Welcome to Spamihilator! Right-click on this icon to access the program's features and settings.
=Spamihilator'a ho■ geldiniz! Bu i■aretτiye sa≡ t²klay²p program²n ayar ve ÷zelliklerine eri■ebilirsiniz.
The local port %i is already in use by another program.\nPlease change the port in Spamihilator's settings dialog and in your e-mail client's account settings.
=Bu yerel port %i halen ba■ka bir programca kullan²lmaktad²r.\nLⁿtfen Spamihilator'un ayarlar menⁿsⁿndeki ve e-mektup istemcisi hesap ayarlar²ndaki port'u de≡i■tirin.
The user name in the client mail program has the wrong format.\nUse the right format: [pop3server]&[username]&[port]
The server has not answered for a long time. Do you want to abort connection?
=Sunucu uzun sⁿredir cevap vermiyor. Ba≡lant²y² kesmek ister misiniz?
This version introduces a new spam filter. Because of that the Spam-Words you added have been converted. Every word has now a probability of spam from 0% to 100%.\n\nPlease verify your Spam-Words.
=By sⁿrⁿm yeni bir spam sⁿzgeci sunuyor. Bu nedenle ekledi≡iniz Spam-Kelimeler d÷nⁿ■tⁿrⁿlmⁿ■tⁿr. ▐imdi tⁿm kelimelerin spam olas²l²≡² % 0'dan % 100'e kadard²r.\n\nLⁿtfen Spam-Kelimelerinizi do≡rulay²n²z.
The following plugin has caused an exception:\n%s\n\nThis Plugin will be skipped.
=Bu eklenti bir τak²■maya sebep oldu:\n%s\n\nBu erklenti atlanacakt²r.
This server doesn't support secure connections over SSL/TLS.\nDo you want to establish an unsecure connection?
=Bu sunucu SSL/TLS ⁿzerinden gⁿvenli ba≡lant²y² desteklemiyor.\nGⁿvenli olmayan bir ba≡lant² kurmak ister misiniz?
#config dialog
Blocked Senders
=Engellenen G÷ndericiler
Do you really want to delete "%s" from the list?
=Gerτekten "%s" listeden silmek istiyor musunuz?
Edit sender
=G÷ndericiyi i■le
This sender has already been added to this/another list.
=Bu g÷nderici zaten bu/di≡er listeye eklenmi■ti.
The program has to be restarted to make the changes take affect.\n\nSpamihilator will now restart...
=Program de≡i■ikliklerin devreye al²nmas² iτin yeniden ba■lat²lmal²d²r.\n\nSpamihilator ■imdi yeniden ba■lat²lacakt²r...
Local server
=Yerel sunucu
Add new sender
=Yeni g÷nderici ekle
Sender name:
=G÷nderici ad²:
Mail address:
=Mektup adresi:
Configure the list of your friends and the list of your enemies.\n\nPlease select a sub-entry from the list.
=Dost ve dⁿ■manlar²n listelerini dⁿzenle.\n\nLⁿtfen listeden bir alt-giri■ seτiniz.
Recieved messages:
=Al²nan mesajlar:
Last message:
=Son mesaj:
List of blocked senders
=Engellenen g÷ndericiler listesi
Messages from blocked senders will always be moved into the recycle bin.
=Engellenen g÷dericilerin mesajlar² hep τ÷pe at²lacakt²r.
List of your friends
=Dostlar listesi
Messages from your friends will never be treated as spam.
=Dostlar²n mesajlar² asla spam kabul edilmeyecektir.
New Language Packs
=Yeni Dil Paketleri
Check the Spamihilator Internet server for new language packs.
=Spamihilator ▌nternet Sunucusuna yeni dil paketleri denetimi iτin ba≡lan.
There is a new language pack available.\nDo you want to download it?
=Yeni bir dil paketi mevcuttur.\nYⁿklemek ister misin?
A new language pack has been downloaded.\nDo you want to install it now?\n\nYou can find the file later at "%s"
=Yeni bir dil paketi indirilmi■tir.\n▐imdi yⁿklemek iste misiniz?\n\nDosyay² saha sonra "%s" da bulablirsiniz.
There is no new language pack available at the moment.
=▐u anda yeni bir dil paketi yoktur.
Copy the language files (*.spamihilator.language) to the program directory of Spamihilator.
=Dil dosyalar²n² (*.spamihilator.language) Spamihilator program dizinine kopyalay²n²z.
General settings
=Genel Ayarlar
Show status window while receiving messages
=Mesaj al²rken durum penceresini g÷ster
Launch Spamihilator at Windows startup
=Spamihilator'u Windows ba■lang²c²na koy
Automatically check for updates
=Gⁿncellemeleri otomatikle■tir
Check now!
=▐imdi denetle!
Don't keep messages more than
=Mesajlar² daha fazla tutma
Enable window alpha blending (only available on Win2k/XP)
You can use wildcards to specify more than one mail address.\nExamples: *@anyserver.com, mail.????@anyserver.com
=Birden fazla adres tan²mlamak iτin serbest-kartlar kullan²labilir.\n╓rnek: *@sunucu.com, mail.???@sunucu.com
You can add mail addresses one-by-one or import them from a text file or from the Windows Address Book.
=E-mektup adreslerini tek tek ekleyebilir veya bir metin dosyas²ndan ya da Windows Adres Defterinden alabilirsiniz.
Do you want to import your Windows Address Book to the Friend List?
=Windows Adres Defterinizi Dostlar Listenize almak istiyor musunuz?
The following address has been found:\n\n%s (%s)\n\nDo you want to import this address?\n\nClick "Yes" to import this address or "No" to skip.\nClick "Yes for all" to import all or "Cancel" to stop import.
=A■a≡²daki adresler bulundu:\n\n%s (%s)\n\nBu adresleri almak istiyor musunuz?\n\nAlmak iτin "Evet"i veya geτmek iτin "Hay²r"² t²klay²n²z.\nHepsini almak iτin "Hepsine evet"i veya almay² durdurmak iτin "▌ptal"i t²klay²n²z.
%i addresses have been imported successfully.
=%i adres ba■ar²yla eklendi.
Import sender
=G÷ndereni al
Import senders
=G÷nderenleri al
Tip: Some mail clients support Drag&&Drop.\nDrag a message from your mail software to this window to add its sender to the list.
Enable this option when you are behind a firewall and Spamihilator cannot establish a connection to the Internet.
=Bu seτene≡i bir ate■duvar² arkas²ndaysan²z ve Spamihilator internete ba≡lanam²yorsa etkinle■tiriniz.
Firewall settings
=Ate■duvar² ayarlar²
Bypass connected state checking
=Ba≡lant² durumu denetlemesini atla
Filter properties
=Sⁿzgeτ ÷zellikleri
Please select an aggressiveness level from the list below:
=Lⁿtfen a■a≡²daki listeden bir giri■kenlik seviyesi seτiniz:
NORMAL (recommended)\n\nI want to filter out spam but I want to receive all important mails.\n\nThis is the default level. The filter process is very safe. Most spam mails will be deleted.
=NORMAL (tavsiye)\n\nSpam istemiyorum ama tⁿm ÷nemli mektuplar² da almal²y²m.\n\nBu haz²r seviyedir.Sⁿzme i■lemi oldukτa gⁿvenlidir. Birτok spam mektup silinecektir.
VERY HIGH\n\nI only want to receive mails from senders that are in my Friends List.\n\nDynamic filtering by keywords will be disabled. You will only receive messages from your friends.
=╟OK Y▄KSEK\n\nSadece Dostlar²m Listesindeki g÷ndericilerden mektup almak istiyorum.\n\nAnahtar kelimelerden dinamik ay²klama devre d²■². Sadece dostlar listenizdekilerden gelen mektuplar² alacaks²n²z.
HIGH\n\nI want to get rid of spam.\n\nFilter threshold will be set to a low value. A message will be deleted even if it contains only a few spam words.
=Y▄KSEK\n\nSpam'dan kurtulmak istiyorum.\n\nSⁿzgeτ s²n²r² dⁿ■ⁿk de≡ere atanacakt²r. Mesaj sadece birkaτ spam kelime iτerse de silinecektir.
LOW\n\nI want to receive almost every message.\n\nFilter threshold will be set to a very high value, so that a message will only be deleted when it contains plenty of spam words.
=D▄▐▄K\n\nHemen hemen tⁿm mektuplar² almak istiyorum.\n\nSⁿzgeτ s²n²r² yⁿksek bir de≡erdedir b÷ylece mesaj sadece τok say²da spam kelime iτerirse silinecektir.
VERY LOW\n\nI want to receive all messages except those from senders that are in my Blocked Senders List.\n\nAutomatic filtering by keywords will be disabled. Only messages from blocked senders will be deleted.
=╟OK D▄▐▄K\n\nEngellenen G÷ndericiler Listemdekiler haricinde tⁿm mektuplar² almak istiyorum.\n\nAnahtar kelime ile otomatik ay²klama devre d²■². Sadece engellenen g÷ndericilerin mesajlar² silinir.
Spam Words
=Spam Kelimeler
Spamihilator searches email messages for spam words.\nA mail is treated as spam if a certain amount of words has been reached.
=Spamihilator e-mektup mesajlar²n² spam kelimeler iτin tarar.\nMektuptaki spam kelime miktar² belli de≡ere ula■²nca siliniyor.
Expressions are not case sensitive. It is recomended that the value is set to a number between 20 and 50.
=▌fadeler bⁿyⁿk-kⁿτⁿk harf duyarl² de≡ildir. 20 ile 50 aras²nda bir de≡er vermeniz tavsiye edilir.
Add new expression
=Yeni bir ifade ekleyin
Edit expression
=▌fadeyi i■leyin
Please enter a value between %i and %i.
=Lⁿtfen %i ile %i aras²nda bir de≡er girin
This is a predefined expression that can not be deleted.\n\nIf you want to disable this expression, set its value to 0.
=Bu ÷nceden tan²ml² bir ifadedir ve silinemez.\n\nE≡er bu ifadeyi devred²■² b²rakmak istiyorsan²z de≡erini 0 yap²n²z.
Show pre-defined expressions
=╓nceden tan²ml² ifadeleri g÷ster
This expression has already been added to the list.
=Bu ifade zaten listede mevcut
Never download messages twice
=Mesajlar asla ikinci kez indirmeyiniz
Show number of deleted messages for
=Silinen mesaj adedini g÷ster
Spamihilator searches email messages for spam words and calculates their probabilities. A mail is treated as spam if a certain probability has been reached.
=Spamihilator e-mektup mesajlar²n spam kelimeler iτin tarar ve olas²l²klar²n² hesaplar. Bir mektup belli bir olas²l²k de≡erini a■arsa spam kabul edilir.
Probability of Spam
=Spam olas²l²≡²
Probability of Spam:
=Spam olas²l²≡²:
Expressions are not case sensitive!
=▌fadeler bⁿyⁿk-kⁿτⁿk harf duyarl² de≡ildir!
The expression must not include these characters:\n\n%s
=▌fade ■u karakterleri iτermemelidir:\n\n%s
You can add mail addresses one-by-one or import them from a text file or from Outlook Express.
=Adresleri tek tek ekleyebilir ya da bir metin dosyas²ndan veya Outlook Express'den alabilirsiniz.
Do you want to import your Outlook Express Blocked Senders List?
=Outlook Express Engellenen G÷ndericiler Listesini almak istiyor musunuz?
Enable Learning Filter (recommended)
=╓≡renme Sⁿzgecini etkinle■tir (tavsiye edilir)
Automatically learn from messages from my friends
=Dostlar²mdan mesajlar² otomatik ÷≡ren
Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders
=Engellenen g÷ndericilerden mesajlar² otomatik ÷≡ren
Automatically learn from restored messages from the Recycle Bin
=╟÷pten geri al²nan mesajlardan otomatik ÷≡ren
Enable Spam Word Filter (recommended)
=Spam kelime Sⁿzgecini etkinle■tir (tavsiye edilir)
Double-click on tray icon opens
=╟ift t²klay²nca aτ²lacak menⁿ
Spam Word Filter
=Spam Kelime Sⁿzgeci
Ignore HTML tags
=HTML taklar²n² g÷rmezden gel
Learning Filter
=╓≡renme Sⁿzgeci
Probability Threshold:
=▌htimal S²n²r²
Limit Spamihilator's memory to
=Spamihilator'un haf²zas²n² s²n²rla:
Backup your settings
=Ayarlar²n² yedekle
Backup failed!
=Yedekleme ba■ar²s²z!
Export all of Spamihilator's settings. Thus you will be able to restore all settings after a re-installation of Spamihilator by importing the backup file.
=Spamihilator'un tⁿm ayarlar²n² g÷nder. B÷ylece tⁿm ayarlar²n²z² Spamihilator'un yeniden yⁿklenmesi ile yedek dosyas²ndan alarak korursunuz.
Log communication between Spamihilator and my email client:
=Spamihilator ve e-mektup istemcim aras²ndaki haberle■me kayd²:
Maximum size:
=En bⁿyⁿk boyut:
Log communication between Spamihilator and the server:
=Spamihilator ve sunucu aras²ndaki haberle■me kayd²:
Always abort on timeout
=Zaman a■²m²nda hep iptal
General Configuration
=Genel Konfigⁿrasyon
User defined Spam Words
=Kullan²c² tan²ml² Spam Kelimeler
All mails in the Recycle Bin
=╟÷plⁿkteki tⁿm mektuplar
All mails in the Training Area
=E≡itim Alan²ndaki tⁿm mektuplar
including Friends, Blocked Senders and Spam Statistics
=Dostlar, Engellenen G÷ndericiler ve Spam ▌statistikleri dahil
=Dosya ad²:
Do you want to import the backup file?\n
=Yedekleme dosyas²n² g÷ndermek istiyor musunuz?\n
Your current configuration will be completely overwritten.
=Mevcut ayarlar²n²z²n tamamen ⁿzerine yaz²lacakt²r.
All messages in the Recycle Bin will be overwritten.
=╟÷pteki tⁿm mesajlar²n ⁿzerine yaz²lacakt²r.
All messages in the Training Area will be overwritten.
The first record in the file contains the following items.\n\nPlease select which item is the display name and which one is the mail address of the contact:
=Dosyadaki ilk kay²t ■u maddeleri iτerir.\n\nLⁿtfen hangisinin irtibat²n g÷sterilen ismi ve hangisinin irtibat²n e-mektup adresi oldu≡unu seτiniz.
Outlook Express Blocked Senders List
=Outlook Express Engellenen G÷ndericiler Listesi
Sender could not be added.\nMaybe the mail address contains invalid characters.
Enable SSL for all hosts that support it. Spamihilator will try to establish a secure connection over SSL/TLS the next time it connects to these hosts.
=Destekleyen tⁿm sunucular iτin SSL'yi etkinle■tir. Spamihilator bu sunucnulara bir sonraki ba≡lant²s²n² SSL/TSL ⁿzerinden gerτekle■tirmeye τal²■acak.
Known hosts
=Bilinen sunucular
Known hosts...
=Bilinen sunucular...
This will take a while when Spamihilator connects to a host for the first time.
=Spamhilator ilk defa bir sunucuya ba≡lan²rken bu i■lem biraz vakit alabilir.
Parental Control
=Yeti■kin Denetimi
Enable Parental Control
=Yeti■kin Denetimini etkinle■tir
The Recycle Bin, the Training Area and all other items in Spamihilator's main menu will be locked to save your children from adult content in spam mails.
=Spamihilator'un ana menⁿsⁿndeki ╟÷p alan², E≡itim alan² ve di≡er maddeler spam mektuplardaki yeti■kinlere ÷zel iτeri≡e eri■imi engellemek iτin kilitlenecektir.
Re-type password:
=▐ifreyi yeniden giriniz:
Spamihilator uses:
=Spamihilator kullan²yor:
Please note: This option does not encrypt the files in Spamihilator's directory in any way or protect them against other users.
=Lⁿtfen dikkat: Bu seτenek Spamihilator dizinindeki dosyalar² ■ifrelemez veya ba■ka kullan²c²lara kar■² korumaz.
Please enter a parental control password.
=Lⁿtfen yeti■kin iτerik denetimi iτin bir ■ifre giriniz.
The passwords do not match. Please re-type your Parental Control password in both fields.
=▐ifreler uymuyor. Lⁿtfen Yeti■in iτerik denetimi ■ifrenizi iki alana da yeniden giriniz.
Access denied! Wrong password.
=Giri■ engellendi! Hatal² ■ifre.
This feature has been locked by the Spamihilator Parental Control.\n\nPlease enter the password to access this feature:
Keep Spam Mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin
=Spam Mektuplar² ╟÷p Kutusundan silene dek sunucu ⁿzerinde b²rak
Don't download messages from blocked senders
=Engellenen g÷ndericilerden mektuplar² indirme
Skipping messages from blocked senders may save time and bandwidth.
=Engellenen g÷ndericilerin mesajlar²n² geτmek zaman ve band geni■li≡inden kazand²r²r.
Please note:\n1) If you enable this option, all messages from blocked senders will be deleted from the server. You will not be able to restore them.\nIf you want to keep the possibility of restoration, activate the option "Keep Spam-Mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin".\n\n2) The option "Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders" will also be disabled.
=Lⁿtfen dikkat:\n1) E≡er bu seτene≡i etkinle■tirirseniz, engellenen g÷ndericilerin mesajlar² sunucudan silinecektir. Onlar² geri kurtarma ■ans²n²z olmayacakt²r.\nE≡er kurtarma ■eτene≡ini korumak istiyorsan²z, "Spam-Mektuplar² ╟÷p Kutusundan silene de sunucu ⁿzerinde tut" seτene≡ini etkinle■tirin.\n\n2) "Engellenen g÷ndericilerin mesajlar²ndan otomatik ÷≡ren" seτene≡i devre d²■² olacakt²r.
The following hosts have been contacted before:
=▐u sunucunulara ÷nceden ba≡lan²lm²■t²:
=Kullan²c² ad²
Edit host
=Sunucu dⁿzenle
Secure connection over SSL/TLS
=SSL/TLS ile gⁿvenli ba≡lant²
Do not warn me, if a certain address is already in the list
=E≡er belli adresler zaten listedeyse beni uyarma
Add multiple senders
=Birden fazla g÷nderici ekle
You are going to add %i senders to the list of blocked senders.\n\nAre you sure?
=Engellenen g÷ndericiler listesine %i g÷nderici ekliyorsunuz.\nEmin misiniz?
You are going to add %i senders to the list of friends.\n\nAre you sure?
=Dostlar listesine %i g÷nderici ekliyorsunuz.\nEmin misiniz?
%i senders have been added successfully.
=%i g÷nderici ba■ar²yla eklendi.
The sender "%s" (%s) has already been added to this/another list.
=G÷nderici "%s" (%s) zaten bu/di≡er listede mevcut.
Compact the Learning Filter's memory
=╓≡renme sⁿzgecinin haf²zas²n² ■²k²■t²r
Run this feature from time to time to clean the Learning Filter's memory.
The Learning Filter's memory has been cleaned successfully.\n\nDeleted %i words. Released %.02f KB.
=╓≡renme Sⁿzgeci haf²zas² ba■ar²yla temizlendi.\n\n%i kelime silindi. %.02f KB serbest.
The Learning Filter counts the occurrences of all words.
=╓≡renme Sⁿzgeci tⁿm kelimelerin tekrar²n² sayar.
Transparency (only available on Win2k/XP)
=▐effafl²k (sadece Win2K/XP iτin)
%i%% opacity
=%i%% donukluk
100% opacity
=100% donukluk
Make the window movable by mouse
=Pencereyi fare ile oynayabilir yap
Save its last position
=Son konumunu kaydet
Status Window
=Durum penceresi
Enable connections through this port
=Bu port ⁿzerinden ba≡lant²lar² etkinle■tir
Please note: If you disable connections through this port, you may not be able to receive e-mails any more!\nYou will have to change the port in your e-mail client's account settings to another one Spamihilator is listening to.\n\nDo you really want to disable connections through this port?
=Lⁿtfen dikkat: Bu port ⁿzerinden ba≡lant²lar² devred²■² b²rak²rsan²z, bir daha mektup alamayabilirsiniz!\nE-mektup istemcinizin hesap ayarlar²ndaki port'u Spamihilator'un dinlemedi≡i birine de≡i■tirmek zorunda kalacaks²n²z.\n\nBu port ⁿzerindeki ba≡lant²lar² gerτekten devred²■² b²rakmak istiyor musunuz?
#training area
Training Area
=E≡itim Alan²
Training Area (Recently Received Messages)
=E≡itim Alan² (Yak²nda Al²nan Mesajlar)
=Spam olmayan
Do you want Spamihilator to learn from selected messages?
A new version has been downloaded.\nDo you want to open it?\n\nYou can find the file later at "%s"
=Yeni bir sⁿrⁿm indirildi.\nAτmak istiyor musunuz?\n\nDosyay² sonra "%s" ⁿzerinde bulabilirsiniz.
Downloading "%s" from "%s"...
="%s" ⁿzerinden "%s" indiriliyor...
%.1f kb of %.1f kb (%.1f kb/s)
=%11f kb'nin %.1f kb (%.1f kb/s)
There is no newer version available.
=Yeni bir sⁿrⁿm mevcut de≡ildir.
There is a new version of Spamihilator available.\nDo you want to download it?
=Spamihilator'un yeni bir sⁿrⁿmⁿ mevcuttur.\n▌ndirmek istiyor musunuz?
There is a new patch available for Spamihilator.\nIt is strongly recommended to download it because it may fix some bugs or introduce new features.\n\nDo you want to download and install the patch?
=Spamihilator iτin yeni bir yama mevcuttur.\nBu yamay² indirmeniz kuvvetle tavsiye edilir τⁿnkⁿ baz² hatalar² gideriyor ya da yeni ÷zellikler ekliyor olabilir.\n\nYamay² indirip kurmak ister misiniz?
#receiving messages
Connecting to "%s"...
="%s" ba≡lan²l²yor...
Closing connection...
=Ba≡lant² kapat²l²yor...
Receiving %i (%i kb) of %i messages...
=%i mesaj²n %i (%i kb)si al²n²yor...
Spam messages: %i
=Spam mesajlar: %i
The Spam-Filter has been disabled
=Spam-sⁿzgeci devre d²■² b²rak²ld²
%i%% done.
=%i%% tamamland².
#setup wizard
Spamihilator Wizard
=Spamihilator Sihirbaz²
Welcome to the Spamihilator Setup Wizard.\n\n\nThis Wizard helps you to configure your E-Mail client.\nThe changes will be taken back when you uninstall Spamihilator.
The Wizard supports the following E-Mail software:\n\n- Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003/Express 6\n- Opera\n- Eudora\n- Pegasus Mail\n- Phoenix Mail\n- Netscape 7/Mozilla 1
You selected "Another one..." from the previous list.\n\nPlease enter your account information manually.
=╓nceki listeden "Ba■ka Biri..."ni seτtiniz.\n\nLⁿtfen hesap bilginizi elle giriniz.
User name:
=Kullan²c² ad²:
POP3 server:
=POP3 sunucu:
POP3 Port: *
=POP3 port: *
* If you do not know the correct "POP3 port" leave this field as it is.
=* E≡er do≡ru "POP3 port"u bilmiyorsan²z alan² oldu≡u gibi b²rak²n²z.
(default = 110)
=(haz²r de≡er =110)
e.g.: pop3.mailserver.com
=╓r: pop3.mektupsunucusu.com.tr
No account found
=Hiτ hesap bulunamad²
Wizard could not found any account in the configuration of this Email software.\n\nYou have to enter the information manually.
=Sihirbaz bu e-mektup yaz²l²m²n²n ayarlar²nda bir hesap bulamad².\n\nBu bilgiyi elle girmek durumunda kalacaks²n²z.
Please enter a user name!
=Bir kullan²c² ad² giriniz!
Please enter a POP3 server!
=Bir POP3 sunucu giriniz!
Account information
=Hesap bilgisi
Wizard has finished its work. Please create a new mail account in your mail software or edit an existing one.\n\nUse the following values for your account:
=Sihirbaz i■ini bitirdi. Lⁿtfen mektup yaz²l²m²n²zda yeni bir hesap aτ²n² ya da mevcudu dⁿzenleyiniz.\n\nHesab²n²z iτin a■a≡²daki de≡erleri kullan²n²z:
POP3 Port:
=POP3 Port:
Configuring %s...
=%s kurguluyor...
Please close all email clients before proceeding with the Setup Wizard.
=Lⁿtfen Kurulum Sihirbaz² ile devam etmeden tⁿm mektup istemcilerinizi kapat²n²z.
Filters mails containing images on external servers
=Harici sunucularda imaj iτeren mektuplar² sⁿzer
#Attachment Filter
Protects your computer from some e-mail viruses. Now fully configurable!
=Bilgisayar²n²z² baz² e-mektup virⁿslerinden korur. Tam kurgulanabilirdir!
Blocked file extensions:
=Engellenen dosya uzant²lar²:
Add extension
=Uzant² ekle
New extension:
=Yeni uzant²:
This extension is already in the list!
=Bu uzant² zaten listede var!
Do you want to delete the extension "%s"?
="%s" uzant²s²n² silmek istiyor musun?
The Attachment Filter protects your computer from some e-mail viruses. It blocks e-mails that contain certain attachments.\nYou can specify the attachment extensions that should be blocked.
=Eklenti Sⁿzgeci bilgisayar²n²z² baz² e-mektup virⁿslerinden korur. Belli eklentileri olan mektuplar² engeller.\nEngellemek istedi≡iniz eklentilerin uzant² tiplerini tan²mlayabilirsiniz.
#Newsletter Plugin
Configure some newsletters you frequently receive.\nNewsletters will never be treated as Spam.\n\nPlease select a sub-entry from the list.
=S²kl²kla ald²≡²n²z haber mektuplar²n² kurgulay²n²z.\nHabermektup listeleri Spam olarak alg²lanmayacakt²r.\n\nListeden bir alt seτenek al²n²z.
Define newsletters that will never be treated as Spam.
=Asla spam olarak de≡erlendirilmeyecek olan haber gruplar²n² tan²mlay²n²z.
Some newsletter senders use signatures that appear in the subject line.\nSpecify these signatures here, so that your newsletters won't be blocked:
=Baz² haber mektubu g÷ndericileri konu sat²r²nda imza kullanmaktad²r.\nBu imzalar² burada tan²mlay²n²z, b÷ylece haber mektuplar²n²z engellenmez:
Add signature
=▌mza ekle
New signature:
=Yeni imza:
Do you want to delete the signature "%s"?
="%s" imzas²n² silmek istiyor musunuz?
This signature is already in the list!
=Bu imza zaten listede mevcuttur!
Some newsletter senders or newsgroups always use the same recipient address for all their e-mails. Specify these addresses here, so that the messages won't be blocked:
=Baz² habermektubu g÷ndericileri veya haber gruplar² tⁿm metuplar²nda ayn² al²c² adresini kullan²rlar. Bu adresleri burada tan²mlay²n²z ki engelllenmesinler:
Never add your own e-mail address to this list! Otherwise you will receive all messages with no exception!
=Bu listeye asla kendi e-mektup adresinizi eklemeyin. Yoksa tⁿm mesajlar² sⁿzmeden istisnas²z al²rs²n²z!
Add newsgroup
=Habergrubu ekle
Newsgroup name:
=Habrgrubu ad²:
New newsgroup
=Yeni habergrubu
This newsgroup is already in the list!
=Bu habergrubu zaten listede vard²r!
Do you want to delete the newsgroup "%s"?
="%s" habergrubunu silmek istiyor musunuz?
Don't save newsletters in the Training Area
=Habergruplar²n² E≡itim Alan²na kaydetmeyiniz
Newsletter Plugin
=Habermektubu Eklentisi
Automatically learn from newsletters
=Habermektuplar²ndan otomatik ÷≡ren
Be careful with this option, because newsletters often contain advertisements.
=Habermektuplar² s²k²l²kla reklam iτermektedir, bu seτene≡i dikkatli kullan²n.