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- This file is part of LZSETUP (Configuration program for Listerz)
- Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev (gargoyle)
- A fine product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
- This file is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU
- General Public License Version 2. The full text of the license is
- supplied in the Copying.Doc file included with this archive. This
- free software comes with absolutely no warranty, as outlined in the
- licensing text. You are not allowed to remove this copyright notice.
- Contact: Branislav L. Slantchev at 73023.262@compuserve.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I wrote the first version Listerz about a year ago and it proved to be quite
- a popular product. The demand for more configurability grew and finally
- evolved in the current LZSETUP separate setup program.
- I also wanted to do a complete rewrite of Listerz in order to incorporate
- some of the new advanced features of PB-Lib v3.0 such as the bucket file
- buffering which allows all file areas to be transparently loaded in memory
- without a noticeable sacrifice in performance. Unlike the previous versions
- of Listerz, this one now supports all 10,000 file areas that ProBoard can
- use. Also, the command bar classes have been fully utilized along with the
- modified list viewer class which now supports windowed output. Another new
- feature is the user-definable background screens which can be in ASCII, ANSI,
- Avatar, PCBoard or Wildcat! formats. This versatility is due to the built-in
- terminal from PB-Lib. I should also mention the useron support for UserDoes
- and Doing (multinode systems). This built-in feature provides some online
- information which can be used by these utilities.
- This source code represents my first effort in using the Object Professional
- library (version 1.10) from TurboPower Software. I think that I did quite
- alright, although some code optimization may be in order. In the course of
- developing the supporting routines for LZSETUP, several useful and generic
- functions took shape and are now available as part of the toolkit for OPRO
- also released by Silicon Creations, Inc. (along with the TurboVision kit).
- The MANIFEST.DOC file outlines briefly the content of each file. Please,
- look over it now to make sure that you have received all the necessary files.
- In order to recompile LZSETUP, you will need the following wares:
- - Borland C++ 3.1 (a later version may work too)
- - Object Professional for C++ v1.10
- - PB-Lib v3.0 (a later version may work too)
- Although I have not tested the source with any compiler other than Borland
- C++ 3.1, it is reasonable to expect that it will compile with any later
- version of BC (as long as it is DOS-based). I am not sure that the code will
- even compile on Microsoft compilers. (It will not work with Watcom, Zortech
- or Symantec because Object Professional does not support them at all). You
- can get the current version of OPRO (C++) at a very low price (only $49)
- from TurboPower Software (http://www.tpower.com). This discounted price is
- due to them discontinuing development and support of all their C++ libraries.
- Note that the documentation you get is excellent so you should not have any
- trouble picking it up without assistance.
- You will definitely need PB-Lib from Silicon Creations, Inc. in order to get
- this program up and running. Several classes and routines from this library
- have been used extensively throughout LZSETUP (such as the terminal emulator
- class). You should be able to obtain the latest release of PB-Lib from the
- same place you got this source code. For more information, refer to the
- SUPPORT.DOC file. Note that you will not be able to use versions prior to the
- 3.0 release (some of the features are simply not there).
- I have included the LZSETUP.PRJ file, although I did not use it to create
- the distribution executable (I only used it as a single configuration file).
- The reason for this is the size of OPRO. The IDE linker cannot link the
- library as it is too big. I have provided a MAKEFILE which should be used
- to do that instead. Note that TLINK distributed with Borland C++ 3.1 cannot
- link it either as it runs out of table space. I have resorted to using the
- TLINK that comes with Borland C++ 4.51 which works quite ok (note that it
- also chokes if you try to compile with debugging information turned on).
- The LZS_DATA.OPL file is the library file I used to store the dialog box
- and menu configuration from MakeMenu and MakeScrn (these come with OPRO).
- Note that the versions stored in this library are probably quite different
- from the ones you see in the source code. This is due to the subsequent
- revisions which I implemented straight in the code without using the two
- utilities. The same applies to the stored color configuration (I know I
- changed that manually too). The OPL file is provided for your convenience
- and should be used as a secondary source only.
- Possible improvements to the program include updating the help status line.
- Right now, it only deals with menu items (i.e. when a dialog is popped-up,
- it does not display context-sensitive hints). Since the status line was an
- afterthought anyway, I decided not to waste valuable time investigating how
- to implement the additional features. A full-blown help module is very easy
- to do in OPRO but I think that it would be an overkill for an application
- such as this one. Another possible thing which can arguably be termed an
- "improvement" is to make the interface more like the JoHo-style it somewhat
- mimics (JoHo = Joaquim Homrighausen). I don't think that this is readily
- achieved with OPRO without some extensive additional programming. And last,
- the color setup is very confusing. I should have probably gone with a single
- dialog which groups all options. Oh well, maybe next time.
- Have fun with the source code and I hope that you learn something from it!
- Please, refer to the file SUPPORT.DOC for information on how to contact me.
- Copyrights and Trademarks:
- LZSETUP and PB-Lib ............. Copyright (c) 1997 Branislav L. Slantchev
- Object Professional for C++ .... Copyright (c) 1991 TurboPower Software
- Borland C++ 3.1 ................ Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International
- UserDoes ....................... Copyright (c) Eddie Van Loon (DqP)
- Doing .......................... Copyright (c) Fe-line Software
- ProBoard ....................... Copyright (c) Philippe Leybaert
- Branislav L. Slantchev
- Silicon Creations, Inc.
- San Angelo, TX
- February 15-16, 1997