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Text File | 1993-06-02 | 75.5 KB | 1,950 lines |
- :Draconian_tradition_Mage
- The draconian tradition represents several different concepts of
- magic applied in a primarily negative fashion. Draconian mages are
- primarily interested in power over others, not themselves or their
- environment. Their magics often have a price and the price is often
- the demise of the ethics and humanity of the caster over a period of
- time.
- Draconians are secretive, they do not advertise their existance,
- and they will hide behind another tradition or even deny their own
- involvement in magic entire. They have no true sense of community.
- Rumor has it that Transylvania University in Knoxville, Kentucky
- is a training grounds for members of the Draconian system, but so
- far the rest of the magical community has been unable to substantiate
- this due to the hostile nature of Draconinans in general.
- Knives & Daggers
- Spell Analysis
- Alertness
- Butchering
- Escape Artistry
- HTH Combat
- Meditation
- Psychology
- +10% to Cast at Night
- +10% to Cast on any target that fears them
- +10% to Cast against Sentients when using Hand
- gestures & vocal presentation.
- Gets a recharge equal to their Magical Aptitude each time they
- kill someone by a non-magical means (Sacrifice)
- -20% to Cast on Anyone Else's Holy Ground
- Restricted from MANY traditions by those traditions
- Cannot be : Bardic, Blood Mage, Darkovian, Druidic,
- Mentalist, Shadow Master, Shaman (ANY), Taoist, Voodon
- or Wiccan.
- Gets a Roll on the Insanity table at Start from being initiated
- in this form of magic. An additional roll is made for each
- Educational Rank in Spellcasting gained (thus a rank 10,
- teacher level, Draconian would have 10 rolls!)
- :Acid_Hands
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell causes the casters hands to excrete a corrosive acid as sweat
- for the duration bought, which on any touch does 2d10 of damage.
- Additional RANKS add + 1 to the Damage inflicted.
- :Affect_Normal_Fires
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- This spell enables the wizard to cause non-magical fires--from
- a torch or lantern to as large as a 10' radius ---to reduce in size and
- brightness to become mere coals or increase in light to become as
- full daylight and increase the illumination to double the normal radius.
- This does not affect either fuel consumption or damage caused by the
- fire. The caster can affect any or all fires in the spell's area. He
- can alter their intensities with a gesture as long as the spell is in
- effect. The spell lasts until the caster cancels it, all fuel is burned,
- or the duration ends. The caster can also extinguish all flames in the
- area, which expends the spell immediately. The spell does not affect fire
- elementals or similar creatures.
- :Aluap's_Curse
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- Cast on a Target being, ALL magic items used by that person will be
- unable to function magically for the duration of the spell. The Target
- being DOES get a saving throw vs INTUITION to avoid the effect at its
- casting. Even magic swords will not get their pluses etc for the whole
- duration.
- :Animate_Object
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R,T
- By means of this spell an inanimate object becomes animate and under
- the command of the caster. The object will move at about 5' per round
- unless it is something designed for movement (ex: A wagon, wheelbarrow
- etc). Objects animated in this way cannot fight, but may block an attack
- by interceding. They are imbued only with enough intelligence to obey
- the instruction by the caster (ex: an animated broom can sweep the
- floor, but knows nothing about making tea). One of the common ways of
- using this is to cast it on a scarecrow or other such humanoid appearing
- form so that a wider range of commands are possible. The animated beings
- cannot perform a task that the caster has no knowledge of or cannot
- perform themselves - ex: an animated mannequin instructed to make dinner
- by the caster could cook no better than the person that created it.
- They cannot hold or manipulate magical energy in any way.
- :Anvil Fall
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- When this spell is cast, the creature(s) or object(s) affected
- immediately assume the mass of solid lead. A falling or flying object
- or creature affected starts to plummet, and damage taken from falling
- is doubled, i.e., 2d10 per 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d10 from
- a height of 100 feet. The anvil fall affects one or more objects
- in a 5 foot cube/rank, or one creature, as long as the maximum original
- weight of the creatures or objects does not exceed a combined total of
- 200 pounds per rank bought of the spell.
- A feather fall cast upon a creature or object under the influence
- of an anvil fall will only negate the latter, and the creature then
- receives only normal falling damage. An additional feather fall would
- then be needed to achieve the normal effect of that spell, and two
- such spells could probably not be cast in time by a single caster.
- Like a feather fall, an anvil fall works only upon free-falling,
- flying, or propelled objects, and cannot affect a sword blow or a
- charging creature.
- :Apprentice_Link
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is used to link a spellcaster with an apprentice or
- trusted companion or follower over a long period of time. It creates
- a linking so that they can speak (as under a Mind_Speech* spell), and
- so they can transfer energy at will (The CASTER of the Apprenticeship
- spell controls the flow and can take energy from the apprentice at
- will or bestow such to them at will) over any distance. The energy
- effect also works on the borrowing of HTK from the apprentice, so
- that the mage can transfer their own wounds to their apprentice(s)
- in a conflict at distance. The spell effects work THRU a Pentagram
- unhindered as well, despite its lack of ranks. The caster can also
- cast Spells upon the Apprentice at any time despite the distance as
- if they were in TOUCH range.
- This spell cannot be cast on an unwilling target.
- Unlike a normal Spell, the duration on this one is always exactly one
- year and a day.
- :Armour
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R,T
- This gives the target temporary invisible and intangible magical
- armour against all normal attacks that absorbs 3 points of damage
- per rank upto a maximum of 10 RANKS can be bought, for the duration.
- Unlike normal armour, the armour spell cannot be reduced with wear,
- has no encumbrance affects upon Prowness and it can be worn with
- other forms of Non-Metal armour (Wearing metal armour will negate
- the armour spell).
- :Association
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- When casting this spell, the forensic wizard must brings two surfaces
- into contact with one another. Possibilities include the surface of a
- jewel and that of a safe, or the surface of an arrow and that of a
- bow. If the two surfaces were ever before adjacent, the spell so
- indicates, and if the surfaces were ever directly connected as a single
- item, an even stronger reading results. This is often used in the
- determination of guilt in a crime.
- Additional RANGE or DURATION are not useful with this spell.
- :Astral_Sight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein
- for the duration, in standard LOS range.
- :Bane_Weapon
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast upon a weapon. It adds 3 points to the damage the
- weapon will do when hitting a particular category of being or creature.
- Acceptable categories include:
- Demon kind Canines (including Wolfen)
- Dragon kind Felines (including shapeshifted)
- Dwarves Magical Creatures (including mages)
- Elementals Gods (and goddesses)
- Elves (including 1/2 bloods) Amphibians
- FaeFolk (all!) Fire based Creatures
- Gnomes Cold based Creatures
- Goblins
- Humans (including 1/2 bloods)
- Orcs
- Plant life (including Ents)
- Shapeshifters
- Stone (including Trolls/Golems)
- Undead
- Additional Ranks add +1 to the additional damage inflicted.
- :Banishment
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- Cast at a being from another plane, this spell forces them to return
- instantly to their plane and the subject cannot return to this one
- without being summoned back. The Target DOES get an INT saving throw.
- Fails against creatures native to the plane.
- :Beauty
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is cast upon a being of sentience only. It enhanced their
- Appearance magically for the duration by 10 points. It is often used
- by Female Mages to enhance their natural 'talents'.
- Unlike 'Friends' it does NOT directly influence others and thus has
- no detrimental effects, or concepts of deception.
- Additional RANKS add 1 to the gained points.
- :Black_Tornado
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- In some ways related to the Whirligig spell, this creates an unnatural
- Tornado to encompass a single target being, spinning them around violently
- in a circle, making them nauseous and impeding all senses.
- It does NOT lift or move the target from the locale.
- The Tornado adds some unusual effects though - it inflicts a necromantic
- drain on the being, causing them to lose 1d10 Energy points (if they have
- any as a mage) and once out of energy begins to drain HTK.
- Attacks against the Tornado, except a dispell magic type, will fail
- to affect it as it has no material substance, merely energy. No attacks
- can be made on the victim of the spell while they are within the
- tornado.
- :Bloat
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This causes a single target being (multiple NOT possible) to
- swell up to nearly twice their normal size from a horrendous magical
- bloating of their body, reducing Prowness to 1/2 Normal, for the
- duration of the spell, and affecting ALL Prowness based skills.
- Target DOES get an INT saving throw.
- :Block_Teleport
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell prevents anyone from teleporting into or out of the area of
- effect while the spell is in effect. It will not effect homing teleport
- spells (e. g. word of recall). It will also not effect gates.
- It covers an area of 100 Cubic Feet per RANK of the spell.
- :Bloodfire
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell engulfs a creature with blue fire that burns for 1d10 damage
- per round. The flames do not ignite flammable objects, they just hurt
- living creatures. Additional RANKS cannot be bought on this spell,
- nor additional TARGETS. Target DOES get a magic saving throw. Dispell
- Magic will negate this effect, as will a non-combustion Field.
- :Bone_Breaker
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This is cast on a single target being and will break a particular bone
- in their body (roll):
- 01-15 Left leg
- 16-30 Right Leg
- 31-50 Right Arm
- 51-70 Left Arm
- 71-00 Rib (-10% all skills while broken)
- Broken limbs are not usable. Broken ribs only restrict action. Lasts until
- healed/repaired. Duration is NOT bought on this spell. 1d10 of damage is
- done in the process to the target.
- :Brain_Drain
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This is cast on the brain of a corpse whoose braincase is intact
- (the rest of the body doesn't matter) and which died recently.
- It will cause the remains of the brain to rupture from within,
- leaving but mush, but in the process the caster draws knowledge
- and power from the corpse. They roll on the following Table,
- adding one to the roll for each HOUR since the body died. Each
- additional rank minus's five to their rolls on the table, so that
- bodied dead for longer and longer periods of time can be
- drained. Fails if the body was unoccupied when deceased (ex:
- the body of an Astralist who didn't return before bodies' death).
- 90-00+ Nothing at all is gained!
- 80-89 Memories of the last minute of death
- are viewed.
- 70-79 Above, but memories of last hour of
- life are received in full senses.
- 60-69 Above plus gets 1 point of the
- deceased's MC (if any).
- 50-59 Above, but memories of last day of
- life are received in full and
- 1 point of MC and MA (if any).
- 26-49 Above, but memories of last week
- of life are received in full and
- 1 point/rank of spell of MA, MC and
- INT (if any, upto their max only).
- 06-25 Above memories of last week of life,
- and 2 point/rank of spell of MA, MC & INT.
- 02-05 Above plus also instantly learns all
- their non-leveled skills in full!
- 01 or less Above, plus also 1 rank in any skills
- the brain had that the caster doesn't OR
- if both were of the same tradition, the
- caster learns any spells the brain had
- that they didn't instead!
- :Burning_Hands
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- When the wizard casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from
- his fingertips. His hands must be held so as to send forth a fan-like
- sheet of flames: the wizard's thumbs must touch each other and fingers
- must be spread. The burning hands send out flame jets of 5 foot length
- in a horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the wizard. Any
- creature in the area of the flames suffers 1d10+3 hit points of damage,
- Beings in range must make a roll vs Prowness to avoid the damage.
- Flammable material touched by the fire burn (e.g., cloth, paper,
- parchment, thin wood, etc.). Such materials can be extinguished in the
- next round if no other action is taken. Additional RANKS add +1 to
- damage done. RANGE is added to the base 5' length of the flames.
- The TARGETS option is not used since this is AREA based.
- :Change_Self
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the wizard to alter the appearance of his
- form--including clothing and equipment--to appear one foot shorter or
- taller; thin, fat, or in between; humanoid, or any other generally
- bipedal creature. The caster cannot duplicate a specific individual.
- The DM may allow a saving throw for disbelief under certain
- circumstances: for example, if the caster acts in a manner obviously
- inconsistent with his chosen role. The spell does not alter the
- perceived tactile (i.e., touch) properties of the caster or his
- equipment, and the ruse may be discovered in this way.
- :Charm_Undead
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell will automatically CHARM any normal form of Undead (Zombie,
- Spectre, Wraith, Skeleton etc) and place it under the casters control
- for the duration - It reverts to original controller when spell ends.
- It can also work on intelligent undead, like Ghosts and even Vampires,
- But they get their Intuition to defend with at casting and will not
- do anything FATAL to themselves while under orders knowingly (you can't
- for instance order a Vampire to run themselves thru on a stake, but
- could order them not to bite you and your companions). Note a Vampire
- or Ghost who has been Charmed and is released is likely to look for
- revenge....
- :Choking_Grasp
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This causes a pair of ghostly skeletal hands to appear around the throat
- of the target. The target must be human, demihuman or humanoid. The hands
- will choke and strangle the affected victim for the duration of the spell;
- each round the victim suffers 1d10 +4 (+1/RANK) of damage from the hands.
- The victim gets a save vs HARD each round, and if successful takes NO
- damage. The Magic ARMOR spell will work to absorb the damage, but regular
- physical armor will not. Dispell can end the effect. There is NO save at
- the original casting.
- If the victim is a mage and tries to cast there is a -10% chance to do
- so because of the distraction from the hands. If they need to speak
- to cast they cannot.
- The hands are ethereal in nature and cannot be affected by weapons or
- spells (except dispell) on the material plane. Someone on the Ethereal
- May attempt to destroy them, in which case they can take a mere 5 HTK
- damage from magical attacks before fading away.
- :Cloud_Kill
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R
- This spell generates a billowing cloud of ghastly yellowish green vapors
- which is a magically toxic substance. Anyone caught in the cloud will
- need to make a roll vs Hardiness or collapse and die instantly from the
- poison. Because the cloud is both magical and poisonous, only creatures
- who are both immune to poison and completely resistant to magic can
- avoid having to save. Those who do save when encountering the cloud will
- receive 2d10 damage from the cloud each rounds they are in the cloud.
- The cloud will move based on prevailing winds, if any, otherwise in a
- single direction chosen by the caster. it will slowly sink to the
- ground, killing all plant life it encounters. It will seep down into
- holes and passages in the ground, thus making it useful for
- extermination of dangerous underground creatures.
- If a strong wind is present it will dissipate in 1-2 rounds, otherwise
- it will last till durations end.
- Increased Ranks adds 1d10 to the damage done to beings who save inside
- the cloud.
- :Cloud_Of_Slumber
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates a cloud of yellowish gas in 10 cubic area/rank. Any
- Living creatures within the Cloud must save each round while in it or
- collapse asleep for 60 rounds.
- :Corpse_Visage
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell transforms the caster's face or the face of any creature
- touched by the caster into the horrifying visage of a rotting corpse.
- The effect of this illusion is so startling that when it is viewed by
- opponents, the wizard's party adds to their surprise roll.
- Corpse visage does not distinguish between friend and foe, and all
- who view it are subject to its effects. If the spell is cast upon an
- unwilling victim, the victim is allowed defenses to avoid the effect.
- If the caster casts this upon themselves and leaves it on with
- duration then can be considered to have their targets afraid of them,
- unless they can see thru the illusion or are a Draconian themselves,
- and get the casting pluses for their fear....
- :Crushing_Hands
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates a HUGE disembodied hand that attempts to crush the
- target. It needs NO roll to hit, but the victim gets a HARD save each
- round to avoid taking ANY damage that round. Two successful saves in a
- row frees them from the grasp of the hand. The hand does 1d10+5 damage
- each round it is successful, and metal armour gives NO assistance
- against the damage.
- Each additional RANK of the spell adds 1d10 to the damage occuring. The
- hand is NOT affective against non-corpreal forms. It cannot be seen or
- in any way affect mundanes.
- :Curse_Of_Senility
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will ONLY work on a mage. The Target must save vs magic
- or will suffer SENILITY for the duration. While under the effect of this
- the Mage must make a saving throw VS INTUITION every time they wish to
- cast a spell - a failed throw means they cannot remember the spell AND
- must spend the rest of that round in puzzlement over their memory loss.
- The effect does NOT apply to HUNG spells.
- :Death_Armour
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- While this spell is in effect, any creature who touches the caster with
- exposed flesh (to cast a spell, for example) will suffer 1d10 points of
- damage. The spell will not protect the mage from damage, nor
- does it have any effect on an armed opponent, but it will affect
- undead, and adds one point to damage inflicted with his bare hands.
- Each additional rank adds +1 to the damage rolled. It cannot be
- used with any other armour spell.
- :Death_Vision
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This shows to the target being a scene of their own possible death
- within their mind in an explicit and mentally painful way. It is not
- necessarily a true vision but it will have definate reactions to them,
- stunning them for 1d10 rnds if they fail to save and afterwards
- needing to save again against the spell a second time or gaining an
- insanity from a traumatic experience.
- Fear Competant and Mind SHielded persons will be unaffected by the
- spells effects.
- :Demon_Summons
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell enables the caster to summon a classic demon of Christian
- mythology, forging it in actuallity from the dark recesses of the
- caster's thoughts and those of the minds of the Christians Aklal.
- It does NOT always grant any form of control of the demon, merely
- brings it into the material world where the caster is, but the demon
- WILL know who brought it in.
- Demon's Sex: 01-50 Male (with pitchfork & All)
- 51-75 Neuter (something very horrific looking!)
- 76-00 Female (either very seductive 01-75 or
- dominatrix type 76-00)
- If the demon is male and the caster female add +5 to their roll that
- follows. If the demon if Female and Seductive add +20 to the roll on
- the table that follows. If the Demon is Female and Dominatrix add
- +10 to the roll on the table that follows.
- Note that a summoned demon can only stay in physical form for a
- maximum of a day (24 hours).
- After such has occurred the demon's reaction to the Character will be
- based on a percentile roll. Add the players Appearance to the roll and
- consult the following :
- 0 to 25 : The Demon Attacks the summoner in anger, and
- will vanish when the summoner is slain.
- 26 to 30 : The Demon will appear and then teleport away so
- it can perform some mischief elsewhere, totally
- ignoring the summoner.
- 31 to 60 : The Demon will appear and will offer to perform
- one task, then vanish after it is done.
- 61 to 70 : The Demon will appear and will offer to answer
- any three questions for the caster than vanish
- after it is done.
- 71 to 00 : The Demon will offer the caster a contract to
- sell their body and soul to the demon for power
- and glory. If they refuse the demon will
- vanish. If they accept then the demon will become
- the major influence in their life. If it is
- male or female it will randomly appear to
- have sex with the character (Roll on the demon
- sex table below each time). The character will
- hear and see the demon at times of stress, being
- pressured by it to perform certain actions of
- an offensive nature. Character gets a +10% to
- successfully cast when following a suggestion
- of their demon. Character will get double the
- normal points earned in experience for combat
- and spellcasting. They may ask advice from
- their demon in times of need.
- Depending on the demon they may give the caster
- a 'mark of the devil' or a token of affection
- or grant boons under certain circumstances.
- Once in contract to a demon they can NEVER
- again cast a demon summons!
- 101+ The demon Overwhelms the character and insists
- on having sex with them. Character will get 1
- round of action to resist, run etc before the
- demon acts. If they do have sex with the demon
- it vanishes afterwards and roll on table:
- (NOTE : If the demon is neuter then REROLL)
- 01-25 Character Has an enjoyable time
- and gains their Aptitude in energy
- from the encounter, but will NOT
- enjoy any sexual activity with
- anything but a demon afterwards
- (New and overwhelming fetish/ Mental
- illness).
- 26-50 Character has enjoyable sex but
- gains nothing from the encounter
- 51-60 Character has enjoyable Sex and
- gains 1d10*100 experience in the
- process.
- 61-75 Character has enjoyable sex, but
- finds themselves without any spell
- energy in their capacity bank after
- as demon has drained them!
- 76-80 Character has Painful sex and takes
- 1d10 internal damage from the
- incident (no armour or spell protects
- apply).
- 81-90 Character has painful sex and takes
- an additional roll on the insanity
- table.
- 91-00 Character has painful sex and will
- be randomly visited by the demon
- for more such at random times - only
- the character can perceieve demon!
- Demon Stats (For Combat) :
- INT = Casters
- MA = Casters
- PROW = Casters
- APP = Casters (-10 if Neuter, +10 if female)
- HARD = Casters + 10
- HTK = Casters HTK + Casters MA
- MC = Casters Own MC * 2
- Attack Damage = 1d10 + INT((Casters MA + Casters INT)/10)
- Spellcasting : Demons cast without klutzing and cast
- ANY spell from the Draconian List.
- They CANNOT teach spells from the list
- though.
- :Demon_Tailor
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,T
- This summons a tiny winged red demon the size of a mouse that is an
- expert in the art of sewing and magical clothing alterations. The
- demon can alter an existing set of clothes to fit the caster in one
- round if so ordered, even if there is insufficient material. It can
- also be ordered to turn raw materials into a set of clothes the caster
- has in mind for their own wearing in a full minute (10 rounds). If
- neither raw materials nor existing clothes exist but the caster wishes
- it and has placed enough duration into the spell, the Mage can ask the
- demon to craft a set of clothes to the mages specifications entirely
- from magic (Takes a full hour). The clothes will have the property,
- if formed this way, to neither wrinkle nor stain and will adjust to fit
- the wearer no matter how their body shape may change, so long as it
- remains humanoid.
- Multiple Targets are bought ONLY if the mage is having clothes made
- for someone else. The Demon cannot produce armour of any kind.
- :Depression
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This inflicts upon the victim the knowledge of cynical logic, making
- them realize that death is inevitable no matter how much they struggle
- and that everything they do will not really matter in the long term.
- This depression will reduce all their skills by 20% to succeed while
- active. TARGETS is not used on this spell.
- :Detect_Curse
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This spell will tell if a person or object is Cursed and will, with
- an INTUITION roll, give the caster the details on the nature of the
- curse itself. Minor Curses are specific spells that cannot be dispelled
- by normal means (Dispell Magic) ;Curses are extremely powerful magic
- that can last for generations, usually cast by someone in the throes
- of death or extreme anger/depression.
- :Detect_Gems
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- Allows the caster to detect any and all gemstones within the
- Radius of Range and find their locale. It does NOT appraise the
- gems or give information as to their type.
- :Detect_Illusions
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see thru ALL Illusions encountered while the
- spell duration is in effect, wether caused by magical spell or magic
- abilities of specific creatures.
- :Detect_Life
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- By use of this spell the caster can determine if a creature is alive,
- including creatures in a coma, trance, little death etc. It fails
- against Mind Shielded targets (they will detect as dead) and will
- also expose Undead for what they are.
- :Detect_Lie
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,T
- This allows the caster to perceive any SPOKEN lies said in their
- presence if they understand the language being spoken. Range is not
- necessary as an element in this spell. Target is only needed if casting
- the spell on someone else. It does not detect omissions, only falsehoods.
- :Detect_Magic
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown
- in that it will glow with the color of its Guildtype(s). Duration
- is not needed to be purchased, and it is cast at the suspect target.
- :Detect_Metal
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- The caster specifies one metal type and this spell will detect any of
- such within a 50' radius.
- :Detect_Nexus
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- A Nexus is an opening from one material reality into another.
- Nexus Points are found naturally but can also be created by certain
- spells. This spell works LOS for the caster only.
- :Detect_Poison
- COST : 2
- MODS : R
- With this spell, the forensic wizard can determine if a corpse has been
- poisoned. One corpse can be checked each round. The wizard can
- determine the means by which the poison was administered and the place
- at which it entered the body, and a chance of determining the exact
- poison involved equal to the caster's Intuition.
- It can also be used on a living target in hope of discovering if a
- cure poison may cure a condition, or can be cast on a substance to
- see if it is poisonous.
- :Detect_Shapechanger
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to detect any natural or magically held
- shapechanges on persons and creatures in LOS.
- At Rank 2 it allows the caster to know the true appearance of the
- beings that are shapechanged.
- :Detect_Spirit
- COST : 2
- MODS : D,T
- Detects the presence of a soul spirit or mentality in any body or
- object (enchanted swords, etc.), and whether or not the mind
- controlling the body is its "native". Thus, it will not detect charming
- or hypnosis but will detect possession. Only the fact of a mind is
- detected, not its nature. If it is cast on a normally invisible spirit
- (such as an Invisible Stalker or Unseen Servant), the caster can see
- the creature as a visible force for the duration. The reverse,
- Obscure Spirit, has a range of touch and conceals a single mind or
- spirit from detection by this spell, and can be cast by anyone who
- knows Detect Spirit.
- :Detect_Undead
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the caster to detect all undead creatures out to
- the range of the spell. The area of effect extends in a path 10 feet
- wide and 60 feet long (plus 10 feet longer per level of the wizard), in
- the direction the caster is facing. Scanning a direction requires one
- round, and the caster must be motionless. While the spell indicates
- direction, it does not give specific location or distance. It detects
- undead through walls and obstacles but is blocked by one foot of solid
- stone, one yard of wood or loose earth, or a thin coating of metal.
- The spell does not indicate the type of undead detected, only that
- undead are present.
- :Dispel_Magic
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it
- will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the
- spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its
- duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a
- healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling
- targets get a Save vs INT against Dispel
- :Dispelling_Curtain
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell is used to set up a shimmering violet energy screen in a
- curtain form that the caster desires (Can be a maximum of 10' x 10'
- per RANK of the spell, but NO lower limit). Any creature passing thru
- it will have active spells on them affected by a Dispell Magic that is
- slightly more powerful than an ordinary one - this one CAN affect the
- results of spell klutzs 50% of the time, and CAN shut down any Globe of
- Invulnerability or Globe of Minor Invulnerability, but cannot shut off
- curse affects or any spell that was at rank 5 or greater.
- The Dispelling Curtain will NOT work against items, only beings.
- :Dispel_Silence
- COST : 2
- MODS : D,R
- When cast, this spell automatically dispels any magical silence within
- its area of effect. Furthermore, no silence spell will have effect
- within the area of effect for the duration of the spell.
- Area is a 15' Globe at the target point. This can be increased by buying
- more RANKS of the spell.
- Stealth FAILS inside a Dispell Silence Field.
- :Disruption
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This is cast ONLY on a single target. The Target must be a mage. If
- the Target fails a save vs Magic then they will immediately lose
- ALL their HUNG spells and the energy held in them. Multiple Ranks may
- be bought PURELY so that the spell can penetrate a Pentagram.
- :Disrupt_Undead
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R
- When cast the spell strikes out with a cone from the caster out
- to its maximum range at a 60 degree angle. Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls,
- and ghosts are blasted into dust instantly if within the cone. All
- other undead receive 1d10 damage for each round they are within the
- cone. The Caster may move the field each round additional round to
- increase the area being covered by it if needed.
- Additional Ranks add +1 to the damage inflicted.
- :Draconian_Sanctum
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast by a mage to establish a place of power where they
- can be assured of relative safety and capability to practice their art.
- Once created the mage cannot create another such Sanctum while it
- exists.
- An inner sanctum offers MANY benefits to a mage, and should be
- established in a building, grove, or sufficiently secluded locale to
- assist in its magics.
- Within their Sanctum a mage will be instantly alerted to ANY intrusion
- into it by anyone or anything, and will know if they have come with
- hostile intent. Anyone performing an attack, theft or casting against a
- mage within their inner sanctum is -25% to do such, while the mage is at
- +25% to perform any castings against them.
- Meditation within ones own sanctum adds +2 power points per hour.
- All spellcastings are at +25% to succeed (compounds with any
- other modifiers to improve success). The Sanctum itself acts as an
- enhancement to magic in other ways, almost a tool, so that any casting
- within it costs 1/2 the normal BASE cost of the spell (not added
- features) with a minimum cost of 1.
- To enter an Inner Sanctum without permission of the owner must be done
- as if trying to face against a sanctuary spell, that is one must save vs
- magic to cross its barriers and wards. Note that a mage will ALWAYS know
- if there is currently an intruder inside their sanctum, no matter the
- distance to them.
- Inner Sanctums cease to exist when the caster dies. The Sanctum can be a
- maximum of 100 cubic yards per RANK of the spell. Spells cast from
- outside into an Inner Sanctum have a 25% chance of reflecting back at
- the source - EVEN in the case of ritual spells. Undead cannot cross the
- barriers of a Sanctum without permission of the owner AT ALL. While
- inside their Sanctum a mage is also considered +10 to their APP for
- Prescence sake. Sanctums are kept magically CLEAN and an Unseen Servant
- will exist within its barriers at the command of the caster at all
- times.
- Inner Sanctums CANNOT be dispelled thru normal means. If they are inside
- a building all windows and doors will be wizard Locked to the univited
- (this effect CAN be dispelled though thru normal means).
- While in their sanctum a mage can add +10 to their result rolls within
- the spell 'Demon Summons'.
- :Dragon's_Breathe
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This allows the caster to produce authentic Dragons fire from his/her
- breathe, extending out to the range of the spell. This is a flame in
- a 60 degree Arc. All within the range must make Prowness rolls to
- avoid the attack, those who fail will take 3d10 of damage with NO
- physical armour absorption. Those who succeed take only 1d10 of damage.
- Fire Resistance and Protections DO apply!
- With Duration the caster can use the breathe weapon every other round
- until it expires (or the mage does). If, while using this spell, an
- extinguish Fire is cast on the mage it cuts the spell short. A direct
- hit on the caster while using this spell by oil will cause the caster
- double normal damage.
- All wood, paper, leather and cloth items carried by a being hit by
- Dragonfire that didn't save will be utterly destroyed unless magical
- in nature. This does not apply to those who saved and took the minimal
- damage.
- :Drain
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- This spell is only castable on a living being. The victim gets a
- roll vs Magic, and if they fail they lose 1 point each of
- Hardiness, Prowness and Appearance which are then added to the
- casters statistics, permanently.
- :Dream_Death
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This spell is cast upon someone and becomes active when they enter into
- a dream state. It fails to work against someone who is experiencing a
- dream-bead recorded dream or who has Dream Manipulation cast upon
- themselves. Once the target is asleep they must make a save against
- their INT as they will experience a horrific dream that will cause them
- to die within their sleep upon failure to save (someone killed this way
- does NOT receive Divine Intervention as their Spirit is trapped upon the
- Dream Plane and they become a member of that plane's inhabitants unless
- rescued and brought out physically).
- :Drowning_Death
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- This spell is a nasty one, usable only on a single target. The target
- receives a save vs INTUITION to avoid the effect. If the victim fails
- their lungs suddenly become filled with water and they begin to drown.
- Victim will collapse instantly unconscious. Unless some means can be
- applied to remove the water within 3 rounds they are VERY dead.
- Dispell Magic does NOT help.... Amphibious Ability negates the
- effect.
- :Dust_Devil
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This spell summons up a dust devil, a minor air elemental creature,
- to assist the caster in some way. The Dust devil will be fully obedient
- under the effects of the spell, and will return to its native elemental
- plane upon its completion. The dust devil can follow simple orders and
- acts accordingly. It stats:
- HTK 25 Combat 60% Flight Speed = 3 times speed of running man
- ABS 5 Attack Damage 1d10+4
- The dust devil appears to be a small whirlwind, one foot in diameter at
- its base, five feet tall, and three to four feet across at the top. The
- winds are sufficient to put out torches, candles, campfires and exposed
- lanterns. The dust devil can hold a gas cloud or a creature in gaseous
- form at bay or push it away (though it cannot damage or disperse such a
- cloud). If skimming along the ground in an area of loose dust, sand,
- pebbles or ash, it can pick up these particles and disperse them in a
- 10' diameter cloud centered in itself. The cloud obscures normal vision
- and creatures caught in it will be blinded for one round after they
- emerge, and its causes a need for spellcasters to save to maintain
- concentration of active effects. Any creature from the elemental plane
- of air can disperse the dust devil immediately. Dust devils can be hurt
- by normal weapons but fired missiles will fail to strike as they will be
- blown off course.
- :Dust_Spray
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This causes to spray out from the casters hand a stream of Fine Dust and
- ashe at a target. If this is fired at a being then they get a save vs
- PROW to avoid being blinded by the effect for 1d10 Rounds. It can also be
- used to enhance a Dust_Devil or Similar Air Elemental, to cover a trail
- with dust and ashe to avoid detection, or to dirty a persons clothes or
- a surface like a floor. The dust remains after the spell ends.
- :Ebon_Cloud
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This calls into being a cloud of black vapors that are impenetrable by
- light and that is NOT affected by normal or magical wind short of an
- air elemental. Within the cloud visibility is zilch, and even infravision
- is dampened from working. The cloud is a 10' cube per RANK of the spell
- and any being within it must save each round for the following:
- 1) Roll to wander out of cloud (save vs INTUITION for magic)
- if successful they do NOT roll for the rest!
- 2) Roll to avoid 3d10 of COLD BASED damage (Save vs HARDINESS)
- 3) Roll to Avoid Insanity (Save vs INTUITION for magic again)
- [If Not saved then rolls on the Insanity tables]
- 4) Roll to Save vs APPearance or lose 1 APP point from chaos
- effects distorting your body.
- Unconscious beings must save as above, except for the insanity roll.
- If a mage is within the cloud and tries to use a spell they are -25%
- normal chance of success, plus another -25% if they are casting a spell
- at something other than themselves or an object being held. NO spell
- book may be used in the cloud and NO light based magic will work within
- its confines or disrupt it from outside.
- :Electric_Arc
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- This spell causes an arc of electricity to leap from the caster's
- extended fingertip. This electricity unerringly strikes one target of
- the caster's choice, inflicting 1d10 damage with NO physical armour
- absorption, per rank of the spell. An Magic save DOES apply to the
- target.
- Magical Armour absorption spells WILL apply. Additional Ranks add
- +2 Damage to the effect. Electric ARC cannot be cast at anything BUT an
- individual being and cannot be cast underwater.
- :Enchanted_Cauldron
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- This spell is considered one of the more disgusting and dangerous methods
- of gaining new spells and knowledge in the mystic arts. It requires a
- small iron cauldron, 2 pints human blood, a gallon of water, a teaspoon
- of semen and an owls feather. Casting time is one hour and NO additional
- beings can be involved beyond the caster.
- A failure at casting this spell ALWAYS results in the immediate death of
- the caster, without chance of resurrection or restoration. All that will
- be found are some ashes left behind.
- Successfully cast the spell produces RANDOM results:
- 01-10 Caster improves 1 rank in a spell already known
- 15-20 Caster learns one new random spell (Draconian).
- 21-30 Caster learns a typoed version of a spell from
- the Draconian list (GM's Choice).
- 31-40 Caster Gains 1 to Aptitude (and gets a free
- Capacity point in the process) at a cost of 1000
- eps, even if it exceeds racial limits!
- 41-50 Nothing Happens
- 51-60 Caster Forgets a Spell they already know and cannot
- learn it from ANY source ever again.
- 61-70 Caster Loses 1d10 HTK permanently
- 71-95 Caster Must roll on the insanity table
- 96-00 Caster is visited by a random demon
- as if they had tried to summon such!
- Note that the caster STILL must spend the required experience for
- the spell or other changes. If they don't have enough at hand at
- the casting then they will be paying towards it and nothing else
- until it is paid for from their out of balance 'account'.
- :Ethereal Sight
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the nearby Ethereal Plane and perceive any
- Objects or beings therein. Range is unnecessary with this spell, unless
- casting it on another, as is Target. Sight range is Line Of Sight. This
- spell does NOT perceive invisible!
- :Explosive_Runes
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- By tracing these mystic runes upon a book, map, scroll, wall etc the
- caster prevents unauthorized reading of such. They are normally
- disguised so that they are not detected with a mere 'Detect Magic'
- spell.
- When read the runes detonate, delivering 1d10+5 damage to the
- reader. The Mage who casts it is immune and will not trigger the
- explosion. Likewise the mage may remove the runes at will.
- Explosive runes last until triggered. The object they are written
- on will be destroyed in the explosion.
- A functional variation that is allowed is one where the casting mage
- spends an extra round beyond normal in the casting, adding an extra
- option to the runes, so that if the mage reads them aloud they trigger
- but instead of harming the mage simply destroy/damage the item they
- are written on. This is occasionally used as a means of demolition.
- A NASTY usage of this variation is that used by Ebony mages only,
- where they inscribe said runes on the forehead of a person in blood, and
- then step away and activate them, causing severe head injury (Does
- 2d10+5 damage instead of the normal).
- Additional RANKS add +2 to the damage the spell does.
- :Extinguish_Fire
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This will extinguish any fire within range radius.
- :Eyes_Of_Sickness
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell can ONLY be cast on the caster, and while under its
- effective duration the caster's gaze has the ability, when meeting that
- of another living being or creature to cause the infliction of instant
- and painful sickness effects on the victim. In this case it causes
- internal pain (as from severe cramping of the digestive system) and
- fever to sweep over their body. Such a target being's skills are ALL
- reduced to 50% of normal success, all physical attacks they do will be
- at 1/2 normal damage (After totalling scores) and their movement rate is
- reduced by half. The victim is so effected while their eyes meet the
- casters and lasts for 10 rounds afterward contact is broken. The effect
- cannot be negated by a cure disease or healing spell of any kind, or a
- dispell magic, but a REMOVE_CURSE* will remove its effects prematurely.
- The save against the effect is vs HARDINESS instead of INT as the body
- is fighting off the spell effects, not the mind.
- :Find_Familiar
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This spell enables the caster to summon a familiar to act as his
- aide and companion. Familiars are typically small creatures, such as
- cats, frogs, ferrets, crows, hawks, snakes, owls, ravens, toads, weasels,
- or even mice. A creature acting as a familiar can benefit a wizard,
- conveying its sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and
- serving as a guard/scout/spy as well. A wizard can have only one at a
- time, and he has no control over what sort of creature answers the
- summoning, if any at all come.
- The creature is always magically intelligent and its bond with the
- wizard confers upon it an exceptionally long life. The wizard receives
- the heightened senses of the familiar, which grants the wizard a bonus
- to all surprise die rolls.
- The wizard has an empathic link with the familiar and can issue mental
- commands at a distance of up to one mile. Note that responses from
- the familiar are fairly basic--which able to communicate simple thoughts,
- these are often overwhelmed by instinctual responses. Thus a ferret
- spying on a band of orcs might lose its train of thought upon
- sighting a mouse. Certainly its communications to its master would be
- tinged with fear of the "big ones" it was spying on! The caster can see
- through the familiar's eyes.
- When the familiar is in physical contact with the wizard, it gets the
- wizards saving throws against special attacks.
- If the familiar dies, the wizard must successfully roll an immediate
- Hardiness check. If the familiar is an animal type then they lose 1 HTK
- in damage from the loss. If the familiar is a sentient type (ex: Quasit)
- then the mage must save or loses 1d10 from Hardiness and permanently,
- and even if they do save they go unconscious for 1d10 hours afterwards.
- Unlike most spells, the finding of the familiar is actually a Ritual,
- When the wizard decides to find a familiar, s/he must load a brass
- brazier with charcoal. When this is burning well,s/he adds incense and
- herbs. The spell incantation is then begun and must be continued
- until the familiar comes or the casting time is finished. The GM secretly
- determines all results. Note that familiars are not inherently magical,
- nor does a dispell magic spell send them away,
- Deliberate mistreatment, failure to feed and care for the familiar, or
- continuous unreasonable demands have adverse effects on the familiars
- relationship with its master. Purposely arranging the death of one's own
- familiar incurs great disfavor from certain powerful entities, with dire
- results.
- D100 Roll Familiar * Sensory Powers
- 01-15 Cat, black Excellent night vision and superior hearing
- 16-25 Crow/Raven Excellent vision
- 26-30 Hawk Very superior distance vision
- 31-35 Owl Night vision equals human daylight vision,
- superior vision
- 36-40 Toad Wide-angle vision
- 41-50 Weasel Superior hearing & very superior olfactory
- 51-60 Dog Night Vision, Superior olfactory
- 61-74 Mongoose +1 Prowness
- 75-93 Wolf Night Vision, Superior Olfactory
- 94 Doppleganger Special
- 95-97 Snake, constrictor Superior olfactory
- 98 Skunk ???
- 99 Baboon ???
- 00 bat ???
- :Fire_Ball
- COST : 25
- MODS : R,T
- This is a normal Fireball spell (the caster chooses the target
- and the Fireball expands until the target is engulfed), damage is
- 1d10 per spell Rank Purchased. Additional Targets bought must
- be adjacent to the prime target. Only Magic & Non-Metal Armour will
- absorb damage from this attack.
- The mechanics of the Fireball : The target(s) are surrounded by a
- cloud of natural gas which is then sparked into ignition.
- :Fire_Bomb
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell is an arsonist special. Basically it creates a small
- red gem (about 1 Karat), which will explode into a fireball when
- it reaches the end of its duration. Until that it is inert and
- perfectly safe for anyone to handle. The gem is consumed in the
- explosion. The bomb does 2d10 damage (+5 damage per additional RANK)
- Only Magic & Non-Metal Armour can absorb damage from the attack.
- :Fire_Grenade
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell is another arsonist tool - it creates a golf-ball sized
- yellow crystal. This crystal can be thrown and upon striking a
- surface it explodes into a bright yellow fireball that does 1d10
- damage +2 per RANK of the spell. The initial blast area is a 5'
- radius +1' per RANK of the spell. Armour does not help absorb the
- damage, except the ARMOUR spell.
- :Fire_Trap
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This is cast on any closable item (book, box, bottle, chest, door,
- backpack etc). When the container is opened by anyone EXCEPT the
- caster it activates the trap, causing a 5' radius explosion of flame
- that will do 1d10 Damage +1 per RANK of the Spell. The item is NOT
- harmed by this explosion.
- Once it has been triggered the spell ends. Until set off the spell
- lies dormant and no durationmust be spent.
- :Flame_Friend
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This basically summons a small minor fire elemental which can be
- commanded to guard something, create light, help in combat etc.
- While the duration of the spell lasts. When the spell ends it must
- return to its native plane.
- The Fire Elemental has 20 HTK 20 Prowness 5 Intuition
- is about a 3' sphere in size. It is unharmed by normal weapons,
- gains a hardiness point for each point of damage a normal being would
- receive from a fire-based normal attack. Cold and water do DOUBLE
- normal damage to it. A gallon of water does 1d10 damage hitting it.
- Additional Ranks adds 10 to its HTK over the base 20 and 5 to its
- Prowness. It attacks for 1d10 damage + 1/rank.
- :Flare
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This causes a bright flare to occur at the designated site, giving off
- daylight intensity light for the next round. This throws off infravision
- for the next 3 rounds, and causes 1d10 damage to Undead within a 60'
- radius of the flare. It will not harm normal creatures, but if directed
- on or at one, will blind them for the next round. If Fired Directly at an
- Undead and striking it it will do 3d10 damage.
- :Flash
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- Victims failing their saving throw are blinded due to a flash of light
- that appears in their eyes. (Save is vs Magic). Targets chosen on this
- spell do NOT have to be next to each other.
- Unless skilled at Blind Fighting they will be considered to be at
- prowness 1 for all actions for the duration.
- :Flesh_To_Stone
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- Target being gets a roll vs INTUITION and if failed is instantly turned
- to stone for the duration of the spell. A stoned being is unable to
- move, act or think. If damaged or destroyed in this state it will
- reflect on them when they return to normal at spells end.
- :Free_Action
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell enables the target to move and attack and otherwise act
- normally for the duration of the spell, negating effects like Paralysis,
- little death, hold person, web, hog tie and similar binding effects.
- :Frost_Hands
- COST : 7
- MODS : D
- This spell is causes the caster's hands to become freezing cold
- (some say the cold of the grave) so that when an opponent is touched
- they will do 2d10 damage.
- :Goblin_Servant
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This is a hybrid spell, requiring the tooth of a person to function,
- as it takes the innate magic within a person's remains and exploits it.
- It grows a full adult goblin from the tooth in a single round, to act
- as a servant to the caster for the duration. The caster controls the
- goblins actions entirely, and once the duration is over it collapses
- into dust, tooth and all. No equipment is generated for the goblin in
- the process of this spell, so if it is wanted as a warrior it must be
- handed weapons or will fight only hand-to-hand. Its Stats are
- created based upon its caster's:
- INT = 1/2 of Caster's
- APP = 1/2 of Caster's
- PRW = 1/2 of Caster's
- HRD = 1/2 of Caster's
- HTK = 1/2 of Caster's
- The Goblin is a magical construct. It understands the caster's
- words and intents but otherwise understands nothing that it hears.
- It has no emotions and will carry out its functions without complaints.
- It stands 1/2 the height of the caster and will be green skinned in
- color. It may have sexual organs in appearance but is non-functional.
- It cannot perform any skill the caster lacks, and can only perform
- skills the caster knows at 1 Education rank.
- :Guardian_Demon
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell does NOT summon a demon. It instead creates from its own
- energies a creature that physically appears to be a demon of about
- half-human size (about 3' tall) with bright red skin , horns and a
- pointed tail. Its armed with a small trident (1d10+4 magical damage).
- The caster instructs the demon to guard one being, object or location
- and it will do so to the death. The Demon has 20 HTK and cannot be
- harmed by non-magical weapons, except explosives. Spells cast at the
- demon have a 50% chance of volleying back at their target as do all
- missile weapons, with the exception of DISPELL MAGIC. The caster must
- give the demon a password that when spoken will end the spell and the
- demon will then fade away. TARGET and RANGE are not used with this
- spell, but Duration adds are mandatory to be effective. The demon,
- in combat, attacks at 100% skill with its trident. It can also throw
- a minute fireball that does 2d10 normal fire damage to the target.
- The demon cannot be used for anything except to guard and protect.
- Additional Ranks add 5 HTK to the demon, +1 to its trident damage
- and an additional +1 to the fireballs effect.
- :Haunting_Sounds
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- The spell causes a strange haunting sound (see list that follows)
- within 30' of the caster (no extended range available), like those
- associated with haunted places.
- List : Creak, Footfall, Groan, Moan, Rattle, Tap, Thump, Whistle.
- If duration is cast with the spell then the sound will remain in the
- area it is originally cast and NOT follow the caster as he/she moves
- about.
- :Heal_Burns
- COST : 1
- MODS : R,T
- This spell heals 1d10 of burn damage (no DURATION addition needed).
- But does not close wounds, remove infections or set bones.
- Additional ranks add +1 to the effect of the heal.
- :Hey_Bartender
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This summons a magical demonic bartender with a cabinet of all sorts of
- alcoholic drinks. He/she will request of the caster's preference and will
- fill the order within a round and then both he and the cabinet will
- vanish.
- :Hold_Portal
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell magically bars a door, gate, or valve of wood, metal, or
- stone. The magical closure holds the portal fast, just as if it were
- securely closed and locked. Any extra-planar creature (dijinni,
- elemental, etc.) can shatter the spell and burst open the portal at
- will. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate the
- hold portal. Held portals can be broken physically or battered down.
- :Hold_Undead
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell paralyzes any form of undead (though Vampires and other
- intelligent forms get their Intuition in resistance) for the duration
- of the spell, wether they are corporeal or not. Attacking successfully
- such a held Undead will negate the Hold.
- :Hoops_Of_Fire
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This surrounds a target being with a tight hoop of flame, in the
- case of a humanoid binding the arms to the sides, it also does 1d10
- damage on the first round (but no further damage afterwards). It can
- withstand attempts to break free from it by Hardiness 20, more than that
- and a save vs Hardiness will shatter the ring and dispell it. Each
- additional rank of the spell adds 5 to the strength it can oppose
- without a save. The hoop only lasts for the duration. Water will
- extinguish the ring and dispell it. A mage with bound arms is -20% to
- cast and a warrior cannot act until broken free at all! The ring cannot
- be harmed by ordinary weapons.
- :Human_Torch
- COST : 7
- MODS : D
- This spell causes the caster and all his clothing to become engulfed in
- flames. These flames do not harm the caster or his equipment but cause
- 1d10+6 points of damage to anyone within 5' and an additional 1d10 to
- anyone who actually touches him. The flames themselves are only about
- as hot as a torch but the surrounding area will feel like a blast
- furnace.
- :Hunting_Hound
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This spell calls a canine creature to be a helper and boon companion to
- the spell caster for the duration of the spell. The hound is magical
- beast, which understands verbal commands given it of 6 words or less.
- It is also capable of tracking by scent (75% accuracy), and can hunt
- sufficiently well to feed the spell-caster for one day, provided there
- is game extant in the caster's area, and a hunting command is given.
- The hound has HTK 15 PROW 20 and its bit does 1d10+3 damage.
- :Invisibility
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R,T
- Caster, subject being or subject object becomes invisible to normal
- sight. This adds 50% to their prowness for defensive and offensive
- purposes. This is NOT perfect invisibility, the eyes on a person will
- be visible while open and may be noticed. Also if an invisible being
- is wounded their blood will become visible when it strikes the ground.
- If a person their equipment will be included in the effect, BUT if they
- fire a missile weapon or throw such it will become visible after
- leaving their presence. Caster can turn off the spell at will. An
- invisible person can be partially discovered thru infravision (instead
- of 50% prowness modifier it becomes only a 25% modifier). Once turned
- off the spell MUST be recast in full.
- :IronMind
- COST : 7
- MODS : D
- This spell permits the caster to concentrate powerfully, despite any
- normal things that would distract him/her from their actions in casting
- any other spell - even the receipt of actual physical damage, as long
- as the duration of this spell continues. This allows a mage to overcome
- one of the normal causes of spell failure.
- :Knock
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This will open a sealed door or object, sealed by magic or by mundane
- means, instantly. It does NOT remove traps or spells.
- :Know_Spellcaster
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon a magical object or ANY ongoing spell effect
- whereupon it will notify the caster of the the Name of the original
- caster.
- :Last_Image
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- When the forensic wizard casts this spell, he sees whatever the
- recipient corpse saw at the very instant of death, with the intent of
- learning the identity of the murderer, or at least the location of
- death.
- :Little_Death
- COST : 12
- MODS : D,R
- This spell may be cast on any living (not golem, undead, etc.) creature
- native to the Prime Material plane. The victim falls paralyzed for
- the duration, unable to move but conscious and with all involuntary
- body functions active (breathing etc). Standard save cancels it, as
- would a dispell magic of higher rank.
- :Mail_Block
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- When cast this will prevent the caster from receiving Message Scrolls
- for the duration. Those who attempt to send a scroll will have it
- return to them magically stamped 'Return To Sender - Address Unknown'.
- :Mail_Check
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This can be cast on any Message scroll that has arrived in the past
- hour that has NOT yet been opened. It will detect anything else on
- the scroll that isn't part of a standard Message Scroll spell and
- upon finding such will tell the caster exactly who sent the scroll.
- :Mail_Revenge
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell will automatically do a MAIL_CHECK* on any arriving
- message scrolls and upon finding that the mail has a spell upon
- it other than that its supposed to have, send off a scroll to the
- sender that explodes on its arrival with a wild pyrotechnic display
- that does 1d10+1 rank normal fire damage to all in a 5' radius/rank.
- {PROW save to get out of area of effect, no other save}
- (The original scroll sent is destroyed with the effect).
- :Mask_Of_Death
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This spell allows the caster to change a corpse or undead creature's
- features to make it appear to be someone else. The caster must have a
- clear mental image of how they wish the corpse to appear.
- DURATION is not necessary with this spell, but RANGE may be. The effect
- lasts as long as the body does....
- :Mason's_Word_Of_Unmaking
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- This is a complex series of sounds that MUST be uttered by the caster
- aloud. It is an area effect, carrying in a 50' radius of the caster per
- rank (max 10 ranks). The Mason's word fails if it is interrupted. When
- cast this causes all mortar to crumble into dust, all stone stacked upon
- each other to unstack themselves, all bricks lying to revert to sand or
- mud they were made from. This will break walls, crumble buildings and
- generally destroy that which was built by a mason's hands.
- :Megiddo's_Demon
- COST : 7
- MODS : D
- This spell produces a temporary manifestation of a demonic form about
- 4" in size with bright red skin and little wings that enable it to
- flutter around the target. Target being will be linked with the demon so
- that it may assist in keeping the target alerted of ANY incoming attacks
- or approaching hostiles within a 100' x 100' x 100' area, mentally
- shouting and waking them (if asleep) or otherwise reporting to them the
- number of intruders and present range to them in general terms. The
- demon CAN also see invisible and Ethereally but not astrally or thru an
- improved invisibility spell. Demon exists only for the bought duration
- of the spell. If fighting an invisible creature while the Demon is
- present, the normal effects of invisibility are halved in regards to
- chances to hit etc. Note that this demon is purely a magical creation
- and has no real sentience or resemblance to true demons. The demon
- gives a +25% to all alertness rolls, but not complete awareness.
- :Message_Scroll
- COST : 12
- MODS : N
- This spell will transport a scroll to the named being it is intended
- for instantly, no matter which plane they are on (except for the Astral
- and dream planes). The name of the target being is the vital factor.
- :Mind_Guard
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell protects the caster or subject target being (must be
- sentient) from the effects of a mental nature as well as natural
- abilities like ESP, Telepathy (but not mind speech), Well_Of_Blackness*,
- Hypnotism*, Charm Person, Curse of Senility, Detect Deryni, Detect
- Spirit, Nude Mood, Possesion, Quantum Leap, Spook, Steal Spell, and
- even Taunt.
- :Mind_Speech
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- Allows the caster to communicate mentally with one or more beings. Must
- be able to see the being when the spell is first cast, but does not
- have to maintain visual contact. The mindspeech is just like normal
- conversation, except that NONE of those involved can 'think' a lie
- thru the link at the others, so honesty is the rule - any attempt to
- lie directly will cause the link to severe. Once enacted, Mindspeech
- is NOT affected by the distance - RANGE is only used for the initial
- casting of the spell, thus the spell can be bought relatively cheaply
- if all involved are in touching range at start, only duration and
- possibly targets are needed.
- :Night_Sight
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- This allows the caster and targets to see as well at night as in day.
- It does NOT help against magical darkness....
- :Pentagram
- COST : 20
- MODS : D
- The Pentagram is drawn out on the ground or floor and then it is
- charged with the spell energy. This star within a circle is usually
- stood in by the caster and will reduce or prevent hostile creatures
- and spells from entering its confines. No Entirely magical creature
- (Zombie, Ghost, Skeleton, Elemental, demon, golem, fae-folk, devil,
- wraith, or spectre) can cross this boundary, while non-magical or
- partially magical ones can cross at will.
- Spells trying to enter it have their effect reduced one rank per
- rank of the caster of the Pentagram - if the incoming spell is thus
- reduced below one rank it ceases to function, else it is reduced in
- strength accordingly.
- The Pentagram cannot be broken or erased except by the caster or by
- mundane means by a non-magical being, EXCEPT if it is struck by an
- ERASE spell. Dispell Magic Does can work on a Pentagram, if of
- greater rank.
- :Pop
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This spell is primarily named for the sound made when it is cast.
- The caster is teleported a short distance (based on RANGE) within
- their Line of Sight instantly with their equipment (upto 50 lbs).
- They cannot appear within a solid object. Each additional RANK adds
- 50 lbs to the carriable weight.
- :Possession
- COST : 25
- MODS : D,R
- Caster's mind takes over the target beings body for the duration, their
- own body collapses into a coma. If the caster's own body is destroyed
- they permanently become resident in the new body and the old being fades
- away. While in possession the caster has the new body's stats except for
- Intuition. The caster CANNOT use the skills of the other being, only the
- body - they can use their own skills.
- :Protection_From_Spirits
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell will protect the caster or subject target from all damage
- and draining effects inflicted by a non-corporeal being, including
- wraiths, ghosts, spectres, astrally projecting mages and the like
- for the duration. Even spell effects used by any such creatures will
- fail to work against the protected.
- :Regeneration
- COST : 20
- MODS : D,R,T
- Cast on a living being only, this causes them to heal at an accelerated
- rate, getting back one lost HTK point from wounds per round until
- at full (and the spell will continue to work afterwards until its
- duration ends for additional wounds that might occur) normal HTK.
- It will also grow back any lost body parts in the process (limbs etc).
- :Remove_Curse
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R
- This removes ANY curse type spell on a being or item permanently.
- :Remove_Fear
- COST : 1
- MODS : R,T
- This removes the effects of ALL Fear spells and powers affecting a
- being.
- :Resist_Fire
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R,T
- This absorbs upto 100 points of damage from fire and heat that the
- target would have received... then ends or ends at the end of the
- duration, whichever comes first.
- :See_Invisible
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,T
- Allows the caster to see any invisible creatures, including persons
- under and invisibility spell or camouflaged, and similarly invisible
- objects. It will NOT detect Astral or Ethereal Plane travelers. It will
- also see thru Phantasmal Force Spells.
- RANGE is unnecessary with this spell, as it is set at LOS only.
- :Snapping_Teeth
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R
- This spell creates a set of large smiling teeth to appear, they can
- either be used as an immediate attack effect (the teeth will attack
- a designated target in RANGE for 1d10+4 damage at 80% chance to hit)
- or as a setting for a trap. If set for a trap the teeth will attack
- any creature that gets within 5' of the surface the caster places
- them on top of (except the caster) and do 1d10+4 damage on each
- attack with 80% Chance to hit. The teeth cannot be attacked for
- damage, but can be dispelled or caught inside a container they can't
- escape. As a trap the duration does not start until the teeth have
- a target to attack.
- :Spell_Trace
- COST : 1
- MODS : R,T
- Cast on an object or on a target of a recently discharged spell, this
- will give the mage an image of the caster who originally cast the spell.
- :Tasha's_Uncontrollable_Hideous_Daughter
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This is a special combination of illusion and summoning, creating a
- creature that will have the goal of nothing more than being near to
- the target being, holding them, drooling on them, kissing them and
- groping them endlessly while the spell lasts (It may even appear to
- try to have sexual encounters with them but such will produce NO
- magical energy unlike a real such encounter). The Creature is the
- ugliest female that the caster can think of, with warts, black stringy
- hair that has all the softness of steel wool, a flabby trunk but great
- powerful arms and legs (Hardiness 30). It cannot be harmed by non-magical
- weapons, and has HTK 30 vs magical ones. Duration is absolutely necessary
- with this spell, but TARGETS is not usable with it.
- Additional ranks add +10 HTK and +5 HARDiness to the creature.
- :Taunt
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R
- A taunt spell enables the caster to jape and jeer effectively at a
- single type of creature with Intelligence. The caster need not speak the
- language of the creatures. His words and sounds have real meaning for
- the subject creature or creatures: challenging, insulting, and generally
- irritating and angering the listeners. Those failing to save vs.
- INTUITION rush forth in fury to do battle with the spellcaster. All
- affected creatures attack the spellcaster in melee if physically capable
- of doing so, seeking to use body or hand-held weapons rather than missile
- weapons or spells.
- Separation of the caster from the victim by an impenetrable or
- uncrossable boundary (a wall of fire, a deep chasm, a formation of set
- pikemen) causes the spell to break. If the caster taunts a mixed group,
- he must choose the type of creature to be affected.
- If used in conjunction with a ventriloquism spell, the creatures
- may attack the apparent source, depending upon their Intelligence, a
- leader's presence, and so on.
- :Unseen_Servant
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- The unseen servant is a non-visible, mindless, and shapeless force, used
- to step and fetch, open unstuck doors, as well as to clean and mend. It
- is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the command of the wizard. It can
- carry out only one activity at a time and can move only light-wight
- items--carry a maximum of 20 pounds or push or pull 40 pounds across a
- smooth surface. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, etc. The
- unseen servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force rather
- than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or eliminated after
- receiving 6 points of damage from area-effect spells, breath weapons, or
- similar attacks. Additional Ranks add 10 lbs to its carrying ability,
- and 1 HTK to its survival ability.
- :Word_Of_Recall
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- The word of recall is ONLY usable by a mage who has an Inner_Sanctum*
- already set up. It takes the caster BACK to the Inner Sanctum instantly
- the word is uttered. It can transport the caster and 50 lbs /RANK of
- cargo/passengers with the caster back to the Sanctum instantly with a
- perfect teleport.
- :Wound_Closure
- COST : 10
- MODS : R,T
- This spell closes the wounds of the recipient to prevent bleeding and
- infection, incidentally curing 1d10 of hardiness damage. All of the
- victim's wounds will be closed by a single casting. Further application
- isn't possible to increase the healing effect.
- :Zandare's_Twist
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- By means of this spell the caster changes the target creature,
- effectively, inside out. The organs are outside the body and the skin
- is inside. GM's insert your own really graphic descriptions here... The
- spell caster must have a small leather pouch for the casting. At the
- end of the seven segments the caster thrusts his hand into the bag and
- violently pulls the bag inside out. Now the target is either painfully
- turned inside out, or the caster looks like a total fool.
- Creatures Larger than Human size are an additional -25% to affect.
- Note that clothing, armour, etc. are in the inside also.
- And that the victim will be VERY dead....