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- Aug 17, 1992
- Version 1.4 BETA
- This is the latest release of improved Windows drivers for the Pro
- AudioSpectrum family of audio cards from Media Vision. Media Vision
- will continue to do testing, bug-fixing, and enhancements.
- We recommend that you make a backup of your existing drivers before
- using the ones provided with this release. If you discover any
- further bugs, please notify us via CompuServe ID 75300,2772.
- WARNING: The powerful nature of Media Vision's Windows drivers exceed
- the ability of Windows' Control Panel Driver Installation
- applet. We have provided SETUP.EXE to automate the
- installation process. We strongly recommend that you
- use SETUP to install the drivers.
- If you are comfortable with editing system.ini yourself,
- you may wish to install the drivers manually.
- If you insist on using the control panel to install, use
- the following procedure:
- 1) From Windows, run the Control Panel's drivers applet.
- 2) Click on the Add button.
- 2 1/2) Now would be a good time to add the [MCI] CD Audio driver if
- you have a CD
- 3) Select 'Unlisted or Updated Driver'
- 4) Select browse and find the directory where the new drivers are
- 5) Select the appropriate WAVE/MIDI/AUX driver for your hardware.
- (This will cause all other drivers for your hardware to load as
- well) Allow the system to overwrite per-existing drivers.
- 6) Restart Windows
- 1) Insert the Windows Drivers Disk.
- 2) CD to the drive that contains that disk
- 3) Type WIN SETUP
- 1) Copy *.drv, *.dll, *.cfg and *.386 from the Windows drivers disk
- to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- 2) Copy *.exe from the Windows drivers disk to the \WINDOWS directory.
- 3) Make the following changes to your system.ini file:
- [386Enh]
- device=*vdmad <-- make sure this line is first (Win 3.1 only)
- device=vpasd.386 <--- add this line for PAS PLUS, 16 or CDPC
- dmabuffersize=64 <--- add this line
- device=vadlibd.386 <-- remove this entry if you have it
- device=vsbd.386 <-- remove this entry if you have it
- device=vtbd.386 <-- add this line for ThunderBoard
- [mci]
- WaveAudio=mciwave.drv 9 <--- should already be there
- Sequencer=mciseq.drv <--- should already be there
- CDAudio=mcicda.drv <--- should already be there
- mixer=mcimixer.drv <--------- add this line
- [drivers]
- timer=timer.drv
- midimapper=midimap.drv
- midi=opl3.drv <--- for PAS Plus, PAS 16 and CDPC only
- midi=mvfm.drv <--- add this if you have the original PAS
- midi=adlib.drv <--- add this for ThunderBoard or Thunder
- & Lightning
- midi1=mvproaud.drv <--- add this line
- Wave=mvproaud.drv <--- add this line for PAS Plus, 16 or CDPC
- Wave=tbwave.drv <--- add this line for ThunderBoard only
- Wave=tlwave.drv <--- add this line for Thunder & Ligtning only
- Mixer=mvmixer.drv <--- add this line
- aux=mvproaud.drv <--- add this line
- Wave1=sbwave.drv <--- for PAS 16 only (adds 2nd wave driver)
- Also you must add the following line to system.ini's
- [mvproaud.drv] section:
- buffer=32
- 4) Add the following executeables to your Windows desktop:
- 1) Central Point's BACKUP and PCTOOLS 7.1 are reported to be
- installing their own VDMAD.386 over the Windows 3.1.
- Central Point's VDMAD.386 has the wrong version number and will
- prevent mvproaud.drv from loading.
- 2) After changing one or more MIDI drivers, check the control
- panel's MIDImapper applet. Channels 1 thru 10 should be patched
- to the MIDI interface and channels 13 thru 16 should be patched
- to the on-board synthesizer (MVFM.DRV or OPL3.DRV
- When playing 'Old Style' MIDI files (not General MIDI) use
- the Vintage MIDI file patch map.
- 3) Pro Mixer has two extra sliders on the Pro-16 that are not
- documented in the manual. The BLSTR channel is the volume
- selector for the Snd Blaster compatible DAC output. The REC IN
- slider controls the recording level of the sum of the signals
- mixed for recording.
- 4) Pocket Recorder has greyed-out compression controls. They will
- be enabled when compression becomes part of the Multimedia
- Windows architecture.
- 5) TrakBlaster Pro does not support the higher IRQ's or DMA's.
- 6) We have provided a small program called DMAFIX.EXE that restores
- the DMA channels to a safe state when run after running
- TrakBlaster Pro. We suggest you make a file called TBPRO.BAT
- that has 3 lines in it:
- Make sure you copy DMAFIX.EXE to your TrakBlaster Pro
- subdirectory. TrakBlaster Pro leaves the DMA channel in a state
- that causes Windows to slow to a crawl. This program is a
- temporary fix. We will contact Volker Zinke, the author of
- TrakBlaster Pro, to make the correct fix.
- **********************************************************************
- **********************************************************************
- Media Vision, Inc Main: (800) 348-7116 or (510) 770-8600
- 3815 LaurelView Ct. Sales: (800) 845-5870
- Fremont, CA 94539 Tech Support: (800) 638-2807 or (510) 770-9905
- FAX: (510) 770-8648 or (510) 770-9592
- Developer Assistance Program: (800) 472-6147
- BBS: (510) 770-0968 2400 (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
- (510) 770-1661 2400 (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
- (510) 770-0527 9600 (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
- CIS: GO MEDIAVISION or send CIS mail to 75300,2772
- **********************************************************************
- ------------------ ----------------- --------------------
- file1.lis mcimixer.drv pmix.exe
- file2.lis mvmixer.drv prec.exe
- file3.lis mvproaud.drv promix.exe
- file4.lis vadmad.386 mix.exe
- file5.lis vpasd.386
- install.ins vtbd.386
- setup.exe opl3.drv
- oemsetup.inf mmmixer.dll
- tbwave.drv
- tlwave.drv
- mvfm.drv
- sbwave.drv
- -------------- ----------------
- mixapi.wri midimap.cfg
- prec.wri mmmixer.h
- readme.doc musicbox.ini
- mmmixer.lib
- ---------------
- MCIMIXER.DRV This driver provides a set of extended MCI commands
- for accessing mixer capabiities.
- See MCIMIXER.WRI for details of the command set.
- MVMIXER.DRV This is Media Vision's Mixer driver.
- The mixer driver adds mixer state information to
- your WIN.INI file:
- [mvmixer.drv]
- LineIn1=SYNTH MUS] PLAY L=100% R=100% @=0000
- LineIn2=MIXER MIX] PLAY L= 72% R= 72% @=0000
- LineIn3=AUX AUX| PLAY L=100% R=100% @=0000
- LineIn4=CD CDA| PLAY L= 0% R= 0% @=0000
- LineIn5=MIC MIC| PLAY L= 0% R= 0% @=0000
- LineIn6=DIGITAL WAV] RECORD L= 0% R= 0% @=0000
- LineIn7=SPKR SPK] PLAY L=100% R=100% @=0000
- LineIn7=BLSTR WAV] PLAY L=100% R=100% @=0000
- LineOut1=MASTER AMP| PLAY L= 79% R= 79% @=0000
- LineOut2=RECORD WAV| PLAY L=100% R=200% @=0000
- StereoEnhance=ON
- Loudness=ON
- Bass=50
- Treble=78
- SaveSettingsOnWindowsExit=YES
- There are 7 input Lines and 1 output line.
- Note: the Pro AudioSpectrum 16 has a second output
- line.
- The field immediately after the '=' is the patch name.
- These names (ie. SYNTH) appear in promix.exe at the
- bottom of each slider pair.
- The next field is the device type field. The device
- type determines the type of icon displayed in MIX.EXE
- Each device type has a standard 3-letter mnemonic name
- that can be obtained by calling mixGetDeviceName. The
- current list of types is:
- N/C No Connection SPK PC speaker
- CDA Compact Disk Player AAT Analog Audio Tape
- AUX Auxillary DAT Digital Audio Tape
- MIC Microphone TEL Telephone
- VTR Video Tape Recorder MIX Mixer
- VDP Video Disc Player EQU Equalizer
- MUS Musical Instrument AMP Amplifier
- WAV Digital Waveform Player LPA Phonograph Audio
- RAD Radio TVA Television Audio
- UNK Unknown Device Type
- The fourth character indicates whether the user is
- responsible for making the physical device connection.
- Think of the character as the mounting bracket of an audio
- card. A hole, the '|' character, represents a mini
- phone jack. If the fourth character is ']', the connection
- is made by the driver. The '|' character indicates a jack
- or connector must be hooked up before audio can be
- heard. User-friendly applications may use this information
- to remind the user to connect a particular device.
- The next field corresponds to the internal mixer
- connection info. The word PLAY indicates that input
- is routed to the PLAY output (LineOut1). RECORD
- means the input is routed to the ADC circuitry.
- If it isn't obvious, the L= and R= fields specify the
- volumes of the left and right channels at start-up.
- This field is used to save information that specifies
- a relationship between a mixer input and some other
- device in the system. For example, if there are two
- CD's in the system and one is connected to LineIn4
- and the other is connected to LineIn3, the
- dwAssociation can be used to determine which MCI CD
- device is on which input.
- The other lines are self explanatory. In the future
- we will let users change the settings through control
- panel's driver setup.
- As an example, if you connect your Walkman to LineIn3
- (AUX), you can replace the word AUX with RADIO.
- Then, change the device type field to RAD|
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MVPROAUD.DRV This driver supports WAVE (digital sound) audio, MIDI I/O
- and auxillary volume control.
- This driver keeps configuration information in your
- system.ini file under the header [mvproaud.drv]
- If it fails to find that entry, it will
- check to see if MVSOUND.SYS is loaded and use it's
- settings. Failing that, it will look for the
- outmoded [mvwave.drv] and [mvmidi.drv] entries.
- As a last resort, the driver will default to IRQ=7
- and DMA=1.
- When our aux driver is the only one referred to
- in the drivers section, a call to auxGetNumDevs
- returns a value indicating 4 aux devices are in the system:
- Device 0 is internal CD-ROM volume
- Device 1 is auxillary (line in) volume
- Device 2 is microphone volume
- Device 3 is master volume
- While we provide a Multimedia Mixer library, we also
- support the existing volume control calls, auxGetVolume
- and auxSetVolume, when this driver is installed.
- VADMAD.386 system patch file required for digital audio under
- Windows 3.0
- VPASD.386 This driver provides extra buffer space needed to handle
- 16-bit digital audio. If you experience problems
- with using audio during a Windows DOS session, remove
- this driver from system.ini.
- VTBD.386 This driver provides device contention services for
- the ThunderBoard.
- OPL3.DRV OPL-3 is the name of the Yamaha FM-synthesizer chip
- on the PAS Plus, PAS 16 and CDPC. This driver treats
- the OPL-3 as a stereo MIDI device.
- MMMIXER.DLL MMMIXER.DLL is like MMSYSTEM.DLL in a couple of ways.
- First, it provides a driver-independent layer for all
- mixer API's. Second, it loads any mixer device drivers
- in the system.
- This DLL was developed to provide MultiMedia developers
- better control over audio mixing functionality than
- is afforded by the current volume API's. We have
- offered this DLL to Microsoft and the MPC council as a
- standard for Multimedia Windows volume control. There
- See the MIXSPEC directory for detailed information on the
- Multimedia Mixer API.
- OEMSETUP.INF This file allows you to add drivers to Windows using
- the drivers applet in the control panel.
- TBWAVE.DRV This is the .WAV driver for the ThunderBoard.
- TLWAVE.DRV This is the .WAV driver for the Thunder & Lightning.
- MVFM.DRV This driver is for the original Pro AudioSpectrum.
- It supports the two OPL-2 chips on that card as a
- single stereo MIDI device.
- SBWAVE.DRV This is a Snd Blaster compatible WAVE driver for the
- Sound Blaster compatible section of the Pro
- AudioSpectrum 16. It can be used in addition to the
- mvproaud.drv wave driver giving Windows the
- capability to play two digital audio sounds at once.
- ---------------------
- MIX.EXE This program allows you to modify those mixing controls
- that you'll want to change most often.
- Its main difference from promix is that it doesn't
- cover nearly as much screen area.
- PROMIX.EXE ProMix can be launced from the WIN.INI 'load' line.
- If you have Windows 3.1, use the Program Manager's
- File/Preferences menu item to select the open
- minimized option.
- Here's a nifty feature: When running Windows, you can
- use the keyboard to affect the volume and the
- equalization
- CTRL-ALT-U raises master volume
- CTRL-ALT-D lowers master volume
- CTRL-ALT-M Mutes the amplifier
- CTRL-ALT-S Toggles Stereo Enhance
- CTRL-ALT-L Toggles Loudness
- CTRL-ALT-B Sets BASS mode
- When in Treble or Bass mode, you can affect the level:
- CTRL-ALT + Increases BASS or TREBLE level
- CTRL-ALT - Reduces BASS or TREBLE level
- ProMix now features a real-time VU meter that will
- display the current recording level. The VU meter
- will be active all the time on the PAS Plus
- and PAS 16 but on the CDPC and origintal PAS, the VU
- meter will only be active during recording and
- playback of digital audio.
- PMIX.EXE Pocket Mixer - another mixer application
- PREC.EXE Pocket Recorder - a Windows WAV file recorder.
- See PREC.WRI for more info
- ----------------
- MMMIXER.H Header file for access to the Multimedia Mixer
- API documented in MIXAPI.DOC
- MMMIXER.LIB Library file for access to the Multimedia Mixer
- API documented in MIXAPI.DOC
- MIDIMAP.CFG Configuration file for the Control panel's MIDI
- Mapper applet
- MUSICBOX.INI CD definition file for Microsoft's MUSICBOX.EXE
- application (only distributed with Win 3.0 MME's)
- ----------------
- PREC.WRI This file contains information on Pocket Recorder
- MCIMIXER.WRI This file describes the MCI Mixer command set.
- Examples command strings are included.
- MIXAPI.WRI This file describes the Multimedia Mixer API.
- _____________________________________________________________________
- 1) Using MCI player to play short .WAV files no longer skips
- 2) MediaPlayer 'thumb' not correct on playback of some WAV formats
- 3) "Audio dropouts when running Microsoft Works, Kings Quest V,
- Grandma and Me and BattleChess" have been fixed.
- 4) Pocket Recorder's level indicators now work.
- 5) Pocket Recorder now supports CUT, COPY and PASTE
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS --------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q: What is the format of .WAV file?
- A: Here's a sample header from a common WAV file.
- 00 : 52 49 46 46 94 6C 00 00-57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20 RIFF.l..WAVEfmt
- 10 : 10 00 00 00 01 00 01 00-22 56 00 00 22 56 00 00 ........"V.."V..
- 20 : 01 00 08 00 64 61 74 61-70 6C 00 00 80 80 80 80 ....datapl......
- 30 : 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80-80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 ................
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 00 DWORD dwRIFF Must be ascii values for 'RIFF'
- 04 DWORD dwRIFFSize size in bytes of all data following this
- dword
- 08 DWORD dwRIFFType Must be ascii values for 'WAVE'
- << start of first chunk which is 'fmt ', the wave format chunk >>
- 0C DWORD dwChunkType Must be ascii values for 'fmt '
- 10 DWORD dwChunkSize size of format chunk (currently 10h)
- 14 FORMATCHUNK see format chunk broken down below
- << start of second chunk which is 'data ', the wave format chunk >>
- 24 DWORD dwChunkType Must be ascii values for 'data '
- (may be different for other format types)
- 28 DWORD dwChunkSize size of data chunk
- 2C DATACHUNK actual sound data. 80h is centerline
- value for 8-bit. 0000h is centerline
- for 16-bit.
- ======================================================================
- This describes the format chunk of a standard RIFF .WAV file:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 WORD wFormatTag Defines format of data. Currently
- only one type is defined: PCM (a value of 1)
- 2 WORD nChannels 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
- 4 DWORD nSamplesPerSec usually 11025, 22050 or 44100 but can
- be any value.
- 8 DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec this value is calculated by
- (samplerate * nChannels) * (wBitsPerSample/8)
- 12 WORD nBlockAlign this value is calculated by
- (nChannels) * (wBitsPerSample/8)
- 14 WORD wBitsPerSample common values are 8 and 16. You code
- should handle the 12 case.
- All numbers above are in base 10 (decimal).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Be aware that all of the above information is based on standard PCM
- uncompressed wave files. Evolving digital audio file formats will
- invalidate some of the information described above.
- **********************WAV FILE FORMAT***********************
- 4 bytes 'RIFF'
- 4 bytes <length>
- 4 bytes 'WAVE'
- 4 bytes 'fmt '
- 4 bytes <length> ; 10h - length of 'data' block
- 2 bytes 01 ; format tag
- 2 bytes 01 ; channels (1=mono, 2=stereo)
- 4 bytes xxxx ; samples per second
- 4 bytes xxxx ; average samples per second
- 2 bytes 01 ; block alignment
- 2 bytes 08 ; bits per sample
- 4 bytes 'data'
- 4 bytes <length>
- bytes <sample data>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Q: What CD-ROM drives are supported?
- A: *****************SUPPORTED SCSI CD-ROM DRIVES***************
- Chinon CDS-431. Contact Chinon at 310-533-0274 to get the
- 40-pin to 50-pin converter.
- Hitachi CDR-3650
- NEC CDR-80, CDR-82, CDR-83, CDR-83J, CDR-83M, CDR-84
- Sony CDU-541
- Texel DM-3020, DM-3021
- Toshiba XM-3201B
- Chinon CD-SC(Sony CDU-8001), CD-SC Plus (Sony CDU-8002)
- CD Technologies Porta-Drive
- Chinon CDX-431
- Denon DRD-253
- Hitachi CDR-1553S, CDR-1650, CDR-1750S
- IBM 3510
- Laser Magnetics CM212, CM214, CM231
- NEC CDR-35, CDR-36, CDR-36M, CDR-72, CDR-73, CDR-73M, CDR-
- 74, CDR-77
- Panasonic CR-501-S
- Pioneer DRM-600 6-disc changer
- Sony CDU-6211, CDU-7211
- Texel DM3010, DM-3120, DM-5020, DM-5021, DM-5120, DM-7120A,
- DM-7120B
- Toshiba XM-3201A, XM-3301, XM-5100A
- If your CD-ROM drive is not on this list, it will NOT work
- with the PAS16 (the SONY CDU-535 and the Laser Library are
- not SCSI). If it is on this list and you would like to use
- the PAS16's SCSI interface to control the CD-ROM drive,
- please contact Media Vision Sales at 1-800-845-5870 to order
- an Internal SCSI Cable/Driver Kit for $39.00 or an External
- SCSI Cable/Driver Kit for $79.00.
- **************WINDOWS DRIVERS AND POCKET TOOLS**************
- The Windows Drivers disk uses InstallSHIELD v1.3 by The
- Stirling Group.
- 1. Q: What do I need to do before I install the PAS16 Windows
- Drivers disk?
- A: If you have the PAS8 Windows drivers installed or have
- an older version of PAS16 drivers, go into the Control
- Panel, Drivers, and remove every driver which
- references Pro AudioSpectrum or Media Vision. Restart
- WIN31 and then install the new drivers.
- Or, if you have Norton Desktop For Windows which will
- interfere with our Windows Driver's INSTALL program.
- To work around the problem, go into SYSTEM.INI, [boot]
- section. Replace "SHELL=NDW.EXE" with
- "SHELL=PROGMAN.EXE". Install the Windows drivers,
- restart WIN31, and make sure that all sounds work.
- Replace the "PROGMAN" by "NDW" in SYSTEM.INI. Restart
- WIN31. Go into Program Manager, File, Run to execute
- "SETUP /P" so that Norton will register the Multimedia
- Tools Group which has just been created by the INSTALL
- program.
- Or, if you are using DR DOS 6.0's SHARE which causes
- our INSTALL program to crash the system. To work
- around the problem, remove SHARE. Re-boot the
- computer. Then install our Windows drivers.
- 2. Q: While installing the PAS16 WIN31 drivers, I get the
- error "You must first load Multimedia Extensions."
- A: First, go into the Control Panel, Drivers applet to
- check the installed drivers list. There must be MIDI
- Mapper, Timer, [MCI] Sound, [MCI] MIDI Sequencer.
- Second, check the SYSTEM.INI file. Under the [boot]
- section, there should be "DRIVERS=MMSYSTEM.DLL". If
- any of these items are missing, WIN31 has not been
- properly installed. Installing WIN31 over an older
- version of windows may have caused this problem. The
- only solution is to install WIN31 from scratch and then
- install the PAS16 WIN31 drivers again.
- 3. Q: After the PAS16 WIN31 drivers installation, runing
- WIN31 causes the error "Can't find ver. 2.00 of
- VDMAD.386."
- A: Some Windows applications replace this driver by their
- own DMA driver, such as Norton tape backup software
- which puts under the [386Enh] section of the
- SYSTEM.INI, the statement "DEVICE=VDMADX.386". First,
- put a semi-colon ";" infront of the whole statement.
- Second, add the statement "DEVICE=*VDMAD" to the
- beginning of the [386Enh] section. Restart WIN31 and
- try again.
- 4. Q: After the PAS16 WIN31 drivers installation, running
- WIN31 causes the computer to lock up.
- A: This is caused by a DMA and/or IRQ conflict. Check for
- all possible conflicts; a bus mouse is usally set for
- IRQ 5 which will conflict with the SB IRQ 5 default
- setting. Use a text editor to go into SYSTEM.INI. Go
- the the end of the file to locate [MVPROAUD.DRV] and
- change the DMA and IRQ settings. Bring up WIN31 and
- try again.
- 5. Q: Do I need MVSOUND.SYS for Windows?
- A: Currently, yes. In the future, the PAS16's Windows
- drivers will not have to depend on MVSOUND.SYS.
- 6. Q: Can I use different IRQ and DMA settings under Windows,
- than under DOS?
- A: The DMA set in SYSTEM.INI for Windows can be different
- from the DMA set in CONFIG.SYS for DOS as long as WIN31
- is started in 386-Enhanced mode. However , if you
- start WIN31 is started in standard mode, you make make
- the settings the same.
- 7. Q: What is the advantage of using a high-order DMA and
- IRQ?
- A: High-order DMA allows 16-bit DMA transfer which enables
- the MVPROAUD.DRV sound driver to handle digital audio
- more efficiently and also to provide more available DMA
- selections. High-order IRQ only provides more
- available IRQ selections.
- 8. Q: I have just received the latest version of the PAS16
- Windows Drivers Disk. Do I have to remove the older
- version first?
- A: Yes. After removing the old drivers, restart Windows and
- then install the new drivers.
- 9. Q: Sound plays normally under DOS using the selected DMA
- and IRQ setttings, but loops under Windows using the
- same DMA and IRQ settings.
- A: This is caused by an IRQ conflict. Edit the SYSTEM.INI
- file to change the IRQ setting under [mvproaud.drv]
- section.
- 10. Q: Pro Mixer's wave meter points at the beginning of the
- red area instead of at zero.
- A: Our future release of WIN31 drivers v1.4 will correct
- this problem. Please check with Customer Service after
- 9/1.
- 11. Q: What do I have to do before I can record using Pocket
- Recorder or Sound Recorder?
- A: Go into Pro Mixer or Pocket Mixer to set the audio
- input source to recording mode.
- 12. Q: When I record at 16-bit mode, there is very bad
- clipping or it does not work at all. 8-bit recording
- works fine.
- A: If you are using an low-order DMA then change to a 16-
- bit DMA under the [mvproaud.drv] section of SYSTEM.INI
- and try again.
- 13. Q: Recording at 8-bit is very scratchy. 16-bit recording
- does not have this problem.
- A: The PAS16 has a 16-bit PCM DAC. Recording at 8-bit
- using a 16-bit DAC is definitely more noisy than
- recording at 8-bit on the PAS8 which only has an 8-bit
- DAC. In the next release, Pocket recorder will have a
- feature to convert a 16-bit recorded file to 8-bit to
- resolve the problem. Please check with Customer
- Service after 9/1 to find out if WIN31 Drivers and
- Pocket Tools v1.4 is available which will have this
- feature.
- 14. Q: Does the Pocket Recorder support the Cut, Copy and
- Paste features?
- A: These features will be supported in the next release.
- Please check with Customer Service after 9/1 to find
- out if WIN31 Drivers and Pocket Tools v1.4 is
- available.
- 15. Q: I get the errors "Can't find input device with pid."
- and "Can't find output device with pid." when trying to
- run Pocket Recorder.
- A: Make sure the MVSOUND.SYS statement appears in
- CONFIG.SYS and that the driver loads properly when the
- computer boots up.
- 16. Q: I get the error "PREC has caused a General Protection
- Fault error in USER.EXE..."
- A: This error occurs most frequently in 286 computers and
- also in faster computers which have less than 2MB of
- virtual memory under Windows. To help us troubleshoot
- this problem, first, please download PRECGPF.ZIP
- (PREC.EXE with GPF error checking) from the BBS.
- Second, run DRWATSON.EXE (a WIN31 utility). Third, run
- the new Pocket Recorder. When WIN31 issues the GPE,
- all the necessary information are stored in
- DRWATSON.LOG. Fourth, print out this log and fax it to
- Technical Support. Upon receiving the information, we
- will forward to Engineering and await their response.
- 17. Q: If Pocket Recorder is used to record a 16-bit wav file,
- and is saved then played from Media Player, the file
- will play properly to the end but the thumb button on
- the position slider will not have eached the end. The
- thumb button usually stops around the halfway mark. If
- the position button is dragged to the right of this
- mark, the message "The specified parameter is out of
- range for the specified command" will pop up. Dragging
- past the halfway mark and playing the file sometimes
- results in white noise.
- A: This problem has been reported to Engineering and will
- be fixed in the future release of WIN31 Drivers v1.4.
- Please contact Customer Service after 9/1 to find out
- if this is available.
- 18. Q: While recording under Pocket Recorder, if I
- open/close/use other applications, there are
- licking/popping sounds that also get recorded.
- A: This problem has been reported to Engineering and is
- currently being researched.
- 19. Q: Pocket Recorder's OLE (Object Linking & Embedding) does
- not work properly.
- A: The OLE feature is not fully implemented. Please
- document the problems in detail and fax or mail to
- Technical Support to be forwarded to Engineering.
- 20. Q: Pocket Recorder issues "Cannot write WAV files".
- A: This problem is caused by slow system throughput.
- First, make sure VPASD.386 is installed in SYSTEM.INI.
- This driver allocates a 32KB buffer for faster DMA
- transfer. Second, take out SMARTDRV and STACKER, if
- installed. Third, increase the CPU speed, if possible.
- 21. Q: A file recorded using RECFILE.EXE (PAS16's DOS utility)
- plays back fine under Pocket Recorder but this same
- file will not play back under Media Player. And under
- Sound Recorder, loading this file will cause the
- "General Protection Fault Error In Sound Recorder".
- A: A new version of RECFILE.EXE, dated 6-22-92 or later,
- does not have this problem. On BBS, download
- P16REC.ZIP; on Compuserve, download TOOLS.ZIP.
- 22. Q: How do I play CD-Audio under WIN31?
- A: First, put a CD-Audio disk into the CD-ROM drive.
- Failure to do this will cause the [MCI] CD-Audio driver
- to not install properly Second, go into the Control
- Panel, Drivers. Click on the Add button. Select
- "[MCI] CD-Audio" driver. Click on the OK button.
- WIN31 will prompt you for the Microsoft Windows Disk 4.
- Third, after this driver has been properly installed,
- go into Media Player. Select Device. CD-Audio should
- be one of the choices for you to select from. If not,
- edit MPLAYER.INI to change "CDAUDIO=0," to "CDAUDIO=17,
- 23. Q: I do not get any FM sound when I run DOS games under
- the DOS shell of Windows.
- A: The OPL3 FM synthesizer chip on the PAS16 can operate
- in either OPL3 (4-operator) mode or 3812 (2-operator)
- mode. Under Windows, Voyetra's OPL3.DRV driver puts
- this FM chip into the OPL3 mode to produce rich FM
- sounds. However, existing games only support the 3812
- mode. This driver will put the OPL3 chip back in 3812
- mode upon exiting WIN31 to go back to DOS. However,
- wihle still under Windows, if the user attempts to run
- a DOS game or application which supports AdLib, FM
- sound will not play. To work around this problem, go
- into SYSTEM.INI, [drivers] section, change
- MIDI=OPL3.DRV to become MIDI=MVFM.DRV. Then restart
- Windows. Go into the Control Panel, MIDI Mapper.
- Click on New. Give it a name like "3812 mode". Under
- the Port Name column, select "Media Vision FM Synth"
- for channels 1-10 and 13-16 and then save the setup.
- Now DOS games and applications can produce FM sounds.
- 24. Q: Under Media Player, CANYON.MID plays properly but when
- I play other MIDI files, I don't hear any music.
- A: WIN31 only supports General MIDI. The MIDI files that
- you have may be Non-General MIDI. Try the following.
- Go into Control Panel, MIDI Mapper. Select the Pro
- AudioSpectrum setup. Click on Edit. Under the Port
- Name column, select "Media Vision FM Synth" for
- channels 1-10 and 13-16 and then save the setup. Now
- all MIDI songs should play; however, they may not sound
- correct.
- 25. Q: Do you have PAS16 drivers for Windows 3.0 with
- Multimedia Extentions?
- A: Download from the BBS a file called MVPROAUD.ZIP. This
- file contains a special version of MVPROAUD.DRV for
- Windows 3.0 with MME. Replacing the MVPROAUD.DRV that
- came with the PAS16 WIN31 Drivers disk with this
- version is all you need to do.
- *************************PAS.EXE****************************
- 1. Q: How do I adjust the volume for the SB section of the
- sound card.
- A: Run "PAS SET SB TO XX" where xx is 0-100.
- 2. Q: DOS software produces no volume or very low volume,
- especially after exiting WIN31.
- A: Run "PAS RESET" and try again.
- 3. Q: When I run "PAS *", how do I enable the recording mode
- for an input source?
- A: Use the up and down arrow keys to move to the input
- source desired. Then press the Enter key to toggle
- between PLAY and PLAY & RECORD.
- *********************RECFILE, PLAYFILE**********************
- NOTE: Before running RECFILE.EXE, make sure that you have
- run PAS * to enable the recording mode for the input
- source(s). See the PAS.EXE section above.
- 1. Q: How do I use the command parameters Vxxx, V+xxx and Fx
- A: Vxxx, where xxx is a number from 000-127 for voice-
- activated level. Only sounds at and above this level
- get recorded.
- V+xxx, where xxx is 000-127. Record all when voice is
- activated at threshold.
- Fx, where x is between 0-6 and selected using the
- following guidelines:
- Filter Value Limiting Frequency Sampling Rate
- Frequency Range 18 KHz 44 KHz near CD
- 5 16 KHz 32 KHz cassette
- 4 12 KHz 24 KHz FM radio
- 3 9 KHz 18 KHz AM radio
- 2 6 KHz 12 KHz telephone
- 1 3 KHz 6 KHz male voice
- 0 0 KHz mute
- 2. Q: When PLAYFILE.EXE starts and stops, it produces a
- "popping" sound.
- A: Get a newer version of PLAYFILE.EXE. Please download
- P16REC.ZIP from the BBS.
- 3. Q: I am having trouble recording 16-bit wave files using
- the V+xxx parameter.
- A: Get a newer version of RECFILE.EXE. Please download
- P16REC.ZIP from the BBS.
- 4. Q: I do not hear any sound when I play back under WIN31's
- Media Player a file which has been recorded using
- A: Get a newer version of RECFILE.EXE. Please download
- P16REC.ZIP from the BBS.
- 5. Q: I get the error "File is full or blocked" when I run
- A: This problem is caused by slow system throughput.
- First, try running RECFILE with the /M parameter to
- allocate as much memory to RECFILE as possible.
- Second, reduce to a generic CONFIG.SYS and
- AUTOEXEC.BAT. Third, make sure the hard disk has been
- optimized (unfragmented). Fourth, try at a lower
- sampling rate or try recording to a ramdrive (use DOS's
- *********************CD-ROM APPLICATIONS********************
- 1. Q: After running Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia, I only
- hear sounds out of one channel.
- A: When Compton's plays digital audio (represented by .WAV
- file extension), it puts the CD-ROM drive into mono
- mode and also shuts down one channel. For a temporary
- solution, you need to do a cold boot to reset the CD-
- ROM drive. To resolve this problem, download
- COMPTONS.ZIP from the BBS or contact Customer Service
- to have this file sent via mail.
- 2. Q: While installing MS Bookshelf, at 99% completion,
- installation aborts with an error message in SETUP.INF
- file.
- A: First, back up SETUP.INF. Second, go into SETUP.INF
- and remove all lines that start with a semi-colon ";"
- and then save it and re-install Bookshelf
- 3. Q: National Geographic Society's Presidents Starting With
- George runs fine but does not produce audio.
- A: This application uses IBM Linkway and supports SB.
- During installation, the driver statement
- "DEVICE=SNDBK12.SYS 1" gets added to CONFIG.SYS. This
- driver defaults to IRQ 7 and I/O port 220h and DMA 1.
- The SB section of the sound card defaults to IRQ 5 and
- I/O port 220h. Edit the CONFIG.SYS to show
- "DEVICE=SNDBK12.SYS 1 5 220", where 5 is for IRQ 5 and
- 220 is for I/O port 220h, or which ever settings you
- have at J10 and J12 on the sound card.
- ********************BUS MASTERING DEVICE********************
- 1. Q: I hear periodic clicking sound or static noise whenever
- the hard disk's light goes on (while drive is being
- accessed).
- A: Lower the bus on-time and increase the bus off-time by
- the same amount so that the on-time is smaller than the
- off-time, or experiment to find the best ratio. We
- discovered this from using the Adaptec 1542B SCSI Hard
- Disk Controller. The install program for this card
- adds the following statements to CONFIG.SYS:
- Where N11 is 11/16ms and F5 is 5/16ms (default
- settings). The problem was resolved when we changed to
- N5 and F11.
- ********************OS/2 DRIVER SUPPORT*********************
- 1. Q: Are there any plans to support OS/2 v2.0?
- A: Yes, we are currently working on it. Please contact
- Customer Service after 10-1-92.
- ********************WINDOWS NT SUPPORT**********************
- 1. Q: Are there any plans to support Windows NT?
- A: Please check with Customer Service after 10-1-92.