home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Program IsOut;
- { 1996 by Bo Bendtsen, free to use or modify }
- Uses Dos;
- Const
- MSGPRIVATE = $0001; (* For addressee *ONLY* :* 0000 0000 0000 0001 *)
- MSGCRASH = $0002; (* High priority :* 0000 0000 0000 0010 *)
- MSGREAD = $0004; (* Was read by addressee :* 0000 0000 0000 0100 *)
- MSGSENT = $0008; (* Was sent by FidoMail :: 0000 0000 0000 1000 *)
- MSGFILE = $0010; (* SUBJ=file(s) to send :* 0000 0000 0001 0000 *)
- MSGFWD = $0020; (* Msg from & to elsewhere:: 0000 0000 0010 0000 *)
- MSGORPHAN = $0040; (* Msg destination unknown:: 0000 0000 0100 0000 *)
- MSGKILL = $0080; (* Delete after sending :* 0000 0000 1000 0000 *)
- MSGLOCAL = $0100; (* Msg is Local, not Net :: 0000 0001 0000 0000 *)
- MSGHOLD = $0200; (* Hold msg for pickup :* 0000 0010 0000 0000 *)
- MSGXX2 = $0400; (* <reserved> X? 0000 0100 0000 0000 *)
- MSGFRQ = $0800; (* SUBJ=file(s) to get :* 0000 1000 0000 0000 *)
- MSGRRQ = $1000; (* Msg Receipt requested X* 0001 0000 0000 0000 *)
- MSGCPT = $2000; (* Msg is a Msg Receipt X* 0010 0000 0000 0000 *)
- MSGARQ = $4000; (* Audit Trail requested X* 0100 0000 0000 0000 *)
- MSGURQ = $8000; (* SUBJ=files(s) to UPD X* 1000 0000 0000 0000 *)
- Type
- Msgtype = Record
- From_user : array[0..35] of char;
- To_user : array[0..35] of char;
- Subject : array[0..71] of char;
- Date_time : array[0..19] of char;
- Times_read : word;
- Destnode : word;
- Orignode : word;
- Cost : word;
- Orignet : word;
- Destnet : word;
- Fill : array[0..7] of char;
- replyto : word;
- Mess_attr : word;
- Next_reply : word;
- end;
- Charset = Set of char;
- AddrRecord = Record
- Zone,Net,Node,Point : Word;
- End;
- Var
- Txtsize: Word;
- Txt : Array[1..32000] of Char;
- T : Text;
- Tmp,Tmp2 : String;
- OurZone : Word;
- Whoto,
- Node : String[30];
- Outbound : String[79];
- FDNetmail : String[79];
- EraseAfter : Boolean;
- Crash : Boolean;
- Remove : Boolean;
- I : SearchRec;
- Found : Boolean;
- Path : String[79];
- Filetosend : String[79];
- FromName : String[35];
- ToName : String[35];
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure CopyS(Var ToS:String; FromS : String; ToLength:Byte);
- Begin
- ToS:=Copy(FromS,1,ToLength);
- End;
- Function IntToStr(i: LongInt): String;
- Var
- S : String[11];
- Begin
- Str(i, S); IntToStr := S;
- End;
- Function BlankAfter(S : String; Len : Byte): String;
- var
- o : string;
- SLen : Byte absolute S;
- Begin
- { Txt:=Copy(Txt,1,Lgd); } { Ændret 17/9 }
- { While Length(Txt)<Lgd Do Txt:=Txt+' '; }
- { ændret 14/4-93 fra FX.PAS }
- if Length(S) >= Len then
- BlankAfter := S
- else begin
- o[0] := Chr(Len);
- Move(S[1], o[1], SLen);
- if SLen < 255 then
- FillChar(o[Succ(SLen)], Len-SLen, ' ');
- BlankAfter := o;
- end;
- End;
- function JustPathname(PathName : string) : string;
- const
- DosDelimSet : set of Char = ['\', ':', #0];
- var
- I : Word;
- begin
- I := Succ(Word(Length(PathName)));
- repeat
- Dec(I);
- until (PathName[I] in DosDelimSet) or (I = 0);
- if I = 0 then
- JustPathname[0] := #0
- else if I = 1 then
- JustPathname := PathName[1]
- else if (PathName[I] = '\') then begin
- if PathName[Pred(I)] = ':' then
- JustPathname := Copy(PathName, 1, I)
- else
- JustPathname := Copy(PathName, 1, Pred(I));
- end else
- JustPathname := Copy(PathName, 1, I);
- end;
- Function StrToInt(S: String) : LongInt;
- Var
- Kode : Integer;
- i : LongInt;
- R : Real;
- Begin
- If s='' Then
- Begin
- StrToInt:=0;
- Exit;
- End;
- i:=1; While s[i] in ['-','0'..'9'] Do Inc(i);
- Delete(s,i,255);
- If Length(S) = 0 Then StrToInt := 0 Else Begin
- Val(S,i,Kode);
- If Kode = 0 Then StrToInt := i Else
- Begin
- Val(S,R,Kode);
- If (Kode = 0) And (R<MaxLongint) Then StrToInt := Trunc(R) Else StrToInt:=0;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Function StripChars(Strip : String; ch : CharSet): String;
- Var
- b: byte;
- Begin
- b:=Length(Strip);
- While b>0 Do
- Begin
- If Strip[b] in ch Then Delete(Strip,b,1);
- Dec(b);
- End;
- StripChars:=Strip;
- End;
- Function ReplaceChars(S : String; Old:CharSet; New : Char): String;
- Var
- b : Byte;
- Begin
- For b:=1 to Length(S) Do If s[b] in Old Then s[b]:=New;
- ReplaceChars:=s;
- End;
- Procedure StringToNode(s:String; Var A:AddrRecord);
- Type
- Charset = Set of Char;
- Const
- Allchars : Charset = [#0..#255];
- Var
- n:Byte;
- Begin
- If Pos('@',s)<>0 Then Delete(s,Pos('@',s),255);
- If s='' Then s:='0:0/0' Else s:=StripChars(s,Allchars-['0'..'9',':','/','.']);
- Fillchar(A,sizeof(A),0);
- n:=Pos(':',s);
- If n<>0 Then Begin A.Zone:=StrToInt(Copy(s,1,n-1)); Delete(s,1,n); End
- Else A.Zone:=Ourzone;
- If A.Zone>4096 Then A.Zone:=4096;
- n:=Pos('/',s);
- If n<>0 Then Begin A.Net:=StrToInt(Copy(s,1,n-1)); Delete(s,1,n); End
- Else Begin
- { A.Net:=C.Users[1].Addr.Net; }
- End;
- n:=Pos('.',s);
- If n=0 Then A.Node:=StrToInt(s)
- Else Begin
- A.Node:=StrToInt(Copy(s,1,n-1));
- Delete(s,1,n);
- A.Point:=StrToInt(s);
- End;
- End;
- function JustFilename(PathName : string) : string;
- const
- DosDelimSet : set of Char = ['\', ':', #0];
- var
- I : Word;
- begin
- I := Succ(Word(Length(PathName)));
- repeat
- Dec(I);
- until (PathName[I] in DosDelimSet) or (I = 0);
- JustFilename := Copy(PathName, Succ(I), 64);
- end;
- Function UpChar(Ch : Char) : Char;
- Begin
- If Ord(Ch) In [97..122] Then Ch := Chr(Ord(Ch) - 32)
- Else If Ord(Ch) > 90 Then
- If Ch='æ' Then Ch:='Æ'
- Else If Ch='¢' Then Ch:='¥' Else If Ch='å' Then Ch:='Å'
- Else If Ch='ä' Then Ch:='Ä' Else If Ch='ç' Then Ch:='Ç'
- Else If Ch='é' Then Ch:='É' Else If Ch='ö' Then Ch:='Ö'
- Else If Ch='ñ' Then Ch:='Ñ' Else If Ch='ü' Then Ch:='Ü';
- UpChar:=Ch;
- End;
- Function StUpCase(S : String) : String;
- Var
- SLen : Byte Absolute S;
- x : Integer;
- Begin
- For x := 1 To SLen Do S[x]:=UpChar(S[x]);
- StUpCase := S;
- End;
- Function InWildCard(Input,Wild:String) : Boolean;
- Var
- p:byte;
- Procedure Convert(Var s:String);
- Var F:String[8]; E:String[3];
- Begin
- E:=' ';
- p:=Pos('.',s);
- If p<>0 Then CopyS(E,BlankAfter(Copy(s,p+1,255),3),3)
- Else p:=Length(s)+1;
- If Pos('*',E)<>0 Then CopyS(E,Copy(E,1,Pos('*',E))+ReplaceChars(Copy(E,Pos('*',E)+1,255),[#0..#255],'*'),3);
- CopyS(F,BlankAfter(Copy(s,1,p-1),8),8);
- If Pos('*',F)<>0 Then CopyS(F,Copy(F,1,Pos('*',F))+ReplaceChars(Copy(F,Pos('*',F)+1,255),[#0..#255],'*'),8);
- s:=F+E;
- End;
- Begin
- InWildCard:=False;
- If Stupcase(Input)=Stupcase(Wild) Then
- Begin
- InWildCard:=True;
- Exit;
- End;
- If (Input='') Or (Wild='') Or (Wild='.') Or (Length(Input)>12) Or (Length(Wild)>12) Or
- ( (Pos('*',Wild)=0) And (Pos('?',Wild)=0) And (Input<>Wild)) Then Exit;
- If Wild[1]='.' Then Insert('*',Wild,1);
- If (Wild='*.*') Or (Wild='*') Then
- Begin
- InWildCard:=True;
- Exit;
- End;
- Input:=StUpcase(Input); Wild:=StUpcase(Wild);
- If (Wild[1]='*') And (Wild[2]<>'.') Then
- Begin
- If Pos(Copy(Wild,2,255),Input)<>0 Then InWildCard:=True;
- Exit;
- End;
- Convert(Input);
- Convert(Wild);
- p:=1;
- While ((Input[p]=Wild[p]) or (Wild[p]='*') or ((Wild[p]='?') And
- (Input[p]<>' '))) And (p<12) Do Inc(p);
- If p=12 Then InWildCard:=True;
- End;
- Function NodeToString(Addr : AddrRecord): String;
- Var s:String[6];
- Begin
- If Addr.Point=0 Then s:='' Else s:='.'+IntToStr(Addr.Point);
- NodeToString:=IntToStr(Addr.Zone)+':'+IntToStr(Addr.Net)+'/'+IntToStr(Addr.Node)+s;
- End;
- Function NextKludge(Var K:String;Var Mp:Longint):Boolean;
- Begin
- NextKludge:=False;
- K:='';
- While (Txt[Mp]<>#1) And (Mp<TxtSize) Do Inc(Mp);
- If ((Txt[Mp]=#1) And (Mp<=1)) Or ((Txt[Mp]=#1) And (Mp>1) And (Txt[Mp-1] in [#13,#10])) Then
- Begin
- Inc(Mp);
- While Not (Txt[Mp] in [#13,#10]) And (Length(K)<250) Do
- Begin
- NextKludge:=True;
- K:=K+Txt[Mp];
- Inc(Mp);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Function IntToNulStr(i: LongInt;b:Byte): String;
- { Heltal->streng 40,3 = '040' 9,4 = '0009' etc. }
- Var
- S : String[11];
- Begin
- Str(i, S);
- While Length(S)<b Do S:='0'+S;
- If Length(S)>b Then S:='?'+Copy(S,Length(S)-b+2,10);
- IntToNulStr:=S;
- End;
- Function GetDateTimeFormat:String;
- Const
- Month : Array[0..12] Of String[3] =
- (' ','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
- Var
- MsgDate:Datetime;
- x:word;
- Begin
- GetDate(MsgDate.Year,MsgDate.month,MsgDate.day,x);
- GetTime(MsgDate.Hour,MsgDate.Min,MsgDate.Sec,x);
- GetDate(MsgDate.Year,MsgDate.month,MsgDate.day,x);
- GetDateTimeFormat:=
- IntToNulStr(MsgDate.Day,2)+' '+
- Month[MsgDate.Month]+' '+
- Copy(IntToNulStr(MsgDate.Year,4),3,2)+' '+
- IntToNulStr(MsgDate.Hour,2)+':'+
- IntToNulStr(MsgDate.Min,2)+':'+
- IntToNulStr(MsgDate.Sec,2);
- End;
- Function StripBackSlash(S : String) : String;
- Begin
- If (S<>'') And (S[Length(s)]='\') And
- Not ((Length(s)=3) And (S[2]=':') And (s[3]='\')) Then
- S[0]:=Chr(Ord(S[0])-1);
- StripBackSlash:=S;
- End;
- Function GrabWord(S: String; B: Byte) : String;
- Var st,e:Byte;
- return : String[80];
- Begin
- Return:='';
- st:=1;e:=1;
- While B>0 Do
- Begin
- While (S[st]=' ') or (S[st]=#9) Do Inc(st); { #9 er TAB }
- e:=st;
- While (S[e]<>' ') And (e<=Length(s)) And (e<255) Do Inc(e);
- Return:=Copy(S,st,e-st);
- st:=e;
- Dec(B);
- End;
- GrabWord:=Return;
- End;
- Function NodeToFileName(s:String):String;
- Var
- n:Byte;
- Zone,Net,Node,Point : Word;
- AlleTegn:Set of Char;
- Function StripChars(Strip : String; ch : CharSet): String;
- Var
- b: byte;
- Begin
- b:=Length(Strip);
- While b>0 Do
- Begin
- If Strip[b] in ch Then Delete(Strip,b,1);
- Dec(b);
- End;
- StripChars:=Strip;
- End;
- Function Hex(b : Byte): Char; { bruges ved hex omregning }
- Begin
- If b < 10 Then Hex:=Chr(b+48)
- Else Hex:=Chr(b+55);
- End;
- Function WToHex(i: Word) : String;
- Var
- b : Array[1..2] Of Byte Absolute i;
- Begin
- WToHex:=Hex(b[2] Shr 4)+Hex(b[2] And 15)+Hex(b[1] Shr 4)+Hex(b[1] And 15);
- End;
- Begin
- AlleTegn:=[#0..#255];
- NodeToFileName:='';
- If Pos('@',s)<>0 Then Delete(s,Pos('@',s),255);
- If s='' Then Exit
- Else s:=StripChars(s,Alletegn-['0'..'9',':','/','.']);
- Zone:=0;
- Net:=0;
- Node:=0;
- Point:=0;
- n:=Pos(':',s);
- If n<>0 Then
- Begin
- Zone:=StrToInt(Copy(s,1,n-1));
- Delete(s,1,n);
- End
- Else
- Zone:=OurZone;
- If Zone>4096 Then Zone:=4096;
- n:=Pos('/',s);
- If n<>0 Then
- Begin
- Net:=StrToInt(Copy(s,1,n-1));
- Delete(s,1,n);
- End;
- n:=Pos('.',s);
- If n=0 Then Node:=StrToInt(s)
- Else Begin
- Node:=StrToInt(Copy(s,1,n-1));
- Delete(s,1,n);
- Point:=StrToInt(s);
- End;
- If Zone=OurZone Then S:=Outbound
- Else S:=Outbound+'.'+Copy(WToHex(Zone),2,3);
- S:=S+'\'+WtoHex(Net)+Wtohex(Node);
- If Point<>0 Then S:=S+'.PNT\0000'+Wtohex(Point);
- NodeToFileName:=S;
- End;
- Function AddBackSlash(S : String) : String;
- Begin
- S:=StripChars(S,[' ']);
- If (S[Length(S)]<>'\') And (S[Length(S)]<>':') And (S<>'') Then S:=S+'\';
- AddBackSlash := S;
- End;
- Function MakeFullDir(Dir: PathStr) : Boolean;
- Var
- x : Byte;
- IO:Word;
- Begin
- Dir:=AddBackSlash(Dir);
- For x:=2 To Length(Dir) Do
- If Dir[x]='\' Then
- Begin
- {$I-} MkDir(Copy(Dir,1,x-1)); {$I+}
- IO:=IOResult;
- End;
- MakeFullDir:=IO=0;
- End;
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure HandleOutbound;
- Var
- x:word;
- N:Text;
- Begin
- If Remove Then
- Begin
- Path:=Nodetofilename(Whoto);
- FindFirst(Path+'.?LO',Archive,I);
- Found:=False;
- While (DosError=0) Do
- Begin
- Assign(T,Copy(Path,1,Length(Path)-8)+I.Name);
- Assign(N,Path+'.BAK');
- {$I-} Reset(T); {$I+}
- If IOResult=0 Then
- Begin
- {$I-} Rewrite(N); {$I+}
- While Not Eof(T) Do
- Begin
- Readln(T,Tmp);
- Tmp2:=Tmp;
- If (Tmp2<>'') And (Tmp2[1] In ['#','^']) Then
- Delete(Tmp2,1,1);
- If Inwildcard(Justfilename(tmp2),Justfilename(Filetosend)) and
- (
- Copy(Tmp2,1,Length(Tmp2)-Length(Justfilename(Tmp2)))=
- Copy(Filetosend,1,Length(Filetosend)-Length(Justfilename(Filetosend)))
- )
- then
- Begin
- Found:=True;
- Writeln('Removing: '+Tmp2);
- End
- Else
- Writeln(N,Tmp);
- End;
- Close(N);
- Close(T);
- Erase(T);
- Rename(N,Copy(Path,1,Length(Path)-8)+I.Name);
- End;
- FindNext(I);
- End;
- If not found then Writeln('File was not waiting to be send');
- Exit;
- End;
- x:=0;
- Path:=Nodetofilename(Whoto);
- Writeln('■ Checking '+Whoto+' ('+Path+'.?LO)');
- FindFirst(Path+'.?LO',Archive,I);
- Found:=False;
- While (DosError=0) and not found Do
- Begin
- Inc(x);
- Assign(T,Copy(Path,1,Length(Path)-8)+I.Name);
- {$I-} Reset(T); {$I+}
- If IOresult=0 Then
- Begin
- While not eof(T) do
- begin
- readln(t,tmp);
- writeln(tmp);
- Tmp2:=Stupcase(Tmp);
- if (tmp2<>'') and (tmp2[1] in ['#','^']) Then Delete(tmp2,1,1);
- If Inwildcard(Justfilename(tmp2),Justfilename(Filetosend)) and
- (
- Copy(Tmp2,1,Length(Tmp2)-Length(Justfilename(Tmp2)))=
- Copy(Filetosend,1,Length(Filetosend)-Length(Justfilename(Filetosend)))
- )
- then Found:=True;
- end;
- Close(T);
- End;
- Findnext(I);
- End;
- Writeln;
- If Found Then
- Writeln('■ File already waiting to be sent, will not send again...')
- Else Begin
- Writeln('■ File not already waiting to be send, sending...');
- If (x<>0) and not Crash Then {$I-} Append(T) {$I+}
- Else Begin
- FindFirst(Path+'.*',Archive,I);
- If Doserror=3 Then
- MakefullDir(Copy(Path,1,Length(Path)-8));
- If (x=0) And not Crash Then Assign(T,Path+'.HLO')
- Else Assign(T,Path+'.CLO');
- {$I-} Append(T); {$I+}
- If IOResult<>0 Then
- {$I-} Rewrite(T); {$I+}
- End;
- If IOresult=0 Then
- Begin
- FindFirst(Filetosend,Archive,I);
- If Doserror<>0 Then
- Writeln('Could not find file')
- Else Begin
- While Doserror=0 Do
- Begin
- Writeln('Appending: '+Justpathname(Filetosend)+'\'+I.Name);
- If EraseAfter Then Write(T,'^');
- Writeln(T,Justpathname(Filetosend)+I.Name);
- FindNext(I);
- End;
- End;
- Close(T);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure HandleNetmail;
- Var
- x : Longint;
- Msg : MsgType;
- F : File;
- High : Longint;
- Addr : AddrRecord;
- MyAddr : AddrRecord;
- MsgAddr: AddrRecord;
- DelMsg : Boolean;
- InSub : Boolean;
- Begin
- StringToNode(Whoto,Addr);
- StringToNode(Node,MyAddr);
- High:=0;
- WriteLn('■ Checking '+Whoto+' ('+FDNetmail+'*.MSG)');
- FindFirst(FDNetmail+'*.MSG',Archive,I);
- Found:=False;
- While Doserror=0 Do
- Begin
- DelMsg:=False;
- x:=Strtoint(Copy(I.Name,1,Pos('.',I.Name)-1));
- If x>High Then High:=x;
- Assign(F,FDNetmail+I.Name);
- {$I-} Reset(F,1); {$I+}
- If IOResult=0 Then
- Begin
- {$I-} BlockRead(F,Msg,Sizeof(Msg)); {$I+}
- If (IOResult=0) and
- (msg.mess_attr and msgfile<>0) and
- (msg.mess_attr and msglocal<>0) Then
- Begin
- { File is attach and local }
- Tmp:=msg.subject;
- Delete(Tmp,Pos(#0,Tmp),255);
- Tmp:=Stupcase(Tmp);
- InSub:=False;
- x:=1;
- While Grabword(Tmp,x)<>'' Do
- Begin
- Tmp2:=Grabword(Tmp,x);
- If Inwildcard(Justfilename(tmp2),Justfilename(Filetosend)) and
- (
- Copy(Tmp2,1,Length(Tmp2)-Length(Justfilename(Tmp2)))=
- Copy(Filetosend,1,Length(Filetosend)-Length(Justfilename(Filetosend)))
- )
- then InSub:=True;
- Inc(x);
- End;
- If InSub Then
- Begin
- { File is at least in subject }
- If (Addr.Net=Msg.destnet) And (Addr.Node=Msg.destnode) Then
- Begin
- { Net and node matches, check zone and point number }
- Fillchar(MsgAddr,sizeof(msgaddr),0);
- {$I-} BlockRead(F,Txt,32000,TxtSize); {$I+}
- x:=0;
- Msgaddr.Zone:=0;
- While NextKludge(Tmp,x) Do
- Begin
- If (Msgaddr.Zone=0) And (Pos('MSGID',Stupcase(TMP))=1) Then
- Begin
- Delete(Tmp,1,7);
- Msgaddr.Zone:=Strtoint(Copy(Tmp,1,Pos(':',Tmp)-1));
- End;
- If Pos('INTL',Stupcase(TMp))=1 Then
- Begin
- Delete(Tmp,1,5);
- Msgaddr.zone:=Strtoint(Copy(Tmp,1,pos(':',Tmp)-1));
- End;
- If Pos('TOPT',Stupcase(tmp))=1 Then
- Begin
- Msgaddr.Point:=Strtoint(Grabword(Tmp,2));
- End;
- End;
- { Already in outbound ? }
- If (Msgaddr.zone=Addr.Zone) And (msgaddr.point=addr.point) Then
- Begin
- Found:=True;
- If Remove Then DelMsg:=True;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Close(F);
- If DelMsg Then
- Begin
- Writeln('Erasing: '+I.Name);
- {$I-} Erase(F); {$I+}
- If IOResult=0 Then ;
- End;
- End;
- Findnext(I);
- End;
- If Remove Then
- Else If Found Then
- Writeln('■ File already waiting to be sent, will not send again... ('+I.name+')')
- Else Begin
- FindFirst(Filetosend,Archive,I);
- If Doserror<>0 Then
- Begin
- Writeln('File not found');
- Exit;
- End;
- While DosError=0 Do
- Begin
- Writeln('■ Sending: '+I.Name+' ('+Inttostr(high+1)+'.MSG)');
- Fillchar(Msg,Sizeof(Msg),0);
- Tmp:=FromName+#0;
- Move(Mem[Seg(Tmp):Ofs(Tmp)+1],Msg.From_user,Length(Tmp));
- Tmp:=ToName+#0;
- Move(Mem[Seg(Tmp):Ofs(Tmp)+1],Msg.To_user,Length(Tmp));
- Tmp:=Justpathname(Filetosend)+I.Name+#0;
- Move(Mem[Seg(Tmp):Ofs(Tmp)+1],Msg.subject,Length(Tmp));
- Tmp:=GetDateTimeFormat;
- Fillchar(Msg.date_time,sizeof(Msg.date_time),0);
- Move(Tmp[1],Msg.date_time,Length(Tmp));
- Msg.Destnode:=Addr.Node;
- Msg.Destnet:=Addr.net;
- Msg.Orignode:=MyAddr.Node;
- Msg.Orignet:=Myaddr.net;
- Assign(F,FDNetmail+Inttostr(High+1)+'.MSG');
- Rewrite(F,1);
- BlockWrite(F,msg,sizeof(msg));
- If addr.zone<>myaddr.zone Then
- Begin
- Tmp:=#1'INTL ';
- x:=Addr.Point;
- Addr.Point:=0;
- Tmp:=Tmp+Nodetostring(Addr)+' ';
- Addr.Point:=x;
- x:=MyAddr.Point;
- Addr.Point:=0;
- Tmp:=Tmp+Nodetostring(MyAddr)+#13;
- Addr.Point:=x;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- End;
- If Myaddr.point<>0 Then
- Begin
- Tmp:=#1'FMPT '+Inttostr(Myaddr.point)+#13;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- End;
- If addr.point<>0 Then
- Begin
- Tmp:=#1'TOPT '+Inttostr(addr.point)+#13;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- End;
- Tmp2:='0123456789abcdef';
- Randomize;
- Tmp:='';
- For x:=1 To 8 Do
- Tmp:=Tmp+Tmp2[Random(16)+1];
- Tmp:=#1'MSGID: '+Nodetostring(Myaddr)+' '+Tmp+#13;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- Tmp:=#1'PID IsOut 1 *FREEWARE*'+#13;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- If EraseAfter Then
- Begin
- Tmp:=#1'FLAGS KFS'+#13;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- End;
- Tmp:=#0;
- BlockWrite(F,Tmp[1],Length(Tmp));
- Close(F);
- Findnext(I);
- Inc(High);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- Begin
- WriteLn(#13#10'■ Is file outgoing ? (A Bo Bendtsen production)');
- WriteLn( '───────────────────────────────────────────────');
- If Paramcount<2 Then
- Begin
- WriteLn(#10'Syntax : ISOUT node-address file-address [/KFS (Kill file sent)] [/C Crash]');
- Writeln;
- WriteLn( 'To send: ISOUT 2:254/261 C:\FOR-BO.ZIP');
- WriteLn( ' ISOUT 2:254/261 C:\FOR-BO.ZIP /KFS');
- WriteLn( ' ISOUT 1:109/921 C:\FOR-ANDY.ZIP /KFS /C');
- WriteLn( ' ISOUT 1:109/921 C:\FOR-????.* /KFS /C');
- WriteLn;
- WriteLn( 'Remove : ISOUT 1:109/921 C:\FOR-ANDY.ZIP /REMOVE');
- WriteLn( ' ISOUT 1:109/921 C:\FOR-ANDY.* /REMOVE');
- Halt;
- End;
- Whoto:=Paramstr(1);
- Filetosend:=Stupcase(Paramstr(2));
- EraseAfter:=False;
- Crash:=False;
- Remove:=False;
- For Ourzone:=3 To 6 Do
- Begin
- Tmp:=Stupcase(Paramstr(Ourzone));
- If Tmp='/KFS' Then EraseAfter:=True
- Else If Tmp='/C' Then Crash:=True
- Else If Tmp='/REMOVE' Then Remove:=True;
- End;
- Assign(T,'ISOUT.CFG');
- {$I-} Reset(T); {$I+}
- If IOResult<>0 Then
- Begin
- WriteLn('Error reading ONHOLD.CFG');
- Exit;
- End;
- Node:='';
- FromName:='Me';
- ToName:='You';
- While Not Eof(T) Do
- Begin
- ReadLn(T,Tmp);
- If (Tmp<>'') And (Tmp[1]<>';') Then
- Begin
- Tmp2:=StUpcase(Grabword(Tmp,1));
- If Tmp2='OUTBOUND' Then Outbound:=Stupcase(StripBackslash(Grabword(Tmp,2)))
- Else If Tmp2='NETMAIL' Then FDNetmail:=Stupcase(StripBackslash(Grabword(Tmp,2)))+'\'
- Else If Tmp2='ADDRESS' Then Node:=grabword(Tmp,2)
- Else If Tmp2='FROM' Then FromName:=grabword(Tmp,2)
- Else If Tmp2='TO' Then ToName:=grabword(Tmp,2)
- End;
- End;
- Close(T);
- If ((Outbound='') and (FDNetmail='')) Or
- ((Outbound<>'') and (FDNetmail<>'')) Then
- Begin
- Writeln('An outbound OR netmail directory has to be specified');
- Halt;
- End;
- If Node='' Then
- Begin
- Writeln('A node address was not specified');
- Halt;
- End;
- OurZone:=Strtoint(Copy(Node,1,Pos(':',Node)-1));
- If Outbound<>'' Then HandleOutbound;
- If FDNetmail<>'' Then HandleNetmail;
- End.
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}