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- This is a list of all files included in the archive. If you are missing
- any of those, please obtain a fresh copy of the distribution file.
- COPYING.DOC Source Code License (read this first!)
- FILE_ID.DIZ BBS distribution information file
- LZSETUP.PRJ Borland C++ 3.1 project file
- LZS_ARCH.CPP Archive setup processing functions
- LZS_ASK.CPP Generic Y/N dialog box implementation
- LZS_CHAR.CPP Character table selector (from MakeMenu)
- LZS_CLRS.CPP Color selector ala ProBoard
- LZS_CMDS.H Command definitions
- LZS_CONF.CPP Default configuration (load and save routines)
- LZS_DATA.OPL MakeMenu and MakeScrn library data file
- LZS_DROP.CPP Useron setup processing functions
- LZS_INFO.CPP Program information dialog
- LZS_KEYS.CPP Command processor setup
- LZS_MAIN.CPP Color definitions and main() routine
- LZS_MBOX.CPP Generic message box implementation
- LZS_MENU.CPP Menu definitions and setup
- LZS_NAME.CPP Generic file name prompting dialog box
- LZS_SCRN.CPP Screen layout processing module
- LZS_SDIR.CPP System directories setup functions
- LZS_VERS.H Program version and copyright information
- MAKEFILE Borland C++ specific makefile
- MANIFEST.DOC This file
- README.DOC Source code notes
- SUPPORT.DOC Technical support and contact information
- Please, refer to the README.DOC file for some notes on the source code.