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PCMFUN - Fun Package with PCM.COM - Version 3.7
Use pcmfun.com as a TSR to provide background sounds, on demand, from
batch files, randomly, intercept CTRL-G, when no activity...
Requires "himem.sys", and probably a 80386.
What you will find in this package is this:
pcmfun.com and a bunch of other .coms
pcm.doc documents pcmfun.com
loadpcm.exe load .wav files into extended memory via himem.sys
loadpcm.doc documents loadpcm.doc
setdma.exe stick a memory-control-block 16K from the top
freedma.exe free up the MCB from setdma
sfdma.doc documents setdma.exe and freedma.exe
WARNING --- setdma.exe and freedma.exe use
UNDOCUMENTED DOS to gain access to the
Memory Arena and then modify it, and to
locate and update the Master Environment
(it sticks in "DMABUF=XXXX 1024" for use
by other programs), and are thus NOT GUARANTEED
to work on all systems.
Also, these .com files required pcmfun.com to be loaded:
sskey.com control double-shift key detect
rndsnd.com control random sounds
noact.com control no-activity sounds
ctrlg.com control control-g intercept
tmr.com control 1 of 64 timers
sskey off sskey on
Turns off and on Left-Shift-Right-Shift-Key detect
The double-shift-key control sequence allows you
to play sounds from the keyboard AT ANY TIME!
the "1" key plays sound 1, "2" sound 2, and so on
according to the "scancode" of the keys pressed
rndsnd off rndsnd on min# max#
Turns off and on "Random Sounds", where:
min# - minimum timer-ticks of delay
max# - maximum timer-ticks of delay
noact off noact on ####
Turns off and on "No Activity Sounds", where:
#### - delay in timer-ticks for detection
ctrlg off ctrlg on
Turns off and on "Control-G Intercept"
Plays Sounds 129-256 when activated and CTRL-G detected
tmr # off tmr # on tmr # set #### [oneshot]
Turns off, on or sets "Timers", where:
# - timer number (1 to 64)
#### - timer ticks before sound activated
oneshot - optional, default is to reload timer
on countdown, this causes no-reload
NOTE: There are two programs, pcmfun.com and pcmmin.com, that share
the same code. Occasionally, one or the other is distributed
as "pcm.com".
The intention is to maintain both "serious" and "fun"
sides to this set of routines, but leaving you the user
the option of deciding whether or not you want, or can,
use the "fun" stuff.
If you prefer to not use the fun stuff, and thus not
allocate the memory, but you do like the programs that
depend on the int 94h services, then rename "pcmmin.com"
to "pcm.com", and leave it in the same directory as the
other programs (tpcm.exe, srs.exe). These programs will
load "pcm.com" if it is not already installed.
If you do want the fun stuff loaded, rename "pcmfun.com"
to "pcm.com", and leave it in the same directory as above.
Of course, I would prefer if the TSR were to dynamically
install those functions desired by the user via a command-
line option, but, alas, there has been too little time!
Know, though, that I know that this is a worthy goal.
I apologize in advance for any confusion that may arise.