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575 lines
S.I.M. Postmortem Debug Server
Version 0.85
Copyright © 1992/1993 by Stefan Walter
last edited on: 09.03.93
1. Introduction
PostSIM basically is a sophisticated crash handler. It will catch all
exceptions which do not occur in supervisor mode and all calls to
exec.library's Alert() and Debug(). Additionally to basic features like
ending or suspending crashed tasks, PostSIM also allows symbolic postmortem
PostSIM can be used for different objectives. It can be used as preventive
measurement against crashes and software failure requesters, giving you the
chance not only to suspend or end a crashed process but also to have a
closer look at what went wrong. If you are developing applications, having
PostSIM installed in the background can be very useful. You can debug
right then when the program fails, which is a big help for searching the
reason for those nasty hard_to_reproduce crashes.
PostSIM also allows you to partially get program to work that break on
higher versions of the OS or because of 680x0 processors, due to cache
problems or the typical privileged 'MOVE SR,<ea>' instruction.
Finally PostSIM allows also active debugging. If you know that your
program has a bug, you can insert and assemble or compile ILLEGAL
instructions or calls to Debug() at strategic places in your program or
where you assume the bug to be. When you run the program, PostSIM gets
invoked and you can monitor the program from then on. Very useful to debug
objects like file handlers etc.
2. Installation
PostSIM needs to be run *BEFORE* any crashes happen. Therefore it should be
installed from the startup-sequence, but it can also be started later from
the CLI/Shell. Start from the Workbench is not allowed.
For a proper installation of PostSIM do the following:
- Copy the file 'PostSIM' to a suitable location. Possible choices
would be the 'C' directory or the directory where you have stored
the rest of your debugging toolkit.
- If you haven't configured a copy of SIM yet, do this now and store
the copy in the 'C:' directory or somewhere else.
- Copy the symbol definition file for your version of OS or your
custom definition file to the 'S:' directory as 'bug.libfile'.
PostSIM and SIMBug share the same definition file. PostSIM does
not require a symbol definition file to work. If you don't want
symbols for library calls, leave out this step.
The information about how to edit or to create a custom definition
file can be found in a seperate documentation.
- If you want installation at startup, execute PostSIM in your
PostSIM accepts the following options when started:
-s (path) (path) specifies where PostSIM shall look for SIM.
This must be stated if you do not have stored SIM
in either the current or the 'C' directory.
-k (key) (key) specifies the hotkey with which PostSIM can
be invoked. (key) is a hexadeciaml number.
default is:
$00190019 (Ctrl-LShift-LAlt-p).
A description of how the number is built up is
located at the end of the decomentation.
-w (win) (win) specifies the console window PostSIM shall
open when invoked. Default is:
'CON:0/0/550/150/PostSIM v0.85'.
If the default window is too small to contain the
full texts with the system font you use, use this
option to specify a larger window.
-l Will force PostSIM to load SIM immediately when it
is installed.
-d Will force PostSIM to patch the Debug() vector of
exec.library directly to SIM's JSR entrance.
This option will automatically load SIM when
PostSIM is installed (see option -l).
-q Supresses the title text when installing and only
prints the installation message. Useful when
installing PostSIM in the startup-sequence.
-h Disables automatic printing of all available
commands when PostSIM gets invoked.
? Prints a brief overview of the options and does not
install PostSIM.
A sample command line could look like this:
PostSIM -qlhd -sbin/sim -k$190030 -w"CON:0/0/640/200/PostSIM Window"
When PostSIM fails to install itself, it will return the following error
- PostSIM successfully installed.
PostSIM could be installed and is now working.
- Unable to open port.
PostSIM could not open the port needed to handle
crashes and was therefore not installed.
- Unable to load SIM.
PostSIM could not load SIM at installation.
Executing PostSIM again has the same effect as pressing the hotkey.
While PostSIM waits in the background, memory consumption limits itself to
ca. 17 KBytes plus the memory required for a process (ca. 5-13 KBytes)
plus the memory for SIM and its display (ca. 68 Kbytes) if it is loaded at
3. Invoking PostSIM
PostSIM can get invoked for the following reasons:
- An exception happens.
- A task calls Alert().
- A task calls Debug().
- Debugging with SIM is suspended with the quit command of SIM.
- PostSIM's copy of SIM was called from another task and the
quit command of SIM is used.
- The hotkey to invoke PostSIM is pressed.
- PostSIM is executed again.
In any of these cases, PostSIM will suspend the task which called it
(except for invokation due to the hotkey), open a console window and call
WBToFront() and DisplayBeep().
If SIM hasn't been loaded yet, it will attempt to do so. If SIM can't be
found at the custom, the current and the 'C' directory, a filerequester
pops up. If you cancel it, SIM will not be loaded and debugging is not
PostSIM then loads the symbol definition file if it could be found and
generates a symbol list if no error in the definition file was found.
Then the reason for the invokation is displayed. If PostSIM was invoked by
the user and there are crashes stored in the storage list, their number is
displayed instead. If the reason was a crash, PostSIM also prints the
tasks address, name and the CLI number and the loaded command if the
crashed task is a CLI process. Last the results of a few sanity checks are
printed. The sanity checks consist of a informing you if Forbid() or
Disable() was broken, if the stackpointer is not within the stack of the
crashed task/process and if its PC is not within the ROM or any hunks of
the program loaded.
Finally PostSIM lists all available commands if this isn't suppressed with
the 'h' option. Then it waits for commands.
If more then one task has crashed, they are queued up. You can only deal
with one task at a time. If the queue isn't empty, the following message
appears in the window title bar:
*** [n] crashes waiting in queue.
If a task crashes while PostSIM's window is open, it is also put in the
queue, the window title bar is updated and a call to WBToFront(),
DisplayBeep() and ActivateWindow() is done.
4. Commands
Interaction with PostSIM is done with one letter commands which in most
cases don't have further arguments. Not all commands are allowed at every
kind of invokation, i.e. the 'D'/Debug command has no sence if PostSIM was
invoked by hotkey. The available commands can be listed with the '?'
The following commands exist:
Q Terminates PostSIM. This is only allowed when no crash is pending,
the storage list is empty and debugging is not in progress.
If while removing all patches a changed task traphandler is found,
information about the task is given and the possibilities to
restore this one or all, not to restore it, not to restore any more
or to cancel. If you have run any other debugger after PostSIM,
you shoud quit it before you end PostSIM.
H Holds PostSIM. If no crash is pending, this command closes the
window and puts PostSIM on stand-by.
N Creates a new CLI/Shell. This command requires the 'Run' and
'NewCLI' cli commands in the 'C' directory if they aren't resident.
E Enters SIM as subroutine. Basically of use if you lost control
while debugging or for short peeking of the system. System symbols
are available. Do not change the stack pointers or the PC or
PostSIM will crash.
I If a crash has happened, this command displays further information
about register contents and the task/process of the crashed
R Regenerates the system symbols. You can use this command to update
device, library base or task symbols after new libraries, devices
or tasks have been installed.
U Updates the traphandlers of all tasks. This command may be used
after another program (i.e. another debugger) changed the
traphandler of a task and you want this traphandler pointing at
PostSIM again.
If a changed task traphandler is found, information about the task
is given and the possibilities to update this one or all, not to
update it, not to update any more or to cancel.
S Suspends the task that crashed by letting it wait forever. There
is no way back to safely reactivate a tasks that has benn suspended
with this command. Think carefully befure using it.
X Ends the crashed program by either calling Exit() or by reseting
the stack and performing an additional RTS.
O Lets the old traphandler deal with the crash. This allows you to
pass control to another debugging tool that has been installed
before PostSIM or to see the standard software failure requester.
Y Loads symbols from an executable. The symbols are relocated on the
segment list of the loaded command of the crashed process.
If the name of the executable isn't specified with the command, a
file requester pops up.
Problems may occur with programs that detach from the CLI, where
the segment list of the program in memory does not match the hunk
structure of the executable.
D Start debugging. Passes control over the program that crashed to
SIM. PostSIM therefore sets the task traphandle of that task
directly to SIM. You can use the quit command of SIM to return
control to PostSIM or to suspend debugging and return to
PostSIM removes its window and returns to stand-by.
C Terminates debugging and lets go the task that crashed.
A If the invokation reason was a call to Alert(), this command lets
the task complete the call.
G Terminates debugging and resets SIM. This command needs to be
executed if you terminated debugging of the last crash and didn't
leave SIM with 'quit' then.
P Stores the crash in the storage list.
W (n) Gets the first or (n)th crash from the storage list.
L Lists all crashes in the storage list.
T Lists all tasks and processes with their address, state, priority,
CLI number, name plus name of the loaded command. The output is
paged, after one page has been printed and there is more to see,
you can press either <CTRL-C> to abort or any other key to see the
next page.
Z Intercepts any task specified by its task control block address.
The addresses can be found using the 'T' command.
If the task to be intercepted is in the ready list, it will be
stoped before it will execute the next instruction. If the task is
in waitstate, PostSIM will wait until the tasks becomes activated
somehow, then PostSIM will let it complete the call to Wait()
before it is stopped.
If a task could be intercepted, it will be dealt with like it would
have crashed and activated PostSIM. You can either debug the task
using the 'D' command or put it in the storage list to freeze it.
? Displays all available commands.
5. Debugging
When a task crashes, it is put to waitstate by calling Wait(), regardless
whether it has called Disable() or Forbid() before or not. This can
remotely lead to futher crashes depending what the program was doing when
it crashed, i.e. if it was meddling with the task or memory lists.
When you intend to debug a crashed task, you can do this with the 'D'
command. If an exception caused the crash, the PC points to the
instruction which caused the exception. If it was Alert(), The PC points
to the real Alert() function, if you don't want to see the alert, perform
an RTS, i.e. with SIM's AMIGA-SHIFT-R shortcut.
If you need to suspend debugging for whatever reason, use the quit command
of SIM. You then return to PostSIM where you can use the 'D' command again
to continue to debug or the 'C' command to continue execution of the
program and to end the debugging of this task.
When you have finished debugging, don't leave SIM with 'Exit'. Use 'Quit'
instead. You return to PostSIM. There you finish debugging by entering
the 'C' command. If you don't do this, you will need to use the 'G'
command to grab SIM again when you need to do further debugging.
6. The Hotkey
PostSIM's default hotkey to invoke PostSIM is CTRL-LALT-LSHIFT-P. If you
desire to have another hotkey or if the default one interacts with other
applications you have installed, you can specify your own when installing
PostSIM using the 's' option.
The hotkey is defined as a number similar to a rawkey. The hotkey's value
is ORed together from the desired qualifiers and a key:
LEFT SHIFT: $00000001
RIGHT SHIFT: $00000002
CAPSLOCK: $00000004
CONTROL: $00000008
LEFT ALT: $00000010
RIGHT ALT: $00000020
LEFT AMIGA: $00000040
RIGHT AMIGA: $00000080
MIDDLE BUTTON: $00001000
RIGHT BUTTON: $00002000
LEFT BUTTON: $00004000
Keys (refering to American keyboard!):
A $00200000 S $00210000
B $00350000 T $00140000
C $00330000 U $00160000
D $00220000 V $00340000
E $00120000 W $00110000
F $00230000 X $00320000
G $00240000 Y $00150000
H $00250000 Z $00310000
I $00170000 1 $00010000
J $00260000 2 $00020000
K $00270000 3 $00030000
L $00280000 4 $00040000
M $00370000 5 $00050000
N $00360000 6 $00060000
O $00180000 7 $00070000
P $00190000 8 $00080000
Q $00100000 9 $00090000
R $00130000 0 $000a0000
- $000b0000 ' $002a0000
= $000c0000 $ $002b0000
\ $000d0000 < $00300000
[ $001a0000 , $00380000
] $001b0000 . $00390000
; $00290000 / $003a0000
ESC $00450000 TAB $00420000
F1 $00500000 CR $00440000
F2 $00510000 CTRL $00630000
F3 $00520000 CAPS $00620000
F4 $00530000 LSHIFT $00600000
F5 $00540000 RSHIFT $00610000
F6 $00550000 LALT $00640000
F7 $00560000 RALT $00650000
F8 $00570000 LAMIGA $00660000
F9 $00580000 RAMIGA $00670000
F10 $00590000 C-UP $004c0000
| $00000000 C-DOWN $004d0000
BCKSPC $00410000 C-LEFT $004f0000
DEL $00460000 C-RIGHT $004e0000
HELP $005f0000
Keys of keypad:
1 $001d0000 0 $000f0000
2 $001e0000 . $003c0000
3 $001f0000 [ $005a0000
4 $002d0000 ] $005b0000
5 $002e0000 / $005c0000
6 $002f0000 * $005d0000
7 $003d0000 - $004a0000
8 $003e0000 + $005e0000
9 $003f0000 ENTER $00000000
An example: The default hotkey CTRL-LALT-LSHIFT-P:
LEFT SHIFT: $00000001
CONTROL: $00000008 OR
LEFT ALT: $00000010 OR
P $00190000 OR
7. Final notes
PostSIM is part of the distribution of SIM and may only be copied and
distributed along with the entier distribution.
If you find any bugs in PostSIM, the system symbol definition files or SIM,
you are kindly asked to report these to me in order to fix them. Please
look at the end of the documentation of SIM for both my physical or e-mail
Happy bug-hunting! :)