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- :Overall Skills
- Skills at start primarily cost 1 education point per 10% training.
- Unless otherwise noted learning a skill AFTER character generation
- will cost 1000 eps. All weapon skills fall within this category.
- Spells take 100 eps per power point base needed to cast them, so
- a 1 point spell costs 100 points and a 20 point spell costs 2000
- points to learn.
- The list gives 352+ skills to choose from.
- NL = Non-Leveled skill. By buying this with 1 education point you are
- assumed to have all it has to offer. This skill is not normally
- rolled against.
- $ = Requires a Wealth point for legal certification to perform as
- a source of income (Degrees, license etc) legally. Each additional
- $ means an additional wealth point must be spent.
- (!) = This skill is difficult or time consuming to learn and costs
- 2500 Eps to learn as a NEW skill on an existing Character.
- (Difficult)
- (!!) = This skill is considered a time consuming one to learn as a new
- skill and costs 5000 eps to learn as a NEW skill on an existing
- Character. (Complex)
- Accounting (NL) (!!)($$)
- Acrobatics (P) (!)
- Agriculture (H)
- Aircraft_maintenance* (NL) (!)
- Aircraft Mechanic (I) (!!) ($$)
- Alertness* (I)
- Animal Handling (P)
- Animal Lore (I)
- Animal Noise (A)
- Animal training (I) (!)
- Anthropology (I) (!!) ($$)
- Appliance Repair (NL) (!) ($$)
- Appraising (I) (!)
- Archaeology (I) (!!) ($$)
- Architecture (I) (!!) ($$)
- Armorer (H) (!)
- Automobile_Maintenance* (NL)
- Automobile Repair (P) (!) ($)
- Barbering (P) ($)
- Baseball (P)
- Basketball (P)
- Billiards/Pool (P) (!)
- Biology (I) (!!) ($$)
- Blacksmithing (H) (!)
- Blind_fighting* (I)
- Body_Development* (H)
- BookBinding (P)
- Bowling (P)
- Bowyer/Fletcher (P) (!)
- Brewing (H)
- Bugging* (I) (!) ($)
- Butchering (P) ($)
- Candlemaking (P)
- Carpentry /Coopery (P) ($)
- Charioteering (P)
- Chemistry (I) (!!) ($$)
- Chess (I) (!)
- Climbing (P)
- Cobbling (P) (!)
- Concealment (I)
- Commercial Ship operation (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Computer Engineer (I) (!!) ($$)
- Computer_Operation* (NL) ($)
- Computer_Science* (I) (!!) ($$)
- Computer Repair (P) (!) ($)
- Contortionist* (P) (!)
- Cooking* (I) ($)
- Criminology* (I) (!) ($)
- Cryptography (I) (!) ($)
- Dancing (P)
- Demolitions (I) (!!) ($)
- Dental_Higenist* (NL) (!) ($)
- Dental Surgeon (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Direction Sense (NL)
- Disguise (A) (!)
- Drafting, costume (NL) (!) ($)
- Drafting, Mechanical (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Drawing & Painting (P)
- Driving, automobile (NL)
- , Backhoe (NL) (!!) ($)
- , Bicycle (NL)
- , Bulldozer (NL) (!) ($)
- , Cablecar (NL) (!)
- , Combine (NL)
- , Diesel Train (NL) (!) ($)
- , forklift (NL) (!)
- , motorcycle (NL)
- , Single Body Truck (NL) (!) ($)
- , Full_Truck* (NL) (!!) ($$)
- , Military Tank (I) (!!) ($$$)
- , Subway Train (NL) (!)
- , Tractor (NL)
- Economics (I) (!!) ($$)
- Electrician* (I) (!) ($)
- Emergency Medical Tech. (H) (!) ($)
- Engineer, combat (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Engineer, electrical (I) (!!) ($$)
- Engineer, mech. (I) (!) ($)
- Escape Artistry (P) (!)
- Evasive_Combat (P)
- EVA (Spacesuit) (NL) (!) ($$$)
- Falconry / Hawking (NL) (!)
- Familiarity : Area (By City) (NL) (One for free)
- Familiarity : Comic Book Collecting (NL)
- Familiarity : Drill Press (NL)
- Familiarity : Electron-Microscope (NL) (!)
- Familiarity : Geiger Counter (NL)
- Familiarity : Grenades (NL)
- Familiarity : Jack Hammer (NL)
- Familiarity : Lathe (NL) (!) ($)
- Familiarity : Metal Detector (NL)
- Familiarity : Milling Machine (NL) (!) ($)
- Familiarity : Numistics (Currency) (NL) ($)
- Familiarity : Philanthropy (Stamps) (NL) ($)
- Familiarity : Photography (NL)
- Familiarity : Place (NL)
- Familiarity : Polygraph (NL)
- Familiarity : Sensor Broom (NL)
- Familiarity : Spectrum Analyzer (NL)
- Familiarity : Radar (NL) (!) ($)
- Familiarity : Religion (any one) (NL) (See Religions)
- Familiarity : Telephone Analyzer (NL)
- Familiarity : Voice Stress Analyzer (NL)
- Find/Remove/Set Traps (P)
- Fire-building (NL)
- Firearms, Black Powder (P) (!)
- Firearms, Shotguns (P)
- Firearms, Pistols (P)
- Firearms, Rifles (P) (!)
- Firearms, Automatic Pistols (P)
- Firearms, Automatic Rifles (P) (!)
- Firearms, Military Support (P) (!!)
- First_Aid* (NL)
- Fishing (H)
- Football (H)
- Foraging (I)
- Forensics (I) (!!) ($)
- Forgery (P) (!)
- Gambling (I)
- Gem Craft (P) (!!) ($)
- Geology (I) (!) ($)
- Glassblowing (P) (!)
- Golf (P) (!)
- Gymnastics (P) (!)
- Gunsmith (I) (!!) ($)
- Hand_to_Hand_Combat* (P)
- Hanggliding (P)
- Heraldry (Ancient) (P) (!)
- Herbalism (I) (!)
- Hiding in Shadows (P)
- History, Ancient (I) (!) ($)
- History, National (NL) (!) ($)
- History*, World (I) (!!) ($$)
- Hockey* (P)
- Hunting (I)
- Journalism (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Juggling/balancing (P)
- Jumping (P)
- Knitting (P)
- Languages, Ancient (NL) (!) ($)
- Atlantian
- Egyptian
- Gaelic
- Greek
- Latin
- Mayan
- Middle English
- Phoenician
- Languages, American Native (NL) (!) ($)
- Algonkin
- Apache
- Arapaho
- Blackfoot
- Caddo
- Cayuga
- Cherokee
- Cheyenne
- Chicksaw
- Chipewyan
- Choctaw
- Cree
- Creek
- Erie
- Huron
- Iroquois
- MicMac
- Mohawk
- Mohican
- Navaho
- Ojibwa
- Onandago
- Oneida
- Pawnee
- Seneca
- Seminole
- Shawnee
- Shoshoni
- Sioux
- Tuscarora
- Wichita
- Wiyot
- Yucatan
- Yurok
- Languages, Modern (NL) (!) ($) [One Free at Start!]
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Basque
- Bengali
- Berber
- Bulgarian
- Burmese
- Byelorussian
- Cambodian
- Cantonese
- Catalan
- Cherokee
- Chinese
- Creole French
- Czechoslovakian
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- Esperanto
- Estonian
- Finnish
- French
- Fukienese
- Georgian
- German
- Greek
- Hakka
- Hausa
- Hebrew
- Hindustani
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Javanese
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Macedonian
- Malay
- Malayalam
- Mandarin
- Mongol
- Nepalese
- Norwegian
- Persian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Punjabi
- Romany
- Rumanion
- Russian
- Sardinian
- Serbo-Croation
- Sinhalese
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Sundanese
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Thai
- Turkish
- Ukranian
- Vietnamese
- Welsh
- Wu
- Yiddish
- Languages, Racial (NL) (!) ($)
- Dwarvish
- Elven
- Shadoe
- Lasso* (P) (!)
- Law* (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Leatherworking (P) (!)
- Lip Reading (NL) (!)
- Local History (by Place) (NL) (!)
- Locksmithing/Picking (P) (!) ($)
- Magical_History* (I) (!)
- Martial Arts (P) (!!) ($) <!Martial.#01>*
- Masonry* (P) ($)
- Masseur* (P) ($)
- Mathematics (I) (!!) ($$)
- Meditation* (NL) (!)
- Meteorology (includes weather sense)(I) (!) ($$)
- Mining (H)
- Motorboat operation (NL) (!) ($)
- Mountaineering (H) (!)
- Musical_Instrument* (P) (!)
- Naval Gunnery (I) (!)
- Navigation (I) (!)
- Neuroscience (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Observation (I)
- Optometrist (P) (!!) ($$)
- Organic Chemistry (I) (!!) ($$)
- Parachuting (NL)
- Parachuting, Assault (P)
- Philosophy (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Physician* (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Physics (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Pilot, Small Prop Plane (NL)
- Large Prop Plane (NL) (!) ($)
- Helicopter (NL) (!) ($$)
- Small Private Jet (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Commercial Jet (NL) (!!) ($$$)
- Pilot, Military Planes (includes all of civilian of same type)
- Helicopter (P) (!) ($$$)
- Fighter Jet (P) (!!) ($$$)
- Bomber Jet (P) (!!) ($$$)
- Vintage Prop Ftr (P) (!) ($$)
- Plumbing (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Pocket Picking (P)
- Pole Vault (P)
- Politics (Theory) (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Pottery* (NL) (!)
- Psychology ( Psychiatrist* ) (I) (!!) ($$$)
- Reading/Writing (NL) (!)
- Religions (3 Familiarities incl.) (I) (!) ($$)
- American Indian Traditional
- Australian Aboriginal
- Aztec
- Baptist (Christian)
- Buddhist
- Calvinists (Christian/Protestant)
- Catholicism (Christian)
- Christian (General)
- Christian Scientists
- Congregational (Christian)
- Dianic (Wiccan/Pagan)
- Discordian (Pagan)
- Druidic (Pagan)
- Dwarvaen (Non-human/Pagan)
- Eastern Orthodox (Christian)
- Elven (non-human/Pagan)
- Evangelical (Christian)
- Fundimentalist (Christian)
- Fundimentalist (Moslem)
- Gardnerism (Wiccan/Pagan)
- Gypsy-Romany (Pagan)
- Hellenic (Pagan)
- Jesuit (Catholic/Christian)
- Judiasm
- Lutherans (Christian/Protestant)
- Mormon (Christian)
- Presbytarian (Christian)
- Protestant (Christian)
- Quaker (Christian)
- Santriana
- Satanic (Christian Reversed)
- Scientologists
- Shaker (Christian)
- Sheities (Moslem)
- Shinto (Japanese Trad.)
- Taoism
- Unitarian (Judeo-Christian)
- Voodon
- Wiccan (general)
- Riding*, Airborne (P) (!!)
- Riding*, Land-based (P)
- Roleplaying_Games (I) (!)
- Rope Use (NL)
- Rowing (NL)
- Running (NL)
- Sailing (P) (!) ($)
- Scuba_Diving* (P) (!) ($)
- Sculpting (P)
- Seamstress/ Tailor* (NL) (!)
- Security Systems (I) (!) ($)
- Set Snares (P)
- Shadowing (trailing) (I)
- Shuttlecraft Pilot (NL) (!!) ($$$)
- Sign Language (NL)
- Silk Making (NL) (!)
- Singing (A)
- Skating, ice (NL)
- Skating, roller (NL)
- Skiing (P)
- Soapmaking (NL)
- Sociology (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Soccor (NL)
- Speed Reading (NL) (!)
- Spellcasting* (I) (!!) ($)
- Spell_Analysis* (I) (!)
- Stealth (P)
- Steam_Engineering* (I) (!!) ($)
- Streetwise* (I)
- Surfing (P)
- Survival, Arctic (NL)
- Survival, Forest (NL)
- Survival, Desert (NL)
- Survival, Jungle (NL)
- Survival, Swamplands (NL)
- Survival, Urban (NL)
- Swimming (NL) ($)
- Tantrics* (P) (!)
- Tatooing* (P) (!)
- Teacher* (NL) (!!) ($$)
- Theatre_Arts* (I) (!!) ($$)
- Tightrope Walking (P) (!)
- Tracking (wilderness) (I) (!)
- Trapeeze* (P) (!)
- Tumbling* (P)
- Typing (NL) (!) ($)
- Ventriloquism (A) (!)
- Voice Mimicry (A) (!)
- Weaponsmithing (P) (!) ($)
- Weapon Categories:
- Bludgeons (P)
- Bows (P) (!)
- Chopping Weapons (P)
- Crossbows (P)
- Daggers & Knives (P)
- Exotic Weapons (P) (!!)
- Swords, heavyweight (P)
- Swords, lightweight (P) (!!) ($)
- Staffs & Polearms (P) (!)
- Throwing Weapons (P) (!)
- Whips & Flails (P) (!!)
- Weapon_Mastery* (NL) (!)
- Weather Sense (NL)
- Weaving (NL) (!)
- Weightless Combat (P) (!!) ($$$)
- WheelWright (NL) (!)
- WoodCarving* (P)
- Yoga (NL) (!) ($)
- NL = A non-leveled Skill, that is one which does not require success
- rolls and thus requires only one level to be functional.
- :Aircraft_Maintenance
- is included automatically in ANY Pilot Skill and in
- Aircraft Mechanic skill.
- :Alertness
- is used instead of a standard perception roll against
- INT for discovering approaching foes, hearing noises, etc.
- :Automobile_Maintenance
- is included in Automobile REPAIR. This is the non-leveled
- skills and includes basics like changing oil, spark plugs,
- flushing the radiator, etc.
- :Blind_Fighting
- This skill can ONLY be used by someone who has another
- weapon skill. It allows them to use that skill when
- blinded, in complete darkness, etc as if sighted upto
- their skill level in Blind fighting. If their blind fighting
- skill is HIGHER then the weapon skill normally is then they
- will be rolling ONLY against the weapon skill instead.
- (Lower skill is used basically of the two).
- :Body_Development
- This skill gives the possessor a HIGHER save on all Hardiness
- saving throws against pain, shock and disease (but not on
- rolls where hardiness is used as the basis for strength).
- For every Education Rank in Body Development they get a +5%
- to their Hardiness for saves ONLY. Additionally the character
- gets +1 HTK at start for each initial Education point spent in
- this skill (these are NOT gained after the character is in
- play and takes the skill). Body Development cannot be taken
- beyond 10 Education.
- :Bugging
- The ability to implant listening devices, visual or other
- sensors ("bugs") properly for quality sound pickup.
- Includes also detecting bugs and Familiarity with a
- Sensor Broom.
- :Computer_Operation
- Is included already if you take Computer Science, Computer
- Engineering or Computer Repair.
- :Computer_Science
- Includes Computer Operation and assumes familiarity with
- programming skills and languages for simplicity's sake.
- It does NOT include hardware design or maintenance, for
- hardware design take the skill COMPUTER ENGINEER. For
- computer maintenance take COMPUTER REPAIR.
- :Concealment
- This is the skill to hide an object or person in a locale
- so that it is difficult to find, as well as the skill to
- search and find concealed objects and persons.
- :Contortionist
- This skill, besides its obvious abilities, can be used to
- escape from ropes and other bindings, and also allows one
- an improved chance when using Tantrics skills (adds +10%
- to your chance of success by just having it, +20% if you
- have contortionist at Teacher level).
- :Cooking
- Being certified in Cooking allows one to work in a
- resteraunt as a cook. Being Teacher level in cooking
- and certified makes one a chef capable of working in
- very large resteraunts.
- Surviva level cooking is but a single rank....
- :Criminology
- This covers basic detective style skills, like dusting
- for fingerprints, ballistic tests, soil tests, hair
- comparisons, blood type tests etc.
- :Dental_Higenist
- Is included in Dental Surgeon automatically.
- :Electrician
- This skill is included inside of the skill Electrical
- Engineer automatically.
- :Evasive_Combat
- This special skill is only usable in Non-ranged combat. It
- allows the character additional ability to dodge an attack
- by an opponent. Each level of this makes the character
- +5% to their defense against the attack (normally Prowness
- alone is the defense). Evasive combat cannot be used if
- the character is bound, trapped in a corner or has no
- space to maneuver in. You cannot perform evasive combat and
- wield a two-handed weapon or cast a non-hung spell, as it
- requires too much concentration.
- :First_Aid
- This is the mundane means to handle open wounds and broken
- bones. With this skill one can set a bone and place it in a
- splint in 10 rounds. Bandaging using this skill on a wound
- will get back 1 HTK immediately and prevent blood loss
- effects. (Normal Healing is 1 HTK per day otherwise).
- It is included automatically inside the skills of
- Emergency Medical Technician, Physician.
- :Full_Truck (Driving)
- This includes automatically single body truck and also
- cars in its skill ability.
- :Hand_To_Hand_Combat
- This is standard fisticuffs. This has been just revised so
- that for each level beyond the first the attacker can add
- +1 to the damage achieved on an attack, to balance it
- against Martial Arts.
- Fists otherwise do 1d10 + (HARD/10)
- Kicks otherwise do 1d10 + 2 + (HARD/10)
- :History
- Local History covers for one area of 100 sq miles or
- less (example a state or metro city area). It also
- includes basic locales within the area such as landmarks
- and travel tips.
- National History covers history and viewpoints of one
- country, including political info etc. (This is High
- school level history/social studies).
- World History covers a wide range of historical events
- and importance and is considered a college level skill.
- World history automatically includes any three national
- histories.
- :Hockey
- Includes Ice skating!
- :Lasso
- Includes Rope Usage NL skill.
- :Law
- A person having law but that has not spent the wealth
- point cost is a Legal Aide and can work as such instead
- of a lawyer.
- :Magical_History
- This is a knowledge of the affects and events of historic
- importance that magic was involved in, the famous names
- and faces, books and places.
- :Martial_Arts
- This variant of HTH combat has been added. See <!Martial.#01>*
- :Masonry
- This includes the laying and making of bricks, but also
- includes stone cutting skills and stone working skills. If
- a character has Artistic Ability for Sculpting AND has
- masonry then they can create statues and other works of art
- and get a +10% to their BASE success when performing any
- masonry.
- :Masseur
- This skill, if possessed, counts as 1/2 the cost towards First
- Aide since it includes a heavy understanding of anatomy and
- bone/muscle structure (so a Masseur learning first Aide only
- must pay 1/2 the cost to gain it in game play eps). Masseur
- skills also add +10% to tantrics success if used before or
- during activity.
- :Meditation
- A non-leveled skill. This allows a spellcaster to
- recover their Magical Aptitude in spell energy in
- 1/2 the normal time spent in sleep. 4 hours max
- can be performed in a day.
- :Musical_Instrument
- The ability to play and perform with a musical instrument
- must be taken in a SPECIFIC instrument. Common ones:
- Banjo
- Bagpipes
- Calliope
- Constantina
- Drums
- Dulcimer
- Flute
- Guitar
- Harp/Lyre
- Harpsicord
- Keyboard
- Mandolin
- Pipes, reed
- Saxaphone
- Slide Trombone
- Slide Whistle
- Trumpet
- Violin
- Xylophone
- :Physician
- This skill automatically includes first aide, and 3 ranks
- Emergency Medical Technician. Someone with Physician
- skill but who does not spend the wealth factor can
- work as a nurse.
- :Pottery
- This involves all basic potter wheel operations and use
- of the oven, etc. If a person has Artistic Ability for
- Sculpting then they can make artwork with pottery and get
- a +10% to their BASE for all pottery rolls.
- :Psychiatrist
- Automatically includes First Aide and one rank in
- Physician skill (They cannot work as a physician legally).
- A psychiatrist who only pays 2 wealth points is a
- psychologist (3/4 of the income).
- :Riding
- Gives the character a +10% to succeed when involved in
- combat while mounted as well as used to roll against special
- horseback maneuvers.
- :Scuba_Diving
- This skill includes Swimming automatically within it.
- :Spellcasting
- This is the skill that is taught in a magical tradition
- as outlined in the main rules. Note that the only form
- that is accredited is Hermetics (taught at Berklee
- College or Brandeis) and that accreditation is only
- useful in society if one wishes to become a professor
- in this relatively "new" field of college training.
- An accredited Hermetic may be subject to discrimination
- since they are publicly known.
- :Spell_Analysis
- This skill allows the trained to analyze and identify
- which spell is being cast based on the gestures and
- verbal components. It can also break down a spell stack
- into its seperate components while observed in the same
- way.
- If the personage being observed is not using gestures
- then the success rate is -20% from the skill, if they are
- not using verbal components then they are also -20% from
- successful analysis, and if they are speed casting then
- they are -10% per round cut from the casting time to
- Analyze the casting.
- They cannot Analyze hung spells, token spells, or
- spells that are done without both gestures and verbal
- components.
- They get a +20% to recognize a spell that they already
- know or a spell stack including a spell they already know.
- They get a +10% also if the spell being cast is by
- someone casting within their own Tradition.
- A rogue mage with this skill gets a +20% to learn a
- spell they are observing, IF they make a successful
- skill roll with this skill.
- :Steam_Engineering
- This is the ability to build devices that harness the
- Uses of Water, including steam powered engines, Water
- Wheels and the like. It is primarily ONLY available to
- Dwarves who are the current pioneers in this area.
- :Streetwise
- This specialized skill is primarily of use to those in
- business or involved in criminal activity. It includes
- knowledge on setting up contacts, knowing if a crime is
- occuring near you etc. Its also useful in law enforcement.
- It also gives the person 1 free Street_Contacts for
- each three ranks possessed.
- (see <!RULES.#01 Character_Advantages>* for details)
- :Tailor
- This skill is enhanced if one has Artistic Ability in
- Drawing & Painting, allowing an additional +10% to the
- base Tailoring roll and which allows the character to
- do embroidery and other fine needlework.
- :Tantrics
- It is used for attempts to seduce for romantic involvement.
- It will modify a reaction role if the character is trying
- to seduce or impress or seek assistance or employment etc
- A low appearance can be made up for by tantrics skill in
- many situations.
- Usage of Tantrics on a sexual level requires a HARDiness
- roll after each hour of activity to remain concious on the
- part of all parties. Once one personage involved becomes
- unconscious then the activity ends.
- Klutzed tantrics rolls ALWAYS result in damage to the
- persons involved and often result in sprained muscles.
- :Tatooing
- This skill REQUIRES that Artistic Ability is already
- possessed by the character. It includes the preparation
- of inks, dyes and needles for the tatooing of the body.
- Tatooing is one means for a Tool Mage to get around some
- of the worst problems of learning magic in that nature,
- since a tatoo is difficult to lose or have destroyed, but
- makes the learning of the magic at start far more expensive
- since it requires this and the Artistic Ability to work.
- Tatooing is also used in some religions to identify their
- membership etc.
- :Teacher A person that has teaching skill can teach any skill they
- know (at rank 2 or greater) to someone as IF they had
- teacher-level rank in it, to teach them their First rank
- of the skill, and can grant basic certification in the
- skill if the skill takes 1 wealth point at start ordinarily
- and the teacher is certified in the skill. The time needed
- to teach a skill is based on the skill type and the
- Intuition of the student:
- TYPE INT Range Time (hrs)
- ---- --------- ----------
- Easy, NL 1-5 16
- 6-10 12
- 11-15 10
- 16-24 8
- 25+ 6
- Easy 1-5 64
- 6-10 48
- 11-20 32
- 21+ 16
- Difficult, NL 1-5 240
- 6-10 120
- 11-25 90
- 26+ 60
- Difficult 1-5 n/a
- 6-10 480
- 11-25 360
- 26+ 240
- Complex, NL 1-5 n/a
- 6-10 1560
- 11-25 1200
- 26+ 1000
- Complex 1-5 n/a
- 6-10 n/a
- 11-15 4000
- 16-25 2000
- 26+ 1560
- :Theatre_Arts
- Includes set design, stage management, stage makeup,
- costuming design (but not tailoring), stage combat,
- general theatrical movement, choreography (applyable
- to Dance only if you have dancing skill). stage
- lighting and accoustics. Includes non-leveled skill
- Drafting, costume.
- :Trapeeze
- This skill, besides allowing one to perform for entertainment
- or movement needs upon a trapeeze also adds a +10% to Tantrics
- Base IF a Trapeeze is being used within the actual activity.
- :Tumbling
- Possession of this skill allows its usage when a character
- has been thrown, hurled or fallen any distance less than
- twenty feet. If successful then the character will land
- unharmed and 'on their feet'. It also allows them to
- perform cartwheels, handstands and flips and gives them a
- +10% to their base chance if they possess skills of Martial
- Arts or Hand To and Combat.
- :Weapon_Mastery
- This is an advancement on a normal weapon skill, not a
- seperate skill. The character must have 10 ranks in the
- skill to buy Weapon Mastery. They must then either buy
- it at generation or can buy it at the noted difficulty
- level. It will add +1 to the damage the weapon normally
- does on an attack. If the weapon must reloaded, then it
- will reduce the reload time by a round (but never faster
- than one round).
- It can be bought multiple times in a weapon category,
- upto 10 such purchases within the category.
- :Woodcarving
- This skill can be enhanced if the character also has the
- skill artistic Ability and thus gets a +10% to its Base
- success for this.