On which day did God rest after creating everything? seventh fourth sixth fifth Genesis 2:2 God formed man from the _____ of the ground. dust bones grass animals Genesis 2:7 The Lord made clothes out of _____ for Adam and Eve. skin leaves cotton denim Genesis 3:21 Who was NOT the son of Adam and Eve? Isaac Cain Abel Seth Genesis 4 Adam and Eve's first child was named ______. Cain Abel Seth Enosh Genesis 4:1 Who was the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth? Noah Moses Abraham Adam Genesis 6:10 Where did Noah's ark finally come to rest? Ararat Sinai Zion Pisgah Genesis 8:4 What is the sign of the covenant God made with Noah? a rainbow baptism a unicorn stone tablets Genesis 9:12-16 God confused the languages of mankind at _______. Babel Eden Ur Nineveh Genesis 11:9 How many children did Abram and his wife have when they set out for Canaan? none two twelve three Genesis 11:30-31 The Lord commanded _____ to leave home and go to a new country, and that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him. Abram Noah Enoch Joseph Genesis 12:3 When there was a famine in Canaan, Abram went to live in _____. Egypt Sodom Haran Moab Genesis 12:10 Abram thought that the Egyptians would _____ him because of his beautiful wife. kill respect pay rob Genesis 12:12 When Abram went to Egypt, he told Sarai to say that she was his _____. sister servant mother boss Genesis 12:13 The herdsmen of Lot quarreled with the herdsmen of _____ because there was not enough land for them both. Abram Isaac David Moses Genesis 13:7 %When he had the choice, Lot chose to live near the city of _____ where the people were wicked. Sodom Gath Babylon Nineveh Genesis 13:12-13 The Lord told Abram that his descendants would be as many as the _____ of the earth. dust cities animals kings Genesis 13:16 Abram was disappointed because after all these years he still did not have a _____. child car wife beard Genesis 15:3 God told Abram that his descendants would be slaves in another country for _____ years. four hundred forty four four thousand Genesis 15:13 The Lord appeared to Abraham in the form of _____ while Abraham was sitting at the door of his tent. three men a dove a wheel a burning bush Genesis 18:1-2 The two cities that God destroyed by fire were Sodom and _____. Gomorrah London Beer-Sheba Jericho Genesis 19:24 When Lot's wife looked back at Sodom, she became a pillar of _____. salt fire cloud her community Genesis 19:26 The mother of Isaac was _____. Sarah Rebekah Hagar Leah Genesis 21:3 Abraham was _____ years old when his son, Isaac, was born. one hundred thirty sixty-five eighteen Genesis 21:5 Isaac had an older brother named _____. Ishmael Lot Esau Reuben Genesis 21:8-9 Instead of sacrificing his son, Abraham sacrificed _____. a ram his daughter a horse nothing Genesis 22:13 When Abraham wanted to find a wife for his son, Isaac, he sent his _____. servant goat mother agent Genesis 24:2-4 The girl who offered to water the _____ would be a good choice for the wife of Isaac. camels tulips goats dog Genesis 24:14 Abraham left everything he owned to his son, _____. Isaac Esau Lot Benjamin Genesis 25:5 Rebekah's first son was named _____ because he was hairy. Esau Tarzan Ishmael Judah Genesis 25:25 Isaac loved his son Esau the best, but Rebekah loved _____. Jacob Homer pizza Ishmael Genesis 25:28 Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for some red _____. stew peppers roses pomegranates Genesis 25:30-34 Edom was another name for _____. Esau Midian Terah Abram Genesis 25:30 After Abraham died, God repeated the promise of blessing to his son, _____. Isaac Enoch Seth Joseph Genesis 26:3-5 Isaac expected food made out of wild game while he blessed his son. Instead, Jacob brought him food made from _____. goats eggs grain chickens Genesis 27:9 Esau was angry because _____ had stolen the blessing intended for him. Jacob Isaac Joseph Elijah Genesis 27:41 When Jacob had a dream about angels, he was using a _____ for a pillow. stone log goat book Genesis 28:11 Jacob had a dream of a ladder with _____ going up and down on it. angels monkeys soldiers children Genesis 28:12 The father of Rachel and Leah was _____. Laban Abram Elijah Joseph Genesis 29:16 Jacob's name was changed to _____ because he wrestled with God. Israel Hogan Judah Esau Genesis 32:28 The name, Israel, was a name given to a man who had been called _____. Jacob Judah Samaria Isaac Genesis 32:28 How many sons did Jacob have? twelve two three seven Genesis 35:22 Joseph was given a coat of many colors by _____. his father the government his boss his brothers Genesis 37:3 Who gave his favorite son a coat of many colors? Israel Abram Judah Benjamin Genesis 37:3 Who had a dream about sheaves of grain bowing down? Joseph Daniel Abram Moses Genesis 37:5-7 Joseph's brothers responded to his dreams by being _____. jealous generous puzzled sleepy Genesis 37:11 %When Joseph's brothers saw him coming in the distance, they plotted to _____ him. kill hit anger tickle Genesis 37:18 Joseph's brothers brought his robe back to their father with _____ on it. blood mustard dirt paint Genesis 37:31-32 When the Midianites brought Joseph to Egypt, they sold him to _____. Potiphar Pharoah Abimelech Ephraim Genesis 37:36 The traders brought Joseph to _____ and sold him to one of Pharoah's officers. Egypt Babylon Jericho Houston Genesis 37:36 Potiphar, an official of the Pharaoh, had a Hebrew slave named _____. Joseph Moses Amram Rameses Genesis 39:1 %Joseph ran from Potiphar's wife, but left his _____ in her hand. cloak ring hat sword Genesis 39:12 When Joseph was brought from the prison to see the Pharaoh, he shaved and changed his _____. clothes mind tune name Genesis 41:14 What country did everyone come to in order to buy grain from Joseph? Egypt Canaan Babylon Judea Genesis 41:57 Baby Moses was found and adopted by the daughter of _____. Pharoah Midian Joshua Aaron Exodus 2:5-10 God promised to bring his people out of Egypt to a land flowing with milk and _____. honey cream olive oil gold Exodus 3:8, 17 When God told Moses that he should speak to Pharoah and Moses protested, God gave him _____ to help him. Aaron angels courage Joshua Exodus 4:14-16 The first plague that God brought on Egypt was to turn the _____ River to blood. Nile Jordan Euphrates Amazon Exodus 7:17 How were the Israelites commanded to cook the Passover lamb? roasted over easy boiled sauteed Exodus 12:8-9 For seven days before the Passover the Israelites were to eat bread without _____. yeast stopping wheat salt Exodus 12:14-20 After Israel left Egypt, the Lord guided them in a pillar of _____ by day and a pillar of fire by night. cloud light salt gold Exodus 13:21 At Meribah the Israelites quarreled with Moses and God gave them water out of a _____. rock river tree canteen Exodus 17:5-7 The nation of Israel was commanded to be holy because _____. God is holy it was nice Moses said so society approved Leviticus 19:1 When Moses died, the Lord appointed _____ to be the leader of Israel. Joshua Samuel David Aaron Joshua 1:1-5 The Lord told Joshua that the key to his success would be to meditate on the _____. book of the Law promised land moon and stars rules of war Joshua 1:8 Rahab's life would be saved if she put a _____ in her window. red rope golden calf bright light palm branch Joshua 2:17-21 The story of the fall of Jericho is found in the book of _____. Joshua Exodus Nehemiah Ruth Joshua 6:1-25 After she arrived in Israel, Ruth planned to make a living by _____. picking up grain sewing raising sheep selling olive oil Ruth 2:2 Ruth found herself working in a field which belonged to a man named _____, Boaz Nabal Joash Abimelech Ruth 2:3 %The most romantic scene in the book of Ruth takes place on a _____. threshing floor moonlit beach city street Friday night Ruth 3:1-14 Ruth got married to _____ and they lived happily ever after. Boaz David Obed Barak Ruth 4:13 ff The occupation of Eli was _____. priest king farmer fireman I Samuel 1:9 Eli, the priest, saw _____ praying and thought she was drunk. Hannah Miriam Abigail Bathsheba I Samuel 1:13 The mother of Samuel was _______. Hannah Elizabeth Naomi Peninnah I Samuel 1:20 When he was a boy he only saw his mother once a year, at the time of the annual sacrifices. Samuel Joseph Gideon Isaac I Samuel 2:19 When God called Samuel, he thought it was the voice of _____. Eli an angel Hannah Abraham I Samuel 3:5 When he heard about the ark being captured, Eli fell backward off his chair and broke his _____. neck glasses arm nose I Samuel 4:18 The Israelites wanted a king so that they could be like _____. other nations God animals children I Samuel 8:19-20 God chose _____ to be the first king of Israel. Saul David Moses Ezra I Samuel 10:21 Who was the father of Jonathan? Saul David Samuel Kish I Samuel 13:22 Who made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself? Jonathan Saul Elijah Absalom I Samuel 18:3 The women in Israel would greet the army by singing, "Saul has slain his thousands, and _____ his tens of thousands". David Abner Jonathan Goliath I Samuel 18:7 Psalm 100 talks about us being God's people, the _____ of his pasture. sheep cows horses goats Psalm 100:3 In Psalm 105 the psalmist recalls the deliverance of Israel and the plagues experienced in the land of _____. Egypt Canaan Moab Assyria Psalm 105:23-38 Psalm 119 says that God's words are sweeter than _____. honey sugar chocolate maple syrup Psalm 119:103 In Psalm 122 David writes, "I rejoiced with those who said to me, 'Let us go to the _____ of the Lord'". house word servant city Psalm 122:1 In Psalm 126 we read that those who sow in _____ will reap with songs of joy. tears the morning church quantity Psalm 126:1 According to Psalm 132, the Lord swore an oath to _____, "One of your descendants I will place on your throne." David Jesus Moses Pharoah Psalm 132:11 Psalm 150 says, "Let everything that has _____ praise the Lord." breath money energy Sundays off Psalm 150:6 To escape Herod, Joseph took his wife, Mary, and the baby Jesus to _____. Egypt Moab America Babylon Matthew 1:13 Which direction did the wise men come from to find Jesus? East North South West Matthew 2:1 John the Baptist wore clothes made of ______ hair. camel's zebra's goat's mule's Matthew 3:4 John the Baptist saw the Spirit of God descending like a ______ on Jesus. dove storm balloon hawk Matthew 3:16 Christ's disciple, Simon, was also called _______. Peter John James Paul Matthew 4:18 Jesus said to Simon and Andrew, "Come, follow me, and I will make you ________ of men." fishers leaders heroes builders Matthew 4:19 James, the disciple of Jesus, had a brother named _______. John Peter Paul Andrew Matthew 4:21 What were James and John doing when Jesus called them? fixing their nets milking their cows selling their goods building a house Matthew 4:21 What did Jesus say to do if someone forces you to go a mile with him? go two miles give him a drink refuse hit him Matthew 5:41 The phrase, "Lead us not into temptation", is from ________. the Lord's prayer the 10 commandments the last supper the 7 last words Matthew 6:13 Jesus said, "Store up for yourselves treasures ______, where moth and rust do not destroy." in heaven on earth of gold in church Matthew 6:20 Jesus cast demons out of a man and into a herd of _______. pigs cows dogs goats Matthew 8:30-32 Jesus had compassion on the crowds because they were like sheep without ________. a shepherd wool goats water Matthew 9:36 Jesus said, "Come to _____, all you who are weary and burdened." me America your senses the hospital Matthew 11:28 Jesus said, "My _____ is easy and my burden is light." yoke yolk yak yo-yo Matthew 11:30 Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to a _____ seed. mustard caraway ketchup poppy Matthew 13:31 Jesus said that whoever wanted to be great must become a _____. servant manager politician preacher Matthew 20:26-28 Jesus told a parable of a man who rented his vineyard to some tenants. When they killed his servants, he sent his _____ to them. son lawyer Doberman fax number Matthew 21:33-39 Jesus said that the second great commandment was to love our _____ as ourself. neighbor dog parents independence Matthew 22:39 Jesus said that at the end of the age you will hear of wars and _____ of wars. rumors mothers dozens telecasts Matthew 24:6 According to Jesus' parable, the five foolish virgins took their lamps but did not take any _____. oil food money batteries Matthew 25:3 One of the disciples, _____, betrayed Jesus to the chief priests for thirty silver coins. Judas Iscariot Thomas Simon Peter Thaddaeus Matthew 26:14 Jesus broke bread and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my _____." body commandment food blessing Matthew 26:26 During the trial of Jesus, _____ denied him three times before the rooster crowed. Peter John Judas Thomas Matthew 26:69-75 %How did Judas Iscariot die? with a rope with a knife with a lead pipe with a revolver Matthew 27:5 When Pilate wanted to release Jesus, the crowd asked for _____ instead. Barabbas Herod Simon Judas Matthew 27:17-21 Jesus told the eleven to go and make _____ of all nations. disciples slaves fools readers Matthew 28:19 Bethlehem was called the city of _______. David Roses Moses Solomon Luke 2:4 John says that the law was given through _____ and grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Moses angels congress Abraham John 1:17 According to John, no one has ever seen _____. God Jesus dinosaurs angels John 1:18 John baptized with water, but he said that Jesus would baptize with _____. the Holy Spirit milk fire mercy John 1:33 What did Jesus do when he found people buying and selling animals in the temple courts? chased them out bought a dove walked on by called the priests John 2:14-16 Who came to Jesus at night to hear his teaching? Nicodemus Zacchaeus Barnabas Lazarus John 3:2 Jesus told Nicodemus that no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is _____. born again baptized dead converted John 3:3 According to John's gospel, "whoever believes in the _____ has eternal life". Son prophets Creator unknown John 3:36 Jeus talked at a well with a Samaritan _____. woman merchant beggar prophet John 4:6-7 Jesus told the woman at the well that whoever drank the water that he gave would never get _____ again. thirsty dirty lonely food John 4:13-14 The author of the book of Acts also wrote the gospel of _________. Luke Mark John Matthew Acts 1:1;Luke 1:1-4 When the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles, they were celebrating the Jewish feast of _______. Pentecost Passover Purim Tabernacles Acts 2:1 Peter healed a beggar at the temple gate in the name of ______. Jesus charity Jehovah the Holy Spirit Acts 3:6 Who was the first person to be killed for being a Christian? Stephen Silas Peter Abel Acts 6, 7 Saul of Tarsus had his name changed to ______. Paul Solomon Peter Samuel Acts 13:9 Who wrote the book of Romans? Paul Titus Peter Caesar Romans 1:1 The epistle to the Galatians claims to be written by _____. Paul John Peter Barnabas Galatians 1:1-2 The apostles in Jerusalem gave Paul and Barnabas the right _____ of fellowship. hand foot ear knee Galatians 2:9 According to Paul, those who seemed to be pillars in the Jerusalem church were James, Peter, and _____. John Luke George Andrew Galatians 2:9 According to Paul, the Jews knew that a man is not justified by works of law, but by _____. faith hope love obedience Galatians 2:15-16 Paul told the Galatians that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor _____. female package stamp bird Galatians 3:28 Paul said that the whole law was summed up in the words, "_____ your neighbor as yourself". Love Avoid Hurt Protect Galatians 5:14