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LogBook 0.30beta
by Grzegorz Fitrzyk SP9WUN
1. Introduction:
MLogBook is HAM Radio logging program which is in early beta version now.
With this program you can save all your QSO's. MLogBook has many features
(see MLogBook.features file) but most of it is not available yet. In this
moment only normal QSO mode is available.
This MLogBook allow to log only 1000 QSO (internal limitation made by me :)
I'd like to ask every user of this program for any comments, bug reports
or good words.
2. Requirements:
Amiga with KS 2.1+ and Hard Disk
MUI 3.8
BetterString.mcc (included)
NList.mcc (included)
SpeedBar.mcc (included)
Stack >=20kB
3. Usage:
First start.
If you put any CallBook data file (CSV format) in CallBook dir and start,
MLogBook will scan this file and make index for it (for fast access to datas).
You should be patience because this operation is very slow.
MLogBook will paste data to "Comments" field from CallBook, only from
columns: 1, 2 and 5 (and from 6 to "Locator").
If you don't want to use CallBook then remove SP.CSV file from CallBook dir.
I added SP.CSV file which is a part of SP9TNM's Polish CallBook but the one
have'nt address, zip and phone fields (in original one these fields exists)
for privacy protection. The original file you can find in Internet and it's
in DBF file format so after downloading it you should convert it to ASCII.
I used for it DBF2ASC program which you can find in Aminet.
Normal logging:
After start you can type any callsign (e.g. SP9WUN) in "3:Callsign" field.
"3" means that when you press Right Amiga and 3 - you'll activate this field.
This is usefull when you dislike to using TAB key. Also you should know that
TAB key don't enter data. It mean that when you type SP9WUN in Callsign field
and press TAB you'll only change active field. If you want to enter SP9WUN
you shoult press Enter key (on keyboard ;). If you'll fill a fields you should
press "Enter" button or press RightAmiga-E. I hope it's clear.
Data and Time fields will be set to current when you press Enter key.
Contest logging
If you want to work in contest you should create new preference file. So open
Preference window and type in Preference Filename field new name of your settings.
You can type contest name e.g. MLogBook.cqww
Now you change LogBook Filename Field, e.g. cqww_2000.log
Now click "GUI" field on the top of window and click on Rem-s gadget and set Const
value. Now set (with lupe) Const field with %w value (for cqww contest).
Do the same with Rem-r field. Other fields you can set as you want.
Now you can save setting and begin work in contest.
In this moment MLogBook don't: check duplicate, count multiplers and scores.
Editing entry:
When you doubleclick on any entry you will see it on down part of window.
You can change what you want and press "Enter" button like in normal logging
If you can change date or time in entry you should open Settings Window
and enable displaying Date and Time field.
You can also enable Settings/Lock DateTime from menu to disable time and date
updating after pressing Enter.
Only 1 level available.
I hope it works.
I'm quite sure it works.
Tools/Rescan Prefixes
This feature is usefull for creating statistics of logbook and for contest
working. If you use this tool MLogBook will rescan all callsigns saved in log
and fill PFX field in Log Table. Only first QSO with any country on single
band and single mode will be updated. If you, for example, made QSO with SP
on 2m band and with FM mode then there will be SP sign in PFX column. If you'll
do it again with the same conditions there PFX field will be empty. But if
you'll do SP with, for example, SSB mode, then MLogBook will update PFX column
for this QSO with SP sign. It's needed for contest logging because most rules
of contests will give points for only first QSO with any country on the same
4. Shortcuts:
Amiga-1 Band
Amiga-2 Mode
Amiga-3 Callsign
Amiga-4 RSTs (Report sent)
Amiga-5 Rems (Remarx sent)
Amiga-6 RSTr (Report received)
Amiga-7 Remr (Remarx received)
Amiga-8 Locator
Amiga-9 Comment
Amiga-E Enter
Amiga-T Test
Amiga-C Copy
Amiga-V Paste
Amiga-X Cut
Amiga-Z Undo
Amiga-A Select All
Amiga-F Find
Amiga-K Configuration
Amiga-L Lock Date/Time
Amiga-? About
Amiga-Q Quit
I don't want to write more because there's a lot of more interesting things to do
than it ;)
5. Author:
Grzegorz Fitrzyk SP9WUN
e-mail: grzes@centrum.pasjo.net.pl
PR: sp9wun@sr9zaa.#kra.pol.eu
WWW: http://www.sp9wun.prv.pl/