Instant Doom Levels
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C/C++ Source or Header
164 lines
| This file is part of WinDEU, the port of DEU to Windows. |
| WinDEU was created by the DEU team: |
| Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber and others... |
| |
| DEU is an open project: if you think that you can contribute, please join |
| the DEU team. You will be credited for any code (or ideas) included in |
| the next version of the program. |
| |
| If you want to make any modifications and re-distribute them on your own, |
| you must follow the conditions of the WinDEU license. Read the file |
| LICENSE or README.TXT in the top directory. If do not have a copy of |
| these files, you can request them from any member of the DEU team, or by |
| mail: Raphael Quinet, Rue des Martyrs 9, B-4550 Nandrin (Belgium). |
| |
| This program comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risks! |
Project WinDEU
DEU team
Jul-Dec 1994, Jan-Mar 1995
FILE: wstructs.h
#ifndef __wstructs_h
#define __wstructs_h
#ifndef __common_h
#include "common.h"
#ifndef __windeu_h
#include "windeu.h"
this data structure contains the information about the THINGS
struct Thing
SHORT xpos; /* x position */
SHORT ypos; /* y position */
SHORT angle; /* facing angle */
SHORT type; /* thing type */
SHORT when; /* appears when? */
typedef struct Thing HUGE *TPtr;
this data structure contains the information about the LINEDEFS
struct LineDef
SHORT start; /* from this vertex ... */
SHORT end; /* ... to this vertex */
SHORT flags; /* see NAMES.C for more info */
SHORT type; /* see NAMES.C for more info */
SHORT tag; /* crossing this linedef activates the sector with the same tag */
SHORT sidedef1; /* sidedef */
SHORT sidedef2; /* only if this line adjoins 2 sectors */
typedef struct LineDef HUGE *LDPtr;
this data structure contains the information about the SIDEDEFS
struct SideDef
SHORT xoff; /* X offset for texture */
SHORT yoff; /* Y offset for texture */
char tex1[8]; /* texture name for the part above */
char tex2[8]; /* texture name for the part below */
char tex3[8]; /* texture name for the regular part */
SHORT sector; /* adjacent sector */
typedef struct SideDef HUGE *SDPtr;
this data structure contains the information about the VERTEXES
struct Vertex
SHORT x; /* X coordinate */
SHORT y; /* Y coordinate */
typedef struct Vertex HUGE *VPtr;
this data structure contains the information about the SEGS
typedef struct Seg HUGE *SEPtr;
struct Seg
SEPtr next; /* next Seg in list */
SHORT start; /* from this vertex ... */
SHORT end; /* ... to this vertex */
USHORT angle; /* angle (0 = east, 16384 = north, ...) */
SHORT linedef; /* linedef that this seg goes along*/
SHORT flip; /* true if not the same direction as linedef */
USHORT dist; /* distance from starting point */
this data structure contains the information about the SSECTORS
typedef struct SSector HUGE *SSPtr;
struct SSector
SSPtr next; /* next Sub-Sector in list */
SHORT num; /* number of Segs in this Sub-Sector */
SHORT first; /* first Seg */
this data structure contains the information about the NODES
typedef struct Node HUGE *NPtr;
struct Node
SHORT x, y; // starting point
SHORT dx, dy; // offset to ending point
SHORT miny1, maxy1, minx1, maxx1;// bounding rectangle 1
SHORT miny2, maxy2, minx2, maxx2;// bounding rectangle 2
SHORT child1, child2; // Node or SSector (if high bit is set)
NPtr node1, node2; // pointer if the child is a Node
SHORT num; // number given to this Node
this data structure contains the information about the SECTORS
struct Sector
SHORT floorh; /* floor height */
SHORT ceilh; /* ceiling height */
char floort[8]; /* floor texture */
char ceilt[8]; /* ceiling texture */
SHORT light; /* light level (0-255) */
SHORT special; /* special behaviour (0 = normal, 9 = secret, ...) */
SHORT tag; /* sector activated by a linedef with the same tag */
typedef struct Sector HUGE *SPtr;
/* end of file */