home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This file is part of Listerz v2.0 (VE)
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Branislav L. Slantchev
- * A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License. For more information, refer to the file
- * Copying.Doc which is included in the archive.
- */
- #include "dlist.h"
- #include "bucket.h"
- #include "lzconfig.h"
- #include "pbstruct.h"
- #include "useron.h"
- #include "cmdbar.h"
- #include "terminal.h"
- #include "listview.h"
- #include "keyboard.h"
- #include "febbs.h"
- const ushort
- cmExit = 0x0100, cmSelectAll = 0x0101, cmGroups = 0x0102,
- cmMakeList = 0x0103, cmUntagAll = 0x0104, cmToggleAll = 0x0105,
- cmZip = 0x0106, cmRar = 0x0107, cmArj = 0x0108,
- cmLha = 0x0109, cmZoo = 0x010A, cmNoCompression = 0x010B,
- cmIgnore = 0x010C;
- class Application
- {
- public:
- Application(const char *argv0);
- ~Application();
- void run();
- LZCONFIG* config() { return &m_Config; }
- zBucket<FILECFG>* bucket() { return m_Bucket; }
- private:
- LZCONFIG m_Config; // configuration record
- zUserOnline *m_Useron; // useron information (if any)
- zDoubleList *m_AreaList; // dynamic list of areas
- zDoubleList *m_GroupList; // list of all file groups, if any
- zBucket<FILECFG> *m_Bucket; // bucket object tied to FILECFG.PRO
- zCommandBar *m_GroupBar; // group menu command bar
- zCommandBar *m_AreaBar; // area menu command bar
- zCommandBar *m_ArchiveBar; // archive menu command bar
- zListViewer *m_GroupBox; // group list box
- zListViewer *m_AreaBox; // area list box
- zKeyboard *m_Keyboard; // the keyboard handler
- zTerminal m_Terminal; // the terminal emulator
- ansi_interp m_ans; // the ANSi interpreter
- avatar_interp m_avt; // the avatar interpreter
- pcboard_interp m_pcb; // the pcboard/wildcat! interpreter
- Boolean m_adjusted; // have we adjusted bounds already
- FILE *m_fp; // file that we store the lists in
- char m_fileName[80]; // path to the listerz file
- FILECFG m_CurArea; // current area configuration
- short m_CurAreaNo; // current area number processed
- ulong m_AreaBytes; // total bytes for the current area
- ulong m_AreaFdls; // total downloads for current area
- ulong m_AreaFiles; // total files for current area
- ulong m_TotalFiles; // total files processed
- ulong m_TotalKbytes; // total file sizes processed
- ulong m_TotalFdls; // total number of downloads
- short m_TotalAreas; // total number of tagged areas
- int m_DeltaBytes; // adjustment for the KByte value
- ulong m_ListerSize; // size of the created list
- char m_MainScreen[80]; // complete name for the main screen
- char m_ProcScreen[80]; // complete name for the processing
- char m_MainHeader[80]; // complete name for main header
- char m_MainFooter[80]; // complete name for main footer
- char m_AreaHeader[80]; // complete name for area header
- char m_AreaFooter[80]; // complete name for area footer
- Boolean BelongsToGroup(short nGroup, const FILECFG &area);
- Boolean LoadAreaDefs(short nGroup);
- void AdjustBounds();
- ushort Process();
- ushort SetNewGroup();
- ushort ProcessGroups();
- void MakeAreaList();
- void ProcessFileArea(short index);
- Boolean CompressFile(ushort command);
- void FormatLine(zFbbsLine &fbbs);
- char* ParseLineWithMacros(char *line);
- int MakeMacro(char *dest, char *src, int maxlen, char justify);
- void WriteHeaderOrFooter(char *fileTemplate);
- public:
- static const char *s_AppName; // application name
- static const char *s_DefaultText; // default useron text
- static const char *s_Version; // application version string
- };
- #endif /* INCLUDED_LSZ_APPL_H */