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- /*
- * This file is part of LZSETUP (Configuration program for Listerz)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev (gargoyle)
- * A fine product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License Version 2. The full text of the license is
- * supplied in the Copying.Doc file included with this archive. This
- * free software comes with absolutely no warranty, as outlined in the
- * licensing text. You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice.
- *
- * Contact: Branislav L. Slantchev at 73023.262@compuserve.com
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <oppick.h>
- #include <opstring.h>
- extern ColorSet lz_Colors;
- extern FrameArray lz_FrameType;
- extern boolean lz_Dirty;
- typedef char csArray[256][6];
- typedef csArray* csArrayPtr;
- class CharSelector: public PickList
- {
- csArrayPtr csItemPtr;
- void csItemStringPrim(word I, char* IString);
- public:
- boolean Init(byte X1, byte Y1, byte X2, byte Y2);
- boolean InitCustom(byte X1, byte Y1, byte X2, byte Y2,
- ColorSet &Colors, long Options);
- virtual void Done();
- virtual void ItemString(word, pkMode mode, pkItemType &type, char* s);
- void SetChar(char Ch);
- char GetChar();
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CharSelector methods
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- boolean
- CharSelector::Init(byte X1, byte Y1, byte X2, byte Y2)
- {
- return CharSelector::InitCustom(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,lz_Colors,DefWindowOptions);
- }
- boolean
- CharSelector::InitCustom(byte X1, byte Y1, byte X2, byte Y2,
- ColorSet &Colors, long Options)
- {
- word I;
- csItemPtr = NULL;
- if( !PickList::InitAbstract(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Colors, Options, 9, 256,
- PickSnaking, SingleChoice) )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // try to pre-calculate the strings and store them on the heap
- if( GetMemCheck((void *&)csItemPtr, sizeof(csArray)) )
- {
- for( I = 0; I <= 255; I++ ) csItemStringPrim(I, (*csItemPtr)[I]);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- CharSelector::Done()
- {
- FreeMemCheck(csItemPtr);
- PickList::Done();
- }
- void
- CharSelector::ItemString(word Item, pkMode Mode, pkItemType &IType,
- char *IString)
- {
- if( csItemPtr != NULL ) strcpy(IString, (*csItemPtr)[Item-1]);
- else csItemStringPrim(Item-1, IString);
- if( pkOptionsAreOn(pkSetDefault) )
- if( Item == GetDefaultChoice() )
- IType = pkAlternate;
- Insert(" ", IString, 0);
- strcat(IString, " ");
- }
- void
- CharSelector::SetChar(char Ch)
- {
- SetInitialChoice(((byte)Ch)+1);
- }
- char
- CharSelector::GetChar()
- {
- return (char)GetLastChoice() - 1;
- }
- void
- CharSelector::csItemStringPrim(word index, char *s)
- {
- switch( (char)index )
- {
- case 00: strcpy(s, "0 0"); break;
- case ' ': strcpy(s, "32 sp"); break;
- default : sprintf(s, "%-4d%c", index, (char)index);
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // the public function called by the setup program
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void
- SelectSymbol(byte *symbol, char *header)
- {
- CharSelector CS;
- long options = DefWindowOptions | wBordered;
- if( CS.InitCustom(29, 4, 74, 21, lz_Colors, options) )
- {
- CS.EnableExplosions(15);
- CS.wFrame.SetFrameType(lz_FrameType);
- CS.wFrame.AddHeader(header, heTR);
- CS.wFrame.AddShadow(shBR, shSeeThru);
- CS.wFrame.AddCustomScrollBar(frBB,0,MaxLongInt,1,1,'▓','░',lz_Colors);
- CS.SetChar(*symbol);
- CS.Draw();
- CS.Process();
- if( ccQuit != CS.GetLastCommand() && *symbol != CS.GetChar() )
- {
- *symbol = CS.GetChar();
- lz_Dirty = TRUE;
- }
- CS.Erase();
- CS.Done();
- }
- }