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ez.lib Version 1.3 by Joe Siebenmann
*** See the Disclaimer in EZAsm.doc ***
--- New for Version 1.3 ---
o New functions:
o sprint() now returns number of characters processed in D0.
o KPrint(), Print() and AtoI() are now kprint(), print(), and atoi().
Ez.lib is a scanned library consisting of object files which are
individually loaded if there is an external reference to one of them.
Many "c.lib" like functions are included which are not normally available
with assembly language. With these functions, EZAsm can be used
for a much wider range of programming applications.
* Print Functions *
Usage: print( FormatString DataStream [...] )
kprint( FormatString DataStream [...] )
Performs C-like formatting of the data stream.
Where % formatting commands are found in the FormatString, they're
replaced with the corresponding element(s) in the DataStream.
print() outputs the results to the current output handle.
kprint() is like Kprintf() in that it sends its output
out the serial port at 9600 baud, where if you have another computer
running a terminal program, and hooked up with a null modem cable,
all the output can be captured and reviewed, even if your program is
taking over the machine, or crashes! This is a fantastic debugging tool!
More information on RawDoFmt() ( ExecBase ), which these use, can
be found in the AutoDocs.
A C-like null terminated format string.
The following % options are supported:
flags - '-' specifies left justification.
width - field width. If fist character is a '0', field is
padded with leading zeros.
limit - maximum number of characters output from a string ( %s only )
length - data size: 'l' for LONG ( WORD is the default size )
( BYTE data MUST be moved to a WORD or LONG for display )
type - types supported:
d - decimal
x - hexadecimal
s - string
c - character
Accepts MULTIPLE variable names, registers, constants etc..
Constant data ( 2, $f4, 'a', etc. ) is pushed as LONG, so use 'l'.
( %ld %lx %lc )
print( "word %ld = %s\n" 1 "YHWH" )
kprint( "foo = %08lx D2 = %08lx\n" foo d2 )
In print() statements without a DataStream argument, you
can drop the extra "*" argument and use it like this:
print( "Hello, World!\n" )
o A 200 byte buffer for k/print() is allocated on the stack frame
( at .pbuf ) so no AllocMem() is needed. Be careful when using "%s"
and printing large strings, as this could overflow the buffer and
trash your variables/program.
o print() needs the current output handle, and _DOSBase,
and will get these automatically. "OutHandle" will contain
the current output handle.
o EZAsm supports argument strings surrounded by double quotes.
Strings are automatically NULL terminated.
The following C character constants are supported:
\b backspace
\f form feed
\n newline
\r carriage return
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
\\ backslash
\" double quote
\' single quote
\nnn octal character value
\xnn hex character value
"Hello, World!\n"
"\x1b[32mEZAsm 1.8\x1b[39m\n"
* Character Functions *
Usage: [!] is.....( StringPointer ) {
[!] is.....( StringPointer ) {
} else {
[!] is.....( StringPointer ) label
Looks at the character at StringPointer address and,
if the test is satisfied, based on the Z flag,
performs the TRUE action.
These C-like functions are supported:
isalnum() alphabetic or digit character?
isalpha() alphabetic character?
isascii() ASCII character? ( $0-$7f )
iscntrl() control character? ( $0-$1f or $7f )
isdigit() digit character?
isgraph() graphics character? ( $21-$7e )
islower() lowercase letter?
isprint() printable character? ( including space )
ispunct() punctuation character?
isspace() white space character? ( $20 $09-$0c )
isupper() uppercase letter?
isxdigit() hexadecimal digit character?
* String Compare *
Usage: [D0 =] strcmp( String1 String2 )
[D0 =] strncmp( String1 String2 Length )
[D0 =] stricmp( String1 String2 )
[!] str...( String1 String2 ) {
[!] str...( String1 String2 ) {
} else {
[!] str...( String1 String2 ) label
Compares strings String1 and String2 ( for strncmp(), at most,
Length characters are compared ) The return value is -1 if String1
was less, 1 if String1 was greater, and 0 if String1 and String2
match exactly.
stricmp() is a case insensitive string compare ( "Cat" = "cat" )
returning 0 for equal, <0 if String1 was less, and >0 if String1
was greater.
As with the C versions, you'll need to use "!" to "flip" the
zero result when testing for strings being equal. To test for
not equal, omit the "!".
* Data Conversion *
Usage: D0 = atoi( StrAddr FormatString )
Converts ASCII digit characters found at StrAddr, according to
the format specified by FormatString, and places the result in D0.
Conversion is stopped when a non-valid digit character is found.
Address of first ASCII digit character.
"%d" convert (signed) decimal number
"%x" convert hexadecimal number
Usage: [D0 =] sprint( Buffer FormatString DataStream [...] )
Performs C-like formatting of the data stream.
Where % formatting commands are found in the FormatString, they're
replaced with the corresponding element(s) in the DataStream.
The result is placed in Buffer. The number of characters placed into
Buffer is returned in D0, excluding the terminating NULL.
More information on RawDoFmt() ( ExecBase ), which this uses, can
be found in the AutoDocs.
A C-like null terminated format string.
The following % options are supported:
flags - '-' specifies left justification.
width - field width. If fist character is a '0', field is
padded with leading zeros.
limit - maximum number of characters output from a string ( %s only )
length - data size: 'l' for LONG ( WORD is the default size )
( BYTE data MUST be moved to a WORD or LONG for display )
type - types supported:
d - decimal
x - hexadecimal
s - string
c - character
Accepts MULTIPLE variable names, registers, constants etc..
Constant data ( 2, $f4, 'a', etc. ) is pushed as LONG, so use 'l'.
( %ld %lx %lc )
sprint( Buf "\t\tmove%s\t#%ld,d1\n" ".l" 0 )
( see Mk.s for more examples )
* String Functions *
Usage: [location =] search( StrAddr String )
Searches for the first occurance of String starting at
StrAddr. If a match is found, the address of the first
matching byte from StrAddr is returned in D0, otherwise D0 = 0.
( Use this function when searching for two or more characters
( strchr() is better for single character searches ))
Usage: insert( StrAddr String )
Inserts String ( excluding null byte ) starting at
StrAddr ( address returned by a previous string search function etc. ).
( buffer at StrAddr must be large enough to hold the extra bytes )
* Input *
Usage: [D0 =] gets( Buffer )
Reads characters into your Buffer until a newline character is read.
The newline character isn't stored in Buffer, and the character
string is NULL terminated. The Buffer address is returned in D0.
Buffer should not exceed 127 bytes.
* Standard C string functions *
Usage: [location =] strcat( StrAddr String )
Concatenates character string String to the end of StrAddr,
placing a null byte at the end of the final string.
Returns ( original ) address of StrAddr in D0.
Usage: [location =] strchr( StrAddr Char )
Searches at StrAddr for the first occurance of character Char.
If it's found, the address of the character is
returned in D0, otherwise D0 = 0.
( be sure the actual character value is loaded into Char, not
its address ( use: #'x' ))
Usage: [location =] strcpy( StrAddr String )
Copies String to StrAddr, returning ( original ) addr of StrAddr
in D0.
Usage: [length =] strlen( StrAddr )
Returns the number of characters at StrAddr, excluding the
null byte in D0.
Usage: [location =] strncat( StrAddr String Length )
Concatenates character string String to the end of StrAddr,
until either the null byte is reached, or Length bytes have been
concatenated, whichever occurs first. Returns ( original ) addr
of StrAddr in D0.
Usage: [location =] strncpy( StrAddr String Length )
Copies String to StrAddr until either the null byte is reached,
or Length bytes have been copied, whichever occurs first.
Returns ( original ) addr of StrAddr in D0.
Usage: [location =] strrchr( StrAddr Char )
Searches at StrAddr for the last occurance of the character Char.
If found, its address is returned in D0, otherwise D0 = 0.
( be sure the actual character value is loaded into Char, not
its address ( use: #'x' ))