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- /*
- * This file is part of LZSETUP (Configuration program for Listerz)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev (gargoyle)
- * A fine product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- *
- * This file is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * General Public License Version 2. The full text of the license is
- * supplied in the Copying.Doc file included with this archive. This
- * free software comes with absolutely no warranty, as outlined in the
- * licensing text. You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice.
- *
- * Contact: Branislav L. Slantchev at 73023.262@compuserve.com
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <opcrt.h>
- #include <opwindow.h>
- #include "geometry.h"
- extern ColorSet lz_Colors;
- extern boolean lz_Dirty;
- extern FrameArray lz_FrameType;
- extern CommandProcessor lz_Commands;
- #define ccToggleBlink 201
- #define ModuleCode 40
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // color selector class
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class ColorSelector: public CommandWindow
- {
- byte m_MaxColor;
- byte m_MaxBg;
- byte m_Width;
- byte m_Color;
- byte m_BoxColor;
- byte m_BoxMono;
- byte m_BoxAttr;
- byte m_index;
- boolean m_blink;
- zRect m_rect;
- boolean m_selInited;
- char m_selBuf[50];
- static const char m_BoxChars[3][3];
- static const byte m_Height;
- static const char *m_ColorChar;
- static const char m_BlinkChar;
- public:
- boolean Init(byte X1, byte Y1);
- boolean InitCustom(byte X1, byte Y1, ColorSet &Colors, long Options);
- void SetColor(byte Color);
- byte GetColor();
- private:
- virtual void UpdateContents();
- virtual void ProcessSelf();
- void SetBoxAttr(byte color, byte mMono);
- void ColorToPos(byte attr, byte &row, byte &col);
- byte PosToColor(byte row, byte col);
- void DrawSelector(byte attr, byte row, byte col);
- void UpdateSelector(byte attr);
- };
- const char* ColorSelector::m_ColorChar = "X";
- const char ColorSelector::m_BlinkChar = 'B';
- const byte ColorSelector::m_Height = 10;
- const char ColorSelector::m_BoxChars[3][3] =
- {
- {'┌', '─', '┐'},
- {'│', 'X', '│'},
- {'└', '─', '┘'}
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ColorSelector methods
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- boolean
- ColorSelector::Init(byte col, byte row)
- {
- return ColorSelector::InitCustom(col, row, lz_Colors, DefWindowOptions);
- }
- boolean
- ColorSelector::InitCustom(byte x1, byte y1, ColorSet &Colors, long Options)
- {
- byte x2, y2;
- boolean retval = FALSE;
- m_selInited = FALSE;
- m_blink = FALSE;
- m_MaxColor = 0x7F;
- m_MaxBg = 0x70;
- m_Width = 18;
- x2 = x1 + m_Width - 1;
- y2 = y1 + m_Height - 1;
- Options &= ~wResizeable;
- Options |= (wClear | wUserContents | wBordered);
- lz_Commands.AddCommand(ccToggleBlink, 1, 0x3000, 0);
- if( CommandWindow::InitCustom(x1, y1, x2, y2, Colors, Options,
- lz_Commands, ModuleCode) )
- {
- wFrame.AddHeader(" 00 ", heBC);
- if( RawError() != 0 )
- {
- Done();
- InitStatus = RawError();
- }
- else
- {
- m_index = wFrame.GetLastHeaderIndex();
- SetBoxAttr(Colors.FrameColor, Colors.FrameMono);
- retval = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::SetBoxAttr(byte attrColor, byte attrMono)
- {
- m_BoxColor = attrColor;
- m_BoxMono = MapMono(attrColor, attrMono);
- m_BoxAttr = ColorMono(m_BoxColor, m_BoxMono);
- }
- byte
- ColorSelector::PosToColor(byte row, byte col)
- {
- row -= wYL;
- col -= wXL;
- if( (row == 0)
- || (col == 0)
- || (row == m_Height - 1)
- || (col == m_Width - 1) )
- {
- return m_BoxAttr;
- }
- else
- {
- return ((row - 1) << 4) + (m_BoxAttr & 0x0F);
- }
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::ColorToPos(byte attr, byte &row, byte &col)
- {
- col = (wXL + 1) + (attr & 0xF);
- row = (wYL + 1) + (attr >> 4);
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::UpdateContents()
- {
- byte row, col, attrib;
- for( attrib = 0; attrib <= m_MaxColor; attrib++ )
- {
- ColorToPos(attrib, row, col);
- FastWrite((char*)m_ColorChar, row, col, attrib);
- }
- StackWindow::UpdateContents();
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::SetColor(byte aColor)
- {
- m_Color = aColor;
- m_blink = !!(aColor & 0x80);
- }
- byte
- ColorSelector::GetColor()
- {
- return m_Color | (m_blink ? 0x80 : 0x00);
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::DrawSelector(byte attrib, byte row, byte col)
- {
- char s[2];
- byte attr;
- int x, y, rowDelta, colDelta;
- s[1] = '\0'; // to make a string later
- for( rowDelta = -1; rowDelta < 2; rowDelta++ )
- {
- y = rowDelta + row;
- for( colDelta = -1; colDelta < 2; colDelta++ )
- {
- s[0] = m_BoxChars[rowDelta+1][colDelta+1];
- x = colDelta + col;
- if( (rowDelta == 0) && (colDelta == 0) )
- { // leave attrib of X alone
- attr = attrib;
- if( m_blink )
- { // change to blink and char
- attr |= 0x80;
- s[0] = m_BlinkChar;
- }
- }
- else attr = m_BoxAttr;
- FastWrite(s, y, x, attr);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::UpdateSelector(byte attr)
- {
- byte row, col;
- boolean redraw;
- char s[20];
- void *p = m_selBuf;
- if( m_selInited )
- { // not first call, restore last area
- RestoreWindow(m_rect.a.x,m_rect.a.y,m_rect.b.x,m_rect.b.y, FALSE, p);
- }
- else
- { // first call, mark for restore
- m_selInited = TRUE;
- }
- ColorToPos(attr, row, col);
- m_rect.a.x = col - 1;
- m_rect.a.y = row - 1;
- m_rect.b.x = col + 1;
- m_rect.b.y = row + 1;
- SaveWindow(m_rect.a.x, m_rect.a.y, m_rect.b.x, m_rect.b.y, FALSE, p);
- DrawSelector(attr, row, col);
- sprintf(s, " %02X ", attr | (m_blink ? 0x80 : 0x00));
- wFrame.ChangeHeaderString(m_index, s, redraw);
- wFrame.DrawHeader(m_index);
- }
- void
- ColorSelector::ProcessSelf()
- {
- byte saveAttr, attr;
- boolean done, saveBlink;
- void *p = m_selBuf;
- ClearErrors();
- Draw();
- if( RawError() != 0 ) return;
- SetCursor(cuHidden);
- done = FALSE;
- attr = m_Color & m_MaxColor;
- UpdateSelector(attr);
- do
- {
- GetNextCommand();
- saveAttr = attr;
- saveBlink = m_blink;
- switch( cwCmd )
- {
- case ccLeft:
- if( (attr & 0x0F) == 0 ) attr += 0x0F;
- else attr--;
- break;
- case ccRight:
- if( (attr & 0x0F) == 0x0F ) attr -= 0x0F;
- else attr++;
- break;
- case ccUp:
- if( attr <= 0x0F ) attr += m_MaxBg;
- else attr -= 0x10;
- break;
- case ccDown:
- if( attr >= m_MaxBg ) attr -= m_MaxBg;
- else attr += 0x10;
- break;
- case ccPageUp: attr = attr & 0x0F; break;
- case ccPageDn: attr = (attr & 0x0F) + m_MaxBg; break;
- case ccHome : attr = attr & m_MaxBg; break;
- case ccEnd : attr = (attr & m_MaxBg) + 0x0F; break;
- case ccSelect:
- m_Color = attr;
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- case ccQuit:
- attr = m_Color;
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- case ccToggleBlink:
- m_blink = !m_blink;
- break;
- default:
- if( cwCmd >= ccUser0 )
- {
- m_Color = attr;
- done = TRUE;
- }
- else cwCmd = ccNone;
- }
- if( attr != saveAttr || m_blink != saveBlink )
- { // draw new choice
- UpdateSelector(attr);
- }
- }while( !done );
- RestoreWindow(m_rect.a.x, m_rect.a.y, m_rect.b.x, m_rect.b.y, FALSE, p);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // the interface function called by the program
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void
- SelectColor( byte *attrib, char *header )
- {
- ColorSelector CS;
- long options = wBordered | wClear | wUserContents;
- if( CS.InitCustom(57, 6, lz_Colors, options) )
- {
- byte newAttrib;
- CS.EnableExplosions(15);
- CS.wFrame.SetFrameType(lz_FrameType);
- CS.wFrame.AddHeader(header, heTR);
- CS.wFrame.AddShadow(shBR, shSeeThru);
- CS.SetColor(*attrib);
- SetBlink(TRUE);
- CS.Draw();
- CS.Process();
- newAttrib = CS.GetColor();
- CS.Erase();
- CS.Done();
- if( *attrib != newAttrib )
- {
- *attrib = newAttrib;
- lz_Dirty = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }