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- :Taoist_Tradition
- The Taoist is the combination of all the Eastern traditions in a
- simplex package for ease of system design. It includes concepts of
- many religions and beliefs, but all interconnects to the concept of
- the balance of Yin/Yang, the principles of Zen and the like.
- Prerequisite Skills :
- Alertness
- Meditation
- Suggested Skills :
- Blind Fighting
- Body Development
- Climbing
- Contortionist
- Dancing
- Exotic Weapons
- Martial Arts
- Staffs & Polearms
- Casting Rules & Restrictions:
- -20% if unable to use hand gestures/body movements
- Unable to follow Draconian, Hermetic, Shaman (any),
- Bloodmage, Tantrologist, Discordian, Charismatic
- or Voodon traditions.
- Cannot be Token Mages
- -10% to cast if wearing any form of physical armour
- :Armour
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This gives the caster temporary invisible and intangible magical
- armour against all normal attacks that absorbs 1 points of damage
- per rank for the duration. No more than 20 ranks may be bought.
- Unlike normal armour, the armour spell cannot be reduced with wear,
- has no encumbrance affects upon Prowness and it can be worn with
- other forms of Non-Metal armour (Wearing metal armour will negate
- the armour spell).
- :Assasin's_Invisibility
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This is complete invisibility to sight, infravision, sound and
- scent. The subject CANNOT create intentional sounds while it is
- in effect.
- :Astral_Sight
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see into the Astral plane and beings therein
- for the duration, in standard LOS range.
- :Bio-Electric_Punch
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- The caster's hands acquire a flickering blue glow.
- This increases the damage they will inflict (with electricity) on
- striking targets by 1 point per rank for the duration of the spell.
- This CAN be combined with Weakness Understanding for devistating
- effects but CANNOT be used with Combat Teleport active.
- :Body_Equilibrium
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to adjust the weight of their body to
- correspond with the surface they are standing on. Thus they can walk
- on ice, water, quicksand or even a cloud.
- Because of their lightness the character must be wary of wind gusts
- which can easily blow them away.
- This will also act as a feather fall effect if they are falling...
- :Change_Self
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the taoist to alter the appearance of his/her
- form--including clothing and equipment--to appear one foot shorter or
- taller; thin, fat, or in between; humanoid, or any other generally
- bipedal creature. The caster cannot duplicate a specific individual,
- unless they have disguise skill with which they would then roll.
- The GM may allow a saving throw for disbelief under certain
- circumstances: for example, if the caster acts in a manner obviously
- inconsistent with his chosen role. The spell does not alter the
- perceived tactile (i.e., touch) properties of the caster or his
- equipment, and the ruse may be discovered in this way.
- :Cleanse_Lungs
- COST : 10
- MODS : R
- This spell will remove any cancerous growths
- and recently received poisonous gas damage (recent being with past
- hour) that the caster's lungs have suffered. It will also empty lungs
- filled with water to prevent drowning, or fluids, as in pneumonia (but
- does NOT cure disease! In the case of cancer it simply puts it in
- temporary remission).
- :Combat_Teleport
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell makes the caster +10% harder to hit via all HTH, Hand weapon,
- Missile and gunfire combat attacks as they teleport themselves instantly
- a few inches to avoid attacks when they occur. It does NOT work against
- energy weapons, spells without physical form or area affect spells and
- weapons (like a grenade). While active the caster CANNOT physically
- be touched by anyone. Combat Teleport cannot be active at the same time
- as Globe of Invulnerability since it is an aura affect.
- Additional Ranks add +10%, upto 100% maximum. Combat Teleport IS
- cumulative with PROW modifiers but not with BLUR*.
- :Cure_Hangover
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- This spell removes all the symptoms of a hangover in the caster.
- :Cure_Nausea
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- This spell will remove all the effects of Nausea, wether its natural,
- caused by a stomache flu, virus or spell. It does NOT remove any
- diseases. But it makes the caster functional and ends also retching
- and vomiting that may accompany Nausea.
- :Deflect
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This allows the taoist to act with their arms as if they had a shield,
- and temporarily gives them a chance to prevent a missile attack from
- reaching target by 10% per RANK.
- This CANNOT be used with Combat Teleport Active!
- :Feather_Fall
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- When this spell is cast, the caster is affected immediately
- assuming the mass of a piece of down. Rate of falling is instantly
- changed to a mere two feet per second (120 feet per round), and no
- damage is incurred upon landing while in effect. When the spell
- duration ceases, normal rate of fall occurs.
- :Fog_Vision
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- Allows the caster to see clearly thru any smoke or fog as if
- it wasn't there so it has no obscurement value.
- :Free_Action
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell enables the caster to move and attack and otherwise act
- normally for the duration of the spell, negating effects like Paralysis,
- little death, hold person, web, hog tie and similar binding effects.
- :Frost_Hands
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell is causes the caster's hands to become freezing cold
- (some say the cold of the grave) so that when an opponent is touched
- they will do 2d10 cold damage (this can also enhance punches).
- :Grounding
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell helps protector the caster on several levels. First it will
- prevent ALL Electrical damage for the duration of the spell; second
- it gives the caster a +10% save for INT saves vs incoming spells and
- effects for the duration. Note that long duration groundings are possible
- but that grounding does NOT work while a character is unconscious or
- asleep in some way as it takes thought to perform. Additional ranks
- add + 5% to the save add.
- :Hyper_Speed
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell confers speed and movement upon the spell caster. It
- allows the caster to increase his or her running rate to twice their
- normal running rate. Also, while under this spell's effect, the
- caster/target does not become fatigued or winded by running
- at such a fast pace. Furthermore, they can leap forward for 10' + 2'
- per rank when running. It adds to them in combat situations a +20
- to their initiative for the duration.
- :Invisibility_To_Mundanes
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell causes the caster to become invisible to
- those who do not believe in magic and lack magical aptitude.
- It has NO effect on Mages and the like who view the invisible.
- It will affect plus 25 lbs per rank.
- It will NOT work against technological detection devices, including
- cameras and the like. BUT to mundane persons it is complete
- invisibility to all their senses.
- :Keep_Awake
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell prevents the caster from falling asleep or unconscious for the
- duration, whether due to magical or natural causes. The caster will not
- feel tired for the duration, but will feel the full effects of being up
- for the entire duration as soon as the spell wears off. The caster may
- get physically weary and need rest.
- If the caster is reduced to negative HTK, he will be in intense pain. It
- does not prevent him from bleeding to death. He must make an INT roll to
- avoid canceling the spell. Physical actions range from difficult to
- impossible, depending on the action and the type of injury.
- The caster may not meditate while under the effect of this spell.
- :Leap
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- When this spell is cast the individual is empowered with the
- ability to leap. The distance the caster is able to leap is 20'
- plus 5'per RANK bought of the spell, forward, backward or straight up.
- One Jump per round of the spell's duration can be made.
- Also at the end of the leap the individual will always land without
- falling damage. If LEAP is done with a Kick attack on a target that
- hits successfully then the damage done by the kick is Tripled (note
- that if this is done and the target is missed or somehow deflects the
- taoist then they will be knocked prone!)
- :Levitation
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This spell allows the caster to rise up thru the air in a mentally
- assisted movement, or equally move downward or hover. Levitation is
- at a speed of 5' maximum per round per rank and the caster controls
- the speed of ascent/descent entirely.
- Levitation is NOT flight.
- :Life_Support
- COST : 20
- MODS : D
- This allows the mentalist to prevent their body from needing outside
- influences to survive. Specifically they need not breathe (and will be
- protected from all gas based attacks) outside air, intake food or
- water, dispose of bodily wastes or sleep and dream.
- :Limb_Running
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to travel across any wooden surface safely,
- upto a 90 degree angle, as if on normal ground. They can move at
- full speed and need make no PROW rolls against the terrain while
- doing so.
- :Mind_Guard
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell protects the caster from the effects of a mental
- nature as well as natural abilities like ESP, Telepathy ,
- Well_Of_Blackness*, Hypnotism*, Charm Person, Curse of Senility,
- Detect Spirit, Nude Mood, Possession, Quantum Leap, Spook, Steal
- Spell, and even Taunt.
- :Night_Sight
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to see as well at night as in day.
- It does NOT help against magical darkness....
- :Personal_Healing
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This allows the caster to heal injuries they may have sustained, when
- they are conscious, by spending the above cost plus 1 point per point
- of damage to be healed. No other modifiers are used and it works
- on internal wounds, open wounds and broken bones. It does not assist
- against diseases, withering or permanent damage.
- :Pop
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This spell is primarily named for the sound made when it is cast.
- The caster is teleported a short distance (based on RANGE) within
- their Line of Sight instantly with their equipment (upto 20 lbs).
- They cannot appear within a solid object. Each additional RANK adds
- 20 lbs to the carriable weight.
- :Protection_from_Constriction
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- When cast, a Protection from Constriction spell will mitigate crushing
- damage taken each round from a single attack form. Up to five points per
- rank of the spell is deducted from crushing damage. Note that
- this does not mitigate damage from crushing weapons or falling; it will
- protect against constriction, bear hugs, Bigby's Crushing Hand, or any
- similar gradual compression.
- :Protection_From_Hunger_and_Thirst
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- When protection from hunger and thirst is cast, the recipient
- requires no food, water, or nourishment of any kind for the duration of
- the spell. Each day the caster is under the effect of the spell, he is
- fully nourished as if having had eaten and drunk normally. At the end
- of the spell's duration, the subject is no more hungry or thirsty than
- when the spell was originally cast.
- :Quick_Draw
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell will enable the caster to instantly have their weapon in
- their hand when it is needed, if the item is within 30 feet/rank of
- the caster/person.
- :Remove_Scars
- COST : 1
- MODS : N
- On casting this spell, the caster is empowered to remove scars or other
- similar marks (burn marks, birth marks, etc.). This will enable the
- recipient of the spell to restore lost charisma caused by such marks.
- :Resist_Cold
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell lasts for the duration or until the spell has absorbed 10
- points of cold damage per rank to protect the caster from harm.
- :Resist_Fire
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This absorbs upto 10 points of damage per rank from fire and heat
- that the caster would have received... then ends or ends at the end
- of the duration, or whichever comes first.
- :Spider_Climb
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- By this spell, the caster can walk on any surface and not slip. The
- caster can walk on walls, ceilings, ice, etc. and not slip or slide
- (feet are like suction cups to the surface) and move at their normal
- speed.
- :Strength
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This allows the caster to boost their own Hardiness for all purposes
- (combat and Health/constitutional saves), by 5 pts plus 1 per RANK.
- :SunScreen
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell was, it is believed, developed by a Drow mage to protect
- against the effects of the daytime sun. It prevents the hinderance to
- eyesight caused by extremely bright sun by partially polarizing the
- subjects eyes when in extreme light (It also protects against all FLASH
- type effects that blind momentarily by bright light) and also prevents
- skin burning problems from extreme sun. Besides it uses for Drow it has
- also proved useful to mages in the Desert or Wastelands areas where the
- sun is VERY direct and it helps against snow blindness too.
- :Trackless
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell prevents the caster from leaving footprints of any
- kind, including the heat traces visible by infravision, as their
- appendages do not quite touch the surface they are passing over,
- and thus leave no prints or residue.
- :Weakness_Understanding
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell grants the caster the ability to perceive the weakest
- points of construction on an object or structure or person. While
- it is active they can apply the knowledge to their attacks on such
- with any physical attack, causing +1 damage per attack per rank they
- know the spell at.