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- :Tantrology_Tradition
- Tantrology is a combination of psychic and sexual magics,
- based on the ancient cult of Tantra. It is based on the power
- of human sexuality and orgasm to perform great feats beyond that
- conceived in the mind.
- In Tantrology the energy of magic is called Kundalini. It is
- raised and stored with the Chakra points of the body. Because a
- Tantrologist or 'Tantric Mage' is specially trained in the nature
- of their body's storage system they can accomplish feats some other
- mages cannot.
- When a Tantrology is the PRIMARY Tradition of a character they
- get triple their Aptitude in Capacity instead of mearly Double at
- start. They also gain 2 Capacity points per 250 eps spent to raise
- Capacity instead of the 1 gained normally by any other mage (this
- increase for EPS is used if the Tradition is their primary or
- Secondary but does not apply if it is their third, fourth etc.)
- Tantric Mage's do not regain energy as quickly from Rest, they
- calculate recovery from sleep as if their Aptitude was 1/2 its
- actual number.
- Meditation allows them to regain energy at the normal rate
- any other mage would recover under sleep instead of the rate that
- is recovered normally from meditation using their actual Aptitude
- for the calculation.
- The recharge advantage of the Tantric mage is in Sexual
- Activity. Unlike the few other mages that can utilize Tantrics
- to recharge at a rate mearly equal to that of sleep, the Tantric
- Mage can take FULL advantage of the potential power of tantrics.
- An hour of tantrics is equal to two hours of sleep recovery
- for a normal mage with one untrained partner. With a person trained
- in tantrics (and both making tantrics rolls successfully) the
- recharge is equal to three hours normal sleep per hour of activity.
- If the partner fails their skill usage then they count as if untrained
- (IF the tantric mage fails then they only get 1 point of recovery
- and it doesn't matter the roll, if any, of the partner). If a second
- partner is brought in they add one hour's worth to the calculation
- (two if trained and successful).
- Meditation
- Philosophy
- Read/Write
- Tantrics
- Yoga
- Alertness
- Contortionist
- First Aide
- Masseur
- -10% if unable to move freely
- -20% if in an area difficult to breathe in (smoke, etc)
- -5% for every day since they last were sexually active
- +20% if was sexually active in the past hour
- :Amphibious_Ability
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This makes the caster or the target being(s) able to breathe
- underwater as easily as they do air. This also will negate any
- spells of DROWNING* or BLOAT* cast upon the target.
- :Apprentice_Link
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell is used to link a spellcaster with an apprentice or
- trusted companion or follower over a long period of time. It creates
- a linking so that they can speak (as under a Mind_Speech* spell), and
- so they can transfer energy at will (The CASTER of the Apprenticeship
- spell controls the flow and can take energy from the apprentice at
- will or bestow such to them at will) over any distance. The spell
- effects work THRU a Pentagram unhindered as well, despite its lack
- of ranks. The caster can also cast Spells upon the Apprentice at any
- time despite the distance as if they were in TOUCH range.
- If a tantric mage has sexual activity with someone linked in this
- way to them it enhances the effect, adding one hour to the calculation
- of how many hours equivilant sleep for each hour of activity.
- This spell cannot be cast on an unwilling target.
- Unlike a normal Spell, the duration on this one is always exactly one
- year and a day.
- :Armour_Of_Kundalini
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This takes the Kundalini energy stored within the caster and uses
- it to enhance the protective nature of their body's natural aurua.
- Thus their aurua will absorb ALL kinds of damage from physical,
- energy and magical damage attacks thrown upon the caster or which
- the caster is in the area of effect of. It cannot be used with
- ANY kind of armour or similar spells. It will absorb 1 point of damage
- per RANK the spell is known at. It ONLY protects the caster, not
- others (Unless they are in sexual union) and not any form of
- equipment.
- :Astral_Sight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein
- for the duration, in standard LOS range.
- :Awaken
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- This spell will wake a character (or characters) to full
- alertness instantaneously. It is usually accomplished with a kiss.
- :Boneset
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- Cast on broken bone or multiple broken bones, this will place the
- bones into proper place to begin to heal. In the process it does 1d10
- of repair to the damage mending the break. It does NOT close open
- wounds, cure infections or repair organ damage.
- :Change_Outer_Self
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the caster to alter the appearance of his/her
- form--Not including clothing and equipment--to appear one foot
- shorter or taller; thin, fat, or in between; humanoid, or any other
- generally bipedal creature.
- The GM may allow a saving throw for disbelief under certain
- circumstances: for example, if the caster acts in a manner obviously
- inconsistent with his chosen role. The spell does alter the
- perceived tactile (i.e., touch) properties of the caster. or his
- equipment, and the ruse may be discovered in this way.
- :Channel_Kundalini
- COST : 1+
- MODS : N
- This allows the tantrist to channel part of their stored energy into
- what they are doing - if they are attacking with a weapon or by hand
- it adds +1 to the damage that weapon does on hitting target per point
- channeled into the attack (misses lose the energy). If they are performing
- a save against a magical attack, or making a generic save (no skill
- involved) against any statistic they can increase their chance of
- success by 1% per point channeled. If they are performing a skill they
- can enhance their chance of success by 5% per point, if the skill is
- one they can perform in a single round of action (Channeling does NOT
- count as a seperate action from that which it is enhancing and does NOT
- require a roll to cast unlike other spell effects since it is not a
- true spell).
- Extra ranks are not necessary with this, but the channeling and the
- amount of energy being channeled for that round MUST be announced before
- making the roll it is to affect....
- :Charm_Person
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person
- includes bipedal human, demi human, or humanoid of man-size or smaller.
- The spell recipient regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to
- be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the caster to control
- the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action
- of the caster is viewed in the most favorable way. Thus, person would
- not obey a suicide command, but he might believe the caster if assured
- that the only chance to save the caster is to hold back an on-rushing
- dragon "just for a round or two". Note also that the spell does not
- endow the caster with linguistic capabilities beyond those he normally
- possesses (i.e., he must speak the victim's language to communicate ).
- They get a save vs INT when it is initially cast. Additional Ranks
- lower their saving throw by 1 Point. Note that MAGIC RESISTANCE does
- apply against this spell if they possess such!
- :Cleanliness
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon cloth, either uncut or finished clothing. It
- enhances the natural properties of the cloth, making it unwrinkled,
- unstain, untorn/ripped.
- :Cloud_Walk
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell allows the recipient to walk on any form of fog, cloud, or
- smoke as if it were solid. The recipient may move at normal movement
- rate, plus the movement rate of the smoke.
- The smoke must be reasonably thick, reducing visibility
- significantly... This spell will not allow walking on fine mist.
- :Combat_Precognition
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell will assist the caster when fighting against any opponents,
- allowing the mage an advantage by being able to predict some of their
- combat actions before they occur.
- For each RANK of the spell the caster gets a +10% to all rolls to
- attack the opponent and a +10% to SAVE against all attacks by said
- opponent (including an additional 10% to their defensive PROW).
- :Cure_Disease
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This will eliminate most normal and magical diseases and infections and
- their symptoms from a living body. It does not cure poisons or produce
- other effects. If duration is bought it acts as a protection from future
- infections of any disease for the duration. It works against most
- diseases at Rank One, save those that degenerate the muscles of the
- body or are auto-immune involved. At Rank 5 those that degenerate the
- muscles can be over come, and at rank 10 it will overcome cancer. It
- is said that at rank 20 it even will cure AIDS.
- :Cure_Hangover
- COST : 5
- MODS : R,T
- This spell removes all the symptoms of a hangover in the target beings.
- There is no saving throw vs this effect.
- :Cure_Nausea
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This spell will remove all the effects of Nausea, wether its natural,
- caused by a stomache flu, virius or spell. It does NOT remove any
- diseases. But it makes the subject functional and ends also retching
- and vomiting that may accompany Nausea.
- :Detect_Disease
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- Detect disease reveals to the mage whether a subject creature
- or object carries a disease, whether normal or magical, and with a
- successful roll vs Physician skill can identify the exact disease.
- :Detect_Emotions
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This allows the caster to know the general emotional state of all the
- individuals within the radius range area effect.
- :Detect_Kundalini
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- This has two effects, first it allows the caster to determine the
- amount of energy left of a target's Magical Capacity. Second it allows
- the caster to know if the person is a Tantrologist. The effect works
- emtirely LOS.
- :Detect_Life
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- By use of this spell the caster can determine if a creature is alive,
- including creatures in a coma, trance, little death etc. It fails
- against Mind Shielded targets (they will detect as dead) and will
- also expose Undead for what they are.
- :Detect_Magic
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell causes all magic on the target being/object to be shown
- in that it will glow.
- :Detect_Shapechanger
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to detect any natural or magically held
- shapechanges on persons and creatures in LOS.
- At Rank 5 it allows the caster to know the true appearance of the
- beings that are shapechanged.
- :Detect_Spirit
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,T
- Detects the presence of a soul spirit or mentality in any body or
- object (enchanted swords, etc.), and whether or not the mind
- controlling the body is its "native". Thus, it will not detect charming
- or hypnosis but will detect possession. Only the fact of a mind is
- detected, not its nature. If it is cast on a normally invisible spirit
- (such as an Invisible Stalker or Unseen Servant), the caster can see
- the creature as a visible force for the duration. The reverse,
- Obscure Spirit, has a range of touch and conceals a single mind or
- spirit from detection by this spell, and can be cast by anyone who
- knows Detect Spirit.
- :Dispel_Magic
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This will cancel a specific ongoing spell effect. If cast on an ITEM it
- will prevent the items magic from functioning for the duration of the
- spell being canceled, but then the item will turn back on until its
- duration is up. It will NOT send away a summoned creature, undo a
- healing spell or cause harm to a magical creature directly. Unwilling
- targets get a Save vs INT against Dispel
- :Draining_Kiss
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell is only castable on a living being. The victim gets a
- save vs magic, and if they fail they lose 1 point of Magical Capacity
- per RANK, which are added to the casters own. It fails against anyone
- without Capacity.
- :Empathic_Revenge
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- When the target this spell is cast upon is attacked in any way the
- attacker receives back half damage (only HTK damage applies) as that
- the target had received from them AFTER armour etc, as internal damage.
- :Enhance_Emotions
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- While active this spell will enhance the existing emotions of anyone
- within the radius area affect and reduce inhibitors that normally keep
- such emotions from being expressed or carried out by those within it.
- Thus sadness may become actual crying and tears, Lust may result in
- actual seduction or sexual encounters, Anger may result in violent
- attack or action, Greed may lead to actual theft, happiness may result
- in a feeling of contemptment without action, etc.
- :Ethereal Sight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the nearby Ethereal Plane and perceive any
- Objects or beings therein. Range is unnecessary with this spell, unless
- casting it on another, as is Target. Sight range is Line Of Sight. This
- spell does NOT perceive invisible!
- :Feather_Fall
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- When this spell is cast, the caster immediately assumes the mass of
- a piece of down. Rate of falling is instantly changed to a mere two
- feet per second (120 feet per round), and no damage is incurred upon
- landing while in effect. When the spell duration ceases, normal rate
- of fall occurs.
- :Feign_Death
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This places the caster into a state of suspended animation, which
- will make them appear to all that they are dead. No bodily functions
- will occur, no brain activity or percievable magic. They need not
- breathe, eat, secrete, or in any other way change.
- :Fertility_Control
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This spell will allow the caster to control their own state of
- fertility (whether they are male or female) and thus prevent unwanted
- possibilities of conception or optimize potential for such. The effects
- last for a full day after they adjust their actual fertility state.
- :Fists_Of_Steel
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This gives the caster's hands the strength of hardened steel and
- beyond in combat, so that all HTH Punches are at +3 Normal (as if the
- character was wearing mailed gloves). It will not increase damage done
- by martial artists since their skills already emulate such.
- :Fog_Vision
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see clearly thru any smoke or fog as if
- it wasn't there so it has no obscurement value.
- :Free_Action
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the caster to move and attack and otherwise act
- normally for the duration of the spell, negating effects like Paralysis,
- little death, hold person, web, hog tie and similar binding effects.
- :Grounding
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell helps protector the caster on several levels. First it will
- prevent ALL Electrical damage for the duration of the spell; second
- it gives the caster a +10% save for INT saves vs incoming spells per rank
- and effects for the duration. Note that long duration groundings are
- possible but that grounding does NOT work while a character is
- unconscious or asleep in some way as it takes thought to perform.
- :Hair_Color
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This will change the color of the body hair of the caster and
- the effect will last until the hair grows out or is colored
- again by a spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
- :Hair_Growth
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell will allow the caster to control the rate of growth of their
- hair, either excellerating it or slowing it on any part or all of their
- body. If excellerated it grows a full Inch per round of Duration. If
- slowed it can prevent growth for the duration (for example to prevent
- problems of 5 o'clock shadow on a man).
- :Healing_Sleep
- COST : 15
- MODS : N
- This spell causes the caster, if wounded, to fall into a coma-like
- sleep which will last for 10 hours. During this time the recipient's
- body is working at an accelerated rate to heal itself and it will heal
- 3d10 of wounds. There is NO way to bring them out of the sleep, so
- unless you are in a safe place this spell is NOT recommended! Additional
- ranks reduce the time of slumber by an hour each (Max of 5 ranks). The
- caster does NOT gain energy for sleeping while under the effects of
- this spell.
- :Invisibility_To_Mundanes
- COST : 10
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell causes a being, object or locale to become invisible to
- those who do not believe in magic and lack magical aptitude. It cannot
- be cast on a Mundane and Mundanes get NO save against the effect.
- It has NO effect on Mages and the like who view the invisible.
- It will affect 200 lbs of matter plus 25 lbs per rank. If cast on a
- locale instead of a being or object, it can cover 10 cubic feet per
- rank of the caster and all within that area (but such cannot be
- mobile).
- It will NOT work against technological detection devices, including
- cameras and the like. BUT to mundane persons it is complete
- invisibility to all their senses.
- :IronMind
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell permits the caster to concentrate powerfully, despite any
- normal things that would distract him/her from their actions in casting
- any other spell - even the receipt of actual physical damage, as long
- as the duration of this spell continues. This allows a mage to overcome
- one of the normal causes of spell failure.
- :Kiss_Of_Enslavement
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This a complex Spell, only deliverable at TOUCH range. The target must
- save vs magic or become subject to every whim of the caster. They will
- act ONLY in order to please the wishes of the caster and to protect
- him/her and to receive his/her affections. Unlike a normal charm person
- this spell can only be removed by the will of the caster or by a remove
- curse spell cast on the subject. It cannot be removed if it stays in
- effect for more than a full year. It requires no maintenance on the part
- of the caster. The spell is considered HIGHLY unethical.
- :Kiss_Of_life
- COST : 30
- MODS : D
- Only castable at TOUCH range, this spell can breathe life back into
- a dead body. Duration determines how recent the body had to have been
- slain for it to be breathed life back into. In order to function the
- majority of the body should be present (Say thru a Gathering the Sheeves
- Spell). It makes them at Hardiness 1 until they can be healed magically
- or naturally. Beyond the above cost, it also costs the caster one of
- their current Magical Capacity Points to perform.
- :Leap
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- When this spell is cast the caster is empowered with the
- ability to leap. The distance the individual is able to leap is 20'
- per RANK bought of the spell, forward, backward or straight up, max.
- One Jump per round of the spells duration can be made.
- Also at the end of the leap the individual will always land without
- falling damage.
- :Limb_Growth
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell will restore a severed/destroyed Limb. If the wound is recent
- and still counts as present lost Hardiness, it will restore another
- 1d10 of the lost points in the process. It may be cast on the caster or
- on a being at touch range.
- :Merging_Of_Kundalini
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This spell can only be cast as part of sexual activity with someone.
- It establishes a permanent linkage between the caster and that someone,
- which neither distance or time may affect and which cannot be dispelled
- or canceled by a remove curse (The caster CAN break the linkage though).
- While so linked the two beings involved will share stats, that is
- their HTK and Magic Capacities merge into a single number that includes
- both's value. Thus harm to one is harm to both, but both become the
- stronger in the process. If either dies then BOTH die.
- Additionally they are emotionally linked and can sense each other's
- emotions and physical pains and pleasures. If they perform sexual activity
- with each other after such a link exists then they will ALWAYS need not
- roll vs Tantrics as it is an automatic success between them (rolls are
- needed if non-linked persons are involved with them though).
- Additionally their Magical Aptitudes are merged, becoming one, taking
- the higher of the two and adding to it the value of the other divided by
- five (thus if two people have a 25 each, they become a joint 30 strength
- Aptitude in merging). Recovery occurs to their shared capacity bank based
- on this new Aptitude.
- Spells cast on each other become at tough range. When physically within
- 30' of each other they amplify their spellcasting, add 1 rank's strength
- to the spells they cast.
- If either has an apprentice link with someone then BOTH have that
- link with them. If either establishes Mind Speech or Telepathy with
- a target then BOTH of them have that effect.
- Spells that normally can only be cast on the caster can ALSO be cast
- on the Person they have merged with.
- This spell has no saving throws, but DOES require both caster and
- subject to be willing without any magical coercion.
- :Mind_Guard
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell protects the caster or subject target being (must be
- sentient) from the effects of a mental nature as well as natural
- abilities like ESP, Telepathy (but not mind speech), Well_Of_Blackness*,
- Hypnotism*, Charm Person, Curse of Senility, Detect Deryni, Detect
- Spirit, Nude Mood, Possesion, Quantum Leap, Spook, Steal Spell, and
- even Taunt.
- :Mind_Speech
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- Allows the caster to communicate mentally with one or more beings. Must
- be able to see the being when the spell is first cast, but does not
- have to maintain visual contact. The mindspeech is just like normal
- conversation, except that NONE of those involved can 'think' a lie
- thru the link at the others, so honesty is the rule - any attempt to
- lie directly will cause the link to severe. Once enacted, Mindspeech
- is NOT affected by the distance - RANGE is only used for the initial
- casting of the spell, thus the spell can be bought relatively cheaply
- if all involved are in touching range at start, only duration and
- possibly targets are needed.
- :Neutralize_Poisons
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This will remove all poisons in their body instantly. Duration is
- unneeded.
- :Night_Sight
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This allows the caster and targets to see as well at night as in day.
- It does NOT help against magical darkness....
- :Nude_Mood
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- Cast at a single being this forces them into a compulsive behavior to
- immediately strip off all clothes and armour to stand naked (it does NOT
- cause the removal of jewelry). Once they have completed this they will
- return to their senses and have to deal with the situation.
- :Perfume
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell makes the caster take on a scent as specified, or eliminates
- ALL scent from them. This proves useful if trying to avoid leaving a
- trail or to throw off trackers (like dogs) that depend on smell. It
- will also prevent (with the no scent option) certain creatures
- from detecting the invisible. It also allows the caster to simply make
- themself smell nice or different for esthetic purposes.
- :Pleasure_Touch
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on the caster primarily and gives his/her exposed
- skin an added special property that affects others that come in contact
- for the duration. Anyone touching the caster will feel EXTREME pleasure,
- as if in orgasm, simply from the contact. The effect is mental primarily,
- but if they fail a save vs HARD they also receive a Physical orgasm at
- the same time.
- After such a contact they react in the usual ways from such and are
- basically stunned and unable to act aggressively or to think too cohereantly
- (about -75% to perform anything but basic movements, with the exception
- of usage of tantrics skills), for about 1d10 + 1d10/RANK RNDS.
- If a physical reaction occured and the person touching was male then
- no further effect will occur on them by direct contact for at least 15
- minutes. If the person in contact was female the touch will continue to
- produce reactions, but after the first touch effect they must save vs
- INT after each Physical reaction to remain conscious. Unconsciousness
- will last about an hour after being achieved.
- :Pop
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This spell is primarily named for the sound made when it is cast.
- The caster is teleported a short distance (based on RANGE) within
- their Line of Sight instantly with their equipment (upto 50 lbs).
- They cannot appear within a solid object. Each additional RANK adds
- 5 lbs to the carriable weight.
- :Protection_From_Disease
- COST : 2
- MODS : D
- This spell is often used to protect the caster from a contagious
- person. It basically prevents any disease from affecting the mage
- while the duration is in effect.
- :Rejuvenation
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- This spell reduces the age of the caster by 1 years of age/rank.
- DURATION is not used with this spell, its affects work long afterwards,
- unless canceled by a powerful dispell magic or upon entering a Barren
- Magic Zone. It can be cast at most once per day.
- :Remove_Fear
- COST : 1
- MODS : R,T
- This removes the effects of ALL Fear spells and powers affecting a
- being.
- :Remove_Pain
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Cast on the caster or by touch to another, this causes all normal
- pain sensory ability to end for the duration. This means that someone
- could walk on a broken leg (though they would do so slowed), overcome
- a headache/migraine, or ignore wounds (and thus even be able to remain
- conscious until reaching -10 HTK).
- :Remove_Scars
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- On casting this spell, the caster is empowered to remove scars or other
- similar marks (burn marks, birth marks, etc.). This will enable the
- recipient of the spell to restore lost charisma caused by such marks.
- :Resist_Cold
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell lasts for the duration or until the spell has absorbed 100
- points of cold damage to protect the caster from harm. It also protects
- from normal temperatures as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit without any
- of its absorbtion being used (Temperatures below this cause 1 point of
- cold damage for each degree below zero per round of exposure to the
- spells points). This allows the caster to move about with as little
- clothing as they may wish!
- :Resist_Paralysis
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- For the duration of this spell, the caster is immune to all forms of
- paralysis, including gaze attacks, paralytic poison, and Hold spells,
- but it does not totally negate paralysis already in effect, but gives
- and extra saving throw against them.
- :Sandrunning
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to travel along loose sand or Dust as if they were
- on a paved road for the duration, able to move without any problems
- with sinking or floundering.
- :Scream_Of_Power
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This attack is only usable upon non-living objects. It affects upto
- 10 lbs of matter (or a surface of 5 square feet, whichever is less)
- per RANK of the spell. It is a sonic based attack that causes such
- things to crack, shatter or splinter into shards.
- Rank 1 Glass
- 2 Crystal
- 3 Wood, plaster, Ceramics
- 4-5 Plastic, Clay, Bricks
- 6-7 Steel, Stone, other ordinarymetals
- 8-9 Starlite and all complex metals/alloys
- 10 Area affect option, 90' around caster.
- Objects damaged this way may cause damage to those near them or
- whom they fall on.
- :Seducing_Beauty
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This unique spell calls for the caster to disrobe. All those within
- sight must make a save at start of the casting with a MINUS from it
- based on the caster's APP.
- Those who fail will be mesmerized into watching the caster complete the
- disrobing and casting. At the end of this they get a second save (with
- the same minus) and if they fail they will be madly in lust wit the
- caster and unable to do anything but try to go to them and engage in
- sexual activity (once they have orgasmed the effect on them ends, also
- if the caster moves outside their LOS).
- Note that in EITHER case the spell ceases to affect them if they take
- any form of damage from an attack or spell.
- A subject who is lusted but cannot act on it will fail to save against
- any non-violent spell the caster may use on them afterwards.
- The spell affects both males AND females.
- :See_Invisible
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see any invisible creatures, including persons
- under and invisibility spell or camouflaged, and similarly invisible
- objects. It will NOT detect Astral or Ethereal Plane travelers. It will
- also see thru Phantasmal Force Spells.
- RANGE is unnecessary with this spell, as it is set at LOS only.
- :Sex_Change
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This is just on the caster, it does not change the race or mass of a
- being, but merely alters it from male to female or female to male with
- the available materials. It does not change the innate nature,personality
- or intelligence of the being or even alter their concepts of sexuality
- directly, it is PURELY biological. The spell lasts for the duration paid
- for by the caster.
- The spell will utilize whats available, so for example in transformation
- from male to female the overall body hair is reduced while the body hair
- upon the head is increased in length to appear more feminine.
- :Sleep
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- When a wizard casts a sleep spell, he causes a comatose slumber to
- come upon one or more creatures (other than undead and certain other
- creatures specifically excluded from the spell's effects). All
- creatures to be affected by the sleep spell must be within 30 feet of
- each other. The center of the area of effect is determined by the
- spellcaster.
- Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures but normal noise does
- not. Awakening requires one entire round. Magically sleeping opponents
- can be attacked with substantial bonuses (Prowness 1)
- :Speed_Of_Kundalini
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to move and react with a faster metabolism. This means
- they get a +10/rank to all initiative rolls. If this places them at an
- initiative of 60 or greater they get 2 actions in the round, one at the
- start and one at the very end of the round. An initiative of 90 or greater
- would get a third action, on the count down point of 30.
- :Stability
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Thin lines of energy are thrown off the caster's body, anchoring
- him/her in place. This spell keeps the caster's position in space
- ridgidly unchanged, no matter what the surroundings. This acts as a
- defense against Living_X, Teleports, Telekinesis-like effects, and
- will even prevent caster from falling, suspending the mage in space
- until the duration of the spell ended. The caster can end the spell
- at will. Even on a slippery surface or in a high wind or if the mage
- is forcibly grabbed the position remains unchanged. Unfortunately
- this spell does act as a -50 to any movement based Prowness skills
- and defending against physical attacks.
- :StunScream
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This is cast at a single target and requires the caster to emit a
- curdling scream with sonic affects on the subject being. Target must
- save or will be stunned and unable to act for 1 round per rank of
- the spell.
- :SunScreen
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell prevents the hinderance to eyesight caused by extremely
- bright sun by partially polarizing the subjects eyes when in extreme
- light (It also protects against all FLASH type effects that blind
- momentarily by bright light) and also prevents skin burning problems
- from extreme sun. It has also proved useful to mages in the Desert
- or Wastelands areas where the sun is VERY direct and it helps against
- snow blindness too.
- :Telepathy
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell has a varying effect based on the RANK it is known at. It
- allows the caster to read a target being's mind (INT save) or to
- communicate with them on some level:
- RANK 1 - Communicate (as per Mindspeech* only)
- 2 - Communicate OR read Surface thoughts of target
- 3 - above and read Memories of target
- 4 - above and can place suggestions in target mind
- 5 - above and can place memories in target mind
- 6 - above and can change memories in target mind
- 7 - above and can transfer HUNG spells to target mind
- 8 - above and can use INT based skills of target
- 9 - above and can share own memories, INT skills.
- Unlike Mind Speech, Telepathy can be cast on either a LOS being or on
- one who is well known to the caster.
- :Teleport_Self
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- Moves the caster and upto 5 lbs of gear etc to any locale that the
- caster chooses that has been visited and memorized by the caster.
- Additional Ranks add 5 lbs to the capacity.
- :Transfer_Energy
- COST : 1
- MODS : D,R,T
- This allows mages to transfer energy to each other by choice. Those
- involved MUST be willing. The being losing the energy decides how much
- they transfer and to who. Energy cannot be transferred to a non-mage
- being unless they are magical in nature. Only RAW energy *not HUNG
- spells* can be transferred this way.
- :UnParalyze
- COST : 2
- MODS : R
- Restores movement to a person, no matter the cause of the Paralysis.
- :Unsprain_Limb
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This will remove the swelling, pain and detrimental effects of
- a sprained ankle or wrist on the caster or touched being.
- :Vision_Quest_Ritual
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell allows a mage another means of learning new spells or
- knowing a particular piece of wanted information. The spell can also
- be cast on another, who is willing, for the same purposes. When on
- a Vision quest the character it is cast on drifts off into a dream
- filled sleep upon the plane of dreams. It guides them towards their
- goal there, but may include great dangers or hazards that could affect
- their body and mind back on the real world. The ritual takes about
- 2 hours. If klutzed the character involved comes back with a roll on
- the insanity table and does NOT gain what was wanted. Otherwise they
- roll as follows:
- 01-05 Character easily finds out what they went in
- search for with no detrimental effects and
- no real memory of what occurred.
- 06-25 Character returns with the wanted information,
- but has expended half their Magical Energy points
- stored up in the process. Quest involved fighting
- dream beasts magically.
- 26-50 Character returns with the wanted information,
- but has expended ALL their magical energy points
- stored up in the process. Quest was long and
- laborious.
- 51-75 Character returned with the information, but has
- used up ALL magical energy points and hung spells
- in the process.
- 76-80 Character returned with the information, but has
- used up all magical energy and hung spells AND
- taken 1d10 HTK damage from the encounters.
- 81-85 Character returned with the information but now
- owes a greater power a debt that will be collected
- shortly in the material world in some way. (GM
- will privately tell to whom the debt is owed).
- 86-90 Character returns with the information but must
- roll on the insanity table upon waking due to the
- horrible dreams survived.
- 91-95 Character returns without the information, having
- failed the quest. They cannot go in quest of that
- information again.
- 96-00 Character dies in their sleep from trauma. If brought
- back magically they will roll on the insanity table
- once for each day they were dead from continual
- exposure to the nightmares of the dreamplane.
- :Voice_of_the_Bat
- COST : 2
- MODS : D
- This spell grants the caster the ability to use sonar to "see"
- and move safely at a normal rate in the dark, even in magical
- darkness. The caster can tell size and general shape of objects up
- to 10 yards away in any direction s/he faces. The caster must
- actively concentrate to "see" her/his surroundings, but merely ceasing
- concentration does not end the spell, and the caster may resume the
- sonar again within the spell's duration.
- :Waterwalking
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell allows the caster to be able to walk upon the surface
- of liquids (except acid) as if walking on a solid surface. The does
- NOT work on fog, mist or clouds.
- :Withered_Manhood
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell can only be cast upon a male. It prevents the male from
- gaining an errection for the duration, but is in all other ways
- functional.