Additional Levels for Warcraft 2
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Warcraft ][ Unit modifier v1.90 (Scorpions)
*new* v1.33 map supported.
(latest version can also be found at 'http://www.axess.com/users/scorpion')
E-mail bug report to: (scorpion@axess.com)
***IMPORTANT*** -The WAR2UNIT.INI file must be located where your puds are.
-War2unit now require 435kb of free dos memory.
==Main Menu==
Esc,Esc = Quit And save (Double Escape)
Up/down = Choose option
Enter = Do the highlighted option
I = Go directly to 1st option (Map info, description, terrain)
E = Go directly to 2nd option (Edit unit properties)
G = Go directly to 3rd option (Edit upgrade properties)
P = Go directly to 4th option (Edit players properties)
L = Go directly to 5th option (it will load any .UNT file)
S = Go directly to 7th option (It will create a unit file for war2xed)
R = Go directly to 8th option (The default unit data are internal)
X = Go directly to 9th option (This option save the changes)
Q = Go directly to 10th option (This option quit and do not save)
CTRL-L = Go Directly to Load another pud.
CTRL-S = Go Directly to Save the current pud.
Using the mouse in Unit edit:
Almost Everything is modifiable using the mouse.
Press the left button to edit a field. During the input you can stop
at any time using ESC or the right mouse button.
Some of the fields are only binary field (eg. yes or no) the left mouse
button will alter these field on every press.
== Loading a Pud ==
War2unit can load a PUD specified on the command line, if no file are specifed
on the command line, war2unit will ask you for a PUD to load showing you the
listing of all PUD files in the current directory.
File manager listing keys:
Alt-D = Start a DOS session. (used to delete files or change dir)
Up/Down = Select a file.
PageUp = Move one page up if possible.
PageDown= Move one page down if possible.
Home = Go to top of list.
End = Go to end of list.
Enter = Load a file.
Esc = Cancel.
Space = Change Directory
==Edit Unit/Upgrade Screen==
- Basic Editing:
To modify a value press the higlighted key (white)
To increment press Highlighted key
To decrement press Shift+Highlighted key
To increment*10 press Alt+Highlighted key
To decrement*10 press Ctrl+Highlighted key
- Restore one component only:
Del = Will restore the currently selected unit or upgrade to the default.
- Copy & Paste:
Ctrl-Insert = Will Store the highlighted unit, if you re-use it afterward
it will overwrite the one stored previously.
Insert = Will put the last stored unit data into the higlighted unit.
(Shift-Insert does the same thing)
- Exit:
Enter or ESC = Return to main menu (all changes are kept)
- Special:
Note for the upgrade flags (Affect flags):
0 = set the flags to 0 (probably render an upgrade useless)
1 = set the flags to 1
+ = set all the 32 bits to 1 (very good upgrade)
Note: With the mouse you can Shift the bits thru the left only (multiply).
==Edit Players properties==
Use the arrows to select what to modify.
Use Enter to modify the highlighted choice.
==Load/Save unit file==
Just Enter the FileName to Load or Save, limited to 12 char, so Unit file
must be in current Dir. *NOTE* these units files are compatible with
1-Starting Unit with all their magic:
All Spells:
Go into the 'Edit Upgrade' Section.
Highlight 'Train Ogre-Mage/Paladin' press '+' on it. (the + set all bits)
(what it does is simple it add all flag when the upgrade is done)
2-Adding an hidden Demolish icon for any unit:
Go into the 'Edit Unit' Section.
Highlight any moving unit.
Put the move flag to Demolish 'f' or 'F'.
(Now the 2nd mouse buttons will be the default action on enemy units)
(note: do not put the Harvest flag on any other unit, it crash)
3-Unlimited flame shield:
Go into the 'Edit Unit' Section.
Pick any unit that will throw the flame shield.
Set his Basic and Piercing damage to 0.
Set his projectile to 'flame shield' using 'p' or 'P' key.
(Now if you attack something, it will throw a flame shield at every
attack, so it can be very useful to attack your own unit using these
(note: are projectile with a * before the name are useless)
(note: you can also do this for the whirlwind spell)
Unit Flags explained:
Land is this a land unit.
Air is this an air unit.
Expld when the unit die will there be an explosion. (Catapult/Ballista)
Sea is this a sea unit.
Critt don't know (skeleton, daemon, critter got this flag)
Build is this a building.
IsSub is this unit invisible to all unit that don't have the 'Csub' flag.
Csub can this unit see a submarine (Tower, Flyer).
Peon is this unit behaving like a peon/peasant. (runaway in attack)
Tankr can this unit enter oil rig to gain oil.
Trans can this sea unit carry living unit
O_Rig is this unit giving to oil to the unit entering it. (Oil Rig)
DepG is this a place where peaon/peasant can bring gold (hall)
???? unused/unused unit
G.att can 'Attack ground' (you can only modify this with catapult/jugger)
udead can 'exorcist' affect this unit
Shore is this a building you have to build on the shore (eg. shipyard)
Spell can this unit use spell.
DepW is this a place where peon/peasant can bring wood (lumber mill, hall)
Attck can the unit attack other unit.
Tower is this an attacking tower building
Patch is this an oil patch.
Mine is this unit giving to gold to the unit entering it. (Gold mine)
Hero is this unit a hero.
DepO is this a place where tanker can bring oil (shipyard, oil reffinery)
Sappr will this unit die if you cast Invisible/Unholy armor on it.
Mage is this unit behaving like a Mage/Deathknight. (runaway in attack)
Alive Is this unit an Organic unit (polymorph, bloodlust, heal will work).
???? unused
???? unused
???? unused
???? unused
== History ==
v1.80 +Added support for v1.33 PUDS.
+You can convert between normal PUDS and 1.33.
+New map section supported 'ERAX'.
v1.80 +Added change directory option in File listing.
v1.76 +Corrected the names of some flags
v1.75 +Added the file manager listing.
+Corrected some bugs.
+Added dos shell session.
v1.7 +Some data limits were too restricted.
+The increment/decrement routine is now flawless.
+Fixed some bugs.
+Improved some display.
+Added Save as option.
+Fixed the map specs.
+Restore only 1 unit/upgrade option.
v1.6 +Fixed major bug mouse in Unit edit mode.
+Fixed the default unit data (now they come from the game files).
+Fixed some bugs.
+Added more puds data checking.
+Included the original unit file (see default.zip).
v1.5 +Added mouse support everywhere.
+Added Load/Save Pud option.
+Improved main menu.
+Fixed some mouse bugs.
+Fixed some bugs.
v1.3 +Added mouse support
+Fixed the input routine.
+Improved edit players option.
+Fixed some other bugs.
v1.2 +Added the support for built-in scenario loading.
+Some new specs supported.
+More flexibility in the Unit format.
+More security. (Double Escape to quit & save)
+Updated/corrected default unit data.
+Improved map info option.
+Fixed some bugs.
v1.1 +Full release (all options are implemented).
+Added edit upgrade and edit player option.
+Copy paste option.
+All strings moved to INI file.
+Fixed some bugs.
v1.0 +First version.
Scorpions [10-22-96]