After each day of creation, God saw that it was ______. good finished time raining Genesis 1:9 etc. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of _____. Eden Gethsemene Roses Samaria Genesis 2:8 Who had the job of naming the animals? Adam Noah Moses Abraham Genesis 2:20 Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because a _____ told her to. snake platypus weasel kangaroo Genesis 3:1-6 The first person who killed someone else was _____. Cain Adam Lamech Joseph Genesis 4:8 How many of each kind of animal did Noah take into the ark? two one four three Genesis 6:19 The story of Abram is found in the book of _____. Genesis John Isaiah Kings Genesis 12 Who told Abram to leave his family and go to a new land? the Lord his wife King Saul Terah Genesis 12:1 When God told Abram to go to another country, he promised that he would make Abram's family into _____. a great nation a baseball team a small town a traveling circus Genesis 12:2 The Lord promised to make Abram into a great _____. nation athlete husband white shark Genesis 12:2 Abram left his country, along with his nephew, _____, to go to a new land. Lot Huey Terah Isaac Genesis 12:4-5 Abram's wife was named _______. Sarai Hannah Eve Rebekah Genesis 12:5 God promised Abram that he and his wife, Sarai, would have a _____. son party dog friend Genesis 15:4 God told Abram that his descendants would be as many as the _____ of the sky. stars birds jets clouds Genesis 15:5 Abram's name was changed to _____. Abraham Amram Adam Alex Genesis 17:5 God changed the name of Abram's wife to _____. Sarah Miriam Rachel Eve Genesis 17:15 Abraham and Sarah named their long-awaited son, _____. Isaac Steve Bart Joseph Genesis 21:3 God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, _____. Isaac Lincoln Joe Mortimer Genesis 22:2 God told _____ to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering. Abraham Joshua Enoch Elijah Genesis 22:2 %Abraham put his son Isaac on the altar and took out his _____ to kill him. knife gun bow and arrow club Genesis 22:10 Esau's twin brother was named _____. Jacob Edom Levi Moses Genesis 25:26 When Isaac was ready to bless his son, his _____ were so old that he could not see. eyes hands ears glasses Genesis 27:1 Esau was told to hunt some game for his father using his _____. bow rifle sling rope Genesis 27:3 While Isaac planned to bless Esau, Rebekah intended that the blessing should go to _____. Jacob Abraham Roger Lewis Genesis 27:5-10 Jacob deceived Esau two times; first he took the birthright, then he took the _____. blessing puppy bus money Genesis 27:36 Laban had two daughters, Rachel and _____. Leah Jody Mary Susan Genesis 29:16 Leah's younger sister was named _____. Rachel Lois Beth Dinah Genesis 29:16 _____ was beautiful and Jacob was in love with her. Rachel Eve Jezebel Sarah Genesis 29:17-18 Joseph's brothers _____ him because his father loved him the most. hated admired paid thanked Genesis 37:4 Joseph dreamed that the sun, the _____, and eleven stars bowed down to him. moon daughter king cattle Genesis 37:9 While in prison, Joseph interpreted dreams for the chief butler and the chief _____ of the Pharaoh. baker soldier petty officer farmer Genesis 40:5 In Pharaoh's dream, the seven skinny cows ate up the seven _____ cows. fat dirty baby red Genesis 41:4 Who did Jacob's sons bow down to when they got to Egypt? Joseph Cyrus the Pope Moses Genesis 42:6 Jacob had twelve sons, who became the twelve _____ of Israel. tribes jugglers kings firemen Genesis 49:28 The new Pharoah commanded the Hebrew midwives to _____ all the baby boys. kill bathe slap record Exodus 1:16 A Hebrew baby was put in a basket and hidden among the reeds on the Nile river. The baby's name was _____. Moses Amram Noah Miriam Exodus 2:1-10 Who met God in a burning bush? Moses Adam David Jesus Exodus 3:2-4 As a sign to the Pharoah that God had sent him, Moses was to throw his _____ on the ground and it would become a snake. staff robe brother stone tablet Exodus 4:1-5 To turn the people against Moses and Aaron, Pharoah made the Israelite slaves make bricks without giving them any _____. straw water help wages Exodus 5:6-11 The Lord caused swarms of _____ to pour into Pharaoh's palace and all the land. flies bumblebees rabbits sparrows Exodus 8:24 %When God was about to deliver Israel from Egypt, he told each family to kill a _____ and put its blood on the door. lamb horse dove fly Exodus 12:1-7 %When the Lord went through Egypt to kill the firstborn, he would pass over a house if there was _____ on the door. blood paint milk writing Exodus 12:23 The Israelites were overtaken by _____ and his armies as they were camped by the Red Sea. Pharoah Caesar Goliath Sisera Exodus 14:7-10 God spoke to the people at Mount _____ and gave them the ten commandments. Sinai Fuji Rainier Everest Exodus 19-20 Moses put a bronze _____ on a pole, and people who were bitten by snakes looked at it and lived. snake flag bandage rooster Numbers 21:9 When Moses died, _____ took over as the leader of the Israelites. Joshua David Jesus no one Joshua 1:1-3 Gideon separated the men who drank water out of their _____ from those who knelt to drink. hands cups hats straws Judges 7:5-8 God helped _____ to defeat the Midianites with only three hundred men and some trumpets and pitchers. Gideon Napoleon Alexander Jonah Judges 7:16-22 %Samson killed a thousand men with a _____. donkey's jawbone machine gun slingshot grenade Judges 15:15 Samson told Delilah that if his head were _____, his strength would leave him. shaved cut off covered square Judges 16:17 When Naomi told her two daughters-in-law to go home, Orpah did, but _____ stayed with her. Ruth Deborah Rachel Tamar Ruth 1:8-18 Hannah prayed for a son and God gave her _____, whom she gave back to help Eli the priest. Samuel Harvey Jacob Jesus I Samuel 1 Hannah was crying in the house of God because she had no _____. children food husband toys I Samuel 1:5-7 Hannah brought her son, _____, to the house of the Lord to live there. Samuel Joseph Reuben Elisha I Samuel 1:24 The boy Samuel served with _____ the priest. Eli Levi Aaron Abiathar I Samuel 2:11 When Saul was badly hurt and knew the battle was lost, he fell _____ and died. on his sword down the stairs off a cliff into a volcano I Samuel 3:3-4 The boy Samuel was sleeping in the _____ when God called him. tabernacle barn fields afternoon I Samuel 3:3 The Lord told Samuel that people look at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at _____. the heart the teeth the intelligence singing ability I Samuel 16:7 David's father, Jesse, told Samuel that David was tending the _____. sheep chickens baby campfire I Samuel 16:11 Whenever the evil spirit came upon Saul, David played _____, and Saul would feel better. his harp taps his flute volleyball I Samuel 16:23 David killed a giant who belonged to which group of people? Philistine Hebrew Amorite Egyptian I Samuel 17:4 King Saul's son, _____, was David's best friend. Jonathan Goliath Abner Paul I Samuel 18:1 While Saul was in the cave, David crept up unnoticed and cut off a piece of Saul's _____. robe nose backpack pie I Samuel 24:4 David and Abishai snuck into Saul's army camp at night and took Saul's _____ instead of killing him. spear wife blanket wallet I Samuel 26:7, 12 How did King Saul die? in battle pneumonia old age drowned I Samuel 31:1-6 King Solomon gave the order to cut the _____ in two, giving one half to each mother. baby pizza magazine fabric I Kings 3:25 The Queen of _____ visited Solomon because she heard of his great wealth and wisdom. Sheba Hearts England Venus I Kings 10:1-7 Because King Ahab was worshiping idols, God sent _____, the prophet to tell him that there would be no rain. Elijah Isaiah Jacob Zimri I Kings 17:1-2 Elijah did not die, but was taken to heaven in a _____. whirlwind rocket submarine coffin II Kings 2:11 The prophet that took over for Elijah was named _____. Elisha Daniel Jeremiah Moses II Kings 2:15 Solomon prayed and asked God for _____. wisdom money good looks candy II Chronicles 1:10 Even though the Israelites were foreigners in his country, the king of Persia chose _____, an Israelite, to be the queen. Esther Miriam Sarah Hannah Esther 2:17 Even though he was a good man, many bad things happened to him. Job Herod Esau Bildad Job 1-2 Which Psalm views the Lord as a shepherd? Psalm 23 Psalm 1 Psalm 51 Psalm 100 Psalm 23:1 The angel told Mary and Joseph to name their child ______. Jesus Samson Joseph John Matthew 1:21 Wise men came looking for Jesus because they saw a ________. star scroll dream camel Matthew 2:2 Who went around preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing people? Jesus David Moses Solomon Matthew 4:23 Jesus said, "You are the _____ of the earth." salt sugar pepper cinammon Matthew 5:13 Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "Give us today our _____ bread." daily living whole wheat unleavened Matthew 6:11 Which of these was the name of one of Jesus' twelve disciples? John Ringo Paul George Matthew 10:2-4 %The dancer at Herod's birthday party asked for John the Baptist's _____ on a platter. head lunch goat foot Matthew 14:8 Jesus sent his disciples to find a _____ for him to ride into Jerusalem. donkey horse cow skateboard Matthew 21:2 As Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the road ahead of him was spread with cloaks and _____. branches shoes ketchup olives Matthew 21:8 Jesus predicted that during the night, before _____, Peter would disown him three times. the rooster crowed the moon shone bedtime the midnight snack Matthew 26:34 The stone in front of Jesus' tomb was rolled away by _____. an angel a guard Peter a woman Matthew 28:2 The man who baptized people and told them that Jesus was coming was named _____. John Pedro Bill Albert Mark 1:4-8 Before Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, they lived in _____. Nazareth Pittsburgh Baltimore Rome Luke 1:26-27 Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem because there was a _____ there. census hospital star donkey Luke 2:1-4 Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples named _____. Judas George Paul Harvey Luke 22:3-6 John called Jesus the _____ of God who takes away the sin of the world. Lamb Dove Horse Eagle John 1:29 When John the Baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God," he was talking about _____. Jesus Peter Moses Bo Peep John 1:35 According to Jesus, God loved the world so much that he gave his _____. Son blessing Word peace John 3:16 The soldiers put a crown of _____ on Jesus' head before they crucified him. thorns jewels gold flowers John 19:2 Which day of the week did Jesus rise from the dead? first seventh second sixth John 20:1 Which book tells about the travels of the apostle Paul? Acts Matthew Revelation Lamentations Acts 13-28 The apostle Paul was originally named _____. Saul Simon Andrew Levi Acts 13:9 Paul told the jailer that the way to be saved was to ______. believe in Jesus obey the law pay money help the poor Acts 16:31 Paul claimed to be sent, not by men, but by _____. Jesus Christ women angels monsters Galatians 1:1 The epistle to the Galatians was written to the churches in _____. Galatia Rome Jerusalem Asia Galatians 1:2 Paul says that when the time had fully come, God sent _____. His Son rain an angel a telegram Galatians 4:4 Which of these is a fruit of the Spirit? joy anger envy greed Galatians 5:22-23