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Text File | 1993-06-26 | 88.8 KB | 2,310 lines |
- :Discordian
- The Discordians are an offshoot of the Wiccan Pagan Community
- who are conversly known as Erisians, Children of Chaos and Popes
- for Freedom. Their ethics change as fast as the wind, and they
- serve the cause of Discord and strife against the forces of
- authoritarianism and changeless stability.
- The main weapon of a discordian is a sense of humor. The ability
- to laugh at the irony of chaos in life and the fabric of stability's
- weakness at holding it all together.
- Required Skills :
- Philosophy
- Suggested Skills :
- Magical History
- Religion Familiarities (any)
- Spell Analysis
- Streetwise
- Tantrics
- Restrictions Etc :
- + 5% for every other Discordian present within 90'
- when casting.
- +20% When casting during a natural storm
- -10% When casting during Daytime
- +10% When casting and having consumed alchol within
- one hour of such.
- +20% When Casting Under the effects of psychadelics.
- -20% To cast when depressed for any reason
- Cannot Use Meditation
- Can, thru Tantrics skill usage, gain for each hour
- of activity the equivilant recovery as one hour
- of sleep.
- Cannot be Hermetic, Mind Mage, Darkovian, Taoist,
- Voodon, Draconian, Shamans (any) traditions.
- :Affect_Normal_Fires
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell enables the wizard to cause non-magical fires--from
- a torch or lantern to as large as a 10' radius ---to reduce in size and
- brightness to become mere coals or increase in light to become as
- full daylight and increase the illumination to double the normal radius.
- This does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the
- fire. The caster can affect any or all fires in the spell's area. He
- can alter their intensities with a gesture as long as the spell is in
- effect. The spell lasts until the caster cancels it, all fuel is burned,
- or the duration ends. The caster can also extinguish all flames in the
- area, which expends the spell immediately. The spell does not affect fire
- elementals or similar creatures.
- :Age_Alchol
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This spell magically ages Alchol. The standard durations are not used
- for this spell. Each point put into Duration adds 6 months to the age
- (and thus fermentation level). Upto 1 gallon can be aged per RANK of
- this spell.
- :Air_Hole
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This opens a tiny opening into the elemental plane of air, causing a
- constant flow of air thru it into the locale. It has many odd uses,
- including keep from suffocation if trapped in an airtight container.
- It can, at will, be reversed by the caster, to draw air and small bits
- of matter into the plane (The hole is approx 1/4" across) as if a modern
- day vacuum cleaner. The hole can be moved around, but cannot be moved
- thru or inside a living creature.
- :Animate_Object
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R,T
- By means of this spell an inanimate object becomes animate and under
- the command of the caster. The object will move at about 5' per round
- unless it is something designed for movement (ex: A wagon, wheelbarrow
- etc). Objects animated in this way cannot fight, but may block an attack
- by interceding. They are imbued only with enough intelligence to obey
- the instruction by the caster (ex: an animated broom can sweep the
- floor, but knows nothing about making tea). One of the common ways of
- using this is to cast it on a scarecrow or other such humanoid appearing
- form so that a wider range of commands are possible. The animated beings
- cannot perform a task that the caster has no knowledge of or cannot
- perform themselves - ex: an animated mannequin instructed to make dinner
- by the caster could cook no better than the person that created it.
- They cannot hold or manipulate magical energy in any way.
- :Anvil Fall
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- When this spell is cast, the creature(s) or object(s) affected
- immediately assume the mass of solid lead. A falling or flying object
- or creature affected starts to plummet, and damage taken from falling
- is doubled, i.e., 2d10 per 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d10 from
- a height of 100 feet. The anvil fall affects one or more objects
- in a 10-foot cube, or one creature, as long as the maximum original
- weight of the creatures or objects does not exceed a combined total of
- 200 pounds per rank bought of the spell.
- A feather fall cast upon a creature or object under the influence
- of an anvil fall will only negate the latter, and the creature then
- receives only normal falling damage. An additional feather fall would
- then be needed to achieve the normal effect of that spell, and two
- such spells could probably not be cast in time by a single caster.
- Like a feather fall, an anvil fall works only upon free-falling,
- flying, or propelled objects, and cannot affect a sword blow or a
- charging creature.
- :Apprentice_Link
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is used to link a spellcaster with an apprentice or
- trusted companion or follower over a long period of time. It creates
- a linking so that they can speak (as under a Mind_Speech* spell), and
- so they can transfer energy at will (The CASTER of the Apprenticeship
- spell controls the flow and can take energy from the apprentice at
- will or bestow such to them at will) over any distance. The spell
- effects work THRU a Pentagram unhindered as well, despite its lack
- of ranks. The caster can also cast Spells upon the Apprentice at any
- time despite the distance as if they were in TOUCH range.
- This spell cannot be cast on an unwilling target.
- Unlike a normal Spell, the duration on this one is always exactly one
- year and a day.
- :Astral_Sight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein
- for the duration, in standard LOS range.
- :Audible_Glamour
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- When the audible glamour spell is cast, the wizard causes a volume of
- sound to arise, and seem to recede, approach, or remain a fixed place as
- desired. The volume of sound created, however, is directly related to
- the rank of the spell. The volume is that of four men, maximum.
- Thus, talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds
- can be created. The auditory illusion created by the spell can be
- virtually any type of sound, but relative volume must be commensurate.
- A horde of rats running and squeaking is about is about the same as
- eight men running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to 16 men, while
- a roaring dragon is equal to the noise volume of no fewer than 24 men.
- :Awaken
- COST : 1
- MODS : R,T
- This spell will wake a character (or characters) to full
- alertness instantaneously. It can be set to trigger on a specific
- action such as a word or action. The primary component is a horn
- (which can be reused). Each being that may be awakened must be named
- in the spell when cast.
- :Bad_Hair_Day_Curse
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- Target being's hair becomes a frazzled, tangled mess that is absolutely
- unmanageable for the next 24 hours. A remove Curse or using a Demon
- Barber spell will end the problem only. Additional ranks add 1 day to
- the effect each.
- :Banishment
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- Cast at a being from another plane, this spell forces them to return
- instantly to their plane and the subject cannot return to this one
- without being summoned back. The Target DOES get an INT saving throw.
- Fails against creatures native to the plane.
- :Bigby's_Groping_Fingers
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell allows the caster "grope" his/her target. This spell is
- usually used by mischievous apprentices in bars and such... have fun!
- RANGE is vital to make this spell useful!
- :Bigby's_Interposing_Hand
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This creates a HUGE-sized magic hand which appears between the caster
- and an opponent. This disembodied hand then remain between the two,
- regardless of what the spellcaster does or how the opponent tries to get
- around it. The hand is about the size of the caster. It may be harmed
- by spells and normal weapons, but can absorb all damage until it hits its
- limit, which is 100 points per RANK of the spell.
- :Blur
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R
- This causes the casters (or target being's) outline to become blurred,
- shifting and waivers. This distortion causes all missile and melee
- combats to be -20% normal chance to hit as well as for all magic attacks
- directed at the target exactly.
- :Breeze_Call
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- Causes a swirling breeze to arise from around the person of the
- caster which will blow in a set direction. It drives away gases
- and minuses 5% from chances to hit by missile weapons while active.
- Range is how far out from the cast that the breeze's effects will occur.
- :Bubbles_Of_Euphoria
- COST : 12
- MODS : D,R
- This spell summons or generates some giant 'soap bubbles' that will
- float around the area where they were ranged to. Those within the area
- must save vs prowness each round of the effect to avoid touching and
- bursting one of the bubbles. If they fail and touch one it bursts,
- and releases a strange gas effect on them - because of its nature it
- WILL bypass a minor globe of invulnerability and it will work on a being
- with magic resistance. The gas causes a feeling of Euphoria in the
- being, which will make them smile and laugh at foolish things. This will
- distract mages who are spellcasting, even those with IRONMIND spells
- active, reducing their chance to cast by 25%, and it will reduce any
- resistances to sleep, charm or non-damaging spells by this same amount.
- The effect of the Euphoria lasts for the duration.
- Area of effect is a 20' radius from the range point, and the caster
- CAN be affected by their own spell in this case if they cast it in too
- confined an area! Each additional rank adds 10' to the radius.
- :Cat_Spirit
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R
- The cat form spell grants many of the abilities traditionally
- associated with cats, though it does not significantly alter the
- features of the recipient. The spell grants a +10% bonus to prowness,
- and all skills that use that as a base, the recipient's tread will be
- absolutely quiet for the duration. The spell also halves all damage
- taken from falls and allows the recipient to land on his or her feet.
- Finally, it grants the ability to grow claws, allowing each hand to do
- 1d10+3 damage.
- :Change_Self
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the wizard to alter the appearance of his
- form--including clothing and equipment--to appear one foot shorter or
- taller; thin, fat, or in between; humanoid, or any other generally
- bipedal creature. The caster cannot duplicate a specific individual.
- The DM may allow a saving throw for disbelief under certain
- circumstances: for example, if the caster acts in a manner obviously
- inconsistent with his chosen role. The spell does not alter the
- perceived tactile (i.e., touch) properties of the caster or his
- equipment, and the ruse may be discovered in this way.
- :Chaos_Blessing
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell turns off ALL Active spells on a being, and no spell will
- defend against this affect (though a normal save vs magic does occur).
- It then places a special spell (the Blessings of Eris! according to
- Discordians) on them for the duration:
- ---- ------
- 01-05 +10% to all Saves on any stat!
- 06-10 +10% to Success chance with ALL skills
- 11-20 All attacks made on them, including spells, cannot
- do more than 5 points of actual damage after all
- usual minuses.
- 21-25 All Bullets within a 5' radius get turned into
- glitterdust permanently, both those being fired
- AND any being carried.
- 26-30 All Fruit within a 5' radius is transformed into
- Fresh apples permanently.
- 31-35 All Cooked meat within a 5' radius is transformed
- into an equal quantity of hot dogs permanently!
- 36-40 All lapel pins within a 5' radius get transformed
- into 'Smile Eris Loves You' pins permanently.
- 41-45 All Paperclips within a 5' radius end up in the
- persons pockets instantly.
- 46-55 All Tacks, thumbtacks and push pins disappear into
- another dimension instantly within a 5' radius.
- 56-75 All Lightbulbs within a 30' radius become loose and
- nonfunctional until tightened (and will unscrew
- again if stays in the area).
- 76-85 All flowers and flowering plants in bloom will sing
- the verses to 'Olde Time Religion' while within
- a 30' radius.
- 86-90 Any thrown missile aimed at the target will become
- a boquet of flowers with 5'.
- 91-95 Target's APP increased by 20 temporarily!
- 96-00 something really weird (GMs choice!)
- :Chaos_Shield
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell was designed to protect a mage against their own spell
- Klutz effects. When a mage has this spell upon them and klutzes a spell
- themselves or is supposed to be affected by nother mages klutz on them,
- they receive an additional saving throw of their INT + 10%/RANK of the
- Shield. If successful they are unaffected by the klutz, otherwise they
- are affected as per normal. This spell will NOT work if cast in a stack
- with Globe of Invulnerability or on someone with that spell already
- active. The Globe is based on Lawful aspects of Magic, and thus cannot
- work with the Chaos Shield.
- A chaos shield cannot be cast upon someone else except the caster
- until AFTER reaching RANK 2 or greater with the spell.
- :Chaos_Vortex
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R
- This spell summons in a tiny piece of a shadowstorm in the form of
- a swirling tornado that will wander about randomly, affecting everything
- it hits. Anyone that fails a prowness roll when the vortex reaches them
- is affected by a RANDOM SPELL KLUTZ effect. The Vortex is unable to pass
- thru solid objects, and cannot be dispelled (but may be BANISHED). It
- fades away when the duration ends. The caster is NOT immune to the
- effects, and cannot end the spell prematurely.
- :Chaotic_Combat
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is cast upon a warrior and will give them amazing insight
- into how to utilize their weapons and body skills in a combat situation
- for the duration. Unfortunately it does so chaotically, so that each
- round they must roll on the following table for the spells assistance
- to them for their action that round:
- ---- ------
- 01-10 +20% chance to Hit
- 11-25 +5 to damage with Weapons or body attacks
- 26-45 All Hits do Maximum damage against foes
- 46-65 +20% to their Prowness Defense for the Round
- 66-75 Gets PROW save vs Missiles even if no shield +10%
- 76-85 -20% chance to hit
- 86-95 All hits will do MINIMAL Damage against foes
- 96-00 No Prowness save against missiles even with Shield!
- Unwilling recipients of this spell save vs INT to avoid its affects at
- the point of casting.
- :Charm_Animal
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell allows the caster to charm a target animal to become a
- faithful and fairly obedient pet. It will follow SIMPLE commands (Sit,
- STay, Attack, Follow, Heel) but does not share a telepathic link or full
- understanding of everything the caster may say. Lasts till duration ends
- and then will wander away.
- :Charm_Person
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R
- This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person
- includes bipedal human, demi human, or humanoid of man-size or smaller,
- such as brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins,
- half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard
- men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others.
- The spell recipient regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to
- be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the caster to control
- the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action
- of the caster is viewed in the most favorable way. Thus, person would
- not obey a suicide command, but he might believe the caster if assured
- that the only chance to save the caster is to hold back an on-rushing
- dragon "just for a round or two". Note also that the spell does not
- endow the caster with linguistic capabilities beyond those he normally
- possesses (i.e., he must speak the victim's language to communicate ).
- They get a save vs INT when it is initially cast. Additional Ranks
- lower their saving throw by 1 Point. Note that MAGIC RESISTANCE does
- apply against this spell!
- :Chronoport
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This spell can be cast on the caster or on a target being or object,
- and is limited to a maximum of effectiveness equal to the caster's own
- weight plus an additional 100 lbs per RANK of the spell.
- Unlike a teleport, a Chronoport moves the target forward in TIME
- instead of in space. Thus they disappear from sight and reappear in
- the future at the actual Duration's end. Once cast there is NO way to
- cancel the spell or dispell it. The target does not age in the interium
- period of time so they arrive only 1 round after their departure as far
- as they are concerned but could in actuallity have spent hours, days or
- even years being away while the spell progressed.
- If the space they had occupied on departure has been filled with
- another object they will arrive randomly in a nearby open space.
- :Color_Change
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- Cast upon a target being or object it changes its external color
- to one specified by the caster for the duration. This is primarily an
- annoying spell but can also be useful in some situations. Maximum area
- of affect is 10 cubic Feet per RANK. It CAN be cast upon light to
- change its spectrum as well.
- :Color_Spray
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of
- clashing colors to spring forth from his hand. Creatures within the area
- are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All
- are entitled to a saving throw vs. magic. Blind or unseeing creatures
- are not affected by this spell.
- Creatures failing saving are struck unconscious for 1d10 rounds.
- Range will determine the maximum range from Caster that creatures can be
- to be affected.
- :Combat_Teleport
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This spell makes the caster +10% harder to hit via all HTH, Hand weapon,
- Missile and gunfire combat attacks as they teleport themselves instantly
- a few inches to avoid attacks when they occur. It does NOT work against
- energy weapons, spells without physical form or area affect spells and
- weapons (like a grenade). While active the caster CANNOT physically
- be touched by anyone. Combat Teleport cannot be active at the same time
- as Globe of Invulnerability since it is an aura affect.
- Additional Ranks add +10%, upto 100% maximum. Combat Teleport IS
- cumulative with PROW modifiers but not with BLUR*.
- :Comfy_Chair
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- Cast on any chair, this will compell anyone who sits in it to want
- to continue to do so for the duration no matter what (They get one
- save when they first try to get up to escape it).
- :Corruption
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This is cast ONLY on a single target. The Target must be a mage. If
- the Target fails a save then they will immediately have all their
- ALL their HUNG spells typoed randomly in storage.
- Typo results and nature are for the GM to know and the mage to find
- out....
- :Counterspell
- COST : 12
- MODS : D
- This spell creates a marble-sized metal ball that circles the ground
- where the caster is standing or walking and will continue to rotate the
- caster for the duration. When A spell is cast AT the caster directly
- the metal ball will bounce upward to attept to intercept the effect.
- (It ONLY works on spells that produce a MAGICAL effect, so it would fail
- against an accurate arrow spell or an icedart). The caster makes a
- saving throw vs the incoming attack, at INT plus 5% per RANK that the
- Counterspell is known at. If successful, the Counterspell ball will
- absorb the incoming and negate its affect entirely. It does NOT work on
- area affect spells or those spells directed not at the caster but on the
- surface near them.
- Casters with Counterspell up cannot take flight or traverse a surface
- that the Ball cannot follow, but could Teleport or Phasewall (The orb
- would move equally as part of them).
- :Curdle
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell takes but a single round to cast unlike most others that take
- a full three rounds. Curdle is cast at a spoilable liquid, such as milk,
- which it then does age into expiration instantly making it useless and
- often-times foul smelling or tasting.
- :Curse_Of_Pomparj
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This nasty spell has been the bane of many a mage. The Curse of Pomparj
- is cast upon a mage who gets a save vs INT. If they fail then from that
- point on thru the duration of the curse they must whenever casting a
- spell successfully roll on the following Table:
- ---- ------
- 01-25 Spell Works as intended
- 26-35 Spell produces a Klutz affect ANYWAY despite success!
- 36-95 Spell produces a TYPOED version of the spell.
- 96-00 Spell does nothing but wastes the energy.
- :Curse_Of_Interesting_Times
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R
- This is a subtle spell. It will draw dangerous attacks and encounters on
- the subject so that at least one occurs every hour, summoning such
- attacks constantly.
- :Dancing_Lights
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- This causes 1d10 of small glowing lights to appear that resemble
- candles and produce that amount of light that move as the caster
- desires. The spell winks out if they are moved beyond the range.
- If targeted they can be made to follow around a target being to provide
- light, so long as within range. Additional Ranks add 1 additional light
- to the rolled amount.
- :Dancing_Weapon
- COST : 12
- MODS : D
- Cast on any hand-held weapon it will cause it to move about and fight
- for the caster/owner within a 50' radius, as if it was wielded by the
- owner, allowing them to perform other tasks while it fights. Attacks
- on a Dancing weapon are -30% due to size and speed, and if it is hit
- the hit will simply end the duration of the spell, not damage the weapon.
- If its owner is knocked unconscious/dead the weapon ceases to fight as
- well. Additional ranks add 10' to the radius of movement from caster.
- :Darkness_Field
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This creates an area of darkness at a chosen area that is impossible for
- NORMAL sight to see thru. The darkness field is 10' cube per RANK the
- spell is known at. The field can be dispelled by ANY light spell cast
- within its area, unless the spell is known at RANK 3 or better.
- :Delay_Spell
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This is yet another form of Metamagic, spells designed only to affect
- other spells. The caster casts this spell and then it affects the NEXT
- spell they cast successfully, setting a timer on the spells effect
- before it takes place based on the duration of the DELAY. Thus one may
- produce a time-bomb like effect with a variety of spells and concepts.
- :Demonic_Barber
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- This spell creates a physical manifestation that appears to be a demon
- with humanoid form but goat-like legs and small horns with barbed tail
- wearing a long leather apron with pockets. The target being will find
- themselves in a Barber chair and the demon will then give them a proper
- haircut and styling over the next 3 rounds. The target cannot leave the
- chair but may act otherwise in any way they wish but cannot physically
- or magically harm the demon (except dispell it). They will have a perfect
- haircut and suffer no harm from the demon (but they may be attacked by
- others while the coiffeur is occurring).
- A resistant target gets a save vs Prowness to avoid the chair when the
- spell is first cast.
- :Demon_Printer
- COST : 20
- MODS : D
- This spell is another representational type that appears to be a 'demon'
- in this case a 5' tall creature with 4 arms and two legs green in color.
- It will take any book handed it and in 10 rounds will hand back a complete
- duplicate of it (except for any active spells or scroll-like spells on it).
- If the book is trapped then the trap goes off and will end the demon
- printer spell instantly. The demon can also be handed a single page of
- written material and it will produce 100 copies of that page instantly.
- The Duration is for the demon and NOT the copies lifetime.
- :Demonic_Traveler
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is another with a representational result that appears to
- be a demon, but which is merely the appearance of the spells interface.
- It looks like a 2' tall bright blue demon with horns and a forked tail.
- Given a description of what to find it will randomly teleport itself
- about searching for the subject of its search and upon finding it
- report back to its caster the whereabouts of such. It will ONLY search
- on the single material realm of Oerth. Duration doesn't apply, BUT it
- may take days, weeks or even years to find what its searching for.
- At higher ranks additional demons are created, reducing the time needed
- for the task, one per rank. The GM's Result roll is made on the following
- Table:
- Roll Result
- ---- ------
- 01-05 (or less) 3d10 rounds
- 06-08 1 hour
- 09-10 6 hours
- 11-12 1 Day
- 13-14 3 days
- 15-16 1 Week
- 17-20 2 Weeks
- 21-25 1 Month
- 26-28 3 Months
- 29-30 6 months
- 31-35 1 Year
- 36-40 2 Years
- 41-45 3 Years
- 46-50 4 Years
- 51-60 5 Years
- 61-75 10 Years
- 76-00 Demon is LOST/Destroyed
- If multiple travelers are used in the search then you can minus 1 for
- each additional demon from all the demons rolls.
- :Demon_Tailor
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,T
- This summons a tiny winged red demon the size of a mouse that is an
- expert in the art of sewing and magical clothing alterations. The
- demon can alter an existing set of clothes to fit the caster in one
- round if so ordered, even if there is insufficient material. It can
- also be ordered to turn raw materials into a set of clothes the caster
- has in mind for their own wearing in a full minute (10 rounds). If
- neither raw materials nor existing clothes exist but the caster wishes
- it and has placed enough duration into the spell, the Mage can ask the
- demon to craft a set of clothes to the mages specifications entirely
- from magic (Takes a full hour). The clothes will have the property,
- if formed this way, to neither wrinkle nor stain and will adjust to fit
- the wearer no matter how their body shape may change, so long as it
- remains humanoid.
- Multiple Targets are bought ONLY if the mage is having clothes made
- for someone else. The Demon cannot produce armour of any kind.
- :Detect_Fae
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to recognize on LOS any Fae-Folks. It will also
- allow the caster to see thru Fae-FOlk invisibility powers (not spells)
- as if they were not there.
- :Detect_Illusions
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see thru ALL Illusions encountered while the
- spell duration is in effect, wether caused by magical spell or magic
- abilities of specific creatures.
- :Detect_Magic
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown
- in that it will glow with colors. Duration is not needed to be
- purchased, and it is cast at the suspect target.
- :Detect_Shapechanger
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to detect any natural or magically held
- shapechanges on persons and creatures in LOS.
- At Rank 2 it allows the caster to know the true appearance of the
- beings that are shapechanged.
- :Detect_Spirit
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,T
- Detects the presence of a soul spirit or mentality in any body or
- object (enchanted swords, etc.), and whether or not the mind
- controlling the body is its "native". Thus, it will not detect charming
- or hypnosis but will detect possession. Only the fact of a mind is
- detected, not its nature. If it is cast on a normally invisible spirit
- (such as an Invisible Stalker or Unseen Servant), the caster can see
- the creature as a visible force for the duration. The reverse,
- Obscure Spirit, has a range of touch and conceals a single mind or
- spirit from detection by this spell, and can be cast by anyone who
- knows Detect Spirit.
- :Dieme's_Forcing_Hand
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- By this spell, the caster creates & throws a stone hand at the target.
- The stone hand will then make a crackling noise and show blue lightning
- as it flies towards its target. When it hits, it will do 1d10 (+2 points
- per rank) of impact damage (NON-MAGICAL DAMAGE). Upon casting this spell,
- the caster throws the hand and says "to arms". This spell (like "magic
- missile") always hits, if target is within range and is visible to
- the caster.
- :Dimensional_Depth
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a container, a pocket, purse, sack, Pouch,
- Suitcase, Chest, trunk, crate, etc. What it does is expand the interior
- dimensions of the container into another pocket dimension, approximately
- 5'x 5' x 5' per RANK of the spell. Objects placed inside are held in
- stasis, unaging, while within the container. It is a spell often used by
- mages needing more space then they have available (objects within have
- no weight perceivable in the outside world) or by thieves. You cannot
- place a living creature or being within the space as a prolonged stay
- of more than a round would result in death.
- At Third Rank this spell becomes impossible to DISPELL before its
- duration ends.
- :Dispel_Illusion
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This will cancel ANY illusionary effect instantly and finally.
- :Dispel_Magic
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it
- will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the
- spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its
- duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a
- healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling
- targets get a Save vs INT against Dispel
- :Distance_Distortion
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This can be cast on any area completely surrounded or enclosed
- by earth, rock, sand, water, snow, mud or tall vegitation (Tall
- grass, corn, trees, shrubs etc). It doubles or halves the area's
- dimensions for those traveling on it. Thus a 10' x 100' corridor
- could seem to be either 5' wide and 50' long or 20' wide and 200'
- long.
- The true nature of the area affected is undetected to travellers,
- but it will detect as magic and can be dispelled by a Dispell Magic or
- Dispell Illusion of equal or greater rank.
- Additional ranks let the caster manipulate it so only one
- dimension is affected at rank two on (Thus the above corridor could
- look 10' x 200' long or 10' x 50' long as well). They also enhance
- the effect - triple it at rank 3, quadrople at rank 4 etc.
- There is NO SAVES for the effect and True Sight does NOT see
- thru the effect.
- :Dreams_Of_Chaos
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This spell is cast upon someone and becomes active upon their falling
- asleep. It can also function as being placed within a Dream Bead, but
- will destroy the bead upon its completion.
- The Dreams of Chaos are a horrendous collection of images and emotion
- that are afflicted upon the sleeper. The Sleeper must save upon waking
- vs INT (and a Photographic Memory gets NO SAVE!) to forget the dream,
- otherwise they must roll upon the Insanity tables upon waking and have
- this permanent affect upon them from the dream.
- :Electric_Arc
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- This spell causes an arc of electricity to leap from the caster's
- extended fingertip. This electricity unerringly strikes one target of
- the caster's choice, inflicting 1d10 damage with NO armour absorption,
- per rank of the spell. An INTuition save DOES apply to the target.
- Magical Armour absorption spells WILL apply. Additional Ranks add
- 1d10 to the effect. Electric ARC cannot be cast at anything BUT an
- individual being and cannot be cast underwater.
- :Elemental_Burst_Of_Air
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This causes at the target point a sudden burst of high pressured air,
- causing a concussive wave. All within 5' of the burst must save vs
- INTUITION or be stunned for 1 round per RANK of the spell. It otherwise
- causes no damage. Air elementals are unaffected by this spell.
- :Enhance_Emotions
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- While active this spell will enhance the existing emotions of anyone
- within the radius area affect and reduce inhibitors that normally keep
- such emotions from being expressed or carried out by those within it.
- Thus sadness may become actual crying and tears, Lust may result in
- actual seduction or sexual encounters, Anger may result in violent
- attack or action, Greed may lead to actual theft, happiness may result
- in a feeling of contemptment without action, etc.
- :Enhanced_Phantasmal_Force
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is a Phantasmal force with Sight and Sound and (optionally)
- smell, but not substance. The enhanced Phantasmal Force can cover a
- 10' x 10' x 10' area at the stated range per RANK and can move anywhere
- from that range to the caster as the caster chooses. While working this
- spell the caster cannot cast another spell (but may prepare one) or
- engage in HTH combat except defensively. If the caster moves the Force
- will remain always within range of the caster. Upon casting another spell
- the Force will cease to move by the will of the caster, but will simply
- freeze frame where it is until the duration ends. It will continue the
- last ordered sound and smell output.
- :Ethereal Sight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the nearby Ethereal Plane and perceive any
- Objects or beings therein. Range is unnecessary with this spell, unless
- casting it on another, as is Target. Sight range is Line Of Sight. This
- spell does NOT perceive invisible!
- :Everburning
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is cast on a currently burning log, candle or other natural
- (non-magical) flame source and will allow it to continue burning for the
- duration of the spell without consuming any of its material components
- in the process until the end of the spell.
- :Evil_Eye_(Curse)
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This is a minor curse spell, inflictable only on one Target who MUST
- be able to make eye contact with the caster, within the range it is
- cast at.
- The evil eye affects an individuals luck, that is, it affects their
- die rolls. It causes ALL misses in combat and all spell casting
- failures to be considered KLUTZes with the detrimental affects of that
- result. It cannot be dispelled by a normal dispell magic.
- Usage of this spell in many countries is considered Evil, or bad for
- business, and may be a punishable offense.
- :Fall_Short
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,T
- Target being this is cast on has their range illusionary modified so
- that they will appear to drift back and forth to a viewer, causing their
- range to distort. Anyone firing a ranged weapon at the target must make
- an Intuition ROLL (Perception, alertness cannot be applied as a skill vs
- this) to properly perceive the targets range - if they fail they will
- automatically miss with their attack. Anyone making a HTH attack vs the
- target being is -10% normal chances to hit because of the effect. Anyone
- using a ranged spell (non-touch) to hit must also make a perception roll
- to properly gauge the range to the caster OR must pay for EXTREME (20
- point ballista range) to ensure to hit the target, or they will be subject
- to the effect as if a ranged attack with a weapon.
- :Find_Mundane_Object
- COST : 15
- MODS : N
- This spell will help the caster 'find' a generic mundane object that
- they specify in their general vacinity. The object will be in a pocket,
- sack, container, behind a nearby place or whatever and appear that it
- had been there all along. Usually it requires the use of a verbal or
- mental phrase like "If we only had a rope!" or "What we couldn't do with
- a crowbar right now". The object has no magical properties whatsoever
- (its mundane!) and doesn't vanish or fade away. The spell does limit the
- item to a mundane one from the equipment list that would fit within the
- general area the caster is in (no making automobiles appear out of
- pockets!), and should be of a maximum of 5 lbs per rank and cost no more
- than $5 per rank.
- :Fire_Dart
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This creates a physical dart that is thrown with the Dart throwing
- weapons skill. Upon leaving the casters hand it becomes afire and
- if it strikes the target does 1d10 magical fire damage to the target.
- Each RANK that the spell is known at adds one to the damage done.
- Non-Magical armour (except Leather) does NOT help against the attack.
- :Fire_Grenade
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is another arsonist tool - it creates a golf-ball sized
- yellow crystal. This crystal can be thrown and upon striking a
- surface it explodes into a bright yellow fireball that does 1d10
- damage per RANK of the spell. The initial blast area is a 5'
- radius per RANK of the spell. Armour does not help absorb the damage,
- except the ARMOUR spell.
- :Flare
- COST : 7
- MODS : R
- This causes a bright flare to occur at the designated site, giving off
- daylight intensity light for the next round. This throws off infravision
- for the next 3 rounds, and causes 1d10 damage to Undead within a 60'
- radius of the flare. It will not harm normal creatures, but if directed
- on or at one, will blind them for the next round. If Fired Directly at an
- Undead and striking it it will do 3d10 damage.
- :Flash
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- Victims failing their saving throw are blinded due to a flash of light
- that appears in their eyes. (Save is vs INT). Targets chosen on this
- spell do NOT have to be next to each other.
- Unless skilled at Blind Fighting they will be considered to be at
- prowness 1 for all actions for the duration.
- :Flavor_Food_&_Drink
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This allows the caster to change the flavor of any food or drinking
- substance, so that it may be more or less edible to those to consume it.
- The flavoring can be as simple as the addition of a single spice to the
- taste (ex: pepper) or as complex as a major change (Milk that tastes
- chocolate, Beer that tastes like buttermilk, Wine that tastes like
- blood). The effect does NOT change the nature of the Food or drink,
- merely the flavor, so this spell cannot be used to smoke fresh fish or
- to salt it (but can make such TASTE as such).
- The taste effect becomes permanent unless countered by another casting
- of the spell to change it again.
- :Free_Action
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell enables the target to move and attack and otherwise act
- normally for the duration of the spell, negating effects like Paralysis,
- little death, hold person, web, hog tie and similar binding effects.
- :Glowing_Footprints
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell causes the target to leave a glowing spot whenever he presses
- against a surface. (Such as pressing against the ground, when walking.)
- The duratation determines how long the target leaves glowing spots behind
- him. The spots will continue to glow for 1 hour/RANK, regardless of the
- duration. The glow will be in whatever color the caster chooses at time
- of casting.
- :Greyface_Curse
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This spell removes a person's sense of humor and lightness, making them
- easily irritated, short tempered, demanding and far too serious. It
- needs a remove curse to get rid of once affected.
- :Gravity_Mat
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast as an area affect of 10 cubic feet per RANK upon
- a surface (if the surface is LESS than that in size then it limits to
- the bottom surface's area).
- It increases the affect of gravity in that area drastically so that
- it takes a 30 HARDINESS to be able to move - anyone entering the field
- of less HARDINESS will be pinned to the floor and unable to move until
- the duration ends. Anything flying over the surface will be pulled down
- as if under an ANVIL_FALL* spell and then pinned if not strong enough.
- Anything of 30-40 HARDINESS can move across the surface upright, but
- at 1/2 their normal speed and at a -20% to perform actions within the
- field (like fighting). Anyone of greater than 40 HARDINESS is unaffected
- by the field at all.
- The caster CAN be affected by their own spell with this, so caution
- is advised on locating the mat.
- :Grease
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- A grease spell covers a material surface with a slippery layer of a
- greasy nature. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the
- spell is cast must save vs prowness or slip, skid, and fall. Those who
- save can reach the nearest non greased area by the end of the round.
- Those who remain in the area are allowed a saving throw each round until
- they escape the area. The GM should adjust saving throws by
- circumstance; for example, a creature charging down an incline that is
- suddenly greased has little chance to avoid the effect, but its ability
- to exit the affected area is almost assured! The spell can also be used
- to create a greasy coating on an item--a rope ladder rungs, weapon
- handle etc. Material objects not in use are always affected by this
- spell, while creatures wielding or employing items receive a saving
- throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. If the initial saving throw is
- failed, the creature immediately drops the item. A saving throw must
- be made each round the creature attempts to use the greased item.
- Grease affects as little as a square foot and a maximum equal to
- The Casters known RANK * 5 Square feet (usual maximum of 10 ranks applies)
- :Hair_Color
- COST : 2
- MODS : R
- This will change the color of the body hair of a being or creature, and
- the effect will last until the hair grows out or is colored again by a
- spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
- :Hairy
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will cause a target to begin to grow hair. If the target
- already HAS hair it will simply excellerate the growth process. If the
- target normally doesn't have hair then it will cause it to grow hair
- (yes, with this you CAN grow hair on a billiard ball!). The rate of
- growth is 1 inch per ROUND of duration. Long durations are NOT suggested
- with this spell.
- :Healing_Laughter
- COST : 12
- MODS : D,R,T
- Targets affected by this spell will laugh uncontrollably for the
- duration, thinking everything and anything is hilarious! WHile this
- occurs they heal up 1 HTK/round of affect but are -50% to perform
- ANY action. It will NOT cure disease or disease caused damage,
- attach lost limbs, regenerate lost limbs or body parts, or repair
- missing organs. After it is finished the target will be at still
- laughing etc for an additional 1 round per rank the spell is known
- at and will feel tired for one round per round spent laughing (and
- at -25% to perform any action for that tired period). If cast on
- an unwilling target they DO get full defenses against the effect
- and it will fail against someone under the curse of greyface.
- :Heat_Object
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R
- This will cause a targeted object to become red hot, making water boil
- or metal become too hot to handle. If cast on armour it will cause the
- wearer 1d10 damage from the metal parts heating (except to leather).
- If duration is bought the water would boil away on the second round,
- flammable goods will burst into flames and metal will go to white hot
- and cause more damage. After three Rounds Metal melts, crystal shatters
- (as does glass) etc. Heat Object beyond the 4th round will cease to
- function since the target object will no longer exist.
- :Hey_Bartender
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This summons a magical demonic bartender with a cabinet of all sorts of
- alcoholic drinks. He/she will request of the caster's preference and will
- fill the order within a round and then both he and the cabinet will
- vanish. It fails to work if mundanes are present.
- :Hide
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This is a minor form of invisibility which will conceal an object, being or
- creature from everyone who is in FRONT of the caster (Those who are
- beside or behind the caster can see the hidden object without
- hinderance). It does not cancel sounds and it will not help if the
- target moves more than 3' from its original position while hidden. It
- can only affect a maximum of 10 cubic feet of matter.
- :Hold_Portal
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell magically bars a door, gate, or valve of wood, metal, or
- stone. The magical closure holds the portal fast, just as if it were
- securely closed and locked. Any extra-planar creature (dijinni,
- elemental, etc.) can shatter the spell and burst open the portal at
- will. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate the
- hold portal. Held portals can be broken physically or battered down.
- :Illusionary_Script
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This spell enables the caster to write instructions or other
- information. The Illusionary script appears to be some form of foreign
- or magical writing. Only the person(s) who the caster desires to read
- the writing will be able to do so, although it can be recognized by
- another Discordian. Others attempting to read it will become confused
- for 1d10 rounds (save vs Intuition), unable to act or think straight and
- likely to wander aimlessly or simply sit down where they stand.
- The script does NOT vanish after being read.
- Additional Ranks of the spell increase the confusion by another
- round.
- :Increase_Weight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This can ONLY be cast on an object. It causes the object (for the duration)
- to become tremendously heavy to lift for anyone except the caster. It adds
- +30 to the minimum strength needed to lift the item. This is an EASY way
- to foil theives - you can't steal what you can't move easily!
- :Invisibility_To_Mundanes
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell causes a being, object or locale to become invisible to
- those who do not believe in magic and lack magical aptitude. It cannot
- be cast on a Mundane and Mundanes get NO save against the effect.
- It has NO effect on Mages and the like who view the invisible.
- It will affect 200 lbs of matter plus 25 lbs per rank. If cast on a
- locale instead of a being or object, it can cover 10 cubic feet per
- rank of the caster and all within that area (but such cannot be
- mobile).
- It will NOT work against technological detection devices, including
- cameras and the like. BUT to mundane persons it is complete
- invisibility to all their senses.
- :IronMind
- COST : 7
- MODS : D
- This spell permits the caster to concentrate powerfully, despite any
- normal things that would distract him/her from their actions in casting
- any other spell - even the receipt of actual physical damage, as long
- as the duration of this spell continues. This allows a mage to overcome
- one of the normal causes of spell failure.
- :Knock
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This will open a sealed door or object, sealed by magic or by mundane
- means, instantly. It does NOT remove traps or spells.
- :Know_Spellcaster
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon a magical object or ANY ongoing spell effect
- (It can ALSO be cast during a REPLAY spell and will count what is
- being viewed as an ongoing effect even though it is an image) whereupon
- it will notify the caster of the the Name of the original caster.
- :Luggage
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a container of some sort - a Suitcase,
- Backpack, Chest, Wardrobe, or chest of Drawers. The item is usually
- individualized, sometimes excessively. It causes it to become magical
- it is placed upon the ethereal plane and can be recalled by the caster
- by means of a command word (or anyone else who knows the word) so that
- it will appear within a few feet of its maker on the material plane
- when called. Oftentimes mages will add various protections and traps
- on the container to preserve it from possible tampering by ethereal
- travelers and creatures when it is away. While on the ethereal plane
- the container will travel along under its own magical power, on
- little tiny legs, so that it is always near its owner. The mage can
- also make one of these for someone else, using the TARGET option of
- casting.
- This allows a mage to travel light without large amounts of excess
- equipment bogging down his/her.
- While on the material plane the container will continue to follow
- the mage around in a similar fashion until the mage gives the word of
- command again.
- :Mage_Handle
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to instantly create a handle, the size of a
- briefcase handle, and have it attatch to something solid that does
- not weigh more than 10 lbs/rank. When attached and within the weight
- limitation, the caster can carry that item or move it with ease and
- without feeling the actual weight attached.
- :Magic_Mouth
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This is cast on an object or a surface (like a Wall). It will cause a
- mouth to appear on the item and repeat a statement specified by the
- caster in the voice the caster uses when casting it, upto 25 words in
- length, in a language known to the caster. The speaking will occur when
- a specific event occurs in a 30; radius of the mouth. Ex: Speak when
- anyone passes within range of you. Speak when a winged creature passes
- you. (It cannot detect Invisible, ethereal or astral creatures). Until
- the command can be completed the spell remains dormant and in effect.
- If it is wished for the spell to continue AFTER it has accomplished its
- function then you must learn multiple ranks of the spell (Each RANK
- adds another usage to the spell).
- :Mail_Block
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- When cast this will prevent the caster from receiving Message Scrolls
- for the duration. Those who attempt to send a scroll will have it
- return to them magically stamped 'Return To Sender - Address Unknown'.
- :Mail_Check
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This can be cast on any Message scroll that has arrived in the past
- hour that has NOT yet been opened. It will detect anything else on
- the scroll that isn't part of a standard Message Scroll spell and
- upon finding such will tell the caster exactly who sent the scroll.
- :Mail_Revenge
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell will automatically do a MAIL_CHECK* on any arriving
- message scrolls and upon finding that the mail has a spell upon
- it other than that its supposed to have, send off a scroll to the
- sender that explodes on its arrival with a wild pyrotechnic display
- that does 1d10+1 rank normal fire damage to all in a 5' radius/rank.
- {PROW save to get out of area of effect, no other save}
- (The original scroll sent is destroyed with the effect).
- :Make_Change
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon normal paper currency in the caster's hand
- into metal currency (coins) equalling the same total value. One
- paper bill can be affected per RANK of the spell.
- :Mara's_Magic_Mirror
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This unique spell allows the caster to look into a mirrored surface
- at hand and look OUT of any other mirror that they have seen and aware
- of to whatever location it is in at the time of casting. An Additional
- rank will allow them to use thru the mirrors any special vision abilities
- that they may have or are created by other spells (infravision,
- ethereal sight, Logrus sight etc); a Third Rank allows them cast a spell
- at a target thru the mirror with a base of no more than 5 points; a
- fourth rank increases this to a base of 10 points and a fifth allows them
- to step thru the mirror and arrive in the other locale as if thru a
- dimensional doorway or gate.
- :Marvelous_Marble
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell MUST be cast on a Marble made from glass (value 1 BM) which
- the caster then rolls at the target. The marble magically transforms in
- Size and speed to become a bowling-ball sized glass ball That will zero
- in on the target, following it, until it strikes or the duration ends.
- The Ball is immune to Lightning and Fire based attacks. When it hits it
- does so with a Thunderclap, deafening the target, stunning it for a full
- round and doing 1d10 /rank concussion damage (no armour save). RANGE is
- not used as an option, but target must be LOS to the caster when the
- marble is rolled. A very fast creature may outrun the Marble, so long as
- it does nothing but run away from it, has space to do so, and maintains
- an initiative roll of 35 or more per round. Anything that gets between
- the target and the Ball will be hit instead and receive the damage etc.
- :Maws_Of_Pandemonium
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- Cast at a target being only, this causes a variation of magic mouth
- to appear somewhere on the victim's body which begins a constant and
- annoying gibbering and moaning, which in the process feeds off the
- victim's own magical energy, draining away 1 point of energy each
- round until none remains. The mouth prevents stealthy movement and
- unless the victim has an IronMind* spell active, will add a -5% to
- their casting rolls due to distraction of the mouth.
- Note that such a mouth does NOT affect HUNG spells or currently
- active spells.
- :Melodramatic_Music
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- The spell causes the music to be played whenever the victim performs
- certain actions; such as entering a room, charging into battle, or
- making an announcement.
- It makes it nearly impossible to perform any stealth-oriented function.
- :Mental_Music
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This mildly annoying spell is cast on a target being and inflicts on
- them an illusion of a melody, chosen by the caster, to be constantly
- running thru their head for the duration. Only one such spell may be
- in effect on a target and there is no saving throw. The spell effect
- is mildly distracting, making the character it is inflicted on to be
- -5% from all skills for the duration, but this effect on a singer or
- musician causes a -25% from using such music skills while it is in
- effect unless they are playing the exact same melody.
- :Message_Scroll
- COST : 15
- MODS : N
- This spell will transport a scroll to the named being it is intended
- for instantly, no matter which plane they are on (except for the Astral
- and dream planes). The name of the target being is the vital factor.
- :Metamorphose_Liquids
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This spell transmutes one type of liquid into an equal amount of a
- different, nonmagical fluid (water, wine, blood, oil, etc.). The
- caster must torch the fluid itself (not simply its container) for the
- spell to take effect.
- Fluids can be transmuted only into nonmagical liquids; it is not
- possible to change a magical liquid into another type of magical liquid.
- Poisons may be rendered harmless through the use of this spell, but the
- spell has no effect on poisons already consumed.
- Living creatures are unaffected by the spell, excluding those from the
- elemental plane of water. Such creatures are allowed a saving throw vs.
- spell. Failure results in 3d10 damage per rank of the spell, while
- success indicates no damage. Only one creature can be affected by a
- single casting of this spell, regardless of the creature's size.
- :Mind_Fog
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This spell fills up a radius around the caster equal to the range, and
- will reduce all INTUITION saves by others within that area by 10%. It
- appears to be a light wispy fog. Additional RANKS reduce an additional 10%
- each. There is no save vs the Mind Fog, but some races are not affected
- by it at all including Dwarves and Gypsies. (NOTE a 01-05 will ALWAYS
- save!) It cannot penetrate a minor globe of invulnerability or any
- pentagram (no matter its strength).
- :Minor_Involuntary_Actions
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell, if cast without extended duration can be cast in a single
- round - if duration is added then it takes the full standard three
- rounds to cast since it complicates the casting process.
- The spell allows the caster to affect the body controls of a single
- sentient being (save vs INT only against the EXTENDED Version, no save
- vs the one round version). Which means it can create simple physical
- reactions from the following list:
- Belch, Blink (eyes), Cough, Giggle, Nod, Scratch, Sneeze, Twitch
- (Minor muscle contraction), Wink and Yawn.
- If the victim is a mage who is involved in a spell casting they must
- make a save to maintain concentration on the spell they are working on
- (Iron_Mind* prevents the need for such a save) or they will lose the
- effect and have to start again. If the spell is cast on the victim with
- duration then it gives them a -10% to cast for the duration of the
- spell.
- If cast on a non-mage involved in combat, specifically TWITCH,
- Sneeze and Blink or Wink will throw off their combat pattern slightly
- reducing their next attack (if on that round or the next) by 5%. If cast
- on a non-mage with duration it will reduce their effect by 5% for the
- duration on all combat skills.
- :Minute_Ball_of_Fire
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- When a wizard casts this spell, a flaming bead launches from a
- pointed finger, speeds straight out to the stated range and explodes
- into a 10-foot diameter sphere of normal fire. Anyone caught within
- the spell's effect must take 1d10 points of damage, unless they make a
- successful Prowness roll.
- Multiple RANKS do not do extra damage with this spell, unlike a
- conventional fireball spell, and TARGETS is not a usable option.
- Since the fire is non-magical anything that normally protects against
- such DO apply. It cannot be cast if a mundane is present!
- :Mirror_Image
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R,T
- When invoked, this causes 4 duplicates to appear of the target. These
- are illusions. They move about with the caster (or target) making it
- nearly impossible to tell which is the real one. This means that if a
- spell or attack is aimed at the target there is a saving throw made to
- see if they hit the being or an image. If they hit an image that image
- will disappear and the target takes no damage.... saving roll for the
- target/images from such attacks:
- 4 images present 80%
- 3 images present 75%
- 2 images present 66%
- 1 image present 50%
- Once all images are gone the spell ends, otherwise they last until
- the duration ends or the caster commands it to end.
- :Modify_Traffic_Light
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This allows the mage to manipulate any standard traffic light, able to
- change the sequence, current light status, delay factor in the sequence
- or to do Odd things (like showing green to all directions or giving a
- walk light when its green or Turning it into a blinking yellow for
- the duration etc). Additional ranks allow more lights within the range
- to be affected at the same time (So you can modify really big
- intersections).
- :Mystic_Marbles
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This spell causes to create one 1" diameter hard glass marble per
- square inch over an area ten feet by ten feet (a total of 14,400 glass
- marbles neatly filling the area), making an area of highly likely
- slipping and falling for anyone passing thru it. Duration and targets
- are not used in this spell, but range is. If instead of aiming the spell
- at a floor/stairs etc it is cast in the area above a being the marbles
- will rain down like a small hail storm doing 1d10 normal damage (armour
- absorbs etc) but ending with a very difficult area to travel thru.
- :Nahali's_Friendly_Fire
- COST : 12
- MODS : D,R
- This nasty little curse can only be cast upon a single target. While
- in effect, whenever a companion, friend, employee, associate, lover etc
- of the target is nearby and utilitzes a missile weapon or a spell that
- creates a missile-like weapon (ex: ICE DART) within a 50' radius of the
- target, that missile will be undeniably drawn to hit the target instead
- of its intended target while the curse is in effect. An ordinary Dispell
- magic will only turn the curse off temporarily (unless its duration runs
- out), a true remove curse is needed to eliminate its effects.
- :Nude_Mood
- COST : 12
- MODS : R,T
- Cast at a single being this forces them into a compulsive behavior to
- immediately strip off all clothes and armour to stand naked (it does NOT
- cause the removal of jewelry). Once they have completed this they will
- return to their senses and have to deal with the situation.
- TARGETS is only used if the targets involved are within 10' of each other.
- :Numb_Tongue
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This numbs the tongue of the target being, making speech difficult,
- slurred (as if intoxicated heavily) and clumbsy. If used on a mage
- that speaks to cast they take their disadvantage for such as they
- will be affected beyond usability for magic.
- :Nystul's_Magic_Aura
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- By means of this spell, any one item of no more than five pounds weight
- can be given an aura that is noticed by someone using magical detection.
- Furthermore, the caster can specify the type of magical aura that is
- detected (Blue, Green etc.) and this effectively masks the item's actual
- aura, if any, unless the item's own aura is exceptionally powerful (if it
- is an artifact, for instance). If the object bearing Nystul's magic aura
- has an identify spell cast on it or is similarly examined, the examiner
- has a 50% chance of recognizing that the aura has been placed to mislead
- the unwary. Otherwise, the aura is believed and no amount of testing
- reveals what the true magic is.
- :Object_Castle
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This will cause two objects to exchange places with each other. At
- least one of the objects must be in LOS and inside the range. The
- second object can either be within the range and LOS/in contact
- with the caster or be a memorized Object of the caster's. The two
- objects must be within 5 lbs of each others weight (this difference
- can be increased, doubling with each rank). The maximum sized item
- that can be castled is based on extra points spent in the casting,
- 1 point at rank 1 allows upto a 5 lb object, 1 point at rank 2
- allows a 10 lb object, and so forth.
- You cannot castle an item that is bolted down or otherwise attatched
- to a surface.
- :Opponent_Castle
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- The caster is teleported a short distance (based on RANGE) within
- their Line of Sight instantly with their equipment (upto 50 lbs).
- To the locale of another being of approximately the same mass (within
- 50 lbs) or a non-sentient object of about the same mass and moves
- that being/object to where they had been. There is NO saving throw,
- but it does fail against naturally mind shielded beings.
- They cannot appear within a solid object. Each additional RANK adds
- 10 lbs to the carriable weight and the amount of weight difference.
- It fails also against any mundanes!
- :Painting
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- By the means of this spell the caster can create an illusion of
- whatever s/he wants visually. It is usually easy to recognize what the
- illusion is supposed to be of, but any creature that can do so can also
- recognize that it is an illusion, as the picture is two dimensional.
- :Passwall
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- A passwall spell enables the caster to open a passage through wooden,
- plaster or stone walls or surfaces, and thus allowing himself and
- companions etc to simply walk thru. The spell creates a 5' high by 10'
- high by 10' deep opening. Additional ranks increase the depth of the
- passage. The passage vanishes when the duration ends.
- :Phantasmal_Force
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates the illusion of any object, creature, or force, as
- long as it is within the boudaries of the spell's area of effect, being
- upto a 40 cubic feet in size per RANK of the Spell.
- The illusion is visual and affects all believing creatures (undead are
- immune) that view it. It does not create sound, smell, or temperature.
- Effects that depend of these senses usually fail. The illusion lasts
- until struck by an opponent--unless the spellcaster causes the illusion
- to react appropriately--or until the wizard ceases concentration upon the
- spell (due to desire, moving, or a successful attack that causes damage)
- or due to its duration ending. Creatures that disbelieve the illusion
- see it for what it is. Creatures believing the illusion are subject to
- its effects.
- The illusionary effect can be moved by the caster within the limits
- of the area of effect. The GM has to rule on the effectiveness of this
- spell.
- :Pleasure_Touch
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on the caster primarily and gives his/her exposed
- skin an added special property that affects others that come in contact
- for the duration. Anyone touching the caster will feel EXTREME pleasure,
- as if in orgasm, simply from the contact. The effect is mental primarily,
- but if they fail a save vs HARD they also receive a Physical orgasm at
- the same time.
- After such a contact they react in the usual ways from such and are
- basically stunned and unable to act aggressively or to think too cohereantly
- (about -75% to perform anything but basic movements, with the exception
- of usage of tantrics skills), for about 1d10 + 1d10/RANK RNDS.
- If a physical reaction occured and the person touching was male then
- no further effect will occur on them by direct contact for at least 15
- minutes. If the person in contact was female the touch will continue to
- produce reactions, but after the first touch effect they must save vs
- INT after each Physical reaction to remain conscious. Unconsciousness
- will last about an hour after being achieved.
- This spell is the closely guarded secret of many courtesans...
- :Polymorph_Object
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will change one inanimate object into another temporarily.
- The difficulty of casting this spell increases dependent on how different
- the original substances the object is compared to the ones being made
- into. Ex: Animal into vegetable matter is a -25% to cast, Vegetable Matter
- or Animal Matter into or from mineral matter is a -50%. If the new object
- has a lesser mass then there is another -10% modifier (you cannot take an
- object and convert it into a BIGGER object thru this spell!). If the
- casting is to convert an item into a VERY similar item of nearly the same
- material then there are NO reductions in chance to cast (Ex: Turning a
- longsword into a dagger has no special minuses to perform).
- :Programmed_Illusion
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R
- This is a Complex_Illusion* that is pre programmed by the caster for
- what movements, sounds and actions it will take, upto a 15 minute
- sequence per rank of the Spellcasting can be programmed.
- :Puff_Of_Smoke
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- Unlike Nearly every spell available this one takes but a single round,
- going off in the same round cast. It causes a puff of smoke at the
- target area, as small as a baseball or sufficient to cover the target
- for a round. It is a fast, flashy obscurement (the smoke can be any
- color the caster specifies). It is often used to startle a foe to get
- time to draw a weapon or device to move quickly a step or two aside or
- to draw attention to the spot where the smoke occurs (the puff is
- accompanied by a popping sound). It is often used by Showmen to be flashy
- and impressive.
- :Radius_Dampen_Technology
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- This projects from the point of casting out to a radius of the
- paid for RNG in a field that reduces the current in electronic
- equipment. While in this area all electronic equipment will simply
- fail to function. It does not affect chemical or mechanically
- based devices or anything magically enhanced or magical of nature
- (thus a technomage would not be affected by this).
- :Reverse_Missiles
- COST : 12
- MODS : D,R,T
- This is a nasty little defensive spell. It works against all
- Missiles, including magical, for the duration, that are fired
- or thrown at the Target being. These missiles will fly back and
- hit the original source that launched them if they 'hit target'
- and do damage against it. The way to prevent this is for the
- source to have Protection From Friendly Missiles on....
- :Rewrite
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This annoying spell allows the caster to change the contents of a
- written page or other writing form (such as a road sign!) to whatever
- they wish. They cannot change the colors of the script, only the
- lettering. The area of effect is about a 10" x 10" surface plus 1" per
- rank maximum. Note that each surface counts seperately, so modifying
- a book would take MANY castings of this spell. The caster MUST be able
- to see the surface they are casting at.
- :Rock-Jump
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- With this spell, the caster can cause a rock to find its way into the
- shoe of the victim. If the victim has no shoes, the spell causes a
- thorn or something to stick into the foot of the victim.
- Such will cause a reduction of running/walking/hiking speed by 1/2
- until removed but causes no real damage but is VERY annoying.
- :Rocky_Horror_Transformation
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,T
- This nasty effect causes the clothes of the target to be changed
- into the appropriate outfit for attending Rocky Horror Picture Show,
- including leather bikini, black fishnet stockings, feather bola,
- heels, and a black and red corset and instantly applies makeup to
- them.
- Originally the spell was developed to use on the caster, but by
- making it targetable it became a nasty way of affecting others...
- At durations end their clothing returns to normal...
- :Rope_Trick
- COST : 12
- MODS : D
- When this spell is cast on a piece of rope from 5' to 30' in length. One
- end of the rope rises into the air until the whole is hanging
- perpendicular, as if affixed at the upper end. The upper end is, in
- fact, fastened in an extra-dimensional space, and the spell caster and
- upto 5 others can climb up the rope and disappear into this place of
- safety where no creature can find them. The rope can be pulled up behind
- them, otherwise it hangs down from the space. At spells durations end
- the contents of the space fall back into normal space, so getting out
- before it expires may be best to avoid falling damage.
- :Silent_Teleport_Object
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- Allows the caster to move an object within range to any locale within
- Range including within possession of the caster immediately. If the object
- is a container its contents will move with it. Additionally there is a
- cost of 1 spell point per 5 lbs of the objects weight at rank 1. This is
- doubled for each rank (Rank 2 for example for the same 1 point can affect
- 10 lbs, Rank 3 can affect 20 lbs for 1 point etc). A maximum of 5 ranks
- is possible on this spell.
- :Sleep
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R,T
- When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to
- come upon one or more creatures (other than undead and certain other
- creatures specifically excluded from the spell's effects). All
- creatures to be affected by the sleep spell must be within 30 feet of
- each other. The center of the area of effect is determined by the
- spellcaster.
- Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures but normal noise does
- not. Awakening requires one entire round. Magically sleeping opponents
- can be attacked with substantial bonuses (Prowness 1)
- :Snapping_Teeth
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates a set of large smiling teeth to appear, they can
- either be used as an immediate attack effect (the teeth will attack
- a designated target in RANGE for 1d10+4 damage at 80% chance to hit)
- or as a setting for a trap. If set for a trap the teeth will attack
- any creature that gets within 5' of the surface the caster places
- them on top of (except the caster) and do 1d10+4 damage on each
- attack with 80% Chance to hit. The teeth cannot be attacked for
- damage, but can be dispelled or caught inside a container they can't
- escape. As a trap the duration does not start until the teeth have
- a target to attack.
- :Snow_Ball
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This creates in the casters hand a normal snowball which can be thrown
- at a target. It melts at the end of its duration, unless it has hit
- target (when it melts a round later). The snowball does no damage, and
- can be avoided with a prowness roll or shield usage, but if it strikes
- a mage it counts as a distraction which they must make an INT roll
- against losing spell concentration on.
- :Spider_Climb
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R,T
- By this spell, the creature can walk on any surface and not slip. The
- creature can walk on walls, ceilings, ice, etc. and not slip or slide
- (feet are like suction cups to the surface).
- :Stall
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This causes an active vehicle engine that uses spark plugs to suddenly
- stall out and cease to work temporarily. It will turn over again with
- effort, but the initial stalling will cause a delay, possible loss of
- control (if the vehicle has automatic steering and/or brakes) and
- possible loss of speed.
- :Start-Not
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- This can be cast on any vehicle that uses an electric starter that
- is not already running. It prevents it from turning over by coating
- the contacts with a non-conductive material. This coating CAN be
- scraped off by someone who understands automobile maintenance, but
- it takes some time - but it will also crumble away at the end of
- the spells duration.
- :Stinking_Cloud
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- When a stinking cloud is cast the mage causes a billowing mass of
- nauseous vapors to come into being in a 10' radius circle at the point
- of targeting (additional 10'/Rank of spell). Any creature within the
- cloud (except those who cannot smell or breathe) are helpless as long
- as they remain inside the cloud, retching and coughing. Once outside
- the cloud it takes a full round before the victim of such to be able
- to act other than movement.
- The cloud remains for the duration, unless blowing away by breezes etc
- :Stupefying_Blast
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R
- A chaotic blast of green and blue energy is sent out at a target being
- who gets a saving roll vs INTUITION. If failed the target becomes
- struck Mute and blind for the duration. This would render a mage
- unable to cast a spell on anyone except themself (since they cannot
- target the spell). It would make physical combat be at Prowness 1 for
- a base.
- :Summon_Object
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This spell will summon to the caster any MEMORIZED object and its
- contents to within a foot of the caster. Beyond the base 5 points
- the caster pays 1 point per 5 lbs of weight. This increases with ranks
- so that at rank 2 it's 1 point per 10 lbs of weight, at rank 3 its
- 20 lbs, at rank 4 its 40 lbs and so forth. Summoned objects CANNOT
- be alive in any way.
- :Summon_Soapbubbles
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will summon a large number of soapbubbles at any point within
- range. The soapbubbles may be mildly distracting, but they cause no actual
- damage. Someone who has heard of Bubbles_of_Euphoria*, but not seen them,
- may mistake this spell for that one. Conversely, someone with experience
- with this spell may assume Bubbles_of_Euphoria* is a varient of this one,
- the first time they see it.
- :Summon_Taxi
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- Only castable in an Urban area, this will summon a taxicab to the
- street the caster is on, if there is one within a 1/8 mile radius (this
- increases per RANK) and the driver will bring it to a stop as close
- as possible to the caster safely and believe that they had received
- a call on their radio to pick up a fare at this address.
- :Tasha's_Uncontrollable_Hideous_Daughter
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- This is a special combination of illusion and summoning, creating a
- creature that will have the goal of nothing more than being near to
- the target being, holding them, drooling on them, kissing them and
- groping them endlessly while the spell lasts (It may even appear to
- try to have sexual encounters with them but such will produce NO
- magical energy unlike a real such encounter). The Creature is the
- ugliest female that the caster can think of, with warts, black stringy
- hair that has all the softness of steel wool, a flabby trunk but great
- powerful arms and legs (Hardiness 30). It cannot be harmed by non-magical
- weapons, and has HTK 30 vs magical ones. Duration is absolutely necessary
- with this spell, but TARGETS is not usable with it.
- Additional ranks add +10 HTK and +5 HARDiness to the creature.
- :Taunt
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- A taunt spell enables the caster to jape and jeer effectively at a
- single type of creature with Intelligence. The caster need not speak the
- language of the creatures. His words and sounds have real meaning for
- the subject creature or creatures: challenging, insulting, and generally
- irritating and angering the listeners. Those failing to save vs.
- INTUITION rush forth in fury to do battle with the spellcaster. All
- affected creatures attack the spellcaster in melee if physically capable
- of doing so, seeking to use body or hand-held weapons rather than missile
- weapons or spells.
- Separation of the caster from the victim by an impenetrable or
- uncrossable boundary (a wall of fire, a deep chasm, a formation of set
- pikemen) causes the spell to break. If the caster taunts a mixed group,
- he must choose the type of creature to be affected.
- If used in conjunction with a ventriloquism spell, the creatures
- may attack the apparent source, depending upon their Intelligence, a
- leader's presence, and so on.
- :Tea_Time
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This causes a tray with a steaming tea pot and cups to appear in
- the caster's hands. There will be one cup for each being within
- a 30' radius of the caster, plus sugar bowl, fresh lemon slices,
- and cream. All of it will last until the tea has all been drank or
- the the duration ends whatever comes first then all will vanish
- except that which was consumed.
- :Teleport_Object
- COST : 7
- MODS : R
- Allows the caster to move an object within range to any locale that
- the caster chooses that has been visited and memorized by the caster,
- or into the possession of the caster immediately. Range is used for the
- actual range to the target object. Duration and Targets are unused
- options. If the object is a container its contents will move with it.
- Additionally there is a cost of 1 spell point per 5 lbs of the objects
- weight at rank 1. This is doubled for each rank (Rank 2 for example for
- the same 1 point can affect 10 lbs, Rank 3 can affect 20 lbs for 1 point
- etc).
- :Teleport_Others
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- Allows the caster to move 1 being per rank of the spell to any locale
- that the caster chooses that has been visited and memorized by the
- caster. Range is used simply for range to the beings being teleported.
- Duration and Targets are unused options with this spell. Unwilling
- targets get a save vs INT and mind shielded targets cannot be teleported
- against their will.
- :Teleport_Self
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- Moves the caster and upto 100 lbs of gear etc to any locale that the
- caster chooses that has been visited and memorized by the caster.
- Additional Ranks add 100 lbs to the capacity.
- :Tie
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell will magically cause the object targeted (which must be of
- a thread/string/rope/cable like nature) to tightly knot itself to either
- its other end or the end of a similar object within 1' of it. This spell
- can be cast in a single round due to its nature.
- :Transfer_Energy
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This allows mages to transfer energy to each other by choice. Those
- involved MUST be willing. The being losing the energy decides how much
- they transfer and to who. Energy cannot be transferred to a non-mage
- being unless they are magical in nature. Only RAW energy *not HUNG
- spells* can be transferred this way.
- :Treacherous_Tripwire
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- One wire (up to 10' long) can be stretched across a hall, or such. The
- wire becomes camouflaged -- undetectable w/o find traps. The first
- creature to attempt to pass must save vs. Prowness or be caught when the
- wire springs free. The magical wire will twine tightly about the ankles
- of its victim, tripping him. If the victim saves then the trap remains
- set until triggered or until its duration expires.
- It must then be tediously untangled (or sawed loose) which will take at
- least 3-6 rounds under ideal conditions. If hacked loose in combat, it
- will take 3 rounds.
- Once untangled/broken the wire will fade away into nothingness.
- :Trigger
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- This spell is cast at a being or at an item that contains charges
- (such as a wand). In the case of the wand it instantly causes the
- wand to randomly set off one of its charge affects. If cast on a
- being they get a save vs INT or they randomly set off a HUNG spell
- at a random target in the vacinity. If cast on someone or something
- without HUNG spells or stored spells then the spell produces no
- effect.
- :Umbrella_Of_Carnack
- COST : 12
- MODS : D
- This spell creates a magical umbrella that will hang 3' above the head
- of the caster at all times. The Umbrella will have no physical form to
- touch, but is visible to normal sight. It can pass thru objects easily and
- offers no protection from arrows or other thrown missiles. BUT the umbrella
- will prevent any RAIN based spell from affecting the caster, and also any
- falling object more than 5 lbs in weight will bounce off it. Thus things
- like a falling Wall of Ice would fail to harm the possesor of the Umbrella,
- or even an opponent jumping from a height above to attack.
- :Umbrella_Of_Quil
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell produces identical affects as the umbrella of Carnack in
- appearance and form, but is actually an illusionary umbrella, with no
- substance or protective value, save in fooling mages who mistake it for
- the Umbrella of Carnack!
- :Unplug
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell, mostly known as a Discordian Effect, will cause all
- electronic devices that have plugs (including electrical outlet
- connections, Speaker wire connections and computer cable connections)
- to suddenly and subtley become dislodged inside the radius of
- effect (no saves!).
- This can be real annoying, especially to Technomages and those
- who depend on technology.
- :Unravel
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- Unravel is cast upon a piece of clothing that has been woven, sewn or
- knitted. It causes the clothing to begin to unravel until it falls apart
- into its component parts. The process takes three rounds.
- Magical clothing gets a save (50% chance of not being affected).
- :Unseen_Servant
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- The unseen servant is a non-visible, mindless, and shapeless force, used
- to step and fetch, open unstuck doors, as well as to clean and mend. It
- is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the command of the wizard. It can
- carry out only one activity at a time and can move only light-wight
- items--carry a maximum of 20 pounds or push or pull 40 pounds across a
- smooth surface. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, etc. The
- unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force rather
- than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated after
- receiving 6 points of damage from area-effect spells, breath weapons, or
- similar attacks. Additional Ranks add 10 lbs to its carrying ability,
- and 1 HTK to its survival ability.
- :Vacuum_Bottle
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This is cast on an ordinary bottle or glass vial, upto a quart in size
- at the most, which has a stopper, cork or seal of some kind. The bottle
- becomes an interdimensional opening into a pocket universe. When the
- bottle is opened it will suck into it any non-living matter or energy it
- is pointed at, upto 20'cubed in size, and then reseals itself. It is held
- in stasis until the bottle is opened again or until it is broken
- (Duration has NO application in this spell). Besides a lightweight means
- to carry large heavy objects for distances this spell can also be used
- as a defense - if ready for it a mage might place an incoming fireball
- effect into the bottle before it can explode, or utilize the bottle as a
- weapon, since it will release its contents with pressure about 5' from
- the opener (Filling one in the sea can produce a 1 round firehose) or it
- could conceivably be used to disarm an opponent (sucking swords and
- other hand weapons into the bottle if the opponent failed a save vs
- Hardiness).
- The item(s) to be pulled into the bottle must be within 5' of the holder.
- :Ventriloquism
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell enables the wizard to make his voice--or someone else's
- voice--or a similar sound seem to issue from someplace else, such as
- from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage,
- etc. The spellcaster can speak in any language that he knows, or make
- any sound he can normally make. With respect to such voices and
- sounds, anyone rolling a successful saving throw vs. INTUITION with
- a -5 penalty detects the ruse.
- If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the GM may rule greater
- penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this spell in
- consideration of its contribution to the total effect of the combined
- illusion.
- :Vortex_Of_Far_Travel
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- A black vortex appears before the caster (RANGE is Not used with this
- spell) and a dismal voice asks the caster whither he/she wishes to be
- brought. Upon receiving the answer it rushes the caster and then
- collapses to nothingness, taking the caster with it. The vortex can
- carry the caster to anywhere on the planet, in about 5 rounds of time.
- It must be stated as a SPECIFIC locale. It will NOT take more than the
- one caster.
- Once within the vortex the caster must make a save vs INTUITION
- a failure means the caster is lost forever in the void, consumed by
- it and never to return. Otherwise the cast arrives in the expected
- destination.
- This CANNOT be cast in the prescence of a Mundane Successfully.
- :Withered_Manhood
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell can only be cast upon a male. It prevents the male from
- gaining an errection for the duration.
- :Woeful_Itch
- COST : 12
- MODS : D,R
- A cloud of glittering motes flutter to the target, who falls into a
- frenzy of scratching and tearing at their own flesh to stop the
- maddening itch. Target will do 1d10 damage to themselves in the process
- and drop all held items. Target will be incapacitated until the spell
- ends. If the Target is submerged in water the itching will stop and
- the spell will prematurely end.
- :Wood_To_Rubber
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell causes all wooden objects that touch or strike the caster
- to be transformed into rubber, reducing their damage capacity to 1/4
- normal if a weapon, and the effect on the weapon lasts for the duration.
- It can also be cast by touch on another individual to equally protect
- them. Maximum of 10 lbs/rank of effect.