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- Soviet and American Communist Parties
- The Soviet Communist party evolved from the Russian Social
- Democratic Labor Party's Bolshevik wing formed by Vladimir Lenin
- in 1903. Lenin believed that a well-disciplined, hierarchically
- organized party was necessary to lead the working class in
- overthrowing capitalism in Russia and the world. In November
- 1917, the Bolsheviks seized power in St. Petersburg (then called
- Petrograd) and shortly thereafter began using the term Communist
- to describe themselves. In March 1918, the Bolsheviks named
- their party the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). The next
- year, they created the Communist International (Comintern) to
- control the Communist movement throughout the world. After the
- Comintern's dissolution in 1943, the Soviet party's Central
- Committee continued to use Communist parties from other nations
- as instruments of Soviet foreign policy. Each national party was
- required to adhere to the Leninist principle of subordinating
- members and organizations unconditionally to the decisions of
- higher authorities.
- Strongly influenced by the success of the Bolshevik
- Revolution, American socialists and radicals met in Chicago in
- 1919 to organize an American Communist party. But the Americans
- were so divided they created two parties instead. One group
- consisted primarily of relatively recent Russian and East
- European immigrants, who emphasized adherence to Marxist
- orthodoxy and proletarian revolution. The other group, dominated
- by native-born, somewhat more pragmatic American radicals, sought
- mass influence. Such conflicting goals combined with the
- discrepancy between Communist doctrine and American reality, kept
- the Communist movement in the United States a small sectarian
- movement.
- In 1922 the Comintern forced the two American parties, which
- consisted of about 12,000 members, to amalgamate and to follow
- the party line established in Moscow. Although membership in the
- American party rose to about 75,000 by 1938, following the Great
- Depression, many members left the party after the signing of the
- Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact of 1939. Others left in 1956
- after Nikita Khrushchev exposed some of Stalin's crimes and
- Soviet forces invaded Hungary. Only the hard-core members
- remained after such reversals of Soviet policy. The American
- party, a significant although never major political force in the
- United States, became further demoralized when Boris Yeltsin
- outlawed the Communist party in Russia in August 1991 and opened
- up the archives, revealing the continued financial as well as
- ideological dependency of the American Communists on the Soviet
- party up until its dissolution.
- (April 22, 1929)
- [?] 12
- secret, urgent
- Comrades! Inasmuch as a resolution of the VI Congress
- of our American Communist Party concerning Comrade Bukharin's
- situation has become the subject of debate at this session of the
- plenum of the Central Committee of our fraternal party of the
- Soviet Union; and inasmuch as Comrade [Philip] Dengel has issued
- a statement on that subject which needs further elucidation, I
- consider it necessary to give the following information about the
- facts in this matter.
- 1) The Central Committee of our party has more than
- once made clear and, in precise language, formulated into
- resolutions the fact that our Central Committee unreservedly
- follows the line of the Central Committee of the All-Union
- Communist Party (Bolshevik) [VKP(b)]. ....
- 2) Despite these repeated unanimous declarations by
- the Central Committee, the opposition in our party has mounted a
- campaign throughout the whole party--a campaign led by the chief
- All-American Bureau of the League of Trade Union Propaganda--
- whereby they accused our Central Committee of supporting Comrade
- Bukharin in his fight against the policies of the Central
- Committee of the VKP(b). Our opposition asserted itself as the
- only "true supporters of Stalin" in America.
- 3) At our congress, Comrade [Earl] Browder, speaking
- for the opposition, brought forward that same accusation and
- announced that they (the opposition) "will not let this congress
- off with just a declaration on this political question, but will
- force it to submit to an open vote the question of Comrade
- Bukharin's condemnation, naming him by name." We could not fail
- to understand the meaning of this announcement, for we knew that
- representatives of the ECCI [Executive Committee of the Communist
- International] served in fact as an integral part of the
- opposition faction, controlling its strategy at the congress.
- 4) The same day that Comrade Browder made his
- disclosure, leaders of the Central Committee held an all-night
- meeting with representatives of the ECCI. At that meeting,
- Comrade Dengel told us openly that that the ECCI considered us
- adherents of Bukharin and that that fact influenced the ECCI in
- its assessment of the American question. We were informed that
- our repeated political declarations refuting that persuasion were
- insufficient to absolve us from this suspicion. We were told
- that our statements should be much more concrete, and that
- specific names should not be included.
- 5) At the same time, the opposition at our Congress
- prepared a statement, publication of which was later demanded by
- the ECCI representatives. In that statement, for the first time
- in our party, the names of Stalin and Bukharin were specifically
- mentioned in a document concerning disputes in the VKP(b). The
- relevant passage said:
- "Loyalty with regard to the Comintern demands at the
- present time rejection of the openly opportunistic viewpoint of
- right-wing elements in the German CP and in the VKP(b)
- represented by [Otto] Brandler, Frumkin, etc., and also the most
- energetic struggle against the pacifist viewpoint (Ewert, Ember-
- Dro, etc.) which are based on the interpretation given by
- Bukharin to the decisions of the VI Congress and on his article
- "Notes of an Economist" and on his speech at the Moscow
- conference dedicated to Lenin's memory, also titled "Lenin's
- political testament". Loyalty with regard to the Comintern
- demands unconditional support of the line of the ruling party of
- the Comintern, the VKP(b) and of its Central Committee, led by
- Comrade Stalin."
- 6) Comrade [William W.] Weinstone, who worked under
- the direct supervision of Comrade Dengel and has never taken a
- single step without Dengel's approval, presented the statement,
- which further said:
- "The Congress supports the Central Committee of the
- VKP(b), under the leadership of Comrade Stalin. Further,
- inasmuch as Comrade Bukharin has been estranged for the last few
- months from the the Comintern leadership, in view of his
- position, in view of his vacillating stance in the struggle with
- right wing and pacifist groups in the Comintern; insomuch as
- Comrade Bukharin's position hinders the development of the
- ruthless struggle against right wing and pacifist groups, we
- therefore propose that the Comintern make a final decision on
- Comrade Bukharin's leadership of the Comintern."
- 7) Given this situation, leaders of the Central
- Committee finally recommended that the Presidium of the Congress
- present the Congress with a resolution on the question of Comrade
- Bukharin's future work in the Comintern. Comrades Dengel and
- [Harry] Pollitt were both present at that session of the
- Presidium and at that session of the Congress at which the
- resolution was unanimously adopted; they absolutely did not
- protest it nor raise any question in conjunction with that
- resolution. Likewise neither of the two Comintern
- representatives made any remarks or posed any questions when the
- statements of Comrade Weinstone and the Opposition were presented
- to the Congress.
- I offer these facts for the information of your Plenum.
- With communist greetings,
- Benjamin Gitlow
- translated by
- [?] Reinshten and
- [?] Mikhailov
- .................................................................
- TRANSLATOR'S COMMENTS: This document was translated into Russian
- from English. It was supposed to prove to the Plenum that the
- famous resolution against Bukharin adopted by the American CP
- was, despite his protests to the contrary, a direct result of
- pressure on the part of Philip Dengel. ("I Confess," by B.
- Gitlow, p. 546.)