal otherwise.)
----------------------- B. WAITING FOR A CONNECTION -------------------------
Normally, once a process is initiated (file transfer, directory request,
etc) ZIP will wait indefinitely until a connection with another copy of ZIP
is established on the selected port. As soon as the corresponding process is
initiated on the other end, the operation will proceed.
However, in some circumstances this behavior may not be desirable: for
example, a batch file containing ZIP commands would stall if ZIP was not
found running on the other end in server or receive mode. So an option is
provided to have ZIP give up and exit (returning a Connect Error, which you
can test for) if a connection is not promptly established.
In menu mode, select "O"ptions, then "E"xit time, and select an interval,
0-9 minutes or None. (On the command line, use the /X option.) Typically an
exit time of 0 would be used when issuing commands when you already know ZIP
should be running in server mode on the other end. Note that server mode
will also terminate automatically if it had an exit time specified, and no
commands have been received.
---------------------- C. FILE AND DIRECTORY HANDLING -----------------------
ZIP allows you to specify how you want it to handle DOS file attributes.
(If you don't know what any of this means, you can either crack open your DOS
manual or decide not to worry about it.) By default, ZIP does not list or
transfer Hidden or System files; an error occurs if you attempt to overwrite
or delete a Read/only file; all DOS attributes, including Archive, are copied
as they were on each source file; but the /A option marks source files as
archived by removing that attribute.
You can also choose whether you want ZIP to create new directories on the
receiving end; by default, ZIP simply reports an error if the required
directory does not already exist.
These settings may be specified independently on either end; the settings
on the client or sending end govern each operation. To examine or alter
them, in menu mode, choose "O"ptions. For file attributes, there are five
include Hidden files? overwrite Read/only files?
include System files? copy Archive bit?
Mark as archived? (when /A in use)
Press a letter "H,S,R,A,M" to change any of these from YES to NO. For
directory creation, there are three alternatives:
"Y"es - whenever corresponding directory doesn't exist
"J"ust if needed - only when required for an operation to succeed
"N"o - don't create directories (report error if nonexistent)
The "Y,J" settings both affect requests to log or send files to a directory
that doesn't already exist; in addition, "Y" will create corresponding
directories during a subdirectory (/S) transfer operation even when there are
no files to be sent to them. This suits it to situations where you initially
need to establish an identical directory structure.
ZIPSET can be used to select the defaults of your choice for all these
options. (On the command line, the /I,J options are used for directory
-------------------------- D. SCREEN OUTPUT MODES ---------------------------
ZIP is capable of displaying in several colors or shades on computers
with color or greyscale capability via the PC BIOS (colors are chosen with
ZIPSET). However, you can instead select simple DOS (monochrome) output mode
if you prefer. This may be desirable on displays that are hard to read or
cannot display different colors or video attributes effectively; it is also
necessary if you wish to redirect screen output (see AUTOMATING). Color
output is the normal default, but you can make monochrome your default with
ZIPSET. (The command-line option /M will always reverse the chosen default.)
------------------------- E. CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION --------------------------
It is advisable to ensure that the system clocks on your computers agree
closely with each other; if they differ significantly, the timestamps on
files may not accurately indicate which computer has the later revisions.
Therefore, the first time you perform an operation which involves file
timestamps -- a directory Compare (/C), or a file transfer by timestamp (/T)
-- ZIP compares the two system clocks. If they differ by more than a certain
amount, the "clock synch tolerance", a warning is given. (The synch
tolerance, 5 minutes by default, can be changed or disabled with ZIPSET.) If
a file transfer is beginning and you think the results might be undesirable,
you can abort the operation by pressing [Esc] and investigate further.
To bring the two clocks into agreement, instead of having to quit ZIP and
use the DOS commands TIME (and/or DATE) on each computer, you can synchronize
the clocks automatically using ZIP itself. With your other computer running
ZIP in server mode, just select "T"ime from the ZIP menu. The current system
time (and date) will be displayed, and you will be prompted in a manner much
like the DOS command TIME:
To synchronize, enter new time or press [Enter]:
[Enter] alone uses the client's current time. You can also press [Esc] (as
always) to quit. Time can be entered in either 12 or 24-hour format, as
desired: "1:47pm" is equivalent to "13:47".
Performing this function periodically is an easy way to ensure that your
computer clocks remain in agreement. (On the command line, you can use the
/Y option, which doesn't prompt for a time, just using the current one.)
(Notes: it's OK to wait a bit before pressing [Enter] alone, since the
time is read once again when you do that. This function resets the date as
well as the time on the server to match that of the client computer, but it
does not accept date corrections; use the DOS DATE command for that.)
============================= 5. EXPERT USAGE ===============================
Sending files between computers with ZIP is as easy as copying them from
one disk to another. As mentioned above, any individual ZIP operation can be
performed from the DOS command line with certain arguments and/or options,
without entering menu mode. The usual application for this is batch files
(see AUTOMATING, below) but there are also times when manual use of command-
line syntax is convenient. For example, you could do a quick little file
transfer simply by typing something like:
Laptop: ZIP REPORTS Desktop: ZIP /R
The menu commands for the following operations have already been
described; here are the command-line equivalents:
Send > ZIP fspec /[dir] Directory > ZIP /D[fspec]
Fetch > ZIP fspec /F[dir] dElete > ZIP /K[fspec]
Receive > ZIP /R[dir] Log > ZIP /L[dir]
serVer > ZIP /V[dir] Compare > ZIP fspec /C[dir]
Unlink > ZIP /U Time > ZIP /Y
The option letters mostly agree with the menu letters, except /K (Kill)
and /Y (sYnch). (Send has no option letter; it is the default operation.)
The transfer operations will also accept an optional directory name in
square brackets "[dir]" to specify a destination, as will /C for a server
directory to compare to. (For /V, this is a default directory, overridden by
any specified by the client.)
Directory, delete and log commands require their argument in square
brackets along with the option letter, and they operate on the server only.
(Other utilities like DIR, DEL, or CHDIR may be used to perform these
operations on the client.)
/U can be used by itself or combined with another operation, in which
case it releases the server after that operation is complete.
The transfer "fspec" can be a single FILE (including path), or a GROUP
specified by wildcards (eg, *.BAK), or an "@FILE" (see AUTOMATING), or a LIST
of any of these delimited by commas or spaces. In such a list, each item
assumes or continues the same path as the previous one, unless the new one
begins with a drive or root directory. Thus the list:
d:\sf\gort, rvws\*.892, klaatu, \foo
refers to files D:\SF\GORT, D:\SF\RVWS\*.892, D:\SF\RVWS\KLAATU, D:\FOO.
The Option menu selections for the following settings have already been
described; here are the command-line equivalents:
/1-4 = use port COM1-4
/Bnn = use speed "nn" BPS (nn=115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600,
4800, or 2400; can be abbreviated to as few as 2 digits)
/Xn = EXIT time, "n" minutes (n=0-9)
/I = create IDENTICAL directories
/J = create directories JUST as needed
(These configuration options can be used even when you invoke ZIP in menu
mode, as an alternative to using the "O"ptions command.) It is the sender or
client's /I,J options that determine whether directories will be created.
The file selection options /E,N,P,T,A and the subdirectory option /S are
used after the filename on the command line just as they can be in menu mode.
Of them, only /P may be used when receiving.
For a brief help message explaining command-line syntax and options, you
can type "ZIP /?". Here are some usage examples:
C> zip b:myfile *.doc send files B:MYFILE, B:*.DOC
C> zip *.bak /[b:\recs] send files *.BAK to directory B:\RECS
C> zip my.* /2 /p send files C:MY.* over COM2, with prompts
to confirm each file individually
C> zip *.* /n send all files which don't already exist
in receiver's default directory
C> zip a:chapter.* /et send all files A:CHAPTER.* of which an
older version exists on the receiving end
C> zip /r3 receive files over COM3
C> zip /rp[\temp] receive, with default directory C:\TEMP,
prompting to confirm each file individually
C> zip \work\*.* /si[f:\work] duplicate the entire subdirectory tree from
C:\WORK on down, to receiver's drive F:
C> zip \*.* /st[d:\cbkup] back up all new or modified files on drive
C: (based on "t"imestamp) to corresponding
directory tree D:\CBKUP...
C> zip /v /2b38 /x3 server mode, at 38400 bps on COM2 (but quit
with error after 3 minutes if no connection)
C> zip /v[d:\temp] server mode,with default directory D:\TEMP
C> zip b:\recs\my.* /f[\orig] fetch files MY.* from server directory
B:\RECS into client directory C:\ORIG
C> zip my.fil,my.bak /u send MY.FIL and MY.BAK to server's default
directory, then unlink server
C> zip /ad[\work\*.bak] show all server's files \WORK\*.BAK with
the Archive attribute
C> zip /k[junk] delete server's file JUNK
C> zip *.txt /c[\mydir] compare *.TXT with server's \MYDIR\*.TXT
C> zip /lj[c:\recs] log server directory C:\RECS, creating it
if it doesn't already exist
-------------------------- B. SUMMARY OF OPTIONS ----------------------------
The following options may be used in either menu or command-line mode:
/E,N Existing, New files only
/T more recent Timestamp only
/A Archive marked files only
/P Prompt to confirm each
/S process Subdirectories
These command-line options are replaced by menu choices in menu mode:
(none) "Send" files
/R "Receive" files
/F "Fetch" from server
/V "serVer" mode
/D[fspec] "Directory" from server
/L[dir] "Log" dir on server
/K[fspec] "dElete" files on server (Kill)
/C[dir] "Compare" with server dir
/Y "Time" synchronization with server
/U "Unlink" server
/1-4 port COM1-COM4 \
/Bnn speed 2400-115200 Bps \
/Xn eXit time 0-9 min > "Options"
/I create Identical dirs /
/J create Just when needed /
These options are available only on the command line:
/M Monochrome (DOS) output
/? program information and brief instructions
These options are available only in menu mode or via ZIPSET:
"Options": include Hidden, System files
overwrite Read/only files
copy Archive bit, Mark as archived
These options are available only via ZIPSET:
Clock synch tolerance
Display colors
------------------------ C. AUTOMATING USE OF ZIP ---------------------------
There are several ways of performing complex repetitive tasks, like
backing up specific groups of files, more easily with ZIP, by taking
advantage of its own features (indirect filename lists in "@files") or those
provided by DOS (batch files, input/output redirection).
Redirected Output
Standard DOS command line output redirection (">") can be used with ZIP.
Thus, for example, "ZIP /D[*.BAK] >ZOUTPUT" can be used to capture the output
of a ZIP directory listing in a file ZOUTPUT, to be examined or processed
later. (As a side effect, nothing displays on the screen; thus you can also
use ">NUL" to simply suppress output, if desired.)
Note that for output redirection to work, ZIP must be using ordinary DOS
output, not color output; this can be selected with the ZIPSET utility, or
changed with the /M option.
Redirected Input
Because ZIP accepts standard DOS input redirection ("<"), you can
automate a frequently performed series of tasks (sending groups of files to
different directories, etc) by running ZIP in menu mode with redirected
input. (Batch files are usually a better method, however.)
Redirected input is a sort of "script" describing a complex task. You
will need to create a text file containing exactly the keystrokes you would
use to perform a task; think about the way ZIP prompts for input, and work
out your responses carefully. (Note, for example, that when you select an
option like "S"end you don't press [Enter] afterward, but when you provide a
filename you do.) If you use the /P option while running ZIP with redirected
input, you will still have to type any "Y/N" responses from the keyboard
yourself. You must always end the file with "Q" to quit; DOS does not return
to the keyboard for further input if the end of the input file is reached
while the program is still running, so your system would just lock up.
Indirect File Lists (@files)
A number of file management and communications utilities can write a list
of filenames selected according to various criteria to a file, or accept the
name of such a file following an "@" sign to process all the filenames it
contains; ZIP also honors this convention. You can also create such a file
yourself, with any text editor, inserting the names of files which you may
often want to transfer as a group. Such an "@file" should contain complete
filespecs (with drive and path), separated by spaces and/or carriage returns,
for example: c:\work\*.bak
c:\myfile (...)
If this was a file called FLIST, then "ZIP @FLIST" would send those files.
Note that an @file is equivalent to a comma-delimited list of filespecs,
so all will be sent to the same destination directory. Options can only be
specified on the command line after the @file name (not within the @file),
and will affect all files transferred.
Batch Files
Since each individual function can be performed from the DOS command
line, ZIP is easy to use in batch (.BAT) files. Batch files are a convenient
way to automate frequently repeated tasks, since they can contain replaceable
arguments, tests for the existence of files or directories, prompts and jumps
for the user to choose different courses of action, and other powerful
features. (See your DOS manual for details of batch file programming.) The
simplest approach is to put one computer in server mode and execute a series
of ZIP commands from the other, then unlink.
Use of the /X option is recommended in batch files, so that an alternate
course of action can be taken if a connection cannot be promptly established.
If an error occurs during operation in command-line mode, ZIP sets the
DOS error code, so that a batch file can test the ERRORLEVEL to determine
subsequent action. Normally 0, the value returned will indicate which of the
following errors occurred:
1 = argument error 8 = transmission error
2 = out of memory/too many files 16 = disk read/write error (full?)
4 = connect error/no server 128 = user abort
It is always advisable to test for errors and abort execution of a batch file
if an operation (upon which later actions may rely) has failed. For example,
the following batch file fetches certain files from a server, deletes the
originals on the server ONLY IF the transfer was successful, then unlinks:
ZIP /K [\SOURCE\*.*]
(Note that in DOS batch language, the test "IF ERRORLEVEL #" is true if the
value is greater than OR equal to "#", so "IF ERRORLEVEL 1" catches any error
at all.)
=========================== 6. UTILITY PROGRAMS =============================
ZIPDUP 1.02 is a simple utility that allows you to duplicate ZIP.COM on
another computer initially, when your two computers don't share a common disk
format. Because this procedure is quite different from ZIP's usual mode of
operation and will be used only rarely, it's not built into ZIP itself.
1. Connect the cable to serial port COM1 or COM2 (only) on each
computer. Your cable must have all seven lines shown in the diagram under
TECHNICAL INFORMATION wired properly for ZIPDUP to work.
2. On the receiving end: Make sure the DOS utilities DEBUG and MODE are
available (either in the current directory or on your PATH). Then prepare to
receive by typing these two commands:
MODE COM#:96,N,8,1,P ("#" = 1 or 2)
(Note: under DOS 4 or earlier, the ",P" may not be necessary in the MODE
command.) The CTTY command gives control to the sending computer, via the
serial port. The receiving system will seem to "lock up", showing nothing on
screen and ignoring any keyboard input.
CAUTION: if the ZIPDUP transfer fails now, you will need to reboot!
There is no other way to regain keyboard control from CTTY.
3. Now, on the sending end, be sure that ZIP.COM (which will be sent) is
in the current directory along with ZIPDUP, and just type:
You will be asked to specify the COM port (1 or 2) that the cable is
connected to; if the connection can be made, the transfer will proceed. When
ZIPDUP is finished, you will find a duplicate copy of ZIP.COM in the current
directory on the receiving computer.
(Note: another possible way to get ZIP.COM transferred initially would be
with the file upload/download capability of any telecom software you may have
(it doesn't have to be the same program on both computers). Choose the
correct ports, set compatible parameters on both ends (recommended: 19200
bps, 8 bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, XMODEM protocol), and use the upload
command on the sending end and download on the other to transfer ZIP.COM.)
--------------------------- B. CHANGING DEFAULTS ----------------------------
The ZIPSET utility allows you to customize ZIP to your own requirements.
Certain "defaults" that are assumed unless you specify otherwise (via menu
choices or command-line options) can be changed: transfer speed and port,
synch tolerance, attribute handling, directory creation, and colors. Type:
(Actually, you can omit the filename if it is "ZIP.COM"; otherwise, type it.)
Your current default settings will be displayed. To change them, select
"Edit" from the ZIPSET menu, make changes, then select "Save"; to restore the
original distribution settings, select "Restore". To exit without saving
changes, select "Quit".
The Edit procedure steps through a sequence of settings you can change.
For the port you may enter simply "COM1" through "COM4", or any specific
hexadecimal address required by your hardware ("03F0", etc). For the speed
you must choose by number from the allowed values. For the clock synch
tolerance, enter a value from 1 to 99 minutes, or 0 to disable synch testing.
The next set of choices configure ZIP's treatment of DOS file attributes
and nonexistent directories. You can determine whether or not Hidden or
System files will be included in ZIP's operations; whether ZIP can overwrite
or delete files that have the Read/Only attribute; whether a file's Archive
attribute should be copied, if set; whether use of the /A backup option
should mark source files as archived, by removing that attribute; and
finally, whether ZIP should create new directories when those required do not
already exist. Press "Y"/"N" for yes or no, or for directory creation, "J"
for just-as-needed.
Next there is an option to control the prompting for options
(/S,N,E,T,A,P) that will normally occur in menu mode if options are not
specified after the transfer filespec. Select "N" to defeat it.
Finally, ZIPSET offers you a choice of color output (via the PC BIOS) or
standard DOS output. You might want to select DOS output if color output
does not display correctly on your video system, or if you will want to
redirect output from ZIP to a file or device (color output does not
redirect). Whichever default you choose, the /M option will change to the
If you select color, ZIPSET displays a palette and offers you a choice of
text colors. ZIP uses three different colors: a "message" color, a "hilight"
color for contrast, and an "active" color (during file transfer activity).
Each is specified by an "attribute byte" consisting of two hex digits, for a
background and foreground color. ("17" = "1", blue background, & "7", white
text.) The color digits are:
0 = BLACK 4 = red 8 = GREY C = bright red
1 = blue 5 = magenta 9 = bright blue D = bright magenta
2 = green 6 = brown A = bright green E = yellow
3 = cyan 7 = WHITE B = bright cyan F = BRIGHT WHITE
The palette will include 128 colors from 00-7F. Use of colors 8-F as
background (80-FF) is also possible but not recommended, since on most
systems this produces blinking video. Some colors may be invisible or
indistinguishable on monochrome screens, though all MDA systems can display
BLACK, WHITE and BRIGHT WHITE, and in some cases GREY also.
ZIP also offers a DEBUG patch allowing use with the DIET compression
utility; see COMPATIBILITY below. Although this patch is not done with
ZIPSET, selecting "Restore defaults" will undo it.
Please DO NOT distribute modified copies of ZIP.COM; this could confuse
other users.
========================= 7. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ==========================
The amount of free memory ZIP requires in order to operate is displayed
when the "/?" option is used. ZIP 2.01, for example, reports: "Requires 71-
120-170k RAM", meaning that a minimum of 71k RAM is necessary, 120k is
recommended for 8086/286 systems, and ZIP will use up to 170k, if available,
for fastest operation on 80386+ systems. If this extra RAM is not available
on such systems, the ZIP signon message will report "(Limited memory)",
indicating that optimum performance will not be achieved.
When receiving data, ZIP writes to a temporary file, so as not to
overwrite any existing file until the integrity of the received file is
verified; there must be enough free disk space to receive the complete file.
ZIP can only process about 1000 (selected) files at once; if you attempt
to use it on a directory with more files than that, you may get the "too many
files" error. If this happens, you can try to break up the task by using
more restrictive filespecs, like *.DOC instead of *.*. ZIP can only display
file sizes up to 65535k (64mb); after that it will report "+++++".
To achieve the fastest transfers, you should send files to/from hard
disks or RAMdisks, rather than slow floppy disk drives. Also, certain kinds
of memory-resident software, especially disk compression utilities like
DBL/DRVSPACE or STACKER, can significantly reduce ZIP's effective speed,
particularly on slower computers like palmtops.
Be sure you are using the same version of ZIP on each end; if the
protocol has been revised, a connection will not be established. Do not
disturb the cable while ZIP is transferring files, as this will abort the
current operation.
ZIP's proprietary binary transfer protocol differs from other standards
(XMODEM etc), but it does include full CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum)
verification on the data to guarantee accurate transfer.
There is no need to worry about IRQ assignments or conflicts, but do not
use ZIP while another program may be accessing the same serial port. Most
users also will not need to worry about "port addresses", since these have
become well standardized, but some computers (including IBM PS/2's) use
nonstandard addresses for the COM3 and COM4 ports in particular. Check your
computer manual to be sure; the standard port addresses assumed by ZIP are:
COM1: 03F8h COM3: 03E8h
COM2: 02F8h COM4: 02E8h
For ZIP to use another nonstandard port address, you must enter the address
itself as a default port using ZIPSET.
-------------------------- B. ABOUT SERIAL CABLES ---------------------------
Serial (RS232C) cabling is potentially quite complicated, but the simple
fact is that ZIP can transfer files using ANY serial cable you might already
have at hand. If the connectors don't fit your serial ports, you can attach
a size or gender converter. It doesn't matter how many wires the cable has;
depending on how they're connected, the cable will either work as is, or
require a "null modem adapter" attached to one end. If you're shopping for a
cable specifically for use with ZIP, ask for a 3 to 6 foot "null modem cable"
with the correct size and gender connectors to fit the serial ports you
intend to use, or a "laplink cable" with multiple connectors to fit any port.
These cables are inexpensive (typically about $15) and widely available:
check your local computer or electronics store, or a mail-order catalog.
PCs typically have two serial ports (though laptops may have only one,
and up to four are possible); they are generally labeled SERIAL, RS232C,
COM1, COM2, COMMS, etc. Your computer may have one or both of the standard
connector sizes, 9 or 25 pin (DB9, DB25). Cable connectors are either "male"
(with pins) or "female" (with holes); while most PC ports are female,
requiring male cables, the designers of the IBM PC decided (rather oddly)
that its serial ports should be male, which requires PC serial cables to have
female connectors.
Serial cables can be wired internally in various ways: a "null modem"
cable, intended to connect two PCs, has the transmit and receive data lines
crossed. A normal serial cable, designed to connect a PC to a communication
device like a modem, has these lines wired straight through, but a "null
modem adapter" can be attached to the cable to cross them. (Modems have
their serial ports wired differently from PCs, so that straight-through
cables can be used to connect them; in RS232C terminology they are DCE, "data
communications equipment", rather than DTE, "data terminal equipment".) The
simplest cables contain only three wires, these two plus a ground; some have
seven, or more, for other signals used by some serial devices, which makes
them more widely useful, but ZIP doesn't care. (Note: ZIPDUP does require
the additional handshaking connections shown.) If you're building or testing
a null modem cable, here is the wiring diagram:
|--COMPUTER 1--| |--COMPUTER 2--|
DB9 or DB25 DB25 or DB9
pin # 2 - - - - 3 - - connect - - - 2 - - - - 3 TD transmit data \
3 - - - - 2 - - - to - - - - 3 - - - - 2 RD receive data >REQUIRED
5 - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - 5 SG signal ground /
pin # 4 - - - - 20 - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - 6 \
6 - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - 20 - - - 4 \ DTR,CTS etc (optional;
7 - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - 8 / required for ZIPDUP)
8 - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - 7 /
Use of a short, well shielded cable is highly recommended; high speed
transmissions can be susceptible to RF interference.
------------------- C. COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER SOFTWARE --------------------
ZIP was designed for use in an MSDOS environment; it is also DESQview-
aware, so that task switching under Quarterdeck's DESQview will not interfere
with its operation. With appropriate precautions, ZIP can also be used in a
"DOS session" or "box" under other multitasking environments, including
Windows 3.x or 95, and OS/2 (it is not known to work reliably under Windows
NT). To avoid erratic performance or the need for slower transmission
speeds, ZIP should be given a "non-swappable", "priority task", or
"foreground operation" status, by the appropriate method for your operating
system (window settings, PIF file, etc). Under Windows 95, ZIP should be run
in DOS mode, not from a DOS "window"; ZIP works only with 11-character DOS-
compatible filenames, and won't recognize or preserve Win95 "long file
names". Under OS/2, the COM port must be enabled in the settings for the DOS
window, and use of IBM's own COM.SYS serial driver, which has been
substantially improved since its initial release, is recommended; alternative
drivers (like SIO.SYS) may not work with ZIP.
ZIP works well with most other software, though it is possible for
certain kinds of memory-resident software (TSRs or caches) to interfere with
its operation, in which case ZIP can't be used with that software loaded.
Most disk compression utilities (STACKER, DBLSPACE, etc) operate
transparently -- although files are actually being compressed when written to
disk or decompressed when read back, your other programs will never know.
Unfortunately, there are exceptions -- for example, a shareware utility
called DIET, which reports the compressed sizes of files to other software
instead of the original sizes. This will confuse a program like ZIP, which
obtains the file size and expects the amount of data read and sent to match
it, leading to errors whenever you attempt to send a file.
If you are using a utility like DIET, or if your system is not reporting
the correct sizes of files for any other reason, you can patch ZIP to work
around this problem. Simply modify ZIP.COM with the DOS utility DEBUG, as
follows: C>debug zip.com
-e103 FF
Once this has been done, the ZIP signon message will report "(Patch 0103)".
You can undo this modification later, by substituting "00" for "FF" above, or
by running ZIPSET and selecting "Restore defaults".
In order to transfer files from a system with this problem, you must run
modified copies of ZIP on BOTH ends. You will also want to keep an
unmodified copy of ZIP for use on other computers, since this patch defeats a
useful safety check and also prevents ZIP from operating as fast as possible
on 80386+ systems.
------------------------ D. HP95/100/200LX PALMTOPS -------------------------
The Hewlett-Packard 95/100/200LX palmtop computers are "nearly" PC-
compatible; ZIP will work on them, but there are some special considerations.
You will need the special HP serial cable, which is sold either separately or
as part of the Connectivity Pack. (ZIP doesn't work with the infrared port.)
ZIP automatically detects the LX palmtop and its actual screen size,
setting 40-column operation unless the LX is in 80-column mode, and adjusting
after any use of the ZOOM key. ZIP also prevents the palmtop from going to
sleep during file transfer operations.
If you're going to use the LX's built-in serial port, ZIP should be set
for COM1 in the usual way. (ZIP doesn't restrict itself to COM1 on the LX,
since a PCMCIA card can function as COM2.) ZIP powers up the serial port as
needed and turns it off again afterward to conserve batteries, so you don't
need to leave serial port power on in SETUP or worry about using SERCTL.
Transfer rates with the LX palmtop are typical of XT-class PCs, about 8
k/sec; disk compression software on a RAM card will reduce this speed.
HP 100/200LX
The 100/200LX System Manager software can interfere with ZIP's use of the
serial port, making file transfer likely to fail if you just run ZIP from
Filer, or from a DOS session under System Manager. Typically, due to the
complex nature of the LX palmtop, you can avoid this problem in several ways:
(1) Terminate SYSMGR (from Application Manager, press MENU,A,T,Enter) and
run ZIP from the DOS prompt. Type 100 or 200 to restart SYSMGR.
(2) Run ZIP from Application Manager. ZIP should be installed as:
Name: &Zip
Path: C:\ZIP.COM |120
Comment: [Fn+!][Fn+?]
The "&" lets you run ZIP by pressing "Z". This Path shows ZIP residing in
"C:\", but you can use any directory you like. The "|120" after the Path
specifies a memory allocation; use the second RAM figure from the "ZIP /?"
information message. An upside-down exclamation point (press Fn,!) is
required at the start of the Comment field to tell SYSMGR not to interrupt
ZIP. The Fn,? is optional on the 200LX, to return directly to SYSMGR when
you select Quit. Note that while you are editing this AppMgr entry, you can
install the included ZIP icon as well; just put ZIP.ICN in the same directory
(3) Install and use Mark Scardina's free ASERCTL utility, available on the
CompuServe HPHAND forum, or on your ZIP registration disk. It not only gives
you keyboard control over serial port power, but also prevents interference
from SYSMGR. ZIP can then be run in any way you like.
ZIPDUP is not customized for the LX palmtops; serial port power must
first be turned on (via SETUP or SERCTL /W). It is advisable to operate
ZIPDUP from DOS alone, without loading SYSMGR.
On the 95LX, ZIP can be run in a variety of ways, including from Filer
(highlight ZIP.COM and press F4=Run) or from the DOS system prompt.
File transfers can fail on early versions of the 512k 95LX due to a bug
in its serial port handling. You can avoid this by performing a [Ctrl+Up+On]
reset (answering "No" at the prompt, to preserve your C: drive!) before
running ZIP, or often (for some unknown reason) by just performing a server
Directory request with ZIP before transferring files.
The 95LX serial port and cable don't have the additional signal lines
that ZIPDUP requires to operate; instead, to transfer ZIP.COM to the 95LX,
you must use the 95LX's internal software: either the built-in COMM utility
together with any PC telecom program supporting XMODEM or KERMIT protocol, or
the Connectivity Pack.
---------------------------- E. ERROR MESSAGES ------------------------------
Ready / Waiting connection has not yet been established.
<Argument error> invalid filespec, option, etc.
<Insufficient memory> not enough memory to load and run ZIP.
<Connect error> can't connect -- bad cable? wrong version? timeout?
<No server> function requires server mode on other computer.
<Too many files> filespec includes too many files to process at once.
<@file error> @file nested or too large to read.
<Bad directory> specified directory doesn't exist or can't be created.
<Name conflict> filename conflicts with directory or read/only file.
<Delete error> specified file doesn't exist, is read/only, etc.
<Read error> error reading a file: access denied, etc.
<Write error> error writing a file: disk full, invalid path, etc.
<Aborted> you pressed Esc/^C/Ctrl-Break.
<Error> communication error, or ANY error on OTHER computer.
(see message on other computer for cause)
Error return (ERRORLEVEL) codes are described under "Batch Files" above.
----------------------- F. ABOUT ZIP AND ITS AUTHOR -------------------------
ZIP has been well reviewed in numerous computer newsletters; it has been
included on the HP Palmtop Paper's subscriber disk for HP95/100LX users, and
on disk with the following computer books:
"DOS 6.0 Power Tools" by John Goodman & John Socha (Bantam Books)
"DOS Stuff Microsoft Forgot" by Tim Stanley (Que Books)
"The Little Laptop Book" by Steve Cummings (Peachpit Press)
"lightning fast and simple to learn... simply dazzling...
ZIP provides the fastest file transfer between PCs using
the tiniest amount of disk space... a simple, lean, and
very effective program, not to mention the fastest of all
the programs we looked at for this review."
-- Bil. Alvernaz, Quantum PC Report, June 1992
Eric Meyer has also written the shareware VDE editor/word processor and
Meyer File/Directory (MFD) utilities, as well as a number of free utilities
for IBM PC compatibles. He holds an A.B. in physics and a Ph.D. in history
and philosophy of science, and has taught at the Universities of Indiana,
Oklahoma, and Colorado. A longtime computer enthusiast, he has programmed in
languages from APL to Z80; this DOS software is written in 8086 assembler.
Despite industry trends toward complexity and instant obsolescence, he still
believes that useful, inexpensive programs should remain available to users
of even the simplest personal computers worldwide.