This graph shows the number of spam mails within the last 30 days.
=Statistica spam-ului primit εn cursul ultimelor 30 de zile.
#main menu
&Recycle bin...
Check for &updates...
=Cπuta&rea actualizπrilor...
Enable Spam &Filter
=Activeazπ Filtru de Spam
Disable Spam &Filter
=Dezactiveazπ Filtru de Spam
Do you really want to quit Spamihilator?\n\nYour email client may not be able to receive messages if Spamihilator is not running.
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ ie║i din Spamihilator ?\n\nProgramul tπu de po║tπ riscπ de a nu mai primi altπ po║tπ dacπ Spamihilator nu este εn execu■ie.
Do you really want to disable the spam filter?\nIncoming messages will not be filtered.
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ dezctivezi filtrul de spam ?\nPo║ta primitπ nu va mai fi filtratπ.
The spam filter has been re-enabled.
=Filtrul de spam a fost reactivat.
&Frequently Asked Questions...
=╬ntrebπri &Frecvente...
- %i messages deleted
=- %i mesaje desfiin■ate
Tray Area
=Zona de Notificare
&Training Area...
=&Zona de Antrenament...
Welcome to Spamihilator! Right-click on this icon to access the program's features and settings.
=Bun venit la Spamihilator ! Tasteazπ cu clapπ dreaptπ pe icoana aceastπ pentru a accesa func■iunilor de setare ║i parametrelor.
=Eroare de Socket !
The local port %i is already in use by another program.\nPlease change the port in Spamihilator's settings dialog and in your e-mail client's account settings.
=Poartπ localπ %i este deja εn curs de folosire de cπtre alt program. \nTe rog, schimbπ poarta εn fereastra setπrilor lui Spamihilator ║i εn setπrile contului tπu de client de po║tπ.
The user name in the client mail program has the wrong format.\nUse the right format: [pop3server]&[username]&[port]
=Formatul Numelui de Utilizator εn programul de po║tπ nu este corect.\nUsa Formatul : [server Pop3]&[Nume de Utilizator]&[poartπ]
Enter a value!
=Sπ Introduci o valoare!
You must agree to the Spamihilator License to use the program.\nSpamihilator will now exit.
=Trebuie sπ accep■i la licen■a GNU General Public License cπ sπ utilizezi acest program.\nSpamihilator se va εnchide acum.
Spamihilator crashed!\nDo you want to restart it?
=Spamihilator s-a blocat !\nvrei sπ-l porne║ti din nou ?
=Timp expirat
The server has not answered for a long time. Do you want to abort connection?
=Serverul nu rπspunde de un timp εndelungat. Vrei sπ termini conectarea ?
This version introduces a new spam filter. Because of that the Spam-Words you added have been converted. Every word has now a probability of spam from 0% to 100%.\n\nPlease verify your Spam-Words.
=Versiunea aceastπ introduce un nou filtru de po║tπ nedoritπ. Pentru cπ toate cuvintele care le ai adπugat au fost convertite, acesta comportπ o probabilitate de la 0 % la 100 %.\n\nSπ verifici cuvintele spam care le-ai adπugat.
The following plugin has caused an exception:\n%s\n\nThis Plugin will be skipped.
=Urmπtorul plugin ha pricinuit o eccep■ie :\n%s\n\nAcest Plugin va fi neglijat
This server doesn't support secure connections over SSL/TLS.\nDo you want to establish an unsecure connection?
=Acest server nu suporteazπ conectπri sigure prin SSL/TLS.\nB┬Vrei sπ stabile║ti o conectare nesigurπ?
#config dialog
Blocked Senders
=Expeditori Bloca■i
Do you really want to delete "%s" from the list?
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ ║tergi "%s" din lista ?
Edit sender
=Modificπ Expeditorul
This sender has already been added to this/another list.
=Expeditorul acesta a fost deja adπugat la aceasta/la o altπ listπ.
The program has to be restarted to make the changes take affect.\n\nSpamihilator will now restart...
=Programul trebuie sπ fie pornit din nou cπ sπ aibπ efect modificπrile.\n\nSpamihilator acum va porni din nou...
Local server
=Server Local
Add new sender
=Adπugπ un nou expeditor
Sender name:
=Nume de Expeditor :
Mail address:
=Adresπ e-mail :
Configure the list of your friends and the list of your enemies.\n\nPlease select a sub-entry from the list.
=Seteazπ lista prietenilor ║i du║manilor tπi.\n\nSelecteazπ-i din lista-
Recieved messages:
=Po║tπ primitπ :
Last message:
=Ultimul Mesaj :
List of blocked senders
=Listπ expeditorilor bloca■i
Messages from blocked senders will always be moved into the recycle bin.
=Mesajele expeditorilor bloca■i vor fi trimise la pubela.
List of your friends
=Lista prietenilor
Messages from your friends will never be treated as spam.
=Mesajele prietenilor tπi nu vor fi trata■i niciodatπ ca spam.
New Language Packs
=Noi seturi de limbi.
Check the Spamihilator Internet server for new language packs.
=Cπutπ noi seturi de limbi εn serverul Internet al lui Spamihilator.
There is a new language pack available.\nDo you want to download it?
=Existπ un nou set de limbπ disponibil.\nVrei sπ-l descπrci?
A new language pack has been downloaded.\nDo you want to install it now?\n\nYou can find the file later at "%s"
=Un nou set de limbπ a fost descπrcat.\nVrei sπ-l instalezi acum?\n\nPo■i gπsi fi║ierul mai tΓrziu la "%s"
There is no new language pack available at the moment.
=Nu existπ pe moment nici un nou set de limbπ disponibil.
Copy the language files (*.spamihilator.language) to the program directory of Spamihilator.
=Copiazπ fi║ierul Limbii (*.spamihilator.language) εn dosarul Spamihilator.
General settings
=Setπri Generale
Show status window while receiving messages
=Visualizeazπ Fereasta de primire
Launch Spamihilator at Windows startup
=Porne║te Spamihilator odatπ cu pornirea lui Windows
Automatically check for updates
=Verificπ automat actualizπrile
Check now!
=Verificπ acum
Don't keep messages more than
=Nu pπstra mesajele mai mult de
Enable window alpha blending (only available on Win2k/XP)
=Activeazπ window alpha blending (numai pentru W2000/XP)
=Timp :
You can use wildcards to specify more than one mail address.\nExamples: *, mail.????
=Po■i folosi caractere jolly cπ specifici mai multe adrese de po║tπ.\nDe exsemplu : *, mail.????
You can add mail addresses one-by-one or import them from a text file or from the Windows Address Book.
=Po■i adπuga adresele prietenilor tπi unu cΓte unu sau sπ-i impor■i din rubrica lui Windows.
Do you want to import your Windows Address Book to the Friend List?
=Vrei sπ impor■i din rubrica ta Windows adresele prietenilor tπi ?
The following address has been found:\n\n%s (%s)\n\nDo you want to import this address?\n\nClick "Yes" to import this address or "No" to skip.\nClick "Yes for all" to import all or "Cancel" to stop import.
=Adresa urmπtoare a fost gπsitπ :\n\n%s (%s)\n\nvrei sπ impor■i adresa aceastπ ?\n\nTasteazzπ pe "DA" pentru a importa sau pe "NU" pentru a o neglija.\nTasteazπ pe "Da la toate" pentru a le importa toate sau pe "Renun■π" pentru a opri importarea.
%i addresses have been imported successfully.
=%adresele au fost importate cu succes.
Import sender
=Importπ Expeditor
Import senders
=Importπ Expeditori
Tip: Some mail clients support Drag&&Drop.\nDrag a message from your mail software to this window to add its sender to the list.
=Un sfat : Unele programe supportπ Drag&&Drop.\nTrage un mesaj din programul tπu de po║ta in fereastra aceastπ cπ s-adπugi expeditorul la lista.
Enable this option when you are behind a firewall and Spamihilator cannot establish a connection to the Internet.
=Activeazπ op■iunea aceastπ atunci cΓnd din cauza unui firewall spamihilator nu reu║e║te ║π stabileascπ o conectare cu internet.
Firewall settings
=Setπri firewall
Bypass connected state checking
=Neglijeazπ verificarea stπrii de connectare
Filter properties
=Proprietπ■i ale filtrului
Please select an aggressiveness level from the list below:
=Selecteazπ o nouπ agressivitate din lista urmπtoare :
NORMAL (recommended)\n\nI want to filter out spam but I want to receive all important mails.\n\nThis is the default level. The filter process is very safe. Most spam mails will be deleted.
=NORMAL┬ (recomandat)\n\nVreau sπ filtrez spam-ul dar vreau sπ primesc mesajele importante.\n\nAcesta e nivelul de bazπ. Filtrul este sigur. Multe mesaje spam vor fi eliminate.
VERY HIGH\n\nI only want to receive mails from senders that are in my Friends List.\n\nDynamic filtering by keywords will be disabled. You will only receive messages from your friends.
=FOARTE RIDICAT├\n\nNu vreau sπ primesc mesaje de la expeditori care sπ nu fie εn lista prietenilor.\n\nFiltrul dinamic prin cuvinte va fi dezactivat. Vei primi nukai mesaje de la prieteni.
HIGH\n\nI want to get rid of spam.\n\nFilter threshold will be set to a low value. A message will be deleted even if it contains only a few spam words.
=RIDICAT├\n\nVreau sπ eliminez spam-ul.\n\nFiltrul va fi la nivel scπzut. Mesajul va fi ║ters dacπ con■ine numai unele cuvinte spam.
LOW\n\nI want to receive almost every message.\n\nFilter threshold will be set to a very high value, so that a message will only be deleted when it contains plenty of spam words.
=SC├ZUT├\n\nVei primi aproape totalitatea mesajelor.\n\nFiltrul va fi setat la o valoare foarte ridicatπ, atΓt cπ sπ elimineze un mesaj care con■ine diferite cuvinte spam.
VERY LOW\n\nI want to receive all messages except those from senders that are in my Blocked Senders List.\n\nAutomatic filtering by keywords will be disabled. Only messages from blocked senders will be deleted.
=FOARTE SC├ZUT├\n\nVei primi toate mesajele ecceptΓnd cele de la expeditori care sunt εn lista nedori■ilor.\n\nFiltrul prin cuvinte va fi dezactivat. Numai mesajele trimise de cπtre expeditorii bloca■i vor di ║terse.
=Expresie :
=Valoare :
Spam Words
=Cuvinte Spam
Spamihilator searches email messages for spam words.\nA mail is treated as spam if a certain amount of words has been reached.
=Spamihilator cπutπ cuvintele spam εn mesajele arhivate.\n\nUn mesaj este socotit ca spam dacπ con■ine diferite cuvinte spam.
Expressions are not case sensitive. It is recomended that the value is set to a number between 20 and 50.
=Expresiile nu sunt sensibile la litera Mare/micπ . Se recomandπ de a atribui un numπr cuprins εntre 20 ║i 50.
Add new expression
=Adπugπ o nouπ expresie
Edit expression
=Modificπ expressia
Please enter a value between %i and %i.
=Sπ introduci o valoare εntre %i ║i %i.
This is a predefined expression that can not be deleted.\n\nIf you want to disable this expression, set its value to 0.
=Aceastπ e o expresie predefinitπ care nu poate fi ║tearsπ.\n\nDacπ vrei sπ dezactivezi aceasta expresie, seteazπ valoarea la zero.
Show pre-defined expressions
=Visualizeazπ expresiile predefinite
This expression has already been added to the list.
=Aceasta axpresie existπ deja εn lista.
Never download messages twice
=Nu descπrca niciodatπ mesaje duble
Show number of deleted messages for
=Visualizeazπ totalul mesajelor ║terse dupπ
Spamihilator searches email messages for spam words and calculates their probabilities. A mail is treated as spam if a certain probability has been reached.
=Spamihilator cπutπ cuvintele spam εn mail-urile ║i calculeazπ probabilitπ■ile.Un mesaj este considerat ca spam dacπ o anumitπ probabilitate a fost verificatπ.
Probability of Spam
=Probabilitate de Spam
Probability of Spam:
=Probabilitate de Spam :
Expressions are not case sensitive!
=expresiile nu sunt sensibile la litera Mare/micπ.
The expression must not include these characters:\n\n%s
=Expressia nu trebuie sπ con■inπ acestecaractere : \n\n%s
You can add mail addresses one-by-one or import them from a text file or from Outlook Express.
=Po■i adπuga adresele de po║tπ unπ cΓte unπ sau a le importa de la un fi║ier sau din Outlook Express.
Do you want to import your Outlook Express Blocked Senders List?
=Vrei sπ impor■i lista de expeditori bloca■i din Outlook Express ?
Enable Learning Filter (recommended)
=Activeazπ filtrul de antrenament (recomandat)
Automatically learn from messages from my friends
=╬nvπ■π automat din mesajele trimise de cπtre prietenii mei
Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders
=╬nvπ■π automat din mesajele trimise de cπtre expeditorii blocca■i
Automatically learn from restored messages from the Recycle Bin
=╬nvπ■π automat din mesajele recuperate din Pubela
Enable Spam Word Filter (recommended)
=Activeazπ filtrtrul de cuvinte spam (recomandat)
Double-click on tray icon opens
=Click dublu εn zona de Notificare pentru a deschide
Spam Word Filter
=Filtru de cuvinte Spam
Ignore HTML tags
=Neglijazπ marcπtoarele HTML
Learning Filter
=Filtru de εnvπ■πmΓnt
Probability Threshold:
=Seqven■π de Probabilitπ■i :
Limit Spamihilator's memory to
=Limiteazπ memoria lui Spamihilator la
Backup your settings
=Salveazπ setπrile
Backup failed!
=Backup e║uat !
Export all of Spamihilator's settings. Thus you will be able to restore all settings after a re-installation of Spamihilator by importing the backup file.
=Exportπ toate setπrile lui Spamihilator. Po■i relua setπrile dupπ reinstalarea lui Spamihilator importΓnd fi║ierul de backup.
Log communication between Spamihilator and my email client:
Your current configuration will be completely overwritten.
=Setarea actualπ va fi cu totul suprascrisπ.
All messages in the Recycle Bin will be overwritten.
=Toate mesajele din pubela vor fi suprascrise.
All messages in the Training Area will be overwritten.
=Toate mesajele din area di antrenament vor fi suprascrise.
All user-defined spam words will be overwritten.
=Toate cuvintele spam definite dde utilizatorul vor fi suprascrise.
Import source
=Importπ sursa
Windows Address Book
=Rubrica lui windows
Text file (comma separated)
=Fi║ier txt (despπr■itor = virgula)
The first record in the file contains the following items.\n\nPlease select which item is the display name and which one is the mail address of the contact:
=Prima εnregistrare din fi║ier con■ine elementele urmπtoare.\n\nSelecteazπ cuvΓntul corespunzπtor cu numele ║i cu expeditorul :
Outlook Express Blocked Senders List
=Expeditori Bloca■i din Outolook Express
Sender could not be added.\nMaybe the mail address contains invalid characters.
=Expeditorul nu poate fi adπugat .\nAdresa lui con■ine caractere spam.
Plugin could not be loaded:\n%s
=Plugin-ul nu poate fi εncπrcat:\n%s
Plugin name
=Numele plugin-ului
Plugin name:
=Numele plugin-ului :
=Descriere :
=Autor :
=Versiune :
=Nome del File
Enable Plugin Filters (recommended)
=Activeazπ filtrele plugin-ilor (recomandat)
When the filter finds a Spam Mail...
=CΓnd filtrul gπse║te un mesaj spam...
When the filter finds a Non-Spam Mail...
=CΓnd filtrul gπse║te un mesaj non-spam...
Filter name
=Nomele Filtrului
finish filtering process (recommended)
=Terminπ Procedura filtrului
continue with next filter
=Sπ treci la filtrul urmπtor
%i entries
=%i primite
The settings of this plugin may have been changed.\nDo you want to save the changes?
=Setπrile acestui plugin au fost schimbate.\nVrei sπ salvezi modificπrile ?
Memory of the Learning Filter
=Memoria Filtrului de Antrenament
The Learning Filter's Memory will be overwritten.
=Memoria Filtrului de Antrenament va fi suprascrisπ.
(enter "-1" to show the number of deleted messages constantly)
Enable SSL for all hosts that support it. Spamihilator will try to establish a secure connection over SSL/TLS the next time it connects to these hosts.
=Activeazπ SSL pentru toate gazdele care o suporteazπ. Spamihilator va εncerca de a stabili o conectare securizatπ prin SSL/TLS cu ocazia conectπrii urmπtoare.
Known hosts
=Situri cunoscute
Known hosts...
=Situri cunoscute...
This will take a while when Spamihilator connects to a host for the first time.
=Prima conectare a lui Spamihilator la o gazdπ poate cere ceva timp.
Parental Control
=Control pπrin■esc
Enable Parental Control
=Activeazπ Controlul pπrin■esc
The Recycle Bin, the Training Area and all other items in Spamihilator's main menu will be locked to save your children from adult content in spam mails.
=Pubela, zona de antrenament ║i toate celelalte elemente ale meniului principal vor fi blocate cπ sπ-i fereascπ pe copii vo║tri de con■inutul spam pentru adul■i.
Re-type password:
=Sπ reεntroduci parola:
Spamihilator uses:
=╬ntrebuin■πri ale lui Spamihilator:
Please note: This option does not encrypt the files in Spamihilator's directory in any way or protect them against other users.
=De remarcat: Op■iunea aceastπ nu cripteazπ sub nici o formπ fi║ierele dosarului lui Spamihilator sau nu le protejazπ de ceilal■i utilizatori.
Please enter a parental control password.
=Mul■umesc de a fi introdus o parolπ de control pπrin■esc.
The passwords do not match. Please re-type your Parental Control password in both fields.
=Parolele diferπ. Mul■umesc de a fi reintrodus parolπ εn amπndouπ casu■ele.
Access denied! Wrong password.
=íAcces refuzat!. Parolπ incorectπ.
This feature has been locked by the Spamihilator Parental Control.\n\nPlease enter the password to access this feature:
=Func■ia aceastπ a fost blocatπ de cπtre controlul pπrin■esc al lui Spamihilator.\n\nMul■umesc de a introduce parola pentru a accesa la func■ia aceastπ:
Keep Spam Mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin
=Pπstreazπ spam-urile pe server pΓnπ cΓnd le voi desfiin■a din pubela
Don't download messages from blocked senders
=Nu descπrca mesajele expeditorilol bloca■i
Skipping messages from blocked senders may save time and bandwidth.
=Neglijarea mesajelor expeditorilor bloca■i peut economisi timp ║i bandπ.
Please note:\n1) If you enable this option, all messages from blocked senders will be deleted from the server. You will not be able to restore them.\nIf you want to keep the possibility of restoration, activate the option "Keep Spam-Mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin".\n\n2) The option "Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders" will also be disabled.
=De remarcat:\n1) Dacπ activa■i op■iunea aceastπ, toate mesajele expeditorilor bloca■i vor fi desfiin■ate din server. Nu mai ve■i putea sπ le reεnfiin■a■i.\nDacπ dori■i sπ men■ine■i posibilitatea de le reεnfiin■a, sπ activa■i op■iunea "Pπstreazπ Spam-urile pe server pΓnπ cΓnd le voi desfiin■a din pubela".\n\n2) Op■iunea "╬nvπ■π automat pornind din mesajele expeditorilor bloca■i" va fi de asemenea dezactivatπ.
The following hosts have been contacted before:
=Gazdele urmπtoare au fost contactate εnπinte:
=Nume de utilizator
Edit host
=Editeazπ gazda
Secure connection over SSL/TLS
=Conneczare securizatπ prin SSL/TLS
Do not warn me, if a certain address is already in the list
=Nu mπ alerta dacπ o adresπ este deja εn lista
Add multiple senders
=Adπugπ expeditori multipli
You are going to add %i senders to the list of blocked senders.\n\nAre you sure?
=E║ti cΓt pe ce s-adπugi %i expeditori la lista expeditorilor bloca■i.\n\nE║ti sigur?
You are going to add %i senders to the list of friends.\n\nAre you sure?
=E║ti cΓt pe ce s-adπugi %i expeditori la lista expeditorilor prieteni.\n\n┐E║ti sigur?
%i senders have been added successfully.
=%i expeditori au fost adπuga■i cu succes la lista.
The sender "%s" (%s) has already been added to this/another list.
=Expeditorul "%s" (%s) a fost deja adπugat la aceasta/alta listπ.
Compact the Learning Filter's memory
=Compacteazπ memoria filtrului de antrenare
Run this feature from time to time to clean the Learning Filter's memory.
=Sπ execu■i func■ia aceastπ din cΓnd εn cΓnd Cπ sπ cure■i memoria filtrului de antrenare.
Clean list of non-spam words
=Curπ■π lista cuvintelor ne-spam
Clean list of spam words
=Curπ■π lista cuvintelor spam
Delete all words whose count value is less than or equal to
=Desfiin■eazπ toate cuvintele numπrul cπrora de repeti■ii este infΘrior sau egal cu
Do you really want to run the Compact feature now?
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ execu■i func■ia de compactare acum?
The Learning Filter's memory has been cleaned successfully.\n\nDeleted %i words. Released %.02f KB.
=Memoria filtrului de antrenare a fost curπ■at cu succes.\n\n%i cuvinte desfiin■ate. %.02f Kb Elibera■i.
The Learning Filter counts the occurrences of all words.
=Filtrul de antrenare contabilizeazπ numπrul de repeti■ii al tuturor cuvintelor.
Transparency (only available on Win2k/XP)
=Transparen■π (disponibil numai cu Win 2000/XP)
%i%% opacity
=%i%% opacitate
100% opacity
=100% opacitate
Make the window movable by mouse
=Sπ faci fereastra deplasabilπ pentru mouse
Save its last position
=Salveazπ ultima ei pozi■ie
Status Window
=Fereastrπ de stat
Enable connections through this port
=Activeazπ conetπrile prim poarta aceastπ
Please note: If you disable connections through this port, you may not be able to receive e-mails any more!\nYou will have to change the port in your e-mail client's account settings to another one Spamihilator is listening to.\n\nDo you really want to disable connections through this port?
=De remarcat: Dacπ dezactivezi conectπrile la poarta aceastπ, se poate cπ nu mai vei putea primi e-mail!\nVa trebui sπ schimbi poarta εn setπrile clientului tπu e-mail cπtre altul suprπvegheat de Spamihilator.\n\nVrei cu adevπrat sπ dezactivezi conectπrile prin poarta aceastπ ?
#training area
Training Area
=Zonπ de antrenament
Training Area (Recently Received Messages)
=Zonπ de antrenament (Mesaje Primite Recent)
=Ne Spam
=Sπ ╬nvπ■!
Do you want Spamihilator to learn from selected messages?
=Vrei cπ Spamihilator sπ εnve■e din mesajele selectate ?
=εnvπ■are εn curs...
Please wait...\nSpamihilator is learning from marked messages...
=A║teaptπ, te rog...\nSpamihilator εnvπ■π ║i analizeazπ mesajele selectate...
Spamihilator has learned from marked messages.\nThese mails have been removed from the Training Area.
=Spamihilator a terminat εnvπ■area mesajelor selectate.\nMesajele aceste vor fi desfiin■ate din zona de antrenament.
Deleting old messages from training area...
=╬n curs de ║tergere din zona de antrenament...
%i messages - %.2f KB
=%i mesaje - %.2f Kb
Mark as &Spam S
=Marcheazπ ca &Spam S
Mark as &Non-Spam N
=Marcheazπ ca &Ne-Spam N
=&A εnvπ■a
The following Non-Spam-Message is also in the Recycle Bin:\n\nSender: %s\nSubject: %s\n\nDo you want to restore this message from the Recycle Bin?
=Urmπtoarele mesaje Ne-Spam se mai aflπ ║i εn pubela :\n\nexpeditor : %s\nsubiect : %s\n\nvrei sπ recuperezi acest mesaj din pubela ?
... all &Spam Mail
=... to■i expeditorii de spam
... all &Non-Spam Mail
=... to■i expeditorii de ne-spam
... automatically when Training Area is opened
=... automat cΓnd Zona de antrenament e deschisπ.
#about dialog
This program is released under the terms of the Spamihilator License.
=Programul acesta este diffuzat cu licen■a Spamihilator.
View License
=Vezi Licen■a
Spamihilator License
=Licen■a lui Spamihilator
I agree
I don't agree
Used software components and libraries
=Compozantele software ║i librπrii
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (
=Acest produs cuprinde software developat de cπtre OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (
OpenSSL disclaimer
=Renun■area OpenSSL
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
=Acest produs include software developat de cπtre Proiectul OpenSSL
#recycle bin
Empty bin
=Gole║te Pubela
Do you really want to empty the recycle bin?\nAll messages will be deleted irreversibly.
=Vrei sπ gole║ti pubela ?\nToate mesajele vor fi ║terse definitiv.
Do you really want to delete this mail?\nThis action can not be taken back.
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ ║tergi acest mesaj ?\nNu se va putea reveni asuprπ acestei ac■iuni.
Due to your security the message display is limited to plain/text.
=Din motive de siguran■π visualizarea mesajului este limitatπ la 100kb cu format txt.
Do you really want to restore this message?
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ reεnfiin■ezi acest mesaj ?
The message has been restored.\nIt will be sent to your Email client the next time you check for mails.
=Mesajul a fost reεnfiin■at.\nVa fi trimis din nou la casu■a ta po║talπ.
Renaming old files...\nPlease wait...
=Rednume║te mesaje vechi...\nA║teaptπ, te rog...
Deleting old messages from recycle bin...
=Desfiin■area mesajelor vechi din pubela...
&Add sender to blocked senders list
=&Adπugπ expeditor la lista spam
Add sender to my &friends
=Adπugπ expeditorul la lista prietenilor
Do you really want to delete these mails?\nThis action can not be taken back.
=Vrei sπ ║tergi acest mesaj ?\nAc■iunea astπ nu va putea fi reεnfiin■atπ.
Do you really want to restore these messages?
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ reεnfiin■ezi mesajele aceste ?
The messages have been restored.\nThey will be sent to your Email client the next time you check for mails.
=Mesajele au fost reεnfiin■ate.\nVor fi din nou trimise la casu■a ta po║talπ.
(Blocked Sender)
=(Expeditori Bloca■i)
Mail account
=Cont E-mail
&Reset account information
=&Resetarea informa■iilor conturilor
Blocked by:
=Blocat de :
Download and view the message...
=Descπrcπ ║i vezi mesajul...
At the moment this message is not fully available. It was identified as Spam before downloading.
=Deocamdatπ acest mesajul nu este cu totul disponibil. A fost identificat ca Spam εnπintea descπrcπrii lui.
This message is not available. It was identified as Spam before downloading.\nSpamihilator deleted this message from the server.
=Mesajul acesta nu este disponibil. A fost identificat ca Spam εnπintea descπrcπrii lui.\nSpamihilator l'a desfiin■at din server.
The following message cannot be restored, since it has been deleted from the server:\n\nSender: %s\nSubject: %s
=Mesajul urmπtor nu poate fi rereεnfiin■at, pentru c-a fost ║ters din sercer:\n\nExpeditor: %s\nSubiebct: %s
The message may be still available on your mail-server.
=Mesajul este totdeaunπ disponibil la servrtul tπu.
Please enter username and password for the following account:
=Te rog sπ introduci un nume de utilizπtor║i o parolπ pentru contul urmπtor:
Could not find this message on the mail-server.
=Mesajul este de negπsit εn serverul de mail.
Save password
=Salveazπ parola
The following message must be downloaded first before it can be restored:\n\nSender: %s\nSubject: %s\n\nDo you want to download this message now?
=Mesajul urmπtor trebuie sπ fie descπrcat εnπinte de a putea fi reεnfiin■at:\n\nExpeditor: %s\nSubiect: %s\n\nvrei sπ-l descπrci acum?
#update from web
Connecting to server "%s"...
=Conectare la server "%s"...
Could not establish an Internet connection
=Impossibil de a stabili conectarea.
A new version has been downloaded.\nDo you want to open it?\n\nYou can find the file later at "%s"
=O nuovπ versiune a fost descπrcatπ.\vrei s-o deschizi ?\n\no vei deschide dupπ "%s"
=εn curs de descπrcare...
Downloading "%s" from "%s"...
=descπrcare de "%s" din "%s"...
%.1f kb of %.1f kb (%.1f kb/s)
=%.1f Kb din %.1f Kb (%.1f Kb/s)
There is no newer version available.
=N-a fost gπsitπ nici o Actualizare disponibilπ.
There is a new version of Spamihilator available.\nDo you want to download it?
=O nouπ versiune a lui Spamihilator este disponibilπ.\nVrei s-o descπrci ?
There is a new patch available for Spamihilator.\nIt is strongly recommended to download it because it may fix some bugs or introduce new features.\n\nDo you want to download and install the patch?
=O nouπ corecturπ pentru Spamihilator este disponibilπ.\nRecomand insistent de a o descπrca, deoarece corecteazπ unele defecte ale programului.\n\nVrei s-o descπrci ║i s-o instalezi ?
#receiving messages
Connecting to "%s"...
=Conectare la "%s"...
Closing connection...
=╬nchiderea conectπrii...
Receiving %i (%i kb) of %i messages...
=Primirea mesajului %i (%i Kb) din %i...
Spam messages: %i
=Mesaje Spam : %i
The Spam-Filter has been disabled
=Filtrul de Spam este dezactivat.
%i%% done.
=%i%% gatπ.
#setup wizard
Spamihilator Wizard
=Vrπjitorul Spamihilator
=Bun venit
Welcome to the Spamihilator Setup Wizard.\n\n\nThis Wizard helps you to configure your E-Mail client.\nThe changes will be taken back when you uninstall Spamihilator.
=Bun venit de cπtre Vrπjitorul de instalare al lui Spamihilator.\n\n\nAcest asistent te va ajuta la setarea.\nModificπrile vor fi desfiin■ate la dezinstalarea lui Spamihilator.
The Wizard supports the following E-Mail software:\n\n- Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003/Express 6\n- Opera\n- Eudora\n- Pegasus Mail\n- Phoenix Mail\n- Netscape 7/Mozilla 1
=Vrπjitorul suportπ urmπtoarele logiciele :\n\n- Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/Express 6\n- Opera\n- Eudora\n- Pegasus Mail\n- Phoenix Mail\n- Netscape 7/Mozilla 1
Please choose what you like to do:
=Selecteazπ, te rog, ce vrei sπ faci :
Click "Next" to go to the next step.
=Tasteazπ pe "Urmπtor" cπ sπ treci pa pasul urmπtor.
Email programs
=Program de Mesajerie
Wizard has found the following Email programs. Please select one you want to configure.
=Vrπjitorul a gπsit urmπtoarele Programe. Selecteazπ-l pe cel care vrei sπ-l setezi.
If your program is not in the list, select "Another One..."
=Dacπ programul tπu nu apare εn lista , selecteazπ "Alte"
Another one...
Do you really want to exit wizard?
=Vrei cu adevπrat sπ ie║i de la Vrπjitor ?
Confirm accounts
Confirm accounts
=Confirmπ conturile
The following accounts have been found in your Email software.\n\nPlease confirm by clicking on "Next"
=Conturile urmπtoare au fost gπsite εn programul.\n\nConfirmπ tastΓnd pe "Urmπtor"
User name
=Nume de Utilizator
POP3 server
=Server POP3
Configuration has been finished
=Setarea s-a terminat
Wizard has finished its work.\nYour Email software is now configured to use Spamihilator.\n\nThank you for using Spamihilator.
=Vrπjitorul ║i-a terminat lucru.\nProgramul tπu de mesajerie este setat pentru folosira lui Spamihilator.\n\nMul■umesc pentru cπ ai ales Spamihilator.
Edit account manually
=Modificπ manual un cont
You selected "Another one..." from the previous list.\n\nPlease enter your account information manually.
=Ai selectat "Al■i..." εn lista precedentπ.\n\nIntroduci manual informa■iile conturilor tale.
User name:
=Nume de Utilizator :
POP3 server:
=Server POP3 :
POP3 Port: *
=Poartπ POP3 : *
* If you do not know the correct "POP3 port" leave this field as it is.
=* Dacπ nu cuno║ti numπrul "Por■ii POP3", lasπ valoarea actualπ.
(default = 110)
=(prin defect = 110)
=Exemplu :
No account found
=Contul n-a fost gπsit
Wizard could not found any account in the configuration of this Email software.\n\nYou have to enter the information manually.
=Vrπjitorul nu e εn stare sπ gπseascπ nici un cont.\n\nSπ introduci informa■iile manual.
Please enter a user name!
=Sπ introduci un Nume de Utilizπtor !
Please enter a POP3 server!
=Sπ introduci un server POP 3 !
Account information
=Informa■ii despre Contul
Wizard has finished its work. Please create a new mail account in your mail software or edit an existing one.\n\nUse the following values for your account:
=Gatπ. Vrei sπ creezi un nou cont sau sπ modifici unu.\n\n╬ntrebuin■eazπ valorile urmπtoare pentru contul tπu:
POP3 Port:
=Poartπ POP3 :
Configuring %s...
=SetΓnd %s...
Please close all email clients before proceeding with the Setup Wizard.
=╬nchide toate programele e-mail εnπinte de a proceda cu Vrπjitorul de setare.
Filters mails containing images on external servers
=Filtru de e-mai con■inΓnd imagini din servere externe
#Attachment Filter
Attachment Filter
=Filtru de Anexe
Protects your computer from some e-mail viruses. Now fully configurable!
=Protejazπ ordinatorul tπu de la mail-uri con■inΓnd viru║i. Acum cu totul setabil !
Blocked file extensions:
=Extensiuni de Fi║iere Blocate :
Add extension
=Adπugπ o extensiune
New extension:
=Nouπ Extensiune :
This extension is already in the list!
=Extensiunea aceastπ este deja εn lista !
Do you want to delete the extension "%s"?
=Vrei sπ ║tergi extensiunea "%s" ?
The Attachment Filter protects your computer from some e-mail viruses. It blocks e-mails that contain certain attachments.\nYou can specify the attachment extensions that should be blocked.
=Filtrul de Anexe protejazπ ordinatorul tπu contra unor viru║i eventuali.\nBlocheazπ mesajele con■inΓnd anumite anexe.\nSpecificπ cari extensiuni trebuie sπ fie blocate.
#Newsletter Plugin
Configure some newsletters you frequently receive.\nNewsletters will never be treated as Spam.\n\nPlease select a sub-entry from the list.
=Seteazπ buletinele de ║tiri care le prime║ti mai des.\nBuletinele de ║tiri nu vor fi tratate ca spam.\n\nSelecteazπ din lista.
=Buletine de ║tiri
=Gruppe de Discu■ii
Define newsletters that will never be treated as Spam.
=Define║te buletinele de ║tiri care nu trebuie sπ fie tratate ca spam.
Some newsletter senders use signatures that appear in the subject line.\nSpecify these signatures here, so that your newsletters won't be blocked:
=Unele buletine de ║tiri folosesc semnπtura care apare εn subiect.\nDefine║te semnπturile care sπ nu fie blocate :
Add signature
=Adπugπ semnπtura
New signature:
=Semnπturπ Nouπ :
Do you want to delete the signature "%s"?
=Vrei sπ ║tergi semnπtura "%s" ?
This signature is already in the list!
=Semnπtura astπ existπ deja εn lista!
Some newsletter senders or newsgroups always use the same recipient address for all their e-mails. Specify these addresses here, so that the messages won't be blocked:
=Ni║te expeditori de buletine de ║tiri sau unele grupe de discu■ii folosesc mereu aceeia║i adresa e-maiul pentru toate mesajele. Sπ specifici aici adresele aceste, cπ sπ nu fie blocate.
Never add your own e-mail address to this list! Otherwise you will receive all messages with no exception!
=Nu adπuga niciodatπ adresa ta la lista aceastπ! Altfel vei primi mesaje fπrπ eccep■ii !
Add newsgroup
=Adπugπ o grupπ nouπ
Newsgroup name:
=Numele Grupei :
New newsgroup
=Nouπ grupπ de discu■ii
This newsgroup is already in the list!
=Grupa aceastπ de discu■ii figureazπ deja εn lista !
Do you want to delete the newsgroup "%s"?
=Vrei sπ ║tergi grupa de discus■ie "%s" ?
Don't save newsletters in the Training Area
=Nu salva buletinele de ║tiri εn Zona de antrenare
Newsletter Plugin
=Buletin de ║tiri Plugin
Automatically learn from newsletters
=╬nvπ■π automat din buletinele de ║tiri.
Be careful with this option, because newsletters often contain advertisements.
=Sπ ai grija cu op■iunea aceastπ, pentru cπ buletinele de ║tiri con■in adesea anun■uri publicitare nedorite.