home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This file is part of Listerz v2.0 (VE)
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Branislav L. Slantchev
- * A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License. For more information, refer to the file
- * Copying.Doc which is included in the archive.
- */
- #include "lsz_appl.h"
- #include "lsz_area.h"
- #include "proboard.h"
- #include "stdmac.h"
- #include "keyboard.h"
- #include "kbcodes.h"
- #include "progbar.h"
- #include "str.h"
- #include "file.h"
- #include "febbs.h"
- #include "pblsdk.h"
- #ifndef PB_SDK
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #else
- #include "pblibc.h"
- #endif
- #define FBBS_OFFSET 37
- #define NAME_WIDTH 80
- #define NAME_NELEM 25
- // temp buffer for area names shown in the processing box
- static char g_DisplayNames[NAME_NELEM][NAME_WIDTH];
- extern Application *application;
- static void
- UpdatePercent(short percent, const zRect &bounds)
- {
- gotoxy(bounds.a.x, bounds.a.y);
- textattr(application->config()->total_DigitColor);
- cprintf("%*d%%", bounds.Width() - 1, percent);
- }
- static void
- UpdateCounter(ulong n, const zRect &bounds)
- {
- char src[80], dest[80];
- sprintf(src, "%lu", n);
- strcma(dest, src);
- gotoxy(bounds.a.x, bounds.a.y);
- textattr(application->config()->total_DigitColor);
- cprintf("%*s", bounds.Width(), dest);
- }
- void
- Application::FormatLine(zFbbsLine &fbbs)
- {
- char buf[1024];
- int flags = fbbs.GetFlags();
- long bytes, downs;
- if( flags & zFbbsLine::name )
- {
- m_AreaFiles++;
- bytes = atol(fbbs.GetFileSize());
- downs = atol(&fbbs.GetFileCount()[1]);
- m_AreaBytes += bytes;
- m_AreaFdls += downs;
- m_TotalFdls += downs;
- m_TotalKbytes += bytes / 1024;
- m_DeltaBytes += (int)(bytes % 1024);
- if( m_DeltaBytes > 1024 )
- {
- m_DeltaBytes -= 1024;
- m_TotalKbytes++;
- }
- UpdateCounter(++m_TotalFiles, m_Config.total_Files);
- UpdateCounter(m_TotalKbytes, m_Config.total_Size);
- sprintf(buf, "%-12s ", fbbs.GetFileName());
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%8s ", fbbs.GetFileDate());
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%9s ", fbbs.GetFileSize());
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%s ", fbbs.GetFileCount());
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%s", fbbs.GetFileDesc());
- }
- else
- {
- char temp[1024];
- // we only fix (if needed) multi-line descriptions
- strcpy(buf, fbbs.GetFileDesc());
- // special case for programs that use the backspace to start
- // a line, AMU is one of those programs (for the headers)
- if( 0 == strchr(buf, '\b') )
- {
- char *p;
- size_t len;
- strcpy(temp, buf);
- memset(buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
- for( p = temp; strchr(";+! \t", *p); ++p )
- {
- if( EOS == *p ) goto WriteLine;
- }
- len = strlen(p) + 1;
- memcpy(buf + FBBS_OFFSET, p, len);
- buf[FBBS_OFFSET + len] = EOS;
- }
- }
- WriteLine:
- fputs(buf, m_fp);
- m_ListerSize = ftell(m_fp);
- UpdateCounter(m_ListerSize, m_Config.total_ListSize);
- }
- void
- Application::ProcessFileArea(short index)
- {
- int len, y, i = 0;
- char buf[1024];
- FILE *fpCur;
- // make room for the new area name
- m_CurArea = (*m_Bucket)[index];
- for( i = 1; i < m_Config.proc_Bounds.Height(); ++i )
- {
- memcpy(g_DisplayNames[i-1], g_DisplayNames[i], NAME_WIDTH);
- }
- memset(g_DisplayNames[i-1], ' ', NAME_WIDTH);
- len = min((int)strlen(m_CurArea.name), m_Config.proc_Bounds.Width());
- memcpy(g_DisplayNames[i-1], m_CurArea.name, len);
- g_DisplayNames[i-1][m_Config.proc_Bounds.Width()] = EOS;
- // display the scrolling area list
- textattr(m_Config.proc_Color);
- for( i = 0, y = m_Config.proc_Bounds.a.y; y < m_Config.proc_Bounds.b.y; )
- {
- gotoxy(m_Config.proc_Bounds.a.x, y++);
- cprintf(g_DisplayNames[i++]);
- }
- // display the current area name
- memset(buf, ' ', m_Config.area_Bounds.Width());
- len = strlen(m_CurArea.name);
- memcpy(buf, m_CurArea.name, len);
- buf[m_Config.area_Bounds.Width()] = EOS;
- if( len > m_Config.area_Bounds.Width() )
- { // name is too long, indicate that with a trailing "..."
- len = m_Config.area_Bounds.Width();
- buf[len - 1] = '.';
- buf[len - 2] = '.';
- buf[len - 3] = '.';
- }
- textattr(m_Config.area_Color);
- gotoxy(m_Config.area_Bounds.a.x, m_Config.area_Bounds.a.y);
- cprintf(buf);
- // initialize the progress bars and the statistics
- ushort fg = (int)m_Config.area_Progbar.fgColor << 8;
- ushort bg = (int)m_Config.area_Progbar.bgColor << 8;
- fg |= m_Config.area_Progbar.fgChar & 0xff;
- bg |= m_Config.area_Progbar.bgChar & 0xff;
- zProgBar progress(m_Config.area_Progbar.bounds, fg, bg);
- progress.setTotal(file_size(m_CurArea.listpath));
- zFbbsLine fbbs((zFbbsLine::date_format_t)m_CurArea.dateFormat);
- fbbs.SetPath(m_CurArea.filepath, index + 1, Boolean(m_CurArea.copyLocal));
- m_CurAreaNo = index + 1;
- m_AreaFiles = m_AreaBytes = m_AreaFdls = 0L;
- WriteHeaderOrFooter(m_AreaHeader);
- if( 0 != (fpCur = fopen(m_CurArea.listpath, "rt")) )
- {
- long lastOffset = 0L;
- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fpCur);
- while( !feof(fpCur) )
- {
- progress.update(ftell(fpCur) - lastOffset);
- UpdatePercent(progress.getPerCent(), m_Config.area_Percent);
- fbbs.SetLine(buf);
- FormatLine(fbbs);
- lastOffset = ftell(fpCur);
- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fpCur);
- }
- fclose(fpCur);
- }
- WriteHeaderOrFooter(m_AreaFooter);
- }
- Boolean
- Application::CompressFile(ushort command)
- {
- Boolean retval = True, aborted = False;
- ARCHIVER *parch = NULL;
- char *extension;
- switch( command )
- {
- case cmZip: parch = &m_Config.zip; extension = ".ZIP"; break;
- case cmRar: parch = &m_Config.rar; extension = ".RAR"; break;
- case cmArj: parch = &m_Config.arj; extension = ".ARJ"; break;
- case cmLha: parch = &m_Config.lha; extension = ".LZH"; break;
- case cmZoo: parch = &m_Config.zoo; extension = ".ZOO"; break;
- case cmNoCompression:
- break;
- case cmExit:
- if( file_exist(m_fileName) ) file_remove(m_fileName);
- aborted = True;
- break;
- default:
- retval = False;
- }
- // execute the archiver command
- if( retval && !aborted )
- {
- char buf[255], fileName[MAXPATH];
- if( parch )
- { // if we are compressing, do it now
- const char *msg = "please hold while i bundle the list...";
- memset(buf, ' ', m_Config.cbar_Bounds.Width());
- memcpy(buf, msg, strlen(msg));
- buf[m_Config.cbar_Bounds.Width()] = EOS;
- gotoxy(m_Config.cbar_Bounds.a.x, m_Config.cbar_Bounds.a.y);
- textattr(m_Config.cbar_Color);
- cprintf(buf);
- sprintf(buf, "LISTZ%03X%s", NodeNumber, extension);
- strcpy(fileName, pb_getpath(buf, PBDIR_SYS));
- sprintf(buf, "%s*!*Q*Z %s %s %s %s",
- parch->swap ? "*X" : "", parch->path, parch->options,
- fileName, m_fileName);
- #ifdef PB_SDK
- RemoteDisplay(FALSE);
- MenuFunction(MENU_SHELL, buf);
- RemoteDisplay(TRUE);
- #else
- cprintf("\n\rCommand: %s\n\r", buf);
- getch();
- #endif
- }
- else
- { // no compression, copy path to listerz file
- strcpy(fileName, m_fileName);
- }
- // now fileName has the path to the file for download
- #ifdef PB_SDK
- // check the default protocol first
- clrscr();
- if( !CurUser->defaultProtocol ) MenuFunction(74, "");
- if( CurUser->defaultProtocol )
- {
- sprintf(buf, "/A /F=%s /I /Q /K=%c",
- fileName, CurUser->defaultProtocol);
- MenuFunction(MENU_DOWNLOAD, buf);
- }
- #endif
- // cleanup just in case, we don't want these files here
- if( file_exist(m_fileName) ) file_remove(m_fileName);
- if( file_exist(fileName) ) file_remove(fileName);
- }
- return retval;
- }
- // this function creates the area lists and handles the download
- void
- Application::MakeAreaList()
- {
- zListCursor cursor(*m_AreaList, True);
- ushort nAreas = 0;
- int i;
- // nothing in the list, don't process
- if( 0 == m_AreaList->size() )
- return;
- m_TotalAreas = 0;
- do
- {
- if( ((Area *)cursor.get())->m_tagged ) m_TotalAreas++;
- }while( cursor++ );
- // nothing tagged for processing
- if( 0 == m_TotalAreas )
- return;
- // display processing area file
- clrscr();
- pb_showfile(m_ProcScreen, NULL, &m_Terminal);
- // initialize the area display name buffers
- for( i = 0; i < NAME_NELEM; ++i )
- {
- memset(g_DisplayNames[i], ' ', NAME_WIDTH);
- g_DisplayNames[i][m_Config.proc_Bounds.Width()] = EOS;
- }
- // initialize the progress bar for the totals
- ushort fg = (int)m_Config.total_Progbar.fgColor << 8;
- ushort bg = (int)m_Config.total_Progbar.bgColor << 8;
- fg |= m_Config.total_Progbar.fgChar & 0xff;
- bg |= m_Config.total_Progbar.bgChar & 0xff;
- zProgBar progress(m_Config.total_Progbar.bounds, fg, bg);
- progress.setTotal((ulong)m_TotalAreas);
- // init the totals and percentage area
- gotoxy(m_Config.total_Percent.a.x, m_Config.total_Percent.a.y);
- textattr(m_Config.total_DigitColor);
- cprintf("%*s%%", m_Config.total_Percent.Width() - 1, "0");
- m_TotalFiles = m_TotalKbytes = m_TotalFdls = m_ListerSize = 0L;
- m_DeltaBytes = 0;
- m_AreaFiles = m_AreaBytes = m_AreaFdls = 0L;
- // flush the keyboard
- m_Keyboard->flush();
- ushort keyCode = 0x0000;
- // prepare the listerz file
- m_fp = fopen(m_fileName, "wt");
- if( m_fp )
- {
- WriteHeaderOrFooter(m_MainHeader);
- // process all tagged areas
- cursor.begin();
- do
- {
- Area *areaptr = (Area *)cursor.get();
- if( areaptr->m_tagged )
- {
- ProcessFileArea(areaptr->m_index);
- areaptr->m_tagged = False;
- progress.update(1L);
- UpdatePercent(progress.getPerCent(), m_Config.total_Percent);
- UpdateCounter(++nAreas, m_Config.total_Areas);
- }
- keyCode = m_Keyboard->peek();
- }while( cursor++ && kbEsc != keyCode );
- WriteHeaderOrFooter(m_MainFooter);
- fclose(m_fp);
- // redisplay area screen
- clrscr();
- pb_showfile(m_MainScreen, NULL, &m_Terminal);
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- // get the format of the archiver to use
- m_ArchiveBar->setState(True);
- for( ;; )
- {
- keyCode = m_Keyboard->get();
- // see if we recognized the command, if we did, this
- // returns True (and the file has been compressed &
- // sent to the user or the thing was aborted)
- if( CompressFile(m_ArchiveBar->handle(keyCode)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- // redisplay screen and go back to main loop
- clrscr();
- pb_showfile(m_MainScreen, NULL, &m_Terminal);
- m_AreaBox->draw();
- m_AreaBar->draw();
- }