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- /* If we are under DOS, install the first half of the file.
- * Otherwise, install the second half.
- **************************************************************/
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- /* Read DOS */
- /* by Jason Hunter
- * April, 1995
- */
- /* This file's primary purpose is to give DOS the ability to read
- * a set of bytes from the Linux partition. It has to look at the
- * partition table and find where the Linux partition is and what
- * the drive's parameters look like so it can convert a ulong
- * representative of a logical byte number in the partition to
- * a track #, sector #, head assignment, and offset in that sector.
- * It's in essence a DOS version of Linux's lseek off /dev/hda4.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <bios.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define DEBUG 0 /* true==1 */
- /* globals */
- int HEADS;
- int SECTORS;
- long start;
- long num_sect;
- void convert(unsigned long x, int *head, int *track, int *sector, int *offset)
- {
- unsigned long logicsect;
- unsigned long absolsect;
- logicsect = x / 512;
- absolsect = logicsect+start;
- *track = (absolsect / (SECTORS*HEADS)); /* if we had to % we'd fall off */
- *head = (absolsect / SECTORS) % HEADS;
- *sector = (absolsect % SECTORS) +1;
- *offset = x % 512;
- if (DEBUG)
- {
- printf ("Beginning at sect=%ld...\n",start);
- printf ("byte=%4ld logic: %-4ld absol: %-4ld head: %-2d track: %-3d sect: %-4d offset: %-d\n",
- x,logicsect,absolsect,*head,*track,*sector,*offset);
- }
- if (absolsect > start+num_sect)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"You cannot access ABOVE the Linux partition.\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- void examine_drive(void)
- {
- int rc;
- int i,j,k;
- char buf[512];
- int run[16];
- int boot, head, sect, cyl;
- int first_head, first_sect, first_cyl;
- int end_head, end_sect, end_cyl;
- int system;
- if (DEBUG)
- printf ("\n\n------------------\n");
- /* read the partition table from the first hard drive */
- rc = biosdisk (2, 128, 0, 0, 1, 1, buf);
- if (DEBUG)
- printf ("rc is %d\n",rc);
- /* For fun, tell what's the OEM for the table */
- if (DEBUG)
- printf ("\nOEM:\n%c%c%c%c\n",buf[2],buf[3],buf[4],buf[5]);
- /* scan through the four entries looking for Linux */
- j=1;
- for (k=0;k<4;k++)
- {
- for (i=0;i<16;i++)
- {
- run[i] = (int) buf[446+(k*16)+i];
- if (run[i] < 0)
- run[i] = run[i] - 0xff00;
- if (DEBUG)
- {
- printf("%x, ",run[i]);
- if (!(j % 16)) printf ("\n\n");
- j++;
- }
- }
- if (run[4] == 0x83) break; /* we found the Linux partition */
- }
- /* If you never found Linux... */
- if (k==4) /* error!! */
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not find Linux partition\n");
- exit (-1);
- }
- boot=run[0];
- first_head=run[1];
- first_sect=run[2];
- first_cyl=run[3];
- first_cyl += (first_sect / 64)*256; /* add top 2 bits of first_sect */
- first_sect = first_sect % 192; /* and remove them from first_sect */
- system=run[4];
- end_head=run[5];
- end_sect=run[6];
- end_cyl=run[7];
- end_cyl += (end_sect / 64)*256; /* add top 2 bits of end_sect */
- end_sect = end_sect % 192; /* and remove them from end_sect */
- start = (long) run[11];
- start = start*256 + run[10];
- start = start*256 + run[9];
- start = start*256 + run[8];
- num_sect = (long) run[15];
- num_sect = num_sect*256 + run[14];
- num_sect = num_sect*256 + run[13];
- num_sect = num_sect*256 + run[12];
- HEADS = end_head+1;
- SECTORS = start/(first_cyl*HEADS);
- /* Brag about the results */
- if (DEBUG)
- {
- printf ("\n THE DRIVE HAS:\n");
- printf (" number of heads: %d\n",HEADS);
- printf (" number of sectors: %d\n",SECTORS);
- printf ("\n LINUX ITSELF HAS:\n");
- printf (" boot indicator: %xh\n",boot);
- printf (" beginning head: %d\n",first_head);
- printf (" beginning sector: %d\n",first_sect);
- printf (" beginning cylinder: %d\n",first_cyl);
- printf (" system indicator: %xh\n",system);
- printf (" ending head: %d\n",end_head);
- printf (" ending sector: %d\n",end_sect);
- printf (" ending cylinder: %d\n",end_cyl);
- printf ("relative start sect: %ld\n",start);
- printf (" number of sectors: %ld\n",num_sect);
- }
- }
- int readdisk( char *buf, unsigned long loc, size_t size )
- {
- int head,cyl,sect,offset;
- int i,rc;
- char temp[20480]; /* when this gets big, it tromps data */
- convert (loc,&head,&cyl,§,&offset);
- rc = biosdisk (2, 128, head,cyl,sect,(size/512)+2,temp);
- if (DEBUG)
- printf ("rc is %d\n",rc);
- memcpy(buf,temp+offset,size); /* no ending NULL */
- if (rc==0)
- return size;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* If we're under Linux (for testing) include the following */
- #else
- /* Read Linux */
- /* Written by Dave Lutz */
- /* This file is to be used for testing this software under Linux. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- int IN; /* holds the open input dev */
- typedef unsigned char byte;
- int open_dev( char *name )
- {
- return( IN = open( name, O_RDONLY ) ); /* open the file */
- }
- int readdisk( byte *buf, unsigned long loc, size_t size )
- {
- lseek( IN, loc, SEEK_SET );
- return( read( IN, buf, size ) );
- }
- #endif