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/* */
/* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
/* */
/* Book: ACM Graphics Amiga C Club */
/* Chapter: Copper Tulevagen 22 */
/* File: CopperDraw.doc 181 41 LIDINGO */
/* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
/* Date: 92-05-01 */
/* Version: 1.00 */
/* */
/* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* */
/* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
/* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
/* */
Copper Draw is an extremely useful utility when you want to
create Copper lists. You have at all time full control over
what you are doing and you will immediately see how your
copper list changes as you modify it.
Copper Draw was written to be as easy as possible to use, and
is fully amigaized. It can create copper lists for all colour
registers, and when you quit the program will automatically
save the copper list in C code that can be included with your
CopperDraw is using linked lists and can therefore handle as
many copper instructions as you want. All memory and other
resources are (of course) returned when the program terminates,
and the program follows all "rules".
This program is a part of the "Amiga C Encyclopedia", the
largest C collection of information, programs, examples, and
utilities for the Amiga. I have spent more than four years on
writing and improving these manuals, and with your help I can
continue to make then even better. Please register!
CopperDraw can either be run from the CLI or Workbench. If
it is started from CLI you can specify the name of the file
where the source code for the copper instructions will be
saved. You can also give the copper pointer a name, set the
screen height (values between 95 and 256 are accepted) and
the number of bitplanes that should be used (1 bitplane = 2
colours, 2 bitplanes = 4 colours and so on, up to 5
bitplanes = 32 colours).
If CopperDraw is started from Workbench or you have given
the program illegal parameters, the default values will be
used. The default file name is "RAM:Copper.c", pointer name
is "copper", screen height is set to 200, and five bitplanes
are used (32 colours).
To start from CLI you write:
CopperDraw <output> <copper name> <number of bitplanes> <screen height>
To start CopperDraw with 8 colours (3 bitplanes), 256 pixels
tall display and use the file name "MyFirstCopperList.c", you
would write:
To start CopperDraw from Workbench simply double click on
the CopperDraw icon. The default values will be used.
When you start CopperDraw the whole screen will be filled with
one large screen. On top of the screen one window is opened.
The window should look something like this:
| Red, Green and Blue sliders
| |
| v | | |
| +--|-----------+ +-+ |
| R |# | | |0| COLOUR <----- Current edit mode
| +--|-----------+ +-+ +------+ +--+ |
| G |# v | |0| |SPREAD| |EX| |
| +--------------+ +-+ +----+-+-+--+<-- Gadgets
| B |# | |0| |COPY| |UNDO| |
| +--------------+ +-+ +----+ +----+ |
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +---+ +------+ |
| | | | | | | | | | |ADD| |DELETE|<-- Special Copper
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +---+ +------+ | gadgets
| ^ |
Colour registers
As you notice it looks rather similar to normal "Colour
Requesters", but this one is much more powerful and fun to
One of the advantages with CopperDraw is that you can both
create copper lists and edit the colours as normal. To use
it as a normal colour requester does not differ much from
other colour requesters. If you look at the window just above
the gadgets you will see the text "COLOUR". As long as this
text is there the program will work as any other colour
If you start to edit the copper list the text will be changed,
and you will see the word "COPPER". When you are editing the
copper list the requester will work differently as will be
described in the next section.
When you start CopperDraw you can set the number of colour
registers that should be used. The available colour registers
will be listed below the colour sliders. Each colour register
is represented with filled box. The more bitplanes you are
using the more available colour registers:
Bitplanes Colour Registers
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
To select one of the colour registers simply move the mouse
pointer to one of the boxes and press the left mouse button.
The colour will be selected (a small box is drawn around it),
and the colour sliders are automatically adjusted.
Once you have selected a colour register you can start to
alter its colour. By moving the buttons inside the colour
sliders the colour is automatically changed. The further to
the right the buttons are moved the brighter colour. The first
slider adjusts the red intensity, the second slider the green
intensity and the third slider the blue intensity.
To copy the current colour to another register click on the
"Copy" gadget. The mouse pointer should now contain the text
"to". Now move the pointer to the colour register you want to
copy the colour to, and click once on the left button. The
colour is copied, and this colour register will be selected.
To exchange the colours from one colour register with another
colour register click on the "Ex" gadget. Move the mouse
pointer to the colour register you want to change colour with,
and press the left mouse button. The colours are exchanged,
and this colour register will be selected.
3.1.5 SPREAD
One nice feature is that you can spread a colour from one
colour register to another colour register. The colour
registers between will be changed so the colour is smoothly
altered from the first colour register to the second colour
register. This is very useful when you want to create shadows
3.1.6 UNDO
We are all humans (well, most of us at least) and we do make
mistakes. Luckily you do not have to worry about this since
you can always press the "Undo" gadget, and the colours will be
restored to the values they had before the last operation.
Now the magic begins! There exist a special coprocessor inside
Amiga computers that is called "Copper". The great thing with
this processor is that it can alter the colour values of the
colour registers as the display is drawn. One colour register
can therefore display several colours.
What you have to do is to tell the Copper where on the display
the colour value should be changed, and to what colour. In C
you would use the CWAIT() and CMOVE() macros. Since the Copper
is a coprocessor it will not slow down the main processor. You
can use hundreds of different colours but still only use very
few colour registers.
Normally is only the background colour (colour register 0)
altered by the copper, but you can of course alter any colour
registers you want. CopperDraw can alter all colour registers.
If you want that the Copper should alter a colour, you have to
add a copper instruction. To add an instruction press the "Add"
gadget. The mouse pointer will change image, and the text
"COLOUR" will be replaced with the text "COPPER".
Move the mouse pointer outside the window to the (vertical)
location where the colour should be changed, and press the left
mouse button. A special pointer in the left margin will appear
telling you where the instruction was placed. If you now start
to move the buttons inside the colour sliders you will notice
that you are changing the colour below the line you place the
copper instruction.
You can place as many copper instructions as you want!
If you want to change a copper colour you have previously set,
you simply move the mouse pointer to the line you want to
change and press the left mouse button. You will notice that
the left pointer is moved to the new location, and the colour
sliders are automatically adjusted appropriately. You can now
alter the colour.
You do actually not need to point exactly on the line to select
a copper colour. CopperDraw will select the first copper colour
which is above the mouse pointer. To select a colour you simply
point on the correct line or any line below it until the next
copper colour.
You can always look at the small copper cursor in the left
margin to see which copper colour (line/instruction) is
currently selected. If you can not see the copper cursor, no
line is selected.
To delete a copper colour you press the "Delete" gadget and
move the mouse pointer to the copper colour (line/instruction)
you want to delete. Press the left mouse button to remove the
it. (The first copper instruction/colour just above the mouse
pointer will be removed.)
If one of the copper colours is selected you can copy it to
another (previously set) copper colour. Press on the "Copy"
gadget and move the mouse pointer to the copper colour you
want the current colour to be copied to, and press the left
mouse button. The colour will be copied, and the destination
copper colour will be selected.
Note that the text "COPPER" must be on. If it says "COLOUR"
you have not selected a copper instructions, which you must
do first.
To exchange one copper colour with another you press on the
"Ex" gadget, move the mouse pointer to the destination copper
colour, and click on the left mouse button. The copper colours
will be exchanged, and the destination colour will be selected.
3.2.6 SPREAD
This is probably the most useful feature with CopperDraw.
Select a copper instruction, press the "Spread" gadget, and
finally select a destination copper colour. CopperDraw will now
automatically generate as many new copper instructions as
necessary to make a smooth transition between the two colours.
With this function you can within seconds create smooth
coloured skies and spectacular colour compositions!
Let me demonstrate this with an example. Add a copper colour at
the bottom of the screen. Change the colour to black. Add
another copper colour somewhere on the middle of the screen.
Change it to bright red. Click on the "Spread" gadget and move
the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen, and press the
left mouse button. CopperDraw will immediately create 14 new
copper instructions and set the colours so you get a smooth
transition from the red colour to the black!
Although the background colour (colour register 0) is often
only used, you can alter any of the colour registers. If you
want to alter the colours of another colour register you simply
move the mouse to one of the coloured boxes and click on the
left mouse button. CopperDraw will now automatically fill the
whole display (except the border were only the background
colour can be used) with the selected colour.
If you now add copper instructions you will affect the colours
of the selected colour register. You can use up to 32 different
colour registers (5 bitplanes), and each colour register can
have its own copper colours!
It can sometimes be necessary to see all colour registers at
the same time. If you press key "F9", CopperDraw will fill the
screen with a rectangle for each colour register. You can now
as before add and alter the copper colours.
Note that you will only alter the selected colour register,
and if you want to alter another colour register you have to
select it first. The copper cursor which previously always was
located on the left margin will now move horizontally to the
current colour register and vertically to the current copper
To remove the rectangles and use the current colour register
as before, press "F10".
If you want to see the while display without being disturbed by
the window you can press on the "delete" key ("Del" is placed
on the left side of the "Help" key). The window will immediately
disappear. If you press on any key the window will become
visible again.
3.5 QUIT
Once you have created your copper list you should quit. Press
on the close window gadget (top left corder of the window), and
the program will save the current copper list in C code, and
then terminates. The copper file can then easily be included
in your own programs, and you will then almost directly have a
Mega Demo! (Well at least a nice copper list.)
Once you have created a nice copper list you quit and the list
will automatically be converted to C code and saved. This code
can then easily be included in your own programs.
A short copper list for a two coloured screen with only four
copper colours would look something like this:
/* */
/* Copper List made by CopperDraw V1.0 */
/* Amiga C Encyclopedia, Anders Bjerin */
/* */
/* The copper list: */
CINIT( copper, 1 );
CWAIT( copper, 62, 0 );
CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x0F00 );
CWAIT( copper, 134, 0 );
CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x00F0 );
CMOVE( copper, custom.color[1], 0x000F );
CWAIT( copper, 182, 0 );
CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x0FF0 );
CEND( copper );
/* The Colour Table: */
UWORD my_color_table[]=
0x666, /* Colour 0 */
0xFFF /* Colour 1 */
As you can see will CopperDraw both create a copper list and
a colour table. Note that line 134 there exist two copper
colours. Both colour register 0 and 1 are altered, but since
they are on the same line only one CWAIT() call is done.
To use a copper list you only have to follow these steps:
1. Declare a Custom structure called "custom". This
structure will automatically be initialized by the Amiga.
Note that on most compilers it has to be declared
together with a "far" statement. (The Custom structure
is usually placed far away from you code, and to reach
it you have to use "far" pointers.
extern struct Custom far custom;
2. Declare a pointer to a copper list structure. It should
have the same name as the "copper name" argument you used
when you started CopperDraw. The default name is "copper",
and should be used if you did not give it some other name.
struct UCopList *copper;
3. Allocate some chip memory for a UCopList structure. If it
is not chip memory the Copper can not reach it, and your
copper list will not work. The memory should also be made
"public" so other parts of the Amiga may use it.
This structure will later be connected to a ViewPort, and
the ViewPort will automatically deallocated the UCopList
structure when you close the ViewPort. We should therefore
not deallocate it ourself as might be expected.
Remember to always check if you received the memory!
copper = (struct UCopList *)
AllocMem( sizeof(struct UCopList),
if( !copper )
clean_up( "Not enough memory!" );
4. You should now open your own screen or create your own
display. See chapter "LowLevelGraphics" for more
information about displays.
5. After the display has been prepared you execute the copper
list. Remember that you must always start with a CINIT()
call, and finish off with a CEND() call.
CINIT( copper, 1 );
CWAIT( copper, 62, 0 );
CMOVE( copper, custom.color[0], 0x0F00 );
/* ... */
CEND( copper );
6. You should now link the UCopList memory to the ViewPort.
If you have created your own display you already have
a ViewPort structure. If on the other hand is using a
screen under Intuition, you can find the ViewPort
structure in the "ViewPort" field of the Screen structure.
my_view_port = &(my_screen->ViewPort);
Once you have the address to the view port you give the
UCopIns field of it the address to your own copper list.
("my_view_port" is a ViewPort structure.)
my_view_port.UCopIns = copper;
7. You can now tell the Amiga to generate its own copper
list with help of yours. You do it by calling the
MakeVPort() function. This ViewPort's copper list
should then be merged together with the others ViewPort's
copper list by calling the MrgCop() function. Finally you
call the LoadView() function to let the user see your
new display and copper list. ("my_view" is a View
MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
MrgCop( &my_view );
LoadView( &my_view );
If you have opened a Screen under Intuition you should
not use low level functions like MrgCop(). Instead you
should call the RethinkDisplay() function which will
automatically create the display for you.
8. If you have created the display yourself you should call
the FreeVPortCopLists() and FreeCprList() functions when
you want to close the display. They will automatically
remove and deallocate all copper lists for you.
FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port );
FreeCprList( my_view.LOFCprList );
If you have opened a screen under Intuition this will be
done automatically when you close the screen.
See the examples in the "Copper" chapter.
The code generated by CopperDraw can easily be included in
your own C programs, but can also easily be included in your
own Basic, Assembler or Pascal programs too. You may have to
rename some of the macros, but it should not be difficult.
Please note that I am a C programmer and can hardly add 1 + 1
in Assembler, and is not familiar with Basic nor Pascal on the
Amiga. I can therefore not help you with any questions you
might have about how to create copper lists. Try to find some
friends or a user group that can help you.
To all Amiga Programmers, have FUN!!!
NOTE! This is a non registered version, and no copper list file
will therefore be created! To get the complete version simply
register your copy.
The registration fee is only £30, $60, SEK 300, or similar
amount in your own currency (price includes everything). The
Amiga C Encyclopedia is the largest collection of documents,
examples and utilities in C for the Amiga and it is still among
the cheapest manuals. But this is not all, a registered owner
will also get:
1. Two disks containing the last parts of the encyclopedia.
The disks will be sent by first class air mail.
2. Registration card for the Amiga C Club (ACC).
3. Immediate information about updates.
4. Updated versions of the encyclopedia for only the cost of
disks plus postage and packing.
5. Assistance with digitizing colour pictures and sampling
sound effects.
6. Unlimited help with your C programs. You never have to be
alone with your problems.
7. The right to use parts of the manual in your own
commercial/non-commercial programs/articles.
Can any other manual give you all this???
The simplest way of paying is to include the money in a letter
in cash. US dollar bills, English pounds or Swedish SEK are
preferred, but all currencies are accepted. You can also send
the money as a "Postal Money Order", ask your local bank or
post office. Please do not use cheques. It is sadly extremely
expensive to cash a foreign cheque here in Sweden.
If you live in Scandinavia you can send the money to "Svenska
Post Girot, postgiro konto: 641 88 30 - 3, betalnings-
mottagare: Datra".
Please send the registration fee together with your complete
address to:
Datra, Amiga C Club
Anders Bjeri
Tulevagen 22
181 41 LIDINGO
I have worked for more than four years now with this
encyclopedia, and with your help I can continue to improve it.
Happy programming!!!