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- :Astral_Mage_Tradition
- The astralist is a mage who does their best work when work when
- they appear to be asleep to those around them. In actuality the
- astralist is able to seperate their spirit from their body and into
- the Astral plane.
- While in the Astral Plane they can maneuver about, cast spells that
- affect the material world, pass thru physical barriers (being entirely
- energy) and be unaffected by physical spells and effects. An astral
- body CAN be affected by psychic spells, those that affect the will
- or the emotions of the person. It can travel anywhere upon the Mystic
- Earth, and the mage can see astrally while in this form. To travel
- beyond this into other dimensions takes fairly long sojourn time and
- a knowledge of such dimensions.
- If the physical body of the mage is injured while they are astral
- they will be snapped back to it instantly unless they attempt to
- resist (needs an INT save). If the Astral Body is harmed by a psychic or
- energy attack then the damage is also inflicted upon their physical
- body.
- If their physical body is killed while they are outside it than the
- Astralist becomes a Ghost spirit, bound to the rules of such (explained
- elsewhere).
- Astralists, while outside their body, can communicate at will to
- anyone within a 30' radius thru an odd form of mindspeech. Their spells,
- unless otherwise noted, are PURELY for use while they are in this
- astral form. Astralists are NOT able to communicate with Mundane's at
- all while in astral form (unless they use a possesion spell of some
- sort or have spells from another tradition) and cannot be seen by
- mundanes. Even non-mundanes need special spells or abilities to see
- an astral body.
- The process of leaving the body is complex and takes a varient period
- of time based upon the skill level of the mage:
- Rank 10 takes 10 minutes
- 9 15
- 8 20
- 7 25
- 6 30
- 5 35
- 4 40
- 3 45
- 2 50
- 1 60
- While out of their body the mage must sustain their astral self, expending
- one point of energy from their stored capacity per HOUR that they are
- away from their body. If they remain outside their body for more than
- 24 hours their physical body will begin to deterioate from lack of
- substanance and care, taking 1d10 of damage after the 24 hour limit is
- passed and an additional 1d10 for every 6 hours that passes after that
- which they remain astral for.
- An exception is someone who has gone astral while on a life support machine
- or on hospitalized I.V. tubes or has had a mage of some other type placed
- substaining spells on their body. Somone in such a state only takes 1
- point of damage to their body at the 24 hour mark, and 1 additional point
- per 6 hours gone. Healing spells cast upon the body while the mage is
- astral will not help with this kind of damage, and healing spells cannot
- affect an astral form either.
- Note that this damage sustained from long-time astral travel does not
- count as the type that will snap them back to their body, nor does it
- hinder the astralist. BUT an astralist whoose HTK drops below 1 while
- they are outside their body becomes a ghost spirit and the body dies.
- Required Skills:
- Meditation
- Suggested Skills:
- Alertness
- Body Developement
- Restrictions & Requirements:
- Only specially marked spells work when NOT in Astral form
- Returns to Body when astral if runs out of Stored Energy
- Cannot cast on others TOUCH range while Astral
- Cannot be seen while Astral normally
- Cannot be a Token Mage in this tradition
- Cannot Use Rituals in their Astral Tradition Castings
- Cannot use tools in their Astral Tradition Castings
- :Animal_Possession
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell allows a mage to posses the body of any animal intelligence
- creature, and control it thusly. The Mage controls ALL the actions of
- that body and will feel ALL and see and HEAR what the creature normally
- would. If the creature is harmed or killed while the mage so controls
- it the mage will take 1 point of HTK damage per 10 points done to the
- animal. A mage whoose body is slain while they are so possessing a
- creature becomes trapped mentally within it for 24 hours, and then can
- leave the body to become a ghost spirit.
- Mages so possessing a creature can cast from the body, using their stored
- pool of energy. The mage may severe the Possession at will.
- :Animate_Object
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- By means of this spell an inanimate object becomes animate and under
- the control of the caster. The object will move at about 5' per round
- unless it is something designed for movement (ex: A wagon, wheelbarrow
- etc). Objects animated in this way cannot fight, but may block an attack
- by interceding. One of the common ways of using this is to cast it on a
- scarecrow or other such humanoid appearing form so that a wider range of
- movements are possible. The animated object cannot perform a task that
- the caster has no knowledge of or cannot perform themselves - ex: an
- animated mannequin making dinner could cook no better than the mage that
- controls it. Object size is limited to 25 lbs per RANK of the spell.
- The caster can perform no other action while manipulating the object,
- beyond basic movement to stay in LOS of it. Losing LOS ends the spell
- prematurely. Range is simply for the initial casting.
- :Astral_Club
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates a magical club that exists on the astral plane and
- which is weilded by the caster. The club can be used to attack astral
- beings, or it may be used to attack a being on the material plane
- (they will be unable to see it unless they have astral sight and have
- no PROW modifier against the attack) an astral being or one who can
- see it gets its prowness). The Astral Club does 1d10+6 with +1 damage
- per rank, but non-magical armour offers NO defense to it at all!
- Creatures with magic resistance do NOT get a special save against it,
- since it is a magical weapon.
- :Astral_Sight
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein
- for the duration, in standard LOS range. This spell CAN be cast while
- the astralist is in their own body.
- :Banishment
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- Cast at a being from another plane, this spell forces them to return
- instantly to their plane and the subject cannot return to this one
- without being summoned back. The Target DOES get a saving throw.
- Fails against creatures native to the plane. This could be used against
- an Astralist to force them back to their own body.
- :Bigby's_Groping_Fingers
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell allows the caster "grope" his/her target. This spell is
- usually used by mischievous apprentices in bars and such... have fun!
- RANGE is vital to make this spell useful!
- :Binding_Aurua
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This spell is cast AFTER another spell or enchantment has been
- performed, it prevents the previous spell(s) from being dispelled by
- Magical Dispells. If this is cast on a destructive effect, or one
- that the target would be opposed to they DO receive a saving throw
- against the Binding. It does NOT extend the duration of the effect.
- :Calm_Animals
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This causes animals in a radius out to the range of the spell, to be
- calmed and placid. This can stop a stampede, prevent an attack or simply
- prevent easily startled or 'watch' animals from reacting to the
- presence of the caster and/or others in the area for the duration.
- This area of calm moves with the caster, and animals outside the area
- will return to normal reactions.
- Multiple TARGETS are not used as an option on this spell since it
- is an area affect.
- :Comprehend_Languages
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to understand the spoken
- words of a creature or read an otherwise incomprehensible written
- message (such as writing in another language).
- Note that the ability to read does not does not necessarily impart
- understanding of the material, nor does the spell enable one to speak
- or write an unknown language. Written material can be read at a rate of
- one page or equivalent per round. Magical writing cannot be read, other
- than to know it is magical, but the spell is often useful when deciphering
- treasure maps. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magics
- and it does not reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.
- The reverse of this spell, confuse languages, cancels a comprehend
- languages spell or renders a writing or a creature's speech
- incomprehensible, for the same duration.
- :Cure_Disease
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R,T
- This will eliminate most normal and magical diseases and infections and
- their symptoms from a living body. It does not cure poisons or produce
- other effects. If duration is bought it acts as a protection from future
- infections of any disease for the duration. It fails against Cancer
- and HIV+ based diseases.
- :Curse_Of_Pomparj
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This nasty spell has been the bane of many a mage. The Curse of Pomparj
- is cast upon a mage who gets a save vs INT. If they fail then from that
- point on thru the duration of the curse they must whenever casting a
- spell successfully roll on the following Table:
- ---- ------
- 01-25 Spell Works as intended
- 26-35 Spell produces a Klutz affect ANYWAY despite success!
- 36-95 Spell produces a TYPOED version of the spell.
- 96-00 Spell does nothing but wastes the energy.
- :Curse_Of_Senility
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will ONLY work on a mage. The Target must save or they will
- suffer SENILITY for the duration. While under the effect of this
- the Mage must make a saving throw VS INTUITION every time they wish to
- cast a spell - a failed throw means they cannot remember the spell AND
- must spend the rest of that round in puzzlement over their memory loss.
- The effect does NOT apply to HUNG spells.
- :Dancing_Lights
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This causes 1d10 of small glowing lights to appear that resemble
- candles and produce that amount of light that move as the caster
- desires. The spell winks out if they are moved beyond the range.
- If targeted they can be made to follow around a target being to provide
- light, so long as within range. Additional Ranks add 1 additional light
- to the rolled amount.
- :Depression
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This inflicts upon the victim knowledge making them realize that death
- is inevitable no matter how much they struggle and that everything they
- do will not really matter in the long term. This depression will reduce
- all their skills by 20% to succeed while active.
- This spell fails against Taoists, Draconians and Astralists.
- :Detect_Charm
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell will reveal whether or not a recipient is under the effect
- of a charm spell.
- :Detect_Curse
- COST : 2
- MODS : R
- This spell will tell if a person or object is Cursed and will, with
- an INTUITION roll, give the caster the details on the nature of the
- curse itself. Minor Curses are specific spells that cannot be dispelled
- by normal means (Dispell Magic) ;Curses are extremely powerful magic
- that can last for generations, usually cast by someone in the throes
- of death or extreme anger/depression. The only other known source of
- a curse are the denizens of the demonic planes, seeking to torment
- humanity.
- :Detect_Disease
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- Detect disease reveals to the wizard whether a subject creature
- or object carries a disease, whether normal or magical, and with a
- successful Intuition roll can identify the exact disease.
- :Detect_Illusions
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see thru ALL Illusions encountered while the
- spell duration is in effect, wether caused by magical spell or magic
- abilities of specific creatures.
- :Detect_Life
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- By use of this spell the caster can determine if a creature is alive,
- including creatures in a coma, trance, little death etc. It fails
- against Mind Shielded targets (they will detect as dead) and will
- also expose Undead for what they are.
- :Detect_Lie
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,T
- This allows the caster to perceive any SPOKEN lies said in their
- presence if they understand the language being spoken. Range is not
- necessary as an element in this spell. Target is only needed if casting
- the spell on someone else. It does not detect omissions, only falsehoods.
- :Detect_Magic
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown
- in that it will glow with the color of its Guildtype(s). Duration
- is not needed to be purchased, and it is cast at the suspect target.
- This spell CAN be cast while and Astralist is in their own body.
- :Detect_Shapechanger
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to detect any natural or magically held
- shapechanges on persons and creatures in LOS.
- At Rank 2 it allows the caster to know the true appearance of the
- beings that are shapechanged.
- :Detect_Spirit
- COST : 2
- MODS : D,T
- Detects the presence of a soul spirit or mentality in any body or
- object (enchanted swords, etc.), and whether or not the mind
- controlling the body is its "native". Thus, it will not detect charming
- or hypnosis but will detect possession. Only the fact of a mind is
- detected, not its nature. If it is cast on a normally invisible spirit
- (such as an Invisible Stalker or Unseen Servant), the caster can see
- the creature as a visible force for the duration. The reverse,
- Obscure Spirit, has a range of touch and conceals a single mind or
- spirit from detection by this spell, and can be cast by anyone who
- knows Detect Spirit. Astralists are considered Spirits when outside
- their bodies. This spell CAN be cast by an astralist while in their
- body.
- :Dispel_Magic
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it
- will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the
- spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its
- duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a
- healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling
- targets get a Save vs INT against Dispel
- :Dispelling_Curtain
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is used to set up a shimmering violet energy screen in a
- curtain form that the caster desires (Can be a maximum of 10' x 10'
- per RANK of the spell, but NO lower limit). Any creature passing thru
- it will have active spells on them affected by a Dispell Magic that is
- slightly more powerful than an ordinary one - this one CAN affect the
- results of spell klutzs 50% of the time, and CAN shut down any Globe of
- Invulnerability or Globe of Minor Invulnerability, but cannot shut off
- curse affects or any spell that was at rank 5 or greater.
- The Dispelling Curtain will NOT work against items, only beings.
- It will not affect hung spells, unused tokens etc.
- :Disruption
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This is cast ONLY on a single target. The Target must be a mage. If
- the Target fails tosave then they will immediately lose ALL their
- HUNG spells and the energy held in them.
- :Drain
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- This spell is only castable on a living being. The victim gets a
- roll vs each stat and if they fail they lose 1 point of each they
- failed the save roll against on Intuition, Hardiness, Prowness
- Appearance and Magical Aptitude which are then added to the casters
- statistics, permanently.
- :Energy_Discharge
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This allows an astralist to make an energy based attack on a corporeal
- or non-corporeal being. Since astralists energy is at varying
- frequencies, it is rare for two to have exactly the same frequency, so
- that the energy used by an astralist can be disruptive to another when
- discharged at them.
- Equally an astralist can harm a normal corporeal being by means of this
- attack.
- The astralist must expend the base point, plus 1 point per point of
- damage they want to do to a non-corporeal being. Against a corporeal
- being they must expend the base plus 5 points per point of damage they
- wish to do.
- Spell Reflection, Spell Shields and Globes of Invulnerability will not
- prevent the Energy Discharge from affecting a target and will be ended
- prematurely if it hits target. Non-Magical armour offers NO protection
- against the effect (but magical armour forms do).
- An astralist can, in an emergency, cast this spell while in their body.
- :Ethereal Sight
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the nearby Ethereal Plane and perceive any
- Objects or beings therein. Range is Line Of Sight. This spell does NOT
- perceive invisible or astral! This spell, unlike most of the Astralist,
- CAN be cast while in their body.
- :Exorcise
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This is cast on a body possessed by a spellcaster or creature of some
- sort. It drives the offending possessor out of the body back to their
- own (if possible), though they do get a save to oppose it. Additional
- Ranks minus one each from the possessor's save against the spell.
- This Spell CAN be cast by the Astralist while in their own body!
- :Feather_Fall
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- When this spell is cast, the target(s) affected immediately
- assumes the mass of a piece of down. Rate of falling is instantly
- changed to a mere two feet per second (120 feet per round), and no
- damage is incurred upon landing while in effect. When the spell duration
- ceases, normal rate of fall occurs. The feather fall affects one or more
- objects or creatures in a 10-foot cube per rank. Astralists do not
- need this spell themselves while in Astral form since they are NOT
- affected by the normal rules of gravity while astral.
- :Ghostlight
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This surrounds the caster's astral body with a pocket of light that
- is bright as normal daylight for the caster. It is non-existant to
- any that cannot see astral though.
- :Haunting_Sounds
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- The spell causes a strange haunting sound (see list that follows)
- within 30' of the caster (no extended range available), like those
- associated with haunted places.
- List : Creak, Footfall, Groan, Moan, Rattle, Tap, Thump, Whistle.
- If duration is cast with the spell then the sound will remain in the
- area it is originally cast and NOT follow the caster as he/she moves
- about.
- :Heat_Object
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This will cause a targeted object to become red hot, making water boil
- or metal become too hot to handle. If cast on armour it will cause the
- wearer 1d10 damage from the metal parts heating (except to leather).
- If duration is bought the water would boil away on the second round,
- flammable goods will burst into flames and metal will go to white hot
- and cause more damage. After three Rounds Metal melts, crystal shatters
- (as does glass) etc. Heat Object beyond the 4th round will cease to
- function since the target object will no longer exist.
- :Hold_Person
- COST : 25
- MODS : D, R
- It is cast on an individual and paralyzes them, if they
- fail to save, where they stand. They stay such for the duration
- and cannot act, unless a mage who doesn't require movement to cast.
- :Hold_Portal
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell magically bars a door, gate, or valve of wood, metal, or
- stone. The magical closure holds the portal fast, just as if it were
- securely closed and locked. Any extra-planar creature (dijinni,
- elemental, etc.) can shatter the spell and burst open the portal at
- will. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate the
- hold portal. Held portals can be broken physically or battered down.
- :Hold_Undead
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell paralyzes any form of undead (though Vampires and other
- intelligent forms get their Intuition in resistance) for the duration
- of the spell, wether they are corporeal or not. Attacking successfully
- such a held Undead will negate the Hold.
- :Mind_Guard
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell protects the caster or subject target being (must be
- sentient) from the effects of a mental nature as well as natural
- abilities like ESP, Telepathy (but not mind speech), Well_Of_Blackness*,
- Hypnotism*, Charm Person, Curse of Senility, Detect Deryni, Detect
- Spirit, Nude Mood, Possesion, Quantum Leap, Spook, Steal Spell, and
- even Taunt. This spell CAN be cast by the astralist while they are
- in their own body.
- :Minor_Involuntary_Actions
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell, if cast without extended duration can be cast in a single
- round - if duration is added then it takes the full standard three
- rounds to cast since it complicates the casting process.
- The spell allows the caster to affect the body controls of a single
- sentient being (save vs INT only against the EXTENDED Version, no save
- vs the one round version). Which means it can create simple physical
- reactions from the following list:
- Belch, Blink (eyes), Cough, Giggle, Nod, Scratch, Sneeze, Twitch
- (Minor muscle contraction), Wink and Yawn.
- If the victim is a mage who is involved in a spell casting they must
- make a save to maintain concentration on the spell they are working on
- (Iron_Mind* prevents the need for such a save) or they will lose the
- effect and have to start again. If the spell is cast on the victim with
- duration then it gives them a -10% to cast for the duration of the
- spell.
- If cast on a non-mage involved in combat, specifically TWITCH,
- Sneeze and Blink or Wink will throw off their combat pattern slightly
- reducing their next attack (if on that round or the next) by 5%. If cast
- on a non-mage with duration it will reduce their effect by 5% for the
- duration on all combat skills.
- :Nude_Mood
- COST : 10
- MODS : R,T
- Cast at a single being this forces them into a compulsive behavior to
- immediately strip off all clothes and armour to stand naked (it does NOT
- cause the removal of jewelry). Once they have completed this they will
- return to their senses and have to deal with the situation.
- TARGETS is only used if the targets involved are within 10' of each other.
- :Nystul's_Magic_Aura
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- By means of this spell, any one item of no more than five pounds weight
- can be given an aura that is noticed by someone using magical detection.
- Furthermore, the caster can specify the type of magical aura that is
- detected (Blue, Green etc.) and this effectively masks the item's actual
- aura, if any, unless the item's own aura is exceptionally powerful (if it
- is an artifact, for instance). If the object bearing Nystul's magic aura
- has an identify spell cast on it or is similarly examined, the examiner
- has a 50% chance of recognizing that the aura has been placed to mislead
- the unwary. Otherwise, the aura is believed and no amount of testing
- reveals what the true magic is.
- :Painting
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- By the means of this spell the caster can create an illusion of
- whatever s/he wants visually. It is usually easy to recognize what the
- illusion is supposed to be of, but any creature that can do so can also
- recognize that it is an illusion, as the picture is two dimensional.
- :Phase_Out
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This is one of the few Astralist spells that does not occur in
- astral form. This is because it shifts the physical body of the
- Astralist slightly out of phase with the material world and not
- quite into the Astral plane. In this form they can move thru solid
- objects physically, and travel distances, but cannot otherwise
- affect the world or astral beings. They cannot cast while Out of
- Phase, nor speak, nor go fully astral in any way. At the end of
- the duration or when they turn the spell off they phase back in to
- the material plane. If they materialize inside a solid object then
- they will take 3d10 damage (NO armour or magical defense against the
- damage!) as they are squeezed out. They may carry 25 lbs of weight
- with them per rank of the spell, but cannot carry ANY living thing
- with them this way. If they drop or cease to be in contact with an
- object while out of phase then the object will immediately phase in.
- An object that phases INTO a solid object will damage itself and
- that which it phased into.
- :Plant_Animation
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- Allows the animation of any plant (including trees) and command of them
- to act as the caster wishes. It does NOT allow plants to uproot their
- bodies (except on tumbleweeds) but allows them to be used to grasp,
- attack, etc. Lasts for the Duration.
- :Possession
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- Caster's mind takes over the target beings body for the duration, but
- leaves the target's spirit trapped in a holding position within the
- brain, able to speak with the possessing astralist and to observe and
- feel all that occurs but unable to act or in any way control the body.
- If the caster's own body is destroyed they permanently become resident
- and the old resident will be forced out into the astral plane - if not
- an astralist they will be either drawn to their particular divinitie's
- godhead, remain and astral ghost or fade out to a new reincarnation.
- While in possession the caster has the new body's stats except for
- Intuition, Magical Aptitude, HTK and Magical Capacity which remain their
- own. The caster CANNOT use the skills of the other being, only the
- body - they can use their own skills.
- Possessing another against their will is not considered ethical by
- many mages....
- :Protection_From_Spirits
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell will protect the caster or subject target from all damage
- and draining effects inflicted by a non-corporeal being, including
- wraiths, ghosts, spectres, astrally projecting mages and the like
- for the duration. Even spell effects used by any such creatures will
- fail to work against the protected. This spell is castable and only
- effective when the astralist is in their body.
- :Quantum_Leap
- COST : 30
- MODS : D,R
- This is an unusual form of possession*. It allows the caster to transfer
- their mind into the body of a being within the target range (with Save)
- and places their mind into the casters body. They both retain their INT
- Magical Capacity, Magical Aptitude and memories, as well as spell energy
- and hung spells and have full control over the new body, and keep ALL
- their original skills and NOT those of the new body. In the event one of
- the bodies is killed the remaining one will become the property of the
- current possessor and the occupant of the other is slain with the death.
- All active spells stay on the BODIES not the intellects in the switch.
- Unsuspecting victims are stunned for 1d10 rounds after being switched
- and cannot act. Unlike Possesion, a Quantum_Leap is ONLY cast when the
- Caster is occupying a body (their own or another held by a possesion).
- :Remove_Fear
- COST : 10
- MODS : R,T
- This removes the effects of ALL Fear spells and powers affecting a
- being.
- :Reveal_Owner
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- The caster of this spell receives a mental impression of the most
- recent owner or owners of the recipient object. An "owner" is defined
- as an intelligent entity who was in direct physical contact with the
- object one hour, or who had the object upon his person for 24 hours.
- The information gained is sufficient that the wizard will recognize the
- owner on sight, and he can uniquely specify the owner for the purpose
- of such spells as legend lore.
- :See_Invisible
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,T
- Allows the caster to see any invisible creatures, including persons
- under and invisibility spell or camouflaged, and similarly invisible
- objects. It will NOT detect Astral or Ethereal Plane travelers. It will
- also see thru Phantasmal Force Spells.
- RANGE is unnecessary with this spell, as it is set at LOS only.
- :Sleep
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to
- come upon one or more creatures (other than undead and certain other
- creatures specifically excluded from the spell's effects). All
- creatures to be affected by the sleep spell must be within 30 feet of
- each other. The center of the area of effect is determined by the
- spellcaster.
- Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures but normal noise does
- not. Awakening requires one entire round. Magically sleeping opponents
- can be attacked with substantial bonuses (Prowness 1)
- :Spell_Reflection
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,T
- This places an aura around the caster or a target being that
- protects from ALL spells cast directly at them that is single targeted
- by reflecting the spell back to its source if an Intuition saving roll
- is made successfully. If the source also has a Spell Reflection up
- it may also bounce the same spell back again until one of the two
- fails its save and is struck. It fails vs Energy_Discharge* .
- :Transfer_Energy
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This allows mages to transfer energy to each other by choice. Those
- involved MUST be willing. The being losing the energy decides how much
- they transfer and to who. Energy cannot be transferred to a non-mage
- being unless they are magical in nature. Only RAW energy *not HUNG
- spells* can be transferred this way.
- :Wound_Closure
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This spell closes the wounds of the recipient to prevent bleeding and
- infection, incidentally curing 1d10 of hardiness damage. All of the
- victim's wounds will be closed by a single casting. Further application
- isn't possible to increase the healing effect. Additional Ranks add
- +1 to the damage cured. The astralist cannot cast this on themself.