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- ;
- ; NanoBBS - Copyright 1993-96 Whirlwind Software
- ;
- ; FILEAREA.CTL - a file area config file for NanoBBS.
- ;
- ; Make sure to check out the File Groups definitions at the end of the
- ; file!
- ;
- ; The examples below illustrate most of the commands available in this
- ; file; here is a complete listing:
- ;
- ; FILEAREA {number} - Starts a file area definition.
- ; FILEAREA @NEXT - Starts a file area definition, gives the new area
- ; an area number one higher than the last one
- ; FILEAREA @NEXT 10 - Starts a file area definition, gives the new area
- ; an area number 10 higher than the last one
- ; NAME {Area Name } - Defines the file area's name
- ; DOWNLOAD {path} - Defines where the files themselves exist
- ; UPLOAD {path} - Defines where files should be uploaded
- ; FILESBBS {path} - Defines where the FILES.BBS file lives. This is
- ; optional; if it is not used FILES.BBS will be expected
- ; in the same directory as DOWNLOAD.
- ; AGE {age} - The minimum age needed to access the area
- ; CDROM - This means the area is on a CD. Files are copied to a
- ; temporary directory prior to downloading.
- ; ACCESS {access} - Defines the access needed to use the area.
- ; ULACCESS {access} - Defines the access needed to upload in the area.
- ; DLACCESS {access} - Defines the access needed to download in the area.
- ; KEYS {keys} - Defines the key(s) needed to use the area.
- ; ULKEYS {keys} - Defines the key(s) needed to upload in the area.
- ; DLKEYS {keys} - Defines the key(s) needed to download in the area.
- ; NOUPLOADS - Uploading is not allowed in the area.
- ; GROUP {number} - The GROUP number to which the area belongs
- ; PCBSTYLE - The FILES.BBS file has the file's time and size included
- ; in the description, similar to a PC-Board DIR listing.
- ; This is for compatibility with some CD-ROMs, notably
- ; Monster Media.
- ; INDENTDESC - This indicates that long file descriptions are
- ; continued by indenting them with three or more
- ; spaces. This is for compatibility with some weird
- ; FILES.BBS files found on some CD-ROMs. Do not use
- ; this indiscriminately or some comment lines might not
- ; display properly.
- ; END - End the area's definition.
- ;
- ; You may also demarcate file areas by content type, CD-ROM residence, file
- ; distribution network or whatever criterion you like by grouping them
- ; together and partitioning them with dividers.
- ;
- ; DIVIDER - Start a divider definition (no parameters)
- ; DISPLAY - Text to display in the divider (see SysMsg 345 in the
- ; language file)
- ; FILENAME {name} - Display filename specified by {name} instead of
- ; SysMsg 345
- ; AGE {age}
- ; ACCESS {access}
- ; KEYS {keys} - AGE, ACCESS and KEYS enable or suppress the divider
- ; in much the same way they do for file areas
- ; END - End the divider's definition
- ;
- FileArea 1
- access 10
- name General Upload Files
- Download c:\file\upload\
- Upload c:\file\upload\
- group 1
- end
- FileArea 2
- access 10
- name Shareware Games
- Download c:\bbs\files\games\
- Upload c:\bbs\files\screen\
- group 1
- end
- divider
- display Adults Only - Adult Files
- age 21
- end
- FileArea 3
- access 200
- name Naughty Adult Pictures
- download c:\bbs\files\adult\
- upload c:\bbs\files\screen\
- age 21
- group 3
- end
- ; These commented-out include directives point to example files which, with
- ; a little path tweaking, should work perfectly for you with Night Owl
- ; Shareware #15 and #16, Monster Media #10, PC Sig #14, and The Hacker
- ; Chronicles ][ respectively. I recommend creating a set of shadow
- ; directories on hard disk for each directory on each CD, and each of those
- ; directories should contain only the FILES.BBS from the CD. Night Owl and
- ; Hacker Chronicles FILES.BBS files should work out of the box. See the
- ; header in PCSIG14.CTL for some hints on getting PC Sig #14 to work with
- ; NanoBBS.
- include NOPV15.CTL
- ;include NOPV16.CTL
- ;include MM10.CTL
- ;include PCSIG14.CTL
- ;include THC2.CTL
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; File Group Definitions - This section defines whether to use File
- ; Groups and the names and access levels of the groups. There can
- ; be up to 256 groups from 0 to 255, and they are listed in the order
- ; defined here, which need not necessarily be in numeric order. Use
- ; the GROUP command in your FILEAREA.CTL to define which groups each
- ; area belongs to. Any area not having a group is deemed to be in
- ; group 0, which is included here as a "leftovers" group at the end of
- ; these definitions. See NANOBBS.DOC for a thorough explanation of file
- ; groups.
- ;
- ; In a nutshell, File Groups are simple groups of file areas that are
- ; arranged by topic or in some other order, to make it easier for users
- ; to find a specific file area. This is most useful for systems with
- ; many file areas.
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; The syntax of this section is really very simple.
- ;
- ; FILEGROUP {filegroup} starts a group definition
- ; NAME is the name of the group
- ; ACCESS is the access level needed
- ; KEYS are the user keys needed
- ; END ends the file group's definition.
- ;
- filegroup 1
- name General Files of Interest
- access 10
- end
- filegroup 2
- name CD-ROM Files
- access 10
- end
- filegroup 3
- name Naughty Adult Files
- access 200
- end