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<PRINT><HEADER><Simple Mouse 2.4>
<READ><HEADER><Simply Soft's Simple Mouse 2.4 Docs>
Simply Soft's (a part of Simpsoft Inc.) Simple Mouse 2.4
Copyright 1994,1995,1996,1997 By Bruce O'Banion
A Text graphic I/O engine for Turbo C/C++
Turbo C 2.0 and Turbo C++ 1.0 copyright 1987-1990
by Borland International Inc.
MS-DOS 5.0 copyright 1991 by Microsoft Corp.
MOU105 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Dave Kirsch.
This is an unregistered version of Simple Mouse
Table of Contents
The Simply Soft Story ............................. Page 1
General Info ...................................... Page 2
Support ........................................... Page 3
Future ........................................... Page 4
Quarks and Hints .................................. Page 5
Version History ................................... Page 6
Functions ......................................... Page 7
Legal Stuff ....................................... Page 11
Registration ...................................... Page 19
<PRINT><HEADER><Simpsoft Inc.>
The Simply Soft Story
The Simpsoft Inc. product line has been three years in the
making. We were tired of of stack overflow, out of memory
errors, and that madding search for that lost open file or
hidden overstrike. So we decided to write a small static
utility library in C/C++ that would take care of all that. Three
years later, Simply Soft gave birth to Simple Windows and the
rest of the Simply Soft family.
Simply Soft is a DOS development and utility company aimed
at the shareware developer. It is economical and user friendly.
We have Five shareware and one free product at this time. All
products are under $51 ,most are under $26 if not free
(free, that's cheap), and a discount of 25 percent for all four
utilities (Simply Windows 1.8, Font Edit 1.6, VGA Edit 1.4, and
Simple Mouse 2.4). A $125 value for $100. Registration gets
phone support (24 hour answering machine), email, and Discounts
on upgrades are also offered. So check out your stuff and drop
us a line.
Bruce R. O'Banion
Pres. Simpsoft Inc.
<PRINT><HEADER><General Info>
General Info
Simple Mouse v2.4 is designed to work with the rest of The
Simpsoft Inc. family or as a stand alone C/C++ lib for mouse
control. It has a true graphics cursor that is changeable and no
interrupt handler. The cursor uses ASCII characters 0xdc - 0xdf.
Using only four characters for the cursor requires a smaller
cursor character (6x14 in VGA and 6x12 in EGA). I give you eight
of these in moucurs.fnt. Position is returned in both text graphic
X and Y and pixel. Plus with no handler abnormal termination
will not lock your machine. It is multi font ready and will work
in standard or dual font modes. Registration will get you a font
editor for the cursors.
Note: Moutut.c needs Simple Windows and Font Edit to be compiled.
These can be got at Simpsoft's Web Site (See support).
Installation is easy just unzip simpmo24.ZIP and from that
directory or disk type install at the prompt. Then follow the
instructions. Simple Mouse can be deinstalled just as easy.
Again use install.exe from the distribution disk or if zipped
unzip to a temp directory and run from there. SIMPMOUS.doc can be
read or printed with readocs.exe. It is a text file reader/printer
and will read or print a text file.
This program and utility were compiled on a 386 clone with the
286 instruction set. It requires a 286 PC or compatible DOS 4.1
or higher,MS mouse, and EGA or higher (VGA for some
functions). A 9 pin dot matrix is needed to print the docs.
Feel free to call me or leave a note of criticism or praise
about this or any other part of this utility. Any feedback will be
greatly appreciated. See Support.
I will be available for tech support at this address:
Bruce R. O'Banion
RT 1 Box 148A
Pauls Valley,OK 73075
Phone: 405-665-4042 (24hr answer machine)
405-665-4047 (24hr answer machine)
Or on the internet simplyst@telepath.com
Home page: http://www.telepath.com/simplyst/homepage.htm
The Future
Simply Soft is a new approach to some of the headaches of
shareware development and packaging. I have designed a line of
development utilities and libraries for some of the redundant and
code hungary I/O management and control. Soon I will have these
and more in other languages and as a single package. Early in 97
I will release a complete Install/deinstall and document package
that will give you ASP specs in those areas with just a few text
files you make on a simple ASCII editor. With these and a DIZ/DOZ
file editor you as the sharewarer will have all the tools and
user friendly editors to produce your own quality (ASP standards)
I plan for more music cords and styles, 4 screens modes, a
better makefile editor, more entries like float and double. I
am also working on a full screen editor as a single call. There
will be complete window management, editing, and moves. Last but
not least more ASM code for speed and size and more.
I will have better emulation (maybe 264x172 or 160x100) and
tall fonts as well as multiple sizes with emulation coming.
Graphics printing with bitmaps made from screen fonts is also
in the works.
This and other Simply Soft utilities are going to be combined
into a complete I/O management system with all graphics control
in one easy editor so your full graphics scheme (color, screens,
menus, forms, songs, and fonts) can be edited and viewed together
for complete management system.
If you have any suggestions on these products or future products
drop me a line. If you what to keep up with our development and
get full details on our products and future ones visit my homepage
(see support for address).
For other products and news see my webpage at:
<PRINT><HEADER><Quarks and Hints>
Quarks and Hints
Mouse 24:
A debugging tip with Mouse24 is shown in simptut.c. Make
mou_switch = 0 after mouse is installed and OR it equal to
zero with bioskey(1). This will make the loop stop and look
for key entry at the bioskey(0) call.
If the mouse positions in pix do not return correctly
moureset() can be used to correct this. Some interrupts
will cause this to happen.
The mouse functions are Micro Soft Mouse or compatible.
<PRINT><HEADER><Version History>
Simple Mouse History
Version 2.0:
First release be came mou92 in Simpwn93 Freeware.
Version 2.1
Added changeable cursor
distribute with Simple Windows
Version 2.2
Added True graphics cursor.
Version 2.3
Bug Fixes and added Dual font capabilities.
Version 2.4
Doc Upgrade
<PRINT><HEADER><Mouse Functions>
Mouse Functions
Mouinstalled() returns the number of buttons if the mouse driver
is present or 0 if no driver found.
This will check for mouse driver and return a the number of
buttons if found.
Moubuttonpressed() takes the number of the button that you want
to check (0 LEFTBUTTON, 1 RIGHTBUTTON, 2 MIDBUTTON) and returns
the number of times the button was pressed since last checked.
This will read the mouse docs if the LEFTBUTTON is pressed.
Mouposition() returns the mouse position in the parameters *x,
int x,y,changed;
changed = mouposition(&x,&y);
This will put the current mouse position in the ints x and y
setting changed to 1 if coordinates have change since lasted
Mouhide() hides the mouse cursor for text.
The standard mouse cursor will be hidden.
Moushow() shows the mouse cursor and needs to be
called after every a mouhide().
This will show the standard mouse cursor.
Moucursortype() selects the mouse cursor (1 to 32).
This will show second cursor character loaded by loadcurs().
Mousetposition() puts the mouse cursor and mouse at the x, y
coordinates int the parameters.
This will place the mouse at coordinates 5,5 on the screen.
Moureset() resets the mouse driver and should be used when
mouinstalled finds a driver and when exiting the program.
This will reset the mouse driver.
Mousetmaxposition() sets the mouse coordinate limits. It takes
four parameters menx, maxx, meny, maxy.
This will confine mouse movement to a window(5,5,20,20).
Moubuttonrelease() takes the number of the button to check (0
LEFTBUTTON, 1 RIGHTBUTTON, 2 MIDBUTTON) and returns the number of
times that button was released since last checked.
This will remain in the loop until the MIDBUTTON is pressed
and released.
Loadcurs() loads the graphic cursor. It takes the file name of
the mouse cursor fonts.
This will load file moucurs.fnt for use with moushow() and
Mouinit() allocates memory for mouse functions for
normal or dual font mode.
This will allocate memory for mouse.
Mouuninit() frees allocated memory.
This frees mouses allocated memory
Mousepositionpix() check the current mouse coordinates in
pixel and returns 1 if there is a change since lasted checked.
int changed,pix_x,pix_y;
changed = moupositionpix(&pix_x,&pix_y);
This will place the current pixel coordinates in pix_x and
pix_y. If the coordinates have changed since lasted checked
it will set changed to 1.
<PRINT><HEADER><Legal Stuff>
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
differ on details -- some request registration while others
require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
registration, you get anything from the simple right to
continue using the software to an updated program with printed
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial
software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a
few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are
accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the
programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are
good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the
method of distribution. The author specifically grants the
right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and
sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors
require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may
copy their Shareware.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software.
You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system
makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you
buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also.
Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't
use the product, you don't pay for it.
PLEASE! Show your support for Shareware by registering the
programs you actually use. Simpsoft Inc. depends upon and
needs your support. Thank you!
This file contains important license information regarding the
use of Simple Mouse, Version 2.4. This information applies
to individual users who wish to pass copies out to friends and
Trial Use License:
Simple Mouse is NOT a public domain program. It is Copyright
(c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by Bruce O'Banion. All rights reserved.
This software and accompanying documentation are protected by
United States Copyright law and also by International Treaty
provisions. Any use of this software in violation of
Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be
prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions under
which you may copy this software and documentation are clearly
outlined below under "Distribution Restrictions".
Bruce O'Banion hereby grants you a limited license to use this
software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed
Thirty (30) days. If you intend to continue using this
software (and/or it's documentation) after the Thirty (30) day
evaluation period, you MUST make a registration payment to
Bruce R. O'Banion.
- Simple Mouse, Version 2.4 - LICENSE.DOC -
Using this software after the thirty (30) day evaluation
period without registering the software is a violation of the
terms of this limited license.
Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Simply
Limited Distribution License:
As the copyright holder for Simple Mouse, Bruce R. O'Banion
authorizes distribution by individuals only in accordance with
the following restrictions.
Individuals are hereby granted permission by Bruce R. O'Banion
to copy the Simple Mouse diskette for their own use (for
evaluation purposes) or for other individuals to evaluate,
ONLY when the following conditions are met.
The Simple Mouse package is defined as containing all the
material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files
listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.
o The Simple Mouse package - including all related program
files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any
way and must be distributed as a complete package, without
exception. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of
all files that are part of the Simple Mouse package.
o No price or other compensation may be charged for the
Simple Mouse package. A distribution cost may be
charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and
handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed
US$15.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$20.00
o The Simple Mouse package CANNOT be sold as part of some
other inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any
commercial software packaging offer, without a written
agreement from Bruce R. O'Banion.
o The User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or
in part, using any means, without the written permission
of Bruce R. O'Banion. In other words, the disk-based
documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy)
o The Simple Mouse package cannot be "rented" or "leased"
to others.
o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Bruce R.
Distribution Requirements VENDORS
Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add the Simple
Windows package to their disk library may do so in accordance
with the Distribution Restrictions listed below.
Limited Distribution License:
As the exclusive copyright holder for Simple Mouse, Bruce R.
O'Banion authorizes distribution only in accordance with the
following restrictions.
ASP Approved Vendors in good standing are hereby given
permission to distribute Simple Mouse package. Non-ASP
member vendors are requested to ask permission prior to
distributing this package.
The Simple Mouse package is defined as containing all the
material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files
listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.
The Simple Mouse package - including all related program
files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way
and must be distributed as a complete package, without
exception. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of all
files that are part of the Simple Mouse package.
Small additions to the package, such as the introductory used
by many shareware disk vendors, are acceptable.
No price or other compensation may be charged for the Simple
Windows package. A distribution fee may be charged for the
cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the
total (per disk) does not exceed US$15.00 in the U.S. and
Canada, or US$20.00 internationally.
Disk Sets & CD-ROMs:
The Simple Mouse package CANNOT be sold as part of some other
inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial
software packaging offer, without a written agreement from
Bruce R. O'Banion.
ASP Approved Vendors who wish to distribute the Simple Mouse
package as part of a collection (such as PsL's MegaDisk set,
or a CD-ROM package) may do so provided that all the other
restrictions are met.
Vendors (non-ASP Vendor Members) who wish to distribute the
Simple Mouse package as part of a collection (such as PsL's
MegaDisk set, or a CD-ROM package) are ask to obtain
permission from Bruce R. O'Banion prior to beginning such a
If you wish to add any of our programs to a CD-ROM or other
collection, please check the release date of the version you
have. If the version is over twelve (12) months old then
please contact us to ensure that you have the most current
version. This version was released in July,1998.
Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution:
If you would like to distribute the Simple Mouse package as
a Disk-of-the-Month, or as part of a subscription or monthly
service, then the following restrictions apply:
ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Members in good standing are
hereby given permission to distribute the Simple Mouse package
under the Disk-of-the-Month style of distribution.
Others (non-ASP Members) are asked to contact us in advance to
ensure that you have the most current version of the software.
You cannot use a Disk-of-the-Month distribution to use up your
inventory of old (out of date) disks. Only current versions
may be shipped as Disk-of-the-Month disks.
The User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
using any means, without the written permission of Bruce R.
O'Banion. In other words, the disk-based documentation may
not be distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy) form.
The Simple Mouse package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to
You may not list any of our products in advertisements,
catalogs, or other literature which describes our products as
"FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software,
it is not free.
Bruce R. O'Banion prohibits the distribution of outdated
versions of the Simple Mouse package, without written
permission from Bruce R. O'Banion. If the version you have is
over twelve (12) months old, please contact us to ensure that
you have the most current version. This version was released
in July, 1998.
Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Bruce R.
Distribution Requirements: SYSOPS
Limited Distribution License:
As the exclusive copyright holder for Simple Mouse, Bruce R.
O'Banion authorizes on-line distribution only in accordance
with the following restrictions.
The Simple Mouse package is defined as containing all the
material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files
listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file
itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and
distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a
complete package suitable for distribution.
o The Simple Mouse package - including all related program
files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any
way (other than that mentioned in the following paragraph)
and must be distributed as a complete package, without
exception. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of
all files that are part of the Simple Mouse package.
o Many BBSs customarily add a small text file
(advertisement) to each archived file. This text file
describes the BBS and tells people that the file was
downloaded from that particular BBS. Other BBSs add a
small one-line message with their BBS name and phone
number into the compressed file, which will display when
the file is uncompressed. Either of these methods of
mentioning your BBS are acceptable and may be used,
provided the program and documentation is otherwise
unmodified and complete.
o Bruce R. O'Banion prohibits the distribution of outdated
versions of the Simple Mouse package, without written
permission from Bruce R. O'Banion. If the version you
have obtained is over twelve (12) months old, please
contact us to ensure that you have the most current
o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify,
decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or
transfer the licensed program except as provided in this
agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Bruce R.
Simple Mouse, Version 2.4
The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided AS IS.
Bruce R. O'Banion warrants the physical diskette(s) and
physical documentation provided with registered versions to be
free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
ninety days from the date of registration. If Bruce R.
O'Banion receives notification within the warranty period of
defects in materials or workmanship, and such notification is
determined by Simpsoft Inc. to be correct, Bruce R. O'Banion
will replace the defective diskette(s) or documentation.
The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of
this Limited Warranty shall be limited to replacement of
defective diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include or
extend to any claim for or right to recover any other damages,
including but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of
the software or special, incidental, or consequential damages
or other similar claims, even if Bruce R. O'Banion has been
specifically advised of the possibility of such damages. In no
event will Bruce R. O'Banion's liability for any damages to you
or any other person ever exceed the lower of suggested list
price or actual price paid for the license to use the software,
regardless of any form of the claim.
Register's Limited Licensing Agreement
You may use this software on any computer, as long as only
one person uses it at a time. If several people use the software
at the same time, you must pay one license fee for each
additional person. If you use the software on a computer
network, you must pay for as many licenses as the number of
people who use the software.
This software is protected by international copyright laws.
You may copy it only for backup purposes. Simpsoft Inc. is
licensing the software to you and not selling it.
Neither you or any reseller may rent, lease,sell licensed
copies on approval,or otherwise transfer the right to use this
software to another person, except that you may sell or give
away your original copy, as long as you do not keep any copies.
You are free to resell, license, and or give away any
executebles you make with the libaraies or any files you make
with the editors. Certain executebles specificly for use in
system or child calls that are include in the software package
my also be include with your programs for resale, licensing,
and or give away.
"This program is produced by a member of the Association
of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP
member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able
to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 157-F Love Ave., Greenwood, IN 46142
USA, FAX 317-888-2195, or send email to omb@asp-shareware.org
NOTE: simpmo24.zip is packaged on this disk using
Info-ZIP's compression utility. The installation program
uses UnZip to read zip files from the disk. Info-ZIP's
software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and
can be obtained as source code or executables from
various bulletin board services and anonymous-ftp sites,
including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and ftp.uu.net:/pub/
U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software
and documentation in this package shall be subject to the
restricted rights applicable to commercial computer
software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The
Contractor/manufacturer is Simpsoft Inc. part of Simpsoft Inc.
RT 1 Box 148A Pauls Valley,OK 73075
Please Help Us Serve You Better
We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
Simple Mouse. Please send us a copy of any reviews,
articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print
or distribute regarding the Simple Mouse package. Thank you
for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware
marketing concept.
Please refer to SIMPMOUS.DOC for our mailing address and phone
Thank you for your support!
TURBO C++ 1.0 copyright 1990 Borland International
TURBO C 2.0 copyright 1987,1988 Borland International
MS_DOS 5.0 copyright 1987-1991 Microsoft Corp.
INFO-ZIP Copyright (C) 1990-1996 Mark Adler,
Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly, Onno van der Linden,
Kai Uwe Rommel, Igor Mandrichenko, John Bush and Paul Kienitz.
Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use,
copy, or redistribute this software so long as all of the
original files are included, that it is not sold for profit,
and that this copyright notice is retained.
Thanks to Dave Kirsch for the map access code from
MOU105 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Dave Kirsch.
Registration Simple Mouse 2.4
Registration gets you phone support for one year, extra executes
and your registration fee goes toward future upgrades. Print the
following form and send it to:
Bruce R. O'Banion
RT 1 Box 148A
Pauls Valley,OK 73075
Or call me at : 405-665-4042 or 405-665-4047
Also be sure to include a check or money order. NO CASH PLEASE!
I will fill the order as soon as the check clears. Make checks
payable to name and address above.
Name: _________________________________________________
Phone : ____________________________
Type of machine: ____________________ (only IBM/PC DOS
Type of disk 3 1/2 hi and compatible
(circle one) 5 1/4 hi
5 1/4 low
Product Quant. Each Total
Font Edit v1.6 .............. _____ $25 ________
Simple Windows v1.8 ......... _____ $50 ________
VGA Edit v1.4 ............... _____ $25 ________
Simple Pack v1.2 ............ _____ $25 ________
Simple Mouse v2.4 ........... _____ $25 ________
Full Pack v1.1 .............. _____ $100 ________
Subtotal _____ ________
$3.00 (s/h) per disk (max $50.00) ________
Total amount enclosed: ________
Sign here _________________________
Don't forget to circle A disk type!