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User Manual
Telix for DOS
Version 3.5x
Telix_ User Manual
Version 3.5x for use with MS-DOS 3.1 or higher
Copyright(c)1986-1996 deltaComm Development, Inc.
Portions Copyright(c) 1996 ELSA GmbH. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system, or translated into any other
language in any form by any means without the
written permission of deltaComm Development, Inc.
Software License Notice
Your license agreement with deltaComm Development,
Inc., which is included separately with the
product diskettes, specifies the permitted and
prohibited uses of the product. Any unauthorized
duplication or use of Telix, in part or in whole,
in print or in any other storage and retrieval
system is prohibited.
Government Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the US
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth
in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
DFARS 252.227-7013 and paragraph (d) of the
Commercial Computer Software _ Restricted Rights
at FAR 52.227 - 19. Subcontractor/Manufacturer is
deltaComm Development, Inc., Post Office Box 1185,
Cary, NC 27512, USA.
Licenses and Trademarks
Telix, the Telix Logo, deltaComm Development,
Inc., the distinctive deltaComm logo, SALT, SIMPLE
and HostPlus_, are trademarks of deltaComm
Development, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. Other product names, corporate
names, or titles used within this document may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of other
companies, and are mentioned only in an
explanatory manner to the owners' benefit, and
without intent to infringe.
This document was created using Microsoft Word for
Windows 6.0
Printed in the United States of America
Table of Contents
BEFORE YOU BEGIN .............................................VII
Typographical Conventions ...................................vii
Keyboard Conventions ......................................vii
Mouse Conventions ........................................viii
TELIX CUSTOMER SERVICES .....................................VIII
Product Support Within the United States .....................ix
Electronic Services ........................................ix
Voice Telephone Support .....................................x
Product Support Worldwide .....................................x
WELCOME TO TELIX FOR DOS .......................................1
Program description ...........................................2
New Features of Version 3.5x ..................................3
The Telix Philosophy ..........................................3
Machine Requirements ..........................................4
Start-Up Directory ............................................5
GETTING STARTED ................................................6
Configuring Telix with MODEMCFG.EXE ...........................6
Starting a Telix Session ......................................8
INT14/FOSSIL Mode ..........................................11
Important Note for Network/Multi-tasking Operation .........11
Terminal Mode ................................................12
Command Entry ..............................................12
Sending Characters and Words with the Mouse ................13
The Help/Status Screen .....................................13
The Status Line ............................................14
Communications Parameters ....................................14
Entering and Editing Strings .................................15
Output String Translation ....................................16
Ending a Telix Session .......................................16
PROGRAM FEATURES ..............................................17
Hang-Up ......................................................17
Capture File .................................................17
Printer ......................................................17
Usage Log ....................................................18
Scroll-Back ..................................................20
iv Table of Contents
Keyboard Definitions/Macros ..................................21
DOS Shell ....................................................23
DOS Command ..................................................23
Editor .......................................................24
DOS and File Functions .......................................24
Screen Image .................................................25
The Translate Table ..........................................26
Chat Mode ....................................................27
Clear Screen .................................................27
Local Echo ...................................................28
Add Line Feeds ...............................................28
Break Signal .................................................28
DOORWAY Mode .................................................29
Miscellaneous Options ........................................29
Sending Modem Strings ......................................29
Setting the Screen Size ....................................29
THE DIALING DIRECTORY .........................................31
The Display ..................................................31
Editing an Entry .............................................34
Adding Entries ...............................................34
Clearing Entries .............................................34
Finding an Entry .............................................35
Dialing ......................................................36
Automatic Queue Redial .....................................37
The Quick Dialing Bar ........................................38
Long Distance Codes ..........................................38
Other Functions ..............................................39
Inserting Blank Entries ....................................39
Deleting Entries ...........................................39
Revising Long Distance Codes ...............................40
Creating a Dialing Directory ...............................40
Loading a Dialing Directory ................................40
Printing the Dialing Directory .............................41
Sorting the Dialing Directory ..............................41
Moving Entries .............................................41
FILE TRANSFERS ................................................43
Downloading (Receiving) Files ................................43
Uploading (Sending) Files ....................................45
File Transfer Protocols ......................................47
Which One to Use .............................................51
Table of Contents v
CUSTOMIZING TELIX .............................................53
Screen and Color Settings ....................................53
Terminal Options .............................................55
General Options ..............................................59
Modem and Dialing Settings ...................................62
Filenames and Path Settings ..................................66
ASCII Transfers ..............................................68
Protocol Options .............................................70
Kermit Transfers .............................................74
Comm Port Setup ..............................................74
INT14/FOSSIL Mode ............................................74
Language Setup ...............................................75
Saving Changes and Leaving ...................................75
TERMINAL EMULATION ............................................77
TTY ..........................................................77
ANSI-BBS .....................................................77
ANSI .........................................................78
VT102 ........................................................78
VT52 .........................................................79
AVATAR .......................................................79
USING SCRIPT FILES ............................................81
Creating and Compiling Scripts ...............................81
Executing a Script ...........................................83
SIMPLE .......................................................83
Learning a Script ............................................84
HOST MODE .....................................................87
APPENDICES ....................................................95
A Keyboard Command Summary ...................................95
B Troubleshooting ............................................97
C External Protocols ........................................109
Batch File Method .........................................109
Script File Method ........................................110
D File Formats ..............................................111
Index .......................................................112
Before You Begin vii
Before You Begin
This Telix User Manual describes the operation and
use of Telix. For economy of words, this manual
will refer to Telix for DOS as simply Telix.
Typographical Conventions
This manual uses several standard notations
throughout its text to identify important
Keyboard Conventions
All key names are shown in capital letters. For
example, the Control key is shown as CTRL. Your
keyboard's keys may not be labeled exactly as they
are in this manual.
Keys Comments
Shortcut keys Keys are frequently used in
combinations or sequences as
shortcut keys. For example,
CTRL-X means to hold down the
CTRL key while pressing the X
key; F10, F, O, means to press
and release each of these keys
in order.
RETURN/ENTER keys These keys usually perform the
same action in Telix. In this
manual, _Press ENTER_ means
that you can press either the
ENTER or RETURN key, unless
specifically instructed
viii Before You Begin
HOME, END, PGUP These keys indicate that the
specific key is to be pressed.
Often these keys will be used
in combinations, such as CTRL-
Mouse Conventions
- If you have a multiple-button mouse, the left
mouse button is the primary mouse button
unless you have it configured differently
(for example, you may have Telix configured
to reverse the mouse buttons if you are left-
handed). Any procedure that refers to the
_left mouse button_ within this manual will
mean the primary mouse button, or the button
you normally press with your index finger.
_Right mouse button_ will always refer to the
secondary button.
- _Point_ means to position the mouse pointer
until block cursor rests on whatever you wish
to point to on the screen.
- _Click_ means to press and then immediately
release the mouse button without moving the
Telix Customer Services
If you have a question about Telix, first look in
the printed documentation. We have tried to
anticipate all of your questions, and have
included the answers to many of them within these
pages. If you cannot find the answer in the
manuals, contact Customer Services.
Before You Begin ix
Product Support Within the United States
Electronic Services
Assistance is available from several online
sources, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
CompuServe Assistance is available on
CompuServe in the Telix section of the PC Vendor
Forums. In addition, the file libraries within
this forum contain a wealth of third party add-ons
for Telix, as well as the latest patches and fixes
for Telix. At any CompuServe ! prompt, type go
telix to access the PCVEN forum that contains the
Telix support section. You will need to select
_Telix_ from the message menu to access the Telix
message section and file library within this
Forum. An introductory CompuServe membership kit
is included with Telix.
Internet Assistance is available by addressing
Email to _support@delta.com_.
Hobbyist Networks deltaComm representatives
maintain a presence and offer basic support on the
following networks: RIME, FidoNet, and ILink.
deltaComm Online deltaComm Development, Inc.
maintains a 24 hour customer service bulletin
board that you can access with your modem at (919)
481-9399 or telnet to bbs.delta.com. This system
supports speeds of up to 28,800 bps with settings
of 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. Once
connected, you will find a large library of third
party add-ons, and will be able to address
questions directly to the Telix developers. In
addition, deltaComm Online offers our customers
many extra information services not related to
x Before You Begin
Voice Telephone Support
Unlimited no-service-charge support is available
from our customer service engineers by placing a
toll call between 9:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. Eastern
time, excluding holidays.
For Technical Support, call (919) 460-4556 to
speak to a software engineer. Before calling,
please make sure you have the following
information available:
- Telix' version number from the ALT-Z screen
- Your serial number from the Alt-6 command on
the program menu
- The brand and model of your modem, and
whether it is internal or external
- The exact wording of any error messages that
have appeared on your screen.
Product Support Worldwide
If you have purchased your copy of Telix outside
the United States, you may be able to obtain
support at one of several worldwide support
centers, either electronically or via voice.
Support availability and cost may vary from site
to site outside North America, and may require you
to have purchased your copy from the specific
support site to qualify for support from that
Before You Begin xi
Area Contact
Australia & My Computer Company
New Zealand (02) 565-1044 BBS
(02) 550-4459 fax
(02) 565-1991 voice
Germany Connect GmbH
(0241) 9177981 BBS
(040) 511 7074 fax
(040) 511 7073 voice
Great Britain S.C.S.
(0493) 748904 voice
(0493) 748876 fax
Netherlands The Owl's Nest
(035) 6028631 voice
(035) 6026527 fax
(035) 6023219 BBS
Welcome to Telix For DOS 1
Chapter 1
Welcome to Telix for DOS
Welcome! We know you are eager to begin using
Telix! If you are like most people, you want to
jump right in and start using your new program,
but we encourage you to at least skim through this
chapter first. This chapter will ease you into
Telix and have you placing your first call within
One more thing before you start.... If you bought
your package from a dealer, send in your
registration card. Without it, we cannot tell you
about the next new widget we add to the program.
If you bought your copy directly from deltaComm
Development, Inc., you are already registered.
In This Chapter
- Program Description
- What's on the Screen
- Program Requirements
- Using the Help System
- Installing Telix
- Your First Connection
- Starting Telix
2 Welcome to Telix for DOS
Program description
Telix is a full-featured communications program for PCs running
the PC/MS-DOS operating system, that is able to meet the needs of
almost any user. Telix features include:
- An extensive range of built-in file transfer protocols,
including Zmodem, CompuServe Quick B, Xmodem, Xmodem-1k,
Xmodem-1k-g, Ymodem (TRUE), Ymodem-g, Kermit, SEAlink,
Telink, Modem7, and ASCII. Telix allows up to five 'external'
protocols to be defined and called from within Telix. In this
way, almost any kind of file transfer is possible from within
- Powerful multiple dialing directories, holding up to 1000
entries, each containing many pieces of information required
for communicating with remote services, such as phone
numbers and communications parameters.
- Automatic queue redialing for hard-to-reach numbers.
- Reliable DEC VT100/102 and VT52 terminal emulation. Keys may
be redefined by the user.
- Full access to DOS including a DOS shell, a DOS Command
option, and full path support.
- A Host Mode featuring file transfers, password-protected DOS
shell, and two access levels.
- A Chat Mode, keyboard macros, a scroll-back buffer, session
capture, usage log, translate table, and a variety of other
features, detailed in this manual. Above all, Telix is fast,
and has a powerful, friendly user interface.
As a supplement to Telix, an extensive SALT script language is
available, which allows Telix to perform automated logons and
many more complicated functions. As an example of the power of
script files, the Telix Host Mode is written in the SALT script
Welcome to Telix For DOS 3
New Features of Version 3.50
With version 3.50, Telix has been greatly improved and extended.
The most important additions are listed below:
- Mouse-controlled user interface with pull-down menus,
scrollbars in listing windows and in the scroll-back mode,
and sending of words or characters by a mouse click.
- Selectable language for the user interface, which can also be
changed during a Telix session.
- Built-in INT14 mode for using Telix within networks (via a
modem sharing software) or with FOSSIL drivers (e.g. for
passive ISDN boards).
- Support of higher interrupts (IRQ8 to IRQ15) and higher
addresses (above $7FFF) for the COM ports.
- Convenient editing and compiling of script files from within
Telix via Script menu or hotkeys.
- Extended status windows for Zmodem batch file transfers
(GSZ/DSZ compatible).
- Telix now provides CPU resources for other applications in
multi-tasking environments (such as Windows, OS/2 etc.).
The Telix Philosophy
When Telix was written, a basic idea was kept in mind. It was
felt that a powerful program could be simple to operate, with no
loss of speed in order to achieve this ease of use.
4 Welcome to Telix for DOS
Machine Requirements
Telix will run on an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or true compatible
with one hard drive and one floppy drive, or two floppy drives,
and with at least 380 KBytes of free memory. This is memory
available after DOS has been loaded. For a few functions, such as
the DOS Shell, more memory is helpful. Telix will support up to 8
defined comm ports (COM1 through COM4 are predefined), any number
of disk drives, and a printer connected to the parallel port.
To get full use of Telix your modem must meet certain standards
as well, especially for the Host Mode script. The Carrier Detect
signal should not be forced high (on) by the modem, so that Telix
can tell when you are online. This is usually controlled by the
setting of a DIP switch on the modem, or a modem command (often
&C1). The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal should not be ignored
by the modem (&D2 in many cases, or switch controlled).
Telix comes with a number of files and creates more in its normal
operation. Files included in the Telix package are:
TELIX.EXE The Telix program itself
QDHOST.SLC The QDHost Mode script file (compiled)
QDCONFIG.SLC QDHost Mode configuration script (compiled)
*.KEY The various key definition files for the
terminals supported by Telix
TELIX*.LNG The various Language files for the multi-lingual
user interface
TELIX.PIF Program Information File for Microsoft Windows
Files (optionally) created and used by Telix include:
TELIX.CNF The Telix configuration file
TELIX.LNG The default Language file (after installation)
TELIX.FON The default Dialing Directory file
TELIX.LD The Long Distance Codes file
TELIX.CAP The default session Capture File
TELIX.USE The default usage log file
TELIX.IMG The screen image save file
TELIX.KEY The default user key macros definition file
TELIX.SWP The temporary swap file for Telix during DOS
shell calls
QDHOST.CNF The Host Mode configuration file
Welcome to Telix For DOS 5
If you have purchased the full version of Telix including the
script language compiler SALT, the disk will also contain the
following files:
CS.EXE The SALT script language compiler
CSS.EXE The SIMPLE script language compiler
QDHOST.SLT The QDHost Mode script file (source)
QDCONFIG.SLT QDHost Mode configuration script (source)
HOSTPLUS.DOC The HOSTPLUS program reference manual
HINSTALL.EXE The HOSTPLUS installation program
*.SLT Several SALT source examples (e.g. log-on scripts
for different BBS systems)
MODEMCFG.EXE The Telix modem configuration program
Telix at one time or another can have a number of files open,
especially during Host Mode and a few other instances. If Telix
tells you it is having problems opening files then it is probable
that including the line
in your CONFIG.SYS file could clear up the problem. This allows
DOS to open more files (the default is files=8). For more
information on the CONFIG.SYS file see your DOS manual.
Start-Up Directory
When you run Telix it will remember the disk directory you ran it
from. After this point, even if you have changed the current
directory with the change directory (cd) command, Telix will know
that it should look for its program files on the start-up
directory. Some files will also be written on this directory
unless you specify another.
6 Welcome to Telix for DOS
If you set the environment variable TELIX, Telix will have
another (even better) way of knowing where to look for its files.
The command form at the DOS prompt is:
set TELIX=pathname
where pathname is a the legal DOS pathname of the directory in
which the Telix files are located. Do not leave any space between
the = and the arguments. For example, if you used set
TELIX=C:\TELIX\, Telix would know to look for its files in the
Telix directory on drive C. This way, no matter where you run it
from, Telix will always be able to find its files. To reset this
environment variable to nothing the command is:
set TELIX=
For more information on environment variables see your DOS
Getting Started
Configuring Telix with MODEMCFG.EXE
Telix comes with a complete installation program called
INSTALL.BAT that will walk you through a complete setup,
including creating or modifying your existing configuration to
work best with your modem; it will modify your modem settings to
work best with Telix. To run the modem configuration program at
any time after the installation (for example, when you install a
new modem), from the DOS prompt type:
The files TELIX.MDM and MODEMCFG.EXE must be in the same
subdirectory as TELIX.EXE for proper use. The TELIX.MDM modem
information file will be updated regularly on the support BBS's
listed in the Product Support section of this manual. These
updates will handle changes in modem strings, add new modems,
and will add new models as information about them reaches us.
Welcome to Telix For DOS 7
Throughout the menus of MODEMCFG.EXE, you may use the arrow keys
to move in a given direction, <Tab> and <Shift><Tab> to move
right or left, <Home>, <End>, <PgUp> and <PgDn> to move up or
down, or press the first letter of the menu item to move to the
next item beginning with that letter. A menu will be shown from
which you should select the manufacturer of your modem. Under
each manufacturer is a list of their modems. Again pick the
appropriate modem.
If your modem is not listed, it is likely because the modem
manufacturer has not supplied the proper data for its addition.
Each modem is different, and for a modem to be listed, the modem
manufacturer must supply complete data about the command set and
functionality of the modem. The modems listed as "Generic" or
"Unlisted" will usually work for modems that are not in the
current data file as posted on the support BBS's.
You will be shown a list of the settings for the modem itself,
including any switch settings if known. Please write down the
switch settings as you will need them later. When asked if you
wish to configure your modem, answer by pressing the <Y> key.
MODEMCFG will ask you for your comm port as well. Please refer to
your modem manual for this information. If all goes well a
successful configuration message will be shown. If there is a
problem, ensure the proper comm port is specified and try again.
A similar setup procedure will take place for TELIX.CNF, the
configuration file for Telix itself. MODEMCFG will only change
the values pertinent to the performance of the modem in existing
configurations. Any existing color values or preferences will be
left intact. If TELIX.CNF does not exist, MODEMCFG will create
The exit screen of MODEMCFG contains final instructions on how to
make best use out of the setup that has been written for you.
Please make a note of these for later referral. You are now
ready for your first Telix session.
8 Welcome to Telix for DOS
Starting a Telix Session
To start the Telix program type the following while at the DOS
Telix [?] [B] [D] [O] [Q] [Cfilename] [Ffilename] [Sfilename]
The letters in the [square brackets] are optional command line
switches affecting what Telix will do upon start-up. The square
brackets should not be entered. The order and case of the options
does not matter but they must be separated by at least one blank.
? This parameter takes precedence over all other
parameters. It displays the possible command line
options of Telix without starting Telix itself.
B Specifying 'B' in the command line forces Telix
to use the PC's BIOS for all screen write
operations and keystroke handling, whatever the
default setting for these operations might be.
This is useful when you want to run Telix in a
multi-tasking environment such as Topview or MS
Windows for just one session. Note that Telix is
DESQview aware, so you do not have to use this
mode for DESQview.
D The 'D' option forces Telix to drop the RTS
signal during disk writes for those systems
exhibiting frequent CRC errors at rhythmic
intervals while downloading. This is called slow
O Specifying the 'O' option upon start-up tells
Telix that you are already online (connected to a
host system), and that it should not try to
initialize the modem.
Welcome to Telix For DOS 9
Q The 'Q' option in the command line chooses quiet
mode for the current session. When quiet mode is
on Telix will not sound any alarms (e.g., when a
file transfer is over), no matter what the
default setting for alarms is. This is useful for
those late night sessions. Any bell characters
sent by the remote system are still sounded
C The 'C' option indicates that a Telix
configuration file other than the standard
TELIX.CNF should be used. If it doesn't exist, it
will be created. In this way, you may have
multiple configurations for Telix. The name of
the configuration file should immediately follow
the 'C', and should include the extension.
F The 'F' option indicates that a Dialing Directory
(*.FON) file other than the default TELIX.FON
should be loaded at start-up. The name should
immediately follow the 'F'. Note that another
Dialing Directory file may also be loaded from
within Telix (in the Dialing Directory screen).
S The 'S' option indicates that a script file
(explained elsewhere) is to be run immediately
upon start-up. The 'S' should be followed
immediately (no blanks) by the name of the script
file to execute.
COM 'COM' forces Telix to work in the standard
communications mode (direct communications via a
physical serial interface) in this session,
regardless of the setting in the configuration
INT14 'INT14' forces Telix to work in the INT14
communications mode (communication via the
interrupt 14h or a FOSSIL driver), regardless of
the setting in the configuration file TELIX.CNF.
10 Welcome to Telix for DOS
NOMOUSE 'NOMOUSE' completely disables the mouse support
(default setting is on, if a Microsoft compatible
mouse driver has been loaded and detected before
Telix is started).
TOFF The 'TOFF' parameter forces Telix not to provide
CPU time for other applications in multi-tasking
environments (Windows, OS/2). By default, Telix
provides CPU resources.
XMS Forces Telix to load much of its data into
extended memory. If extended memory is
available, then the memory footprint of Telix in
main memory will be about 40k less than normal
when this switch is used.
When you start Telix for the first time, you will be asked to
select a language for the user interface. If no language files
(TELIX*.LNG) are found in the directory Telix is launched from,
an error is reported and Telix cannot be started. Telix will
create a copy of the selected language file and name it
TELIX.LNG. If you are sure that you will never use a different
language, you may then delete all .LNG files except for
TELIX.LNG. As long as the language files are present, you can
change the language at any time you wish.
Upon starting, Telix will display a title screen for a period of
25 seconds or until you press a key. Please read the message on
the title screen carefully. After you are past the title screen,
you will be in 'Terminal Mode' unless Telix can't find the
configuration file (usually TELIX.CNF), in which case it will ask
you a few questions about your machine and modem, and then will
write a configuration file for you.
Welcome to Telix For DOS 11
Unlike the standard communications mode, where Telix directly
communicates with an external modem or ISDN adapter via a serial
interface, Telix can also communicate via the BIOS interrupt 14h
in connection with a modem sharing program in a network or with a
FOSSIL driver (such as ATCAPI for passive ISDN boards). In this
case the modem sharing software or the FOSSIL driver must be
loaded before Telix is started. When creating the configuration
file during the first start, Telix will ask you which COM port is
to be used in INT14 mode. Specify the port used by your external
program or driver (in INT14 mode the virtual ports COM1 to COM4
are available). This setting can be easily changed later.
If Telix is started in INT14 mode (via the command line parameter
INT14 or the corresponding setting in the configuration file),
and no appropriate modem sharing software or FOSSIL driver has
been loaded before, Telix will report this and switch to the
serial INT14 routines of the PC BIOS. The bit rate in Telix will
be automatically set to 9600 bps in this case, since higher rates
are not supported by the BIOS. If you want to operate a modem in
this mode, disable the hardware handshake (CTS/RTS) of the modem,
as it is not supported as well. In general, the use of the BIOS
INT14 routines is not recommended because of their poor
performance and reliability.
While Telix is running, you can switch between the standard
communications mode (direct use of a serial port) and the INT14
mode at any time, if a suitable modem sharing program or FOSSIL
driver has been loaded before Telix was started. In INT14 mode
Telix will display INT14 in the status line (or FOSSIL, if a
FOSSIL driver has been detected).
Important Note for Network/Multi-tasking Operation
When Telix is used in a network or in a DOS multi-tasking
environment (such as DESQview) and the program SHARE.EXE is
active, "Sharing Violation Errors" may occur if several users try
to access TELIX.EXE at the same time. To prevent such errors, the
"Read Only" flag or the "Protectable" flag (Netware) of the
TELIX.EXE file should be set.
12 Welcome to Telix for DOS
Terminal Mode
Immediately after starting Telix, and for most of the time while
using it, you will be in Telix's Terminal Mode. While in this
mode any characters you type will be sent to the communications
port, and any incoming characters will be printed on the screen.
It is from the Terminal Mode that most Telix commands are
Command Entry
Unless the mouse control has been disabled with the command line
switch NOMOUSE, all Telix functions can be accessed via mouse-
controlled menus. To use the mouse, a Microsoft compatible mouse
driver must be loaded before Telix is started. (Note: The
functions of the left and right mouse button can be reversed via
the Left-handed mouse function in the Miscellaneous menu.
However, we will refer to the primary mouse button as the "left"
button and the secondary button as the "right" button in this
manual. The term "clicking" always refers to the primary, i.e.
normally the left mouse button.)
The menu bar at the top of the terminal screen can be toggled on
and off with a double-click of the left mouse button, by pressing
<Alt><5> or selecting Menu line toggle in the Configuration menu
(the desired setting can also be permanently saved in the
configuration file). To select a function with the mouse, click
on the appropriate menu (e.g. Actions) and then on the desired
function (e.g. Hang-up modem) with the left mouse button. You can
also select menu items with the keyboard: Activate the menu bar
by pressing and releasing the <Alt> key and select the desired
menu and command by pressing the respective highlighted letter,
or move through the menus with the arrow keys. The highlighted
command is executed by pressing <Return>. Any menu can be exited
with <Esc>. The menu bar can be deactivated by pressing <Alt>
again (or <Esc>, if no menu is opened) or with a single mouse
click in the terminal screen. As long as the menu bar is active,
keyboard entries are not passed to the communications port.
Welcome to Telix For DOS 13
Some menu commands open additional menus, where you can select
fuctions or values with the mouse, with the arrow keys or by
pressing the highlighted letter, in the same way as described
above. Most commands can also be selected directly from the
Terminal mode by pressing the shortcut keys given behind the
respective menu item. For example, to access the Dialing
Directory, you would press <Alt><D>. That is, while holding down
the <Alt> key, you press the <D> key.
Sending Characters and Words with the Mouse
If the mouse control is enabled and a connection exists, clicking
with the left mouse button in the terminal screen (not in the
menu or status line) will send the word or character under the
mouse cursor to the communications port. If the menu item
Miscellaneous / Send word is checked (i.e. a checkmark appears
behind the menu item), the entire word is sent. If it is not
checked, only the character directly under the mouse cursor is
sent. Any string consisting of the characters a to z, A to Z, 0
to 9, the ASCII characters 128-165 (e.g. a, o, u) and $, #, &, @,
!, -, _, ~, \, ., :, * and ? is regarded as a word. All other
characters are regarded as word limits. If Send word is not
checked, any printable character is sent. Clicking with the
right mouse button in the terminal screen during an existing
connection will always send a Carriage Return character
(<Return>, <Enter>, ASCII value 13).
The Help/Status Screen
While in Terminal Mode, selecting Help / General help or pressing
the <Alt><Z> sequence will switch you to a help screen showing
you a summary of all the available commands. If the key for a
command is pressed while the help screen is still on, the screen
will be turned off and the command will be executed. On the
bottom of the help/status screen is some information regarding
some current settings and the status of the current connection.
14 Welcome to Telix for DOS
Items included are: the current time and date, the connect
status, the elapsed time for the call in progress, the current
communications parameters, the state of the Capture File and
printer, the currently executing script file (if there is one),
the current Dialing Directory, the current keyboard macro
definition file, and a few other items.
Selecting the menu item Help / Command line options or pressing
<Ctrl><F1> will display a list of possible command line
parameters as described in section 2.2.
The Status Line
Telix has an optional status line which may be displayed at the
bottom or top of the screen. Its position can be selected under
Configuration / Preferences / Terminal options. The status line
can be toggled on/off by selecting Configuration / Status toggle
or pressing <Alt><8> in Terminal Mode. The status line displays
the current communications settings such as baud rate and parity,
the state of the Capture File, whether or not the printer is on,
the currently executing script file (scripts are explained
elsewhere), and whether Telix is Online or Offline. In INT14
mode, INT14 is displayed in the status line (or FOSSIL, if a
FOSSIL driver has been detected). During a file transfer,
information about the data flow control status (such as Flow or
Xoff) may appear in the status line as well.
Communications Parameters
Selecting Configuration / Comm parameters or pressing <Alt><P>
allows you to change the communications parameters. This is the
format in which Telix sends data over the modem, and expects to
receive it in. After pressing <Alt><P> a window is displayed with
the current parameters at the top, and the options in the rest of
the window. To change a value press the letter or number of the
setting you want, or click on the desired value with the mouse.
Welcome to Telix For DOS 15
There are a number of parameters that can be changed. The speed
is the bit rate (bps rate, bps = bits per second) that Telix uses
to communicate with your modem (sometimes also referred to as
baud rate, which is not quite correct). It should normally be set
to a higher value than the line bit rate of your modem (see also
Appendix C). All common bit rates up to 115,200 bps are
supported, however, for bit rates of 19,200 and higher, a fast
serial port with a 16550 UART chip is required (see also Appendix
C). Parity is a form of error checking. Allowable parities are
None, Even, Odd, Mark and Space. Data bits is the number of bits
(a bit is a one or a zero in a computer) in each character.
Allowable values are 7 and 8. Finally, the number of stop bits
parameter can be set to either 1 or 2. The most common format for
BBS use is 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (8N1). On many
large networks such as CompuServe, the data format used is 7E1.
The communications parameters menu also allows you to select the
communications port you want to use. Note that by default only
the first four comm ports are defined. In INT14 mode, only four
(virtual) COM ports are available.
Important: Changing any parameters changes them only for the
duration of the current communications session. If you want a set
of parameters to be the default when you start Telix, select
Terminal options under Configuration / Preferences or <Alt><O>.
Entering and Editing Strings
In the submenus and dialog windows of Telix you will often have
to enter a string of characters, for example a filename, or a
list of numbers to dial. Telix gives you full editing powers when
you enter a string. As you type characters, you may use the
<Backspace> key to delete previously entered characters. The
<Left> and <Right> arrow keys allow you to move back and forth in
the string to edit what you have entered. By default, any
characters you enter overwrite any that are already there.
Pressing the <Ins> key will place Telix in insert mode, and any
existing characters are pushed ahead as you type. Pressing <Ins>
once more places you back in overwrite mode. <Home> and <End>
place the cursor at the beginning or end of the string,
16 Welcome to Telix for DOS
Output String Translation
In quite a few instances while using Telix, the user must specify
a string to be sent out over the modem port. Sometimes this
string must contain characters which can not be printed on the
screen, for example, control characters, and even pauses. There
has to be a way of indicating these special characters, and it is
done through the use of special characters called translation
characters. When these translation characters are encountered in
an output string they are translated into other characters. The
default translation characters are:
^ When this character (called a karat) is
encountered in an output string it will make the
following character a control character. For
example, ^A will send out the code for <Ctrl><A>.
A few common control characters are ^M, which is
the Carriage Return character, ^J, which is the
Line Feed character, and ^[, which is the Escape
character. To send out the ^ character itself,
use two ^ characters, as explained above.
~ When this character (called a tilde) is
encountered it will make Telix pause for 1/2 a
second. Note that the only way to send a ~
character out is to use the sequence ^~. Using
two ~ characters in a row will simply make Telix
pause twice.
Ending a Telix Session
To exit the Telix program, select File / eXit Telix or press
<Alt><X>, or double-click in the terminal screen with the right
mouse button. Telix will ask you if you really want to exit.
Press <Y> to confirm the exit, <N> or <Esc> to return to Telix.
If Telix detects that you are still on-line (connected to another
computer), it will also present a third option, Hang-Up. If this
option is selected, Telix will make sure that the connection is
broken before exiting. Attention: If you select Yes rather than
Hang-Up, the connection will remain even after leaving Telix!
Program Features 17
Program Features
Selecting Actions / Hang-up modem or pressing <Alt><H> will make
Telix attempt to terminate the existing connection. Unless this
is disabled in the Configuration Menu, Telix first attempts to
hang up the modem by turning off a signal on the RS-232 port
called the DTR line. This works with most modems. If this doesn't
work, Telix then sends the hang-up string defined in the
Configuration Menu to the modem. If this still doesn't work and
Telix detects that you are still online, Telix will warn you. If
Telix is consistently telling you that hang-ups fail even when
they work, your modem is almost certainly overriding the 'Carrier
Detect' signal. See Appendix C for the solution to this.
Capture File
Telix allows you to capture (record) data coming in from the comm
port and printed on the terminal screen, to a disk file. To open
the Capture File, select File / Capture toggle or press <Alt><L>.
You will be prompted for the filename to save the log to. Press
<Return> to use the default filename. All data is added to the
end of the file if it exists already. To turn off the log, select
the menu item or press <Alt><L> again and select the Close
option. To temporarily pause capturing data to the file, select
the menu item or press <Alt><L> and select the Pause option.
While capturing is paused, any characters received are not saved
to the file. To then un-pause capturing, select the menu item or
press <Alt><L> and select the Unpause option.
Selecting File / Printer on/off or pressing <Ctrl><@> enables or
disables the Printer Log function of Telix. While the Printer Log
is active, information coming in from the comm port and printed
on the terminal screen is recorded on the connected printer as
18 Program Features
Usage Log
Telix allows a usage log to be opened, which keeps track of calls
you make and files that you transfer. This is handy for keeping a
record of your long distance calls, for example. The Usage Log is
toggled on and off with File / Usage log toggle or the <Alt><U>
key. If it is currently closed, you are prompted for the name to
open it to (TELIX.USE is the default). If it is currently opened,
then it is closed. You may also set the Usage Log to be opened by
default at Telix start-up (under Configuration /
Preferences / General options).
Following is a sample portion of a log:
95-03-17 00:12:41 Telix Usage Log Created.
95-12-24 00:12:41 Telix Usage Log Opened.
95-12-24 00:13:06 Connected with : TBoard
95-12-24 00:13:06 ++ At phone # :241-0241
95-12-24 00:13:06 ++ Settings : 57600,N,8,1
95-12-24 00:14:53 Hangup command selected.
95-12-24 00:16:25 Connected with : Telix Support BBS
95-12-24 00:16:25 ++ At phone # : 1-919-481-9399
95-12-24 00:16:25 ++ Settings : 57600,N,8,1
95-12-24 00:17:17 Download using Zmodem protocol.
95-12-24 00:17:19 ++ File : D:\DL\ZTC100.ZIP
95-12-24 00:41:09 ++ Chars per second : 2566
95-12-24 00:58:28 ++ File : D:\DL\OPT100.ZIP
95-12-24 01:22:54 ++ Chars per second : 2612
95-12-24 01:23:11 Hangup command selected.
95-12-24 01:23:12 Exiting Telix.
Program Features 19
Lines that start with ++ are a continuation of previous lines.
Here is a listing of possible entries:
Menu command Key Log Entry
File / Usage log <Alt><U> Telix Usage Log Created.
Telix Usage Log Opened.
Telix Usage Log Closed.
Phone / Dialing Dir <Alt><D> Connected with: (entry)
++ At phone # : (phone #)
++ Settings : (settings)
File / Receive file <Alt><R> Download using (protocol)
++ File : (pathname)
++ Chars per sec : (CPS)
++ Transfer aborted.
File / Send file <Alt><S> Upload using (protocol)
++ File: (pathname)
++ Chars per sec : (CPS)
++ Transfer aborted.
Actions / Hang-up modem <Alt><H> Hangup command selected.
File / eXit Telix <Alt><X> Exiting Telix.
The entries on the right are related to the commands shown on the
left. Note that a script file has the ability to stamp text
into the Usage Log, so other entries are possible.
20 Program Features
To review past screens of characters, select Actions / Scroll
Back or press <Alt><B>. You will be in the Scroll-Back display.
You will be able to move through the last one thousand to 64
thousand characters received (depending on the setting in the
configuration) by using the arrow keys to scroll line by line,
the <Home> and <End> keys to go to the beginning and end of the
buffer, and the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys to scroll through the
buffer a page at a time. You can also scroll through the buffer
with the mouse: To scroll the text line by line, hold the left
mouse button down on one of the arrow symbols at the top or
bottom of the vertical scrollbar at the right screen border. To
scroll one page up or down, click on the scrollbar area above or
below the slider, or click directly on the slider and move it
with the mouse button held down.
To find a certain string in the buffer press <F>. Telix will
prompt for the string to search for. If the string is found the
line containing it will be placed at the top of the screen. To
search for the same string as last time press <Return> when asked
for the search string. The search is always performed in downward
direction, starting at the current cursor position.
To save the screen image to a file press <I>. Telix will prompt
you for the file to save the image to. If the file already
exists, the screen image will be appended to it. To save the
entire Scroll-Back buffer press <S>. To print out a screen image
to your printer press <Shift><PrtSc>.
All functions of the Scroll-Back buffer can also be selected
directly by clicking on the desired function on the bottom of the
screen with the mouse instead of pressing the shortcut keys
described above.
Program Features 21
Keyboard Definitions/Macros
Telix will let you assign text to a key so that it is sent to the
comm port when that key is pressed. This is usually called a
keyboard macro, and is useful in saving keystrokes (for example,
you can assign your name to a key). Telix actually keeps two key
definitions tables in memory at all times (each table holds the
text assigned to each key), the regular table and the terminal
table. The terminal table is used for terminal emulation key
assignments. When Telix is told to start emulating a certain
terminal, it loads into this table definitions specific to that
terminal. Therefore, for each terminal there is a key definition
file which is loaded as needed. The regular table on the other
hand is relatively constant. You might want to assign your name
to the <F4> key for example. This kind of definition would be put
in the user table.
When a key is pressed, Telix follows this procedure: If there is
a definition for that key in the terminal key table, send that
text; otherwise if there is a definition in the regular table for
that key, send the text; otherwise if the key represents an ASCII
value, send that value; otherwise if the key is a Telix command
(like <Alt><D>), perform that command.
The keyboard definition/macro editor is entered with
Configuration / Key defs./macros or by pressing <Alt><K> in
Terminal Mode. Telix will ask you if you want to access the
regular or the terminal key definition table. Unless you wanted
to modify the keys for a specific terminal, you would always
select the regular table. Telix will present the following menu:
Load Save Clear Display displayKey Edit eXit
Load To load definitions from a previously saved key
definition file into memory, select the Load
option. Telix will ask for the name of the key
definition file (and use the extension .KEY if
none is specified). Current key assignments will
be cleared. The standard key definition file is
TELIX.KEY and is loaded at start-up if it exists.
22 Program Features
Save To save the current key definitions to a disk
file, select the Save option. Telix will ask what
file to save them to, and use the extension .KEY
if none is specified.
Clear Selecting Clear will clear all the current key
definitions in this table.
Display Selecting Display will show what text is assigned
to each key.
displayKey Selecting displayKey will allow you to look at
what is assigned to one specific key, by pressing
it when prompted.
Edit To actually enter or edit the text assigned to a
key, select Edit. Telix will print the existing
definition and allow you to edit it. Enter the
characters that you want the key to send when
pressed. Control characters and pauses can be
included in the definition in the manner
described previously in the manual under Output
String Translation. Remember that if you make any
changes they will be lost when you exit Telix
unless you use the Save option as described
above, to save them to disk.
Telix also allows you to run a script file when a certain
function key is pressed. If a function key definition has an @
character as its first character Telix will assume the rest of
the definition is the name of a script file, and will try to
execute it. For example pressing the function key whose
definition is @logon would run the script file called LOGON.SLC.
If you really want to send out an @ character as the first
character in the key definition, then use two of them instead.
E.g., the definition @@Hello would send out @Hello.
eXit To leave the keyboard definition/macro editor,
select eXit.
Program Features 23
DOS Shell
Selecting File / DOS shell or pressing <Alt><J> will let you jump
to a DOS shell. You will see the DOS prompt and will be able
execute any DOS command, for example dir. If there is enough
memory left, you can even run programs. There is an option
described later in the configuration section that allows you to
free up most of the computer's memory when shelling to DOS. To
exit the DOS shell type exit and press <Return>. You will be back
in Telix with the screen undisturbed from before your jump to the
shell. In order to run the DOS shell, there must be enough memory
left, and Telix must be able to find the file called COMMAND.COM.
If either of these requirements is not met, Telix will tell you
so. (The file COMMAND.COM is the DOS command interpreter. It is
usually pointed to by the DOS environment variable COMSPEC. See
your DOS manual for more information). If you run a serial port
related program in the shell, there is a good chance that it will
re-initialize the com port and confuse Telix. If this happens,
Telix will notice and re-initialize the port when you return from
the shell.
DOS Command
Selecting Actions / DOS command or pressing <Alt><V> allows you
to enter one DOS command or filename to run. This command is then
executed and control is returned to Telix. As can be seen this is
similar to the DOS shell, but is useful when you have only one
command to enter. There are many uses for this command. For
example, if your file viewing utility is called List, you could
press <Alt><V> and then enter List MYFILE.DOC. This would load
your file view utility and let you look at the MYFILE.DOC file.
After you terminated this program you would be back in Telix. Any
DOS command is legal, for example copy a:*.ZIP c:, or ren data
dat1. If for some reason you might want Telix to pause after the
command is finished, add a ; character to the end of the command
string, for example type MYFILE.DOC;. This stops the last screen-
full typed from scrolling by too quickly when control returns to
24 Program Features
Selecting File / Run Editor or pressing <Alt><A> will allow you
to run your favorite editor from within Telix. In order to do
this you must supply the full name and path of your editor in the
Filenames and paths area under Configuration / Preferences. As
well, there must be enough memory left, and if you specified a
batch file to be run, Telix must be able to find the DOS command
processor COMMAND.COM.
DOS and File Functions
Selecting Miscellaneous / DOS functions or pressing <Alt><F> will
display a menu of some common DOS operations. For convenience, a
few commands available elsewhere have been included. The
individual functions and the letters to execute them are:
S: Jump to DOS Shell. This performs the same
function as File / DOS shell or <Alt><J>.
I: Files Directory. Telix will prompt you for the
optional filespec, for example, *.DOC. If you
want to list all the files in the current
directory then just press Return. Telix will then
do one of two things. If you have defined a
directory program to use (in the Configuration
Menu), Telix will run it. Otherwise Telix will
use its own internal directory program, which is
similar to the DOS dir command but also displays
the time it would take to transfer each file
shown. The time is calculated for the current
default upload file transfer protocol. However,
the estimated time will only be correct if a
connection exists and Telix knows the actual line
bit rate, i.e. the connection has been
established from the Dialing Directory and the
modem has reported the correct bit rate.
Program Features 25
W: Change Drive/Directory. The current directory is
displayed and you are asked to enter a new one.
You can enter a new drive, a new directory, or
both. This will become the current directory.
Note that this is slightly different from the DOS
cd command.
L: Delete File. You are asked to enter the filename
of the file to delete.
D: DOS Command. This performs the same function as
Actions / DOS command or <Alt><V>.
E: Run Editor. This performs the same function as
File / RuN Editor or <Alt><A>.
Screen Image
Selecting File / Screen Image or pressing <Alt><I> saves an image
of the screen to the Telix Screen Image file. This file is
usually called TELIX.IMG, but can be renamed under
Configuration / Preferences / Filenames and Paths. If the file
already exists, the image is added to the end of it.
26 Program Features
The Translate Table
Sometimes it is necessary for certain incoming or outgoing
characters to be changed to another value or stripped altogether.
For this purpose, Telix keeps in memory an incoming and an
outgoing character 'translate table'. For every character in the
ASCII set, the table defines what it should be changed to. By
default, no character translation is performed, as for each
character, the new value is defined to be the same as the old
one. The translate table facility is entered by selecting
Configuration / Translate table or pressing <Alt><W> while in
Terminal Mode. Telix will ask whether you want to work with the
incoming or outgoing table, and then display the translate table
screen with the following menu at the bottom:
Load Clear Save Edit Other eXit
Most of the screen is used to display translation values. Each
column holds on the left the original character (ASCII value),
and on the right the new character. Only half the ASCII set can
be displayed on one screen. Select the Other option to toggle the
display to show the other half of the character set.
Load The Load option is used to load a previously
saved translate table definition file. Telix will
ask for the filename, including extension.
Clear The Clear option is used to reset all values in
the translate table in memory, so that no
translation is performed.
Save The Save option is used to save the current
translate table definition to a disk file. Telix
will ask for the file name to save the table to.
You must include the extension if needed (a
common extension for this purpose is .XLT).
Edit The Edit option is used to actually edit the
translate table. Telix will ask for the old ASCII
value, and the new one. If the new value of a
character is defined as 0, that character is
completely stripped.
Program Features 27
It is sometimes useful to have an incoming and/or outgoing
translate table load automatically when Telix is run. If the file
TELIXIN.XLT exists at Telix start-up, it is assumed to be a
default incoming character translate table, and is loaded into
that slot. Similarly, if the file TELIXOUT.XLT exists at start-
up, it is assumed to be the default outgoing translate table, and
Chat Mode
Normally while using Telix with a remote host, your characters
are not echoed by Telix. When you type a character, it is sent to
the remote host, which checks it and then sends it back to you,
and only then is it printed on your screen. However if two users
want to chat with each other this becomes a problem, because each
user's software expects the other side to echo the characters
back, and since it doesn't, nothing is printed. Telix has a
special Chat Mode to deal with this.
When you select Actions / Chat Mode or press <Alt><Y>, Telix
enters Chat Mode. Any characters you type are printed on your
screen immediately, without having to be echoed by the other
side. As well, it takes only a <Return> to advance to a new line,
a Line Feed character is not needed immediately afterwards. Telix
also splits the streams of text. Any characters you type are
displayed on the bottom half of the screen, while the characters
coming from the remote side are displayed on the top half of the
screen. When you wish to exit Chat Mode, press the <Esc> key or
the left mouse button.
Clear Screen
To clear the screen, select Actions / Clear screen or press
<Alt><C>. The screen will be cleared to the default colors, and
the cursor will be placed in the upper left-hand corner.
28 Program Features
Local Echo
Selecting Actions / Local echo or pressing <Alt><E> will toggle
local echo on and off. If local echo is on, characters you type
are printed on the screen. If local echo is off characters you
type are not printed on the screen, they must be sent back to you
by the remote host (or your modem) to be printed on the screen.
Most hosts are set up so that local echo should be off; they will
do the echoing. This is called a full duplex host (this mode is
indicated by FDX in the status line). Often however when talking
to another user, or when talking to a half duplex host, local
echo must be turned on to see the characters you type (in this
case, HDX appears in the status line).
Add Line Feeds
When a line of characters is received from a remote system, it is
usually terminated by a Carriage Return followed by a Line Feed
character. If the Line Feed character is missing lines will
overwrite each other. If this seems to be happening when you are
connected to a remote host then you must make Telix add Line
Feeds to each incoming Carriage Return. Selecting
Actions / Toggle Linefeed or pressing <Shift><Tab> will toggle
the adding of Line Feed characters. If this option is on, every
time a Carriage Return is received, a Line Feed is added
immediately after it.
Break Signal
Some hosts require the use of a special modem signal called a
Break signal, to do certain tasks like end transmissions. To make
Telix send a Break signal to the remote host, select
Actions / Send BREAK or press <Ctrl><End>.
Program Features 29
Selecting Actions / DOORWAY mode or pressing <Alt><=> while in
Terminal Mode will toggle DOORWAY mode on/off. DOORWAY mode is
used by the DOORWAY utility by Marshall Dudley, and several other
applications. While in DOORWAY mode, when a key is pressed Telix
simply sends its raw scan code out the serial port, as returned
by the PC's BIOS keyboard function. Note that since for any key
except <Alt><=>, Telix just sends the value to the serial port,
you must first switch out of DOORWAY mode to perform any Telix
function with the keyboard.
Miscellaneous Options
Selecting Miscellaneous / Misc. functions or pressing <Alt><M>
while in Terminal Mode will cause Telix to display the Misc.
Options menu, which contains the following features:
Sending Modem Strings
To re-send the Modem Initialization string, select the first
option of the Misc. Options Menu. To send the Modem Auto-Answer
string, select the second option of the Misc. Options Menu. If
this string is properly defined, the modem will be placed in
auto-answer mode. The strings sent by these functions are defined
under Configuration / Preferences / Modem and dialing.
Setting the Screen Size
The third to fifth options of the Misc. Options Menu deal with
setting the screen size (height). These options are valid only on
EGA and/or VGA systems. Note that a standard EGA system can
switch only between 25 and 43 lines, and can not handle 50. Note
that some VGA cards can switch only between 25 and 50 lines, and
can not handle 43. Trying to use one of these options on a system
not equipped with an EGA or VGA video card is not allowed.
Inside The Dialing Directory 31
The Dialing Directory
Telix allows you to keep telephone numbers in files called
dialing directories. A Dialing Directory is variably sized and
can hold from 1 to 1000 entries. Besides the number, many other
fields of information are stored, such as the communications
parameters needed to talk to the service. All the fields are
described below. The default Dialing Directory file is called
TELIX.FON, but you can have as many directories as you want and
load them as needed.
To access the Dialing Directory, select Phone / Dialing Directory
or press <Alt><D> while in Terminal Mode. If the Use of Quick
Dialing bar option is enabled under Configuration / Preferences /
General options, a small window will appear, asking you to enter
the entries to dial or to press <Return> to see the Dialing
Directory. This first window is simply a very quick way to dial
your most commonly called numbers. In this case you must press
<Return> again to make the Dialing Directory itself appear.
The Display
Most of the screen is taken up by a window showing 15 (or more,
depending on the screen mode) of the possible 1000 entries in the
Dialing Directory.
32 Inside The Dialing Directory
On the bottom of the screen is a menu of options. This menu works
in a similar manner to the other menus found in Telix. In
addition, since dialing is such a common function, if any numeric
key is pressed, it is assumed that the List function is wanted
and this number is carried over as the first digit entered for
that function. To scroll through the directory one entry at a
time, use the <Up> and <Down> arrow keys. Use <PgUp> to go back
one page, and <PgDn> to go forward one page. Press <Home> to go
to the beginning of the directory, and <End> to go to the end of
the directory. It should be emphasized that whenever the line
Scroll with Up, Down, Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn is displayed, you
may scroll through the directory. You can also select an entry by
clicking on it with the mouse. A double-click with the left mouse
button on an entry directly executes the Dial function, even if
it is not highlighted in the menu. For each entry, many items
are stored. All the fields can not be displayed at the same time;
you may toggle which fields are shown on the screen by selecting
the Toggle command. Each entry contains:
Name: The name of the remote service (i.e. CyberCity,
CompuServe, ELSA ONLINE, etc.).
Number: The phone number which Telix should dial to reach
the remote service.
Line Format: The communications parameters (such as baud rate,
parity, etc.) needed to talk to this service.
Script: A script file may be linked to each entry in the
Dialing Directory. When Telix connects to this
service, that script file is then run, and may
for example automatically log-on, entering your
name and password as needed, for greater
convenience and speed.
LastCall: The date of the last successful call you made to
this remote service.
Total: The total number of successful calls you've made
to this number.
Terminal: The terminal Telix should start emulating when a
connection has been reached to this number.
Inside The Dialing Directory 33
P: The first letter of the Protocol which should be
set as the default if a connection is reached to
this number.
E: Whether local Echo should be on or off when a
connection is reached with this number.
L: This controls whether the Add Line Feeds setting
should be on or off when a connection is reached
with this number.
H: Whether Telix will strip the High (most
significant) bit of incoming characters in
Terminal Mode.
BD: Whether a received Backspace sequence is
Destructive (that is, if the character backspaced
over should also be erased).
BK: What value the Backspace Key sends, either
Backspace, or Del.
DP: This (advanced) setting is used to tell Telix
what Dialing Prefix to use when dialing this
entry. The dialing prefixes are defined under
Configuration / Preferences / Modem and dialing.
They can for example be used to dial out of a
private branch exchange or to turn on or off MNP
(error correcting) support in modems, to avoid
delays when the number called does not support it
Password: This field may hold a password for the remote
service represented by this entry. The password
may be used by a script file to automatically
perform a log-on operation. Please note that this
field is not encrypted, so if security is a
problem, do not store your passwords in the
Dialing Directory!
34 Inside The Dialing Directory
Editing an Entry
To edit the currently highlighted Dialing Directory entry select
Edit from the Dialing Directory menu. A window will appear with
the old contents of the entry. You can move through the list with
the arrow keys, or click directly on a field with the mouse. To
edit the currently highlighted field, press <Return>, enter a new
text or select the desired value from the presented menu, and
press <Return> again. You may also move up and down in the list
of fields by using the <Tab> and <Shift><Tab> keys. Pressing
<Esc> one or more times will get you out of the edit window
without any changes being made.
When exiting the window, Telix will ask you if the Last Call and
Total Calls fields should be cleared. Answer Yes or No as needed.
If any data in one or more of the fields has been changed, Telix
will ask for confirmation before writing any changes to disk.
Adding Entries
To add a blank entry to the end of the Dialing Directory, select
Add from the Dialing Directory menu. A Dialing Directory may hold
up to 1000 entries.
Clearing Entries
To clear an entry or a range of entries select Clear from the
Dialing Directory menu. Telix will ask you to select the range of
entries to clear, by moving the highlight bar and pressing
<Return>. After confirming your choice, Telix will clear the
selected entries back to empty entries.
Inside The Dialing Directory 35
Finding an Entry
To search for a particular entry in the Dialing Directory select
Find from the Dialing Directory menu. You will be asked to give
the string to search for. If Telix finds the entry with that
string in it, that entry will be highlighted. If while searching
for the string Telix reaches the end of the directory, it will
wrap around to the beginning and continue the search. If the
string still can not be found Telix will say Sorry, string not
found. If you want to search for the same string as last time,
just press <Return> when asked for the search string.
36 Inside The Dialing Directory
Telix allows you to dial a group of Dialing Directory entries
repeatedly until a connection is established, or you abort the
attempt. Selecting the Dial function from the Dialing Directory
menu or double-clicking on an entry with the left mouse button
will make Telix commence dialing in sequence all the currently
marked entries. An entry is marked or unmarked by moving the
highlight bar on it and pressing <Space>, or pressing the right
mouse button while the mouse cursor is on the currently
highlighted entry. If no entry is marked, the Dial function will
dial the currently highlighted entry.
You may also dial a user-entered list of entries, by selecting
the List function from the Dialing Directory menu. Telix will ask
you to enter up to 10 entries to dial in sequence (to make List
dialing even more convenient, you may also select the List
function by pressing a numeric key while in the Dialing Directory
menu; this number is then carried over and entered as the first
digit in the string you are asked to enter). While you are
entering the list of entries to dial you may also scroll through
the directory as described above. If you specify more than one
entry to dial, each should be separated by a space.
Selecting Phone / Queue redial #s or pressing <Alt><Q> while in
the Terminal Mode or selecting Redial from the Dialing Directory
menu will allow you to redial one or more numbers that you
entered previously using the List command, so that you do not
have to re-enter them. When using Phone / Queue redial #s or
<Alt><Q>, you will be shown the list and asked to edit it until
you are satisfied, and then to press <Return>.
Sometimes you may want to dial a number that is not in the
Dialing Directory. To do this select the Manual option of the
Dialing Directory menu, which stands for 'manual dial'. You will
be asked to enter a number to be sent to the modem. Whatever you
supply will be sent out exactly as it is, except for Long
Distance Codes (see below), which are still valid.
Inside The Dialing Directory 37
Automatic Queue Redial
When Telix has one or more numbers to dial, it redials repeatedly
until a connection is made. To keep you informed of the status of
the redial Telix displays a status window, and alerts you when a
connection is established.
Information included in the status window is the time redial was
started, the time the current attempt was started, the status of
the last attempt, the status of the current attempt, and a
countdown timer for the current attempt.
If you are dialing all the marked entries with the Dialing
Directory Dial command, when a connection is reached, the mark is
taken off the entry connected to, so that when you later select
the Dial function again, only the remaining entries are dialed.
If you are dialing a list of entries selected with the List
Dialing Directory command, when a connection is established the
entry connected to is taken out of the list (i.e. it is
unmarked), so that when you later select the Redial command from
the Dialing Directory or the Phone / Queue redial #s or <Alt><Q>
command from Terminal Mode, only the remaining entries will be
While redialing, you have the option of changing the time that
Telix waits for a connection, and also the option of deleting a
number from the list to dial, by pressing T and D respectively.
Pressing <Esc> or the left mouse button will abort the current
dial attempt.
Normally, when a connection has been reached, Telix sounds an
alarm to alert you of this (if alarms are enabled under
Configuration / Preferences / General options). If a script file
is linked to the entry however, the alarm is skipped so that the
script may immediately proceed. It is thus the responsibility of
the linked script to alert the user of the fact that a connection
has been reached.
38 Inside The Dialing Directory
The Quick Dialing Bar
If the Use of Quick Dialing bar option is enabled under
Configuration / Preferences / General options, after selecting
Phone / Dialing Directory or pressing <Alt><D> first an inverse
bar is displayed on the bottom of the screen, asking you to
select the entries to dial or press <Return> to see the Dialing
Directory. This bar is a quick way to dial commonly called
directory entries whose numbers you have memorized. You may enter
a list of entries to dial just as if you had used the List
command of the Dialing Directory menu. This saves the Dialing
Directory from having to be displayed on the screen if you
already know the entry or entries you want to dial. The Quick
Dialing Bar can also be used to dial a number manually. To do
this just preface the number with an m. For example, m1-919-460-
4556 would dial 1-919-460-4556, just as if you had used the
Manual dial option of the Dialing Directory. Either lowercase or
uppercase m is accepted.
Long Distance Codes
A Long Distance Code is an advanced dialing option which adds
some flexibility. There are four Long Distance Code characters:
!, @, $, and +, which when encountered while dialing expand to
user-defined strings.
If Telix is dialing a number from a Dialing Directory entry, and
one of the Long Distance Code characters is encountered in the
number, Telix will instead send whatever string has been assigned
to that code. For example, a Dialing Directory entry could
contain the phone number !967-1111. If the string 9,, was
assigned to the ! LD code character, Telix when dialing this
entry would first send the 9 followed by the commas, and then
send the rest of the digits. Refer to your modem manual for
information on what characters can be used in a dial string.
LD codes may also be used with the List dial function. When you
place one of them in front of or behind an entry number to dial,
it will be expanded to a string. For example you could have the
exclamation sign !, be expanded to 9,, or any string you specify.
Inside The Dialing Directory 39
You may place up to 3 Long Distance Codes in front and one Long
Distance Code after each entry number. For example, specifying
the entry +21! would send the string for the + Long Distance
Code, followed by the number from entry 21, followed by the
string for Long Distance Code !. The string
10 +15 20!
entered at the prompt would dial entry 10, then entry 15 with a
Long Distance Code in front of it, and finally entry number 20,
with a Long Distance Code after it. These numbers are redialed
repeatedly until a connection is reached, as explained above.
Other Functions
Selecting Other from the Dialing Directory menu will present a
menu of secondary functions, dealing with the deletion or
insertion of entries in the Dialing Directory, with revising Long
Distance Codes, and with the handling of dialing directories
(Telix allows you to have as many dialing directories as needed
and switch among them at will by loading the respective dialing
directory file).
Inserting Blank Entries
To insert blank entries in the Dialing Directory, select Insert
from the Dialing Directory Other menu. Entries will be inserted
at the current position of the highlight bar. Telix will ask how
many entries to insert and will ask for confirmation before
Deleting Entries
To delete an entry or a range of entries in the Dialing Directory
select the Delete option from the Dialing Directory Other menu.
The range to delete is selected by moving the highlight bar.
After confirming your choice, the entries will be deleted and any
following entries will move up to where the deleted entries were.
40 Inside The Dialing Directory
Revising Long Distance Codes
To revise the Long Distance Codes, select the option called
Edit_LD from the Dialing Directory Other menu. There are four
Long Distance Code characters: ! @ $ +. As described in the
section on Long Distance Codes on the previous page, when you
place one of them in front of or behind a number to dial, it will
be expanded to a string. After selecting this option you will be
shown a menu of the available Long Distance Codes. Selecting an
LD Code will let you modify the text currently assigned to it.
After you have made your changes, you must save them to disk with
the Save Changes option, if you want to use them every time you
run Telix.
Creating a Dialing Directory
To create a blank Dialing Directory (which can later be
modified), select the option called Create from the Dialing
Directory screen's Other menu. Telix will ask you for the name
the new directory should use. Any legal DOS filename is suitable,
and there is no default extension. Telix will then create the
blank directory on disk. The current Dialing Directory is not be
affected and will stay in memory.
Loading a Dialing Directory
To load another Dialing Directory select the Load option form the
Dialing Directory screen's Other menu. Telix will ask for the
name of the new directory and then load it into memory. Telix
assumes a default extension of .FON, so if the directory you want
to load does not have one, include a period at the end (e.g.,
TELIX.) The new directory becomes the default directory for the
rest of the session or until you load another one.
Inside The Dialing Directory 41
Printing the Dialing Directory
Selecting the Print option from the Dialing Directory screen's
Other menu allows you to print out the current Dialing Directory,
to the printer, the serial port, or any device or disk file.
Telix will ask you for the device or file to print to. Enter the
name or press <Return> to use the PRN device (printer). Since
these are DOS devices, Telix has no way of knowing, for example,
things such as whether or not your printer is online. So if Telix
seems to lock-up here, make sure your printer is on and it is set
to online.
Sorting the Dialing Directory
To sort the entries in the Dialing Directory select the Sort
option from the Other menu. You will be asked by which of four
possible criteria the entries should be sorted - System Name,
Telephone Number, Number of Calls, or Date of last Call - and if
they should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Moving Entries
Select the Move option from the Others menu to move a range of
entries within the directory list. Use the highlight bar to
select the range of entries to be moved, and then indicate the
target position the entries should be moved to using the
highlight bar.
File Transfers 43
File Transfers
Sending files from one computer to another is one of the most
useful things you can do with your modem. Telix supports a full
assortment of the most popular file transfer protocols, including
Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Xmodem-1k-g, Zmodem, CompuServe Quick B,
Kermit, Ymodem, Ymodem-g, SEAlink, Telink, Modem7, and ASCII.
Telix's file transfers are very fast, surpassing most programs in
speed by a respectable margin. All file transfers use a 10 Kbyte
write or read buffer, and full error detection and correction is
Telix allows you to define up to five external protocols, which
are completely integrated into the file transfer menus. When you
select one of these protocols, Telix executes a DOS batch file or
Telix script file, which must then call the appropriate external
driver for the protocol. In this way, you may add virtually any
file transfer protocol to Telix. Adding external protocols is
defined in the chapter on customizing Telix.
Downloading (Receiving) Files
To start downloading (receiving) a file from a remote host, you
must usually inform the remote host of the files that you want it
to send to you before starting the transfer on the Telix side.
You must then start the download on the Telix side, unless you
have selected Zmodem as the transfer protocol and Zmodem auto-
downloads are enabled under Configuration / Preferences /
Terminal options. In this case the download starts automatically.
In all other cases, selecting File / Receive File or pressing the
<Alt><R> or <PgDn> key will display a menu asking which file
transfer protocol you would like to use.
44 File Transfers
If any external protocols are defined, they are also shown as
part of the menu. If you have selected Xmodem, Xmodem-1k,
Xmodem-1k-g, or ASCII as the protocol, Telix will ask you for the
filename to save the file to. Telix always watches what you type
while online, and will often guess the name of the file you want
to transfer, in which case this name will be displayed and all
you have to do to accept it is press <Return>. Any legal DOS
filename is valid, including a path. If the filename you supply
already exists, Telix will ask you to confirm your choice or give
another filename. If you select any other protocol, the remote
sender of the file will supply the name to save the file to. If
you have entered a download directory name under
Configuration / Preferences / Filenames and Paths, Telix will
automatically save download files there if you don't specify
another path. Telix has automatic incoming file protection. If
the name is supplied by the host and exists already the file is
renamed by using numerals in the extension, as needed.
During the transfer, a status window of the following type is
displayed. The status window shows the elapsed time, the number
of bytes received, and an approximate Character Per Second
rating, which can give an idea of the effective speed of the
transfer. Batch protocols (such as Zmodem) will also display the
expected file size and file transfer time. The displayed values
and the percentage bar always refer to the file currently being
transferred. If the Zmodem protocol of the remote host sends a
GSZ/DSZ or Telix 3.50 compatible extended protocol header and
several files are sent (batch transfer), a second set of
information and a second percentage bar are displayed to indicate
the overall amount of data transferred so far. For ASCII
transfers, a status window is not displayed, only a single status
line at the top of the screen. To abort a file transfer at any
time press the <Esc> key.
File Transfers 45
Uploading (Sending) Files
To start uploading (sending) a file to a remote host you must
also usually inform the host of the file you will be sending it
before starting the upload on the Telix end. To start the upload
on the Telix end, select File / Send File or press the <Alt><S>
or <PgUp> key. This will display a menu asking you which file
transfer protocol you want to use to send the file. After you
have selected the protocol, you will be asked for the file(s) to
send by a dialog box.
This is a complex dialog, and deserves detailed attention. Once
mastered, this dialog will greatly streamline the uploading
process. There are four separate windows and a menu with options
in the dialog. The selected window will have a bar at the top,
highlighting the name of the window. You may move from one window
to the next using <Tab> and <Shift><Tab> to move forward or
backward, respectively, or you can select a window with the left
mouse button. In any window, pressing <Up> Arrow or <Down> Arrow
move the highlight bar in that direction if possible. You may
also scroll through the lists with the mouse scrollbars on the
right window borders and select list entries with the left mouse
button. Pressing <F10> or clicking on Upload in the menu closes
the dialog and uploads the files selected.
Tagged Files: This window contains a list of all of the files
Telix is to upload. It will be blank when the
dialog first appears. You may select files to be
included in this list as described below. Files
already listed may be removed from this window by
highlighting the file and pressing <Return> or
<Space> or clicking on the highlighted entry with
the mouse.
46 File Transfers
Path/Dir: This window is where the currently displayed
upload path will be displayed. You may add files
to the Tagged Files List from this window by
typing in the exact name of the file and pressing
<Return>. You may use the wildcard characters ?
and * (see your DOS manual for more information
about wildcard characters). You may change the
currently displayed upload path by entering a new
path here.
Filelist: This window contains the files in the currently
displayed upload path. This window may contain a
maximum of approximately 700 files. Files listed
in this window may be added to the Tagged Files
List by highlighting the file and pressing
<Return> or <Space>, or clicking twice on a file
with the left mouse button. If you wish to add or
remove all files in this window (both those on
and off the screen) to or from the Tagged Files
List, press <F3> or <F4> respectively, or click
on the corresponding menu options (Tag All or
UnTag All).
Drives: This window contains a list of all available
disks in your system, except for floppy drives.
Users of removable disks such as Bernoulli boxes
may have to load a cartridge to upload a file.
You may change the drive on which the Filelist is
read from by selecting a new drive from this
NOTE If Telix does not automatically recognize one of
your drives, you may expressly specify the drives
to appear in the list under Configuration /
Preferences / General Options.
File Transfers 47
During the file transfer, a full status window is displayed,
unless you are using ASCII protocol, in which case only a status
line is displayed. Information shown is the expected time the
transfer will take, the time remaining, the number of bytes to
send, the number of bytes left, and an approximate Character Per
Second rating, which can give an idea of the effective speed of
the transfer. This information always refers to the file
currently being transferred. If several files are transferred
with Zmodem, a second set of information and a second percentage
bar are displayed to indicate the overall amount of data
transferred so far. To abort a transfer at any time press the
<Esc> key.
File Transfer Protocols
Xmodem Xmodem is often called the "lowest common
denominator" protocol, and is the father protocol
of many others. Xmodem sends files in blocks of
128 characters at a time. When the receiving
computer is satisfied that the block has arrived
intact, it signals so and waits for the next
block. Error checking is a checksum or a more
sophisticated Cyclic Redundancy Check. Telix
supports both and will automatically use the
right one. During a download, Telix will attempt
to use the CRC, but will switch to checksum if it
seems the host does not support CRC. The Xmodem
protocol also needs a setup of no parity, 8 data
bits, and 1 stop bit. If your communications
parameters are different from these when you
start an Xmodem transfer, Telix will switch to
the required setup for the transfer, and back to
the original setup after it is finished. In the
Configuration Menu, you may enable Relaxed Xmodem
timing. This is for use with remote services that
can not tolerate strict timing during Xmodem
48 File Transfers
Xmodem-1k This is a small variation of the above that uses
blocks that are 1 Kilobyte (1024 bytes) in size.
This protocol is still mistakenly called 'Ymodem'
by many programs, but people are gradually moving
over to the proper name.
Xmodem-1k-g This is a variation of the above that is meant
for error-free channels such as error correcting
modems or null modem cable links between two
computers. It achieves great speed by sending
blocks one after another without waiting for
acknowledgment from the receiver. Because of this
however, it can not re-send blocks in case of
errors (and thus the need for an error-free
link). If an error is detected by the receiver,
the transfer is aborted. This protocol is still
mistakenly called 'Ymodem-g' by many programs,
but people are gradually moving over to the
proper name.
CIS Quick B This protocol is used only on the CompuServe
Information Service. It is quite fast and
specially suited for the networks used in
accessing CIS, which have large turnaround
delays. This is a windowed protocol, which
basically means that unless errors are detected,
data is being sent at all times. A CIS Quick B
transfer is totally controlled by CompuServe.
After telling CIS what file(s) to send, the user
does nothing. Telix, in Terminal Mode, then
detects the command from CIS which tells it to
start the transfer (note that CIS Quick B
transfer must be enabled under
Configuration / Preferences / Terminal options,
or they will not work).
File Transfers 49
Zmodem This advanced protocol is very fast and very
reliable, and offers many features. It can
arguably be called the most popular protocol in
use today. Zmodem can transfer a group of files
in one batch, and keeps the exact file names,
sizes and dates. Zmodem can detect and recover
from errors quickly, and can resume an
interrupted transfer at a later time (this
feature, called Crash Recovery, may be toggled in
the Protocol options page under
Configuration / Preferences). Zmodem is also very
well suited for satellite links and packet
switched networks.
SEAlink SEAlink is an advanced version of Xmodem
developed by System Enhancement Associates. It is
a sliding window protocol. SEAlink is 15 to 25
percent faster than regular Xmodem. SEAlink
passes a file's name, size, and date when
transferring it, and can be used to send more
than one file at a time.
ASCII In an ASCII transfer, it is as if the sender is
actually typing the characters and the receiver
is just recording them. There is no form of error
detection used. Usually only ASCII files can be
sent in this way, as binary files contain
characters which would foul up the screen. The
ASCII protocol is used, for example, to upload
prepared messages to the message editor of a BBS
instead of typing the text online.
Ymodem This protocol is a variation on Xmodem, which
allows for multiple files to be sent per
transfer. While transferring files, it keeps the
correct name, size, and date, and may use 128 or
1024 byte block sizes.
50 File Transfers
Ymodem-g This protocol is a variation on the above, which
achieves very high transfer rates by sending
blocks one after another without waiting for
acknowledgment. This however means than an error-
free link such as an error-correcting modem or
null modem cable between two computers is needed.
If an error is detected by the receiver, the
transfer is aborted.
Telink This protocol is mainly found on Fido BBS
systems. It is basically the Xmodem protocol
using CRC checking with an extra block sent ahead
of the file telling its name, size, and date.
This protocol allows more than one file to be
sent at a time.
Modem7 Modem7 is a close cousin to Xmodem that passes
the filename before starting the transfer, thus
taking away some of the user's work. It is common
on CP/M systems. This protocol allows more than
one file to be sent at a time.
Kermit The Kermit protocol was developed to make it
easier for computers of different types to send
files to each other. Almost any computer using
Kermit can be set up to send files to another
computer using Kermit (the same can be said of
Zmodem however). Various options in the Kermit
protocol implemented in Telix can be tailored to
the user's needs under Configuration /
Preferences, option Kermit transfers. This
implementation of Kermit does not include a
Kermit "server" function, and cannot use SEND,
GET, or other server commands.
File Transfers 51
Which One to Use
Telix supports a large number of built in file transfer
protocols. To this can be added external protocols. It can get
confusing to decide which one to use. When both sides of the
connection only support one protocol, then obviously that is the
one to use, no matter what its deficiencies. Otherwise some
protocols are a better choice than others. On CompuServe, CIS
Quick B should be used. For most purposes, Zmodem is the best all
around protocol. It is very fast and very reliable. Ymodem-g and
Xmodem-1k-g are slightly faster. However these two protocols need
an error-free link. After that, Ymodem, SEAlink, and Xmodem-1k
are quite fast and pretty reliable. The last choice would be
Xmodem and its close cousins Telink and Modem7. ASCII transfers
are suitable only for text files and do not perform any error
detection or correction, so they should only be used as a
substitute for directly typed text (uploading a prepared message
to the message editor of a BBS).
Customizing Telix 53
Customizing Telix
Telix has many features which can be customized. These include
things like the screen setup, the communications parameters,
filenames and paths, and many other items. The default values for
these parameters are stored in a file called TELIX.CNF, the
configuration file. Telix will automatically read this file upon
starting up. The first time you use Telix, this file is created
for you with some standard default values. Selecting
Configuration / Preferences or pressing <Alt><O> while in
Terminal Mode brings up the Telix Preferences menu, which allows
you to change all these default settings.
The first eleven options are parameter screens, the last two deal
with leaving the Configuration Menu.
Screen and Color Settings
This screen allows you to set various video related options. You
will be shown a menu listing the various parts of the screen
displays (such as menu foreground colors). If you pick one of
these items you will be allowed to scroll through the possible
colors for it by using the arrow keys. Press <Return> to select
the currently highlighted color, or click on the desired color
with the mouse. If you want to leave the colors menu without
selecting one press <Esc> or click outside the colors menu.
54 Customizing Telix
Another setting on the Screen and color menu is the Screen write
mode. If you pick this option you will be asked in which way you
want Telix to write to the screen. This depends on the video
adapter present in your system. The first option is a direct
screen write. This is the fastest mode, and should be used if you
have a monochrome adapter, an EGA adapter, or another video
adapter that never gets snow. The second option is a direct
screen write with port checks. This method is slightly slower.
You should use this method if your screen gets snow on it or it
flickers while executing the DOS dir command. One card with which
you should use this is the color/graphics adapter. Don't use this
option if your video card doesn't need it, as it may interfere
with communications. The final method is a screen write with BIOS
calls. You should use this method with applications like Windows,
Topview or DoubleDOS. This method is quite slow however. Note
that you do not need this mode to run Telix under DESQview, since
Telix is DV aware.
Another setting on this menu is Default screen size. This allows
you to pick an alternate default screen size of 80x43 or 80x50.
Note that these modes require an EGA or VGA card. Note also that
many EGA cards can not do 80x50, and some VGA cards can not do
When you have finished picking the colors, select the Keep
changes & exit option if you want to keep the color changes you
have made, or the Exit option if you want to discard them.
Customizing Telix 55
Terminal Options
This screen contains settings related to Telix operation while in
Terminal Mode (with some extending to other areas of Telix). To
select a setting to change, click on it with the mouse or type
the letter beside it. Telix will then allow you to change the old
setting. Press <Esc> at this point or click outside the menu to
exit without changing anything. Options include:
A: Default Communications Parameters. These include
comm port, bps (baud) rate, data bits, parity,
and stop bits. Note that the current settings
will not change, only the defaults for the next
time you load Telix. To change the settings for
the current session only, select Configuration /
Comm. parameters or press <Alt><P> while in
terminal mode.
B: Emulate Before Translation. Some European systems
override characters used by many terminal
emulations to signal color changes and other
items that don't show up on the screen as
characters. Normally a received character is
passed through the translation tables before
being examined to see if it is such a character.
This option allows the emulation to occur first,
and then only translates those characters not
seen as emulation commands.
C: Default Terminal Type. Allowable terminals are
"TTY", "ANSI-BBS", "VT102", "VT52", "ANSI", and
"AVATAR". Note that the current terminal will not
be changed, only the terminal used the next time
you run Telix. To change the current terminal,
select Configuration / Terminal Emulation or
press <Alt><T> while in terminal mode.
56 Customizing Telix
D: Status Line. Telix allows a status line to be
displayed at the top or bottom of the screen. The
status line shows some useful information. Valid
options are Top, Bottom or None. While in
Terminal Mode the status line may also easily be
toggled on or off by selecting Configuration /
Status toggle or pressing <Alt><8>.
E: Default Local Echo. This controls whether or not
Telix should echo on the screen any characters
you type while in Terminal Mode. This is usually
off for BBS use. Local echo on is often also
called Half Duplex (HDX), while local echo off is
called Full Duplex (FDX).
F: Add Line Feeds. This controls whether or not
Telix should add Line Feeds to incoming Carriage
Return characters while in Terminal Mode. If you
are connected to a remote system and lines are
overwriting each other, this should be on,
otherwise it should be off.
G: Strip High Bit. Telix can strip the high (most
significant) bit from incoming data bytes while
in Terminal Mode. This is sometimes useful
because it allows the high/parity bit of incoming
text to be ignored.
H: Received Backspace Destructive. This setting
controls how Telix treats incoming backspace
characters. If backspace characters are
destructive, Telix backs up over the previous
character and erases it, otherwise the existing
character is not erased.
I: Backspace Key Character. Normally, Telix sends
Backspace when the <Backspace> key is pressed,
and DEL when <Ctrl><Backspace> is pressed. This
option allows these settings to be swapped.
Customizing Telix 57
J: XON/XOFF Software Flow Control. This controls
whether or not Telix should use the XON/XOFF
software handshaking protocol while in Terminal
Mode and during ASCII file transfers. This should
usually be off, as most systems nowadays use
hardware handshake. However, some large data
services use the characters XON and XOFF to
control data flow.
K: CTS/RTS Hardware Handshaking. Hardware
handshaking is used with high speed modems and
null modem cable links to regulate the flow of
data. If the modem supports Hardware handshaking
this should be on. If a null modem cable is being
used and these signals are valid over the cable,
this should be on. If CTS/RTS handshaking is
enabled by default, but the CTS signal is found
off when Telix is started, Telix will report this
and wait ten seconds for CTS to be turned on.
Within these ten seconds you can press Space to
keep CTS/RTS handshaking, or any other key to
turn it off. If nothing happens in these ten
seconds, the handshaking is turned off as well.
The same happens if the PC BIOS is used in INT14
mode. In this case, Telix switches to XON/XOFF
handshaking, since CTS/RTS is not supported by
the BIOS routines.
L: DSR/DTR Hardware Handshaking. Hardware
handshaking is used with high speed null modem
cable links to regulate the flow of data. If a
null modem cable is being used and these signals
are valid over the cable, this should be on.
Often a null modem cable will allow one type of
hardware handshaking to be used, but not the
58 Customizing Telix
M: Compuserve Quick B Transfers. CompuServe Quick B
file transfers are initiated by CompuServe, which
sends a few special characters (<Ctrl><E> and
<Ctrl><P>). Telix, upon detecting these
characters while in Terminal Mode, starts the
transfer. If another Host is sending these
characters and causing problems, this option
allows CIS Quick B recognition to be turned off.
N: Zmodem Auto-Downloads. Telix, while in Terminal
Mode, can detect the packet from another computer
sending files using the Zmodem protocol, and
automatically begin a Zmodem download on the
local end. This option allows this feature to be
O: Drop RTS during Disk Writes. This option forces
Telix to drop the RTS signal line during disk
writes for those systems exhibiting frequent
errors at rhythmic intervals while downloading.
This is called slow handshaking. This option
corresponds to the command line switch D.
P: Answerback String. Some systems require that the
terminal program send an identification string
when an ENQ (<Ctrl><E>) character is received.
You may define such an 'answerback' string here.
If this string is empty, nothing is sent. As
well, note that the answerback string is not sent
if CompuServe Quick B transfers are enabled
(above), as <Ctrl><E> is used as part of that
Customizing Telix 59
General Options
This screen allows you to change some general settings,
A: Sound. If this is off Telix will not make any
B: Alarm Sound. If this is off Telix will not make
any alarm sounds, but will still beep when it
receives the bell code from the remote host,
unless the Sound option is also off.
C: Keep Aborted Downloads. If this is on, Telix will
keep files which were aborted during a download.
Otherwise Telix will delete these files.
D: Show Free Space for Downloads. This setting
controls whether or not Telix will display the
free space on the disk when you start a download.
The option to turn it off is provided because the
free space display takes a few seconds for large
hard disks.
E: Use of Quick Dialing Bar. When this option is on
and you select Phone / Dialing Directory or press
<Alt><D> to access the Dialing Directory, Telix
first displays the Quick Dialing Bar at the
bottom of the screen, which allows you to dial
entries without having to view the Dialing
Directory. If you would rather go directly to the
Dialing Directory, set this option to off.
F: Confirm Hang-Up. Setting this option to on will
make Telix ask for confirmation before hanging
up, when Actions / Hang-up modem is selected or
<Alt><H> is pressed.
60 Customizing Telix
G: Default Usage Log Setting. If this option is set
to on, Telix will open the default Usage Log (as
specified on the Filenames and Paths screen) at
program start up. Otherwise the usage log must be
manually turned on if needed.
H: Scroll-Back Buffer Size. This setting controls
the size of the Telix Scroll-Back buffer (in
kilobytes). For changes to this setting to take
effect you must save the changes to disk and
restart Telix. The maximum is 64K.
I: Capture File Buffer Size. This is the size of the
disk buffer that Telix should use for the Capture
File when it is opened. Values from 0 to 4
Kilobytes are allowed. A larger buffer size means
the disk is accessed less often.
J: Date Format. This is the format that Telix should
use when displaying dates. Allowed formats are
K: Date Separator Character. This is the character
that Telix will print between parts of the date
when displaying a date. The default character is
the hyphen (-).
L: Time Format. This is the format that Telix should
use when displaying times. Allowed formats are
12-hour and 24-hour.
M: Time Separator Character. This is the character
that Telix will print between parts of the time
when displaying a time. The default character is
the colon (:).
N: Enhanced Keyboard Support. This option allows you
to turn off Telix's support for the enhanced
(101) keyboard. This should normally be left on,
unless there seems to be a keyboard problem.
Customizing Telix 61
O: Shell: 16550 Buffer. This option allows you to
specify whether the buffer on the 16550a comm
chip should be left on or off during a DOS shell.
If it is installed in your PC, Telix normally
recognizes and enables the buffer on this chip at
all times, for greater efficiency, but there are
still a few comm application that users might
want to run from the shell which can not handle
the chip with the buffer turned on.
P: Shell: Swap to EMS/XMS/Disk. This option allows
you to specify whether Telix will attempt to
remove most of itself from the conventional
memory when executing DOS function calls. The
default is off for backwards compatibility, but
most users should be able to turn this on without
problems. If therere is not enough EMS/XMS memory
available for swapping, Telix is swapped to a
temporary file named TELIX.SWP on the hard disk.
Q: Disk Drives installed. Here you may expressly
specify the drive letters of those drives to
appear in the dialog box for file uploads. This
option is of interest to users of removable
drives (Bernoulli, device driven floppies etc.),
which are sometimes not automatically recognized
by Telix. Attention: Telix will not check for the
existence of a drive listed here before it is
actually selected in the dialog box.
R: Menu line. Here you can choose whether the menu
bar should appear on the screen at program start
up. Regardless of this setting, the menu line can
be toggled on and off at any time from within
terminal mode by pressing <Alt><5> or double-
clicking with the left mouse button.
62 Customizing Telix
Modem and Dialing Settings
This screen contains settings that Telix uses to control the
modem and its output. The default configuration that Telix comes
with is set up for Hayes compatible modems. These modems use the
AT command set. By changing these settings Telix can work with
almost any modem. The parameters are:
A: Init String. This string will be sent to the
modem when Telix first starts. Different modems
might need different strings. The default string
is set up for Hayes compatible modems. It is:
ATZ ^M ~~~ AT S7=45 S0=0 V1 X4 ^M,
AT is the modem attention code,
Z resets the modem to default state,
^M sends the terminating Carriage Return
character to the modem,
~~~ pauses for 1.5 seconds to give the modem
time to perform the ATZ command,
AT is the modem attention code,
S7=45 makes the modem wait 45 seconds for a
connection after dialing,
S0=0 turns off auto answer,
V1 makes the modem respond with words,
X4 makes the modem wait for a dial tone and
evaluate busy tones when dialing,
^M sends the terminating Carriage Return
character to the modem.
Customizing Telix 63
To make full use of all features of your modem, you will normally
have to modify the init string according to the manual of your
modem. For most modems normally AT&F^M is a sufficient init
string which loads the factory default settings of the modem.
B: Dialing Prefix 1. A Dialing prefix is what Telix
sends to the modem when dialing, before the
number, for example, ATDT for Hayes compatible
modems and tone dialing (ATDP for pulse dialing).
There are three dialing prefixes allowed, and in
the Dialing Directory you may choose which one to
use for each entry. One use for this is if your
modem supports MNP, to define two prefixes which
turn MNP support on and off, thus avoiding the
delay when you call a system that doesn't support
MNP. If you are dialing from within a private
branch exchange (PBX), you may specify a prefix
for internal calls and another for external calls
(the latter might for example be AT X3 DT 0w, if
zero is the escape digit and w is the modem
command to wait for a dial tone).
C: Dialing Prefix 2.
D: Dialing Prefix 3.
E: Dialing Suffix. The string Telix should send
after the number when dialing. On Hayes
compatible modems this is just a Carriage Return
character, ^M.
F: Connect String. To make Telix detect a
connection, you should enter here the string
which your modem sends upon establishing a
connection; e.g., CONNECT.
G: No Connect Strings. To make Telix detect a
connection failure, enter here up to four strings
which your modem sends when it has failed to make
a connection while dialing, for example NO
64 Customizing Telix
H: Hang-Up String. This is the string Telix should
send to the modem to make it hang up. The default
string works for Hayes compatible modems and is:
~~~ pauses Telix for 1.5 secs,
+++ escapes the modem into command mode,
~~~ pauses Telix for 1.5 secs,
AT is the modem attention code,
H0 tells the modem to hang up,
^M sends the terminating Carriage Return
character to the modem.
Before sending this string to the modem Telix always tries to
hang-up the modem by a faster way that works with MOST modems.
This is done by dropping (turning off) a special signal called
the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line on the RS-232 port. If
dropping the DTR makes the modem hang-up then the hang-up string
is not sent to the modem.
I: Auto Answer String. This is the string that Telix
should send to the modem upon entering Host Mode.
This string should allow the modem to
automatically pick up the phone when it rings,
and initialize it in any other ways that might be
J: Dial Cancel String. The string Telix should send
to the modem to cancel the current dialing
attempt. On most modems all that is necessary is
a Carriage Return character, ^M.
K: Dial Time. The amount of time Telix should wait
for a connection while dialing. This should
usually be set to be greater than the amount of
time the modem waits for the connection.
Customizing Telix 65
L: Redial Pause. The number of seconds Telix should
wait between attempts while redialing.
M: Auto Baud Detect. If this option is on and Telix
dials a number from the Dialing Directory, it
will check the modem connect message for a bit
rate indication. If the bit rate is different
than was specified for the entry being dialed,
Telix switches to the new bit rate. This option
only works with Hayes compatible modems. This
option must not be enabled when you have told the
modem to maintain a constant or locked baud rate
between the computer and the modem, as is done
with nearly all modern high-speed, error
correcting modems (such as ELSA MicroLink 28.8TQ,
USRobotics Sportster, Hayes V-Series, etc.).
N: Drop DTR to Hangup. If your modem is not capable
of terminating a connection by dropping DTR, you
should set this option to off, so Telix won't try
that way and will immediately send the Hang-up
String (see H above) instead.
66 Customizing Telix
Filenames and Path Settings
This screen allows you to change several filename and pathname
defaults, including:
A: Download Directory. The disk directory in which
Telix should save files which are downloaded
(received). The user can override this by giving
a full pathname when prompted.
B: Upload Directory. The disk directory where Telix
should look for files to be uploaded. The user
can override this by giving a full filename when
C: Script Directory. The directory in which Telix
should look for script files when trying to
execute them. The user can override this by using
a full pathname in front of the filename when
specifying it.
D: Default Startup Script. Here you can specify a
script file that will be automatically executed
each time Telix is started, unless a different
script file was specified using the command line
switch S. Note: The Telix title screen will not
appear when a startup script file is executed.
E: Default Capture File. The default name Telix
should use when opening the Capture File
(normally TELIX.CAP). The user can override this.
F: Default Usage Log. The default name Telix should
use when opening the Usage Log (normally
TELIX.USE). The user can override this.
Customizing Telix 67
G: Directory Program. The name of the disk directory
program that Telix should run when you select
Files directory command (<Alt><F>) under
Miscellaneous / DOS functions. If you do not
specify a program here Telix will use an internal
routine that also displays the amount of time it
will take to transfer each file in the directory.
An example of a program you could specify here is
dir/p, which would use the DOS dir command with
pauses at each page full, to display the
H: Screen Image File. The file that Telix should
save screen images (generated with File / Screen
Image or <Alt><I>) to. The default name is
I: Editor Pathname. The name of your editor,
including the extension of the name (.EXE, .COM,
or .BAT for batch files), for example,
C:\DOS\EDIT.EXE. The indicated file must either
be in the current directory, in a directory
included in the DOS Path, or the name must
include the full path. You need to set this
parameter only if you want to run your editor
using the File / RuN Editor or <Alt><A> command.
68 Customizing Telix
ASCII Transfers
This screen allows you to customize Telix ASCII file transfers to
your needs, so that Telix may work with almost any system.
Available settings are:
A: Strip High Bit. If this parameter is on, the high
(most significant) bit of each character sent for
uploads, or received for downloads, is stripped.
This can be used to ignore parity. On the other
hand, the upper 128 characters in the IBM
extended ASCII character set (128..255) are then
converted to the lower value (0..127) and
therefore not displayed correctly.
B: Remote Abort Character. This is the character
which when received during an ASCII upload or
download, is taken to mean that the remote end
wants to abort the transfer. One possible value
might be 24 (<Ctrl><X>).
C: Local Echo. If this is on, Telix will echo
characters locally while uploading. This should
normally be off.
D: Expand Blank Lines. If this is on, when Telix is
sending a file and it encounters a blank line, it
will add a space to that line. This is very
useful for systems that assume a blank line means
"end of file", or for uploading a message on most
bulletin boards, which often regard a blank line
as the end of a text entry.
E: Pace Character. This is the ASCII value of the
character that Telix should wait for before
sending each line. If this value is 0, Telix will
not wait for any character.
F: Line Pacing. This is the amount of time (in 1/10
seconds), that Telix should wait before sending
each line. This delay is often not necessary, but
for some BBS's for example, it's vital.
Customizing Telix 69
G: Character Pacing. This is the time delay (in
milliseconds) that Telix should wait between each
character. As the PC's hardware clock does not
have enough resolution, this is a software loop
based delay. Therefore, a value of 1 here will
delay a 4.77 MHz XT approximately 1 millisecond,
and faster PCs for a proportionally smaller time
H: Upload CR Translation. This is what Telix should
do with Carriage Return characters when uploading
ASCII files. The three options are to do nothing,
to strip them, or to add a Line Feed character
I: Upload LF Translation. This is what Telix should
do with Line Feed characters when uploading ASCII
files. The three options are to do nothing, to
strip them, or to add a Carriage Return before
J: Download CR Translation. This is exactly the same
as setting H (above), but applies when
downloading ASCII files.
K: Download LF Translation. This is exactly the same
as setting I (above), but applies when
downloading ASCII files.
70 Customizing Telix
Protocol Options
This screen allows you to configure external protocols, as well
as a few other settings. An external protocol is simply a file
transfer protocol that is implemented outside of Telix. You
specify the name of the protocol, the key used to select it on
the file transfer menu, and define how it is to be called. You
may optionally define a string which will trigger an automatic
download much like the auto Zmodem transfer capability built into
Telix. Items A through E are the definitions for the five
external protocols allowed. When you select a definition to edit,
Telix will ask a series of questions:
Key: The key that should be pressed to select this
protocol when the file transfer menu is
Protocol Name: The name Telix will display on the file transfer
menu for this protocol.
Upload name: This is the name of the DOS batch file or Telix
script file to call when the user selects an
upload using this protocol. If this filename
begins with an @ symbol, Telix will create an
ASCII text file FILELIST containing the list of
specified or tagged files, one file per line.
Many external protocols can accept such a file as
a parameter, and thus limits on the number of
files that can be passed on a DOS command line
may be circumvented.
Download name: This is the name of the DOS batch file or Telix
script file to call when the user selects a
download using this protocol.
BAT or Script: This controls whether the above two filenames are
DOS batch files or Telix script files.
Customizing Telix 71
DL Name: This option controls whether or not Telix should
ask for the name of the file when performing a
download using this protocol. In many protocols,
the sender passes the name of the file(s) to the
receiver, so Telix shouldn't ask for the download
Trigger String: This option is a place to enter a string which
when received is indicative of a file being
received by the protocol. Telix can thus
automatically detect an incoming file and move to
download it without need of your intervention.
This string must be consistent, unique, and
positively identify the occurance of an incoming
file. Check your external protocol documentation
to determine if the protocol supports a trigger
string. This option should be left blank if there
is no trigger available for the protocol.
See Appendix D (External Protocols) for
information about what information is passed to
the batch or script files when an external
transfer is selected.
Other settings on this page are:
F: File Transfer Disk Buffer Size. This allows you
to set the size of the disk buffer used by Telix
during file transfers from 1k to 10k (kilobytes)
in size. A larger value is more efficient with
floppy disk systems, while a smaller value can
get around problems with disk controllers or
Extended Memory use on some hard-disk systems.
G: Relaxed Xmodem Timing. This option controls
whether or not Telix should use relaxed timing
when performing an Xmodem transfer. When calling
some services, this option must be turned on
because they can not tolerate strict timing.
72 Customizing Telix
H: Filename Guessing. This option controls Telix's
use of filename guessing. When you selected a
file transfer to be performed, telix can often
guess the name of the file to be transferred,
based on your past keystrokes. This option may be
turned off here. As well, you may specify that
Telix gives only guesses which it is almost
certain are filenames, or gives its 'Best try',
which may include guesses with extra characters
which are not necessarily part of the filename.
I: Zmodem Receive Crash Recovery. When an aborted
Zmodem transfer must be resumed, this option
should be turned on. While this option is on, if
a file being downloaded using Zmodem already
exists on the disk (and is shorter than the file
the sender has), Telix will tell the sender to
send only the bytes needed to complete the file.
This option should be used with care. The
possibility exists that a file with the same name
but different contents exists on each system, in
which case you do not want only some of the data
J: Zmodem Send Crash Recovery. When this option is
on, during a Zmodem upload of files, Telix will
try to tell the sender to resume aborted
transfers. This option should be used with care,
as some systems do not support crash recovery,
and will behave unpredictably.
K: Allow Zmodem 32 bit CRCs. Real speed freaks may
turn off the use of 32 bit CRC error checking
(still quite reliable 16 bit CRCs are used
instead), to get on the order of a quarter to a
half of a percent speed increase in Zmodem
Customizing Telix 73
L: Zmodem Window Size. Zmodem normally sends data in
streaming mode, never pausing unless the other
side requests a re-send due to an error being
detected. In some environments, a pause for
acknowledgments can be more efficient. The window
size (in kilobytes) is the maximum amount of data
the protocol should send before waiting for a
reply. A value of 0 indicates streaming mode
should be used.
M: Zmodem File Type. This option allows you to
specify whether the file being transferred with
the Zmodem protocol is Binary, ASCII, or Either.
Binary means that Telix will make sure no end-of-
line conversion is done on files received or
sent. ASCII means that on a download, as long as
the other side doesn't override this, Telix will
assume the file being received is a text file and
will make sure the end of each line has a
Carriage Return followed by a Line Feed, by
adding the CR if the file has only LFs at the end
of each line. An ASCII setting when sending will
make Telix tell the other system to do end-of-
line conversion, although the other system may
override this. Finally, a setting of Either (the
default), will make Telix assume the file is
binary, unless the other system indicates
otherwise. Do not use a setting of ASCII for
files that are not ASCII text files, as binary
files will be corrupted by this option.
74 Customizing Telix
Kermit Transfers
This screen allows you to configure Telix's implementation of the
Kermit protocol to your needs. The options will not be described
here, due to the fact that the Kermit protocol is relatively
complicated, and if you must change one of these parameters, you
should generally already know what it means.
Comm Port Setup
This screen allows you to configure/define the communications
ports for the standard communications mode, i.e. the direct use
of a serial interface. In INT14 mode, these settings have no
meaning! Telix supports definitions for 8 comm ports. By default,
the first four comm ports are defined to the standards for COM1
to COM4. The last four comm ports are by default duplicates of
COM1. For each port you may define the base address (in
hexadecimal) of that port, as well as the interrupt request
number (IRQ) to use. Unless you are absolutely sure about your
information, do not modify these values! Wrong values could cause
unexpected and possibly disruptive results.
This option allows you to set Telix to the INT14 mode, where data
are not sent directly over a serial interface, but via the BIOS
interrupt 14h, which is used for example by modem sharing
programs in networks and by FOSSIL drivers (e.g. for passive ISDN
adapter boards). A suitable program of this type must be loaded
before Telix is started. If Telix does not detect a suitable
driver software, it will report this and switch back to the
standard communications mode. If a driver is found, Telix
activates the INT14 mode and attempts to initialize the driver.
If this fails, Telix will ask you to select a different INT14
communications port and retry to initialize the driver. If you
select "none" or press <Esc>, Telix returns to the standard
communications mode.
Customizing Telix 75
Language Setup
This menu option allows you to select the language for the Telix
user interface, i.e. for the menu commands and dialog texts.
Telix presents you a menu with all available languages, i.e.
those languages for which a language file with the extension .LNG
(e.g. TELIXGB.LNG for British English) is found in the Telix
startup directory (the directory where Telix looks for the
configuration file TELIX.CNF).
NOTE When the language is changed, certain shortcut
keys for Telix commands might change as well,
since they may be differently defined to meet the
different national keyboard layouts. For example,
the German version uses <Alt><N> instead of
<Alt><9> for the script recording function.
Saving Changes and Leaving
Any modified settings can be saved to the configuration file (so
that they will be remembered when you next use Telix) by
selecting the Write setup to disk option. If you want to keep any
changes just for the current session, then exit the Preferences
Menu using the Exit option.
Terminal Emulation 77
Terminal Emulation
A video display terminal is basically a relatively dumb computer
which is linked up to another computer (over a cable or modem
link) and displays what that computer sends to it. A mainframe or
mini computer has a large amount of processing power and can
drive a number of terminals at the same time.
There are many different terminal types. Each one follows its own
codes for controlling how information is displayed on the screen.
For example, there are sequences to clear the screen, move the
cursor, scroll the display, and so on. Most terminals also have
special keys which send special sequences back to the main
Telix can emulate several terminals (i.e. react to certain
control sequences in the same way as the respective terminal).
While in Terminal Mode, you may change the terminal type Telix is
currently emulating by selecting
Configuration / Terminal Emulation or pressing <Alt><T>. The
default terminal can also be set in the Terminal Options page
under Configuration / Preferences. Following are the choices
Telix offers:
A TTY (Teletype) terminal is very stupid. It basically displays
all the values it receives, except for about 5 or 6 Control codes
(such as Carriage Return), which move the cursor and ring the
bell. Telix does not have any special key definitions for this
terminal type.
This is a subset of the real ANSI terminal type defined by the
American National Standards Institute. Many BBS programs, when
told to do so, can send sequences supported by this terminal to
make screen display more interesting and colorful. This emulation
supports some known bugs in the DOS ANSI.SYS driver that are not
part of the ANSI standard per se.
78 Terminal Emulation
The ANSI.KEY file contains definitions for the arrow keys, and is
automatically read when this terminal is selected. These
definitions are supported by some full screen editors, for
This is the real ANSI terminal type defined by the American
National Standards Institute. Many BBS programs, when told to do
so, can send sequences supported by this terminal to make screen
display more interesting and colorful. This conforms to the ANSI
committee definitions of ANSI.
The DEC VT102 terminal is one of the most popular (and most
emulated) terminals in existence. It was developed by Digital
Equipment Corporation. The VT102 terminal has a large number of
functions. Telix supports all of these except for 132 column mode
and double height mode. As well, Telix only emulates double width
mode, by adding a space after every character.
Telix fully supports both normal and application cursor mode in
VT emulation. The VT102 keyboard layout used by Telix is stored
in the VT102.KEY file, which is automatically read by Telix when
VT102 terminal emulation is selected. Once Telix has loaded this
into memory, the definitions can be edited through the use of the
Configuration / Key defs./macros or <Alt><K> function.
The default keyboard layout is best suited for the (newer) 101-
key style keyboards with separate arrow and numeric keypads, and
functions keys across the top. In this layout, press <F1> to <F4>
to simulate the VT's <PF1> to <PF4>. With the <NumLock> key down,
the PC's numeric keypad will simulate the VT's numeric keypad,
while the arrow keys on the PC's numeric keypad (with the
<NumLock> up) or the separate arrow keypad (at all times) will
simulate the VT's arrow keys. Note that Telix will only recognize
the separate arrow keypad if you turn on the Enhanced Keyboard
setting on the General Options screen of the Configuration Menu.
Terminal Emulation 79
Another keyboard layout is available that is possibly better
suited to older style keyboards with function keys on on the left
side and no separate arrow keypad and numeric keypad. To make use
of this alternate layout, while at the DOS prompt type:
ren VT102.KEY VT102OLD.KEY
ren VT102ALT.KEY VT102.KEY
This layout is similar to one used by many comm programs, in
which the normal function keys
(<F1> - <F10>) represent the left side of the VT's numeric
keypad, while the shifted function keys (<Shift><F1> -
<Shift><F10>) represent the right side. The arrow keys are also
defined to send the proper sequences.
The DEC VT52 is another relatively common terminal type, that is
considerably simpler than the VT102. Telix's key definitions for
the VT52 are stored in the VT52.KEY file.
AVATAR is another terminal emulation, which assigns escape
sequences to some of the keys of the cursor keypad. The key
definitions are stored in the AVATAR.KEY file. Note that Telix
only supports AVATAR Level 0.
Using Script Files 81
Using Script Files
Available to supplement Telix is a pair of incredibly powerful
'script' or command languages, called SALT (Script Application
Language for Telix) and SIMPLE (SALT Implementation). In the
simplest terms, a script file is a sequence of commands for Telix
to follow, written using a certain format. Script files can do
many useful things like automatically logging on to a host,
setting up special parameters, performing unattended file
transfers, and many other tasks. A script file can be linked to a
Dialing Directory entry so that it is run automatically when that
entry is connected to, and supplies the needed logon information.
Like any real programming language, SALT has a large number of
features. Because of this, programming in SALT is not easy for
the beginner who has no knowledge of any programming concepts.
However, SALT scripts can be used to different degrees. The
advanced user can program complex applications, while even a
novice can modify the sample scripts included with Telix, and run
scripts supplied by others.
For advanced users, a separate manual describes SALT and its
syntax. The rest of this section describes how to create, run and
compile the various forms of scripts.
Creating and Compiling Scripts
SALT scripts are created as text files with any ASCII text editor
(such as the DOS editor) and are normally saved with the
extension .SLT. You can edit a script directly from within Telix
by selecting the Script / Edit command or pressing <Shift><F1>.
Telix will ask you for the filename of the script to be edited
and automatically start the editor program specified under
Configuration / Preferences / Filenames and Paths. If no filename
extension is given, Telix will assume .SLT.
82 Using Script Files
Before a SALT script can be used, it must be 'compiled'. The
CS.EXE program included with Telix takes the ASCII 'source'
scripts that the user writes, and compiles or converts them to a
form that is easier for Telix to process, usually takes less
space, and loads more quickly. You can call the SALT compiler at
the DOS prompt by entering CS, followed by a blank and the
filename of the script to be compiled. However, you can also
compile a script directly from within Telix by selecting
Script / Compile or pressing <Ctrl><F9> and entering the name of
the script file to be compiled (for this function, CS.EXE must be
present in the Telix directory or in the default script
directory). In both methods Telix will assume .SLT if no
extension is given. CS will scan through the source file and
produce the compiled version, using the same base name but the
extension .SLC. If a syntax error is discovered while compiling
the script file, CS will report it and abort. In that case the
error should be fixed and CS run again.
Remember, every time you make a change to the source file, you
must re-compile it, otherwise Telix will still run the old
compiled version. This sounds tedious, but in practice once a
script is developed it doesn't change very often.
NOTE For Telix 3.50 or newer, version 1.51 or newer of
the SALT compiler CS.EXE should be used.
Using Script Files 83
Executing a Script
If you have an already compiled SALT script (ending with the
extension .SLC (for example, the QDHOST.SLC Host Mode script
file), it is very easy to execute. While in Terminal Mode, press
<Alt><G> or select Script / eXecute. Telix will ask for the name
of the script file to run. If you supply no extension, .SLC is
assumed. If a special directory where script files are to be
found has been defined, Telix will look there for script files,
unless a path is given. This script directory can be defined
under Configuration / Preferences / Filenames and Paths. Telix
will then load the script file and follow its instructions. To
abort a script while it is executing, press the <Esc> key or
select Script / Abort (however, the abort function may be
disabled in the script itself). Sometimes you may have to press
<Esc> twice, the first time to abort the current function, and
the second time to abort the script itself.
A script can also be linked to an entry of the Dialing Directory,
so it will be executed automatically each time a connection to
this entry has been reached. Furthermore, a startup script can be
defined, which is executed automatically each time Telix is
For those users not comfortable in a structured programming
environment, Telix provides a SALT Implementation, or SIMPLE
scripting language. SIMPLE is a non-structured language that is
converted to the more complex SALT for the user prior to actually
compiling it. SIMPLE scripts need to be compiled with the CSS.EXE
program. To compile a SIMPLE script at the DOS prompt, type CSS,
followed by a space and the name of the SIMPLE script file you
want to compile. The extension .SIM is assumed if none is given.
84 Using Script Files
If you use the Script / Compile command (or <Ctrl><F9>) from
within Telix instead and enter a filename with the extension
.SIM, CSS is called automatically (for this function, CSS.EXE
must be present in the Telix directory or in the default script
directory). In this case, it is important to expressly supply the
extension .SIM, since otherwise Telix would look for a .SLT file
and attempt to call the SALT compiler CS instead. CSS will scan
through the source file and produce a compiled .SLC file. If a
syntax error is discovered while compiling the script, CSS will
report it and abort.
SIMPLE scripting is described in detail in the Scripting
Reference guide.
Learning a Script
Some operations you will perform in Telix are highly repetitive,
such as logging onto an online service. The user name, password,
and other information is always entered in the same order, the
same way, every time you call. You can use the Script Learn
function to create an automatic log-on script to do this for you
each call (the script should be linked to the respective Dialing
Directory entry).
To learn a sequence of responses to prompts, toggle the learn
mode on from Telix Terminal Mode by pressing <ALT><9> or
selecting Script / Learn. Enter the name of the script to learn
when prompted. .SLT is assumed to be the filename extension if
none is given.
Telix will record your responses to the various prompts of the
online service until learning mode is turned off with <ALT><9>
(or Script / Learn) again. When turned off, Telix saves the
learned script. Remember, the learned script must be compiled
prior to use.
It is important while learning a script to remember to wait for
the complete prompt to be displayed before responding.
Unpredictable results can be exhibited if a fast typist or a user
familiar with a service types ahead of the prompts.
Using Script Files 85
Learned scripts, while useful, are not always completely
accurate, and may not work without editing. If the prompt being
responded to contains information that can vary (such as the
number of minutes left online), then the .SLT file may need to be
edited prior to being compiled. An example is the following
prompt on a BBS, which might read:
(4 used, 86 left) Main Board Command?
If there are not exactly 86 minutes remaining on your next call,
a learned script containing this prompt will not function
properly. The line in the learned script:
waitfor("(4 used, 86 left) Main Board Command?", 30);
should thus be edited to read:
waitfor("Main Board Command?", 30);
for proper operation of the learned script.
Host Mode 87
Host Mode
Telix allows you to set up your computer as a remote host, so
that others may call your system and perform operations like
transferring files and chatting. In short it is like having a
small BBS on your system, without all the setup work. Telix
provides two such host modes, both implemented in Telix's
powerful SALT script language. QDHost is a 'Quick and Dirty' Host
Mode containing the basic features of a remote host, including
password security and remote shells to DOS. If you have purchased
the SALT compiler, a more powerful host, HOSTPLUS, is also
provided, offering the functionality of a full-featured BBS with
multiple message bases and file areas, multiple security levels
and individual password security and user levels. The operation
of HOSTPLUS is described in the text file HOSTPLUS.DOC.
There are a few requirements to running Host Mode. Your modem
must be able to pick up the phone when it rings. Your modem must
not be set to override (always keep on) the Carrier Detect signal
it supplies, so that Telix can tell when it is connected to a
caller. Telix must also be able to hang up the modem by dropping
(turning off) the DTR line on the RS-232 port. If one of these
requirements is not met you probably cannot run QDHost.
To run the QDHost script, select Script / eXecute or press
<Alt><G> while in Terminal Mode, and then enter QDHOST as the
script file name. The script QDHOST.SLC will then be run. Several
Host Mode configuration settings are kept in a file called
QDHOST.CNF. The first time you run the Host Mode script, it will
not find this file, and automatically run the Host Mode
configuration script QDCONFIG.SLC, which will create the needed
file and allow you to change the default values. You should run
QDCONFIG should you need to configure the Host Mode at any time
in the future. QDCONFIG will present you with the following
A: Level One Access Password. The password that
callers must successfully enter to be admitted to
the Host Mode and have Level One access. Level
one access allows only files contained in the
specified QDCONFIG download directory to be
88 Host Mode
B: Level Two Access Password. This is the password
that callers must successfully enter to be
admitted to QDHost and have Level Two (Sysop)
access. Level two access allows the caller to
download any file on the system by giving the
C: DOS Shell Password. This is the password that
users of QDHost have to enter to use the Remote
DOS Shell option.
D: Shut Down Host Mode Password. This is the
password that callers must enter to shut down
QDHost, when they press <Ctrl><Z>.
E: Host Download Directory. Level 1 access callers
will only be able to download (have Telix send
them) files that are in this directory. As well,
the Files command will show them only the
contents of this directory. Do not under any
circumstances define this directory to the same
name as the directory you run Telix in. If you
did that, callers could download the QDHost
configuration file, which is stored there, and
see your passwords. Level 2 access callers may
specify any download path, but this is the
F: Host Upload Directory. Level 1 access callers
will only be able to upload (send to Telix) files
into this directory. Level 2 access callers can
specify any path, but files will go here by
G: Connection Type. This can be either Modem or
Direct. Use Modem if your host system is being
accessed through a modem, or Direct if two
computers are hard-wired. This stops Telix from
trying to initialize a non-existent modem. or
trying to determine the caller's baud.
Host Mode 89
H: Locked Modem Rate. For error correcting modems,
QDHost needs to know if the DTE rate (the speed
Telix communicates with your modem) is constant
from call to call, no matter what speed the user
calls in at. Set this value to the fixed DTE rate
(usually 9600 for 2400MNP modems, and 19,200 to
57,600 for 9600+ baud modems). If your modem is
not error correcting or you are unsure what the
value should be, set this value to zero.
There is one other important parameter which must be properly set
for QDHost operation. This is the Auto Answer string, which is
defined under Configuration / Preferences / Modem and dialing.
This string is sent to the modem when Telix enters QDHost, and
should make the modem able to pick up the phone when it rings.
The default string is set up for Hayes compatible modems. It is:
AT S0=1 ^M
AT is the modem attention code,
S0=1 tells the modem to answer after one ring,
^M sends the terminating Carriage Return character.
NOTE If you want to disable the automatic answering
after the host mode is terminated, insert S0=0 in
the modem init string defined under
Configuration / Preferences / Modem and dialing.
There are two optional text files which are displayed to callers
if they exist, called LOGO.MSG, and WELCOME.MSG. They are
described below.
90 Host Mode
Once QDHost has been configured, it can actually be run. Telix
will make a note in the QDHost audit file QDHOST.LOG and then
will immediately send the Host Mode init string to the modem.
Telix then waits for a caller. While in QDHost on the local side,
the user can always press <Esc> to exit Host Mode, or <End> to
terminate the current caller. He can also enter commands for the
remote caller, so that a novice caller can be helped along by the
host operator. Also, at any time, the current caller will be
automatically terminated if there is inactivity for five minutes,
or the connection is lost. This is all noted in the host audit
file. If the caller has only access level one, references to
other disk directories than the ones defined in QDCONFIG are
ignored, and all operations take place in those directories. As
well, Telix protects your files from being accidentally
overwritten by the caller.
When the Carrier Detect signal turns on Telix knows a caller is
online. At this point Telix will try to determine the caller's
baud rate. Most Hayes compatible modems can be initialized to
send the string CONNECT baud where baud is the baud rate of the
caller, when they sense a connection. If Telix sees this string
it will switch to the appropriate baud. If this string is not
received within a few seconds of the connection, Telix will leave
the baud rate at whatever it was. Also, it should be mentioned
that Telix can not determine the caller's other settings like
parity, data bits, and stop bits. These must already be matching
Telix's settings.
At this point, if the file LOGO.MSG exists in the Telix
directory, it is displayed to the caller. It should basically
identify the system. Then Telix will ask the caller for his/her
name. The name must be at least five letters long and is only
used when indicating the caller in the Host Mode audit file. If a
password has been defined Telix will ask the caller for it. The
caller has three tries to complete the password. All password
attempts, successful or failed, are written to the Host audit
file. If the caller enters the Level One access password, he may
manipulate only the disk directories defined in QDCONFIG. Any
other directories can not be accessed. If he enters the Level Two
access password, the caller may use full pathnames in all file
specifications. The level 2 password should only be kept for
yourself or those you completely trust, as a Level 2 caller can
access any files on your system.
Host Mode 91
If there is a file called WELCOME.MSG in the Telix directory, it
is then shown to the caller. This file can contain further
identification or news, that you only want valid callers to see.
After each 23 lines the caller is prompted to press any key to
continue. As well, the caller may press <Ctrl><S> to pause at any
time, and <Ctrl><C> or <Ctrl><K> to abort the listing.
After the WELCOME.MSG file is displayed the caller is presented
with a menu of options:
Files Type Upload Download Shell Chat Goodbye
The action to be taken is selected by entering its first letter.
Case does not matter. As mentioned already, the host operator is
free to enter any keystrokes for the caller.
Help The Help option prompts the caller to enter the
first letter of a menu option and then displays a
help text describing the function of the
respective option.
Files The Files option allows the caller to list the
files in the current disk directory. The caller
must press a key after each screen. The output is
not echoed on the local screen. If the caller has
access Level 2 he/she is prompted for a filespec,
which may include the * and ? wildcard characters
(see your DOS manual), so that the contents of
other directories than the Host Download
Directory may be listed.
Type The Type option allows the caller to view any
ASCII file in the Host Download Directory, or in
any directory for access Level 2 callers. The
same format and commands are available during
this command as for the displaying of the
optional message file WELCOME.MSG.
92 Host Mode
Upload The Upload option allows the caller to send a
file to the host. The caller is shown the
following menu (here slightly reformatted so it
could fit):
Modem7 SEAlink Xmodem 1k-Xmodem G-1k-Xmodem Ymodem
YmodEm-g Zmodem
Which protocol?
and should select the appropriate protocol by its
first letter (or <E> for Ymodem-g). If
appropriate the caller is also asked for the
filename. The transfer is then initiated. Level 1
callers may only upload files into the Host
Upload Directory defined with QDCONFIG.
Download The Download command allows a caller to receive a
file from the host. The caller must select the
protocol as described above, and then must tell
Telix the file(s) to send. The transfer is then
initiated. Level 1 access callers may only
download files from the Host Download Directory
defined with QDCONFIG.
Shell The Shell command is a very powerful but also
very dangerous command. It allows the caller to
run a DOS shell on your system, except that the
caller receives the output, and the caller enters
the keystrokes. This command is basically similar
to entering CTTY COMx at the DOS prompt. The
remote side has complete control of your system.
This is obviously very dangerous, as the caller
can format disks, delete files, or perform any
other operation. To provide security, a password
must be entered to use the remote DOS shell. Be
very careful of whom you give this password to,
as they can do anything they want with your
system. As well, don't leave it at the default
that Telix comes with.
Host Mode 93
There are a few limitations in the remote DOS shell. The caller
will see program output only if the programs use standard DOS
output. Programs that write directly to the video screen will
work, but will not be seen by the remote caller. As well,
programs that use non-DOS methods of getting keystrokes will not
receive the caller's keystrokes. Finally, under some systems, if
the caller presses Backspace at the DOS prompt when the current
line is empty, DOS will hang on the Host machine. As these are
functions of DOS, there is nothing that can be done about these
limitations. The remote shell also only supports COM1 and COM2
when using CTTY.
A potentially powerful feature of the shell function is the
ability to override the use of CTTY and use your own redirector,
such as Marshall Dudley's DOORWAY.EXE. Do not confuse DOORWAY.EXE
with Telix's DOORWAY mode. If the file RSHELL.BAT exists in the
same directory that QDHOST.SLC is in, QDHost will run that batch
file instead of using CTTY, and return to QDHost when it is
complete. DOORWAY.EXE is an excellent alternative to CTTY when
both users need to see the screen, or when programs that write
directly to the screen (such as Word Perfect) must be run from
remote. The following is a sample RSHELL.BAT for use with the
Doorway program:
DOORWAY com1 /M:100 /O: /V:D^U /C:DOS
Note that the com port must specified by number in the batch
file. However, CTTY only supports COM1 and COM2, while Doorway
can support up to COM4. If you receive the message that you
cannot shell due to DOS limitations, DOORWAY.EXE can be used as
an alternative.
Chat The Chat command allows the caller to chat with
the host operator. When the caller presses <C>
the host operator is paged for 20 seconds. Press
the Space bar to chat with the caller, or any
other key not to. Accepting the chat will place
you in Chat Mode, exactly as if you had used the
<Alt><Y> command. The caller's keystrokes are
echoed back to him/her however, so that he/she
can see them.
94 Host Mode
Goodbye Finally, the Goodbye command allows the caller to
log off the host. An entry noting the time and
date is made in the host audit file, and Telix
then waits for a new caller.
The caller may also use one other command that is not displayed
in the menu. This is to shut down QDHost Mode. If the caller
presses <Ctrl><Z> and successfully enters the shut down Host
password defined with QDCONFIG, the QDHost Mode is shut down and
Telix returns to whatever it was doing before QDHost was
Appendices 95
A Keyboard Command Summary
<F1> Display Help/Status Screen
<Ctrl><F1> List Command Line Options
<Alt> Activate Menu Bar
<Alt><A> Run Editor
<Alt><B> Scroll Back
<Alt><C> Clear Screen
<Alt><D> Dialing Directory
<Alt><E> Local Echo on/off
<Alt><F> DOS and File Functions
<Alt><G> Run Script File (Go)
<Alt><H> Hang-up Modem
<Alt><I> Screen Image
<Alt><J> Jump to DOS Shell
<Alt><K> Keyboard Definitions
<Alt><L> Capture File
<Alt><M> Misc. Options
<Alt><O> Preferences Menu
<Alt><P> Comm Parameters
<Alt><Q> Queue Redial Last Numbers
<Alt><R> Download (Receive) Files
<Alt><S> Upload (Send) Files
<Alt><T> Terminal Emulation
<Alt><U> Usage Log
<Alt><V> DOS Command
<Alt><W> Translate Table
<Alt><Y> Chat Mode
<Alt><X> Exit Telix
<Alt><5> Toggle Menu Bar on/off
<Alt><8> Toggle Status Line on/off
<Alt><9> Learn a Script
<Alt><F9> Edit a Script
<Ctrl><F9> Compile a Script
<Alt><=> Toggle DOORWAY Mode on/off
<Ctrl><@> Printer Log on/off
<Ctrl><End> Send Break Signal
<Shift><Tab> Add Line-feeds on/off
<PgUp> Upload (Send) Files
<PgDn> Download (Receive) Files
Appendices 97
B Troubleshooting
Problem: Telix and the modem do not seem to be able to
detect busy signals.
Solution: Some modems (especially older 1200 bps units) do
not have the capability to detect busy signals.
Assuming yours does, you'll still probably have
to edit the default modem Init String. The X1
that some modems use by default does not enable
busy detection in most modems. Use a value like
X3, X4, or higher in the init string.
Problem: When the QDHost mode script is run Telix always
thinks that a caller is online and immediately
asks for the caller's name or Telix always says
that a Hang-up operation failed even when it did
in fact successfully hang-up the modem.
Solution: Your modem is almost certainly overriding the
true state of the Carrier Detect signal. This is
the factory default on most modems, but should be
disabled. For proper operation, Telix needs to
see this signal on when connected to another
computer, and off when not. If your modem has dip
switches, as do most 1200 bps units and all US
Robotics external Couriers, switch number 6
usually controls this and must be in the up
position. If your modem does not seem to have any
dip switches (look carefully, sometimes the front
needs to be popped off), it is probably
controlled solely by software commands, as are
most 2400 bps or faster units. Just a few
examples of these are the Hayes 2400, ATI
2400etc., GVC 2400, and many others. For these
modems, adding &C1 in the modem Init String
(before the final ^M (Carriage Return) is a good
spot) will configure the modem properly.
98 Appendices
Problem: When trying to use a multi-tasking system like MS
Windows, Topview, or DoubleDOS, with Telix in the
background, window displays bleed through to the
active partition.
Solution: Under Configuration / Preferences, select the
Screen and colors settings option, then select as
the Screen Write mode, BIOS calls used for
writes. Screen updating will be slower but will
not bleed through.
Problem: When redialing Telix does not seem to know when a
connection has been reached.
Solution: Telix knows when a connection has been reached in
one of two ways: when it receives a Connect
string from your modem, or when the Carrier
Detect signal turns on (if it was off). Make sure
that the Connect string is properly defined in
the Configuration Menu, or check if your modem
does turn on the Carrier Detect signal regardless
of whether or not there is a connection.
Problem: Telix doesn't work with a certain modem.
Solution: Telix is set by default to use the Hayes 'AT'
modem command standard. There are modems that are
not Hayes compatible however, and use other
commands to dial, hang up, and perform other
tasks. Make sure that if your modem is not Hayes
compatible Telix has been properly configured to
its commands.
Appendices 99
Problem: When trying to use the DOS Shell, or another
function that uses DOS, Telix warns that it
cannot find a file called COMMAND.COM, and aborts
the function.
Solution: The file COMMAND.COM is the DOS command
interpreter. Telix must be able to find it to use
many DOS functions. The location of COMMAND.COM
is stored in an environment variable (explained
in your DOS manual) called COMSPEC. COMSPEC is
set at boot-up, but if you boot of a floppy and
then change to another floppy or a hard disk, it
will not point to the right place anymore. In
short, make sure that COMSPEC always points to
the location of COMMAND.COM, or that COMMAND.COM
is in the current directory.
Problem: When calling some systems, especially large ones
such as CompuServe or The Source, all incoming
characters look like garbage.
Solution: The communications parameters are probably wrong.
Most of these systems need a setting of Even
parity, 7 data bits, and 1 stop bit. This is
different from the normal standard of N81 used
for most bulletin boards.
100 Appendices
Problem: During transfers with a high speed modem, many
CRC and/or timeout errors occur.
Solution: First ensure that CTS/RTS hardware flow control
is enabled and that DSR/DTR hardware flow control
is disabled both in Telix in the Terminal Options
section of the Configuration / Preferences menu
and in your modem (refer to your modem manual for
instructions on setting up your modem properly,
or use the supplied MODEMCFG.EXE program). If
this fails, it may simply be hardware
limitations. Sometimes such hardware limitations
can be circumvented by setting Drop RTS during
disk writes in the Terminal Options section of
the Configuration / Preferences menu.
Many high-speed modems, especially in a multi-
tasking (Windows, DESQview, TopView, etc.)
environment or on XT or slower AT-class machines
are simply too fast for the hardware, and may
need some help to prevent lost characters. A UART
(Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) is
a chip found on every serial card or internal
modem. Most serial cards or internal modems come
stock with 8250 or 16450 chips that are not rated
for high speed modems. A replacement chip called
the 16550 will likely eliminate such problems.
Problem: When I run Telix from my menu program it tells me
Unable to find/open ANSI.KEY and goes back to the
menu program.
Solution: ANSI.KEY is a file required for Telix operation,
but due to the menu not changing to the Telix
directory, Telix cannot find this file. Telix
expects to find all of its system files in the
current directory or in the directory pointed to
by the TELIX environment variable. By placing
the command:
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT (modified for your own Telix path, of
course). Telix will then know to look there for all of its files
if they are not in the current directory. There should be no
spaces in the command as above, other than between SET and TELIX.
Appendices 101
Problem: I have a new 28,800 or 14,400 bps modem, but
Telix doesn't support 28,800 and 14,400 as speed
Solution: This is one of the great misconceptions about
high speed modems, so you're not alone in
wondering this. Let us try to detail why it
doesn't matter, and at the same time give you a
bit of an idea what's going on behind the scenes
when you call another modem...
The link to get from your computer to the other computer looks
much like this:
Your Computer <--> Your modem <--------> Their modem <--> Their computer
DTE rate DCE rate DTE rate
38,400 14,400 57,600
As you can see, it is really a series of three links; one between
your computer and your modem, one between the two modems, and one
between their modem and their computer. What might surprise you
is that each of these three rates can be, and often are,
completely different, as above. So you know, DCE stands for Data
Communications Equipment (i.e. a modem to modem link) and DTE is
Data Terminal Equipment (i.e. terminal to modem link). You are
not concerned with the final link, the remote DTE rate. That is
up to the remote site, and does not matter at all to you. Once
the data leaves your modem, and is received by theirs, it is out
of your hands.
102 Appendices
Your modem likely has either MNP5 or V.42bis data compression
built in. For transferring uncompressed files, these modems can
be extremely efficient in compressing the data before sending it
- sometimes as much as 4 times compression (25% of the original
size). Even a simple error correction (MNP4, V.42) already
reduces the actual amount of data to be transferred by removing
the start and stop bits of each character before it is sent,
since they are not needed in error-corrected connections.
If the modems can take 1000 characters from Telix, and then turn
it into perhaps as little as 250 characters with compression,
your modem still transmits, for example at 14,400 bps and would
need 1000 characters from the comm program to transmit a mere 250
characters. In order to keep the DCE link flowing with data non-
stop, Telix has to send data to your modem at 4 times the speed
the modem is talking to the other modem (in the best case, which
almost never happens). Thus, the DTE (Telix to modem rate) must
be higher than the DCE (modem to modem rate) by a good margin, or
the modems will sit idle frequently, waiting for the comm program
to supply it with enough data. Since you have no way of knowing
how much the data will be compressed, or at what speeds the two
modems will actually connect up at, you should ALWAYS leave the
DTE rate on your end (the link between Telix and your modem as
specified in the Telix configuration) locked in, or fixed, at
that high rate that can accommodate the most efficient case,
since that most efficient case can occur at any time. As long as
it does not occur, the data flow control (CTS/RTS or XON/XOFF)
saves your modem from being flooded with more data from the
computer than it can buffer.
That's why you're always advised by MODEMCFG.EXE to set the comm
program's speed, as well as all Dialing Directory entries (no
matter how fast the board actually is), to a speed higher than
the 9,600 or 14,400 you really have. Typically, you'll be told to
use 19,200 or 38,400 (nowadays, typically 38,400, and even some
will say 57,600 or 115,200). But the important thing is, that
speed is constant. Your DTE (program to modem rate) always stays
the same, so that when that most efficient case comes along,
you're ready. Remember that you might need a fast UART (see
above, typically for rates greater than 19,200).
Appendices 103
Problem: When trying to transfer a file, Telix just sits
there saying Waiting to send or Waiting to
receive but nothing ever happens.
Solution: When a user is downloading, the other system is
by definition uploading to him. Both systems must
know exactly what is happening at every given
moment, and this is especially true at the
beginning of the transfer.
First the downloader must tell the remote system
(the one to be downloaded from) that he/she
requests a download. On most systems, this is
accomplished with a "Download" command.
The sending system will then ask the downloader
to choose a protocol. You may choose any one that
Telix supports, but we recommend Zmodem if it is
available, and 1K-Xmodem (sometimes labeled
Ymodem) if Zmodem is not available. In any case,
the important thing to remember is that both the
sender and the receiver must be using the same
protocol, and it must be agreed upon in advance.
Perhaps before choosing a protocol, you will be
asked what files you wish to download. Then the
system may tell you that it is ready to send the
files. If you have selected Zmodem, and have
Zmodem autodownloads on in Telix (the default)
you should not have to do anything more. Telix
will sense the Zmodem transfer coming and go into
Zmodem receive mode. Sometimes this will appear
as "garbage" like an up arrow, a bunch of
asterisks, and numbers like 0's and 8's. This is
a signal to start!
104 Appendices
The most important thing to remember when
downloading is that first you have to tell the
other system what to send and how to send it, and
let it get started. As soon as the other system
starts, you generally have about 30 to 60 seconds
to start your receive with the same protocol. It
is crucial that both sides know that a transfer
is taking place. You cannot start yours early, or
the other side will never send the file.
Thus, don't hit <Alt><R> (or <PgDn>) until you
are sure the other side is ready to send, and
ready for you to tell it that you are ready to
receive (<ALT><R> does this automatically).
Problem: When trying to compile a script I get the message
"Unable to open file" even though I know the
script is present.
Solution: Some OEM versions of DOS 2.11 (notably, the Tandy
DOS burned into the 1000 HX) are incompatible
with the compiler used in these cases. This does
not apply to Telix itself. It is highly
recommended that you upgrade your DOS if
possible. For users with the DOS burned into the
ROM of the machine, you may boot from a system
floppy of a higher DOS system to compile scripts.
Problem: When I transfer a file, sometimes letters (like
Flow or Xoff) flash in the status line, where
normally the status of the Capture Log is
Solution: This is completely normal, and signifies a "flow"
control, or a signal to Telix or the modem to
slow down or stop momentarily to save the modem
from being flooded with too much data. It
signifies that things are in good working order.
After the end of the connection, the Capture Log
status is displayed again.
Appendices 105
Problem: How do I make Telix operate reliably under
Microsoft Windows?
Solution: TELIX.PIF included with Telix is a Program
Information File for Windows that should allow
best operation of Telix under Microsoft Windows.
Windows doesn't offer the best of communications
handlers, though, and for best communications
results under Windows, we recommend Telix for
Windows, which reliably supports transfer rates
up to 115,200 bps under Windows and offers many
additional features.
Problem: My modem requires compatible software to use the
MNP features of my modem, or it says it needs RPI
compatible software.Is Telix compatible for this?
Solution: No, it is not, and there is little likelihood
that we will support RPI or software MNP in the
near or distant future. RPI is an attempt by
Rockwell and the modem manufacturers to create a
cheaper modem (by about $5) by pushing off some
of the hardware implementation into software. We
disagree with this for the sole reason that
software cannot be as efficient as hardware (esp.
when coprocessed), and that these functions truly
belong on the hardware for efficiency and speed.
Most comm developers we know feel the same way
and without our support the manufacturers will
have to go back to putting these functions on the
hardware - where they belong.
106 Appendices
Problem: When I run QDHost it says Either the upload or
download directory as defined in the Host config
does not exist and then aborts. What now?
Solution: If you receive this message when running the
QDHost Mode then you need to do the following:
From Telix Terminal Mode (the blank screen that
you are at after the opening screen goes away),
press <ALT><G> (or select Script / eXecute from
the menu) and type QDCONFIG. The QDCONFIG.SLC
script must exist in the same directory as QDHOST
(i.e. in the script directory as defined under
Configuration / Preferences / Filenames & Paths).
You will then see a menu that pops up something
like this:
A: Level 1 password : pass1
B: Level 2 password : pass2
C: Remote Shell password : shell
D: Shut down host pass : shut
E: Host download directory:
F: Host upload directory :
G: Connection type : Modem
H: Modem locked at >= 9600: No
I: Exit without saving changes.
J: Exit and save changes to disk.
The options E and F are the ones that need to be changed. You can
either Exit without saving and then do MKDIR with the above
or, better, is to change options E and F above to paths that you
know already exist (NEVER set these equal to your Telix
subdirectory!), and then Exit and save changes to disk. For more
information concerning DOS paths, please consult your DOS manual.
Appendices 107
Problem: Why does the estimated length of a file transfer
fluctuate for some seconds before a constant
value is displayed?
Solution: Up to version 3.22, Telix estimated the length of
a file transfer by means of the bit rate reported
by the modem upon successful connection (e.g.
CONNECT 14400) when dialing from the Dialing
Directory) or by means of the bit rate set in
Telix when dialing manually (with ATDT od ATDP).
However, since this method does not regard
factors like line quality and data compression
and Telix had to rely on a correct modem result
code in the first case, Telix 3.50 now uses a new
method: At the beginning of a file transfer,
Telix measures the actual number of characters
transferred per second and calculates the
estimated transfer time from this value. Since
this value often fluctuates at the beginning of a
transfer, Telix measures the throughput for
several seconds and then uses an average value
for the estimation. The estimated transfer time
must not be regarded as an exact value, but is
normally more exact than an estimation based on
the bit rate reported by the modem or the DTE
rate set in Telix.
Appendices 109
C External Protocols
While Telix supports a very large number of protocols internally,
it also allows users to define up to five external protocol
implementations, for the utmost in flexibility.
External protocols are defined under
Configuration / Preferences / Protocol options. Basically, based
on this configuration, when the user selects a transfer with this
protocol, Telix will either run a specified DOS Batch file, or a
TELIX SALT script file.
Batch File Method
If a Batch file has been configured to be executed when the
external protocol is selected, TELIX will execute it and pass to
it 3 parameters (with the third sometimes being blank). The first
parameter is the baud rate. This is accessed within the DOS batch
file as %1. The second parameter is the comm port number. This is
accessed as %2. The third parameter is the reply the user gave
when asked what file(s) to transfer. If this is a download and
this protocol has been defined to not need a download name, this
parameter will be blank. If this is an upload via an external
protocol defined as an @ protocol (see Configuration, Protocols),
this parameter will be FILELIST, otherwise, will be the list of
files to send. This parameter is referred to as %3 in the Batch
It is now the responsibility of the Batch file to call a driver
program for the protocol, using the supplied info. For example,
assuming Telix didn't have built-in Zmodem support, a batch file
called SZB.BAT could be defined to perform Zmodem uploads using
the commonly available DSZ program with the following command in
DSZ port %2 speed %1 sz %3
This would tell DSZ what files to transfer, and also would
specify the proper baud rate and comm port.
110 Appendix: External Protocols
Script File Method
Alternately Telix can run a SALT script file when the user
selects an external protocol. The script should be compiled ahead
of time (as explained elsewhere in this manual). The user's reply
to the question of what files to transfer is stored in the system
variable _ext_filespec. The script file is free to implement the
protocol in whatever way it wants to, such as calling an external
driver program using the RUN function, or by actually performing
the transfer itself.
Appendices 111
D File Formats
For programmers who wish to write Dialing Directory handling
utilities, a text file describing the Dialing Directory format
used by Telix is available in the Telix forum of the Support BBS.
112 Index
14,400 bps ...................................................101
16550 UART ...........................................15, 61, 100
28,800 bps ...................................................101
7E1 ...........................................................15
8N1 ...........................................................15
Abort character ...............................................68
Aborted downloads .............................................59
Adding entries ................................................34
Alarm .........................................................59
ANSI ..........................................................78
ANSI BBS ......................................................77
ANSI.KEY .....................................................100
Answerback string .............................................58
ASCII .....................................................49, 73
ASCII transfers ...............................................68
AT ................................................62, 64, 89, 98
Auto baud detect ..............................................65
Auto-answer string ........................................29, 64
AVATAR ........................................................79
Backspace .................................................33, 56
BAT ...........................................................70
Batch file ...................................................109
Baud rate .....................................................15
BBS script ....................................................87
BIOS ...........................................................8
BIOS INT14 routines ...........................................11
Bit rate ......................................................15
Blank lines, expand ...........................................68
bps rate ......................................................15
Break signal ..................................................28
Busy signal ...................................................97
Capture file ..........................................17, 60, 66
Carriage Return .......................................16, 56, 69
Carrier Detect ................................17, 87, 90, 97, 98
Character pacing ..............................................69
Chat ..........................................................93
Chat mode .....................................................27
CIS Quick B ...................................................48
Clear screen ..................................................27
Clearing entries ..............................................34
Index 113
Color settings ................................................53
COM parameter ..................................................9
Comm port setup ...............................................74
Command entry .................................................12
Command line options ...........................................8
Command summary screen ........................................13
Command line options ..........................................14
COMMAND.COM ...............................................23, 99
Communications parameters .............................14, 55, 99
Communications port .......................................15, 74
Compiling Scripts .............................................81
Compuserve Quick B ........................................48, 58
COMSPEC .......................................................23
CONFIG.SYS .....................................................5
Configuration ..................................................6
Configuration file .....................................9, 10, 53
Connect string ................................................63
Connection type ...............................................88
Control character .............................................16
CR translation ................................................69
Crash recovery ................................................72
CRC errors ...................................................100
CS.EXE ........................................................82
CSS.EXE .......................................................83
CTS ...........................................................57
Customizing Telix .............................................53
Data compression .............................................102
Date format ...................................................60
DCE rate .....................................................101
Deleting entries ..............................................39
DESQview ...............................................8, 11, 54
Dial cancel string ............................................64
Dial time .....................................................64
Dialing .......................................................36
Dialing Directory ..........................................9, 31
Dialing Directory format .....................................111
Dialing Directory, creating ...................................40
Dialing Directory, loading ....................................40
Dialing Directory, printing ...................................41
Dialing Directory, sorting ....................................41
Dialing prefix ............................................33, 63
Dialing settings ..............................................62
Dialing suffix ................................................63
114 Index
Directory program .............................................67
Disk buffer ...................................................71
Disk drives ...................................................61
DOORWAY mode ..................................................29
DOORWAY.EXE ...................................................93
DOS command ...............................................23, 25
DOS functions .................................................24
DOS shell .....................................................23
Download .....................................43, 58, 59, 92, 103
Download directory ............................................66
DSR ...........................................................57
DTE rate .....................................................101
DTR ...................................................17, 57, 65
Echo ..................................................28, 56, 68
Editing an entry ..............................................34
Editing strings ...............................................15
Editor ................................................24, 25, 67
EMS ...........................................................61
Emulation .....................................................77
Ending a Telix session ........................................16
Enhanced keyboard .............................................60
Escape character ..............................................16
Estimated file transfer time .................................107
Executing a script ............................................83
Exiting Telix .................................................16
External protocols .......................................70, 109
File functions ................................................24
File transfer protocol ....................................43, 47
File transfer time ...........................................107
File transfers ................................................43
Filename guessing .............................................72
Filenames and Path Settings ...................................66
Files directory ...........................................24, 67
Finding an entry ..............................................35
Flow control ..................................................57
FOSSIL driver .................................................11
Garbage .......................................................99
General help ..................................................13
Goodbye .......................................................94
Handshaking ...................................................57
Hang-up ...................................16, 17, 59, 64, 65, 97
Hayes compatible ..............................................98
Help/Status screen ............................................13
Index 115
High bit ..............................................33, 56, 68
Host download directory .......................................88
Host mode .....................................................87
Host upload directory .........................................88
HOSTPLUS ......................................................87
Init string ...................................................62
Inserting blank entries .......................................39
INT14 parameter ................................................9
INT14/FOSSIL mode .........................................11, 74
Kermit ....................................................50, 74
KEY ...........................................................79
Keyboard commands .............................................95
Keyboard definitions ..........................................21
Language setup ................................................75
Learning a script .............................................84
Left-handed mouse .............................................12
LF translation ................................................69
Line Feed .....................................16, 28, 33, 56, 69
Line pacing ...................................................68
List dial .....................................................36
LNG .......................................................10, 75
Local echo ............................................28, 56, 68
Locked modem rate .............................................89
Log ...................................................18, 60, 66
LOGO.MSG ......................................................90
Long distance codes .......................................38, 40
Machine Requirements ...........................................4
Macros ........................................................21
Manual dial ...................................................36
Manual dialing ................................................38
Menu bar ..................................................12, 61
Menu line .....................................................61
Miscellaneous Options .........................................29
MNP ..........................................................105
Modem initialization string ...............................29, 62
Modem settings ................................................62
Modem sharing program .........................................11
Modem7 ........................................................50
MODEMCFG.EXE ...................................................6
Mouse support .................................................10
Moving entries ................................................41
Multi-tasking ....................................10, 11, 98, 100
Network operation .............................................11
116 Index
No connect strings ............................................63
NOMOUSE parameter .............................................10
Online .........................................................8
Output string translation .....................................16
Pace character ................................................68
Pacing ....................................................68, 69
Parity ........................................................15
Password ..............................................33, 87, 88
Path Settings .................................................66
Pause .........................................................16
Pause capturing ...............................................17
Preferences menu ..............................................53
Prefix ........................................................33
Printer log ...................................................17
Protocol ..............................................33, 43, 47
Protocol options ..............................................70
QDCONFIG .........................................87, 90, 92, 106
QDHost ...............................................87, 97, 106
QDHOST.LOG ....................................................90
Queue redial ..................................................37
Quick dialing bar .........................................38, 59
Quiet mode .....................................................9
Receiving files ...............................................43
Recording a script ............................................84
Redial ........................................................37
Redial pause ..................................................65
Registration Card ..............................................1
RPI ..........................................................105
RSHELL.BAT ....................................................93
RTS ....................................................8, 57, 58
SALT ..........................................................81
Screen image ..............................................25, 67
Screen settings ...............................................53
Screen size ...................................................29
Script ........................................9, 70, 81, 84, 104
Script directory ..............................................66
Script learning ...............................................84
Script, executing .............................................83
Script, linked ................................................32
Scripts, creating and compiling ...............................81
Scroll-back ...............................................20, 60
SEAlink .......................................................49
Searching for a string ........................................20
Index 117
Sending files .................................................45
Sending words/characters with mouse ...........................13
Serial Number ..................................................x
SHARE.EXE .....................................................11
Sharing Violation Errors ......................................11
Shell .........................................................92
SIMPLE ........................................................83
Sound .........................................................59
Speed .........................................................15
Standard communications mode ...................................9
Start-up directory .............................................5
Startup script ................................................66
Status line ...............................................14, 56
Strings, entering and editing .................................15
Support ....................................See Technical Support
Swap ..........................................................61
System Requirements ............................................4
Technical Support .............................................ix
Australia ....................................................xi
CompuServe Forum .............................................ix
Germany ......................................................xi
Great Britain ................................................xi
Internet Email ...............................................ix
Outside the United States ....................................xi
Support BBS ..................................................ix
Voice Support .................................................x
Teletype ......................................................77
Telink ........................................................50
Telix for Windows ............................................105
TELIX*.LNG ....................................................10
TELIX.CAP .....................................................66
TELIX.CNF ...........................................7, 9, 10, 53
TELIX.FON ..................................................9, 31
TELIX.IMG .................................................25, 67
TELIX.KEY .....................................................21
TELIX.MDM ......................................................6
TELIX.PIF ....................................................105
TELIX.SWP .....................................................61
TELIX.USE .................................................18, 66
Terminal ..............................................32, 55, 77
Terminal mode .................................................12
Terminal options ..............................................55
Time format ...................................................60
118 Index
TOFF parameter ................................................10
Transfer protocol .........................................43, 47
Translate table ...............................................26
Trigger string ................................................71
Troubleshooting ...............................................97
TTY ...........................................................77
UART ....................................................100, 102
Upload ...........................................45, 61, 92, 103
Upload directory ..............................................66
Usage log .............................................18, 60, 66
V.42bis ......................................................102
VT102 .........................................................78
VT52 ..........................................................79
WELCOME.MSG ...................................................91
Windows .............................................98, 100, 105
XLT ...........................................................27
Xmodem ....................................................47, 48
Xmodem timing .................................................71
XMS ...........................................................61
XON/XOFF ......................................................57
Ymodem ........................................................49
Ymodem-g ......................................................50
Zmodem ............................................49, 58, 72, 73
Zmodem auto-downloads .........................................43