PC Spiel 1996 July
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^m╒════════════════╤══════╡^t Protocol options ^m╞╕
│^r Internal ^m│ │
│ ^bE^nxternal ^m│ │
│ ^bD^nefault ^m│ ^hZmodem ^m│
│ ^bA^nllow auto ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
Where to put the cursor as the default when pressing Page-Up or Page-Down.
^hAllow auto^n
Global switch for allowing auto-download for all protocols.
^hInternal protocols^n
^m╒═════════════════════╤╡^t Internal protocols ^m╞╕
│ ^bE^nnable protocols ^m│ │
│^r CPS adjust ^m│ ^h5 ^n% ^m│
│ ^bH^nangup after time ^m│ ^h10 ^m│
│ ^nH^ba^nngup default ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ │ │
│ ^nZmodem/ZedZap: ^m│ │
│ ^nA^bl^nlow CRC-32 ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nAll^bo^nw recovery ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nChec^bk^n file date ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^bT^nouch file ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^bI^nncrease filename ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nAl^bw^nays overwrite ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^bZ^nmodem signature ^m│ ^hrz..** ^m│
│ ^nA^bu^nto upload ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ │ │
│ ^nA^bS^nCII send/receive ^m│ │
^hEnable protocols^n
^m╒═════════════════════════╤═════╡^t Enable/disable protocols ^m╞╕
│ ^b■ ^hZ ^nZmodem ^m│ ^nThe most used protocol ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hP ^nZedZap ^m│ ^nZmodem 8k for 2 Terminates ^m│
│ ^b■ ^rA^n ^nAscii ^m│ ^nText files ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hX ^nXmodem ^m│ ^nNot good, last choice ^m│
│ ^b■ ^h1 ^nXmodem 1k ^m│ ^nNot good, last choice ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hE ^nXmodem 1k-G ^m│ ^nFast, but not good ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hY ^nYmodem Batch ^m│ ^nOk, but Zmodem is better ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hG ^nYmodem-G ^m│ ^nNo correction, only with MNP ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hK ^nKermit ^m│ ^nHost/Server/Unix ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hC ^nCIS Quick B+ ^m│ ^nCompuServe ^m│
Press SPACE to toggle use, if you disable some of these protocols,
then they will also be disabled in the hostmode. Press RETURN to change
the hotkey.
^hCPS adjust^n
If you think your CPS rate is a little wrong you can adjust the values by
telling what percentage Terminate should add. Many external protocols
will claim that they get a much higher CPS rate than possible or use
other expressions like 'throughput', 'speed' etc. and then people will
think that their protocol is much faster. Don't be fooled, Zmodem is
still one of the fastest, and it is normally not worth the work to setup
an external protocol, unless it is a full duplex protocol like BiModem,
HSLink, Janus or HydraCom, which transfers files both ways at the same
time. Remember even if an external protocol gives you 1-2% faster
transfers that time will be lost just by swapping out memory and calling
the protocol.
^hHangup after time^n
When using the internal protocols you can toggle if you want to hangup
right after the transfer. This option allows you to choose how many
seconds to wait before hanging up.
^hHangup default^n
When transferring files, which value should be used as default.
If Yes, then Terminate will try to hangup after every transfer. You
can also change this value while transfering files by pressing 'H',
only available with internal protocols. If Yes then after a download
with an external protocol, Terminate will countdown and hangup if
not aborted. Please remember that you should only hangup after a
transfer if you are allowed by the sysop. A lot of sysops do not
like this, so please ask him/her first.
Zmodem is the most used protocol in the world now, it has many special
features and allows you to control a few things.
When auto-downloading with ZedZap 8k, instead of Zmodem, the other
end must send a 'ZAP' before the normal Zmodem string, then Terminate
will start up ZedZap instead. This is currently only supported by
the internal hostmode in Terminate.
^hAllow CRC-32^n
CRC means 'cyclic redundancy check' and is for checking if a block
received or sent was error free. A very few, old Zmodems might only
support CRC-16 check, which is less secure than the CRC-32 check.
You should only turn this off in very rare cases.
^hAllow recovery^n
If a file transfer is aborted, you can resume the transfer where you left
off if this feature is enabled.
^hCheck file date^n
When resuming a transfer, Terminate will test to see if the filesize is
the same this time, but you can also set Terminate to test the file date
/ time. (In this case, Touch File should not be enabled.)
^hTouch file^n
Zmodem will also transfer the original file date/time stamp. If you
enable this option, all files received will be touched with the current
^hIncrease filename^n
If the file already exists and Terminate decides not to recover the
file, Terminate will increment the filename like this:
If DANBBS.AR1 exits Terminate will keep on incrementing, first 1..9, then
A..Z, then abort.
^hAlways overwrite^n
With this option Terminate does not check if the file already exists and
simply overwrites the existing file.
^hZmodem signature^n
In terminal mode Terminate will scan for this string if autodownload is
enabled. When Terminate gets this string Zmodem download will start.
On some systems you need to shorten this string into: 'rz'+#13 , but
normally you should not change this.
^hAuto upload^n
When a '**'#24'B01' is received then Terminate will assume an upload is
wanted and enter the protocol selection menu.
^hASCII send/receive^n
^m╒═══════════════════════════════╡^t ASCII transfer ^m╞╕
│ ^nSettings for Receive/view and Send/view ^m│
│ ^m│
│ ^bS^ntrip high bit ^hOff ^m│
│ ^bR^nemote abort char ^h24 ^n(ASCII) ^m│
│ │
│ ^n─ Send ─ ^m│
│ │
│ ^nLocal echo ^hOn ^m│
│^r Blank line -=> 1 Space ^n ^hOn ^m│
│ ^nL^bi^nne pacing ^h0 ^n(1/10 seconds) ^m│
│ ^nC^bh^naracter pacing ^h0 ^n(1/10 seconds) ^m│
│ ^nCR ^bt^nranslation ^hNone ^m│
│ ^nL^bF^n translation ^hNone ^m│
│ │
│ ^n─ Receive ─ ^m│
│ │
│ ^nCR tr^ba^nnslation ^hNone ^m│
│ ^nLF tra^bn^nslation ^hNone ^m│
│ │
^hStrip high bit^n
Strip away characters with ascii values above 127.
^hRemote abort char^n
If this option is not #0 then the remote can abort the transfer by
sending this character (normally #24 (Ctrl-X) is used).
^hLocal echo^n
When transferring a file, this allows you to see what it is you are
^hBlank line -=> 1 Space^n
Some BBS editors will abort on blank lines, so this option will
take blank lines and turn them into a single space.
#13#10 -=> #20#13#10 = Blank, carriage return (CR), linefeed (LF)
^hLine pacing^n
How many 1/10 second to wait between each line. Some BBS editors are not
fast enough to accept all the characters if you just send a lot of lines
without a pause.
^hCharacter pacing^n
If you want it to be real slow, you can also make a pause between each
character - but this is slow and is not advised.
^hCR translation^n ^hLF translation^n
When sending or receiving carriage returns and linefeeds you can change
or strip them with this option. This is only used in special cases and
should not normally be changed.
A CR can be either stripped or changed into either a LF or CR+LF.
Same goes for a LF.
^hExternal protocols^n
^m╒══════════╡^t External protocols ^m╞╕
│ ^b■ ^hPuma/Mpt ^m│
│^r ■ BiModem ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hHSlink ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hSuper Zmodem ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hLynx ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hCMP - Chatmanager ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hJmodem ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hZmodem external ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hZmodem GIFLINK ^m│
│ ^b■ ^hFax receive ^m│
│ ^hFree slot ^m│
│ ^hFree slot ^m│
External protocols are often used by experienced comms. users.
Transferring files has become some kind of artform, where everybody tries
to outdo each other. The internal Zmodem is often the preferred protocol,
since otherwise it can sometimes be impossible to keep track of how many
files have been downloaded. Especially on networks or in multitasking
environments, where several people have access to the download directory.
Terminate calculates the bytes downloaded by first checking the download
directory size before and after the protocol has been called. Then the
CPS rate is calculated based upon the time from leaving Terminate until
back in Terminate again. If you are in a multitasking environment, please
do not delete or change any files in the download directory while an
external transfer is in progress. I have set up all the most popular
protocols and a lot of people have tested the settings, but there can be
many, many problems setting up an external protocol if you haven't tried
it before. Don't believe that the actual CPS rate that external protocols
claim to achieve is always correct, there are some limitations that are
impossible to exceed and still some protocols claim to be better than
is physically possible. Another reason for using an external protocol is
that it offers some special things that are not included in the terminal
package, like the BiModem/HSLink which are full duplex protocols (that
means you can transfer files both ways at the same time and even chat).
These are high-tech protocols and impossible to implement in a terminal
program because the specifications are not released. Well, if you are a
newcomer, there will be a while before you will need these.
^m╒═══════════════════╤═══════════════════════════════════╡^t Change protocol ^m╞╕
│^r Protocol name ^m│ ^hZmodem external ^m│
│ ^bI^nnformation ^m│ ^hThe immortal protocol ^m│
│ ^n[P^ba^nth]+Filename ^m│ ^hGSZ.EXE ^m│
│ ^nA^bs^nk at downloads ^m│ ^hNo ^m│
│ ^nC^bh^nange to UL dir ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^bC^nhange to DL dir ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^bB^natch ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nH^bo^ntkey ^m│ ^hZ ^m│
│ │ ^n!P=COM1-8 !C=COM0-7 !0=DownPath !E=NoShell !@=lstfile^m│
│ │ ^n!M=Swap !W=Wait !B=Baud! L=Link !I=Irq !A=Addr !H=Hex^m│
│ ^bU^npload parameters ^m│ ^hhandshake on port !P speed !B sz ^m│
│ ^bD^nownload param. ^m│ ^hhandshake on port !P speed !B pB4096 rz -Z -m -rr ^m│
│ ^nAu^bt^no-download ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nSi^bg^nnature ^m│ ^hrz.**. ^m│
│ ^nSig^bn^nature hex ^m│ ^h727A0D2A2A180000000000000000000000000000 ^m│
│ ^nIf [Path] not is used, protocol path will be used instead. ^m│
│ ^nA signature is the chars that the sending protocol is sending to start. ^m│
│ ^nZmodem looks almost like this: rz**B0000000000 You can monitor a new ^m│
│ ^nprotocol with the ASCII download (PgDn,A), and then convert the bytes to ^m│
│ ^nhex. Just a small part of the signature (5-10 chars at most) is needed ^m│
│ ^ndepending on how redundant it is. All 00 at the end are ignored. ^m│
^hProtocol name^n
The name that is presented in the menus.
Any information you would like to see in the menus.
Filename of the protocol. If no path is supplied then the protocol
directory will be used.
^hAsk at downloads^n
Ask the filename, should only be used with non-batch protocols.
^hChange to UL dir^n
Before starting the external protocol, change to upload directory.
Some external protocols are limited to not allow the upload directory
in unregistered versions.
^hChange to DL dir^n
If you change to the download directory, then you will normally not
have to enter a path on the command line, because the external protocol
will then use the current directory.
Batch protocol means that it can transfer several files after each
other. Protocols like Zmodem, Bimodem, Hslink and Ymodem Batch are batch
protocols while Xmodem is a not.
Which key should activate this protocol in the protocol menu.
^hUpload parameters / Download param.^n
When using an external protocol you will need to send some parameters
to the program, to tell the program the port, baudrate and other
information it might need.
^b!P^n Replace !P with port-number. If you are using COM2 then !P
will be replaced with a '2'.
^b!C^n Same as above but some protocols use port 0..7 instead of 1..8
If you are using COM2 then !P will be replaced with a '1'.
^b!B^n Replace !B with baudrate.
^b!L^n Replace !L with connect baud rate.
^b!0^n Replace !0 with downloadpath, example: C:\TERMINAT\DOWNLOAD\
^b!M^n Swap Terminate out to memory or disk first, try first without
this parameter and see if you have enough memory to run it without
swapping. This will speed up the start of the protocol.
^b!W^n Wait for return before returning to Terminate.
You can use this for testing the protocol, if the protocol
gives you some kind of error message and the screen clears too
fast to see it.
^b!E^n Do not use a second COMMAND.COM, call directly.
If you use this parameter then you must give the complete
path+filename+ext, like: C:\PROTOCOL\HSLINK.EXE !E !M
^b!I^n Replace with current comport IRQ.
^b!A^n Replace with current hardware port address of comport.
^b!H^n Replace with current hardware port (Hex)
^b!@^n When uploading many files you will have a problem using
external protocols, since your maximum command line is 255 characters
and sometimes even less, fortunately some protocols allow you to
give a file containing the files to upload. This is a normal
text-file with one full path+filename on each line. A command line
will save all the filenames in the text file UPLOAD.LST and start
the protocol with:
Note that the Terminate command !@ will be removed and the
Terminate path inserted if no full path is given on the command
line. With internal protocols you never use this.
Test for incoming signature and try to start the protocol without
having to press PageDown and select the protocol manually.
^hSignature^n ^hSignature hex^n
You can either edit the signature as a string and enter special
characters with the Alt-A function or you can enter the signature
in hexnumbers. Look at all the default external protocols for
more examples.
^hTransfering files^n
^m╒═════════════════════════════╤══════════════════════════╤╡^t File transfer ^m╞╕
│ ^nProtocol ^m ^hZedZap ^m│ ^nTotal errors ^m │ │
│ ^nCheck/size ^m ^hCrc32/8192 ^m│ ^nTotal blocks ^m ^h 444 ^m│ ^nRequest file ^m│
│ ^nFile name ^m ^hDANBBS.ARJ ^m│ ^nBlocks rcvd ^m ^h 12 ^m│ ^nStart file ^m│
│ ^nFile size ^m ^h3635942 ^m│ ^nBlocks left ^m ^h 432 ^m│ ^nSynchronize ^m│
│ ^nBytes rcvd ^m ^h98304 ^m│ ^nTotal kr ^m ^h0,98 ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nBytes left ^m ^h3537638 ^m│ ^nCosts kr ^m ^h0,02 ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
├─────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nThroughput ^m ^h 15012 CPS ^m│ ^nEstimated time ^m ^h 4.05 ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nEfficiency ^m ^h 234% ^m│ ^nElapsed time ^m ^h 0.07 ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nDiskspace ^m ^h 873.673.728 ^m│ ^nRemaining time ^m ^h 3.58 ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
├──────────┬──────────────────┴──────────────────────────┤ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nProgress ^m│^h 2% █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nConnect ^m│^h CONNECT 64000/ARQ/X75/0700 ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nStatus ^m│^h Ok ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nLog ^m│ ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^bP^nath ^m│^h DOWNLOAD\ ^m│ ^nReceived block ^m│
│ ^nDevice ^m│^h Fossil ^m│ ^m│
├──────────┼───────────────────┬─────────────────────────┤ ^m│
│ ^bI^nnfo ^m│ ^nRTS write ^hOff ^m│ ^nISDN B-channels 1 (cFos)^m│ │
│ ^bH^nangup ^hN ^m│ ^nHardflow ^hOff ^m│ ^n. Add ^m│ │
│ ^bS^nkip ^m│ ^nSoftflow ^hOff ^m│ ^n. Remove ^m│ │
^t DAN BBS ISDN │ COM2: 64000·8N1 FX │ Avatar/ANSI │L │kr 0,02 ^n
This is the transfer window which is used while transfering files from or
to your system. Most of the information is quite obvious, but some entries
need an explanation.
^hTotal / Costs^n
If you are using the cost system in Terminate here you will be able to
see how much the file will cost to send for you or the remote site.
You can also see in the status line what the total is for this call.
^hDisk space^n
Terminate will only test diskspace before each file and calculate the
remaining disk space. Since most files you receive will be compressed
you must have as much space as the size of the file you are about to
receive, even when you are using compressed drives, like Stacker,
DoubleDos or Novell DOS. If you are running out of disk space,
you have 20 seconds to abort hangup. If you still are online you will
be asked to enter a new download directory, which can also be created
here, then the transfer will be continued.
Will give you a moving bar when the transfer is in progress. In this
way you will know if your computer hangs.
When you are receiving several files you can change the download path.
When you change this path, then the next file(s) will be saved in
the new directory.
Pressing ^bH^n will toggle hangup after transfer. This can be used if
you are leaving the house and have a big download or upload in progress.
When the transfer is finished then a window will appear and you will
have 10 seconds to abort the hangup.
^hSkip rest of file^n
When downloading several files with Zmodem, you can sometimes skip
the current file and proceed with the next one. Not all Zmodem protocols
will accept this skip command, so if it does not work you should
abort the transfer and select the files again, without the unwanted file.
S will activate the skip function in Zmodem/ZedZap.
^hRTS low while writing^n
Request-to-send can be set low if your system gets too many CRC-errors.
Setting this line low, means that the modem will not accept anything
from the other modem, and it can then save without also having to
receive bytes in the receive buffer at the same time.
The Auto-RTS function in Terminate will allow you to setup how many
errors you will accept before enabling. If triggered you will see the
word 'AutoOn' instead of 'Off'. For more information look in the
communications setup menu.
^hISDN channel bundling^n
While you are downloading or uploading files you can add additional
B-channels by pressing cursor up/down. This is however only available
if your fossil driver supports it and is installed to bundle
channels. The other end must also support channel bundling. Currently
these functions are only supported by cFos. Using ISDN datalines are
now quite normal in Europe (Euro-ISDN) and can give you much higher
CPS rates than any modem can ever achieve. A single B-channel which
normally costs the same as a normal call will give you CPS rates from
7500-8000 CPS per channel or in other words 500k per minute. To
increase speed further you can increase the number of B-channels
while you are still online. With cFos it is possible to reach 15800
CPS with 2 B-channels, 22500 CPS with 3 B-channels and more than
30000 CPS with 4 B-channels or in other words 2 megabyte per minute.
An ISDN2 line has as standard 2 B-channels which can give 15800 CPS
depending on how fast your machine is. Of course you pay extra per
channel, but if you have 100 megabyte, it is actually possible to get
them to a fast machine in around 1 hour.
^hBatch upload^n PgUp,Alt-B
To prepare a list of files to upload before calling a system, use this
function. Remember that it will only work with protocols like Zmodem
that are capable of sending several files at the same time.
The list of files to be uploaded will be stored in the utility directory
^bSpace^n Tag/untag file
^bE^n Edit line manually
^bInsert^n Insert line
^bDelete^n Delete line
^bF^n Filemanager selects a file and inserts name on this line
^bReturn^n Upload file under menubar
^bU^n Upload all tagged files
^bA^n Upload all files
^b*^n Invert tags
^b+^n Tag all
^b-^n Untag all