home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This file is part of Listerz v2.0 (VE)
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Branislav L. Slantchev
- * A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License. For more information, refer to the file
- * Copying.Doc which is included in the archive.
- */
- #include "lsz_appl.h"
- #include "file.h"
- #include "pblsdk.h"
- #include "proboard.h"
- #include "pbnames.h"
- #include "stdmac.h"
- #include "lsz_area.h"
- #include "kbcodes.h"
- static enum { TAG_SELECT, TAG_DESELECT, TAG_TOGGLE } g_TagState;
- static void
- ChangeTag(void *pItem, void*)
- {
- Area *item = (Area *)pItem;
- switch( g_TagState )
- {
- case TAG_SELECT : item->m_tagged = True; break;
- case TAG_DESELECT: item->m_tagged = False; break;
- case TAG_TOGGLE : item->toggleTag(); break;
- }
- }
- const char * Application::s_AppName = "Listerz";
- const char * Application::s_DefaultText = "Building lists in Listerz";
- const char * Application::s_Version = "v2.0";
- Application::Application(const char *argv0)
- :m_AreaList(0)
- ,m_GroupList(0)
- ,m_Bucket(0)
- ,m_adjusted(False)
- {
- char fileName[80];
- FILE *fp;
- // load the configuration from binary .CNF file
- file_chext(fileName, argv0, ".cnf");
- if( 0 == (fp = fopen(fileName, "rb")) )
- {
- Log(LOG_FRIEND, "%s: cannot find config '%s'", s_AppName, fileName);
- }
- fread(&m_Config, sizeof(m_Config), 1, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- // do some adjustments
- AdjustBounds();
- sprintf(m_MainScreen, "%s%s", m_Config.sys_Path, m_Config.sys_MainFile);
- sprintf(m_ProcScreen, "%s%s", m_Config.sys_Path, m_Config.sys_ProcFile);
- sprintf(m_MainHeader, "%s%s", m_Config.sys_Path, m_Config.text_HeaderAll);
- sprintf(m_MainFooter, "%s%s", m_Config.sys_Path, m_Config.text_FooterAll);
- sprintf(m_AreaHeader, "%s%s", m_Config.sys_Path, m_Config.text_Header);
- sprintf(m_AreaFooter, "%s%s", m_Config.sys_Path, m_Config.text_Footer);
- memset(&m_CurArea, 0x00, sizeof(m_CurArea));
- // load the group definitions (if any)
- if( 0 != (fp = pb_fopen(fnFGROUPS, "rb", PBDIR_SYS)) )
- {
- GROUP_PB group;
- short num = 0;
- if( 0 == (m_GroupList = new zDoubleList(True)) )
- {
- Log(LOG_FRIEND, "%s: Memory allocation failure", s_AppName);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- file_read(fp, &group);
- while( !feof(fp) )
- {
- num++;
- if( pb_access(group.level, group.flags, group.flagsNot)
- && EOS != group.name[0] )
- {
- Group *link = new Group(num, group);
- if( link ) m_GroupList->link(link);
- }
- file_read(fp, &group);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- // setup the listbox
- m_GroupBox = new zListViewer(m_Config.lbox_Bounds, m_GroupList);
- m_GroupBox->setClearColor(m_Config.lbox_Color);
- }
- // assign the bucket to the file area definitions data
- strcpy(fileName, pb_getpath(fnFILECFG, PBDIR_SYS));
- if( 0 == (m_Bucket = new zBucket<FILECFG>(fileName, 50, False)) )
- {
- if( m_GroupList ) delete m_GroupList;
- Log(LOG_FRIEND, "%s: could not load area definitions.", s_AppName);
- }
- // load the area indices for no group, current access only
- if( 0 == (m_AreaList = new zDoubleList(True)) )
- {
- if( m_GroupList ) delete m_GroupList;
- delete m_Bucket;
- }
- LoadAreaDefs(0);
- m_AreaBox = new zListViewer(m_Config.lbox_Bounds, m_AreaList);
- m_AreaBox->setClearColor(m_Config.lbox_Color);
- // now create the command bars and the listbox viewers
- zCommandItem *items =
- new zCommandItem("e~x~it program", 'X', cmExit) +
- *new zCommandItem("select ~a~ll areas", 'A', cmSelectAll) +
- *new zCommandItem("~d~on't change group", 'D', cmIgnore);
- m_GroupBar = new zCommandBar(m_Config.cbar_Bounds, items);
- items = new zCommandItem("e~x~it", 'X', cmExit) +
- *new zCommandItem("~g~roups", 'G', cmGroups) +
- *new zCommandItem("~m~ake list", 'M', cmMakeList) +
- *new zCommandItem("~s~elect", 'S', cmSelectAll) +
- *new zCommandItem("~d~eselect", 'D', cmUntagAll) +
- *new zCommandItem("~t~oggle", 'T', cmToggleAll);
- m_AreaBar = new zCommandBar(m_Config.cbar_Bounds, items);
- items = new zCommandItem("~z~ip", 'Z', cmZip) +
- *new zCommandItem("~r~ar", 'R', cmRar) +
- *new zCommandItem("~a~rj", 'A', cmArj) +
- *new zCommandItem("~l~ha", 'L', cmLha) +
- *new zCommandItem("z~o~o", 'O', cmZoo) +
- *new zCommandItem("do ~n~ot compress", 'N', cmNoCompression) +
- *new zCommandItem("a~b~ort", 'B', cmExit);
- m_ArchiveBar = new zCommandBar(m_Config.cbar_Bounds, items);
- // disable relevant commands
- if( !m_GroupList || !m_GroupList->size() )
- m_AreaBar->enableCommand(cmGroups, False);
- if( !m_Config.zip.enabled || !file_exist(m_Config.zip.path) )
- m_ArchiveBar->enableCommand(cmZip, False);
- if( !m_Config.rar.enabled || !file_exist(m_Config.rar.path) )
- m_ArchiveBar->enableCommand(cmRar, False);
- if( !m_Config.arj.enabled || !file_exist(m_Config.arj.path) )
- m_ArchiveBar->enableCommand(cmArj, False);
- if( !m_Config.lha.enabled || !file_exist(m_Config.lha.path) )
- m_ArchiveBar->enableCommand(cmLha, False);
- if( !m_Config.zoo.enabled || !file_exist(m_Config.zoo.path) )
- m_ArchiveBar->enableCommand(cmZoo, False);
- // set up the palettes and various options
- char Palette[15];
- memset(Palette, 0x00, sizeof(Palette));
- Palette[0] = m_Config.cbar_Color;
- Palette[1] = m_Config.cbar_HotkeyColor;
- Palette[2] = (m_Config.cbar_Color & 0xF0) | 0x08;
- Palette[3] = m_Config.cbar_HiliteColor;
- Palette[4] = (m_Config.cbar_HiliteColor & 0xF0) | 0x07;
- Palette[5] = m_Config.cbar_Background;
- Palette[6] = Palette[11] = ' ';
- Palette[7] = m_Config.cbar_OffColor;
- Palette[8] = Palette[7];
- Palette[9] = (m_Config.cbar_OffColor & 0xF0) | 0x08;
- Palette[10] = m_Config.cbar_OffBackground;
- m_GroupBar->setPalette(Palette);
- m_GroupBar->options &= ~zCommandBar::delim;
- m_GroupBar->options &= ~zCommandBar::focus;
- m_AreaBar->setPalette(Palette);
- m_AreaBar->options &= ~zCommandBar::delim;
- m_AreaBar->options &= ~zCommandBar::focus;
- m_ArchiveBar->setPalette(Palette);
- m_ArchiveBar->options &= ~zCommandBar::delim;
- m_ArchiveBar->options &= ~zCommandBar::focus;
- // are we going to have online user information
- m_Useron = new zUserOnline(m_Config.drop_UserDoes, m_Config.drop_Doing);
- if( m_Useron )
- {
- if( EOS == m_Config.drop_Text[0] )
- {
- strcpy(m_Config.drop_Text, s_DefaultText);
- }
- m_Useron->Create(NodeNumber, m_Config.drop_Text);
- }
- // setup the terminal emulators
- m_Terminal.RegisterHandler(&m_avt);
- m_Terminal.RegisterHandler(&m_pcb);
- m_Terminal.RegisterHandler(&m_ans);
- // install the keyboard handler
- m_Keyboard = new zKeyboard;
- // setup the listerz file name
- sprintf(fileName, "LISTERZ.%d", NodeNumber);
- strcpy(m_fileName, pb_getpath(fileName, PBDIR_SYS));
- }
- // free up any memory we allocated and remove useron info
- Application::~Application()
- {
- if( m_Bucket ) delete m_Bucket;
- if( m_AreaList ) delete m_AreaList;
- if( m_GroupList ) delete m_GroupList;
- if( m_GroupBar ) delete m_GroupBar;
- if( m_AreaBar ) delete m_AreaBar;
- if( m_ArchiveBar ) delete m_ArchiveBar;
- if( m_GroupBox ) delete m_GroupBox;
- if( m_AreaBox ) delete m_AreaBox;
- if( m_Keyboard ) delete m_Keyboard;
- if( m_Useron )
- {
- m_Useron->Remove(NodeNumber);
- delete m_Useron;
- }
- }
- Boolean
- Application::BelongsToGroup(short nGroup, const FILECFG &area)
- {
- Boolean retval = True;
- if( 0 != nGroup && !area.allGroups )
- {
- retval = False;
- for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
- {
- if( nGroup == area.groups[i] )
- {
- retval = True;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- // load area definitions for 'nGroup'. if nGroup == 0, all areas loaded
- // the return value signifies whether we have any entries in the new list
- Boolean
- Application::LoadAreaDefs(short nGroup)
- {
- FILECFG area;
- // get rid of the old list
- while( m_AreaList->size() ) m_AreaList->unlink();
- // build the new list
- for( int i = 0; i < m_Bucket->nelems(); ++i )
- {
- area = (*m_Bucket)[i];
- if( pb_access(area.level, area.flags, area.flagsNot)
- && EOS != area.name[0]
- && BelongsToGroup(nGroup, area) )
- {
- Area *area = new Area(i);
- if( area ) m_AreaList->link(area);
- }
- }
- return Boolean( 0 != m_AreaList->size() );
- }
- // adjust the rectangles to our own system: the grid we are using is
- // not the cell pattern, but rather, it is the grid between the cells
- void
- Application::AdjustBounds()
- {
- if( !m_adjusted )
- {
- m_Config.lbox_Bounds.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.lbox_Bounds.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.cbar_Bounds.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.cbar_Bounds.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.proc_Bounds.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.proc_Bounds.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.area_Bounds.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.area_Bounds.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.area_Percent.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.area_Percent.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.total_Progbar.bounds.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.total_Progbar.bounds.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.area_Progbar.bounds.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.area_Progbar.bounds.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.total_Percent.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.total_Percent.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.total_Areas.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.total_Areas.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.total_Files.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.total_Files.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.total_Size.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.total_Size.b.y += 1;
- m_Config.total_ListSize.b.x += 1;
- m_Config.total_ListSize.b.y += 1;
- m_adjusted = True;
- }
- }
- ushort
- Application::Process()
- {
- ushort retval = cmCancel;
- m_AreaBar->setState(True);
- for( ;; )
- {
- ushort key = m_Keyboard->get();
- retval = m_AreaBar->handle(key);
- switch( retval )
- {
- case cmSelectAll:
- g_TagState = TAG_SELECT;
- m_AreaList->forEach(ChangeTag, 0);
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- break;
- case cmToggleAll:
- g_TagState = TAG_TOGGLE;
- m_AreaList->forEach(ChangeTag, 0);
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- break;
- case cmUntagAll:
- g_TagState = TAG_DESELECT;
- m_AreaList->forEach(ChangeTag, 0);
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- break;
- case cmMakeList:
- MakeAreaList();
- retval = cmCancel;
- goto FunctionExit;
- case cmGroups:
- retval = SetNewGroup();
- /* fall-through to default case */
- case cmCancel:
- case cmExit :
- goto FunctionExit;
- }
- }
- FunctionExit:
- m_AreaBar->setState(False);
- return retval;
- }
- ushort
- Application::ProcessGroups()
- {
- ushort retval = cmCancel;
- m_GroupBar->setState(True);
- for( ;; )
- {
- ushort key = m_Keyboard->get();
- retval = m_GroupBar->handle(key);
- switch( retval )
- {
- case cmSelectAll:
- LoadAreaDefs(0);
- m_AreaBox->newList(m_AreaList);
- /* fall-through to the next case */
- case cmIgnore:
- case cmCancel:
- case cmExit :
- goto FunctionExit;
- }
- }
- FunctionExit:
- m_GroupBar->setState(False);
- return retval;
- }
- // select a new group (note that this ASSUMES that m_GroupList and
- // m_GroupBox are valid). since we disable the group command in the
- // other case, there should be no problems as long as cmGroup is checked
- ushort
- Application::SetNewGroup()
- {
- int retval = 0;
- Boolean done = False;
- // display the group listbox and command bar
- m_GroupBox->draw();
- m_GroupBar->draw();
- while( !done )
- {
- ushort key = m_Keyboard->get();
- switch( key )
- {
- case kbEsc:
- retval = ProcessGroups();
- if( retval != cmCancel ) done = True;
- break;
- case kbEnter:
- LoadAreaDefs(((Group*)m_GroupBox->focused())->m_num);
- m_AreaBox->newList(m_AreaList);
- done = True;
- break;
- default:
- m_GroupBox->handle(key);
- }
- }
- // display the area list box and command bar
- if( cmExit != retval )
- {
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- m_AreaBar->draw();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- ***************************************************************************
- * the principal application driver: runs the whole thing
- ***************************************************************************
- */
- void
- Application::run()
- {
- ushort command;
- Boolean done = False;
- // display the initial screen, list, and command bar
- clrscr();
- pb_showfile(m_MainScreen, NULL, &m_Terminal);
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- m_AreaBar->draw();
- for( ; !done; )
- {
- ushort key = m_Keyboard->get();
- switch( key )
- {
- case kbEsc:
- command = Process();
- if( cmExit == command ) done = True;
- break;
- case ' ' :
- case kbEnter:
- case kbIns :
- m_AreaBox->focused()->toggleTag();
- m_AreaBox->drawFocus();
- key = kbDown;
- /* fall-through to default handler */
- default:
- m_AreaBox->handle(key);
- }
- }
- }