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Text File | 1996-02-04 | 42.1 KB | 1,581 lines |
- ;
- ; NanoBBS (C) 1993-96 WhirlWind Software
- ;
- ; MESSAGE.CTL - a message area config file for NanoBBS
- ; FIDONET.CTL - an example taken from THC Freedom Online
- ;
- ; This file is a segment of local Victoria, B.C. Canada echoes, used
- ; to illustrate a real-world Fidonet example and to show how Include files
- ; are used - this is an include file, you could patch it into your message
- ; areas simply by uncommenting the "Include fidonet.ctl" line in MSGAREA.CTL
- ; and running MMB MSGAREA.
- ;
- ; The examples below illustrate most of the commands available in this
- ; file; here is a complete listing:
- ;
- ; MSGAREA {number} - Starts a message area definition.
- ; MSGAREA @NEXT - Starts a message area definition, gives the new area
- ; an area number one higher than the last one
- ; MSGAREA @NEXT 10 - Starts a message area definition, gives the new area
- ; an area number 10 higher than the last one
- ; NAME {Area Name} - Defines the message area's name as the user sees it
- ; QWKNAME {Name} - Defines the area as seen in the user's QWK reader.
- ; The QWKNAME must be 12 characters or less.
- ; NEWSGROUP {news.group} - Defines the Usenet Newsgroup (if any) associated
- ; with this message area.
- ; TYPE {type} - Defines the message base type, either SQUISH, JAM or *.MSG
- ; PATH {path} - Defines what directory the area lives in. For Squish and
- ; JAM areas this also includes the base filename.
- ; ATTACH PATH {path} This defines the path where file attaches in this area
- ; will be stored. If this path is not defined, file
- ; attaches will not be allowed.
- ; ATTACH ACCESS {ac} This defines the access level needed to post file
- ; attaches to this area. This option has no effect unless
- ; the ATTACH PATH is also defined.
- ; ACCESS {access} - Defines the access needed to read messages.
- ; POSTACCESS {ac.} - Defines the access needed to post messages.
- ; PRIVATE - Only private messages are allowed.
- ; PUBLIC - Only public messages are allowed. If neither this nor
- ; PRIVATE is used, the user is asked if the message should
- ; be private.
- ; RFC1036 - This causes an RFC-1036 Usenet message header to be
- ; prepended to the message text.
- ; AGE {age} - Minimum age required for access to the area
- ; FEMALEONLY - Only females may read or post to the area.
- ; MALEONLY - Only males may read or post to the area.
- ; READONLY - This is a read-only area - only the sysop can post!
- ; This may be somewhat redundant as it has the same effect
- ; as setting POSTACCESS to the sysop access level.
- ; ECHOMAIL - This is a Fidonet echomail area
- ; ADDRESS {z:n/n.p}- The originating Fidonet address for this area
- ; ORIGIN {OrgLine} - The text of the Origin Line for this area
- ; KLUDGE REALNAME - The user's real name will be hidden in a ^A kludge line
- ; prepended to the message text.
- ; INTERNET EMAIL - The area is intended for Internet email.
- ; KEYS {keys} - The user key(s) required for access
- ; POSTKEYS {keys} - The user key(s) required to post
- ; REALNAME - Always post with the user's real name
- ; ANONYMOUS - Allow anonymous posting
- ; CENSOR - Use the built-in message censor in this area.
- ; BARRICADE - Check the barricade file MESSAGES.BAR before changing to
- ; this area!
- ; END - End the area's definition.
- ;
- divider
- string Local (Net 340) Fidonet Echoes
- end
- msgarea 40
- name FidoNet: The Police and You (Courtesy SoB BBS)
- path x:\zmsg\fido\cops&you
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin Police the streets, not the bedrooms! 361-4549 28800/V.34+
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname Cops&You
- end
- ;
- msgarea 41
- name FidoNet: BBS Ads Echo (Local/Victoria)
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicbbsad
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_ForSale
- end
- msgarea 42
- name FidoNet: For Sale Echo (Local/Victoria)
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicsale
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_ForSale
- end
- ;
- msgarea 43
- name FidoNet: VIC.SUPPORT Echo (Local/Victoria)
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicsuppo
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_Support
- end
- ;
- msgarea 44
- name FidoNet: Programming Echo
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicprgm
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_Prgm
- end
- ;
- msgarea 45
- Name Fidonet: Politics Echo
- path x:\zmsg\fido\politics
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_Politics
- end
- ;
- msgarea 46
- Name Fidonet: General Chatter
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicchat
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_Vic_Chat
- end
- ;
- msgarea 47
- Name Fidonet: RPG Echo
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicrpg
- access 10
- postaccess 11
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- realname
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_RPGames
- end
- ;
- msgarea 48
- Name Fidonet: Pseud0 ECho
- path x:\zmsg\fido\vicpseud
- access 10
- postaccess 10
- type squish
- address 1:340/26
- origin THC Freedom Online | 604-361-4549 V.34+ | 26000 T-Files
- public
- echomail
- censor
- qwkname F_Pseudo
- end
- ;
- ; Fidonet Backbone Echoes
- ;
- ;
- ;
- divider
- string Fidonet International Echoes
- end
- msgarea 400
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ACCT_TAX
- name Fido: Accounting and Tax Information
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ACCT_TAX
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\AD&D
- name Fido: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname AD&D
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ADLIB
- name Fido: Sound Cards Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ADLIB
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ALTMED
- name Fido: Alternative Medicine
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ALTMED
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\AMATEUR_
- name Fido: Amateur Radio Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname AMATEUR_
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ARCADE
- name Fido: Discussion/Help with Arcade Games
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ARCADE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ASIAN_LI
- name Fido: International chat echo - members on 6 continents
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ASIAN_LI
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ASKACOP
- name Fido: Ask Law enforcement professionals about their work and pra
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ASKACOP
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ASKACOP2
- name Fido: ASKACOP2
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ASKACOP2
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ASK_A_NU
- name Fido: Ask nurses and others about your health concerns.
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ASK_A_NU
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ASTRONOM
- name Fido: National Observational Astronomy Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ASTRONOM
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BAMA
- name Fido: Odyssey Fringe Science Research Network Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BAMA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BATPOWER
- name Fido: Batch Languages Programming
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BATPOWER
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BBSLAW
- name Fido: BBS Legal Issues
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BBSLAW
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BBS_ADS
- name Fido: ADVERTISE and Promote YOUR BBS!
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BBS_ADS
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BBS_CARN
- name Fido: BBS Software & Related Utility Chatter
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BBS_CARN
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BBS_DOOR
- name Fido: Discussions of all types of BBS Doors and their Distrib
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BBS_DOOR
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BEATLES
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BEATLES
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BIG_SMOK
- name Fido: Cigar Lovers Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BIG_SMOK
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BIKE-N-R
- name Fido: Motorcycle Riders, Bike Safety and Riding
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BIKE-N-R
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BIKENET
- name Fido: Bicycling and human powered vehicles
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BIKENET
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\BINKLEY
- name Fido: BinkleyTerm Mailer Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname BINKLEY
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CANPOL
- name Fido: Canadian Politics
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CANPOL
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CAN_FREE
- name Fido: Canada Freechat!
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CAN_FREE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CAN_SYSL
- name Fido: Legal information for Canadian sysops
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CAN_SYSL
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CBM
- name Fido: Commodore Computer Conference
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CBM
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CDROM
- name Fido: CD ROM Discussion & Info
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CDROM
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CDROM_SA
- name Fido: CD ROM For Sale
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CDROM_SA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CFORSALE
- name Fido: Commercial for Sale Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CFORSALE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CHANNELS
- name Fido: Channelled Msgs From Spirit Realms
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CHANNELS
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CIVLIB
- name Fido: Civil Liberties
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CIVLIB
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CLASSICA
- name Fido: Classical Music Discussion
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CLASSICA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\COINS
- name Fido: Coin/token collecting discussion
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname COINS
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\COLLECTA
- name Fido: Collectables
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname COLLECTA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\CONSPRCY
- name Fido: Conspiracy Discussions
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname CONSPRCY
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\C_ECHO
- name Fido: C Language Programming
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname C_ECHO
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\C_PLUSPL
- name Fido: The International C++ Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname C_PLUSPL
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DELPHI
- name Fido: Borland Delphi Developers' Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DELPHI
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DESQVIEW
- name Fido: Quarterdeck Products: DESQview/QEMM/DVX/Etc. Int'l Confere
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DESQVIEW
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DND
- name Fido: D&D and Fantasy Role-Playing conference.
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DND
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DOOM
- name Fido: DOOM (and other 3D games) discussion and support.
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DOOM
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DOORGAME
- name Fido: BBS Doorgames and discussions
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DOORGAME
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DOORWARE
- name Fido: DOORWARE (tm) Support Echo and General Door Development Fo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DOORWARE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\DOS_INTE
- name Fido: DOS/BBS Internet Applications: KA9Q, SLIP_IT, Etc.
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname DOS_INTE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ECSTASY
- name Fido: Music of McLachlan, Amos, Bush and others
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ECSTASY
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ENTREPRE
- name Fido: Entrepreneur conference
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname ENTREPRE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\FLAT_TAX
- name Fido: Flat rate taxation and government waste.
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname FLAT_TAX
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\FOR-SALE
- name Fido: National For Sale Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname FOR-SALE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\FREE_SPE
- name Fido: Freedom of Speech and Expression
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname FREE_SPE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\HDSALE
- name Fido: Buying and selling of hard drives & accessories
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname HDSALE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\HOMEPOWR
- name Fido: Alternative Energy Systems and Homemade Power
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname HOMEPOWR
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\HS_MODEM
- name Fido: High Speed modems
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname HS_MODEM
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\I_UFO
- name Fido: UFO's, Science, Contact, no ridicule allowed!
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- realname
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname I_UFO
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\KLINGON
- name Fido: Star Trek Klingon Discussions
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname KLINGON
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\KOMBUCHA
- name Fido: Discussion of Kombucha, aka Manchurian Mushroom
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname KOMBUCHA
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\LIMBAUGH
- name Fido: International Fans of Rush Limbaugh Conference
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname LIMBAUGH
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\LOVE_&_M
- name Fido: Discuss issues relevant to Dating & Marriage
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname LOVE_&_M
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\MALUM_PR
- name Fido: Discussion of Laws against Consentual Activities
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname MALUM_PR
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\MENSA
- name Fido: Mensa, intelligence, education, other hi-IQ groups, etc.
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname MENSA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\MUFFIN
- name Fido: Maximus BBS Software Support Conference (Sysops Only)
- access 250
- postaccess 250
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname MUFFIN
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\NATURIST
- name Fido: Naturist/nudist discussion
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\NAT_FLEA
- name Fido: National Flea Market
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname NAT_FLEA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\NEW_AGE_
- name Fido: Friendly discussion of New Age Topics
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- qwkname NEW_AGE_
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\NEW_SYSO
- name Fido: Novice sysops' support echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname NEW_SYSO
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\NOPIRACY
- name Fido: Piracy/Computer Crime Discussion & Debate
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname NOPIRACY
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\NORML
- name Fido: Electronic Media Venture Marijuana Information
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname NORML
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\OS2BBS
- name Fido: OS/2 BBS'ing
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname OS2BBS
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\OS2DOSBB
- name Fido: Support for DOS-Based BBS Software Under OS/2
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname OS2DOSBB
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\OTHERNET
- name Fido: OtherNets: Information on Networks other than FidoNet
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname OTHERNET
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\P5DRAFT
- name Fido: Conference for Promotion & Discussion of Policy 5 DRAFT
- access 12
- postaccess 500
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname P5DRAFT
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\PASCAL
- name Fido: Pascal
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname PASCAL
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\PC_CONSU
- name Fido: PC Consultants Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname PC_CONSU
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\PINK
- name Fido: Pink Floyd Discussions
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname PINK
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\PYRO
- name Fido: National Pyrotechnic Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname PYRO
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\RACE_UNI
- name Fido: Healing Racism
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname RACE_UNI
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\REAL_FRE
- name Fido: Real Free Speech - No Moderation
- access 10
- postaccess 12
- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- qwkname REAL_FRE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\SCANRADI
- name Fido: Scanner Radios - Equipment and Frequency Discussions
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- echomail
- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname SCANRADI
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\SCI&TECH
- name Fido: Science and Technology Conference
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname SCI&TECH
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\SCIENCE
- name Fido: National Science Echo
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname SCIENCE
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\SCN-CHEA
- name Fido: Computer game cheating/unethical moves echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname SCN-CHEA
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\SYS4SALE
- name Fido: SysOp For Sale Echo
- access 250
- postaccess 250
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname SYS4SALE
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\SYSOP
- name Fido: International Sysop Conference (the original one)
- access 250
- postaccess 500
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
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- path h:\zmsg\backbone\TREK
- name Fido: Star Trek General Discussions
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\TREKTECH
- name Fido: Star Trek technical discussions
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- path h:\zmsg\backbone\TREK_VOY
- name Fido: Star Trek: Voyager Echo
- access 10
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\UFO
- name Fido: UFO Topics
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\USR_MODE
- name Fido: US Robotics Modems Echo
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\VEGAN
- name Fido: The Vegetarian Echo
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname VEGAN
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\VID_GAME
- name Fido: Home VideoGame System and Game discussions
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\WIN_SYSO
- name Fido: Windows Sysop Echo
- access 10
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\WIN32
- name Fido: Microsoft WIN32 Operating Systems
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
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- path h:\zmsg\backbone\WIN95
- name Fido: Windows95
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname WIN95
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\WINDOWS
- name Fido: WINDOWS
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname WINDOWS
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\WRESTLIN
- name Fido: Fido Pro Wrestling (FPW)
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname WRESTLIN
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\WRITING
- name Fido: FidoNet Writing conference
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname WRITING
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\X-FILES
- name Fido: X-Files TV show discussions
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\YOUNG_AD
- name Fido: Young Adult Forum
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
- qwkname YOUNG_AD
- end
- msgarea @NEXT
- path h:\zmsg\backbone\ZYMURGY
- name Fido: Beer Homebrewing
- access 10
- postaccess 12
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- origin THC BBS - 26,000 Text Files - +1 604 361 4549
- type squish
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- address 1:340/26
- censor
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