AmigActive 13
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3.25 July 2000
- New guides rewritten by Andre Eckenrode (mazeckenrode@hotmail.com)
- It's now possible to have more than 65535 records in the
same base (0xFFFFFF is now the maximum)
- Calc TIME field bug corrected (caused the program to crash)
- Time bug entry corrected
- DOSEARCH bug corrected (a % was added to the result)
- Some ARexx macros have been enhanced (DOSEARCH [Selected],
- Direct macro menu added
- Function keys requester.
- New CALL macro added (to call a script from a function key).
- Some tests and error messages added loading a definition file,
a bug removed loading an old file.
- GOTO problem solved (hopefully for every locale version ?).
- Some requester routines rewritten and optimized
- OPENFILE macro bug corrected
- CLOSEWIN command bug removed (caused a crash).
- ARexx script path bug fixed
- INSREC and UPDREC bug fixes: the view was sometimes updated
after the update of the display (could lead to a crash).
- SORT bug fix (memory allocation error, could lead to a crash)
- Using SHIFT key when clicking on the Insert gadget makes an
automatic Copy of the current record.
- Number of max items in a CYCLE field is now 32.
- STRINGTOCYCLE bug removed (bad returned value in some cases) and
error message if a CYCLE field expression contains several identical
- All views are now tested when you quit to know if they have changed.
- Message added when searching records from the ARexx macro DOSEARCH.
- Position of the views correctly saved (not always working if the
window had been moved but not resized).
- When altering the file definition, the data is always saved now.
- and many other improvements and bug corrections...
3.24 Dec 1999 - June 2000
- Intermediate release (debugging). Thanks to Andre Eckenrode and
to Pascal Marcelin for their kind help in debugging and improving
the program.
3.23 Nov 1999
- selecting OK on the view requester without clicking on an entry
was giving another entry that the selected one, fixed (thanks to
Andre Eckenrode for the bug report).
- ability to add records with trailing spaces (hope it gives no
new bugs...) on Andre Eckenrode request.
- corrected an enormous bug : monthes october and november were
inverted... (thanks again to Andre Eckenrode)
- added 3 new ARexx commands: SELECTREC, REQFIELD and SHOWALL.
- corrected some gadget problems with Sysihack (MCP), bug report
by Alexander Doeller (hope it works correctly...)
3.22 14 Oct 1999
- added the ability to make the index sorting using the locale
library (idea from Gudjon Magnussson).
- the view requester was adding the fields in the wrong order, fixed (bug
reported by Anders Drejer).
- date handler corrected, file filter now set correctly while opening
a base (bug reports by Didier Giron).
3.21 26 Sep 1999
- a no-QuickFile-file was not closed when a user tried to open it,
fixed (Thanks to Alexander Döller for his bug report).
3.20 24 Aug 1999
- first version rewritten using SAS-C compiler by me (Roland Florac).
- localisation
- use of gtlayout.library
- some cosmetics changes, some bugs removed (hopefully)...
3.19.1 11 June 1996
- Search from ARexx gave a selection with no key fields.
- Selecting a large number of records can cause a problem if the
default sort order is used.
3.19.0 06 June 1996
- Enhanced Search. Now called Query and includes sort order as well as
Load and Save Query.
- Added Lock for View
- Fixed problem causing intermittent crash when changing search
criteria. Introduced in 3.18.2 I think.
3.18.2 15 May 1996
- Fixed problem with deletion of last view field (and last index
properly this time)
3.18.1 04 May 1996
- Fixed calculation of height of ASL requester
- Fixed problem with turning help on and off a number of times.
- Was crashing on WB3 if no .guide file found or if online help was
turned off.
- Also crashing trying to adjust config in a window with no open file.
3.18.0 24 April 1996
- Added concatenation of character fields. Any field except Cycle and
Date can now be calculated (Have to add date calc sometime).
- Added Time fields.
- Fixed problem with deletion of last index followed by add
- Fixed memory leak in file definition process.
- Was executing startup.rexx if you cancelled definition mode.
- Fixed menu shortcut keys. Same key was used twice.
- Cycle fields can now be set by Import and ARexx PutField command
- Iconify now controlled by Menu item instead of Zoom gadget.
- Fixed date validation problem. Not setting A4 in callback routines.
- Limit length of date field used in date validation routine,
- Fix Enforcer hit in Search processing. Thanks to James Hamilton
for the Enforcer output on this one.
3.17.0 12 September 1995
- Added Select/Unselect individual records
- Prevent menu selections if no file open (was crashing system)
- Revised open file code so window size is obtained from view before
window is opened.
3.16.6 28 August 1995
- Fixed some enforcer hits. Thanks to David Ekholm for giving me details
of these.
- Removed extra field separator from end of headings in exported file.
- Added characters per line to pitch button.
3.16.5 10 August 1995
- Fixed calculation of index key buffer size for new index. Was
sometimes crashing on index build when an index was added.
- Disable Options/Config and Buffers menu items if no file is open
- Meaning of Memory Save checkbox was reversed. ie Would save memory
only if checkbox was NOT checked.
3.16.4 5 August 1995
- Fixed ARexx ReqString command to allow a null value for default
string. Was incorrectly returning an error.
3.16.3 22 July 1995
- Fixed Copy button in Insert mode so it got the correct record.
- Reduced window redraws from ARexx SetView command.
- Added summary only and wrap fields to reporting.
3.16.2 18 July 1995
- Added checkboxes to Print requester for Summary only and Wrap Fields.
- Rehashed line spacing and counting.
3.16.1 12 July 1995
- Added Print to File.
- Fixed problem causing a crash if > 200 records added per session.
Usually only a problem with import
- Added requester at start and close of program (unregistered only).
- Added ARexx Find/Replace macro
3.16 24 Jun 1995
- Added font sensitivity.
- Fixed bug. Calc field values not being returned to ARexx.
- Revert to allowing field to be added anywhere in view.
- Added Config menu option for fonts, help and memory save.
- Played with field alignment (again). Any suggestions welcomed.
- Changed handling of open of Image file to work with XFH. XFH does
not support OpenFromLock().
3.15 07 May 1995
- Only allow fields to be added to the end of a view. Previously fields
could be inserted anywhere but would always display at the end. Not
perfect but avoids confusion. I may change my mind on this.
- Search ListView was getting confused as to which item was currently
- Removed useless And/Or buttons from search item requester for first
item in list.
3.14 30 April 1995
- Fixed some low memory problems. Usual low memory indication is now
a recoverable alert trying to open a requester.
3.13 6 April 1995
- Using wrong name for library base for iffparse.library which caused
DICE (compiler) to open it automatically. DICE does not provide a
message if the open fails - program just loads and quits.
3.12 29 March 1995
- Fixed a nasty bug in GoTo processing that was trashing memory. In one
of my files this was in the middle of the data buffer!!!. Introduced
with changes for Rexx I think.
3.11 24 March 1995
- Added ARexx interface
- Display either filename or image not both at once.
- Field names are now case insensitive
3.10 05 March 1995
- Fixed to display whole view if a field is moved so that view now fits
in the window.
- Index sometimes not correctly updated when you changed an index
field value.
3.09 18 February 1995
- Added Cycle, Image and External field types.
- Rehashed field resizing code
- Removed bug that was chopping last character off print lines.
- Changed string gadget border to more standard imagery.
- Fixed nasty bugs in Report Groups
. Deleting the first group and adding another immediately would
crash the machine
. Would not allow you to change a Report group to another type. If
you deleted it then added the new one you were caught by the
previous bug - Catch 22.
- Cancelling out of the report requester after adding or deleting the
first report group was causing a crash.
- Fixed Lock error in SaveAs/Reorg - broke it with XFH fix in 3.08.
3.08 04 February 1995
- Replace call to ExamineFH with Examine so QuickFile can work with XFH.
Thanks to Peter Bagnato for reporting this one.
- Field resizing by dragging on the form display.
- Refuse to accept : or / in index name as this is used in the index
file name.
3.07 19 January 1995
- Keep highlighted line in sideways scroll of list display.
- Use highlighted record as current record in insert (for copy).
- Reintroduce name of registered user in about requester.
- Disable summary checkboxes (Tot, Cnt, Avg) if no field selected.
3.06 16 January 1995
- Fixed bug causing a crash of rebuild index with old format file def.
- Cleaned up code for dragging fields in form view.
3.5 08 January 1995
- Fixed bug in export requester. Cycle gadgets should only be enabled
for CUSTOM format. Could cause a crash.
- TAB now activates first string gadget, ESC exits from string gadget.
- Fixed bug in field requester. Any non ASCII key would be treated as
help key. Used to work - looks like a line of code went missing.
- Stopped crashes when tiny windows were used. Added iconify function.
- Show wait pointer at appropriate times.
- Some code optimisations.
- Stop errors if help key pressed and no amigaguide docs present
3.4 28 November 1994
- Parse expressions after all fields loaded to prevent invalid field
requester if referenced field is defined after calc field.
- Fix to always use correct colours for print to screen
3.3 20 November 1994
- Default number of decimals were displayed but not accepted unless
RETURN was pressed.
- Title bar info not displayed for first file opened
- Use path from current window as a default when opening a new file
3.2 27 October 1994
- Set min window size for definition to prevent crash
- Losing drawer name after loading old style view definition
- Loading a new view was updating title in wrong window
- Tightened up date validation. Was allowing months > 13.
- Some code optimisation
3.1 23 October 1994
- Combined definition code with main program.
- Fixed many bugs introduced with version 3.0
. Crashes trying to display error message for long file name
. Crashes selecting format in import/export requester
. Long string in search trashing other auto variables
. Excessive alloc/freeing of formula string and tree in definition
. Several memory leaks
3.00b September 1994
Major Upgrade (beta)
- Calculated fields.
- Extended field attributes to include:
Left/right justification
Number of decimals
- Indexes can allow or prevent duplicates
- Multiple open files in separate windows
- Requesters are now moveable windows
- Control via keyboard as well as mouse
- Context sensitive AmigaGuide help
- Grouping and summaries (total, count and average) in reports.
- Reports can be directed to screen or printer
- Prompt on exit if a view is changed but not saved.
- Improved error detection and reporting
- Faster sort. Now uses QuickSort. Stack doesn't seem to be a problem.
2.02.05 26 June 1994
- Handle empty selection when updating a field that is part of an index
2.02.04 23 March 1994
- Put up requester if view being loaded references fields that are not
in the file definition.
- Fix cursor positioning for incorrect fields when OK is pressed in
Modify or Insert. Cursor now always go to the field in error.
- Prevent duplicate field names being defined.
- Fix QFDefine so it displays a message if it can't find the file passed
as a parameter.
- Provide defaults for a new file in QFDefine.
- Improved sorting where many records are equal. It was extremely slow.
2.02.03 26 January 1994
- Enlarged size of default window
- Added "Reset Form" menu item
2.02.02 26 December 1993
- Used ChangeWindowBox to size screen for a new view. (I bought a v37
ROM manual).
- Corrected initialisation of path for ASL requester
- Include /AUTO on console window specification. It will now only
open if it is written to.
2.02.01 18 December 1993
- Added preset formats to export.
- Allow specification of each control code used for import/export.
- Removed bug in list report that sometimes suppressed field names
2.01.03 26 November 1993
- Replaced Backup/Restore with Save As and Reorganise
- Empty date field left old value on form display
2.01.02 18 November 1993
- Cleaned up Search panels
- Open new window if new view requires a different window size
- GoTo fixed to work with dates and number fields
- Fixed some problems with report formatting
2.01.01 10 November 1993
Major upgrade including many significant new features including:
- Support for multiple views that can be saved and loaded as
required. Includes window size.
- Form view can be tailored by dragging fields around.
- Multi column label printing now properly supported.
- Search facility vastly improved by adding equal, between, not_like
sounds_like. Now allows multiple search conditions with and/or.
- Descending sequence added to sort.
1.3.5 22 September 1993
1. Bug Fix. Various problems when sorting a file with a sort table
exceeding 32767 bytes (over 4000 records).
2. Prevented rebuild of temporary indexes used for sort and selection
1.3.4 9 September 1993
1. Bug fix. Crashing machine on export of part of field. Trying to fit
full field length into shorter area.
1.3.3 1 September 1993
1. Fixed problem in list display that was trashing memory if a
database had a small record size.
2. Definition was allowing block size to be changed if you increased
the record size past the maximum for the block.
3. Positioning now maintained correctly in list display when you
change indexes.
1.3.2 28 August 1993 (not released)
1. Added List button to form screen
2. Added Insert, Modify and Delete buttons to list screen.
3. Fixed problem where searching a previous selection would search
the entire data base
4. Removed spurious message being displayed when a missing index
is created.
1.3.1 4 August 1993 (Bug Fixes)
1. Index search used length of first index for all indexes -> ka-boom.
2. Deleted field names were blanked but kept in the definition.
1.3.0 23 July 1993 (not released)
1. Character, date, number and integer data types.
2. Up to 255 fields per record
3. Vertical slider gadget added for scrolling through records
4. Horizontal slider gadget added for scrolling through fields on one
record. (Both form and list screens).
5. File definition is now in a separate program
6. Import/Export of ASCII files
7. Removed problem that caused a crash when adding more than 12 fields.
1.2.2 (not released)
1 Bug fix. Sort index not updated for a delete if records
had been selected but selection did not contain the record.
Error message incorrectly being displayed for the selection.
1.2.1 16 Feb 93
1 Included list style reports
2 Included ASL and ARP file requesters
3 New print requester to improve control of reports
4 The index field size is now updated correctly when you change the
length of an existing field used as an index.
5 Index record memory dynamically reallocated if necessary.
6 If you add an index to an existing file, the index will be
rebuilt automatically when you open the file again.
7 You are now warned if you attempt a backup while displaying
selected records. Only the selected records will be written to the
backup file.
8 You can now open a file where the drawer contains only a drive or
disk name with no directory. eg df0:
1.0.0 24 Nov 92
Initial Release