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From jon_bu@sn4901.gpsemi.com Fri Aug 6 08:38:39 1993
From: jon_bu@oldham.gpsemi.com (J Buckel Artist Account)
To: bharring@scf.usc.edu
Subject: Re: civ2.proposal and civ2.chart.advances
X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 13
For some reason it thinks the chart is an executable, believe me it is
only text.
Thanks v. much, and enjoy the chart I know you have been waiting for it,
it is a little longer and quite unfinished I think, but we will have to see what
net.land thinks of it.
P.S. Have a good weekend.
P.P.S. You must be really keen going into work at 6:30 am !!!!
X-Sun-Data-Type: default
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X-Sun-Data-Name: civ2.proposal
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 1439
Okay, folks, here is the second edition of the CIV2 FUTURE PROPOSAL.
It's still fairly rough at this point, but since I only started work on this
not so long ago, not that I was railroaded into it or anything (cheers Bryce
:-)) but I hope you'll bear with me.
I know there are inconsistancies in here, but I wanted to get all the
posts together and release a version sooner rather than later.
The next posting, probably in a month or so will hopefully be a little
better organised
Anyway, if you want to reply to this, please don't quote
significant portions of this text [you knew this, didn't you?]. You
might want to consider making seperate replies for each section or
subject (one post for new ideas for advances, another post about some
new rule or idea you have, etc.) You can post to the net or you can mail
me as follows:
Microprose published Sid Meier's Civilization several years ago,
yet it continues to rate in the top five in a list of the most
discussed PC computer games on the internet. It also rates in the top
ten on a list of the top 100 currently played PC games. The game is
designed well enough that it could remain on these lists for a long
time to come.
Because of this strong following, it is almost assured that a
part two to this game would be very well received. The gaming
community would appreciate a fresh new version of their favourite game,
and Microprose would make a great deal of money. This is Microprose's
chance to make a really innovative, high tech addition to the gaming
industry. If they have not already begun work on a version 2 of
Civilization then they are missing a huge potential profit. This
document is a list of ideas presented on the internet by Civilization
players. It is hoped that this list might provide some sort of
stimulus to the creation of a Civilization II.
- For the screen display, beyond VGA for PCs would be ultimately
preferable. CIV II on the old PCs/Commodores, etc, would be much too
slow/large for them.
- Variable Sized Worlds: In the customization menu at the beginning
of the game there should be an option for world size ( Tiny, Small,
Medium, Large, Huge ). A medium sized world would be about the size
of the Earth. The area of a square would remain constant, however
there would be either more or less of them.
- Random options would be nice for *ALL* the settings, so you don't
know anything about the world, how many civilizations, how large
continents are, etc.
- Multiplayer: Should at least be able to play two player games.
Would be nice to be able to play over a network or modem, as well.
The big question is whether each player would have to wait
for his or her turn, or if they would all move simultaneously. I
think the former is the more practical, but the amount of waiting
could be terrible if more than a few people are playing. Would you
want to wait an hour for your turn?
- More Space: Increasing the number of squares in the world would
give more land to explore, settle, and fight over. This would
increase the resolution of the game. If in version I a square was,
say 100 miles across, in version II it would be 50 or 25 miles across.
Thus the size of the world would not change, but there would be many
more squares on the map. This would mean starting the Earth in England
would give a viable city. Units would still move at so many squares
per turn, the distance not being taken into account.
- Variable Complexity Levels: If all the additions and rule
modifications addressed in this document were implemented, the game
might become too complex for a novice user. Therefore, it would be
wise to allow the user to select a complexity level. Level 1 would be
for people who have never played Civilization or for those who would
like to play an entire game in one afternoon. Level 1 would cut down
on the number of units available (no caravans, diplomats, etc.), make
Wonders of the World unavailable, and so forth. Level 2 would be the
same Civilization we all know, though perhaps with a few new advances
and units. Level 3 would incorporate many of the additions listed in
this document. Level 4 would add the space travel advances, units,
wonders, and city improvements, as well as new rules to deal with
multiple planets, spaceship combat, and so on. [See the civ2.future.proposal.
( I am working on two proposals one for civ2 and one for civ2.future )]
- Variable Start: Allow the player the option of starting at a more
developed level. Each civilization starts with a few cities, some
random advances, city improvements, and units.
- Variable civilization founding times: All chosen civilizations don't
start at 4,000 BC, some are introduced later with appropriate advances
to allow them to be on some sort of par with resident civilizations.
- Scenarios: Rather than randomly generated worlds, geared scenarios
would be challenging and fun. Save the Roman Empire from destruction
at the hands of the barbarians, or Europe from the Hun and Viking
invasion, or found USA while defending it from England and the Indians
and try to turn it from a small collection of colonies into a
- Experimental Mode: Some people enjoy a game more when they can get
inside it and fiddle with it without playing by the rules. For these
people, an experimental mode would be useful. The player could give
himself huge amounts of money at the beginning of the game to make it
easier, or could give his enemies better pieces to make it more
difficult. Entire armies could be picked up and moved to the other
side of the world. In other words the player would be more like a god
then a world leader.
- Programmable Strategy: Allows player to design a strategy for an
enemy civilization's leader or for a governor of his own civilization,
or for a particular unit (see meta-commands, below). This would allow
people to design an enemy strategy, and then share it with other
people. Perhaps even have an inbuilt language which handles all the
possible actions available within civilization.
- Multiple Game Systems: Civilisation can prepare "scenarios" for use
with separate "game modules" which would allow the player to act out
the action in more detail. For example, a battle could be carried out
in more detail using a wargame simulator. A SimCity-type interface
would make customization of the cities interesting. Of course, these
modules would be entirely optional - the player need never use them;
however, by acting out the battle (or whatever) in this detail the
player has a better chance of doing really well if he or she is good
at tactical games like this (of course, if the player isn't very good,
the battle could turn out much worse). By making several different
modules, a really skilled player can take the game to new levels.
This is similar to what MindCraft is doing with games like Rules of
Engagement, an Interlocking Game System.
- Increase the number of opponent civilizations from 7 to 12+. Have an
option that will allow new civilizations to replace civilizations
already defeated. Add the Persians (Cyrus), Norse (Eric the Red?),
Arabs (Saladin), Polynesians (?), Japanese (Tokagawa?), Spanish
(Phillip II), Carthaginians (Hannibal), Incas (Atahualpa). Delete the
Mongols (they were a horde), unless you are adding nomad units in
which case also have North American Indians, etc.
- Multimedia: Digital audio, video, and other special effects. Maybe
have advisors actually talk. Sound effects on disasters. Music that
changes according to the technology level. Have specific graphics for
units for every different culture!! (In so far as possible.) The
uniforms could be varied, for example. This would only be possible in
high-res versions, like on the Mac. Also specific graphics for the
city views of different cultures (e.g., Greco city vs Chinese city).
Have the computer actually memorize what the city looks like from time
to time. Each time a city is viewed when it has a new addition the
buildings have all been shuffled about. This reduces the sense of
having truly unique individual cities. What fun it would be if "Paris"
would continue to look like early Paris as time went on. Cities are
after all historical artifacts. Also militia and other primitive units
should change their appearance to something different as the technology
levels increase. Phalanxes could eventually look like foot Police;
Legions could look like a SWAT policeman; Cavalry could look like a
police car. Units might be able to improve, too (e.g. WW1 tank->Panzer
->Lepoard Tank).
- Player Cheating: There are several 'bugs' or 'undocumented
features', called 'cheats' by the gamers, which allow the player to
take advantage of the game system. Two of these 'cheats' are a little
too obvious: the 'Settler Cheat', where a player can make a settler
build an improvement in a single turn, and the 'Sentry Cheat', where a
player can regain all movement points for a piece by placing it on
sentry in a city and then unsentrying it. These should be either
eliminated or modified so they do not unbalance things.
- Computer Cheating: The computer should not be allowed advantages
that are not available to the player. Resource costs should not be
reduced for items purchased by the computer civilizations. Also,
combat odds should not be weighted in favor of the computer just to
make the game harder unless the odds are similarly weighted in favor
of the player at easier levels. Still, the Emperor level should be
very difficult, maybe even more difficult than it is currently.
However it is noted that perfect AI is exceedingly difficult, and if
the computer must cheat (which it is acknowledged among gamers that it
must do to be good) then the cheats be a little less extreme, e.g. no
randomly building Wonders of the World at no cost !
There are people on the net working on making advanced AI systems
for strategy games which will be able to actually learn as they play.
Perhaps this could be implemented in some fasion or other. [Contact
bharring@usc.edu for more info on this topic]
- Better Map Design: A spherical model for the world would be too
difficult to implement, but some work should be done to allow crossing
the icecaps. Circumnavigation at the poles should be shorter than
circumnavigation at the equator. Perhaps only airborne units would be
allowed to cross, simply disappearing at the top of the map and
reappearing at the bottom and visa versa. The cylindrical Earth is
acceptable and OK if this is not feasable.
- New Terrain: Add some new terrain types and modify existing ones;
for example, some coal squares could put out extra production beyond
normal (these should be very rare, like 0-3 per planet). So you could
fight for resources. In certain cases a Civ may be able to monopolize
all the coal reserves. Then the fun begins...
- The symbol for an iradiated square could be a skull & crossbones.
This polution requires twice as much cleaning up than normal polution.
Also because of the extreme measures involved in the cleaning up
process, any improvements in the square are destroyed. Also any square
that is nuked could have a chance of altering the terrain, if a mountain
was nuked several times surely it would become a bit flatter! or a swamp
or jungle might become plains if nuked, a little on the excessive side
as a way to terraform your planet perhaps but it might be interesting.
- When a planet is generated, the placement of special resources
should be more random and have possible clumping of resources, so that
several coal resource squares could end up in the same vicinity. This
would be a major benefit to a city placed in this region. It would
also promote trade between civilizations, as one civilization could
have an excess of production units, but lack in food, and could trade
with another civilization with the opposite problem. Special effort
was made in version I to prevent this clumping, but it is still a little
too strict.
- Coal and oil reserves should be invisible until you develop
industrialisation. This is so players don't take advantage of
information a ruler of their period would not realise was important.
Perhaps the first civilization to develop industrialisation allows the
coal and oil reserves to be visible.
- Zooming: Would allow different views of the game world. Level 1 is
a map of the entire planet, like the world map currently available.
Level 2 looks like the display of squares used for the main screen in
the current game. Level 2 is a detailed close-up of four or nine
squares showing additional things like cities, groups of units, this
level of detail would become available with the use of satelite units.
- Rivers: Split rivers into rivers and streams. Rivers can be
navigable by most ships (not battleships or carriers), but streams
are too shallow for navigation. Rivers cannot be crossed by land units
except at fords, cities, or bridges. Have canals too which act like
rivers, built by settlers/engineers. Travel by ships in river or canal
squares would be reduced by 2.
- Underwater Explorations: The submarine would be more useful and it
would make way for different technologies and military units.
Civilisations at higher tech levels could build underwater cities.
Resources could include mining, fishing and even cultivation of the
ocean floor.
- Pollution in ocean/lake squares should be possible. It could be fixed
in one turn with an engineer unit based on a transport type unit. Water
pollution should be able to occur in a city before industrialisation if
it is over size 10.
- Get rid of the limit on the number of units possible, currently 127.
- Major Barbarian Hordes
- Barbarians can gain 1 military tech from each city they invade/spy on.
- A barbarian unit has a 10% chance of starting a civ if it takes
over a city, these could be the Mongols perhaps ?
- City Growth: Depending on the size of a city, it is classified in
one of five categories. Different actions are required to change a
city from one classification to another:
Villages - Population 1-4;
When settler builds for the first time a village is produced. The
city display is limited to only five squares. Can only build simple
city improvements (barracks, temple, granary, palace, city walls,
MarketPlace, Library), can make units (settler, militia, phalanx,
cavalry, Knight, Chariot, Legion, Catapult, Musketeer, Rifleman,
Cannon, Diplomat, Trireme, Sail). Cannot make taxmen or scientists.
Symbol is a little brown hut. Cannot build WoW. A village can become a
town of size 3 or 4 but must have built 2 non-barrack improvements.
Town - Population 3-8;
When a village reaches size 5 it automatically creates a town with a
population of 5. City display is limited to nine squares. Can make
taxmen and scientists. Symbol is a small cottage. A town can only
make some of the major improvements, as well as the improvements that
a village can make (Cathedral, University, Bank, Courthouse,
Colosseum, Factory) and can only make the Ancient Wonders of the
World. There are no restriction as to the units that can be created.
If a town with greater than 4 population only has one improvement then
it is effectively a village and all content citizens will become
unhappy. Specialists will still count as content.
City - Population 9-20;
City is the same as in current game:
City display is twenty-one squares, symbol is one city square. Is
created automatically when a town reaches a size of 9. Allows creation
of almost any unit, improvement, or wonder. To increase to size 11
requires an aqueduct and subsequent loss of an aqueduct results in
the city being unable to grow further and food will be lost from the
food store at a rate of 1 per citizen, if the food store empties, the
city reduces in size and the process continues.
Metropolis - Population 21-40;
Created from a City of size 20 which must have a courthouse and
hospital. To become a Metropolis, a settler must move into the city
and 'B'uild. A new city square will blink into being. It can be set
either to the north, south, east or west of the original square. The
city symbol is 2 city squares side by side. In the City display there
are five more squares available (for a total of 26). The Architecture
advance is required to build a metropolis.
Megopolis - Population 41+;
Created from a Metropolis of size 40 that must have a power source,
and the Mass Transit improvement. The Corporation Advanced is required
before a Megopolis can be built. To become a Megopolis, a settler
must move into the Metropolis and 'B'uild. Two new city squares
will appear and are placed alongside the original two city squares
forming a four square centre to the city. The city display now shows
32 squares available for use.
Here is a pictorial representation of city display sizes:
Village Town City Metropolis Megopolis
### #### ### ####
# ### ##### ###### ##### ######
#v# #t# ##c## ##mm## or ##m## ##MM##
# ### ##### ###### ##m## ##MM##
### #### ##### ######
5 9 ### ####
21 26
26 32
{Might want to eliminate restriction on regular shapes, so that a city
can be spread out in an irregular pattern, so that as a city discovers
its available resources, it spreads towards them to make use of them}
- City Display: When in city display, might allow a SimCity type of
interaction, where you can build multiple buildings (police station,
houses, etc.).
- Should have option to *not* jump to the next unit when in the map
- Barbarian Turn Off Option
- Communication: The game should somehow consider the speed of
communication, perhaps basing it on the number of cities and units of
a civilization. Speed of Communication would alter according to the
technologies gained: road, horseback-riding, ships, railroad,
automobile, flight, satellite, etc. These will be important
throughout the game, especially when communication forms a bottleneck,
such as in the early stages of the game until the development of
- Republics/Democracies should be able to declare war if other civs
go beyond borders/into a city zone of influence, etc.
We do it all the time, being careful to concoct the appropiate
- Scientists: Somehow there should be a way to work on multiple
advances simultaneously (maybe one per city?) Every once and a
while there should be a genius somewhere who makes a breakthrough,
delivering an advance earlier than predicted, this should be dependent
on whether a scientist is in employment in the city.
How about you can work on X advances at a time (depending on your
science%). When an advance occurs, a tech from the research list is
picked at random as the advance. If something isn't picked for N
advances, it will be picked. When an advance occurs, you can pick
from the list of techs possible at the current time (if any). This
might be frustrating for the player, but more interesting & realistic.
- The player of the game is not the ruler but a secret society which
has infiltrated the government of the civilization he influences.
Instead of being the decider, you are the adviser, it just so happens
that the current King trusts you and always does what you advise!
Sort of like an Illuminati-type secret government behind the
civilization's development
[Illuminati. The word comes from 'Illuminate' and is supposed to be
a secret society founded in the 18th century with the goals of
infiltrating and gaining control of all of the world's governments.]
- Leaders: Allow leaders to change over time The new leader will be
chosen from the advisors available, thus a military adviser when
appointed ruler, would cause a civilization to have a greater chance
of going to war and building units, whereas a domestic advisor would
build city improvements and be more diplomatic in his rule. Each ruler
should rule for 50 game turns or so [yes I know this means whoever
starts will live for a 1000 years !!] What has gone on in that rulers
time will decide what kind of leader they elect, if a civilization has
been attacked several times by another civilization then the people
might be more likely to elect a military ruler, also this could lead
to rulers being ousted if they are unpopular. Might be a bit
confusing, but also might make the game more interesting as your
opponent changes to meet the needs of an ever changing world. Military
rulers may give units a +1 bonus to their attacking and defense
values, domestic rulers would give a +2 trade to each city.
- Artificial Intelligence: The computer players in the current game
are very well done. They each act in a way that fits their
'personality': they form alliances and they conduct trade and war with
each other. For Civ. II, we would expect this artificial intelligence
to be brought to new levels. Different civilizations could team up on
a player (one civilization attacks you east front; once you have moved
all your pieces from the west to the eastern battlelines, the other
civilization attacks you from the west).
To increase the artificial intelligence would require the
computer to do more in-depth analysis of potential moves. This would
result in more lag time between turns at the higher (King, Emperor)
levels, but this would be acceptable, especially since most computers
these days are more powerful and faster than before.
- Economics: A must! Trade agreements, embargoes, and other bits of
economic warfare are badly needed. Split trade into several different
resources (for example: energy, minerals, organics, and spices). A
more complicated economic system instead of the 'arrows' will make the
game more interesting. Different kinds of food should be produced in
different cities so trading between cities through the new economic
system will be enhanced.
- Trade: Caravans should be for helping your own cities build WoWs
or improvements and trade routes could be established immediately
with any city visible on the map but will not be very effective over
long range until good transport develops (people have mentioned airports).
Trade routes should be better between cities producing different goods.
Food production would be different in a tropic and a temperate city,
or between a coastal and a highland city, but not sure about shields.
Maybe the computer during initializing could assign different ores to
each production capable square using some random method, hidden
from the player, so that one city would probably turn out only one or
two different types, but a city some distance away are likely to produce
other sorts. The cost of trade routes should be a constant drain of
either food (yielding shields or arrows) or shields (yielding food or
arrows). This way there would also be some infrastructure in your civ,
with a city in a barren but coal/oil rich location being supplied with
food so it could reach efficient size faster. Another possibility is
a 'clerk' specialist like the scientist/taxmen/elvises each responsible
for one route. This would probably be the better idea for routes with
foreign cities, which would then give arrows only.
- Trade agreements: Would increase value of trade with the other
civilization. Maybe modify AI so that loss of this trade would have
some effect on computer civilization's propensity to conduct sneak
attacks. Wars should reduce trade between warring nations by about 90%.
- Alliances: When making peace with another nation, there should be
ways of increasing the bonds between the civilizations. Allies should
be allowed to carry each other's forces, or use railroads passing
through each other's territories and this should not stop production
from any square that an allies unit stays on.
- Diplomatic Relations: It would be nice to add more options, e.g.
"clear off this continent", "get out of my city's production area",
"Give me London back and we'll call it quits", "let me railroad
through your country to murder some Greeks", "kill Greeks instead of
me and I'll stop trying to kill you". Best way to implement this is a
big dialogue box with check boxes on the left for things you are
offering and check boxes on the right for things you are demanding.
Another aspect of diplomacy could be being able to create improvements
for another Civ. For example, there is a rather small and poor Civ
between you and your worst enemy. You could talk to that small Civ,
and agree to create for it a network of railroads. Then you can send
Settlers to any part of the Civ without worrying about starting a war,
and that Civ's units will not block movement. You could do this for
city improvments as well. Send a Settler to another Civ's city, and you
get to control the production of that city for one production. The
improvment you build will be based upon your tech, even if the other
Civ doesn't have it yet. After producing the unit, the other Civ might
have a chance of automatically gaining that tech.
In civ2 perhaps military units and city improvements could themselves
become commodities. For example:
Mongols are in the middle of a long war with the Chinese. Unable to
overcome the formidable Chinese knight units because they have put all
of their resources into tax, the rich but primative Mongols ask if they
can buy a tank. You agree so the following happens...
1. You lose 1 tank unit...
2. 1 Mongol cavalry unit becomes a Tank..
3. You get a few hundred dollars...
4. The Chinese get their butts kicked.
Because the Mongols have not developed their sciences they cannot build
tanks of their own so you have a monopoly on the units.
The same could apply for other things.....
"The God-like Ghengis Khan humbly requests that you build the
Mighty Mongol hordes a brand spanking new Nuclear Power Plant, for which
he will pay you 3000 gold pieces ..."
Of course on the more difficult levels it could be possible for this
money making scheme to back-fire... The newly purchased unit could be
used to attack the supplier, or every now and again selling a unit to
another civilization may result in a science boost for that civ.
Another possibility would be to LOAN or GIVE money and military hardware
to a down-trodden ally. Giving a couple of bombers to the Aztecs so they
could counter a Mongolian offensive! However Ghengis might buy a Nuke
from the Babylonians to use.
You should be allowed to talk to other civilizations at any time by
clicking on a box in the advisors menu like the INFO box, if you have
an embassy, there should be more freedom in your dialogue.
If they are demanding money you should be allowed to offer them less
than what they are demanding. If they offer a technology swap, you
should be able to offer them technologies that you are willing to swap
for technologies that they are willing to swap. Obviously some
technologies will be more in demand than others. The civilization INFO
button would be able to tell you what the other civilization knows (or
an approximation) so that you can ask for something they aren't
initially offering.
Advances should be given a value which is the sum of that advances
prerequisites +1. eg. Alphabet=1, Astronomy=6,( Mysticsm=2
(Ceremonial Burial), Mathematics=3 (Masionry and Alphabet)). This
gives the basis for trade of knowledge, a civilization could offer
Mathematics(3) in return for Ceremonial Burial(1) and Mysticsm(2).
Players could initiate technology swaps instead of waiting for the
computer player.
- Deficit Spending: You can increase luxuries and lower taxes by borrowing
from other civilizations, *temporarily* increasing happiness. If borrowing
from republic or democrary might have to write off debts, like third world
- Subvert government: Similar to Subvert City, but would affect all
opposing civilization, but would cost an absolute fortune.
- Goto Command: MUST be made to work better so that a piece takes the
optimum route between two points and uses railroads whenever possible.
Should be able to set up link so that a city produces armor units and
automatically moves them to a port city. You would get a message that
the unit had been completed, and the unit would start life with a goto
command. Should also be possible to set several points for the unit
to pass through, so you can control the path taken somewhat, so that
if the optimum route is through enemy territory you can give an
alternate route.
- Meta-Commands: Let player give a general command to a unit, such as
"Repair pollution anywhere in this area," or "Build a railroad from
here to here." Some government types (Federalism, Feudalism,
Cyberocracy) would allow player to give limited instructions, such as
"Maximize production of ____," or "Defend these cities against ____."
- An option to specify an order of priority of building within a city
could potentially be a very great time saver, with many cities to work
with, with a further option to go or not to go to the city window each
time something is built, until the list is exhausted.
- When choosing next unit for the player to move, should do it in a
more organized method, such as choosing the closest piece to the
current one. Also, should have option to *not* jump to the next
- When diplomats (or spies) steal technology, they must get the information
back to a city owned by you before you are able to receive the advance stolen.
If a diplomat(spy) attacks another diplomat(spy) and the defending diplomat(spy)
had a secret with him then if the attacker wins the secret is passed to
the attacker and can then be brought to that civilisations city. When the
dipomat(spy) first steals the technology, you receive a message stating the
success or failure of that mission. thus informing you whether you need to get
that diplomat home or not. Or whether he was caught and eliminated. You do not
need to be at war to steal secrets. However getting caught could cause one.
- Chariots and Cavalry should have reduced strength when attacking
fortified positions.
- Militia and other primitive units should change their appearance to
something different as the technology levels increase. For example,
militia should start as half-clad warriors with sticks, change to
indians with bows, then to Viet Cong with rifles.
- Chariots and Armor should not be allowed into forests, mountains, or
swamps, or at least should have the current movement penalty doubled.
- Supported Attacks: Some units could act together to produce an
attack of higher attack strength than either are capable alone. For
example, cavalry, phalanx and legion, or musketeers and artillery.
Engineers perhaps.
- Supported Defense: Some units' attack strength should give a bonus
to defense in certain situations. For example, Cannon, Fighters, or
Archers in a city or fort, or Engineers in a forest.
- Non-City Disasters: Floods, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Epidemics,
Forest Fires, Famines, Hurricanes/tornadoes/tropical storms, these
should affect units, terrain, and cities. Things along the lines of if
a city has an epidemic you don't want to attack it in case your unit
catches the bug and carries it elsewhere. These things should
damage/destroy units and improvements.
- Unit Design: Can design a unit based from sets of abilities. Able
to set the attack/defense/movement points, as well as special
abilities; also can draw own icons. This could be set up as part of
an external game editor, as an integral part of the game that can be
used during play, or both. If it is made part of the game, then
certain restrictions must be made: cannot make pieces that are better
than the units currently available, can only design units after a
certain technology(s) (Repair Yard?) has been achieved. New advances
could be created to allow additional abilities to be used with
designed units. The computer uses these specifications to figure out
the cost of the unit.
- Grouping Of Units: This allows units to be placed into a group, which
means that they move as one unit. This allows for example caravans and
diplomats to be moved along railway lines much more easily.
- Allowing the use of more than one settler unit, in order to speed up
building roads etc also makes sense. If a square is 25 miles on a side,
then only allowing one settler unit to do each thing makes little sense. Especially as by 2000AD the unit with 10000 people should be either 100x
as fast as it was in 2000BC at building roads, or else only have about
100 people in it.
- Forced Work: The ability to make a settler construct something in a
single turn is useful sometimes. Maybe this could be done as 'forced
work' where the unit can continue building or moving, but suffer some
penalty, such as reduced attack/defense strengths, take damage, lose
next turns that should have been required to construct the improvement,
cause unhappiness in home city, next improvement takes double time, and
have a chance that the unit will be disbanded.
- Reserve: In a republic or democracy, units can be placed in reserve.
The units stop requiring support, but cannot move, attack, or even
defend. To bring a reserve unit to active status requires 2 resources
for the time it is active and 1-3 turns to become active. (Might want
to make it possible to use reserve units to quell unrest in a city -
it worked in L.A.!) Only one unit per city can be placed in reserve.
This is a unit action like fortify or sentry.
- Airstrip, Built by engineers, takes three times as long to build as a
mine. Allows planes to land and take off, as if they had returned to a
city. Must be supplied with production and food resources via lorry and
cargo ships or airplanes. One production and one food resource is used
up each time a plane leaves the airfield. This represents the fuel and
spare parts for the planes and the food is eaten by the complement of
staff at the airport. If no food is available then the airport starves
and must be rebuilt, if no production resources are available then
planes cannot refuel and thus cannot leave the airport.
Explanation, units described as in CIVILISATION, the black book.
-Unit ATTACK-DEFENSE-MOVE(Advance)[cost]:Description.
- Nomad 0-1-1(Available from start)[0]:This means that
"civilizations" can operate without any cities. Nomads don't need
suport of any kind and act like 0-point (use their square only) cities
that move around. Nomads can build and maintain military units, they
use the food from their square to breed. Everyone starts the game with
nomads, and have to make the "cities" advance to be allowed to make
settlers with them. Nomads can't irrigate, build roads, etc. and they
aren't very efficient, so once the player has developed cities the
need for nomads will diminish. Nomads can generate one food from any
square, but can only generate two food points at grasslands or rivers
(or resource squares). Ten food points or ten resource points are
needed to create another nomad. If a qnomad cannot feed itself (1 food
point per turn) it will die.
-Engineer 0-2-1(Engineering)[40]: Can make roads, fortifications,
bridges, mines, border stations, freeways, fences, railroads, mines
and irrigation as settlers, but completes the building process in two
thirds of the time. Cannot build cities. Can build an Airfield. Can
pillage land improvements. Also might have better combat values or
some special combat ability (units stacked with engineers increase
attack strength by 50% (?) ). Requires one food and two shield points.
-Prospector 0-1-1(Prospecting)[60]: This unit can move about the terrain
hunting for new special resource sites, any square has a possibility
of revealing a special resource, it takes 2 turns for the prospector to
find any resource if it is there. A nominal 5% chance per square,
modified by the terrain type and surrounding terrain types, and the
closeness of any other special resources and of course a random value
to make it difficult to predict. Any square can be prospected by any
prospector once only.
-Refugee 0-0-1(Available from start)[0]: These are created
involuntarily when a city either goes into disorder, when a city is
attacked, when a city is taken over or when the player chooses. There
is a 5% chance each turn a city is in disorder or each turn a city is
attacked, after the first turn, that for each city dweller, one of
these units will be produced and leave the city heading for the
nearest better city, whether happier, larger, more excess food, more
city improvements, etc. The refugees will have no home civilization.
Once at the new city they join that city increasing its size by one.
Each turn they move there is a 5% chance that they will decide to
settle, creating a city of their own and belonging to the parent
civilization. Also can be voluntarily created by player so cities can
be moved if they are in danger or are in a bad position on the map
board. To create one refugee unit requires 2 population points in this
case. Refugees will be disbanded after a few (5-10) turns if they are
not used. The player has control over refugees he creates. Attacking
a refugee unit would convert them to your civ or destroy them (your
-Explorer 0-1-3(Map Making)[30]: Can meet with king of another
civilization. With the high movement rate and early availability in
the game this piece is very useful for exploring the land mass.
Should require mapmaking (and writing for meet with king function).
-Spy 1-1-2(Writing)[50]: Can steal technologies, can sabotage city
production or a city improvement. Can Spy on city. Can sabotage the
food storage area. The spy only has a 1 in 3 chance of being
eliminated in his work, and only a 1 in 3 chance of causing the other
civilization to go to war. In the players city a message is produced
which states something has been sabotaged by a spy and has a 1 in 3
chance of reporting the home civilization of the spy and the option to
go to war with that civilization.
-Fishing Fleet 0-0-3(Navigation)[60]: Harvests food from the ocean
outside the city periphery. When instructed gathers one food per turn
from a sea square, 2 food from an ocean square with the fish special
resource. Can hold up to 10 food. These can be taken to any city and
unloaded increasing that cities food store by the amount of fish
caught. The piece can be programmed to travel between two points, an
ocean square and a city and then left to continue on its own. Only one
Fishing Fleet can gather from a sea square at any one time.
-Oil Rig 0-1-1(Refining)[180]: This unit can be moved to station itself
over an oil special resource in the ocean and then instructed to drill for
oil, it will then give the 4 resources to that square, oil in ocean squares
cannot be utilized until an oil rig is activated on that square.
-Headquarters 0-2-2(3)(Gunpowder)[60]: Allows 2 units to be assigned to
it which then do not count towards unhappiness in a city if in republic
or democracy. HQ cannot lie within a city else the units assigned to the
HQ are assigned to that city instead. Units are homed to the HQ like
cities. HQ units are lost with the development of Combustion, but any HQ
units built after this advance move at the rate of 3 squares per turn. If
a HQ unit is destroyed then attached units either disband 60%, attach to
nearest city friendly 30%, go over to the civilization that defeated the
HQ 10%. This unit does not cause unhappiness in cities when it is outside
a city.
-Cargo Ship 0-0-4(Industrialization)[50]: Will carry 10 food or/and
production city resources across the seas. When this ship lies in a city
empty, you are prompted with the city display to fill it with food or/and
production resources from the food store and production boxes of the city
view. Any resources on a ship arriving at a city are immediately
transferred to the food store or the production box of that city.
-Lorry 0-0-3(Automobile)[30]: Will carry 10 food or/and production city
resources across land. Acts like the Cargo Ship described above.
-Cargo Plane 0-0-8(16)(Flight)[90]: Will carry 10 food or/and
production city resources through the air, moves like a bomber over 2
turns. Acts like the Cargo Ship described above.
-Troop Carrier 4-4-3(Labor Union)[50]: Carries one footsoldier unit,
militia, phalanx, musketeer, rifleman, paratroop, marine etc. If the
carrier is destroyed then any unit within is also destroyed, any unit
within does not count towards the defense or attack of the carrier.
-Transport Plane 0-1-8(16)(Advanced Flight)[100]Can carry any two land
based unit. If the plane is destroyed then any unit within is also
destroyed, any unit within does not count towards the defense or attack
of the plane. The unit within can be dropped at any point provided land
lies beneath the plane.
-Attack Helicopter 10-3-6(Helicopters)[80]: This is the tank busting
helicopter, however it can just as easily be used against any other
opponent in the air or sea as well as on land.
-Transport Helicopter 1-2-6(Helicopters)[80]: Can carry any one land
based unit. If the helicopter is destroyed then any unit within is also
destroyed, any unit within does not count towards the defense or attack
of the helicopter.
-Radar Station 0-1-2(Electronics)[120]: Detects any airborne units within
4 map squares of the station. May be stationed within a city on Sentry
-Stealth Bomber 16-3-8(Stealth)(16)[240]: This bomber is essentially
invisible when in the air, Only if it passes next to another airborne
unit is it visible and it becomes invisible once again when it moves past.
It is also visible when it attacks but again becomes invisible as soon as
it moves away. When Photonics developed, stealth bombers are no longer
-Paratrooper 4-3-1(Conscription)[40]: These units can be dropped by plane
and can automatically make an action, whereas any normal unit must wait
until the next turn.
-Marine 4-3-1(Conscription)[40]: These units can disembark from a ship
and can automatically make an action, whereas any normal unit must wait
until the next turn.
-Cruise Missile 30-0-6(Rocketry)[120]: This unit is deadly if your
opponent is within range, can be fired from a city or carrier unit. SDI
protects a city from the attack of this unit. Unit explodes on hitting an
opponents unit or at the end of its available moves.
-ICBM 99-0-50(Rocketry)[240]: Will utterly destroy anything it hits
and may destroy other units if within one square causes all nine
squares to be iradiated and to destroy any roads, railroads, mines and
irrigation. Any city hit ceases to exist. For each city dweller there
is a 10% chance they will become refugees, otherwise are dead. This
replaces the current Nuclear unit. For Metropolises/Megopolises: Only
the targeted city square is destroyed. Other squares lose X % of its
population points.
-Patrol 0-2-2(3)(Gunpowder)[60]: Allows 2 units to be assigned to it
which then do not count towards unhappiness in a city if in republic
or democracy. Patrol cannot lie within a city else the units assigned
to the Patrol are assigned to that city instead. Units are homed to
the Patrol like cities. Patrol units are lost with the development of
Combustion, but any Patrol units built after this advance move at the
rate of 3 squares per turn. If a Patrol unit is destroyed then
attached units either disband 60%, attach to nearest friendly city
30%, go over to the civilization that defeated the Patrol 10%. Any
unit within the Patrol activates if a unit of another civilization
comes within 3 squares of the Patrol and tries to intercept that unit.
If the other civilizations unit goes away then the unit would return
to the Patrol. This unit does not cause unhappiness in cities.
-Air-to-air Refueling Plane 0-1-4(8)(Advanced Flight)[120] If any
other airborne unit lands on this unit or this unit lands on any other
airborne unit, then that unit is refueled (if the player chooses) and
does not need to return to base by the end of this turn. It is in
effect a temporary base. The refuelled plane may continue on its
journey next turn as if it had only just taken off. Any spare moves
are lost when the plane to be refueled meets the refueling plane. Only
one plane may be refuelled in this manner but a single plane may be
refuelled many times.
-Supply Line 0-2-2(3)(Gunpowder)[60]: Gives any adjacent unit a resource
instead of it coming from the home city, up to a maximum 3 units. After
30 resources of output the Supply Line unit is empty and is removed from
play. Until you develop "Flight".
- Spy Satellite: Allows a player to zoom in on 9 squares of the planet
under the satelites global position. Shows information about enemy units
and cities. Should find out about some of the improvements that are in a
city that the satelite passes over. Can find out what type of units are
grouped on a single square. Satelite can go once round the world each
turn, but can only make one shift in direction each turn and then only
through 45 degrees. Can only investigate 5 squares per turn.
- TV Satellites: Provides more entertainment to people, increases the
effect of TV stations in cities that it passes over by 1.
- Weather Satelite: Allows prediction of weather disasters, improves
food production in home city by 1 for each city size ( village=+1,
town=+2, city=+3 metropolis=+4, megapolis=+5 ), these units must be
stationed above the home city and they will see any adverse weather
systems up to 10 squares away.
- Space Shuttle: A reusable space ship for carrying satellites into
space. Costs more than a lot.
Thi is a more realistic Unit-Value table for civilization.
Unit Name Att Def Cost
Militia 2 2 10
Phalanx 3 4 20
Legion 6 3 20
Calvary 4 3 20
Chariot 8 3 40
Catapult 12 4 40
Knight 10 6 40
Musketeer 6 10 30
Canon 20 6 40
Riflemen 12 18 30
Armor 40 20 80
Artillery 50 12 60
Mech Inf. 24 24 50
Trireme 2 1 30
Sail 4 2 40
Fregate 6 4 50
Ironclad 12 10 60
Transport 2 8 50
Cruiser 24 18 80
Battleship 70 50 180
Carrier 12 50 160
Submarine 50 10 80
Nuke 99 4 160
Fighter 24 20 60
Bomber 70 10 120
Settler 0 2 40
Caravan 0 4 50
Diplomat 0 1 30
Rule of Thumb:
Attacks and defenses have been altered according to the following rules:
Any unit which can be built prior to the development of Gunpowder then att/def value * 2.
If Gunpowder required for the advance which enables this unit to be built then
att/def value * 3.
If Combustion required for the advance which enables this unit to be built then
att/def value * 4.
An upgrade in the factors are Mass production/ Flight
With this values you will loose less artilleries on a fortified phalanx
Once you have mass transit in your town and your scientists have learned
the secret of Urban Planning you can add to a roaded/irrigated/RR'ed
square either:
1) highrise (more population)
2) industry (if you've already got man. plant in center square)
3) trade (bank in center)
This could be limited to the 8 nearest squares, or requirement that all
other squares are also fully developed.
- Switching Production: There should be a penalty-factor (5-10% or 5
resources wichever is the greater) each time you switch from one
production to another one halfway. This is to discourage the
"caravan-build-wonder-then-change-to-city-wall" type of abuse. Also,
should be able to purchase part of a unit's or an improvement's development
(like increasing barracks from 10 resources done to 30 resources done).
- After Industrialisation the ability to build more than one thing at a
time, say a unit and an improvement, or once you get a factory in the city.
Need to be able to allocate resources to each as wanted.
- Walls: Like barracks they should require occasional updating. Also,
it should be more difficult to attack walled cities without some sort
of combined arms style attack. After development of gunpowder and
explosives, city walls became a little redundant, so the defensive
bonus of city walls should be reduced after these advances, to 2.5
times, then 2 times only.
- Repair Yards: The idea of repair should be added to the game. Give
things the same offense and defense power they have now, with the
offense number also representing the number of points of damage the
unit does. The defense number could also represent the number of
points of damage a piece of equipment could take. Thus, tanks can
still kill tanks in one shot, but a lucky shot by a phalanx would no
longer terminate your battleship. Units could be brought to this city
and repaired.
Note that each unit represents a number of vehicles. So losses may be
more appropriate than damage. An option should appear automatically if
you have a damaged unit in the city.
- Retraining Area: You should be able to take certain units, those units
that could be considered infantry that is, such as militia, musketeers etc,
bring them back to a city, and spend 'x' resources on them to upgrade them
to another unit, rather than disband and start from scratch. (Planes and
such would obviously have to be totally rebuilt, as most of this expense is
There should be training for non-veteran units, and more unit attributes
than just veteran or non-veteran. And when automobile is developed,
movement rates for older pieces should be increased. An option should appear
automatically if you have a unit in the city which could be retrained.
- Stadium: Like Colosseum. Stadiums are the modern names for Colleseums,
you should be able to improve: Park, Sportsground, Arena, Stadium,
Colleseum, SuperBowl. Each improved stadium increases the number of
unhappy to content and also costs more to build and each replaces the
prior stadium which should be automatically deleted. The old stadium
is in effect being given a facelift, you are not building a new one from
scratch. However if it is destroyed then the city improvements should not
go back to the beginning but continue where it left off.
- Barrage balloon: gives units within a city a defense bonus of 200%
against airborne attacks. Acts like city walls.
- Theatre: Makes two unhappy people content.
- Restaurant: makes one content person happy.
- SOSUS: Undersea sonar array for detecting ships and submarines in
the oceans. Must be built in two cities across an area of sea, after
which any undersea vessel will be shown in the square that the submarine
crossed the line. Multiple lines between several cities can be set up.
A layer of at least one sea square must exist between the two cities.
- Port: ships can move in and out without losing any movement points.
- City council: Reduces corruption and increases production.
- Civic chambers: Increases trade by increasing value of trade routes.
- Hospital: Needed to increase city size above 20, greater birth rate
and longer average life span in population.
- Trade centre: Allows up to three extra trade routes, each trade route
can now be managed by a 'tradesman' giving extra trade like scientist/
- Research Center: Increases lightbulbs.
- Polytech: Increases production as well as allowing the `businessmen'
giving extra production like scientists/taxmen/entertainers.
- TV Station: Makes one unhappy person content.
- De-salination Plant: Requires refining and electricity, adds one
more food production on each ocean square.
- Horticultural centre: Doubles food production in city squares,
and in immediately adjacent squares.
- Fish farm: 2 extra food units in each sea square.
- Airport Allows city to build airborne units and allows airborne units
to land in the city. Airport includes a radar allowing the city to have
a visual range of 4 squares in the air.
- Space Lab: Increases light bulbs.
- Fusion Reactors: As power station, no chance of meltdown, low
pollution like hydro plant.
- Space launch Centre: Allows a city to launch Space Rockets.
- Space Rocket: A single use rocket used to propel a Satellite unit into
- Prospecting: Allows for creation of new resource squares. The
obvious oilfields, gold mines, and coal sources get used up earlier in
the game; by prospecting new places for resources could be found.
Allows Prospector Unit.
- Automated City Functions: Selling the barracks just before they
become obsolete is tedious. They should automatically be sold;
Similarly for the factory when you build manufacturing plant; if you
hit F5 and click on Universities you should go to a city that has one
instead of being forced to look at every city to find it. Finding the
city where the earthquake just destroyed the cathedral is tedious.
Disasters should bring up the city screen.
- Railroads: It looks really ugly to have the web of black lines when
a bunch of railroads have been created. How about separating the
movement effect from the economic effect of railroads. Then rail
lines would be made only for movement and something else could be done
to improve production of a square. Also, railroads should require a
small cost per turn per square of rail for maintenance. Should be able
to build railroads in city squares.
- Freeways: A settler function, they add a layer between road and
railroad. It would be quicker to build freeways than railroads. The
negative would be that it would generate pollution along the route and
be slower to travel on. Cheaper to build than rail but not as good. More
expensive than roads but better. Allows 5x movement. Should be able to
build freeways in city squares.
- Tunnels: Underwater tunnels to connect nearby land masses. Like
the Chunnel Tunnel. An Engineer function. Can only build beneath
one sea square, must have 2 engineers, one on each side of the sea square,
takes an excessively long time to build and is only available after the
development of robotics. Perhaps a tunneling unit, costs 300 to build,
takes 5 turns to tunnel from one land square under the sea square,
requires two opposing tunneling units acting on the same sea square. The
units automatically disband after finishing the tunnel. Square can then be
roaded, freewayed and railroaded(no increased food or trade however), but
not mined or irrigated.
- National Treasury: Must be built in capital. Prevents units from
being disbanded because of lack of support in home city. Units that
cannot be supported by one unit are automatically reassigned to a
different city. Only if no other cities can support them are they
- Shipping: Ability to automatically send excess goods (food,
production) to another city. This would reduce the time spent moving
caravans from one city to another. Perhaps this could be available
after a suitable advance, or maybe it is only possible after a caravan
has linked the two cities with a trade route. A city receiving food
or production in this way would have to spend, say, one coin per good
(or maybe more, depending on the distance between the two cities).
- Suburbs: In addition to mines and farms, suburbs would increase
happiness, research, or trade directly. Other types of improvements
should be possible, as well, such as vineyards, orchards, commercial
zones, etc.
- Advances should be given a value which is the sum of that advances
prerequisites +1. eg. Alphabet=1, Astronomy=6,( Mysticsm=2
(Ceremonial Burial), Mathematics=3 (Masonry and Alphabet)). This
gives the basis for trade of knowledge, a civilization could offer
Mathematics(3) in return for Ceremonial Burial(1) and Mysticsm(2).
This could also be used to decide how many light bulbs are required to
gain an advance, making early advances easier to collect at a later date.
(for those people like myself who have been known to leave Horse Riding and
Chivalry until after Nuclear Fusion!)
- Misc discoveries and events; (occuring after various advances,
e.g. alchemy after medicine) These things would be minor interesting
happenings, but not important in the scheme of things. Serving
merely to enlarge the advances chart so that it takes longer to
complete the technical advances side of the game.
- The advances chart should not exist in the manual, the computer
should know which advances lead where and the players must choose
what looks to be the most useful advance at that time, thus players
wouldn't be able to say right to get Womens Suffrage as soon as
possible you need to go for this, this and this first. The ancients
didn't know where science would lead them, and perhaps there should
be some randomising of where certain sciences lead just so players
can't eventually write all the advances down and make their own
charts. Also not all advancements may be necessary, perhaps acquiring
one may preclude the requirement for the other.
- False advancements (e.g. Flat Earth). Cause higher science cost for
the equivalent real advancement. This could easily tie in with the
paragraph above for example.
- Roads, irrigation and mining should be real advances, to allow
more flexibility to early paths.
- The seas only produce food once you get boats (a new advance),
then more production once you get submarine technology. Submarine
technology also lets settlers move onto water, where they can mine,
irrigate, etc.
- Physics should depend on philosophy or one of its ancestors, such as
"reason". Note that currently Physics requires mathematics, but this is
redundant, as astronomy already requires math. Making Physics require
theory of gravity would slow down the deelopment of steam engine, flight,
and magnetism.
- Irrigation(Crafting & Construction): allows Settlers/Engineers to Irrigate
a square.
- Mining(Engineering & Iron-Working): allows Settlers/Engineers to mine a
- Roadbuilding(Mathematics & Crafting): allows Settlers/Engineers to build
simple roads
- Shamanism(Ceremonial Burial): Needed for Mysticism.
- Crafting (Pottery & Bronze): Needed for Music, Construction ...
- Weaving (Crafting & Construction): Increases Move of sail units.
- Music (Crafting & Alphabet): Help makes people happy (?)
- Drama & Poetry (Music & Writing): Needed for Mysticism
- Monotheism (Religion & Feudalism): Allows Cathedrals and Theocracy.
- Manufacturing (Physics & Engineering): Needed for Industrialization.
- Architecture (Masonry & Crafting): Needed for ???
- Microtech (Robotics & The Corporation):
- Satellites (Microtech & Rocketry): Allows the Shift 5-6 cheat.
- Advanced Roadbuilding(Industrials. & Chemistry): allows freeways
- Mass Media(Electronics & Invention (or wireless communication):
- Wireless communication(elecricity & Invention): increases communication
factor by 2 or 3. Allows building of TV Station and Radar Station.
- Free Press(Mass media & The Corp): decreases Corruption, adds one unhappy
- Television(Mass media & Free press): (*discussed before*)
- Propaganda(Mass media): Neutralizes the effect of the absence of one
military unit. (No unhappy in Rep/Dem, Martial law given else)
- Satelitte Communication(Wireless & Satellites) Increases comm worldwide
Gives the CNN-WOW
- Stealth Technology(Advanced Flight & Computers): Allows building
of stealth units.
- Artificial Intelligence():
- Weather Control(): Allows a civilization to build the weather satelite
- Solar Power Satellites():
- Calendar(Astronomy): Increases the yield of food once developed.
- Paper(Writing): Allows construction of library.
- Printing(Invention and Paper): Allows building of Bookstore. Increases
effect of library.
- Telegraph(Magnetism and Printing): Increases speed of communication.
- Laser Communications(Satelite Communications and Photonics):
- Biology(): Allows biological weapons, better farming techniques, etc.
- Photonics():
- Theocracy: No corruption, low science development, but prices for
temples, cathedrals, and religious WoWs are lower.
- Charismatic Dictatorship: ala Saddam Hussein, Hitler, et al. Units
do not require support. Trade is the same as in monarchy. Units can
quell unhappy people, but there are more unhappy people than usual.
(This is an improved Despotic Government.) Maybe Despotism becomes
this after development of invention?
- Constitutional Monarchy: Grasslands, Rivers, and Hills are as
productive as they are under a Monarchy. Also, an additional trade
unit is generated wherever at least one trade unit already exists.
Military units each require one resource for industrial support.
Settlers require two food. Corruption is higher than under a Monarchy
or Republic. Military units cannot be used to quell dissent in
In addition, the Parliament of your government accepts any peace
offer made by another civilization.
- Feudalism: Turns over control of several cities to a local lord.
Allows monarchy-style government, but over a larger number of cities.
Also, decreases corruption in cities far away from the capitol.
Further, it makes the computer take control of those cities and units
associated with those cities, thus freeing up the player to
concentrate in other areas. The player issues a list of general
orders for the lord to carry out. Drawbacks would be increased
likelihood of civil war in some circumstances, need for a palace in
another city, need for giving gifts to local lord. Governors have
different capabilities and personalities, so one might be very
militaristic, and another more willing to negotiate; one might be very
efficient and able to govern his cities better than the player
himself, while another is less efficient, with production and trade
going to less useful things and increased corruption. Under
Feudalism, removing governors would be difficult and would probably
result in civil war. Portion of trade converted to production
(because you don't have the power to tax one city heavily to pay for
construction elsewhere. Not possible to change the home city of a
If a governor is likely to rebel, the player would get a message
such as: Sir, our sources indicate that Duke Charles of Normandy is
gathering military strength. We believe he may intend to rebel!
* Feudalism: How about one government type to represent European
feudalism, Mayan city-states, pre-unification Germany,
renaissance Italy, Greece, etc..
* The "governor" option should be available for any
government type, if they can write a good one it would be
such a time-saver. But it's not likely to be as efficient.
- Federalism: Similar to feudalism, but operates more like republic.
Less variation in governor personalities and capabilities, and is
easier to remove governors from office. Trade not converted to
production, so taxation is easier, but still is not possible to change
the home city of a unit.
- Alteration of Building Times: Gaining tech should allow one to
complete tasks faster; a civilization with automobile in 1000BC
shouldn't need 80 years to build a road (4 turns with no cheats). The
turn length shouldn't depend solely on the year, it should be tied
into the most advanced tech level, and the "number of turns" it takes
to do something should be delegated into actual number of years/months
or whatever and tied to tech levels.
- Alteration of Learning Times: The more contact you have with a
civilization, the easier it should be to gain the technology that they
have. When a civilization begins researching a new advance, you would
get a percentage of the advance up front, depending on if it were
already known. The rule would be something like: 10% for each ally
with the technology, 5% for each trading partner with the technology,
2% for each civilization with the technology that your civilization is
at peace with, and 1% for each civilization with the advance that you
are at war with. (The percentages are not cumulative, of course.)
Also, different types of governments should modify this bonus.
Civilisations could voluntarily restrict allowing other civilizations
from getting this benefit from their own technology by turning off a
switch. Also, it should be possible to steal another civilization's
technology without causing war (see Spy unit above).
Hanging Gardens:
Stonehenge: (Calendar) Helps crops, so increases food production in
city. Expires with development of Astronomy.
DuJinagYan: A massive irrigation project that increases food
production on all irrigated squares by one. Is made obsolete
by the Republic.
Great Library:
Great Wall:
Archimedes' Engineering: (Alphabet) Gives two additional advances
Plato's Republic:
Aristotle's Science: (Writing) Increases scientific production.
Voided upon development of University.
Holy Text:
Sun Tzu's The Art of War:
Copernicus's Observatory:
Shakespear's Theatre:
Isaac Newton's College:
J.S. Bach's Cathedral:
Magellan's Expedition:
Michelangelo's Chapel:
Darwin's Voyage:
Hoover Dam:
Woman's Suffrage:
United Nations: The ability of this wonder should be reduced if a civilization
is repeatedly attacked and then made peace with.
Statue of Liberty: Would attract refugees from dissatisfied cities
Nobel Society: Requires explosives (or university?)
Hollywood: Increases happiness throughout civilization, and attracts refugees.
Manhattan Project:
Apollo Program:
Human Genome Project:
National Park System: For each totally undeveloped square (no roads,
no irregation), one person in the nearest city is happy. If all the
land within 3 squares of a city is developed, then a city automatically
gets 2 unhappies. Effective only if your a Democracy or a Republic.
Reason: There should be a reason NOT to develop all your lands. This
would add a realistic factor balancing production to maintain a democracy
or a republic while keeping some land undeveloped.
- World Peace: Operates only for Democracies but would prevent other CIVs from
ever attacking?
- Disarmament: eliminates nuclear weapons.
- Los Angeles Transport wonder: eliminates automobile effect on pollution
- satellite navagation: sea units see twice as far, and travel an extra
two squares. Cumulative with Magellions expedition. (transports 7!)
- Michiavelli's School: allows diplomats to sabotage selected items (instead
of random), and to subvert or encourage revolts for half price, and
to buy enemy units for half price too.
Wonders should be able to be re-built if destroyed, but cost (say) 4 times
as much since it's archeological reconstruction. Perhaps only at their
original site.
Perhaps there should be secondary wonders, having to build 30 power plants,
one in each of your cities, just because a rival civ managed to build Hoovers
Dam is quite a setback.
Perhaps some of the wonders should have their abilities reduced in strength.
For example, Womens Suffrage only acts on the first 3 units out of each city.
Hoover Dam only increases by 30% rather than 50%, or increases current power
plants by an extra amount.
Of course! Most of this FAQ was compiled from other people's ideas.
As the compiler of this list I made many decisions about areas other
people failed to address, and I fleshed out many other people's ideas,
but I've tried to avoid dictating what goes in and what goes out. I
want to get as much input and feedback as possible from as many people
as possible.
I have plenty of ideas already, now what I need is criticism.
Tear it apart. Tell me why a certain approach won't work, or that a
certain idea is silly or stupid. Tell me to forget about doing
certain things because they are too hard to program or that they would
change the nature of the game too much. Also, I want to see arguments
on some of the more controversial ideas. The more discussion I see
about a certain thing, the better I'll be able to decide whether or
not to include it. Finally, if you really like an idea or two, say
so! Many people liked the idea of aquatic cities, so I'll make sure
it stays in. Some people dislike the idea of having colonies on
multiple planets, while others love it, so maybe Space Civilisation
could be a supplement put out later, after the initial release.
[See civ2.future.proposal]
It would be very helpful to have some of the ideas (or new ideas)
presented fully detailed. For example, The wonders of the world need
describing fully, when they become available, at what cost to build.
The city improvements all need cost to build. Some of the advances
require further details.
And if you have new ideas, then post them. More than anything else,
this is a brainstorming session. I am not designing Civ II, I am just
putting together a database of ideas that someone can draw from to
make a sequel. The more ideas we have, the better!
Please Note, I came a little late for a lot of the discussions within
this proposal, I don't know what the "Human Genome Project" is, neither
have I particularly heard of "Sun Tzu's The Art of War" Please if there
is a topic in this faq that doesn't have an explanation or doesn't have
a satisfactory explanation then inform me. In particular the several
interesting paragraphs at the end of the advances section suggesting
different governments, I am a total loss on this type of subject, If
possible I would really appreciate someone helping me out and writing
that particular section and I would just include it.( Maybe I should
get off my backside and learn a bit about it . . . who knows ).
Thanks to everyone who shared ideas. I wanted to credit everyone who
made contributions, but the list was just too big. In particular,
Thank you to Shadow for his excellent and detailed submissions, Dave
[Rubicon] for the FAQ, and Bob 'o Bob, Paul Brinkley, Toshi Tsuboi, and
Bryce Harrington, the civ2 version 1 compiler.
Thanks to the following whose responses to the first civ2 future proposal
faq are included in this version.
Bryce Harrington, David Bofinger, Toshi Tsuboi, Steve Sherwood, zool175,
Jeffrey Muday, tony ivan zbaraschuk, Capo di Capi Tutti, LHughes,
Paul Brinkley, Chris Jones, Jonathon Buckel, Del Cotter, David Heath and
Wolfgang Razen.
A special thanks to the 200 people who didn't write in to *not* request a
civ futures proposal faq ;-), and the most amazing fantastic THANK YOU to
those four people who said to carry on the proposal, you know who you are,
thanks. Without them, perhaps this would have been filed in that ultimate
of all filing cabinets, the waste paper basket !!
And at the last, a big thanks to Bryce, who put this together originally
and handed it to me, who would have thought so much work goes into these
things, I must have done about 2-3 hours, 5 days a week for over 5 weeks
on this thing and it is still no where near organised. Thanks ;-)
Jonathon Buckel, Email jon_bu@oldham.gpsemi.com
or buckel_j@oldham.gpsemi.com
X-Sun-Data-Type: default-app
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: civ2.chart
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 389
() Refers to any prerequisite advance to make this advance available.
: Refers to when a city improvement becomes available.
+ Refers to when a Wonder of the World becomes available.
- Refers to when a Wonder of a World stops working.
* Refers to when a unit becomes available.
[??] Refers to the cost of building the improvement, unit or Wonder.
[C:A-D-M] Refers to the values associated with a unit, where:
C Refers to that units cost in shields.
A Refers to that units attack value.
D Refers to that units defense value.
M Refers to that units movement allowance.
{} Refers to additional effects associated with an advance.
>> Is a prerequisite to the named advance
| |
| |
| +Stonehenge[??]
(Drama and Poetry)
>>Theory of Gravity
+Copernicus's Observatory[300]
(Map Making)
+Magellan's Expedition[400]
>>Advanced Flight
>>Nuclear Power
:Hydro Plant[240]
+Hoover Dam[600]
-Shakespeares Theatre
+SETI Program[600]
*Space Shuttle[??]
:City Walls[120]
+Great Wall[300]
| |
| |
(Alphabet) (Currency, Crafting)
>>Astronmy :Aqueduct[120]
*Catapult :Colosseum[100]
[40:6-1-1] :Port[??]
| {Fortress see p37}
| |
>>Chemisrty |
:University[160] |___________________________
+Nobel Society[??] | |
-Great Library | |
| (Iron Working) (The Wheel)
THEORY OF GRAVITY | >>Electronics
(Astronomy) | :Repair Yard[??]
+Isaac Newtons RAILROAD *Engineer[40:0-2-1]
College[400] (Steam Engine) |
| +Darwin's Voyage[300] |
ATOMIC THEORY | (Literacy)
(Physics) MANUFACTURING >>Steam Engine
>>Nuclear Fission | -Hanging Gardens
| |
>>Steel (Iron Working)
*Transport[50:0-3-4] >>Explosives
*Cargo Ship[50:0-0-4] {Barracks Obselete}
:Factory[200] *Musketeer[30:2-3-1]
+Women's Suffrage[600] *HQ[60:0-2-2(3)]
| *Patrol[60:0-2-2(3)]
________________________|________ *Supply[60:0-2-2(3)]
| | | -Great Wall
| | | |
>>Mass Production *Prospector +United METALLURGY
| [60:0-1-1] Nations[600] (University)
| -Pyramids >>Electricty
REFINING -Michaelangelo's *Cannon
(Chemistry) Chapel [40:8-1-1]
>>Plastics | |
:Power Plant[160] | |
*Oil Rig[180:0-1-1] LABOR UNION STEEL
| (Mass Production) (Industrialisation)
| *Mechanised *Battleship
COMBUSTION Infantry [160:18-12-4]
(Exposives) [50:6-6-3] |
>>Flight *Troop Carrier |
>>Automobile [50:4-4-3] AUTOMOBILE
{Barracks Obselete} (Combustion)
*Cruiser[80:6-6-6] *Armor[80:10-5-3]
>>Super Conductor
>>Labor Union
*Submarine [50:8-2-3]
:Mass Transit[160]
| |
| |
(Atomic Theory) (Democracy)
>>Space Flight :Recycling
+Manhattan Project[600] Centre[200]
-Isaac Newtons College +Natioal Park
| System[??]
:Nuclear Plant[160]
:Fusion Plant[200]
*Phalanx [20:1-2-1]
| |
| |
>>Bridge Building :Marketplace[80]
>>Gun Powder |
*Legion |
[20:3-1-1] TRADE
(Code Of Laws)
*Caravan [50:0-1-1]
:National Treasury[??]
:Trade Centre[??]
| | |
| | |
(University) (Philosophy) |
>>Refining >>Atomic Theory |
| __|_____________ (Philosophy)
ADVANCED | | >>Genetic Engineering
ROADBUILDING | | :Hospital[??]
{Freeway} STEAM ENGINE FLIGHT {Stops Plague Disaster}
| (Invention) (Combustion) |
| >>Railroad *Fighter GENETIC
EXPLOSIVES *Ironclad] [60:4-2-10] ENGINEERING
(Gun Powder) [60:4-4-4] *Cargo plane (The Corporation)
>>Combustion [90:0-0-8(16)] +Cure For Cancer[600]
| :Airport
| {Airstrp}
| ______|______________
| | |
(Electricity) *Attack Helicoptor
*Bomber [80:10-3-6]
[120:12-1-8(16)] *Transport Helicoptor
*Carrier [80:1-2-6]
*Transport Plane
*Air-To-Air Refuellig Plane
| |
| |
(Electronics) TECHNOLOGY
*ICBM[160:99-0-50] (Computers)
*Missile[120:30-0-6] *Stealth Bomber
| [240:16-3-8(16)]
(Nuclear Fission)
*Space Lab[??]
:Space Launch Centre[??]
:Space Rocket[??]
+Apollo Program[600]
| | |
| | |
(Corporation) (Computer) >>Fusion Power
| *Artillery :SDI Defence[200]
| [60:12-2-2]
SATELITES :Manufacturing
(Microtech) Plant[320]
*Weather Satelite[??]
| | |
>>Trade >>Navigation *Diplomat[30:0-0-1]
:Courthouse[80] *Trireme *Spy[50:1-1-2]
[40:1-0-3] :Library[80]
| *Explorer |
_________|____________ [30:0-1-3] |
| | +Lighthouse[200] LITERACY
| | (Code Of Laws)
(Ceremonial Burial) (Literacy) >>Republic
| >>Conscription +Great Library[300]
| | |
| (Trade) (Mysticsm)
| *Riflemen[30:3-5-1] >>Medicine
MONOTHEISM *Marine[40:4-3-1] >>University
| *Paratrooper[40:4-3-1] >>Communism
| |
THEOCRACY ___________________________|______
| |
| |
:Cathedral[160] >>Recycling
+J.S. Bach's Cathedral[400]
+Michaelangelo's Chapel[300]
+Hanging Gardens[300]
(Bronze Working)
| | | |
| | | |
(Consruction) (Construction) (Alphabet) (Construction)
+DuJinagYan |
+Shakespeare's Theatre[400]
(Wireless Comms)
:TV Station[??]
:Satelite TV[??]
:Cable TV[??]
| |
| |
(Magnetism) |
| |
WIRELESS COMMS (Electricity)
(Electronics) |
| ______|________
| | |
*Spy Satelite[??]
*Chariot [40:4-1-2]
*Settlers [40:0-1-1]
*Militia [10:1-1-1]