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- on exitFrame
- if soundBusy(1) then
- swingStep(1, #right, 1.25)
- set angle to the PanAngle of sprite(1)
- set fileName to the BackBufferMovie of sprite(1)
- if (angle >= 30) and (angle < 172) then
- if not (fileName contains "f_in08.mov") then
- set the AreaOfInterest of sprite(1) to rect(290, 588, 409, 827)
- PlayBackBufferMovie(sprite(1), "@\files\f_in08.mov", #loop)
- end if
- else
- if not (fileName contains "f_in08b.mov") then
- set the AreaOfInterest of sprite(1) to rect(278, 1542, 457, 1781)
- PlayBackBufferMovie(sprite(1), "@\files\f_in08b.mov", #loop)
- end if
- end if
- go(the frame)
- else
- set the MouseUpHandler of sprite(1) to "handleMouseUpF_vr08"
- set the MouseDownHandler of sprite(1) to "handleMouseDownCommon"
- set x to stageRight() - 96
- set y to stageTop()
- apriMiawTipo2("m_navfut", x, y, 0)
- tell window "m_navfut"
- fase1()
- end tell
- set the MovieMouseClick of sprite(1) to 1
- end if
- end