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(C) 1999 by Gaelan Griffin, FREEWARE
Read below for more information on the other copyright holders and the
* Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
* (c) Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 Gary Henderson (gary@daniver.demon.co.uk)
* and Jerremy Koot (jkoot@euronet.nl)
* Super FX C emulator code
* (c) Copyright 1997, 1998 Lestat (lstat@hotmail.com) and
* Gary Henderson.
* Super FX assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 zsKnight and _Demo_.
* DSP1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 Lestat and Gary Henderson.
* DOS port code contains the works of other authors. See headers in
* individual files.
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and
* source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee,
* providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with
* all copies and any derived work.
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
* seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes
* charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x.
* The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
* should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications
* in future versions.
* Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of
* Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies.
This is an SPC700 emulator for your Amiga. The SPC700 is the sound
co-processor chip inside the Super Nintendo.
This program will attempt to play SNES music in realtime on any 68020+
Amiga, using direct paula access or AHI. It is a combination executable
and deliplayer which means you can run it from the CLI or load it
into Delitracker/Eagleplayer.
This program is based on the SNES9x sources. The result is high quality,
but at the expense of speed. A 040+ is highly recommended, but I think
that only 060 owners are going to be able to use this effectively. Due
to the nature of the emulated replays, some files will play much faster
than others, which you will probably notice. You can improve the speed
by adjusting both the program options and/or your AHI settings. If your
CPU is not fast enough, there will be large gaps of silence between
audio buffers, this can also occur when other programs steal too much
CPU time from the emulator. When using direct paula output, the buffer
will be repeated instead of silence being played when the buffer has
not been filled up in time. If your CPU is too slow, you can use
the file recording option to save raw audio data directly to a
disk file for realtime playback.
- A 68020 Amiga or better
- Some RAM (I don't know exactly how much, but it should be less than 512k)
- Some SPC files to emulate. You can get these from various sources on
the Internet or you can make your own with certain SNES emulators. A
good place to start your search is the official webpage at
http://come.to/amispc or http://www.chez.com/raist/spc700/
- A 68060 CPU in your Amiga
- Delitracker or Eagleplayer installed.
- AHI V4 or better installed. Get it from Aminet: mus/misc/ahiusr.lha
Copy the executable file S9xPlay anywhere you want to. You will probably
want it somewhere in your system path so copy it to C: or RAM:
If you want to use it as a deliplayer too, then make a copy of the
program and place it in your deli/eagleplayers directory.
S9xPlay uses the AHI Unit preferences, so make sure they are setup
properly (default is Unit 0) if you are going to use the AHI option.
If you've installed it as a deliplayer then simply start Delitracker
or Eagleplayer and make sure the player is enabled. To change the
preferences, you'll have to manually edit the prefs file. The
prefs file is called S9xPlay.prefs and is just a line of text that
you would add for the arguments in the CLI version except that
the AHI and file output options are not valid. The prefs file
is read when DT is first started, however pressing the config
button in the players window, will cause the the prefs file to be
reread and the new prefs will be implemented the next time an SPC
file is loaded.
To use it as a shell command at the CLI type
S9xPlay <infile.spc> [options]
Infile is the SPC file to emulate and is the only required option.
F=FREQ/K/N - Frequency to mix the audio data at. Default is 22050 khz.
B=BUFF/K/N - Mixing buffer size in sample frames, default is 1.5 secs worth
E=EIGHT/S - Output data will be 8-bit, default is 16-bit
S=STEREO/S - Output data will be stereo, default is mono
A=AHI/S - Use AHI for audio output, default is to use direct paula access
U=UNIT/K/N - AHI Unit number to use 0-3, default is Unit 0
SY=SYNC/S - Synchronize CPU and mixing code, ignored for now
I=INTERPOLATE/S - Use interpolation in mixing routines, slows it down
DE=NOECHO/S - Disables echo which sometimes sounds better and speeds it up.
DC=NOCACHE/S - Disable sample caching. Slower, but better quality sometimes.
DM=NOMVOL/S - Disable master volume. Emulation volume will always be max.
O=FILE/K - Output file for recording raw audio data
T=TIME/K/N - Number of milliseconds to record (1000 = 1 second)
For AHI:
Remember that the AHI preferences used are the device Unit preferences,
NOT the Music Unit! Unit 0 is the default.
To improve sound quality you might try setting the AHI CPU usage to 100%,
but this is dangerous!
If the output is too soft, set the number of channels in the Unit
preferences to 1 and/or use 8-bit modes and/or use the 8-bit mixing option.
The output quality will improve with some of the higher quality audio
modes, but at the expense of speed. It's possible that your sound card
might be causing some problems so try using Paula for output if you're
having problems.
For the player itself:
Reduce the mixing frequency, try f 8000 or f 11000
Disable echo at the command line for a small speed gain.
Sixteen bit mixing is practically free, but if your output is 8-bit,
then use the eight bit option for a small speed gain.
Make sure you're not running any other CPU intensive tasks concurrently,
as they will most likely cause the emulator to fall behind and create
gaps in the audio output.
Increasing the buffer size will help a little, but the player will be less
responsive and will take longer to start playing.
Known Bugs:
- Some SPC files do not play or play incorrectly.
- Sourcecode release
- Better documentation
- Integrate most recent SNES9x sources
- More speed
- Other methods of output (direct soundcard support)
- Calibrated 14-bit paula output (currently 14-bit output is not calibrated)
- Preferences GUI for the deliplayer interface
Please report all bugs immediately!
If you have any SPC700 questions, comments, or whatever then contact
me at:
Gaelan Griffin / chinoclast@softhome.net
Also be sure to visit the website at
http://come.to/amispc or http://www.chez.com/raist/spc700/
10.04.00 V0.93 - Delitracker release, minor bugfix.
18.07.99 V0.93b - Direct 14-bit Paula support added. Program is now
a combination executable and deliplayer. File recording
support added. Please read the whole documentation again.
25.03.99 V0.92 - Official release of V0.92, sound has improved
15.03.99 V0.92b - Ide's of March beta release, compiled with 1.18e code
13.03.99 V0.91 - First public release