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- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REM www.terminate.com
- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REM The reason for providing this batch file is to show the framework of how
- REM you can encrypt mail files which could be send over the Internet.
- REM This batchfile cannot be made to work out of a box, since you will be
- REM using a different tosser, a different mailertype and a different encryption
- REM program. The purpose is to make it clear in your mind how easily you can
- REM encrypt everything you send. All it takes is a little batchfile and that
- REM both sides agree on the encryption and prepare for sending and receiving
- REM a special file. You can test your system locally with a point and use the
- REM new Fidonet 2 Internet mailer (www.terminate.com) which can do the actual
- REM transportation over the Internet.
- REM What you should do is simple:
- REM To encrypt mail files you create a password protected archive. Each time
- REM you pack mail to this address you encrypt the files and move them into
- REM that archive. The receiver detects this special archive-name which was
- REM agreed with you and unpacks the archive and decrypt all the files.
- REM Encryption:
- REM I selected my example to use the PGP private/public system since that
- REM is probably the most used and offers the best protection around.
- REM To encrypt using this highly explosive method you need to understand
- REM the public/private system. Get PGP26*.* from www.terminate.com
- REM Why use encryption:
- REM If you are a sysop that only communicate with points or other nodes
- REM directly through dial-up you do not need any kind of encryption. However
- REM if you have any kind of information that you need to know is private and
- REM which is gated through systems like Internet, you will consider the
- REM security problem. Sure if it the results from your football club it does
- REM not matter but if you send internal company information throughout the
- REM world or any kind of sensitive information you need to sure that it is
- REM save and noone can get it. You would probably send it directly via
- REM dial-up directly to the person that need the information, however long-
- REM distance charges are expensive and sending over the Internet is very
- REM convenient and cheap, since you normally dial through local lines.
- REM Think about it, perhaps you need encryption perhaps you don't. If you
- REM are not really needing it, forget about all this except if you want to
- REM spend a little time on understanding how encryption works.
- REM Fidonet:
- REM Please never encrypt routed netmail in Fidonet, it's asking for
- REM trouble and against the rules. If you crash directly you can do whatever
- REM you like. On Internet there are no such rules and you can send whatever
- REM you like to anywhere you like as long as it's legal. Just beware that
- REM some countries are paranoid about PGP since they cannot crack the
- REM encryption. Using PGP in countries like France, Russia, Iran and Iraq
- REM (weird that the French are mentioned with these other countries!)
- REM It seems like PGP is no longer disputed in the US and the charges
- REM against the author was dropped. In the US-they have some laws
- REM preventing export of encryption over 40-bit. Microsoft and other
- REM software companies are currently lobbying to get this increased to
- REM 56-bit and eventually completely legal. I would note that PGP allows
- REM you to encrypt using up to 2048-bits which more than you should need.
- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REM Binkley style uses different directories for outgoing mail. If you are
- REM using Frontdoor-style you could just use the one, where your outgoing mail
- REM is stored. In your Tosser setup.
- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set Outbound1 = K:\BBS\OUT\ZONE.001
- Set Outbound2 = K:\BBS\OUT\ZONE
- REM You find the mail-archive names in the flow-files or by looking in the
- REM subject lines in Frontdoor.
- Set Mail01 = 3C4EA0E4.*
- Set Mail02 = 0091FD6C.*
- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REM We pack some mail, you would insert you tosser details here or you would
- REM probably already have batchfile for this and would use this batchfile as
- REM documentation and copy from here over to your own batchfile.
- K:
- Gecho Toss Scan Pack
- REM Now we check if any mail is waiting to be packed into our archive
- If Exist %Outbound2%\%Mail01% Goto Pack01
- :More02
- If Exist %Outbound1%\%Mail02% Goto Pack02
- :More03
- Goto End
- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REM We encrypt all the mailpackages and wipe them afterwards (-w). Then we
- REM pack the files into PACK01.ZIP using archive password PASSWORD.
- REM We delete the message or line from the flowfile that sends the mail-archive
- REM and make sure that our special package PACK01.ZIP is send.
- REM ISOUT.EXE comes with full sourcecode in case you need to change anything
- REM Please note that no error-checking is done in this simple example.
- REM Pgp and archive programs offer extensive errorlevel returns that can be
- REM checked and which you should investigate depending on what system you
- REM are running.
- :Pack01
- K:
- Cd %Outbound2%
- for %a in (%Mail01%) do PGP -e -b -w %%a Steve Stacher
- Pkzip -m -sPASSWORD PACK01.ZIP %Mail01%
- IsOut 2:236/111 %Outbound2%\%Mail01% /REMOVE
- IsOut 2:236/111 %Outbound2%\PACK01.ZIP /KFS
- Goto More02
- REM Another example to show you how multiple destinations could work.
- :Pack02
- K:
- Cd %Outbound1%
- for %a in (%Mail02%) do PGP -e -b -w %%a Andy Roberts
- Pkzip -m -sPASSWORD PACK02.ZIP %Mail02%
- IsOut 1:109/921 %Outbound1%\PACK02.ZIP /KFS
- IsOut 1:109/921 %Outbound1%\%Mail02% /REMOVE
- Goto More03
- REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :End
- REM We remove the temporary environment variables we used.
- Set Outbound1 =
- Set Outbound2 =
- Set Mail01 =
- Set Mail02 =