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AMPro013.ZIP (AMPro ANSINator Toolz and Utilitiez) shud come with tha
following fiylz.
TOOLZ.DOC - This document
AMPFILT.EXE - Convertz an ASCii text file frum AMProSpeak to
Standard Conformist English or vice versa.
ANSIJOIN.EXE - Connects up to 15 ANSIz together.
ANSIVIEW.EXE - A Program for viewing ANSIz grafikly.
ANSI2ANN.EXE - Convertz ANSIz back into .ANN Fiylz.
ANNVIEW.EXE - View an .ANN file without gowin into tha ANSINator.
ATXVIEW.EXE - View an .ATX file without gowin into tha ANSINator.
SMAC.EXE - Shrink Most ANSINator Creations: This program will
reduce tha size uv yer ANSINator ANSI without
affecting how it lookz.
Theze filez are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely
as you wish including individuwally as long as no profit is made frum
tha distribution.
=+=+=+=+=+=+ Indivijuwul Descripshunz +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
TOOLZ.DOC -=- This File here eh.
AMPFILT.EXE -=- Tha AMProFilter Program <Verzion 1.0> Convertz AMProSpeek
to SCE(Standard Conformists English) or Vice Versa. Great for finally
understanding what AMPro'z tawkin about, or better yet livening up
thoze boaring dox frum other pepulz' programz.
To execute..... Just Type AMPFILT
ANSIJOIN.EXE -=- Connects Up to 15 ANSI file Together.
To execute..... Just Type ANSIJOIN <file1> <file2>...
where <file1> <file2> ect are filenamez uv ANSI filez separated by
spacez. Tha program will prompt you fer tha name uv tha output
file, then it will create that file wich will be all tha ANSIz
you menchund in tha order you menchund them.
ANSIVIEW.EXE -=- Will show you yer ANSIz. Itz much slower than tha type
command, It will show you what it'z like to view yer ANSIz at 2400 bps.
Wunce tha ANSI iz finished typing you kin scroll up and down with
up arrow and down arrow, or PgUp and PgDn. Hit Space Bar when finished.
Hit any key to abort while tha ANSI iz still typing out.
To execute..... Just Type ANSIVIEW <filename> [-speed]
Where Speed is 2400, 9600 or 19200
ANSI2ANN.EXE -=- No longer do you hav to keep tha .ANN filez around sumwhere
just in case you ever want to fix up an old ANSI. This program will take
yer ANSI and convert it rite back into an ANN file. If I made an ANSI fer
your board or something, and you wanted to make sum changez, well now yu
kin just turn it into an .ANN File and werk on it.
To execute..... Just Type ANSI2ANN [<ansi filename>]
ANNVIEW.EXE -=- You kin see your .ANN filez without gowin into Tha ANSINator.
This iz a fully menu driven program with many great feacherz.
To execeute.... Just Type ANNVIEW <filename>
ATXVIEW.EXE -=- You kin see your .ATX filez without gowin into Tha ANSINator.
To execute..... Just Type ATXVIEW <filename>
SMAC.EXE -=- This awesum Program will reduce tha size uv yer ANSIz without
affecting how they look. Tha ANSINator iz a great program, but it putz
a great many extra ANSI codes into your ANSI. This program revoovz tha
extra ANSI codez. Do not uze this program on any ANSIz that are not dun
completely with tha ANSINator, it will probably damage them!
To execute..... Just Type SMAC <filename>