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In this chapter will we look at Amiga's low level graphics
routines. As you saw in chapter 3 (GRAPHICS) the Amiga offers
two different levels of graphics support. You can either use
the high level graphics routines that use structures in order
to give your program flexibility, or you can use the low level
graphics routines that give your program total control over
the graphics system. We will in this chapter look at the low
level graphics routines.
The low level graphics routines can be divided into two
sections. The first section is about creating a display. We
here describe how to chose the screen resolution, how many
colours, interlaced or non interlaced, the size of the viewports
etc. In the second section is about all different types of
drawing tools the Amiga offers. We will here describe how to
draw a single dot, lines, polygons, how to change colours, how
to use patterns and masks, and look at different types of
filling routines etc.
We will now take a look at how to create a display. However,
before we start with that it is best to give some general
information about computers and graphics.
We will here describe how a picture is generated on a display.
We will also look at some special display modes such as
"Interlaced", high respectively low resolution etc. Finally we
will discuss what a pixel is and what Bitplanes are used for. HOW A MONITOR/TV WORK
The video picture that is displayed on a monitor/TV is actually
"painted" by a small video beam. The video beam starts at the
top left corner of the screen. While it is moved to the right
the intensity of the beam is varied so lighter and darker spots
are drawn. Once the beam has reached the right side of the
screen, it is moved back to the left side and positioned a bit
further down. It is then moved once again to the right side, and
so on.
On an American display (NTSC) the beam is moved from the left to
the right 262 times (On an European PAL display 312 times). The
beam has now reached the bottom of the screen and is moved back
to the top left corner where the process is repeated. The
screen is painted like this 60 times a second on a NTSC monitor,
and 50 times a second on a PAL monitor.
The video picture on an American (NTSC) monitor:
1 ->---->----> |
2 ->---->----> |
3 ->---->----> |
| and so on... |
261 ->---->----> |
262 ->---->----> V
As you can see you can have a display that is up to 262 (312)
lines tall, but normally you do not use the very first and last
lines since they can be hard to see. You are recommended to use
a display of maximum 200 (256 PAL) lines. However, if you want
to use special video effects, or make the screen to cover the
whole display, all 262 (312) lines can be used. This special
effect is normally referred as "Overscan". INTERLACED
A full sized normal American (NTSC) display is 200 lines tall
(PAL 256 lines). However, the Amiga has a unique feature that
can double the amount of lines on the same display to 400
(PAL 512). This special mode is called Interlace.
The first time the video beam is moved over the screen, all odd
lines are drawn (1, 3, 5, 7 ... 397, 399), and the second time
all even lines are drawn (2, 4, 6, 8 .. 398, 400). This special
mode can cause the screen to "flicker" especially if the contrast
is high. This is because all odd lines are drawn 30 (PAL 25)
times a second, and all even lines 30 (25) times a second. If
you have a high phosphor screen you will not have any problems,
but on cheap normal monitors the flickering can be very annoying.
First time Second time
1 -------------
------------- 2
3 -------------
------------- 4
5 -------------
------------- 6
7 -------------
------------- 8
There exist two different types of horizontal resolution. Low
resolution gives 320 pixels across each line, and high
resolution doubles it to 640 pixels.
There is an important difference between these two display
modes. In low resolution you can have up to 32 colours or
even use HAM or Extra Half Bright (explained later), but in
high resolution you may only use 16 colours or less.
You may even here use the special display mode "Overscan".
The display may then be up to 352 pixels wide in low resolution,
and 704 pixels in high resolution. PIXELS
The display is built up of small dots called "Pixels". As
described above there may be either 320 or 640 pixels across
each line, and 200 or 400 lines (PAL 256 or 512 lines).
When you create a display you allocate rectangular memory areas
that are called "Bitplanes". Each bit in that memory area
represent one pixel.
A high resolution non interlaced American display, 640 * 200
pixels will need 16,000 bytes of memory for one bitplane.
To create a very small screen (8 * 9 pixels) that will display
an "A" the bitplane could look something like this:
Line Bitplane 1
1 00000000
2 00111100
3 01000010
4 01000010
5 01111110
6 01000010
7 01000010
8 01000010
9 00000000 COLOURS
If you want to use several colours on the screen you need to
use several bitplanes. All bits on the same location in each
bitplane will then represent one pixel. With two bitplanes you
can have four different combinations for every pixel. Three
bitplanes gives eight combinations. Four bitplanes sixteen
combinations, and finally five bitplanes thirty two
Here is an example. We have reserved memory for two bitplanes
that will build up a very small display of 10 pixels each line,
and four lines.
Line Bitplane 1 Bitplane 2 Display (Colour)
1 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
2 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111
3 0000000000 1111111111 2222222222
4 1111111111 1111111111 3333333333
The first line is made up of ten pixels in colour 0 (00[b]=0[d])
The second line is made up of ten pixels in colour 1 (01[b]=1[d])
The third line is made up of ten pixels in colour 2 (10[b]=2[d])
The fourth line is made up of ten pixels in colour 3 (11[b]=3[d])
The more bitplanes you have the more colours you can display.
However, since you need more bitplanes you would need to
allocate more memory.
Bitplanes Colours
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
The are which you may draw on is called Raster. It consists of
several BitMaps on top of each other. The more Bitmaps the more
colours may be used at the same time. The Raster may be up to
1024 pixels wide (RWidth), and 1024 pixels high (RHeight).
The part of the Raster that will be displayed is called
ViewPort. A structure called RasInfo contains the RxOffset
and RyOffset values which determines what part of the Raster
should be displayed in the ViewPort. The ViewPort is DWide
pixels wide, and DHeight pixels high. (Simple, isn't it?)
<- RxOffset ->
--------------------------- A
| D ViewPort | | RyOffset
| H ------------ | V
H | i |XXXXXXXXXX|-+-- Display this part
e | g |XXXXXXXXXX| |
i | h ------------ |
g | t DWidth |
h | |
t | |
| |
| |
The video display has an are in which you may put one or
more ViewPorts. That area is called View, and the DxOffset
and DyOffset values in the View structure determines where
on the video display the View should be positioned.
You can set the DxOffset and DyOffset to negative values. The
View will then be more to the left and higher up than normal.
The top left part of the drawing can be hard to see and this
mode is therefore not recommended for business programs.
However, if you write games or video programs this special
display mode can be very useful.
<--> DxOffset
------------------------ A
| VIDEO DISPLAY | | DyOffset
| ------------------ | V
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | VIEW | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ------------------ |
| |
------------------------ VIEWPORT
The View may, as said above, contain one or more ViewPorts. The
DxOffset and DyOffset values in the ViewPort structure
determines where on the View the ViewPort should be positioned.
<--> DxOffset
------------------ A
| VIEW | | DyOffset
| ------------ | V
| | | |
| | VIEWPORT | |
| | | |
| ------------ |
| |
There are some important restriction on how you may place the
ViewPorts. The ViewPorts must be placed under each other, with
at least one or more lines apart. While the video beam has
drawn the last line of one ViewPort, the Amiga needs some time
to adjust to the new resolution etc in the next ViewPort. While
the Amiga is working with the next screen, the video beam will
have travelled down at least one line (maybe more).
The View (The Display)
| Background colour |
| -------------- |
| | ViewPort 1 | |
| | | |
| -------------- | ==> At least one line must
| -------------- | separate the ViewPorts.
| | ViewPort 2 | |
| -------------- |
The are around the ViewPorts are filled with the ViewPort's
background colour.
Here are three examples:
Correct! The ViewPorts do
not overlap each other,
and there is some space
between them:
| -------------------- |
| | | |
| -------------------- |
| ------------- |
| | | |
| ------------- |
| -------------------- |
| | | |
| -------------------- |
Incorrect! The ViewPorts Incorrect! There must be
must be placed under each some space between ViewPorts.
other, not beside each (At least one line, maybe
other. more.)
------------------------ ------------------------
| --------- --------- | | -------------------- |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | -------------------- |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| --------- --------- | | -------------------- |
------------------------ ------------------------ BITMAP
The area on which you may draw on is, as said above, called
Raster. The Raster itself is built up of one or more BitMaps.
A BitMap is a rectangular memory area. Each bit in that area
represent one small dot (pixel). You may use several BitMaps
which means that each dot is built up of several bits (one bit
for every BitMap), and the binary value of these bits
determines what colour should be used.
BitMap 0 BitMap 1 BitMap 2 Colour
0000011111 0000000000 0000000000 | 0000011111
0000011111 1111111111 0000000000 | 2222233333
0000011111 0000000000 1111111111 | 4444455555
0000011111 1111100000 1111111111 | 6666677777
| Binary Decimal | Binary Decimal |
| 00000 0 | 10000 16 |
| 00001 1 | 10001 17 |
| 00010 2 | 10010 18 |
| 00011 3 | 10011 19 |
| | |
| 00100 4 | 10100 20 |
| 00101 5 | 10101 21 |
| 00110 6 | 10110 22 |
| 00111 7 | 10111 23 |
| | |
| 01000 8 | 11000 24 |
| 01001 9 | 11001 25 |
| 01010 10 | 11010 26 |
| 01011 11 | 11011 27 |
| | |
| 01000 12 | 11000 28 |
| 01101 13 | 11101 29 |
| 01110 14 | 11110 30 |
| 01111 15 | 11111 31 |
The more BitMaps the more colours can be used. The Amiga allows
you to have up to six bitplanes with some restrictions:
BitMaps Colours Limitations
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16 Single playfield
5 32 - " - low resolution
6 64 - " - - " - Half bright
6 4096 -"- - " - HAM
When you create a display you first have to declare and
initialize some important structures. These structures are:
1. View structure
2. ViewPort structure
3. ColourMap structure
4. BitMap structure
5. RasInfo structure
Once these structures are initialized you call three functions
[MakeVPort(), MrgCop() and LoadView() ] and your new display is
on. VIEW
A View can consist of one or more ViewPorts. You can also have
several Views at the same time in the Amiga's memory, but only
one View can be showed at one time. The advantage of several
Views is that you can show the user one picture (one View)
while the other picture is drawn (in the other View.)
The View itself has some important variables that determines
the position of the View, if the view should be interlaced or
not, and pointers to the first ViewPort etc. VIEW STRUCTURE
The View structure look like this: [Defined in file:
struct View
struct ViewPort *ViewPort;
struct cprlist *LOFCprList;
struct cprlist *SHFCprList;
short DyOffset, DxOffset;
UWORD Modes;
ViewPort: Pointer to the first ViewPort in the display.
LOFCprList: Pointer to a cprlist structure that is used
by the Copper (explained later).
SHFCprList: Pointer to a cprlist structure that is used
by the Copper if the structure is interlaced.
(If the display is interlaced, both LOFCprList
and SHFCprList is used.)
DyOffset: Y position of the whole display.
DxOffset: X position of the whole display.
Modes: If the display should be interlaced set the flag
LACE. If the display should be merged together
with a external video signal with help of a Genlock
After you have declared a View structure you have to prepare
it. To do it you call the InitView() function with a pointer
to the View structure as the only parameter:
struct View my_view; /* Declare the View structure. */
InitView( &my_view ); /* Prepare it. */
If you want to position you View somewhere on the display you
need to set the DxOffset and DyOffset accordingly. For example:
my_view.DxOffset = 20; /* 20 pixels out. */
my_view.DyOffset = 50; /* 50 lines down. */
If you want to use an interlaced display you should also set
the "LACE" flag. For example: my_view.Modes = LACE; VIEWPORTS
As said above, each View can consists of one or more ViewPorts.
Each ViewPort can have its own resolution, number of colours and
The ViewPort structure look like this: [Defined in file:
struct ViewPort
struct ViewPort *Next;
struct ColorMap *ColorMap;
struct CopList *DspIns;
struct CopList *SprIns;
struct CopList *ClrIns;
struct UCopList *UCopIns;
SHORT DWidth, DHeight;
SHORT DxOffset, DyOffset;
UWORD Modes;
UBYTE SpritePriorities;
UBYTE reserved;
struct RasInfo *RasInfo;
Next: Pointer to the next ViewPort in the View if
there exist more, else NULL.
ColorMap: Pointer to a ColorMap structure used for this
ViewPort. (See below for more information
about the ColorMap structure.
DspIns: Used by the Copper.
SprIns: Special colour instructions for sprites.
ClrIns: Special colour instructions for sprites.
UCopIns: Used by the Copper.
DWidth: Horizontal size of the ViewPort.
DHeight: Vertical size of the ViewPort.
DxOffset: X position of the ViewPort inside the View.
DyOffset: Y position of the ViewPort inside the View.
Modes: This ViewPort's display mode. Following flags
can be used:
HIRES: Set this flag if you want
to use a high resolution
ViewPort, else low resolution
will be used.
LACE: Set this flag if you want
the ViewPort to be
interlaced, else it will
be non interlaced.
SPRITES: Set this flag if you will
use sprites in this ViewPort.
HAM: Set this flag if you want to
use the special display mode
"Hold And Modify". The
display must be in low
resolution, and use six
bitplanes. Allows all 4096
colours to be displayed at
the same time.
EXTRA_HALFBRITE: Set this flag if you want to
use the special display mode
"Extra Half Bright". The
display must be in low
resolution, and use six
bitplanes. Allows you to use
64 colours.
DUALPF: Set this flag if you want to
use dual playfields.
PFBA: Set this flag if you want
that playfield 1 should be
behind playfield 2. If this
flag is not set, the
priorities will be reversed.
GENLOCK_VIDEO: Set this flag if the display
should be mixed together with
a video signal with help of a
Note! You can combine several of these modes
if you like. Just remember to put a "|" between
each flag. For example: To create a high
resolution interlaced ViewPort you set the
mode to "HIRES|LACE".
SpritePriorities: The priority of this ViewPort's sprites.
reserved: Which sprites are reserved, and can not be
used. (See chapter SPRITES and VSPRITES for
more information.)
RasInfo: Pointer to a RasInfo structure. PREPARE A VIEWPORT STRUCTURE
After you have declared a ViewPort structure you have to
prepare it. (Same as with all View structures.) To do it you
call the InitVPort() function with a pointer to the ViewPort
structure as the only parameter:
/* Declare the View structure: */
struct ViewPort my_view_port;
/* Prepare it: */
InitVPort( &my_view_port );
After you have prepared it you set the desired values: (An example)
my_view_port.Next = NULL; If we have several ViewPorts
in the same View we link
them together, else NULL.
my_view_port.DWidth = WIDTH; Set the desired width.
my_view_port.DHeight = HEIGHT; Set the desired height.
my_view_port.DxOffset = 0; X and Y position of the
my_view_port.DyOffset = 0; ViewPort in the View.
my_view_port.Modes = HIRES|LACE; Set desired flags. (Eg
high resolution interlace)
my_view_port.RasInfo = &my_ras_info; Pointer to this ViewPort's
Each ViewPort has a its own lists of colours. They are stored
in a ColorMap structure which contains information like: how
many colours this display use, what colours, and each colours
individual RGB values. (Red + Green + Blue intensity) COLORMAP STRUCTURE
The ColorMap structure look like this: [Defined in file:
struct ColorMap
UBYTE Flags;
UWORD Count;
APTR ColorTable;
To declare and initialize a ColorMap structure you simply call
the GetColorMap() function. It will take care of everything,
and the only thing you need to tell the function is how many
colours you want to use.
Get a colour map, and link it to the ViewPort:
my_view_port.ColorMap = GetColorMap( 32 );
You should also remember to check if you have got the the colour
map or not. For example:
if( my_view_port.ColorMap == NULL )
clean_up(); /* leave */ SET THE RGB VALUES
Once you have got your ColorMap structure, you need to set
the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values for each colour. Each colour
can have a mixture of red, green and blue, on a scale from 0
to 15. Hexadecimal that would be from 0x0 to 0xF.
Here are some examples:
RGB value Colour
0xF00 Red
0x0F0 Green
0x00F Blue
0x600 Dark red
0x060 Dark green
0x006 Dark blue
0xFF0 Yellow
0x000 Black
0x444 Dark grey
0x888 Light grey
0xFFF White
Since each RGB values can have sixteen intensities, you can
define up to 16 * 16 * 16 = 4096 different colours.
If you prepare a ColorMap structure to use four colours,
you need to give it a colour table of RGB values.
/* 1. Declare a RGB colour table: */
UWORD my_color_table[] =
0x000, /* Black */
0xF00, /* Red */
0x0F0, /* Green */
0x00F, /* Blue */
/* 2. Declare a pointer: */
UWORD *pointer;
/* 3. Set the pointer so it points to the colour table: */
pointer = (UWORD *) my_view_port.ColorMap->ColorTable;
/* 4. Set the colours: */
for( loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++ )
*pointer++ = my_color_table[ loop ]; DEALLOCATE THE COLOURMAP
When your program closes a ViewPort you must remember to
deallocate the memory used for the ColourMap. You deallocate
a ColourMap with help of the FreeColorMap() function:
FreeColorMap( my_view_port.ColorMap ); BITMAP
The BitMap is, as said above, a rectangular memory are were
each bit represents one pixel. By combining two or more BitMaps
each pixel is represented by a combination of two or more bits
which determines what colour should be used. A pointer to each
BitMap, information about the size of the BitMaps etc are all
stored in the BitMap structure. BITMAP STRUCTURE
The BitMap structure look like this: [Defined in file: "gfx.h"]
struct BitMap
UWORD BytesPerRow;
UBYTE Flags;
UBYTE Depth;
UWORD pad;
PLANEPTR Planes[ 8 ];
BytesPerRow: How many bytes are used on every row.
Rows: How many rows there are.
Flags: Special information about the BitMaps (for the
moment not used.)
Depth: How many BitPlanes.
pad: Extra space.
Planes: A list of eight pointers. (PLANEPTR is a pointer
You declare the structure as normal, and initialize it with
help of the function InitBitMap(). You need to give the function
a pointer to your BitMap structure and information about the
size and depth (how many BitPlanes used).
Synopsis: InitBitMap( bitmap, depth, width, height );
bitmap: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the BitMap.
depth: (long) How many BitPlanes used.
width: (long) The width of the raster.
height: (long) The height of the raster.
Information about the size and depth of a BitMap etc is used
in many places in a program and. I recommend you therefore to
define some constants at the top of the program and use them
rather than writing the values directly. This makes it much
easier to change anything since you only need to change the
code at one place, and many writing errors are avoided.
#define WIDTH 320 /* 320 pixels wide. */
#define HEIGHT 200 /* 200 lines tall. */
#define DEPTH 5 /* 5 BitPlanes gives 32 colours. */
struct BitMap my_bit_map;
Once the BitMap structure has been initialized it is time to
reserve memory for each BitPlane. You reserve display memory
with help of the AllocRaster() function:
Synopsis: pointer = AllocRaster( width, height );
pointer (PLANEPTR) Pointer to the allocated memory or NULL
if enough memory could not be reserved.
width: (long) The width of the BitMap.
height: (long) The height of the BitMap.
Since you may need to reserve several BitPlanes it is best to
include the AllocRaster() function in a loop. Remember to check
that you have got the memory you asked for! Finally, the memory
you get is probably filled with a lot of trash, and it is best
to clear it before you start to use it. The fastest way to
clear large rectangular memory areas is to use the Blitter,
and you do it by calling the function BltClear():
Synopsis: BltClear( pointer, bytes, flags );
pointer (char *) Pointer to the memory.
bytes: (long) The lower 16 bits tells the blitter how many
bytes per row, and the upper 16 bits how many rows.
This value is automatically calculated for you with
help of the macro RASSIZE(). Just give RASSIZE() the
correct width and height and it will return the
correct value. [RASSIZE() is defined in file
flags: (long) Set bit 0 to force the function to wait until
the Blitter has finished with your request.
Here is an example on how to allocate display memory, check it
and clear it: (Remember that you muse deallocate ALL memory you
have allocated! See below for more information.)
for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] = AllocRaster( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] == NULL )
clean_up(); /* Leave */
BltClear( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], RASSIZE( WIDTH, HEIGHT ), 0 );
The RasInfo structure contains information like were the BitMap
structure is, and the Raster's x/y offset. If you use the
special display mode "Dual Playfields" it will also contain a
pointer to the second Playfield. RASINFO STRUCTURE
The RasInfo structure look like this: [Defined in file: "view.h"]
struct RasInfo
struct RasInfo *Next;
struct BitMap *BitMap;
SHORT RxOffset, RyOffset;
Next: If you use the special display mode "Dual Playfields"
this pointer will contain the address to the second
playfield. (Playfield one RasInfo's structure will
have a pointer to the second Playfield's RasInfo
structure which pointer will point to NULL.)
BitMap: Pointer to the BitMap.
RxOffset: X offset of the Raster. (By changing the RxOffset and
RyOffset values you can scroll the whole Raster very
Here is an example on how to declare and initialize a RasInfo
/* Declare a RasInfo structure: */
struct RasInfo my_ras_info;
/* Prepare the RasInfo structure: */
my_ras_info.BitMap = &my_bit_map; /* Pointer to the BitMap */
/* structure. */
my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0; /* The top left corner of */
my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0; /* the Raster should be at */
/* the top left corner of */
/* the display. */
my_ras_info.Next = NULL; /* Single playfield - only */
/* one RasInfo structure */
/* is necessary. */ MAKEVPORT()
Once you have initialized all necessary structures you need to
prepare the Amiga's hardware (especially the Copper) so they
can create the display you have asked for. Each ViewPort can
have its own resolution, size, colour list etc and you must
therefore prepare every ViewPort by calling the MakeVPort()
Synopsis: MakeVPort( view, viewport );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the ViewPort's View.
viewport: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
NOTE! You have to prepare EVERY ViewPort you are going to use! MRGCOP()
All ViewPort's special display instructions together with other
display instructions used by the Sprite hardware etc must be
combined before you can show the display. All these instructions
are combined with one single function call: MrgCop(). MrgCop()
will merge all coprocessors' display instructions into one
Synopsis: MrgCop( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View. LOADVIEW()
You can now at last show the display. You do it by calling the
LoadView() function:
Synopsis: LoadView( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View.
You have to remember that you have now created your own display
and when your program terminates you MUST return the old
display! You must therefore store a pointer to the old display
before you turn on your own. You can find a pointer to the
current View in the GfxBase structure.
struct View *old_view;
old_view = GfxBase->ActiView;
When you close your display you have to remember to restore the
old view by calling the LoadView() structure with a pointer to
the old View structure: LoadView( old_view );
You must also return some memory that was automatically
reserved when you called the MakeVPort() and MrgCop() functions.
You should therefore call the FreeVPortCopLists() function for
every ViewPort you have created.
Synopsis: FreeVPortCopLists( viewport );
view: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
You must also call the FreeCprList() function for every View
you have created. You give the function a pointer to the cprlist
structure (LOFCprList). If you have created an interlaced View
you must also free a special cprlist structure (SHFCprList)
which is only used for interlaced Views.
Synopsis: FreeCprList( cprlist );
cprlist: (struct cprlist *) Pointer to the View's cprlist
(LOFCprList) structure. If the View was interlaced
you must also call the FreeCprList function with a
pointer to the SHFCprList.
The display memory you have allocated for the Raster must also
be deallocated. You deallocate the Raster by calling the
FreeRaster() function with a pointer to one Bitplane. You must
call this function for every Bitplane you have allocated!
Synopsis: FreeRaster( bitplane, width, height );
bitplane: (PLANEPTR) Pointer to a Bitplane.
width: (long) The Bitplane's width.
height: (long) The Bitplane's height.
Finally you have to deallocate the ColorMap structure that was
automatically allocated and initialized by the GetColorMap()
function. You deallocate a colour map by calling the
FreeColorMap() function.
Synopsis: FreeColorMap( colormap );
colormap: (struct ColorMap *) Pointer to the ColorMap structure.
Here is an example on how to close a display:
/* 1. Restore the old View: */
LoadView( old_view );
/* 2. Deallocate the ViewPort's display instructions: */
FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port );
/* 3. Deallocate the View's display instructions: */
FreeCprList( my_view.LOFCprList );
/* 4. Deallocate the display memory, BitPlane for BitPlane: */
for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
FreeRaster( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], WIDTH, HEIGHT );
/* 5. Deallocate the ColorMap: */
FreeColorMap( my_view_port.ColorMap );
Here is an example on how to open a high resolution NTSC
(American) display. This is what has to be done:
1. Prepare the View.
2. - " - ViewPort.
3. - " - ColorMap.
4. - " - BitMap.
5. - " - RasInfo.
6. Prepare the Amiga with MakeVPort() and MrgCop().
8. Show the new View.
9. The View is on and it is now up to you to do what you want.
10. Restore the old View.
11. Free all allocated resources and leave.
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#define WIDTH 640 /* 640 pixels wide (high resolution) */
#define HEIGHT 200 /* 200 lines high (non interlaced NTSC) */
#define DEPTH 3 /* 3 BitPlanes, gives eight colours. */
#define COLOURS 8 /* 2^3 = 8 */
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
struct View my_view;
struct View *my_old_view;
struct ViewPort my_view_port;
struct RasInfo my_ras_info;
struct BitMap my_bit_map;
struct RastPort my_rast_port;
UWORD my_color_table[] =
0x000, /* Colour 0, Black */
0x800, /* Colour 1, Red */
0xF00, /* Colour 2, Light red */
0x080, /* Colour 3, Green */
0x0F0, /* Colour 4, Light green */
0x008, /* Colour 5, Blue */
0x00F, /* Colour 6, Light Blue */
0xFFF, /* Colour 7, White */
void clean_up();
void main();
void main()
UWORD *pointer;
int loop;
/* Open the Intuition library: */
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
if( !IntuitionBase )
clean_up( "Could NOT open the Intuition library!" );
/* Open the Graphics library: */
GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
if( !GfxBase )
clean_up( "Could NOT open the Graphics library!" );
/* Save the current View, so we can restore it later: */
my_old_view = GfxBase->ActiView;
/* 1. Prepare the View structure, and give it a pointer to */
/* the first ViewPort: */
InitView( &my_view );
my_view.ViewPort = &my_view_port;
/* 2. Prepare the ViewPort structure, and set some important values: */
InitVPort( &my_view_port );
my_view_port.DWidth = WIDTH; /* Set the width. */
my_view_port.DHeight = HEIGHT; /* Set the height. */
my_view_port.RasInfo = &my_ras_info; /* Give it a pointer to RasInfo. */
my_view_port.Modes = HIRES; /* High resolution. */
/* 3. Get a colour map, link it to the ViewPort, and prepare it: */
my_view_port.ColorMap = (struct ColorMap *) GetColorMap( COLOURS );
if( my_view_port.ColorMap == NULL )
clean_up( "Could NOT get a ColorMap!" );
/* Get a pointer to the colour map: */
pointer = (UWORD *) my_view_port.ColorMap->ColorTable;
/* Set the colours: */
for( loop = 0; loop < COLOURS; loop++ )
*pointer++ = my_color_table[ loop ];
/* 4. Prepare the BitMap: */
InitBitMap( &my_bit_map, DEPTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
/* Allocate memory for the Raster: */
for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] == NULL )
clean_up( "Could NOT allocate enough memory for the raster!" );
/* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
BltClear( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], RASSIZE( WIDTH, HEIGHT ), 0 );
/* 5. Prepare the RasInfo structure: */
my_ras_info.BitMap = &my_bit_map; /* Pointer to the BitMap structure. */
my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0; /* The top left corner of the Raster */
my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0; /* should be at the top left corner */
/* of the display. */
my_ras_info.Next = NULL; /* Single playfield - only one */
/* RasInfo structure is necessary. */
/* 6. Create the display: */
MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
MrgCop( &my_view );
/* 7. Prepare the RastPort, and give it a pointer to the BitMap. */
InitRastPort( &my_rast_port );
my_rast_port.BitMap = &my_bit_map;
/* 8. Show the new View: */
LoadView( &my_view );
/* 9. Your View is displayed and you can */
/* now do whatever you want with it. */
/* 10. Restore the old View: */
LoadView( my_old_view );
/* 11. Free all allocated resources and leave. */
clean_up( "THE END" );
/* Returns all allocated resources: */
void clean_up( message )
STRPTR message;
int loop;
/* Free automatically allocated display structures: */
FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port );
FreeCprList( my_view.LOFCprList );
/* Deallocate the display memory, BitPlane for BitPlane: */
for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] )
FreeRaster( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], WIDTH, HEIGHT );
/* Deallocate the ColorMap: */
if( my_view_port.ColorMap ) FreeColorMap( my_view_port.ColorMap );
/* Close the Graphics library: */
if( GfxBase ) CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
/* Close the Intuition library: */
if( IntuitionBase ) CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
/* Print the message and leave: */
printf( "%s\n", message );
1.3 DRAW
We have described how to create and open a display, and we will
now look at all different drawing routines the Amiga offers.
The Amiga allows you to draw single dots and lines as well as
complex figures. These routines can be combined with masks and
multicoloured patterns to great effect. The Amiga offers also
three different ways of drawing filled objects. You can even
scroll, copy and logically combine rectangular areas with
help of the fast Blitter.
Before you can start using the drawing routines you still need
to declare and initialize one more structure. ("Not one more!"
I can hear you say.) The reason why we need one more structure
is that most of the drawing routines need to know what pen
colour, pattern and mask (described later in this chapter) you
have chosen. This kind of information is therefore stored in a
structure called RastPort. RASTPORT STRUCTURE
The RastPort structure look like this: [Defined in file:
"rastport.h"] (Luckily you normally do not need to bother too
much about this structure.)
struct RastPort
struct Layer *Layer;
struct BitMap *BitMap;
USHORT *AreaPtrn;
struct TmpRas *TmpRas;
struct AreaInfo *AreaInfo;
struct GelsInfo *GelsInfo;
BYTE DrawMode;
BYTE AreaPtSz;
BYTE linpatcnt;
BYTE dummy;
USHORT LinePtrn;
SHORT cp_x, cp_y;
UBYTE minterms[8];
SHORT PenWidth;
SHORT PenHeight;
struct TextFont *Font;
UBYTE AlgoStyle;
UBYTE TxFlags;
UWORD TxHeight;
UWORD TxWidth;
UWORD TxBaseline;
WORD TxSpacing;
APTR *RP_User;
ULONG longreserved[2];
UWORD wordreserved[7];
UBYTE reserved[8];
Layer: Pointer to a Layer structure.
BitMap: Pointer to this RastPort's BitMap structure.
AreaPtrn: Pointer to an array of USHORTs that is used to
create the area fill pattern.
TmpRas: Pointer to a TmpRas structure. Used by the
AreaMove(), AreaDraw() and AreaEnd() functions.
(See below for more information.)
AreaInfo: Pointer to an AreaInfo structure. Also used by
the AreaMove(), AreaDraw() and AreaEnd()
GelsInfo: Pointer to a GelsInfo structure. Used by animation
routines (VSprites and BOSs).
Mask: This mask allows you determine which BitPlanes
should be affected by the drawing routines. The
first bit represents BitPlane zero, the second
bit represents BitPlane one and so on. If the bit
is on (1) that BitPlane will be affected. If the
bit is off (0) that BitPlane will not be affected
by the drawing routines.
For example, if the mask value is set to 0xFF
(0xFF hexadecimal = 11111111 binary) all
BitPlanes will be affected by the drawing
routines. If the mask value is set to 0xF6
(0xF6 hexadecimal = 11110110 binary) BitPlane
zero and three will not be affected.
FgPen: Foreground pen's colour.
BgPen: Backgrounds pen's colour.
AOlPen: Areaoutline pen's colour.
DrawMode: There exist four different types of drawing
JAM1 Where you write the foreground pen
will be used to replace the old colour,
and where you do not write the
background is unchanged. For example,
the FgPen is set to colour five and
draw mode to JAM1. If you then write
a pixel that pixel would be of colour
five, if you write a character that
character would be of colour five and
the background unchanged. (One colour
jammed into the Raster.)
JAM2 Where you write the foreground pen will
be used to replace the old colour,
and where you do not write the back-
ground pen will be used. For example,
the FgPen is set to colour five BgPen
to colour six and draw mode to JAM2.
If you then write a pixel that pixel
would be of colour five, if you write
a character that character would be of
colour five and the background colour
would be six. (Two colour jammed into
the raster.)
COMPLEMENT Each pixel you draw will be drawn with
the binary complement colour. Where
you write 1's the corresponding bit in
the Raster will be reversed. The
advantage with this drawing mode is
that if you write twice on the same
spot the old picture will be restored.
INVERSVID This mode is only used for text and is
either combined with JAM1 or JAM2.
INVERSVID|JAM1 Only the background
is drawn with the FgPen.
INVERSVID|JAM2 The background is drawn
with the FgPen, and the
characters with the
AreaPtSz: The height of a pattern (see below) must be a
power of two, and that value (2^x) is stored here.
If the AreaPtSz is set to 4, the pattern is 2^4 =
16 lines tall. (If you use multicoloured patterns
the AreaPtSz value should be negative. Set the
AreaPtSz to -3 if you will use an eight lines
tall multicoloured pattern. 2^3 = 8)
linpatcnt: Used to create line pattern.
dummy: A trash are were dummy values are stored.
Flags: If the AREAOUTLINE flag is set all "AreaFill
routines" will draw a thin line around all areas
that are filled with help of the AOlPen.
If the RastPort is double-buffered the DBUFFER
flag is set.
LinePtrn: 16 bits used for the line pattern. A value of
0x9669 (hexadecimal) will create a pattern like
this: 1001011001101001.
cp_x: Current pen's X position.
cp_y: Current pen's Y position.
minterms: Extra memory space.
PenWidth: The width of the pen (not used by the drawing
PenHeight: The height of the pen (not used by the drawing
Font: Pointer to a TextFont structure.
AlgoStyle: The style that was algorithmically generated. (If
the font does not support for example Underline,
Bold or Italic the Amiga can generate them itself
with help of some algorythms.
TxFlags: Special text flags.
TxHeight: The height of the characters.
TxWidth: The nominal width of the characters.
TxBaseline: The position of the text's baseline.
TxSpacing: Spacing between each character.
RP_User: Special variables and memory areas that is of no
use for us. Used only by the Amiga and in future
versions of the Graphics system.
longreserved: - " -
wordreserved: - " -
reserved: - " -
NOTE! You very rarely need to change or examine these values
directly. You normally use (and should use) functions which
are described below in order to change any values. PREPARE A RASTPORT
To prepare a RastPort you need to declare a RastPort structure
and initialize it by calling the InitRastPort() function with
a pointer to the RastPort as only parameter.
Synopsis: InitRastPort( rast_port );
rast_port: (RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that should be
The last thing you have to do is to give your RastPort a
pointer to your BitMap structure. Here is a short example:
/* 1. Declare a RastPort structure: */
struct RastPort my_rast_port;
/* 2. Initialize the RastPort with help of the */
/* InitRastPort() function: */
InitRastPort( &my_rast_port );
/* 3. Give the RastPort a pointer to your BitMap structure: */
/* [We assume that the BitMap structure have been correctly */
/* declared and initialized as described above.] */
my_rast_port.BitMap = &my_bit_map;
The low level graphics drawing routines use three different
types of drawing pens:
FgPen: The foreground pen is the most commonly used pen.
BgPen: The background pen is normally used to draw the
background with, for example if you are writing text.
AOlPen: The Areaoutline pen is used to outline areas that are
filled with any of the AreaFill routines.
NOTE! The drawing mode will determine which pens will used.
You use the SetAPen() function to change the FgPen's colour:
Synopsis: SetAPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
You use the SetBPen() function to change the BgPen's colour:
Synopsis: SetBPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
You use the SetOPen() macro to change the AOlPen's colour:
Note! This is not a function. It is actually a macro that is
defined in the header file "gfxmacros.h". If you want to use
this function you have to remember to include this file.
Synopsis: SetOPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
Five different drawingmodes are supported by the Amiga:
JAM1 The FgPen will be used, the background
unchanged. (One colour jammed into a Raster.)
JAM2 The FgPen will be used as foreground pen while
the background (when you are writing text for
example) will be filled with the BgPen's colour.
(Two colours are jammed into a Raster.)
COMPLEMENT Each pixel affected will be drawn with the binary
complement colour. Where you write 1's the
corresponding bit in the Raster will be reversed.
INVERSVID|JAM1 This mode is only use together with text. Only
the background of the text will be drawn with
the FgPen.
INVERSVID|JAM2 This mode is only use together with text. The
background of the text will be drawn with the
FgPen, and the characters itself with the BgPen.
To set the drawing mode you use the SetDrMd() function:
Synopsis: SetDrMd( rast_port, new_mode );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_mode: (long) The new drawing mode. Set one of the
Amiga's drawing routines allow you to use patterns. You may use
both line pattern as well as area patterns which may be two or
multicoloured. Line patterns are perfect when you are drawing
diagrams, borders etc. Area pattern can be used to fill any
type of object on the screen with help of the filling routines.
Many colours and different patterns give you great flexibility
to create interesting and good looking displays. LINE PATTERNS
Line patterns are 16 bits wide and each bit represents one dot.
The line pattern is initially set to 0xFFFF (1111111111111111)
which generates solid lines. To create a pattern of two dots
then two spaces then two dots again and so on you would set the
line pattern to 0xCCCC (1100110011001100).
You change the line pattern value with help of the SetDrPt()
macro. Note! This is not a function. It is actually a macro
that is defined in the header file "gfxmacros.h". If you want
to use this function you have to remember to include this file.
Synopsis: SetDrPt( rast_port, line_pattern );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
line_pattern: (UWORD) The pattern. Each bit represents one dot.
To generate solid lines you set the pattern value
to 0xFFFF [hex] (1111111111111111 [bin]).
Here are some commonly used pattern and the corresponding
pattern values:
Description Pattern [bin] Pattern value [hex]
solid line 1111111111111111 0xFFFF
large dotty line 1111000011110000 0xF0F0
medium dotty line 1100110011001100 0xCCCC
small dotty line 1000100010001000 0x8888
grey line 1010101010101010 0xAAAA AREA PATTERNS
Area patterns are 16 bits wide and a power of two (1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, ... ) lines tall. To generate an area pattern you must
therefore declare and initialize an array of UWORDS. Each bit
in the array represents one dot. To create a pattern with a lot
of small squares you would declare and initialize the array
something like this:
UWORD area_pattern =
0xF0F0, /* 1111000011110000 */
0xF0F0, /* 1111000011110000 */
0xF0F0, /* 1111000011110000 */
0xF0F0, /* 1111000011110000 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
To set the pattern you call the SetAfPt() macro with a pointer
to your RastPort as well as you new pattern as parameters.
Note! This is not a function. It is actually a macro that is
defined in the header file "gfxmacros.h". If you want to use
this function you have to remember to include this file.
Synopsis: SetAfPt( rast_port, area_pattern, pow2 );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
area_pattern: (UWORD) Pointer to an array of UWORDS that
generate the pattern. Each bit in the array
represents one dot.
pow2: (BYTE) The pattern must be two to the power of
pow2 lines tall. If the pattern is one line tall
pow2 should be set to 0, if the pattern is two
lines tall pow2 should be set to 1, if the
pattern is four lines tall pow2 should be set to
2, and so on. (If you use multicoloured patterns
the pow2 should be negative. A sixteen lines
tall multicoloured pattern should therefore have
the pow2 value set to -4 [2^4 = 16].) MULTICOLOURED PATTERNS
You may even produce multicoloured patterns. You then need to
declare an array with a depth of two or more. The larger depth
the array have the more colours can be used. Each level
represents one BitPlane.
Here is an area pattern array that generates eight different
coloured boxes. To get eight colours you need an array with a
depth of three. The pattern will look like this: (The numbers
are the colour registers that will be used.)
UWORD area_pattern =
{ /* Plane 0 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
0x0F0F, /* 0000111100001111 */
0x0F0F /* 0000111100001111 */
{ /* Plane 1 */
0x00FF, /* 0000000011111111 */
0x00FF, /* 0000000011111111 */
0x00FF, /* 0000000011111111 */
0x00FF /* 0000000011111111 */
{ /* Plane 2 */
0x0000, /* 0000000000000000 */
0x0000, /* 0000000000000000 */
0xFFFF, /* 1111111111111111 */
0xFFFF /* 1111111111111111 */
When you use multicoloured patterns the pow2 value in the
SetAfPt() macro should be negative. Simply put a minus in front
of the value and the drawing routines will understand that you
use multicoloured patterns.
When using multicoloured patterns the drawing mode should be
set to JAM2, FgPen to colour 255 and BgPen to colour 0:
/* Prepare to draw with multicoloured pattern: */
SetDrMd( &my_rast_port, JAM2 );
SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 255 );
SetBPen( &my_rast_port, 0 );
/* Set pattern: (4 lines tall -> pow2 = 2 [2^2], multicol. -2)
SetAfPt( &my_rast_port, area_pattern, -2 );
To create special effects you can turn off BitPlanes in your
Raster so they will not be affected by the drawing routines.
The first bit in the mask represents the first BitPlane, the
second bit the second BitPlane and so on. A 1 means that the
BitPlane may be affected, while a 0 means that the BitPlane
will not be affected. To turn off BitPlane zero and two the
mask value should be set to 0xFA [hex] = 11111010 [bin].
The mask variable "Mask" can be found in the RastPort
structure: my_rast_port.Mask = 0xFF (All BitPlanes may be
You draw single pixels with help of the WritePixel() function.
Synopsis: WritePixel( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) X position of the pixel.
y: (long) Y position of the pixel.
You use the ReadPixel() function in order to determine what
colour a specific pixel has. Just give it a pointer to your
RastPort and the coordinates of the pixel and the function will
return what colour value that pixel was made of.
Synopsis: colour = ReadPixel( rast_port, x, y );
colour: (long) ReadPixel returns the colour value of the
specified pixel (colour 0 - 255 ) or -1 if the
coordinates were outside the Raster.
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort which
contain the pixel you want to examine.
x: (long) X position of the pixel.
y: (long) Y position of the pixel.
Before you can start drawing lines or writing text you need to
position the cursor (the position from where the line/text will
be drawn from). The cursor is nothing the user can see, it is
just the current coordinates for the drawing pen. The cursor
position can be found in the RastPort's cp_x and cp_y variables.
The cursor position is altered by calling the Move() function.
Synopsis: Move( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) The new X position.
y: (long) The new Y position.
1.3.9 TEXT
In this chapter we will not go into deep details on how to
write characters/text. All information about changing style
and fonts will be described in a special TEXT chapter. However,
I will at least describe how to print normal plain characters
on the screen.
To print text you use the Text() function. It needs a pointer
to the RastPort that should be affected, a pointer to a text
string and finally a value that tells Text() how many
characters of the string should be printed. Only one line each
call may be printed, no formatting, word-wrapping etc is done.
Synopsis: Text( rast_port, string, nr_of_chr );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
string: (char *) Pointer to a text string that will be
nr_of_chr: (long) The number of characters that should be
This example prints "Hello" on the display:
Text( &my_rast_port, "HELLO", 5 );
You draw single lines with help of the Draw() function. It will
draw a line from the current position to a new position
anywhere on the Raster.
Synopsis: Draw( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) The new X position.
y: (long) The new Y position.
Here is an example that will draw a triangle on the screen:
Move( &my_rast_port, 100, 100 ); /* Move to start position. */
Draw( &my_rast_port, 300, 100 ); /* Draw the three lines. */
Draw( &my_rast_port, 200, 200 );
Draw( &my_rast_port, 100, 100 );
To draw multiple lines we use the PolyDraw() function. It needs
a pointer to an array of coordinates, a value that tells
PolyDraw() how many pairs of coordinates (x,y) will be used
and of course a pointer to the RastPort that should be
affected. A line is drawn from the current position to the
first coordinate. There a second line is drawn to the second
coordinate and so on.
Synopsis: PolyDraw( rast_port, number, coordinates );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
number: (long) The number of coordinates (x,y) defined in
the array.
coordinates: (short *) Pointer to an array of coordinates.
Here is an example that also will draw a triangle on the
/* Three coordinates: */
WORD coordinates[] =
300, 100,
200, 200,
100, 100
/* Move to the start position: */
Move( &my_rast_port, 100, 100 );
/* Draw some lines: */
PolyDraw( &my_rast_port, 3, coordinates );
To draw filled rectangles you use the RectFill function. (Note
that the area pattern will have effect here.)
Synopsis: RectFill( rast_port, minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
minx: (long) Left position of the rectangle.
miny: (long) Top - " -
maxx: (long) Right - " -
maxy: (long) Bottom - " -
Flood fill is used when a complicated object should be filled.
There exist two different types of flood fill, Outline mode and
Colour mode. In outline mode everything will be filled with the
new colour, and the flood is only stopped when it has reached
an edge of the same colour as AOlPen. In colour mode all pixels
with the same colour and are side by side with each other will
be affected. The fill will stop first when the flood has
reached a different colour.
You flood fill objects with help of the Flood() function.
Synopsis: Flood( rast_port, mode, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
mode: (long) Which mode should be used. If you want to use
the Colour mode set the mode variable to 1, to get
the Outline mode set the mode variable to 0.
x: (long) X position where the flood fill should start.
y: (long) Y position where the flood fill should start.
Here is an example that will draw a triangle and then fill it.
We set the AOlPen to the same colour as the FgPen so the flood
fill will stop when it reaches the edges, outline mode.
/* Set the AOlPen to the same colour as FgPen: */
SetOPen( &my_rast_port, my_rast_port.FgPen );
/* Draw a triangle: */
Move( &my_rast_port, 100, 100 );
Draw( &my_rast_port, 300, 100 );
Draw( &my_rast_port, 200, 200 );
Draw( &my_rast_port, 100, 100 );
/* Fill it: (Use the Outline mode) */
Flood( &my_rast_port, 0, 200, 150 );
The Amiga allows you to draw areas that are directly filled.
You move to a location and then starts to draw your objects.
The user will however not notice anything since no lines are
drawn. The lines are instead stored in a large vector list,
and will first be drawn and filled when you finish (close) the
To manage this you need to do some things:
1. A buffer in which a list of all your vertices can be stored
in. Five bytes per vertex is needed, and to create a buffer
for 100 lines you need 500 bytes. However, the buffer must
be word aligned, and you should therefore declare the buffer
as a collection of words instead of bytes. Since there goes
two bytes on every word, 500 bytes means 250 words.
Example: UWORD my_buffer[ 250 ];
2. Declare an AreaInfo structure. (Declared in file
Example: struct AreaInfo my_area_info;
3. Combine the buffer and the AreaInfo structure with help of
the InitArea() function. It needs a pointer to an AreaInfo
structure, a pointer to a memory buffer and a value that
tells it how many vertices may be stored in the buffer.
Example: InitArea( &my_area_info, my_buffer, 100);
4. Declare a TmpRas structure. (Also declared in the file
Example: struct TmpRas my_tmp_ras;
5. Reserve a BitPlane large enough to store all your objects
in. Normally you make the BitPlane equal large as the
display. Example:
PLANEPTR my_bit_plane;
my_bit_plane = AllocRaster( 320, 200 );
if( my_bit_plane == NULL )
6. Initialize and combine the TmpRas structure and the extra
memory by calling the InitTmpRas() function. It needs a
pointer to the TmpRas structure, a pointer to some extra
display memory, and finally a value telling it how large
the extra memory area is, calculated with help of the
RASSIZE() macro. Example:
InitTmpRas( &my_tmp_ras, my_bit_plane, RASSIZE( 320, 200 ) );
7. Tell the RastPort were it can find the AreaInfo and TmpRas
structures. Example:
my_rast_port.AreaInfo = &my_area_info;
my_rast_port.TmpRas = &my_tmp_ras;
8. Before your program terminates it must deallocate the
display memory it has allocated. Use the function
FreeRaster(). Example:
FreeRaster( my_bit_plane, 320, 200 ); AREAMOVE(), AREADRAW() AND AREAEND()
Once the TmpRas and AreaInfo structures have been initialized,
and the RastPort know where to find them, you may start to use
the AreaFill functions. The first thing you probably would do
is to move to a new position were you want to start drawing.
You do it by calling the AreaMove() function.
Synopsis: AreaMove( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) Start X position.
y: (long) Start Y position.
You can now start to draw with help of the AreaDraw() function.
NOTE! The user will not see anything, it is first when you
close this polygon it will be drawn and filled.
Synopsis: AreaDraw( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) New X position.
y: (long) New Y position.
Be careful not to draw outside the Raster, it may crash the
Once you are ready with your object you call the function
AreaEnd() and the polygon is closed and filled. You do not
need to close the polygon itself, the last line will if
necessary been drawn automatically. (If you call AreaMove()
before you have closed a polygon, it will be closed
automatically before the new polygon starts.)
Synopsis: AreaEnd( rast_port );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
The areas that are filled with help of the AreaFill functions
will be outlined with the AOlPen. You can however turn this
outline function off if you do not want it. You simply call
the macro (declared in file "gfxmacros.h") BNDROFF() with a
pointer to your RastPort as only parameter.
Synopsis: BNDROFF( rast_port );
rast_port: Pointer to the RastPort which outlinefunction should
be turned off. EXAMPLE
Here is an example:
#define WIDTH 320
#define HEIGHT 200
/* Declare an AreaInfo and TmpRas structure: */
struct AreaInfo my_area_info;
struct TmpRas my_tmp_ras;
/* Vertex buffer: (100 lines, 5 bytes each gives 500 bytes */
/* which is 250 words. Must be word-aligned.) */
UWORD my_buffer[ 250 ];
/* Pointer to some display memory that will be allocated: */
PLANEPTR my_bit_plane;
/* Initialize the AreaInfo structure. */
/* Prepare for 100 vertices: */
InitArea( &my_area_info, my_buffer, 100);
/* Allocate some display memory: */
my_bit_plane = AllocRaster( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
/* Have we allocated it successfully? */
if( my_bit_plane == NULL )
/* Prepare the TmpRas structure: */
InitTmpRas( &my_tmp_ras, my_bit_plane, RASSIZE( WIDTH, HEIGHT ) );
/* Tell RastPort were it can find the structures: */
my_rast_port.AreaInfo = &my_area_info;
my_rast_port.TmpRas = &my_tmp_ras;
/* Draw a filled square: */
AreaMove( my_rast_port, 0, 0 );
AreaDraw( my_rast_port, 100, 0 );
AreaDraw( my_rast_port, 100, 100 );
AreaDraw( my_rast_port, 0, 100 );
AreaEnd( my_rast_port );
/* Deallocate the extra memory: */
FreeRaster( my_bit_plane, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
You set a whole Raster to a specific colour with help of the
SetRast() function.
Synopsis: SetRast( rast_port, colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
colour: (long) The colour reg. you want to fill the whole
raster with.
1.3.16 BLITTER
The Blitter is a chip inside the Amiga which is specialized in
moving and logically combining large rectangular memory areas.
It moves and works with enormous amount of data and can
therefore do a lot of hard work which would take much more time
for the main processor to do. The main processor can instead
concentrate itself on more important tasks.
The Blitter, also called Fat Agnus (the chip is very fat), is
the hero behind the Amigas fashinating graphics capabilities.
It can be used to clear, scroll and copy large memory areas.
Unlike other blitters it can also logically combine memory
areas (explained later) and can therefore do a lot more
interesting things than just moving data. CLEAR RECTANGULAR MEMORY AREAS
You can clear memory with help of the BltClear() function. The
advantage of using this function is that it works together with
the blitter which is the fastest chip to clear memory.
Synopsis: BltClear( memory, count, flags );
memory: (char *) Pointer to the memory that should be
count: (long) Number of bytes that should be cleared. If you
clear display memory you can use the macro RASSIZE()
to calculate how many bytes the display use.
flags: (long) Write 0 to allow the computer to continue
while the blitter is still working, or write 1 which
will force the program to wait for the blitter. SCROLL A RECTANGULAR AREA
You can scroll an area of a raster with help of the
ScrollRaster() function. It works together with the blitter
and is therefore very fast. The area can be moved both
vertically as well as horizontally. The area which is moved
out of the raster is lost, and the new area is filled with the
Synopsis: ScrollRaster( rp, dx, dy, minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
dx: (long) Delta X movement. (A positive number moves
the area to the right, a negative number to the
dy: (long) Delta Y movement. (A positive number moves
the area down, a negative number up.)
minx: (long) Left edge of the rectangle.
miny: (long) Top edge of the rectangle.
maxx: (long) Right edge of the rectangle.
maxy: (long) Bottom edge of the rectangle. COPY RECTANGULAR AREAS
When you are going to copy rectangular memory areas you can
either use BltBitMap() or ClipBlit(). BltBitMap() should be
used when you simply want to copy data and do not bother about
overlapping layers (windows) etc. The ClipBlit() on the other
hand should be used when you want to look out for overlapping
layers etc.
BltBitMap() copies BitMaps directly without worrying about
overlapping layers.
Synopsis: BltBitMap( sbm, sx, sy, dbm, dx, dy, w, h, flag, m, t );
sbm: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the "source" BitMap.
sx: (long) X offset, source.
sy: (long) Y offset, source.
dbm: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the "destination"
dx: (long) X offset, destination.
dy: (long) Y offset, destination.
w: (long) The width of the memory area that should be
h: (long) The height of the memory area that should be
flag: (long) This value tells the blitter what kind of
logically operations should be done. See below for
more information.
m: (long) You can here define a BitMap mask, and tell
the blitter which BitPlanes should be used, and which
should not. The first bit represents the first
BitPlane, the second bit the second BitPlane and so
on. If the bit is on (1) the corresponding BitPlane
will be used, else (0) the BitPlane will not be used.
To turn off BitPlane zero and two, set the mask value
to 0xFA (11111010). To use all BitPlanes set the mask
value to 0xFF (11111111).
t: (char *) If the copy overlaps and this pointer points
to some chip-memory, the memory will be used to store
the temporary area in. However, normally you do not
need to bother about this value.
ClipBlit() copies BitMaps with help of Rastports and will
therefore care about overlapping layers, and should be used
if you have windows on your display.
Synopsis: ClipBlit( srp, sx, sy, drp, dx, dy, w, h, flag );
srp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the "source" RastPort.
sx: (long) X offset, source.
sy: (long) Y offset, source.
drp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the "destination"
dx: (long) X offset, destination.
dy: (long) Y offset, destination.
w: (long) The width of the memory area that should be
h: (long) The height of the memory area that should be
flag: (long) This value tells the blitter what kind of
logically operations should be done. See below for
more information.
As said above the blitter can logically combine data from the
source and destination areas. The first four bits to the left
in the flag field determines what calculations should be done.
If the leftmost bit is set (value 0x80) the result will be a
combination of the source and destination. If the second
leftmost bit is set (value 0x40) the result will be a
combination of the source and inverted destination. If the
third leftmost bit is set (value 0x20) the result will be a
combination of the inverted source and destination. If the
fourth leftmost bit is set (value 0x10) the result will be the
source together with destination and all inverted. See table
Bit Value Log
1000 0000 0x80 SD
0100 0000 0x40 SD
0010 0000 0x20 SD
0001 0000 0x10 SD
To make a normal copy the result should be only S. We can get
it by setting the flag value to 0xC0 [hex] (11000000 [bin]).
The mathematically formula will then be:
_ _
SD + SD = S(D + D) = S
If you want to get the source inverted (S), set the flag value
to 0x30 [hex] (00110000 [bin]). The mathematically formula will
then be:
_ __ _ _ _
SD + SD = S(D + D) = S
To get the destination inverted (D), set the flag value to 0x50
[hex] (01010000 [bin]). The mathematically formula will then
_ __ _ _ _
SD + SD = D(S + S) = D
Here is an example that will copy a rectangular area from a
RastPort called source_rp to another RastPort called
destination_rp. The rectangular area is WIDTH pixels wide and
HEIGHT lines tall.
ClipBlit( &source_rp, /* Source RastPort. */
0, 0, /* Top left corner, source. */
&destination_rp, /* Destination RastPort. */
0, 0, /* Top left corner, destination. */
WIDTH, HEIGHT, /* Size of the memory area. */
0xC0 ); /* Normal copy. */
This function will initialize a View structure.
Synopsis: InitView( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View that should be
This function will initialize a ViewPort structure.
Synopsis: InitVPort( view_port );
view_port: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort that
should be initialized.
This function allocates and initializes a ColorMap structure.
Synopsis: colormap = GetColorMap( colours );
colormap: (struct ColorMap *) GetColorMap returns a pointer
to the ColorMap structure it has allocated and
initialized, or NULL if not enough memory.
colours: (long) A value specifying how many colours you
want that the ColorMap structure should store.
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)
This function deallocates the memory that was allocated by
the GetColorMap() function. Remember to deallocate all memory
that you allocate. For every GetColorMap() function there
should be one FreeColorMap() function.
FreeColorMap( colormap );
colormap: (struct ColorMap *) Pointer to a ColorMap structure
that GetColorMap() returned and you now want to
This function initializes a BitMap structure.
Synopsis: InitBitMap( bitmap, depth, width, height );
bitmap: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the BitMap.
depth: (long) How many BitPlanes used.
width: (long) The width of the raster.
height: (long) The height of the raster.
This function reserves display memory (one BitPlane).
Synopsis: pointer = AllocRaster( width, height );
pointer (PLANEPTR) Pointer to the allocated memory or NULL
if enough memory could not be reserved.
width: (long) The width of the BitMap.
height: (long) The height of the BitMap.
This function clears large rectangular memory areas. This
function work together with the blitter and is therefore very
Synopsis: BltClear( pointer, bytes, flags );
pointer (char *) Pointer to the memory.
bytes: (long) The lower 16 bits tells the blitter how many
bytes per row, and the upper 16 bits how many rows.
This value is automatically calculated for you with
help of the macro RASSIZE(). Just give RASSIZE()
the correct width and height and it will return the
correct value. [RASSIZE() is defined in file
flags: (long) Set bit 0 to force the function to wait
until the Blitter has finished with your request.
This function prepares the Amiga's hardware (especially the
Copper) to display a ViewPort. NOTE! You have to prepare
EVERY ViewPort you are going to use!
Synopsis: MakeVPort( view, viewport );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the ViewPort's View.
viewport: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
This function puts together all displayinstructions and
prepares the view to be showed.
Synopsis: MrgCop( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View.
This function will start showing a View. Remember that when
you close your View you must switch back to the old view.
(See examples for more details.)
Synopsis: LoadView( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View.
This function will return all memory that was automatically
allocated by the MakeVPort() function. Remember to call
FreeVPortCopLists() for every ViewPort you have created!
Synopsis: FreeVPortCopLists( viewport );
view: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
This function will return all memory that was automatically
allocated by the MrgCop() function.
Synopsis: FreeCprList( cprlist );
cprlist: (struct cprlist *) Pointer to the View's cprlist
(LOFCprList) structure. If the View was interlaced
you must also call the FreeCprList function with a
pointer to the SHFCprList.
This function will deallocate display memory (BitPlane).
Remember to deallocate all BitPlanes!
Synopsis: FreeRaster( bitplane, width, height );
bitplane: (PLANEPTR) Pointer to a Bitplane.
width: (long) The Bitplane's width.
height: (long) The Bitplane's height.
This function deallocates the memory that was allocated by
the GetColorMap() function. Remember to deallocate all memory
that you allocate. For every GetColorMap() function there
should be one FreeColorMap() function.
FreeColorMap( colormap );
colormap: (struct ColorMap *) Pointer to a ColorMap structure
that GetColorMap() returned and you now want to
This function initializes a RastPort.
Synopsis: InitRastPort( rast_port );
rast_port: (RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that should
be Initialized.
This function will change the FgPen's colour.
Synopsis: SetAPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
This function will change the BgPen's colour.
Synopsis: SetBPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
This macro will change the AOlPen's colour. Note! This is not
a function. It is actually a macro that is defined in the
header file "gfxmacros.h". If you want to use this function
you have to remember to include this file.
Synopsis: SetOPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
This function will change the drawing mode.
Synopsis: SetDrMd( rast_port, new_mode );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_mode: (long) The new drawing mode. Set one of the
JAM1 The FgPen will be used, the
background unchanged. (One colour
jammed into a Raster.)
JAM2 The FgPen will be used as foreground
pen while the background (when you
are writing text for example) will
be filled with the BgPen's colour.
(Two colours are jammed into a
COMPLEMENT Each pixel affected will be drawn
with the binary complement colour.
Where you write 1's the
corresponding bit in the Raster
will be reversed.
INVERSVID|JAM1 This mode is only use together with
text. Only the background of the
text will be drawn with the FgPen.
INVERSVID|JAM2 This mode is only use together with
text. The background of the text
will be drawn with the FgPen, and
the characters itself with the
This function will set the line pattern.
Synopsis: SetDrPt( rast_port, line_pattern );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort
that should be affected.
line_pattern: (UWORD) The pattern. Each bit represents one
dot. To generate solid lines you set the
pattern value to 0xFFFF [hex] (1111111111111111
This function will set the area pattern:
Synopsis: SetAfPt( rast_port, area_pattern, pow2 );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort
that should be affected.
area_pattern: (UWORD) Pointer to an array of UWORDS that
generate the pattern. Each bit in the array
represents one dot.
pow2: (BYTE) The pattern must be two to the power of
pow2 lines tall. If the pattern is one line tall
pow2 should be set to 0, if the pattern is two
lines tall pow2 should be set to 1, if the
pattern is four lines tall pow2 should be set to
2, and so on. (If you use multicoloured patterns
the pow2 should be negative. A sixteen lines
tall multicoloured pattern should therefore have
the pow2 value set to -4 [2^4 = 16].)
This function will draw a single pixel.
Synopsis: WritePixel( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) X position of the pixel.
y: (long) Y position of the pixel.
This function reads the colour value of a pixel.
Synopsis: colour = ReadPixel( rast_port, x, y );
colour: (long) ReadPixel returns the colour value of the
specified pixel (colour 0 - 255 ) or -1 if the
coordinates were outside the Raster.
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort which
contain the pixel you want to examine.
x: (long) X position of the pixel.
y: (long) Y position of the pixel.
This function moves the cursor.
Synopsis: Move( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) The new X position.
y: (long) The new Y position.
This function prints text into a Raster.
Synopsis: Text( rast_port, string, nr_of_chr );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
string: (char *) Pointer to a text string that will be
nr_of_chr: (long) The number of characters that should be
This function draws single lines from the current position
to the new specified position.
Synopsis: Draw( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) The new X position.
y: (long) The new Y position.
This function will draw multiple lines.
Synopsis: PolyDraw( rast_port, number, coordinates );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
number: (long) The number of coordinates (x,y) defined
in the array.
coordinates: (short *) Pointer to an array of coordinates.
This function will draw filled rectangles.
Synopsis: RectFill( rast_port, minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
minx: (long) Left position of the rectangle.
miny: (long) Top - " -
maxx: (long) Right - " -
maxy: (long) Bottom - " -
This function will flood fill complicated objects.
Synopsis: Flood( rast_port, mode, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
mode: (long) Which mode should be used. If you want to
use the Colour mode set the mode variable to 1, to
get the Outline mode set the mode variable to 0.
x: (long) X position where the flood fill should
y: (long) Y position where the flood fill should
This function will start a new polygon.
Synopsis: AreaMove( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) Start X position.
y: (long) Start Y position.
This function will add a new vertex to the vector list.
Synopsis: AreaDraw( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) New X position.
y: (long) New Y position.
This function will close, draw and fill the polygon.
Synopsis: AreaEnd( rast_port );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
This macro (declared in file "gfxmacro.h") will turn off the
outline mode.
Synopsis: BNDROFF( rast_port );
rast_port: Pointer to the RastPort which outlinefunction
should be turned off.
This function sets a whole Raster to a specific colour.
Synopsis: SetRast( rast_port, colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
colour: (long) The colour reg. you want to fill the whole
raster with.
This function will scroll a rectangular area of a raster.
Synopsis: ScrollRaster( rp, dx, dy, minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
dx: (long) Delta X movement. (A positive number moves
the area to the right, a negative number to the
dy: (long) Delta Y movement. (A positive number moves
the area down, a negative number up.)
minx: (long) Left edge of the rectangle.
miny: (long) Top edge of the rectangle.
maxx: (long) Right edge of the rectangle.
maxy: (long) Bottom edge of the rectangle.
This function copies parts of BitMaps directly without
worrying about overlapping layers.
Synopsis: BltBitMap( sb, sx, sy, db, dx, dy, w, h, fl, m, t );
sb: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the "source" BitMap.
sx: (long) X offset, source.
sy: (long) Y offset, source.
db: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the "destination"
dx: (long) X offset, destination.
dy: (long) Y offset, destination.
w: (long) The width of the memory area that should be
h: (long) The height of the memory area that should be
fl: (long) The four leftmost bits tells the blitter
what kind of logically operations should be done.
m: (long) You can here define a BitMap mask, and tell
the blitter which BitPlanes should be used, and
which should not. The first bit represents the
first BitPlane, the second bit the second BitPlane
and so on. If the bit is on (1) the corresponding
BitPlane will be used, else (0) the BitPlane will
not be used. To turn off BitPlane zero and two, set
the mask value to 0xFA (11111010). To use all
BitPlanes set the mask value to 0xFF (11111111).
t: (char *) If the copy overlaps and this pointer
points to some chip-memory, the memory will be used
to store the temporary area in. However, normally
you do not need to bother about this value.
This function copies parts of BitMaps with help of Rastports
and will therefore care about overlapping layers, and should
be used if you have windows on your display.
Synopsis: ClipBlit( srp, sx, sy, drp, dx, dy, w, h, flag );
srp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the "source"
sx: (long) X offset, source.
sy: (long) Y offset, source.
drp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the "destination"
dx: (long) X offset, destination.
dy: (long) Y offset, destination.
w: (long) The width of the memory area that should be
h: (long) The height of the memory area that should be
flag: (long) This value tells the blitter what kind of
logically operations should be done. See below for
more information.
This example shows how to create your own display, and fill
it with a lot of pixels in seven different colours.
This example shows how to create a large Raster and a smaller
display. We fill the Raster with a lot of pixels in seven
different colours and by altering the RxOffset and RyOffset
values in the RasInfo structure, the Raster is scrolled in
all directions. This method to scroll a large drawing in full
speed is used in many games and was even used in my own
racing game "Car".
This example shows how to create a display that covers the
entire display. This method is called "Overscan", and is
primarily used in video and graphics programs, but can also
be used in games etc to make the display more interesting.
This example demonstrates how to open two different ViewPorts
on the same display. The first ViewPort is in low resolution
and use 32 colours, while the second ViewPort is in high
resolution and only use 2 colours.
This example demonstrates how to open a ViewPort in interlace
This example demonstrates how to create a ViewPort in dual
playfield mode. Playfield 1 use four colours and is placed
behind playfield 2 which only use two colours (transparent
and grey). Playfield 1 is filled with a lot of dots and is
scrolled around while playfield 2 is is not moved and is
filled with only five grey rectangles.
This example demonstrates how to create a ViewPort with the
special display mode "Hold and Modify".
This example shows how to use the functions: SetAPen(),
SetBPen(), SetOPen(), SetDrMd(), SetDrPt(), WritePixel(),
ReadPixel(), Move(), Draw(), Text() and finally PolyDraw().
This example shows how to flood fill a figure, and how to
draw filled rectangles (both solid as well as filled with
single and multi coloured patterns).
This example demonstrate how to use the Area Fill functions.
[ AreaMove(), AreaDraw() and AreaEnd(). ]
This example demonstrate how to copy rectangular memory areas
with help of the blitter.