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- Welcome to lread/ldir!
- This program was written for an Operating Systems class at Willamette
- University in Salem, Oregon, USA. It is a DOS program (though it has
- been shown to work under Linux) which reads the Linux ext2 filesystem.
- The usage is as follows:
- ldir /any/Linux/path
- and
- lread /any/Linux/path[/filename] [savefile]
- where bracketed items are optional.
- Ldir will printout something akin to a "ls -l" for the given directory. It
- always outputs to stdout. Lread will print actual files. It will print to
- stdout unless a savefile is given in which case it will save that file on
- the DOS filesystem. If lread is given a directory name instead of a file
- name, it will display or save a dump of the directory. We consider the
- capability to both "dir" and "read" a directory a feature.
- As you can tell by viewing the code, the only difference between ldir and
- lread is the filename. The program does a quick check of argv[0] and reacts
- based on the name of the called program. Under Linux you can simply link
- ldir to lread, but under DOS you must make a full copy of the file. So
- compile the code to be either lread or ldir and copy the other.
- When you compile the code under DOS be sure to use the Compact memory model
- or larger. 64K of data space is not enough for parsing large directories.
- Super-large directories still cause problems under DOS.
- The program works by first reading the data about the hard drive in the
- partition table. It finds the first Linux partition on the first hard drive
- (if you have more than one, change the code... we're graduating and done
- with this at least for a while!). It uses the drive specifications it finds
- in the table to enable DOS to use BIOS calls to read outside the DOS
- partition.
- Using this capability, the program finds the inode of the first parameter
- (kind of like performing a mini "stat" under DOS). It chases down the path
- piece by piece to find the inode of the last part. It begins at the rood
- directory (inode 2), loads that directory, and then scans it for the inode
- corresponding to the next piece of the path. It stops when it has resolved
- the full path or hits a softlink or filename in the middle of the path. (If
- you care to allow it to follow softlinks, be my guest. Please see my email
- address below as a contact point.)
- With this inode the program can follow the file block by block--through the
- single indirect, double indirect, and triple indirect pointers. After
- reading each block it either displays it or writes it to a file.
- When everything has finished the program reports any errors encountered or
- the fact that no errors were found. On ldir it only reports problems.
- There is a list of problems and things to work on in main.c. If you have
- skills and interest, feel free to tackle some code modifications. For at
- least the near future work is keeping me too busy to continue working on
- this. Please report bugs and comments to the addresses below.
- Keep in touch on email!
- jhunter@willamette.edu
- jhunter@engr.sgi.com
- dlutz@willamette.edu
- Jason and Dave