PC Spiel 1996 July
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^hPreScription, The Terminate Programming Language^n
Terminate has an extended script programming language. It is not only
designed for logging onto a system and downloading a mail package, it
has been designed with a wider view in mind.
As usual Terminate throws up the ball and gives you loads of options,
however if you want additional commands you cannot write yourself, then
just contact us and we will try to include your suggestions.
If you have never done any programming before it might be a little
difficult to start out without prober guidance, however we have included
various simple examples which will help you get started more easily.
If you do not know what programming means, perhaps learning this simple,
but yet powerful language can get you hook on the idea. You will not need
this language unless you have special needs that Terminate cannot solve.
BUT please be aware when you start programming. Anything is possible.
That means that any possible error is also possible, and as Murphy's
law describes, if anything can go wrong it will go wrong. So please do
not blame us if something does goes wrong.
^hWhat can a script do for me ?^n
A script can do many things. First of all it can automate some of your
daily needs. Many would use a script language for getting onto a system
and uploading and downloading mail packages or perhaps to check if there
is a new filelist and download it. There are really many more things
you can do easily.
^hCompiling scripts^n
Before running a script Terminate will automatically detect if it has
been compiled and will compile it if necessary. The source code is in
files with the extension .TSL and the compiled ready to run script is
the .TSC file. It is possible to run .TSC files without having the
source code. Just access the Alt-G script menu or call Terminate with
the command line /SCRIPT:script to start a script.
^hInclude files^n
The Include command enables you to put certain functions into smaller
files or libraries if you like. Just remember that the entire contents
are put into the finished compiled script.
Will include the source code library called SCREEN.INC.
^hLanguage syntax^n
You can enter all commands or system variables in both upper, lower or
mixed case. PRS will upper case everything while compiling, which means
you could both enter the command "Print" or "PRINT".
PRS will only keep the case of strings inside the " signs.
WriteStr x,1, "Hello" would be translated to WRITESTR X,1,"Hello"
If you make an error somewhere in your code you will be told at which
line the error occurred. However runtime errors will only be shown
at the time the error occurs. For example division by zero will
make your program abort.
^hComment lines^n
Comment lines are used to make the source code more easily understood
the next time you or somebody else have to add or change something.
You could almost say the more comment lines the better, since they are
not compiled into the finished module and therefore do not take up
any memory. A comment can either be the only thing on the line or after
a command and must start with a % sign.
% This is a comment line only.
Set Turbo = "ON" % Everything after here is comments.
As a special compiler command you can use the "Comment". In this way
you can insert comments that can later be retrieved.
To insert your own copyright lines you could do:
Comment "The Terminate PreScription demonstration script"
Comment "This script is (Freeware) 1995 by Bo Bendtsen"
You can use 5 Comment lines each of 50 characters.
^hProgram structure^n
A program consists of functions and variables. You can have as many
functions as you like and in any order you like. Making a structured
program can increase speed and make it easier to change. You do not need
to have functions or variables, you can simply use commands that are
built in. You can start immediately without any definitions or strange
syntaxes. One of the smallest scripts you can make could be one single
line like this:
Print "Hello world"
A simple programming language first of all needs variables. A variable is
like variable X and Y you perhaps learned about in school. It simply means
a given identifier can be assigned a value. With PreScription hereafter
always mentioned as "PRS" you have two kinds of variables called numbers
and strings.
The limit on variables is 16000 but you will probably never need that
many or you will run out of memory first and it is always considered
best to use as few variables as possible.
All variables are global variables which can be accessed from all parts
of the script. The syntax of a variable name is simple. It must begin
with a letter from A to Z and then can be followed by A-Z,0-9,_.
Valid names: Apple Computer X X49 Cool_5_dude
Invalid names: 25XX *Hello* _NotMe
PRS uses something called floating point numbers. These numbers are
limited to 2.9e-39..1.7e38 which are very very large numbers, so you
should never be concerned about using too many decimals.
Please note that all decimal number must use dot (.) and not comma (,)
The numbers are used for storing information and for calculating,
here are a few examples that might help you understand better.
Identifier Value
| |
Set Apples = 5
The variable called Apples now has the value 5. If someone eats one of
the apples you can calculate:
Set Apples = Apples - 1
You now have 4 apples.
Another example to calculate how much discount you got on your new modem
Set NewModem = 495
Set Discount = 0.15
Set NewModem = NewModem * Discount
The result in NewModem would now be 74.25
Strings are characters after each other and could look like this:
"This is a string"
The " signs are to tell PRS when the string starts and stops.
A string can be up to 255 characters long and can have any value from
ASCII 0 to ASCII 255.
Some examples:
Set Part1 = "A Terminate "
Set Part2 = "a day keeps the doctor away"
Set Joke = Part1 + Part2
To manipulate the strings there are many commands described later in
this document, please look at the examples and see how some of them
^hExpressions and operators^n
An expression is made out of operators and constants or variables.
An expression could look like this:
80186 + (301 - 1)
Carrier = "ON"
28800 / 2400 * 12
X = 500 < Y
The operators PRS understands:
+ Addition < Less than
- Subtraction > Greater than
* Multiplication = Equal to
/ Division <> Not equal to
\ Mod (remainder) <= Less than or equal to
^ Power >= Greater than or equal to
& And
| Or
! Not
The various operators have different priorities in order to determine
which ones to process first.
Unary operators !
Multiplying operators * \ / & ^
Adding operators + - |
Relational operators = <> < > <= >=
If you want different priorities just use the parentheses ()
20 - 2 * 5 = 10 * is higher than -
(20 - 2) * 5 = 90 () is higher than any operator.
^hUser defined functions^n
Creating your own functions is useful when you do the same thing over
and over again or simply want a more structured program.
A function is completely user defined and can contain either built-in
commands or calls to other functions you have made.
Function CountTo100()
Set X=1
GotoXY 1,1
Print x
Set X=X+1
Until X>100
This simple function does nothing other than count to 100 on the top left
corner of your screen. You call the function by entering
To send variables to a function you need to include the variable name
in the parentheses () like this:
Function CountMore(HowMany)
Set X=1
GotoXY 1,1
Print x
Set X=X+1
Until X>HowMany
Now you can count to as many as you like. Enter:
And the function will count to 50.
The harder part with understanding functions is to see how it can
be used to return results. Here is an easy example.
Function HappyHour(Drinks)
Set ExtraDrinks = Drinks * 2
EndFunc ExtraDrinks
To call the function you need to display or store the return value.
To display you could:
PrintLn "Normal hours I get ",5," drinks"
PrintLn "When it is happy hour I get ",HappyHour(5)," drinks"
If you want to store the result in another variable use the following:
Set DrinkResult = HappyHour(5)
A function can also return a value directly. Whatever is on the
EndFunc line will be returned as the result.
Function names follow the same rules as variable names and must at
least end with () if no parameter is used.
IMPORTANT: A function must be defined before it is called.
PRS supports many basic statements which will be explained below.
^hIf Else Endif^n
The If statement is used for evaluating an expression. You can use
it for testing if certain variables have a certain value like this:
Set Apples = 6
If Apples > 5
Print "Plenty left"
Since Apples is 6 you will see Plenty left printed on the screen. If
you set Apples = 5 or less then everything will be skipped until the
An If statement must always end with an Endif command, which tells PRS
that the statement stops here.
The Else statement means what it says. If the If statement is false the
Else statement will be used.
Set Apples = 4
If Apples > 5
Print "Plenty left"
Print "Please buy more"
Now Apples is 4 which makes the If statement false and you will see
Please buy more on your screen.
^hGoto Labels^n
The Goto command is used to jump to other locations in your script.
You will need to define a label which uses the following format
The label follow the same rules as variable names and must start with
a colon :
Some examples:
The Goto command syntax: Goto LabelName
PrintLn "Start"
Goto JumpJump
PrintLn "NeverMe"
PrintLn "Finished"
PrintLn "NeverMe" will then be skipped.
Goto command should be avoided as much as possible since it creates
unstructured programs. Only use for simple small programs.
^hGosub Labels Return^n
Gosub commands are almost the same as Functions except that you
cannot send any variables or get any results back. It simply carries
out a single task and returns to the previous location. If,for
example, you have a menu you want to display from several places in
your script using the Gosub command could save you having the same
menu twice. However it is recommended to use functions which are
more flexible. The Return command tells PRS to return to the next
line following the Gosub.
Goto Main
PrintLn "Start"
PrintLn "NeverMe"
Gosub Menu
Loop statements are using for repeating the same commands a variable
number of times, until something is true or something is false.
^hFor Next^n
For is used for performing the same commands a defined number of times.
For has 4 parameters that have to be given.
For Variable,Start,End,Increase
The variable is a normal variable.
Start is the starting value.
End is the ending value
Increase is the value to be increased after every Next command.
When Counter is equal to the ending value the script will proceed.
For Counter,1,10,1
PrintLn Counter
Will display the numbers 1 - 10
For Counter,10,1,-1
PrintLn Counter
Will display the numbers 10 - 1
^hWhile EndWhile^n
This loop continues until the statement is false. In other words
while the statement is true all commands until the EndWhile will
be executed.
Set Counter = 10
While Counter <= 20
PrintLn Counter
Set Counter = Counter + 1
This will print out the numbers 10-20
^hRepeat Until^n
Repeat is much like While except that Repeat continues until the
statement is true.
Set Counter = 20
PrintLn Counter
Set Counter = Counter - 1
Until Counter < 10
This will also print out the numbers 20-10
^hStopping a script SHIFT-ESC, K^n
If your script goes into an endless loop, you can force or at least
try to stop it by first pressing Shift-Esc and then K for Kill.
^hBuilt-in commands and functions^n
In addition to your own variables you can use and change certain
pre-defined variables. A system function can, for example, tell you
how much memory you have left (FREEMEM). A system variable could be
ATTR which holds the current color attribute and which you can change
as you like. A command is just like a system function except that it
does not return anything.
In the following section of the manual you will find 3 things:
System commands = Executes a command only, no value returned (Command)
System functions = Executes command and returns value (Function)
System variables = Like a normal variable which can be changed (Variable)
Please note that all system variables are changed for the entire Terminate,
so be careful and if you change something, remember to set it back to the
original value afterwards. Please note the () which will be mentioned
for each description.
^hScreen, sound handling^n
^hAttr^n (Variable)
Purpose: Current screen color attribute byte. Use the T-COLOR.EXE or the
color selector inside Terminate to find the colors you need.
Returns: 0-255
Example: Set Attr = 14 Set screen attribute to yellow
Set Color = Attr Save the current attribute in variable
^hAttrBlock^n (Command)
Purpose: Fills an area on the screen with a certain attribute
Syntax : AttrBlock x1,y1,x2,y2,attribute
Example: AttrBlock 1,2,70,20,10
Fill area (1,2)-(70,20) with color attribute light green
^hBox^n (Command)
Purpose: Make a textbox on the screen using boxtypes and attributes
Syntax : Box x1,y1,x2,y2,attribute,boxtype
boxtype: 0=Blank, 1=Single, 2=Double, 3=Double top+single side,
4=Double side+single top, 5=* and -|, 6=Single top only,
7=Double top only
Example: Box 1,1,80,25,23,1
Draw a box on the screen using single boxes and gray on blue.
Notes : Attribute is same format as the Attr variable
^hCharBlock^n (Command)
Purpose: Draws a block of the same character using default attribute
Syntax : CharBlock x1,y1,x2,y2,character
Example: CharBlock 1,1,80,25,"*"
Fills the entire screen with the * character
^hClearScreen^n (Command)
Purpose: Clears the entire screen, using the current attribute
Syntax : ClearScreen
^hCursor^n (Command)
Purpose: Cursor control
Syntax : Cursor cursortype
cursortype: 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Max
Example: Cursor 0 Turns cursor off
^hFillBlock^n (Command)
Purpose: Fill an area on the screen, with an attribute and a character
Syntax : FillBlock x1,y1,x2,y2,attribute,character
Example: FillBlock 2,2,79,24,3,"#"
Fills the area (2,2)-(79,24) with # in the cyan color
^hGetAttrXY^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns attribute byte from screen on location x,y
Syntax : GetAttrXY(x,y)
Example: Set SaveColor = GetAttrXY 79,5
Sets SaveColor to the color of 79,5 on the screen
^hGetCharXY^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns the character from screen on location x,y
Syntax : GetCharXY(x,y)
Example: Set SaveChar = GetCharXY 1,1
Sets SaveChar to the character of position 1,1 on the screen
^hGotoXY^n (Command)
Purpose: Move cursor to location x,y
Syntax : GotoXY x,y
Example: GotoXY 40,12
Goto the middle of the screen
^hInWindow^n (Variable)
Purpose: Use Window offset for certain screen commands
Returns: 0 or 1
Example: Set InWindow=0
Current window offset not used
Set InWindow=1
Current window offset used
Does not work for Print, PrintLn, GotoXY
^hMouse^n (Command)
Purpose: Turn on/off the mouse
Syntax : Mouse action
action: 0=Off, 1=On
Example: Mouse 1
Turns on mouse
^hMouseDetected^n (Functions)
Purpose: Report if a mouse driver was detected
Syntax : MouseDetected
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes
Example: If MouseDetected=1
^hMouseGotoXY^n (Command)
Purpose: Sets mouse to X,Y on the screen
Syntax : MouseGotoXY x,y
Example: MouseGotoXY 1,1
Move mouse to top left corner
^hMouseLeft^n (Functions)
Purpose: Report if the left button was pressed
Syntax : MouseLeft
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes
Example: If MouseLeft=1
^hMouseRight^n (Functions)
Purpose: Report if the right button was pressed
Syntax : MouseRight
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes
Example: If MouseRight=1
^hMouseWindow^n (Command)
Purpose: Sets coordinates where mouse is visible
Syntax : MouseWindow x1,y1,x2,y2
Example: MouseWindow 5,10,15,70
Force mouse to be inside (5,10)-(15,70)
^hMouseX^n (Functions)
Purpose: Report the X position of the mouse
Returns: MouseX
Example: If MouseX<10
^hMouseY^n (Functions)
Purpose: Report the Y position of the mouse
Syntax : MouseY
Example: If MouseY>=25
^hNoSound^n (Command)
Purpose: Turn off sound soundcard or internal speaker
Syntax : NoSound
^hPrint^n (Command)
Purpose: Display a string on the screen at current cursor position
Syntax : Print expression
Example: Print "Hello world"
Displays hello on the screen
Print 25*10
Calculates result 250 and displays on screen
^hPrintLn^n (Command)
Purpose: Display a string on the screen and press enter
Syntax : PrintLn expression
Example: Same command as Print except that CR+LF is added to string
^hRemoveWindow^n (Command)
Purpose: Remove a window that was set by the Window command
Syntax : RemoveWindow
Removes top window from screen
^hScrCol^n (Variable)
Purpose: Holds the number of columns on the screen (80)
Returns: 40-132
Example: Print ScrCol
Displays the current number of columns on screen
^hScrLen^n (Variable)
Purpose: Holds the number of lines on the screen (25)
Returns: 25-60
Example: Print ScrLen
Displays the current number of lines on screen
^hScroll^n (Command)
Purpose: Scroll a region of the screen
Syntax : Scroll direction,x1,y1,x2,y2,positions,attribute
direction: 0=Clear, 1=uP, 2=DOWN, 3=LEFT, 4=RIGHT a=attribute }
positions are number of columns or lines to scroll
attribute is the attribute to use in the cleared area
Example: Scroll 4,1,1,30,5,2,7
Scroll (1,1)-(30,5) to columns to the right, clear with gray
^hSelectBar^n (Function)
Purpose: The menubar selector option used in most menus in Terminate
Syntax : Selectbar(y,ylen,start,attr,barx1,barx2,bartxty)
Returns: 0-25
Example: Set x=SelectBar(1,3,x,113,1,20,0)
Menubar starts at in the top corner of the active window or
screen and is 3 lines long, starting on menuline x. Menubar
is color 113 and is visible from columns 1-20. No bartext is
available. Returns selection in x. 0=Esc pressed.
Notes : SetBarTxt can be used to define helplines, set bartxty to
the line where you want it, ScrLen is normal, 0=disable
^hSetAttr^n (Command)
Purpose: Sets the current color attribute
Syntax : SetAttr attribute
Example: SetAttr 9
Set color to light blue
^hSetBarTxt^n (Command)
Purpose: Sets helplines for SelectBar
Syntax : SetBarTxt num,string
Example: SetBarTxt 1,"This is helpline 1"
When selectbar is in menu-position 1 this can be displayed
^hSound^n (Command)
Purpose: Sound a tune using the sound card or internal speaker
Syntax : Sound frequency
Example: Sound 440
Set the sound to the concert pitch
^hWhereX^n (Function)
Purpose: To return the current X position of the cursor
Returns: 1-132
Example: Print WhereX
Displays the current X position of the cursor
^hWhereY^n (Function)
Purpose: To return the current Y position of the cursor
Returns: 1-60
Example: Print WhereX
Displays the current Y position of the cursor
^hWindow^n (Command)
Purpose: Set a window and make it the current window for all functions
Syntax : Window x1,y1,x2,y2,boxtype,shadow,frameattr,txtattr,
boxtype: Same as the box-command
shadow : 0=no-shadow, 1=shadowtype 1, 2=shadowtype 2
Example: Window 10,1,70,10,1,1,30,23,27," Test window "
Sets window at (10,1)-(70,10) using single boxes and shadowtype
1, blue background and various foreground and header as above.
^hWriteAStr^n (Command)
Purpose: Display a string at position x,y and change default color
Syntax : WriteAStr x,y,attribute,expression
Example: WriteAStr 1,1,11,"I am light cyan"
Displays the string at 1,1 in light cyan color
^hWriteAttr^n (Command)
Purpose: Write a single attribute at position x,y
Syntax : WriteAttr x,y,attribute
Example: WriteAttr 1,1,14
Change attribute at 1,1 to yellow
^hWriteChar^n (Command)
Purpose: Write a single character at x,y
Syntax : WriteChar x,y,character
Example: WriteChar 1,1,"X"
Displays X in position 1,1
^hWriteColorStr^n (Command)
Purpose: Display a string with several colors
Syntax : WriteColorStr x,y,expression
Example: WriteColorStr 1,1,"^014 Yellow ^007 Gray"
The ^014 means change to color 14 at this position. It is
the same values as the normal attribute color.
^hWriteStr^n (Command)
Purpose: Display a string at position x,y
Syntax : WriteStr x,y,expression
Example: WriteStr 1,1,"Hello world"
Writes the string at 1,1
^hKeyboard control^n
^hAltPressed^n (Function)
Purpose: Checks if a Alternate is pressed on the keyboard
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes, Alt is being pressed
Example: If AltPressed=1
^hCtrlPressed^n (Function)
Purpose: Checks if a Control is pressed on the keyboard
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes, Ctrl is being pressed
Example: If CtrlPressed=1
^hGetkey^n (Function)
Purpose: Retrieves a key from the keyboard, wait if no key is ready
Returns: 0-65535, value of key
Example: PrintLn(GetKey)
Display the value of the key pressed
^hInput^n (Function)
Purpose: Input a string on screen
Syntax : Input(x,y,length,textattribute,editattribute,string)
Returns: String
Example: Set Result=Input(1,1,40,11,3,"Input string")
Inputs a string at position 1,1 with the length of 40
characters on the colors cyan and light cyan.
^hKey^n (Variable)
Purpose: Hold the last keyboard code
Returns: 0-65535
Example: While Key<>13
While Escape is not pressed run the loop
^hKeyPressed^n (Function)
Purpose: Checks if a key has been pressed on the keyboard
Returns: 0=No key ready, 1=key ready to be read by Getkey
Example: While KeyPressed=0
While no key is pressed run the loop
^hShiftPressed^n (Function)
Purpose: Checks if a Shift is pressed on the keyboard
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes, Shift is being pressed
Example: If ShiftPressed=1
^hWaitEnter^n (Command)
Purpose: Wait until someone presses the ENTER key
Syntax : WaitEnter
^hVariable manipulation^n
^hBlankAfter^n (Function)
Purpose: Add spaces after a string until a specified length is obtained
Example: BlankAfter(string,length)
Returns: String
Example: Print BlankAfter("Test",7)
Displays "Test " on the screen
^hBlankBefore^n (Function)
Purpose: Add spaces before a string until a specified length is obtained
Example: BlankBefore(string,length)
Returns: String
Example: Print BlankBefore("Test",7)
Displays " Test" on the screen
^hChr^n (Function)
Purpose: Converts a number to the ASCII value
Syntax : Chr(number)
Returns: Character #0-#255
Example: Set Val=Chr(200)
^hCopy^n (Function)
Purpose: Copy out part of a string
Example: Copy(string,start,characters)
Returns: String
Example: Print Copy("Test",1,2)
Displays "Te" on the screen
^hDelete^n (Function)
Purpose: Delete part of string
Syntax : Delete(string,index,characters)
Returns: String
Example: Print Delete("Hello",4,2)
Displays "Hel" on screen
^hGrabword^n (Function)
Purpose: Return a single word in a string
Syntax : GrabWord(expression,word-number)
Returns: String
Example: Print GrabWord("Hello World",2)
Displays "World" on screen
^hInteger^n (Function)
Purpose: Cut off all decimals and returner integer
Syntax : Integer(number)
Returns: Integer
Example: Print Integer(1.50)
Prints the number 1
^hLength^n (Function)
Purpose: Return the length of a string
Syntax : Length(string)
Returns: 0-255
Example: Print length("test")
Displays the number 4 on screen
^hNumchars^n (Function)
Purpose: Return a string with a number of the same characters
Syntax : Numchars(character,numbers)
Returns: String
Example: Print Numchars("-",5)
Displays "-----" on screen
^hOrd^n (Function)
Purpose: Converts an ASCII value to ordinary value
Syntax : Ord(number)
Returns: Character #0-#255
Example: Set Val=Ord("A")
^hParameter^n (Function)
Purpose: Return command line parameter when calling script
Syntax : Parameter(number)
Returns: String
Example: Set ComPort=Parameter(1)
^hPos^n (Function)
Purpose: Search for sub-string in string
Syntax : Pos(sub-string,string)
Returns: 0=Not found, 1=255 position found
Example: Print Pos("World","Hello World")
Displays the number 6 on screen
^hRound^n (Function)
Purpose: Round an real number
Syntax : Round(number)
Returns: Integer
Example: Print Round(1.49) Prints the number 1
Print Round(1.50) Prints the number 2
^hSet^n (Command)
Purpose: Assign a value to a variable
Syntax : Set variable name = value
Example: Set Result = 20*10
Set Apples = "Good tasting"
^hStLocase^n (Function)
Purpose: Lowercase a string
Syntax : StLocase(string)
Returns: String
Example: Print LoUpcase("HELLO")
Displays hello on screen
^hStUpcase^n (Function)
Purpose: Uppercase a string
Syntax : StUpcase(string)
Returns: String
Example: Print StUpcase("hello")
Displays HELLO on screen
^hStacks and queues^n
A stack is a First-In-Last-Out buffer, which can be used for saving
variables or values that need to be used later.
A queue is a First-In-First-Out buffer (FIFO) which can be used for
buffering variables.
^hQueueLook^n (Command)
Purpose: Retrieves the latest variable from the queue without popping
Syntax : QueueLook variable
Example: QueueLook Count
Count is set to latest value pushed on queue without popping
^hQueuePop^n (Command)
Purpose: Retrieve the latest variable pushed on the user-queue
Syntax : QueuePop variable
Example: QueuePop Count
Takes the latest pushed value from queue and puts into Count
^hQueuePush^n (Command)
Purpose: Pushes a variable on the user-queue to be retrieved later
Syntax : QueuePush variable
Example: QueuePush Count
Push Count on the user-queue
^hStackLook^n (Command)
Purpose: Retrieves the latest variable from the stack without popping
Syntax : StackLook variable
Example: StackLook Count
Count is set to latest value pushed on stack without popping
^hStackPop^n (Command)
Purpose: Retrieve the latest variable pushed on the user-stack
Syntax : StackPop variable
Example: StackPop Count
Takes the latest pushed value from stack and puts into Count
^hStackPush^n (Command)
Purpose: Pushes a variable on the user-stack to be retrieved later
Syntax : StackPush variable
Example: StackPush Count
Push Count on the user-stack
^hSerial interface handling^n
All commands will return a resultcode in DeviceResult, if 0 the command
was executed succesfully.
^hCarrier^n (Function)
Purpose: Check if the carrier is high
Returns: 0=Carrier low, 1=Carrier high
Example: While Carrier=1
While carrier detect is high run the loop
^hCharsWaiting^n (Function)
Purpose: Get number of chars waiting in input buffer
Returns: 0-65535
Example: Print "Waiting characters ",CharsWaiting
^hCloseCom^n (Command)
Purpose: Close the current device
Syntax : CloseCom
^hClrLastIncoming^n (Command)
Purpose: Clear LastIncoming to 255 #0
Syntax : ClrLastIncoming
^hDeviceResult^n (Variable)
Purpose: The last result code from the device, 0=Ok
Returns: 0-65535
Example: Print "Device result ",DeviceResult
^hDeviceResultStr^n (Function)
Purpose: Return error text of the last result code from the device, 0=Ok
Syntax : DeviceResultStr(Resultcode)
Returns: String
Example: Print "Device result ",DeviceResultStr(DeviceResult)
^hFlushInBuffer^n (Command)
Purpose: Flush the incoming device buffer
Syntax : FlushInBuffer
^hGetBaud^n (Function)
Purpose: Get the current baud rate
Returns: 0-115200
Example: Print "Current baud ",GetBaud
^hGetChar^n (Function)
Purpose: Get a character from the device
Returns: #0..#255
Example: Print GetChar
^hGetCharTimeout^n (Function)
Purpose: Get a character from the device, timeout in tics
Syntax : GetCharTimeout(number-of-tics)
Example: Set Received=GetCharTimeout(91)
Try to get a character from the device timeout in 5 seconds
Notes : A PC has 18.2 tics per second 5x18.2 = 91 tics = 5 seconds
^hGetData^n (Function)
Purpose: Get the current databits
Returns: 7-8
Example: Print "Current databits ",GetData
^hGetInterface^n (Function)
Purpose: Get the serial interface type in use
Returns: 0=NoDevice, 1=UartDevice, 2=Int 14h, 3=Fossil, 4=Digiboard
Example: Print "Active serial interface type ",GetInterface
^hGetParity^n (Function)
Purpose: Get the current parity in use
Returns: N=None, O=Odd, E=Even, M=Mark, S=Space
Example: Print "Current parity in use ",GetParity
^hGetPort^n (Function)
Purpose: Get the active port number
Returns: 1-8
Example: Print "Active port ",GetPort
^hGetStop^n (Function)
Purpose: Get the current stopbits
Returns: 1-2
Example: Print "Current stopbits ",GetStop
^hHangup^n (Command)
Purpose: Drop the carrier, using the hangup string or toggling DTR
Syntax : Hangup
^hInitDevice^n (Command)
Purpose: Open one of the devices in Terminate
Syntax : InitDevice devicenumber,port,baud
Example: InitDevice 4,2,57600
Open device 4, using port 2 with baud 57600
Notes : If another device is already open it will be closed.
^hInitDirect^n (Command)
Purpose: Open a device and initialise the communications port directly
Syntax : InitDirect interface,port,baud,databits,stopbits,parity,
Interface : 0=NoDevice, 1=UartDevice, 2=Int 14h,
3=Fossil, 4=Digiboard
Port : 1-8
Databits : 7-8
Stopbits : 1-2
Parity : N=None, O=Odd, E=Even, M=Mark, S=Space
Inbufsize : 10-65000
Outbufsize: 10-65000
Flowctrl : 0=None, 1=RTS/CTS, 2=XonXoff, 3=DSR/DTR
Example: InitDirect 1,2,38400,8,1,"N",1024,1024,1
Use Uart on COM2 with 38400,8N1 and 1024 bytes buffers
for in/out. RTS/CTS flowcontrol
Notes : If another device is already open it will be closed.
^hLastIncoming^n (Variable)
Purpose: Holds the last 255 characters received by GetChar
Returns: String
Example: Print LastIncoming
^hSend^n (Command)
Purpose: Send a string to the device with modem delay.
Syntax : Send expression
Example: Send "ATA^M"
Send the HAYES answering command to device
^hSendRaw^n (Command)
Purpose: Send a string to the device in raw format
Syntax : SendRaw expression
Example: Sendraw "----------------"
^hWaitFor^n (Command)
Purpose: Wait for a string from device
Syntax : WaitFor expression,seconds
Example: WaitFor "Enter name:",20
If IOResult<>0
Goto Timeout
Notes : IOResult=0 Got String, IOResult=2 Timeout
^hFile handling^n
All file commands will give the result code in IOResult.
^hIOResult^n (Variable)
Purpose: Result of the last file operation
Returns: 0-65535, 0=Ok
Example: Print IOResult
PRS supports two kind of files. Binary files and text files. Binary
files are data files like TERMINAT.EXE which contain characters from
#0..#255. Text files like AUTOEXEC.BAT are line based and easier to
PRS allows you to have 8 open files at the same time. 4 binary files
and 4 text files.
^hText files^n
Textfiles are easier to understand when you see the following example:
OpenText 1,"C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT",0
While EndofTextFile(1)=0
PrintLn readtext(1)
CloseText 1
This will open a text file and print the entire file on your screen.
^hCloseText^n (Command)
Purpose: Close a text file
Syntax : CloseText handle
Example: CloseText 1
^hEndOfTextFile^n (Function)
Purpose: Tells you if we are on the last line in the file
Syntax : EndofTextFile(handle)
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes, end-of-file
Example: While EndofTextFile(1)=0
Continue until end-of-file
^hOpenText^n (Command)
Purpose: Opens a text file for reading, writing or appending.
Syntax : OpenText handle,filename,mode
handle : 1-4
filename: Full pathname of file
mode : 0=Read, 1=Write, 2=Append
Example: OpenText 1,"C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT",0
Opens text file 1 for reading.
^hPosText^n (Function)
Purpose: Report the byte position in a text file.
Syntax : PosText(handle)
Example: Print "Position ",PosText(1)
Show the byte-position on text file 1
^hReadText^n (Function)
Purpose: Read 1 line from a text file
Syntax : ReadText(handle)
Returns: String
Example: PrintLn ReadText(1)
Reads and displays one line from text file 1
^hSeekText^n (Command)
Purpose: Seek to a file position in a text file.
Syntax : SeekText handle,position
Position is the byte-position in file 0=First byte
Example: SeekText 1,1000
Seeks to position 1000 in the file
^hSizeText^n (Function)
Purpose: Report the size in bytes on a text file
Syntax : SizeText(handle)
Returns: filesize-in-bytes
Example: Print SizeText(handle)
^hWriteLnText^n (Command)
Purpose: Write a string to a text file
Syntax : WriteLnText handle,string
Example: WriteLnText 1,OutString
Writes the contents of OutString to text file 1
^hWriteText^n (Command)
Purpose: Write a string to a text file without CR+LF
Syntax : WriteText handle,string
Example: WriteText 1,OutString
Writes the contents of OutString to text file 1
^hBinary files^n
^hClose^n (Command)
Purpose: Close a file
Syntax : Close handle
Example: Close 1
^hEof^n (Function)
Purpose: Tells you if we are on the last position in the binary file
Syntax : EndofTextFile(handle)
Returns: 0=No, 1=Yes, end-of-file
Example: While Eof(1)=0
Continue until end-of-file
^hFilePos^n (Function)
Purpose: Report the byte position in a binary file.
Syntax : FilePos(handle)
Example: Print "Position ",FilePos(1)
Show the byte-position on binary file 1
^hFileSize^n (Function)
Purpose: Report the size in bytes on a binary file
Syntax : FileSize(handle)
Returns: filesize-in-bytes
Example: Print FileSize(handle)
^hOpen^n (Command)
Purpose: Opens a binary file for reading, writing or both.
Syntax : Open handle,filename,mode,filemode
handle : 1-4
filename: Full pathname of file
mode : 0=Read, 1=Write, 2=Append
filemode: 0=ReadOnly,1=WriteOnly,2=ReadWrite,+64=DenyNone
Example: Open 1,"TERMINAT.CFG",0,0
Opens binary file 1 for reading.
^hRead^n (Function)
Purpose: Reads a number of characters from a binary file
Syntax : Read(handle,numbytes)
Returns: String
Example: Set FileGrab=Read(1,20)
Read 20 characters into FileGrab
^hSeek^n (Command)
Purpose: Seek to a file position in a binary file.
Syntax : Seek handle,position
Position is the byte-position in file 0=First byte
Example: Seek 1,1000
Seeks to position 1000 in the file
^hWrite^n (Command)
Purpose: Write a number of characters to a binary file
Syntax : Write(1,expression)
Example: Write(1,"HELLO")
^hDOS commands^n
The result of each call is stored in IOResult
^hDeleteFile^n (Command)
Purpose: Deletes a file
Syntax : DeleteFile filename
Example: DeleteFile "TERMINAT.BAK"
^hExec^n (Command)
Purpose: Call a DOS command
Syntax : Exec expression
Example: Exec "TERMAIL\TM.EXE !M"
Call the TerMail program
Notes : All the !-commands described other places in the manual
can be used here. !M=Swap out memory
^hFindFirst^n (Function)
Purpose: Finds a file allowing wildcards
Syntax : FindFirst(expression,attribute)
Attribute: 1=ReadOnly, 2=Hidden, 4=System, 8=VolumeID,
16=Directory, 32=Archive, 63=AnyFile
Returns: Filename only or blank if no mathces
Example: Print FindFirst("C:\*.*",32)
^hFindNext^n (Command)
Purpose: Find next match after a FindFirst use
Returns: Filename found
Example: PrintLn FindFirst("C:\*.*",32)
While IOResult=0
PrintLn FindNext
Will display to entire root of your C-drive
^hFindNextSize^n (Variable)
Purpose: Returns filesize of last FindNext
Returns: Size in bytes
Example: PrintLn FindNextSize
^hFindNextAttr^n (Variable)
Purpose: Returns file attribute of last FindNext
Returns: Byte
Example: PrintLn FindNextAttr
^hFindNextTime^n (Variable)
Purpose: Returns filetime of last FindNext
Returns: Time in unix number
Example: PrintLn FindNextTime
^hRename^n (Command)
Purpose: Rename a file to another name
Syntax : Rename filename new-filename
Example: Rename "TEST.TXT","TEST2.TXT"
^hDate, time handling^n
^hGetDate^n (Variable)
Purpose: Returns date in formatted form
Returns: Date-string DD-Mmm-YYYY (Day, Month-string, Year)
Example: PrintLn GetDate
Print todays date: 7-Aug-1995, 21-Jan-96
^hGetDateRaw^n (Variable)
Purpose: Returns date in raw form
Returns: String YYYY MM DD DOW (Year, Month, Day, Day-of-week)
Example: PrintLn GetDateRaw
Print current date: 1995 08 07 01
^hGetTime^n (Variable)
Purpose: Returns time in formatted form
Returns: Time-string HH:MM:SS
Example: PrintLn GetTime
Print current time: 18:39:25
^hResetTimer^n (Command)
Purpose: Resets timer 1-4
Syntax : ResetTimer timer-num,seconds
Example: ResetTimer 1,60
Sets timer to expire after 60 seconds
^hTimeElapsed^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns in milliseconds time elapsed since ResetTimer
Syntax : TimeElapsed(timer-num)
Returns: Milliseconds elapsed
Example: PrintLn TimeElapsed(1)
^hTimerExpired^n (Function)
Purpose: Check if a timer has expired.
Syntax : TimerExpired(timer-num)
Returns: 0=No, 1=Timer expired
Example: Until TimerExpired(1)=1
^hWait^n (Command)
Purpose: Pause in 1/100 seconds
Syntax : Wait num-1/100-seconds
Example: Wait 200
Wait 2 seconds before continuing
^hFile transfers^n
One of the most common tasks you will need the scripts for is to
transfer files to/from another system. To do this you need to
use the internal or external protocols specified below.
1 + Zmodem + = Batch protocol
2 + ZedZap
3 Ascii
4 Xmodem
5 Xmodem-1K
6 Xmodem-1K-G
7 + Ymodem
8 + Ymodem-G
9 + Kermit
10 + CompuServe B+
11..22 ? External protocols
^hDownload^n (Command)
Purpose: Receive files from another system
Syntax : Download protocol,filename
Example: Download 1
Download 3,"CAPTURE.TXT"
Notes : All protocols that are not batch must have a filename
^hUpload^n (Command)
Purpose: Send files to another system
Syntax : Upload protocol,filename(s)/wildcards
^hSetTerminal^n (Command)
Purpose: Change to terminal slot
Syntax : SetTerminal slot
Example: SetTerminal 1
ANSI-BBS is now the current terminal
^hWriteTerminal^n (Command)
Purpose: Send a string to terminal emulation
Syntax : WriteTerminal expression
Example: If CharsWaiting<>0
WriteTerminal GetChar
Displays received character from device
^hTerminate control^n
^hDial^n (Command)
Purpose: Dial number in the phonebook
Syntax : Dial numbers,numbers,numbers.....
Example: Dial 1,2,3,4
Dial 27
Notes : IOResult=0 No connect, IOResult=1 Connection
^hGetUserName^n (Function)
Purpose: Get username from phonebook record
Syntax : GetUserName
Returns: String
Example: Send GetUserName
Send username to device
^hGetUserPassword^n (Function)
Purpose: Get password from phonebook record or default
Syntax : GetUserPassword
Returns: String
Example: Send GetUserPassword
Send password to device
^hMainLoop^n (Command)
Purpose: Run Terminate main loop
Syntax : MainLoop times
Example: MainLoop 10
Allow the script to access all the Terminate functions
^hDirect hardware control^n
Direct memory commands can be dangerous since it can access your
hardware directly or indirectly. Please do not use any memory
commands if you are the slightest bit insecure on their use.
^hFreeMem^n (Function)
Purpose: How much memory is left
Returns: Number of bytes available for script language
Example: Print FreeMem
Displays free memory on screen
^hInterrupt^n (Function)
Purpose: Call any interrupt with register value *WARNING DANGEROUS*
Syntax : Interrupt(interrupt-number,ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es)
Returns: String: ah al bh bl ch cl dh dl si di ds es flags
Example: Print "Videomode:",GrabWord(Interrupt(16,3840,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),2)
Get videomode in word 2 in string
Notes : Be very careful with command. It gives you access to the
complete PC and therefore one wrong call can result in the
worst errors. If you are not an expirenced programmer do not
under any circumstances use this command.
^hMem^n (Function)
Purpose: Get a byte directly from memory location
Syntax : Mem(segment,offset)
Returns: 0-255
Example: Print "Memory 0:0",Mem(0,0)
^hPortIn^n (Function)
Purpose: Get a byte directly from a hardware port
Syntax : PortIn(port)
Example: You will know if you need it!
^hPortOut^n (Command)
Purpose: Send a byte to a hardware port
Syntax : PortOut port,byte
Example: You will know if you need it!
^hPutMem^n (Command)
Purpose: Put a byte directly to memory location
Syntax : PutMem byte,segment,offset
Example: PutMem 65,47104,0
^hFax commands^n
^hSendFax^n (Command)
Purpose: Send a fax to a specific telephone number
Syntax : SendFax filename,number,[to-name,subject]
Example: SendFax "DOCS\PROBLEM.DOC","43627178","Sysop","Problem"
SendFax "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT","43627178"
Notes : Text, TIFF or PCX files will be converted to APF format first
Note that the default fax settings and cover page will be used.
^hNumeric conversion^n
^hBinary^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns an binary string
Syntax : Binary(Integer,bits)
Example: PrintLn Binary(255,8)
PrintLn Binary(256,16)
^hBinToInt^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns an integer from a binary string
Syntax : BinToInt(string)
Example: PrintLn BinToInt("11111111")
^hByteToHex^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns a string with hex value of byte 8-bit
Syntax : ByteToHex(Byte)
Example: PrintLn ByteToHex(255)
^hHexToInteger^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns an integer converted from a hex-string
Syntax : HexToInteger(String)
Example: PrintLn HexToInteger("FFFF")
^hLongToHex^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns a string with hex value of a double word 32-bit
Syntax : LongToHex(Byte)
Example: PrintLn LongToHex(255)
^hWordToHex^n (Function)
Purpose: Returns a string with hex value of word 16-bit
Syntax : WordToHex(Byte)
Example: PrintLn WordToHex(65000)
^hOther commands^n
^hExitTerminate^n (Command)
Purpose: Exit the script and Terminate with errorlevel
Syntax : ExitTerminal [errorlevel]
Example: ExitTerminate 100 (Errorlevel 100)
ExitTerminate (Errorlevel 1)
^hGetCrc^n (Function)
Purpose: Update a Crc-16 checksum
Syntax : GetCrc(Byte,Old-Crc)
Example: Set Crc=GetCrc(X,Crc)
^hGetCrcLong^n (Function)
Purpose: Update a Crc-32 checksum
Syntax : GetCrcLong(Byte,Old-Crc)
Example: Set Crc=GetCrcLong(X,Crc)
^hRandom^n (Function)
Purpose: Get a random number between 0-65535
Syntax : Random(max)
Example: Print Random(100)
Displays a random number between 0-99
^hRandomize^n (Command)
Purpose: To initialise the random factor for the Random function
Syntax : Randomize
^hCommentNum^n (Function)
Purpose: Get number of script comments
Syntax : CommentNum(0)
Example: Set Comments=CommentNum(0) <- Must be zero!
^hCommentStr^n (Function)
Purpose: Get script comments
Syntax : CommentStr(Commentnumber)
Example: PrintLn CommentStr(1)
^hTerminate^n (Command)
Purpose: Exit the script
Syntax : Exit