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Text File | 1993-05-26 | 41.9 KB | 1,191 lines |
- :Atlantian_Tradition
- The Atlantian system of magic is as ancient as the continental
- Kingdom it was founded in (now sadly beneath the waves) and as new
- as yesterday. It has grown and changed as the nature of the world
- has changed, but its adherants are few and hidden, their tradition
- handed down for centuries thru secret descendants of the old mage
- houses and priests of that fallen Island realm.
- Atlantian magic rose from the very oceans that destroyed their
- Kingdom in the end, and the remaining spells (for many have been
- lost) still reflect this heavily. That and the fact that the merefolk
- retain the system as well...
- Atlantian Language (NL)
- Magical History
- Meditation
- Navigation
- Read/Write
- Alertness
- History, Ancient
- Rowing (NL)
- Sailing
- Teacher (NL)
- Surfing
- Swords, lightweight
- Cannot Cast if Hands are bound or otherwise unusable
- Cannot Cast if Unable to Speak aloud in Atlantian Tongue
- +10% within 10 miles of an Ocean, Sea or Major River
- -20% Within a Desert or polar region
- +10% While Underwater
- :Acid_Water
- COST : 2
- MODS : D,R
- This spell turns water into an acidic substance. If a creature touches
- this stuff, it takes 1d10 +1/rank damage. If the acid is drunk, it will
- take 2d10 damage. The caster can do anything in or to the substance
- without taking any damage.
- Affects a maximum of 1 pint per RANK of the spell.
- :Air_Hole
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This opens a tiny opening into the elemental plane of air, causing a
- constant flow of air thru it into the locale. It has many odd uses,
- including keep from suffocation if trapped in an airtight container.
- It can, at will, be reversed by the caster, to draw air and small bits
- of matter into the plane (The hole is approx 1/4" across) as if a modern
- day vacuum cleaner. The hole can be moved around, but cannot be moved
- thru or inside a living creature.
- :Amphibious_Ability
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This makes the caster or the target being(s) able to breathe
- underwater as easily as they do air. This also will negate any
- spells of DROWNING* or BLOAT* cast upon the target.
- :Anchor
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This can be cast on any boat, ship, or floating object upon the
- surface of a liquid. It will cause such to hold fast to their
- present locale, despit all outside attempts to move it, for
- the duration, magically anchoring it to the bottom of the body
- of water.
- There is no physical representation of the spell or means to end
- it except a dispell or the caster choosing to cancel it.
- :Apprentice_Link
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is used to link a spellcaster with an apprentice or
- trusted companion or follower over a long period of time. It creates
- a linking so that they can speak (as under a Mind_Speech* spell), and
- so they can transfer energy at will (The CASTER of the Apprenticeship
- spell controls the flow and can take energy from the apprentice at
- will or bestow such to them at will) over any distance. The spell
- effects work THRU a Pentagram unhindered as well, despite its lack
- of ranks. The caster can also cast Spells upon the Apprentice at any
- time despite the distance as if they were in TOUCH range.
- This spell cannot be cast on an unwilling target.
- Unlike a normal Spell, the duration on this one is always exactly one
- year and a day.
- :Armour
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This gives the caster temporary invisible and intangible magical
- armour against all normal attacks that absorbs 1 points of damage
- per rank.
- Unlike normal armour, the armour spell cannot be reduced with wear,
- has no encumbrance affects upon Prowness and it can be worn with
- other forms of Non-Metal armour (Wearing metal armour will negate
- the armour spell).
- :Association
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- When casting this spell, the forensic wizard must brings two surfaces
- into contact with one another. Possibilities include the surface of a
- jewel and that of a safe, or the surface of an arrow and that of a
- bow. If the two surfaces were ever before adjacent, the spell so
- indicates, and if the surfaces were ever directly connected as a single
- item, an even stronger reading results. This is often used in the
- determination of guilt in a crime.
- Additional RANGE or DURATION are not useful with this spell.
- :Astral_Blade
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell creates a magical sword that exists on the astral plane and
- which is weilded by the will of the caster. The sword can be used
- to attack astral beings, or it may be used to attack a being on the
- material plane.
- The Astral Sword does the damage of a sword of the same type if weilded
- by the caster with a +1/rank damage add, but non-magical armour offers
- NO defense to it at all (though martial arts mods will).
- :Astral_Sight
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein
- for the duration, in standard LOS range.
- :Banishment
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- Cast at a being from another plane, this spell forces them to return
- instantly to their plane and the subject cannot return to this one
- without being summoned back. The Target DOES get a magic saving throw.
- Fails against creatures native to the plane.
- :BladeSharp
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This makes a bladed weapon +1 to Damage for the duration. It cannot be
- combined with any other damage enhancing spell. Each Additional Rank
- adds +1.
- :Bloat
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This causes a single target being (multiple NOT possible) to
- swell up to nearly twice their normal size from a horrendous magical
- bloating of their body, reducing Prowness to 1/2 Normal, for the
- duration of the spell, and affecting ALL Prowness based skills.
- Target DOES get a saving throw.
- :Breeze_Call
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- Causes a swirling breeze to arise from around the person of the
- caster which will blow in a set direction. It drives away gases
- and minuses 5% from chances to hit by missile weapons while active.
- Range is how far out from the cast that the breeze's effects will occur.
- :Calm_Sea_Creatures
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This causes creatures in a radius out to the range of the spell, to be
- calmed and placid. This can stop a stampede, prevent an attack or simply
- prevent easily startled or 'watch' creatures from reacting to the
- presence of the caster and/or others in the area for the duration.
- This area of calm moves with the caster, and Creatures outside the area
- will return to normal reactions.
- Multiple TARGETS are not used as an option on this spell since it
- is an area affect.
- It works on Sea Birds, Seals, Sea Lions, Manitou, Dolphins,
- Porpoise, Whales, Sharks, Lobsters, Rays, Octopi, Sea Turtles,
- Squid, Nar-whales, and similar beasts, crustaceans and fish.
- :Cause_Sea_Sickness
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This inflicts seasickness on anyone currently on a body of water,
- except to those who are native to the water (Creature or sentient).
- The target must save or they become extremely ill, vomiting for one
- round per rank of the caster (dry heaves once system is empty). And
- taking 1 HTK/rank of the caster in damage overall, and remaining at
- -25% to perform any action after this has occured for an hour.
- (Cure Sea Sickness will eliminate the HTK damage and the
- percentage minus).
- :Charm_Sea_Creatures
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell allows the caster to charm a target creature to become a
- faithful and fairly obedient pet. It will follow SIMPLE commands (Sit,
- STay, Attack, Follow, Heel) but does not share a telepathic link or full
- understanding of everything the caster may say. Lasts till duration ends
- and then will wander away.
- :Clean_Fish
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This will clean 1 fish per rank of the caster in preparation for cooking,
- descaling it and causing all bones and unedible parts to vanish instantly.
- It can only be cast on a dead fish, and does NOT work on shellfish.
- :Compass
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- Creates in the caster's hand a magical equivilant of a compass that
- will point to magnetic North just like a regular compass etc. The
- compass cannot be touched, seen or used by anyone except the caster.
- :Cure_Sea_Sickness
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This allows the caster to cure their own or another's seasickness
- and will prevent a reoccurance in the next 24 hours.
- :Dehydrate
- COST : 10
- MODS : R,T
- This spell removes the water from the target's tissues, causing damage
- and possibly death to living creatures. If cast on a body of water or
- non-living thing it removes 1 gallon per RANK of the spell. If cast on
- a living being it does 1d10 damage (+1/per RANK) on the target. It CAN
- be cast with multiple targets in mind.
- :Detect_Magic
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown
- in that it will glow with the color of its Guildtype(s). Duration
- is not needed to be purchased, and it is cast at the suspect target.
- :Detect_Metal
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- The caster specifies one metal type and this spell will detect any of
- such within a 50' radius.
- :Detect_Nexus
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- A Nexus is an opening from one material reality into another.
- Nexus Points are found naturally but can also be created by certain
- spells. This spell works LOS for the caster only.
- :Detect_Reefs_Shoals_&_Shallows
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This allows the caster to detect all underwater reefs, shoals and
- shallows within the radius range of effect and their depth from the
- surface.
- :Detect_Scrying
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell notifies the caster of any scrying by magical or mundane
- means occuring within the Range radius of the caster. Thus ANY
- clairvoyance, Clairaudience, detection or analysis spell active in
- that area or cast at them will be reported. It will also report
- security cameras and active microphones and state their locale. It
- does NOT detect invisible persons or devices present that might be
- listening/viewing nor will it detect a sentient that might be hidden,
- invisible or on the Astral plane. Only the caster hears and knows of
- the scrying report. It fails vs Boom microphones outside radius that
- might be able to receive them or cameras outside the range with
- telescopic lenses etc.
- :Detect_Tide
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- From a small quantity of water from the shore the mage will be able
- to know when the next High and low tides will occur by the clock.
- :Dispel_Magic
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it
- will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the
- spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its
- duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a
- healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling
- targets get a Save vs Dispel. Mutiple ranks allow the dispelling
- of effects greater than rank 1.
- :Dispelling_Curtain
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is used to set up a shimmering violet energy screen in a
- curtain form that the caster desires (Can be a maximum of 10' x 10'
- per RANK of the spell, but NO lower limit). Any creature passing thru
- it will have active spells on them affected by a Dispell Magic that is
- slightly more powerful than an ordinary one - this one CAN affect the
- results of spell klutzs 50% of the time, and CAN shut down any Globe of
- Invulnerability or Globe of Minor Invulnerability, but cannot shut off
- curse affects or any spell that was at rank 5 or greater.
- The Dispelling Curtain will NOT work against items, only beings.
- :Drowning_Death
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This spell is a nasty one, usable only on a single target. The target
- receives a save vs INTUITION to avoid the effect. If the victim fails
- their lungs suddenly become filled with water and they begin to drown.
- Victim will collapse instantly unconscious. Unless some means can be
- applied to remove the water within 3 rounds they are VERY dead.
- Dispell Magic does NOT help.... Amphibious Ability negates the
- effect.
- :Dry
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- Dry will dry any one garment or piece of clothing that is damp, wet
- or soaked, upto 3 square yards per RANK. It can also be used to dry out
- other objects that can become wet or damp, such as paper. If cast on a
- container or pool of liquid it will dry such out to some extent (upto
- one PINT of such).
- :Feather_Fall
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- When this spell is cast, the target(s) affected immediately
- assumes the mass of a piece of down. Rate of falling is instantly
- changed to a mere two feet per second (120 feet per round), and no
- damage is incurred upon landing while in effect. When the spell duration
- ceases, normal rate of fall occurs. The feather fall affects one or more
- objects or creatures in a 10-foot cube per rank.
- :Fertility
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will bring a subject being into peak fertility, and will
- override all known herbs, magics and medicinal means to block fertility
- (but not Barrier-form prophylactics) allowing conception to take place
- if a mating occurs within the duration of the spell.
- :Find_Sea_Creature
- COST : 3
- MODS : N
- This spell allows the caster to state a particular kind of creature for
- the spell to set him into the right direction to find and an estimated
- distance to the nearest such creature at the time of casting. For
- example to find a seagull, a dolphin or a lobster are all viable. The
- range that the spell can pick creatures within is a mile per RANK of
- the spell.
- :Find_Water
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- When casting this spell, to reduce costs, a tool is often used,
- the diviner grasps two ends of a Y-shaped stick. The remaining end
- twists around to point in the direction of the nearest source of fresh
- water within the spell range. The branch can twist but twenty degrees,
- and then the diviner will feel a tug in the direction of the water.
- The diviner can specify a minimum amount of water to seek (greater than
- the amount in a human body, for example).
- :Fishing_Net
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This summons and causes to drop on the target area a 10' square fishing
- net that entangles anything inside it. The Net can be cut away in
- another round of activity, if no cutting tools are available anything
- caught in it gets a roll vs Prowness each round afterwards to try to
- untangle themselves and escape. The net is non-magical.
- :Flare
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This causes a bright flare to occur at the designated site, giving off
- daylight intensity light for one round/rank. This throws off infravision
- for the next 3 rounds, and causes 1d10 damage to Undead within a 60'
- radius of the flare. It will not harm normal creatures, but if directed
- on or at one, will blind them for the next round. If Fired Directly at an
- Undead and striking it it will do 3d10 damage.
- :Flash
- COST : 2
- MODS : D,R,T
- Victims failing their saving throw are blinded due to a flash of light
- that appears in their eyes. Targets chosen on this spell do NOT have
- to be next to each other.
- Unless skilled at Blind Fighting they will be considered to be at
- prowness 1 for all actions for the duration.
- :Flavor_Food_&_Drink
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This allows the caster to change the flavor of any food or drinking
- substance, so that it may be more or less edible to those to consume it.
- The flavoring can be as simple as the addition of a single spice to the
- taste (ex: pepper) or as complex as a major change (Milk that tastes
- chocolate, Beer that tastes like buttermilk, Wine that tastes like
- blood). The effect does NOT change the nature of the Food or drink,
- merely the flavor, so this spell cannot be used to smoke fresh fish or
- to salt it (but can make such TASTE as such).
- The taste effect becomes permanent unless countered by another casting
- of the spell to change it again.
- :Float
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This gives an object boyancy so that it will not sink despite its actual
- area and volume of displacement, with this spell you can literally make
- a brick float in liquid!
- It affects an object of upto 100 lbs/rank.
- :Freezing_Sphere
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This places around the caster a personal sphere of energy that draws
- heat and warmth from anything passing near the caster, freezes water and
- other liquids in that range of temperature etc. Beings coming within 5'
- of the caster will encounter this sphere and take 1d10 (+2 per RANK) of
- cold based damage (unless they have some sort of protection from cold,
- natural or magical) and if in physical contact with the caster take an
- additional 1d10 of cold based damage for each round of contact. The
- caster MUST be careful to NOT have anything (Such as a potion or water)
- on their person as this too will be affected by the sphere and become
- frozen and/or shatter.
- :Hold_Portal
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell magically bars a door, gate, or valve of wood, metal, or
- stone. The magical closure holds the portal fast, just as if it were
- securely closed and locked. Any extra-planar creature (dijinni,
- elemental, etc.) can shatter the spell and burst open the portal at
- will. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate the
- hold portal. Held portals can be broken physically or battered down.
- :InFertility
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- Causes the subject to become infertile for the duration, useful for
- means of preventing contraception. This spell will NOT cancel out a
- Fertility* spell! Nor does it cause Impotence - only lack of conception.
- :Invisibility_To_Mundanes
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell causes a being, object or locale to become invisible to
- those who do not believe in magic and lack magical aptitude. It cannot
- be cast on a Mundane and Mundanes get NO save against the effect.
- It has NO effect on Mages and the like who view the invisible.
- It will affect 200 lbs of matter plus 25 lbs per rank. If cast on a
- locale instead of a being or object, it can cover 10 cubic feet per
- rank of the caster and all within that area (but such cannot be
- mobile).
- It will NOT work against technological detection devices, including
- cameras and the like. BUT to mundane persons it is complete
- invisibility to all their senses.
- :IronMind
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This spell permits the caster to concentrate powerfully, despite any
- normal things that would distract him/her from their actions in casting
- any other spell - even the receipt of actual physical damage, as long
- as the duration of this spell continues. This allows a mage to overcome
- one of the normal causes of spell failure.
- :Know_Spellcaster
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon a magical object or ANY ongoing spell effect
- (It can ALSO be cast during a REPLAY spell and will count what is
- being viewed as an ongoing effect even though it is an image) whereupon
- it will notify the caster of the the Name of the original caster.
- :Lavender_Spheres
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This creates (For each RANK) a single purplish-pink globe of energy
- inside a thin layer of hypersensitive matter that is about the size
- of a basketball and drifts like a balloon in the direction set by the
- caster at start (but may drift off course by breezes etc). They appear
- harmless, bit when struck by ANY object they explode, doing 1d10
- explosive magical damage in a 10' radius (Anyone within that range
- may make a roll vs Prowness and if successful only take 1/2 damage).
- This spell is primarily used underwater, where the spheres will rise
- upward towards the surface...
- :Mage_Blade
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell creates any lightweight sword from energy, which is
- magical in its nature, and does +1 damage on hitting over that doneby
- a normal sword, per RANK of the spell.
- :Mage_Rope
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This spell creates magical rope, with the thickness of a clothesline,
- 50'/rank in length that cannot be cut or burnt by non-magical means.
- It will not break apart from too much tension, fray or rot and thus is
- a perfect tool for usage.
- :Magic_Eye
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- By means of this spell the caster, creates a "third eye" much
- like the spell wizard eye except that it remains in a specific
- location once cast. It can be triggered in two ways, one is a
- "pre defined" event occurring, such as some creature passing in front
- of it. The second can be done from anywhere on the same plane, by
- willing it to activate. Once activated the eye lasts its duration
- The "eye" sees as well as the caster, if caster can see normally
- invisible so can the eye, magic enhancements do not work through
- the Magic Eye, such as spectacles or detect invisible. The mage,
- while concentrating will see thru the eye clearly, when not, it
- becomes a ghostly mental image... If the caster has more than one
- eye only one may be active - activating a second one will end the
- first ones usage.
- :Magic_Missile
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This is sphere of magical energy and proto-matter which is sent at a
- single target by the caster and which does 3d10 damage to the
- target, cannot be diverted from target and will not miss. If the target
- is sentient its INTUITION score is subtracted from the damage the
- missile does to HTK, being the only way to absorb the attack.
- It cannot be reflected away, absorbed, dispelled, or shielded from.
- Target MUST be in sight for the caster to use this spell, as well as
- within the range.
- :Mason's_Words_Of_Preservation
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This is a complex spell that is used upon a building to preserve and
- protect it over along period of time. It reduces all damaging spell
- effects cast upon the building (such as fireballs etc) so that only
- 1 point per 10 points inflicted will affect the building. It prevents
- All wear and damage from natural weather and wear. It also gives the
- building complete protection from the Mason's_Word_Of_Unmaking* and
- from dispells being cast upon it in any way. The building cannot be
- harmed by natural fire, and takes only 25% of the damage inflicted
- by siege engines, earthquakes and the like.
- The walls of the building cannot be climbed, even with a Spider_Climb*
- spell, and it is kept magically clean throughout the lasting of the
- protection. Spells that affect directly the building integrity (Stone
- to Sand, Pit etc) fail to function upon its surfaces, as do Warp_Wood*
- and other distorting effects.
- The duration of the spell is based on its rank, and lasts 1 year per
- RANK the spell is known at.
- :Message_Shell
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- Cast upon a seashell it will then allow the caster to record an
- audio message of 25 words (plus 5 words per additional rank) into
- the shell and then transport it to the being named as its intended
- target instantly, no matter what plane they are on. It cannot be
- used to send a spell affect at them, and the shell becomes ordinary
- after the casting and delivery. They must listen to the shell to
- receive the message.
- :Metamorphose_Liquids
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- This spell transmutes one type of liquid into an equal amount of a
- different, nonmagical fluid (water, wine, blood, oil, etc.). The
- caster must torch the fluid itself (not simply its container) for the
- spell to take effect.
- Fluids can be transmuted only into nonmagical liquids; it is not
- possible to change a magical liquid into another type of magical liquid.
- Poisons may be rendered harmless through the use of this spell, but the
- spell has no effect on poisons already consumed.
- Living creatures are unaffected by the spell, excluding those from the
- elemental plane of water. Such creatures are allowed a saving throw vs.
- spell. Failure results in 3d10 damage per rank of the spell, while
- success indicates no damage. Only one creature can be affected by a
- single casting of this spell, regardless of the creature's size.
- :Mind_Guard
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell protects the caster or subject target being (must be
- sentient) from the effects of a mental nature as well as natural
- abilities like ESP, Telepathy (but not mind speech), Well_Of_Blackness*,
- Hypnotism*, Charm Person, Curse of Senility, Detect Deryni, Detect
- Spirit, Nude Mood, Possesion, Quantum Leap, Spook, Steal Spell, and
- even Taunt.
- :Mind_Speech
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- Allows the caster to communicate mentally with one or more beings. Must
- be able to see the being when the spell is first cast, but does not
- have to maintain visual contact. The mindspeech is just like normal
- conversation, except that NONE of those involved can 'think' a lie
- thru the link at the others, so honesty is the rule - any attempt to
- lie directly will cause the link to severe. Once enacted, Mindspeech
- is NOT affected by the distance - RANGE is only used for the initial
- casting of the spell, thus the spell can be bought relatively cheaply
- if all involved are in touching range at start, only duration and
- possibly targets are needed.
- :Pentagram
- COST : 20
- MODS : D
- The Pentagram is drawn out on the ground or floor and then it is
- charged with the spell energy. This star within a circle is usually
- stood in by the caster and will reduce or prevent hostile creatures
- and spells from entering its confines. No Entirely magical creature
- (Zombie, Ghost, Skeleton, Elemental, demon, golem, fae-folk, devil,
- wraith, or spectre) can cross this boundary, while non-magical or
- partially magical ones can cross at will.
- Spells trying to enter it have their effect reduced one rank per
- rank of the caster of the Pentagram - if the incoming spell is thus
- reduced below one rank it ceases to function, else it is reduced in
- strength accordingly.
- The Pentagram cannot be broken or erased except by the caster or by
- mundane means by a non-magical being, EXCEPT if it is struck by an
- ERASE spell. Dispell Magic Does not work on a Pentagram.
- :Protection_from_Constriction
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- When cast, a Protection from Constriction spell will mitigate crushing
- damage taken each round from a single attack form. Up to five points
- per rank of the spell is deducted from crushing damage. Note that
- this does not mitigate damage from crushing weapons or falling; it will
- protect against constriction, bear hugs, Bigby's Crushing Hand, or any
- similar gradual compression.
- :Protection_From_Pressure
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This will protect the caster or subject being from the effects of
- deep water pressures and prevent getting 'the bends' (but does NOT
- allow the caster to breathe underwater).
- It can also be used, presumably, in atmospheric conditions with
- thicker then one normal atmosphere (Earth-like) when water isn't
- present.
- :Quicksand
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This creates a 5' radius pool of quicksand at the targeted point if cast
- on earth, sand or natural stone (But cannot be cast on wood or other
- man-designed surfaces). This lasts only for the duration, at which time
- it returns to its natural state. If a being was caught in the quicksand
- and has not yet sunk below the surface then when the spell expires they
- will be trapped in the material (But NOT killed in the process).
- :Rainbow_Bridge
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- The caster creates with this a very visible rainbow to form a seven-hued
- bridge up to 3' wide per RANK and at least 20' long (adding an optional
- 20' long per RANK the spell is known at) that can hold any weight upto
- 2000 LBS /RANK upon it to cross it as a normal bridge.
- :Rejuvenation
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This spell reduces the age of a living creature by 1d10 years of age.
- DURATION is not used with this spell, its affects work long afterwards,
- unless canceled by a dispell magic or upon entering a Barren Magic
- Zone.
- :Remove_Fear
- COST : 1
- MODS : R,T
- This removes the effects of ALL Fear spells and powers affecting a
- being.
- :Repell_Sharks
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This creates a 30' + 10'/rank globe around the caster that sharks will
- not enter by choice and will flee if already within at the casting.
- :Resist_Acid
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell is similar to the mage spell resist electricity
- (q.v.), except this spell provides some protection from acid and acid
- based attacks. It lasts for its duration or until a total of 100
- points of acid damage have been absorbed.
- :Resist_Cold
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell lasts for the duration or until the spell has absorbed 100
- points of cold damage to protect the target from harm.
- :Room_of_Seclusion
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- With this spell, the caster can create an extra-dimensional room (10'
- cube per RANK) with one side adjacent to an unbroken 10' x 10' area
- (i.e. one that has no doors, windows, or other such openings). The
- surface area (which must be touched) now acts as a phase door into the
- secluded room. The room can be of any shape and size up to the limit of
- the spell but at least one side must be at least a 10' x 10' area.
- Thus, the room could be rectangular, pyramidal, hemispherical, etc. The
- room lasts for the duration, or until dispelled.
- The caster may bring any item, materials, etc. as he or she desires
- into the room, so long as the object can fit through the phase door and
- is touched by the caster (and only by the caster).
- At the end of the spell's duration, anyone or anything still within the
- room is now trapped in that extradimensional space. escape is only
- possible through other extraplanar travel. This also occurs when a
- dispel magic or similar magic is cast against the phase door area.
- The phase door itself is detectable by any means available that can
- detect magical auras, but the room itself can only be contacted through
- extraplanar means. Spells such as clairvoyance and clairaudience would
- not detect the events on the other side of the phase door surface.
- :Sailing_Winds
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This is cast upon a sailing vessel. It causes a magical wind to spring
- up to fill the sail(s) and propel the ship at a rate of about 5 mph/rank
- even if the rest of the area is in a dead calm. The direction can be
- controlled by the caster for easy control of the vessel.
- :SeaFood_Banquet
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- This creates from any body of living water, instantly, a full meal
- for four people (plus 2 people/rank) including all utensils and
- serving ware. The serving supplies vanish when the last of the food
- has been eaten or when a full hour has passed.
- :Sea_Polymorph
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- It enables the caster to transform themself or another willing being
- into a different form that is suitable to water environments Salt or
- Freshwater). That is it can change their shape, race and appearance
- entirely, into an equal, greater or lesser species, for the
- duration of the spell. Thus one might change from a human into a
- dolphin. The cost for transformations like this are high, as you are
- altering some of the standard rules of reality in dealing with
- conservation of mass and such.
- When such a transformation occurs the being receives all the
- abilities of their new form entire - a human become a trout has the
- ability to breathe underwater, a human turned merefolk is amphibious
- and has the webbed feet and hands etc of that race.
- What doesn't change is - INTUITION, Magic Aptitude, Magic Capacity
- and HTK. This is important as it also means that wounds do not vanish
- by changing form, but they are simply not visible in the new form.
- Besides fish, mammels (whale, dolphin, sea otter, sea lion, merefolk)
- and sea bird forms may be taken with this spell.
- Only the CASTER of the spell can control the shapes taken. Multiple
- forms are NOT possible while under the duration of the spell.
- :See_Invisible
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,T
- Allows the caster to see any invisible creatures, including persons
- under and invisibility spell or camouflaged, and similarly invisible
- objects. It will NOT detect Astral or Ethereal Plane travelers. It will
- also see thru Phantasmal Force Spells.
- RANGE is unnecessary with this spell, as it is set at LOS only.
- :Sink_It
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- This causes any object to instantly become non-boyant and to sink
- to the bottom when in water despite its normal nature. It remains
- non-boyant for the duration (though in many cases something that
- has sunk won't resurface if sunk anyway).
- :Sleep
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to
- come upon one or more creatures (other than undead and certain other
- creatures specifically excluded from the spell's effects). All
- creatures to be affected by the sleep spell must be within 30 feet of
- each other. The center of the area of effect is determined by the
- spellcaster.
- Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures but normal noise does
- not. Awakening requires one entire round. Magically sleeping opponents
- can be attacked with substantial bonuses (Prowness 1)
- :Slime_Ball
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This hurtles at the target a ball of green slime. Target may attempt to
- use a shield to block it but cannot dodge the effect otherwise. Any
- shield used will be destroyed by the slime and both it and the slime
- will land to the ground. Even magical shields will be so affected.
- Green Slime is a vicious semi-alive mold-growth that is found in some
- tombs and underground places. It can only live a few moments in daylight
- and will leave a green stain on stone or other surfaces when it dies in
- such. It can be burned off as well.
- Green slime that hits a target being will eat through armour, even
- magical armour, destroying it (Leather = 1 rnd, Metal = 2 Rnds, Magical
- Armour = 3 rnds). A being wearing armour must remove such or will be
- affected by its flesh attack after the armour is eaten away. The flesh
- attack of green slime is the corruption of the flesh into green slime.
- Target will lose 1d10 HTK per round that the slime is on them - if it
- reduces them to 0 then they have become green slime entirely themselves
- and are dead for all intensive purposes (there is NO way to recover from
- such a death).
- Green slime CAN be burned off (thus harming the target but freeing them
- of becoming slime) Frozen off (again as per burning). A cure Disease
- will eliminate it, but creatures normally immune to disease are NOT
- immune to Green Slime.
- :Speak_With_Sea_Creatures
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster or targeted being to speak with creatures of animal
- intelligence. This is NOT Charm Animals, it simply allows the asking of
- basic information, though while in effect the animals will not attack
- the being speaking with them unless attacked.
- :Spirit_Ship
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This creates a sailboat (capacity 4 persons) at the specified range that
- will last for the duration and includes all needed equipment. It
- vanishes when the spell expires.
- The Spirit Ship canot be used as a weapon.
- :Summon_Water
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This summons from the Elemental Plane of Water 5 gallons per RANK of
- pure drinking water into a touched container or at a ranged distance
- from the caster. It cannot be summoned into a living thing and if more
- is summoned then the container will hold (in the case of a container)
- the excess will NOT appear. If summoned in an area where there is no
- container then the full maximum amount will arrive. Water weighs about
- 8.5 pounds per gallon.
- :Surfboard_Of_Speedy_Travel
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This creates a magic Surfboard for the caster to ride upon the waves.
- To use it the caster MUST have surfboarding skill! The surfboard will
- be propelled on a wave of its own making (even on a still body of water
- like a lake) and can travel at speeds of equivilant to 10 mph/rank
- across the surface. Note the board will not move unless occupied and
- will act as if anchored if such, nor will it move unless commanded to
- do so by the caster.
- :Tentacles_Of_The_Deep
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This causes an area affect of 5'x5'x5' per rank (thus at rank two its
- 10'x10'x10', at rank three 15'x15'x15' etc). Within that area numerous
- suctioned tentacles appear and constrict around beings and objects
- with great strength. These will hold them tightly, preventing much
- movement (there is a prow save to escape the area if its at rank 4 or
- less at start, after rank 4 this is not possible). The tentacles will
- do 2d10 +1/rank constriction damage each round to whatever is within
- their grasp.
- To free oneself from the tentacles one must do 30 HTK damage to them
- with bladed weapon or fire-based attack (electricity, gunfire or blunt
- weapons do no significant damage to them, explosive damage will do only
- 1/2 damage to them). Tentacles are affected by a standard dispell.
- If cast out of the water the tentacles only need 10 htk to be broken
- free of.
- :Transfer_Energy
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This allows mages to transfer energy to each other by choice. Those
- involved MUST be willing. The being losing the energy decides how much
- they transfer and to who. Energy cannot be transferred to a non-mage
- being unless they are magical in nature. Only RAW energy *not HUNG
- spells* can be transferred this way.
- :Transmute_Rock_To_Salt_Water
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This transmutes stone of any kind into water instantly, affecting an
- area of 5' square per RANK of the spell. It cannot be reversed or
- dispelled.
- :Transparency
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- By means of this spell the mage may make a section of metal, stone, or
- wood as transparent as glass to be viewed thru. The spell does NOT work
- on Lead, platinum or gold. The glass is of a form of a one-way mirror,
- upto 3' square in size. It does not change the intrinsic strength of
- the material. It lasts until the duration ends....
- :UnParalyze
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- Restores movement to a person, no matter the cause of the Paralysis.
- :Unseen_Servant
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- The unseen servant is a non-visible, mindless, and shapeless force, used
- to step and fetch, open unstuck doors, as well as to clean and mend. It
- is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the command of the wizard. It can
- carry out only one activity at a time and can move only light-wight
- items--carry a maximum of 20 pounds or push or pull 40 pounds across a
- smooth surface. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, etc. The
- unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force rather
- than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated after
- receiving 6 points of damage from area-effect spells, breath weapons, or
- similar attacks. Additional Ranks add 10 lbs to its carrying ability,
- and 1 HTK to its survival ability.
- :Wall_Of_Ice
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates a sheet of strong, flexible ice. This wall is
- primarily defensive, stopping pursers and the like. The Wall is one
- inch thick per RANK of the spell, and covers a 10' Square area per
- RANK as well. Anything breaking thru the ice will take 1d10 damage
- per inch thickness, with fire-based creatures taking 2d10 per inch.
- If this spell is cast to form a horizontal sheet to fall on opponents,
- it has the same effect as a heavy hail storm, doing 3d10 damage to
- those hit (they get a saving throw vs prowness for 1/2 damage).
- :Warp_Wood
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This spell allows the caster to warp wood as if under extreme
- humidity and pressure. It can be used to bend arrows so they will not
- fire true, make a wooden hulled boat leak, weaken an axe handle so that
- its head may fall off or even bend or buckle a door.
- Each RANK of the spell allows the warping of upto 2 cubic feet of
- wood. The warping is permanent unless the wood is reshaped in some way.
- :Waterproof
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell creates an invisibly thin membrane around the
- recipient and any objects in his/her possession, through which water
- may not pass, except at the mouth (water breathing, for example, is
- not hindered if it is in effect, but it is not otherwise provided by
- this spell). Its purpose is to protect and keep dry objects that could
- otherwise be damaged or destroyed by water (e.g., spellbooks, torches,
- tinderboxes, etc.), since precipitation merely beads and rolls off the
- recipient and bodies of water do not penetrate the barrier. The spell
- does not confer any special abilities to survive or breathe
- underwater, but it will keep the caster and his/her possessions dry.
- :Waterspout_Of_Far_Travel
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- This is cast on a body of water, be it a pond, river, ocean, lake or
- sea (it must be at least as large as a full size olympic swimming pool).
- It creates a swirling waterspout from the water about 6' high. Into this
- the caster may step while visualizing a locale to arrive in. The locale
- MUST be a body of water. The second body will also form a similar
- waterspout and the caster will vanish from one to the other and then
- both will return to normalcy.
- The caster can take 200 lbs of equipment/passengers thru the spout with
- them per rank.
- :Waterwalking
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell allows the caster or target beings to be able to walk
- upon the surface of liquids (except acid) as if walking on a solid
- surface. The does NOT work on fog, mist or clouds.