home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This file is part of Listerz v2.0 (VE)
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Branislav L. Slantchev
- * A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License. For more information, refer to the file
- * Copying.Doc which is included in the archive.
- */
- #include "lsz_appl.h"
- #include "str.h"
- #include "pblsdk.h"
- #ifndef PB_SDK
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #else
- #include "pblibc.h"
- #endif
- static void
- MakeTimeStr(char *dest, Boolean date)
- {
- time_t timer = time(0);
- struct tm *tm = localtime(&timer);
- char *format = "%H:%M:%S";
- if( date )
- {
- switch( CurUser->dateFormat )
- {
- case DATE_DDMMYY: format = "%d-%m-%y"; break;
- case DATE_YYMMDD: format = "%y-%m-%d"; break;
- case DATE_MMDDYY: // fall-through to default
- default : format = "%m-%d-%y"; break;
- }
- }
- strftime(dest, 9, format, tm);
- }
- // macro formatting: @MACRO<<<|>>>|%%%@
- // this uses an internal buffer to store the parsed result. a pointer
- // to this buffer is then returned to the caller, with all recognized
- // macros expanded already. this buffer is overwritten with each call
- char*
- Application::ParseLineWithMacros(char *line)
- {
- char buf[1024], *pline, *pbuf, *pmacro, *p;
- size_t len = 0, replen;
- char just = 0;
- buf[0] = EOS;
- if( line )
- {
- for( pbuf = buf, pline = line; EOS != *pline; )
- {
- if( '@' == *pline )
- { // can we find the end of the token
- if( 0 != (pmacro = strtok(pline + 1, "@")) )
- { // do the actual marco parsing now
- // pmacro points to the macro text
- len = strlen(pmacro) + 2; // get requested length
- if( 0 != (p = strpbrk(pmacro, "<>%")) )
- { // we have justification characters
- just = *p; // save justification character
- *p = EOS; // cut off the formatting part
- }
- // now we have the macro text only, no formatting
- // len = 0 if it is to be ignored, or has length
- replen = MakeMacro(pbuf, pmacro, len, just);
- pbuf += replen;
- pline += len;
- }
- else
- {
- pline++; // skip the current '@' char when no macro
- }
- }
- else *pbuf++ = *pline++; // not a '@', copy the character
- }
- }
- *pbuf = EOS;
- return buf;
- }
- // writes the header/footer info using the fileTemplate file
- void
- Application::WriteHeaderOrFooter(char *fileTemplate)
- {
- FILE *fp = fopen(fileTemplate, "rt");
- char buf[512];
- if( fp )
- {
- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
- while( !feof(fp) )
- {
- fputs(ParseLineWithMacros(buf), m_fp);
- fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- // returns the length of the replacement text
- int
- Application::MakeMacro(char *dest, char *src, int maxlen, char justChar)
- {
- char buf[255], numbuf[50];
- int retval = 0;
- strupr(src);
- buf[0] = EOS;
- numbuf[0] = EOS;
- if( STREQU("AREANAME", src) ) strcpy(buf, m_CurArea.name);
- else if( STREQU("PROGID", src) ) sprintf(buf, "%s %s", s_AppName, s_Version);
- else if( STREQU("AREANUM", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%d", m_CurAreaNo);
- else if( STREQU("AREAFILES", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_AreaFiles);
- else if( STREQU("AREASIZE", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_AreaBytes);
- else if( STREQU("AREASIZEK", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_AreaBytes/1024);
- else if( STREQU("AREAFDLS", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_AreaFdls);
- else if( STREQU("TOTALFILES", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_TotalFiles);
- else if( STREQU("TOTALSIZE", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_TotalKbytes * 1024L + m_DeltaBytes);
- else if( STREQU("TOTALSIZEK", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_TotalKbytes);
- else if( STREQU("TOTALFDLS", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%lu", m_TotalFdls);
- else if( STREQU("TOTALAREAS", src) ) sprintf(numbuf, "%d", m_TotalAreas);
- else if( STREQU("DATE", src) ) MakeTimeStr(buf, True);
- else if( STREQU("TIME", src) ) MakeTimeStr(buf, False);
- // if we have a number formatted, put the commas
- if( EOS != numbuf[0] ) strcma(buf, numbuf);
- if( maxlen && justChar )
- { // we must do justification
- buf[maxlen] = EOS; // cut off excess in macro replacement
- if( '<' == justChar ) sprintf(dest, "%-*s", maxlen, buf);
- else if( '%' == justChar ) strcent(dest, buf, maxlen);
- else sprintf(dest, "%*s", maxlen, buf);
- dest[maxlen] = EOS; // just in case
- retval = maxlen;
- }
- else
- { // straight copying
- retval = strlen(buf);
- strcpy(dest, buf);
- }
- return retval;
- }