Instant Doom Levels
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390 lines
| This file is part of WinDEU, the port of DEU to Windows. |
| WinDEU was created by the DEU team: |
| Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber and others... |
| |
| DEU is an open project: if you think that you can contribute, please join |
| the DEU team. You will be credited for any code (or ideas) included in |
| the next version of the program. |
| |
| If you want to make any modifications and re-distribute them on your own, |
| you must follow the conditions of the WinDEU license. Read the file |
| LICENSE or README.TXT in the top directory. If do not have a copy of |
| these files, you can request them from any member of the DEU team, or by |
| mail: Raphael Quinet, Rue des Martyrs 9, B-4550 Nandrin (Belgium). |
| |
| This program comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risks! |
Project WinDEU
DEU team
Jul-Dec 1994, Jan-Mar 1995
FILE: windeu.h
#ifndef __windeu_h
#define __windeu_h
#ifndef __common_h
#include "common.h"
description of the command line arguments and config file keywords
OPT_BOOLEAN, /* boolean (toggle) */
OPT_INTEGER, /* integer number */
OPT_STRING, /* character string */
OPT_STRINGACC, /* character string, but store in a list */
OPT_STRINGLIST, /* list of character strings */
OPT_END /* end of the options description */
typedef struct
char *short_name; /* abbreviated command line argument */
char *long_name; /* command line arg. or keyword */
enum OPT_TYPE opt_type ; /* type of this option */
char *msg_if_true; /* message printed if option is true */
char *msg_if_false; /* message printed if option is false */
void *data_ptr; /* pointer to the data */
} OptDesc;
the macros and constants
/* name of the configuration file */
/* name of the log file (debug mode) */
Macros to select and unselect the WAIT cursor inside a function
HCURSOR hSaveOldCursor = ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT));
Macros used to save and restore the working message of the status bar
in a function
#define SAVE_WORK_MSG() \
char OldSaveMsg[80]; \
GetWorkMessage (OldSaveMsg, 80);
#define RESTORE_WORK_MSG() \
WorkMessage (OldSaveMsg);
Use these macros to set/restore a help context ID.
You can't use this in blocks of different scope level,
because of the intermediate var. definition
#define SET_HELP_CONTEXT(hc) \
{ \
DWORD OldHelpContext = HelpContext; \
HelpContext = hc;
HelpContext = OldHelpContext; \
// General macro to assert a bounded number
#define assert_bound(var,min,max) \
assert((var) >= (min) && (var) <= (max))
// Macros to assert a valid object number (but NOT -1)
#define assert_tnum(t) \
assert_bound((t), 0, NumThings-1)
#define assert_ldnum(ld) \
assert_bound((ld), 0, NumLineDefs-1)
#define assert_sdnum(sd) \
assert_bound((sd), 0, NumSideDefs-1)
#define assert_vnum(v) \
assert_bound((v), 0, NumVertexes-1)
#define assert_snum(s) \
assert_bound((s), 0, NumSectors-1)
// Macros to assert a valid object number (INCLUDING '-1')
#define assert_vtnum(t) \
assert_bound((t), -1, NumThings-1)
#define assert_vldnum(ld) \
assert_bound((ld), -1, NumLineDefs-1)
#define assert_vsdnum(sd) \
assert_bound((sd), -1, NumSideDefs-1)
#define assert_vvnum(v) \
assert_bound((v), -1, NumVertexes-1)
#define assert_vsnum(s) \
assert_bound((s), -1, NumSectors-1)
the interfile global variables
/* from windeu.cpp */
extern int DoomVersion; /* 1 for DOOM or 2 for DOOM2 */
extern BOOL Registered; /* registered or shareware WAD file? */
extern BOOL Debug; /* are we debugging? */
extern BOOL Quiet; /* don't play a sound when an object is selected */
extern BOOL Quieter; /* don't play any sound, even when an error occurs */
extern BOOL Expert; /* don't ask for confirmation for some operations */
extern int InitialScale; /* initial zoom factor for map */
extern BOOL Colour2; /* use the alternate set for things colors */
extern BOOL AdditiveSelBox;/* additive selection box or select in box only? */
extern int SplitFactor; /* factor used by the Nodes builder */
extern BOOL Select0; /* select object 0 by default when switching modes */
extern char *MainWad; /* name of the main wad file */
extern Bool Use3DControls; /* Enable CTL3DV2.DLL or CTL3D32.DLL? */
extern Bool DrawLineDefsLen;/* Display length of moving LineDefs */
extern int BuildPriority; /* Priority for the nodes builder */
// Moved from WINDEU.CPP to use them in WinDEUApp class
extern Bool Reminder; /* display a funny message when DEU starts */
extern char **PatchWads; /* list of patch wad files */
extern FILE *logfile; /* filepointer to the error log */
/* from editcli.cpp */
extern BOOL InfoShown; /* is the bottom line displayed? */
/* from windeapp.cpp */
extern DWORD HelpContext;
/* from windeu.cpp (config file options) */
extern char *DefaultWallTexture; /* default normal wall texture */
extern char *DefaultLowerTexture; /* default lower wall texture */
extern char *DefaultUpperTexture; /* default upper wall texture */
extern char *DefaultFloorTexture; /* default floor texture */
extern char *DefaultCeilingTexture; /* default ceiling texture */
extern SHORT DefaultFloorHeight; /* default floor height */
extern SHORT DefaultCeilingHeight; /* default ceiling height */
the function prototypes
/* from windeu.cpp */
void InitWindeu (int argc, char *argv[]) ;
void CleanupWindeu () ;
void CenterWindow (TWindow *pWnd);
void Beep ();
void PlaySound (int, int);
void ProgError (char *, ...);
void LogMessage (char *, ...);
void WorkMessage (char*, ...);
void GetWorkMessage (char *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
BOOL Confirm (char*, ...);
void Notify (char *, ...);
void FunnyMessage ();
void Usage ();
void ParseCommandLineOptions (int argc, char *argv[]);
void ParseConfigFileOptions (char *filename);
void AppendItemToList (char ***list, char *item);
// How WinDEU Cooperates with others Windows apps.
// ===============================================
//RP: Feb 2 1995
// First attempt to make WinDEU multi-task with other Windows
// apps.
// 1. I defined a 'Cooperate' function which makes 1 (ONE) call to
// PeekMessage, effectively giving control to Windows and parsing
// 1(ONE) message in the WinDEU message queue. That's why you can
// still edit your level while building it. I MUST FIND A WAY TO
// 2. I defined a 'BuildPriority' config option which defines the
// frenquency at which WinDEU asks Windows to give control to other
// apps. The COOPERATE macro uses BuildPriority to make calls to
// the 'Cooperate' function.
// If for example, BuildPriority is defined as 15, it means
// that 15 of 100 calls to 'COOPERATE' will effectively make a call
// to the 'Cooperate' function (which gives control to Windows).
// 3. I had then to put calls to 'COOPERATE' in the nodes builder code.
// This wad the trickiest part of the work, because until now, the time
// is not taken into account by COOPERATE. The problem is to put
// COOPERATE in the code at 'right places'. To define 'Right Places',
// I had to take two parameters into account:
// - The overhead must be controlled. That means I can't call
// COOPERATE in every loop. If I put a COOPERATE in a loop of
// 1000 iterations which simply make 'i++', the overhead would be
// too big (WinDEU spends its time giving control to Windows, even with
// a priority of 1).
// - There must be enough calls to COOPERATE to let Windows take control
// often enough.
// - The calls to COOPERATE should be as regular (at the 'time' point of
// view) as possible
// So 'Right places' means not to much calls, not to few, and
// as regular (time point of view) as possible:
// Here's the first definition of COOPERATE:
// #define COOPERATE() \
// { \
// if ( BuildPriority != 0 ) \
// { \
// CoopCount++; \
// if ( CoopCount >= PRIORITY_RES ) \
// CoopCount = 0; \
// if (CoopExecTab[CoopCount]) \
// Cooperate(); \
// } \
// }
// NOTE: The CoopExecTab is an array of boolean values indicating
// if the correponding COOPERATE call must
// If BuildPriority == 50, 1 element of 2 of CoopExecTab == TRUE
// Conclusion:
// ----------
// Finaly, it worked not bad, but I wasn't happy because the time is
// not taken into account. That means calls to 'Cooperate()' depends largely
// on the processor speed and number of iterations in a loop.
//RP: Feb 5 1995
// 1. I redefined to 'BuildPriority' config options. It now means
// the MINIMUM number of milliseconds WinDEU will work before
// calling Cooperate.
// 2. The 'Cooperate' function makes 'BuildPriority / 10' calls to
// 'PeekMessage' every time it's called. It means a maximum of
// 100 messages/sec will be processed by WinDEU when building
// a level. I don't know if it's really useful.
// 3. COOPERATE now uses the GetTickCount() Windows function to decide
// to call Cooperate(). Gere's the new definition of COOPERATE:
// #define COOPERATE() \
// { \
// if ( BuildPriority > 0 ) \
// { \
// ULONG CurTickCount = ::GetTickCount(); \
// if ( CurTickCount - LastCoopCallTick > BuildPriority ) \
// { \
// Cooperate(); \
// LastTickCount = CurTickCount; \
// } \
// } \
// }
// Conclusion:
// ----------
// It works not well, and BuildPriority doesn't depend anymore on the
// processor speed, but there's still some problems:
// - The overhead is a little bigger than previously (because of calls
// to GetTickCount() in EVERY calls to COOPERATE.
// - It means that I must still be carefull when inserting COOPERATE
// calls in the code.
// - The BuildPriority has now a 'time-slice' semantic.
// ============
// When BuildPriority is equal to '0', WinDEU doesn't cooperate at
// all, like previous version of WinDEU. The overhead of COOPERATE
// calls in the WinDEU codes is nearly null (COOPERATE tests if
// BuildPriority != 0 before doing something).
// Maximum and minumum possible values for the BuildPriority.
#define BUILD_PRIORITY_MIN 0 // no multi-tasking
// Maximum and minumum possible values for the BuildPriority.
// You should never use a BuildPriority too small (1-15), because
// WinDEU will spend most its time giving control to Windows.
// With Pentium processor, maybe these small values could be used.
#define BUILD_PRIORITY_MIN 0 // no multi-tasking
#define BUILD_PRIORITY_MAX 1000 // 1 second
extern void Cooperate(void);
extern int CoopCount;
extern Bool CoopExecTab[];
void BuildCoopExecTab(void);
#define COOPERATE() \
{ \
if ( BuildPriority != 0 ) \
{ \
CoopCount++; \
if ( CoopCount >= BUILD_PRIORIY_MAX ) \
CoopCount = 0; \
if (CoopExecTab[CoopCount]) \
Cooperate(); \
} \
// Last time (tick count) Cooperate was called by COOPERATE
extern ULONG LastCoopCallTick;
#define COOPERATE() \
{ \
if ( BuildPriority > 0 ) \
{ \
if ( ::GetTickCount() - LastCoopCallTick >= BuildPriority ) \
{ \
Cooperate(); \
LastCoopCallTick = ::GetTickCount(); \
} \
} \
#endif /* __windeu_h */
/* end of file */